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.rt SL.

'a cD TR\CI{S 1+-2O



rote3 torEodace a!

Fk;E Th6 smiqu&ver re.d lifi -htch chssctert36 the tr5.k uss .
epeattrg s-note two-lr.r petiem, brt eoeh time st.!ti[g on a
dilferent rote. The whole p.ttcE ean be pl.yed traing the notes

shom i! the ftetlro:es, st tirg t'ith. D or the 4th striDg, ther D
rn @tave up or the seeond string (r5th fret)i A tnd G foum oo the
tlrlrd strirg. The htgh e and F* or the E stfing .lter@ts -ith u A
at the 14th lret, then the whole s6queree epe.ts. over the C cho.d,
| 6t6
ffi ffi ffi |66t6
-a o I t66 t6 pley the .me patteE, but 6tdt o! tho E rote sho1m ir black tn
I '.d, th6 se@nd fEtbox - do the sme with th. G clrord ud ihe third
letbof,. The psttea ch.rges or the last ba ol the sequence before
\'r,Il ure v@rk @De in. ustng notes fiom the fir.t fr6tbot' .gaia
D rilf C !i6 .lcetuitrg with the A note or the 14th {ret, third atring.

rssuE 26 JAN'U RY rggT tt @EEEtr

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