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03/01/2017 0000119311705 NORIPAH P PENERIMA PENSIUN PNS Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications terkontrol

03/01/2017 0001961444452 SALEH ENDRA L PEKERJA MANDIRI Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications terkontrol

03/01/2017 0002203661744 BERTI ANGGI SURYANI P PEKERJA MANDIRI Supervision of normal pregnancy Konsul intern

09/01/2017 0000195479763 SITI NUR SALSA SABELLA P PNS DAERAH Mumps orchitis Konsul inter

09/01/2017 0000896174638 MAHFUD L PBI (APBN) Polyarthritis, unspecified konsul

09/01/2017 0000896780586 NIA TREMAULIDA P PBI (APBN) Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid konsul

09/01/2017 0001079556276 NORMAWATI P PENERIMA PENSIUN PNS Secondary hypertension, unspecified terkontrol

09/01/2017 0001107374231 MURSIAH P TNI ANGKATAN DARAT Supervision of normal first pregnancy konsul

09/01/2017 0001273902243 MARHUSIN HASKA L PEKERJA MANDIRI Secondary hypertension, unspecified terkontrol

09/01/2017 0001795555258 SUBIANSYAH L PEKERJA MANDIRI Secondary hypertension, unspecified terkontrol

09/01/2017 0002070771129 NITA P PEKERJA MANDIRI Surveillance of contraceptive drugs konsul

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