CBAP Definitions

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Type Area Name Definition

Organizational modeling is used during requirements analysis to describe the organizational units, the stakeholders,
and the relationships between them. This allows you the opportunity to structure your
project requirements based upon the needs of each stakeholder group.

Process modeling Models organize your requirements using a hierarchy of processes and subprocesses and
addressing those processes from start to finish./Process modeling is the activity of
representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analyzed and
improved in future. It allows the requirements to be organized around the related
processes. Processes are also considered to have sub-processes, inputs, and outputs.

RACI Charts A RACI chart is a roles and responsibilities chart, not a requirement documentation
technique. RACI means responsible, accountable, consult, and inform for project activities,
not requirement.

Creative thinking is to create invative new ideas

The opportunity cost The opportunity cost is the total value of the opportunity that can be taken advantage of.

nterprise analysis Enterprise Analysis focuses on identifying the business needs that drive a project and
defining a feasible solution scope that can be implemented by the business. This knowledge
area includes developing the business requirements for a project that define the high-level
goals, objectives, and needs of the organization, and the high-level business functionality
needed in the resulting solution

The change-driven approach The change-driven approach favors defining requirements through team interaction.

The change-driven approach looks to create business value in short iterations. The
downside of this approach, however, is that there is more risk and uncertainty in the overall
direction. The change-driven approach relies on team interaction to define requirements
and gather feedback on the solution.
Type Area Name Definition
Plan-driven business analysis Plan-driven business analysis tries to minimize your up-front uncertainty (or risk) and
maximize your control over the business analysis activities on your project. This is a more
traditional style of development, such as the waterfall model of software development or
what you find in straightforward business process reengineering initiatives.

risk Transference (outsource) transferring the risk to a third party. This doesn't reduce or eliminate the risk, but transfers
the ownership of the risk event.
risk Mitigation Mitigation is a risk response to reduce the probability or impact of the risk event. In this
example, the training reduces the probability of errors.
risk Acceptance Acceptance is the only risk response that can be used for both positive and negative risk
events. For example, you might use acceptance when you have identified a small risk event
that has little probability and/or little impact on the project objectives.

risk Avoidance Avoidance is evident when the risk is entirely avoided or removed from the requirements.

risk They will accept high risks if there are also high rewards.Risk-seeking organizations look for
high-risk events, such as entrepreneurial organizations, as long as the high-risks also have a
high reward for the risk event accepted.

All in approach to The business analyst will implement each requirement that is being prioritized. Start with all
timeboxing requirements eligible requirements in the hypothetical box (project) and then remove them one-by-one,
based on how you plan to meet the schedule dates or budget limit.This answer reflects the
approach considering all project requirements, but removing them one by one until the
maximum time and budget have been satisfied.

Analogous estimation This is an example of an analogous estimating approach. It uses a similar project to create
an analogy of what the current project's duration will be.
the three-point estimate is an average, for the project. This approach takes the average of the optimistic, pessimistic,
and most likely to predict the duration.
Assumption analysis Assumption analysis is done in order to test the accuracy of assumptions made in the
project. It may generate one or more risks once an assumption proves to be false.
Type Area Name Definition
Requirements analysis tools Requirements analysis tools and techniques are used to develop the stakeholder and
and techniques solution requirements. The Requirements Analysis knowledge area focuses on analyzing the
stated requirements from the elicitation efforts and building the real stakeholder or solution
requirements for the project.

Validate requirements Validating requirements make sure that the requirements support the business
requirements and the business objectives for the project. In order to be valid, the
requirements should contribute directly or indirectly to the business case. Requirements
validation is ongoing across the project life cycle; it helps in ensuring that each level of
detail a user adds to his/her requirements aligns with the big picture.

Consistent requirements Consistent requirements do not contradict or conflict with one another. Here in this
statement, it is stated that requirements describe the same feature but produce different
results; therefore, these requirements are termed as not consistent.

data flow diagrams Data flow diagrams permit a user to organize his/her requirements based on how
information or data flows through the system.
Timeboxing Timeboxing describes the amount of work that the project team is capable of completing in
a set period of time.
Requirement analysis Requirements analysis obtains elicited information and makes sense of this information.
The tasks involved in the Requirements Analysis knowledge area focus on analyzing the
stated requirements from the elicitation efforts and building the real stakeholder or solution
requirements for the project. The project stakeholder states requirements during
requirements elicitation. When the structured and collaborative requirements analysis
efforts are completed, the needs of stakeholders are defined by the real requirements

Assumptions Assumptions are things that are thought to be true, but not proven to be true.
constraints A constraint is a must have - such as a deadline or a maximum budget.
The Gane/Sarson data The Gane/Sarson method identifies each node of the model and defines each component
model either in plain text or pseudocode.
Process A process is defined as a sequence of repeatable activities executed in an organization.
Type Area Name Definition
ERD Entity In an entity-relationship diagram, entities are the things about which data is needed.
Entities are represented in the labeled rectangle of the diagram
Requirements management Requirements management plan defines the process that will be used to prioritize
plan requirements during requirements analysis. It is built as a part of the business analysis
planning and monitoring knowledge.

Modifiable requirements Modifiable requirements are the requirements that are logically structured in a related
group and can be changed. Related solution requirements must be grouped together in
order for the requirements to be modifiable.

Scope modeling Scope modeling organizes requirements based on the solution components to which they
are related. Scope models are used to describe the scope of analysis or the scope of a
solution. It serves up as a basis to define and delimit the scope of business analysis and
project work.

Baseline A baseline is a view of the reviewed and agreed-upon requirements at a particular point in
time. It acts as a snapshot of the status and state of a project deliverable at a particular
point in time.

Project manager A project manager focuses on the deliverables that need to be part of the project plan so
they can be tracked as milestones.
Approved requirements The approved requirement is a subset of a specific requirements document, one or more
graphical models, or a completed requirements document. Approved requirements are
used in consequent business analysis or implementation efforts on the project.

Business rules analysis Business rules analysis identifies changes in the policies that guide the organization towards
achieving its goals and objectives.
Business need The business need defines the issues for which the business analyst is trying to find a
solution. He should look at the business drivers and issues to determine if a change is
required. The business analyst works as the master investigator, and verifies the business
needs to ensure that the problems or opportunities are properly addressed.

The solution approach The solution approach defines the methodology or development life cycle used to deliver
the solution components. The business analyst is responsible for defining the solution
Type Area Name Definition
Document analysis Document analysis is used to elicit, confirm, and random check project requirements
information by studying current documentation and other relevant information. These
resources of information allow the business analyst to collect details of current solutions to
observe whether they include usable components or should be changed for the proposed
new solution.

The Solution Assessment The Solution Assessment and Validation knowledge area ensures that the solution can be
and Validation knowledge successfully implemented within the organization to achieve the business need that drives
area the project. The business analyst should have knowledge of the business environment and
be able to assess how each of the project's proposed solutions affects that environment. He
is also responsible for communicating solution requirements and implementation-specific
information to the stakeholders.

Force field analysis Force field analysis is a technique related with assessing organizational change readiness
relative to deploying a new solution. It helps in evaluating the pros and cons of each
significant change according to the solution. Force field analysis graphically describes the
positive and negative forces that support or oppose a specific change. It includes the
following steps: Identify the forces that are for or against the change; Depict the forces on
each side of the line; Estimate the strength of each force.

Solution validation The solution validation assessment defines whether the constructed solution achieves the
assessment business and project requirements at an acceptable level of quality.
Expert judgment Expert judgment evaluates and builds the optimal business analysis approach for the
project. The team will rely on individuals or groups with specialized knowledge or skills in
business analysis and other aspects of the domain in order to assist in defining the

Business Analysis Planning The Requirements Management plan that is built as part of the Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring and Monitoring knowledge area defines the project's approach to traceability. Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring helps in defining the tasks related with the planning and
monitoring of business analysis activities, and with the monitoring and reporting on work
executed to ensure that the business analysis effort generates the outcomes which meet
stakeholder expectations and needs.
Type Area Name Definition
technique assess organizational Criteria definition The criteria definition is a tool and technique of assess organizational readiness, not an
readiness input to the task
technique assess proposed Decision analysis Decision analysis is a tool and technique that is used to assess proposed solution process. It
solution process allows measuring and comparing the probabilities of each identified solution result. This
tool helps rank the identified solution.Good job, please continue to the

technique assessing an external Vendor assessment Vendor assessment allows to assess an external vendor's ability in order to provide all or
vendor's part of the solution. It helps in ensuring that the vendors are reliable and they can meet the

Definition solution validation solution validation The solution validation assessment determines the solution's ability to meet the business
assessment assessment need at an acceptable level of quality.Good job, please continue to the next question.

activities Solution assessment Solution assessment and You will complete six activities, they are: 1-Assessing the proposed solution,2-Allocating
and validation validation requirements,3-Assessing organizational readiness,4-Defining transition requirements,5-
Validating the solution,6-Evaluating solution performance

Front loading the project Front loading the project with the riskiest requirements allows the requirements with the
with the riskiest most risks the chance to fail before much time or money has been invested in the project
requirements allows work.

Business analysis Business analysis planning Business analysis planning and monitoring helps in defining the tasks related with the
planning and and monitoring planning and monitoring of business analysis activities, and with the monitoring and
monitoring reporting on work executed to ensure that the business analysis effort generates the
outcomes which meet stakeholder expectations and needs.

business analysis Change-driven The change-driven approach looks to create business value in short iterations. The
approach downside of this approach, however, is that there is more risk and uncertainty in the overall
direction. The change-driven approach relies on team interaction to define requirements
and gather feedback on the solution.
Type Area Name Definition
activities document analysis document analysis To conduct document analysis, you step through three stages: preparation, review, and
wrap-up. Preparation involves locating and evaluating the documents that are relevant to
your planned elicitation activity. Document review has you studying those materials,
identifying any relevant details, and documenting those details along with any questions
you might have. Wrap-up allows you to get the answers to any questions you might have
and confirm what you have discovered with your stakeholders.

Definition document analysis Preparation Preparation involves locating and evaluating the documents that are relevant to your
planned elicitation activity
Definition document analysis Document review studying the materials, identifying any relevant details, and documenting those details
along with any questions you might have
Definition document analysis Wrap-up Wrap-up allows you to get the answers to any questions you might have and confirm what
you have discovered with your stakeholders
Definition Solution Approach Defines the general approach that will be taken to create or acquire new capabilities
required to meet the business need.The solution approach is a definition of the general
approach the project should take to solve the identified problem or capture an opportunity.

activities enterprise analysis enterprise analysis Solution approach The business case, the business need, The required capabilities, And the
solution scope.
Definition assessment of capability gap It identifies new capabilities required by the organization to meet the business need.The
assessment of capability gaps is a business analysis task to identify new capabilities required
in order to meet the business need.

Definition regulatory ranking prioritizing the requirements based on the requirements that must be implemented based
on the regulatory demands.
Definition Business constraint A time limit, budget limit, limit on the number of resources, and other organizational
restrictions are business constraints.
Definition Scoring system A scoring system can be used to assign a weight of value to the characteristics of each
identified solution. Each solution is scored and the top-rated solutions are then investigated
in greater detail.

Definition Decision analysis The decision analysis approach considers the available methodologies to make a
determination of which of these techniques suits the type of project, solution, or
opportunity that the business analyst is working with.
Type Area Name Definition
Definition User classes, profiles, or User classes, profiles, or roles are the modeling techniques that show how the users will
roles interact with the solution. The different types of users, profiles, and their work and
interactions with the solution are studied.

Definition RACI Charts It's a matrix that uses the Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed tasks as part
of the stakeholder analysis process.The RACI chart is a matrix that can be used throughout
the business analysis duties. It uses the legend of Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and
Informed to identify how the stakeholders interact with the business analysis duties.

Definition Quality control Quality control is a project management process that inspects the project deliverables for
quality. Its goal is to identify defects so that corrective actions may be implemented.

Definition Coverage matrix A coverage matrix is a table used to manage tracing. It is ideal for smaller projects where
there are few requirements to trace. It's also ideal for when only the high-level
requirements need to be traced.

Definition enterprise analysis enterprise analysis Enterprise analysis is primarily concerned with analyzing the business situation in order to
fully understand business problems and opportunities. It's a business analysis process that
identifies the problem, need, or opportunity and justifies the investment necessary to
rectify the problem or seize the opportunity.

Definition SMART SMART is a goal-assessment approach that examines each goal using the letters in SMART
for an analysis: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bounded.

Definition business goals and They describe the ends that the organization is seeking to achieve.Business goals and
objectives objectives clearly define the ends that the organization is seeking to achieve.
Definition Rough order of magnitude The initial cost estimate is called the rough order of magnitude cost estimate. It is a high-
cost estimating level cost estimate that is fast to create but somewhat unreliable.

activities business case business need, the assumptions and constraints, the stakeholder concerns, and the
solution scope
activities solution scope The solution scope should identify several components in addition to the technical
dependencies: features and functions, interactions with people and systems, involved
business units, affected business processes, process owners, IT systems, and any other
technology that may be affected by the solution
Type Area Name Definition
Definition Vision statement The vision statement, sometimes called a problem statement, defines the problem, the
affected stakeholders of the problem, the impact of the solution for the stakeholder, and
any relevant key benefits the solution will create.

Definition Management horizon is a term to describe the break-even point of the solution. Once a solution breaks even on
costs, then it begins to generate a profit for the organization.
Definition Results measurements Management is asking you to include a method for results measurement.
Definition requirements management The requirements management plan defines the process for prioritizing requirements.
Definition domain is the area undergoing analysis.
Definition solution is a set of changes to the current state of an organization that are made in order to enable
that organization to meet a business need, solve a problem, or take advantage of an

Definition Business Requirements are higher-level statements of the goals, objectives, or needs of the enterprise. They
describe the reasons why a project has been initiated
Definition Stakeholder Requirements statements of the needs of a particular stakeholder or class of stakeholders. They describe
the needs that a given stakeholder has and how that stakeholder will interact with a

Definition Solution Requirements describe the characteristics of a solution that meet business requirements and stakeholder
Definition Functional Requirements describe the behavior and information that the solution will manage. They describe
capabilities the system will be able to perform in terms of behaviors or operations—specific
information technology application actions or responses.

Definition Non-functional capture conditions that do not directly relate to the behavior or functionality of the
Requirements solution, but rather describe environmental conditions under which the solution must
remain effective or qualities that the systems must have.

Definition Transition Requirements describe capabilities that the solution must have in order to facilitate transition from the
current state of the enterprise to a desired future state, but that will not be needed once
that transition is complete.
Type Area Name Definition
Definition Business Analysis Business Analysis Planning covers how business analysts determine which activities are necessary in order to complete
Planning and and Monitoring a business analysis effort. It covers identification of stakeholders, selection of business
Monitoring analysis techniques, the process that will be used to manage requirements, and how to
assess the progress of the work. The tasks in this knowledge area govern the performance
of all other business analysis tasks.

Definition Elicitation Elicitation describes how business analysts work with stakeholders to identify and understand their
needs and concerns, and understand the environment in which they work. The purpose of
elicitation is to ensure that a stakeholder’s actual underlying needs are understood, rather
than their stated or superficial desires

Definition Requirements Requirements Management describes how business analysts manage conflicts, issues and changes in order to ensure
Management and and Communication that stakeholders and the project team remain in agreement on the solution scope, how
Communication requirements are communicated to stakeholders, and how knowledge gained by the
business analyst is maintained for future use.

Definition Enterprise Analysis Enterprise Analysis describes how business analysts identify a business need, refine and clarify the definition of
that need, and define a solution scope that can feasibly be implemented by the business.
This knowledge area describes problem definition and analysis, business case development,
feasibility studies, and the definition of solution scope.

Definition Requirements Analysis Requirements Analysis describes how business analysts prioritize and progressively elaborate stakeholder and
solution requirements in order to enable the project team to implement a solution that will
meet the needs of the sponsoring organization and stakeholders. It involves analyzing
stakeholder needs to define solutions that meet those needs, assessing the current state of
the business to identify and recommend improvements, and the verification and validation
of the resulting requirements.

Definition Solution Assessment Solution Assessment and describes how business analysts assess proposed solutions to determine which solution
and Validation Validation best fits the business need, identify gaps and shortcomings in solutions, and determine
necessary workarounds or changes to the solution. It also describes how business analysts
assess deployed solutions to see how well they met the original need so that the
sponsoring organization can assess the performance and effectiveness of the solution.
Type Area Name Definition
Definition Underlying Underlying Competencies describes the behaviors, knowledge, and other characteristics that support the effective
Competencies performance of business analysis
Definition task A task is an essential piece of work that must be performed as part of business analysis.

Definition input represents the information and preconditions necessary for a task to begin.
output An output is a necessary result of the work described in the task. Outputs are created,
transformed or change state as a result of the successful completion of a task. Although a
particular output is created and maintained by a single task, a task can have multiple

Definition Classification Requirements define what type of requrment is this business,enterprise,stakeholder and define the state
[State or States]. fo that requirment. If no classification or states are listed, any or all requirements may be
used as an input or output

Definition Stakeholders Each task includes a listing of generic stakeholders who are likely to participate in the
execution of that task or who will be affected by it.
Definition Stakeholders business analyst stakeholder in all business analysis responsible and accountable for the
execution of these activities. In some cases, the business analyst may also be responsible
for the performance of activities that fall under another stakeholder role.

Definition Stakeholders customer is a stakeholder outside the boundary of a given organization or organizational unit.
Customers make use of products or services produced by the organization and may have
contractual or moral rights that the organization is obliged to meet.

Definition Stakeholders domain subject matter is any individual with in-depth knowledge of a topic relevant to the business need or
expert (SME) solution scope. This role is often filled by people who will also be end users or people who
will be indirect users of the solution

Definition Stakeholders End users are stakeholders who will directly interact with the solution. The term is most frequently
used in a software development context
Definition Stakeholders Implementation domain responsible for designing and implementing potential solutions. The implementation
subject matter expert (SME) subject matter experts will provide specialist expertise on the design and construction of
the solution components that fall outside the scope of business analysis.
Type Area Name Definition
Definition Stakeholders Organizational Change are responsible for facilitating acceptance and adoption of new solutions and overcoming
Management Professionals resistance to change. Areas of expertise among change management professionals include
industry and cultural expertise. Good change management can help to create advocates for
change within an organization.

Definition Stakeholders System Architects are responsible for dividing a software application into components and defining the
interactions between them. Areas of expertise among system architects include
understanding of methodologies and of solutions offered by specific vendorsGood system
architecture will facilitate rapid development of solutions and reuse of components in other

Definition Stakeholders Trainers Trainers are responsible for ensuring that the end users of a solution understand how it is
supposed to work and are able to use it effectively. Areas of expertise among trainers may
include classroom-based or online education

Definition Stakeholders Usability Professionals Usability professionals are responsible for the external interaction design of technology
solutions and for making those solutions as simple to use as is feasible. Areas of expertise
among usability professionals include user interface designers and information architects

Definition Stakeholders Project managers are responsible for managing the work required to deliver a solution that meets a business
need, and for ensuring that the project’s objectives are met while balancing the project
constraints, including scope, budget, schedule, resources, quality, risk, and others.

Definition Stakeholders Testers are responsible for determining how to verify that the solution meets the solution
requirements defined by the business analyst, as well as conducting the verification
process. Testers also seek to ensure that the solution meets applicable quality standards
and that the risk of defects of failures is understood and minimized.

Definition Stakeholders Regulators are responsible for the definition and enforcement of standards. Standards may be those
that the team developing the solution is required to follow, standards the solution must
meet, or both. Regulators may enforce legislation, corporate governance standards, audit
standards, or standards defined by organizational centers of competency.
Type Area Name Definition
Definition Stakeholders Sponsors is a stakeholder outside the boundary of a given organization or organizational unit.
Suppliers provide products or services to the organization and may have contractual or
moral rights and obligations that must be considered.

Definition Techniques Techniques provide additional information on different ways that a task may be performed
or different forms the output of the task may take. A task may have none, one, or more
related techniques. A technique must be related to at least one task.

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