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STRUCTURES HANDBOOK ., SERIES * Docks, Piers and Wharves: A Design Guide William S. Burgess, Jr. and Fred H. Kulhawy NAVA This manual is part of the Coastal Structures Handbook Series. The series is being prepared for the New York Sea Grant Institute by the Geotechnice] Engineering group at Cornell University. coordinated by Fred ¥. Rulhawy. COVER DESIGN: DICK GORDON New York Sea Grant Institute State University of New York and Cornell University 37 Elk Street Albany, New York 12246 rr A TE FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE SELECTED UNPUBLISHED SEA GRANT RESEARCH PAPERS AVAILABLE FOR THE PRICE OF PHOTOCOPYING. NySe@x -H -33- 002.6. !LOAN coPY ONLY DOCKS, PIERS AND WHARI A DESIGN GUIDE by William S. Burgess, Jr., and Fred H. Kulhewy Report te New York Sea Grant Institute Albany, New York by School of Civil and Environmentai Engineering Cornell, University Ithaca, New York January, 1983 NATIONAL SEA GRANT DEPOSITORY PELL LIBRARY BUILDING ~ URL, NARRAGANSETT BAY CAMPUS NARRAGANSETT, RI 02882 ‘This vepert vill coastitute a chapter in manual entitled, "Analysis Design and Construction of Coastal Scructu: menual is being Prevared for the Yew York Seo Cranc Institute ty the Geotechnicai Engineering Croup at Cornell University, and is being edited by Free E. Kulhewy and Philip L.-F, Lin, PREFACE The analysis, design and construction of coastal structures is of gfeat concern to a broad cross-section of the population living near major fresh and salt water bodies. Realizing this concern, the New York Sea Grant Institute instituted a project to develop a manual to assist a variety of user groups in addressing the problens associated vith the development of coastal structures and coastal facilities. Although the engineering community will find the manual to be of use, the focus of this manual has been to develop a simplified user's guide which focuses on the analysis, design and construction of coastal structures. The emphasis hag been on understanding the structures and their behavior, minimizing higher level mathematics, and presenting design charts and design examples for smaller scale structures, typical of those of impor- tance to a small community and the individual homeowner. Large scale developments should be handled by design professionals with expertise in the field. This project was initiated in late 1977 by the New York Sea Grant Institute and has been davaloped by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Coruell University. The project was initiated by Drs. Fred H. Kulhawy and Dwight A. Sangrey. Dr. Sangrey left Cornell before uch progress was made, and subsequent work has been supervised by Drs. Fred H. Kulhawy and Philip L.-F. Liu. Under the auspices of this project, the following reports have been prepared and submitted to New York Sea Grant: Ll “Regulatory Processes in Coastal Structures Construction”, August 1979, by Susan A. Ronan, with the assistance of Dwight A. Sangrey ii 2, “Coastal Construction Materials", November 1979, by Waiter D. Hubbell and Fred H. Kulhawy 3. "Environmental Loads in Coastal Construction", November 1979, by Walter D. Hubbell and Fred H, Kulhawy 4, “analysis, Design and Construction of Pile Foundations ia the Coastal Hovironment", April 1981, by Francis K.-P. Cheung and Fred H. Xulhawy 5. “Breakwaters, Jetties and Groing: A Design Guide", March 1982, by Laurie A. Ehrlich end Fred B. Kulhawy 6.. “Analysis, Design and Construction of Bulkheads in the > May 1982, by Thowas M. Saczynsii This report is the seventh submitted to date. ABSTRACT Docks, piers and wharves are inner harbor structures that provide a Link between Lend and water modes of transportation. This study presents guidelines for the planning, layout and design of these struc- tures while focusing on small craft recreational applications. The planning and Layout ccusiderations for docks, piers and wharves are discussed while recognizing that these topics are correctly a subset of overall harbor planning. Design loads and material properties are addressed to provide a basia for structural analysis and design. Three broad categories of structural type are presented including solid fill, fixed and floating atructures, Hach structural type is described by component part with design considerations and recommendations based on practical, sound enginsering procedures, Design considerations for utilities, special services, and dredging operations are also presented. iv PREFACE ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF CONVERSIONS CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 2 PLANNING AND LAYOUT OF DOCKS, PIERS AND WEARVES 2.1 Harbor Type and Location 2.2 Choice of Structural Type 2.3 Eavironmental Impact 2.4 Legal Conceras 2.5 Layout and Geometry of Docks, Piers and Wharves 2.6 Summary 3 SUMMARY OF DESIGN LOADS 3.1 Design Wave and Wave Forces 3.2 Wind Loads 3.3 Current Loads 3.4 Boat Impact 3.5 Ice Loads 3.6 Dead and Live Loads 4.7 Catastrophic Loads 3.8 Combination of Loads 3.9 Summary 2 2 Bb 13 22 28 32 42 47 53 54 3s7 58 59 CHAPTER 4 4h 4.2 43 a 45 4.6 CEAPTER 5 Sel 5.2 5.3 564 CHAPTER 6 61 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 TL 7.2 7.3 Th ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Concrete Steel Wood Aluminum Weought Iron Summary SOLID FILL TYPE DOCKS, PIERS AND WHARVES Wall Types Selection of Wall Type Geotechnical Design Considerations Summary PIXED DOCKS, PIERS AND WHARVES Structural Geometry Pile Foundations Selection of Pile Type Design and Installation of Pile Foundations Decking and Framing Design Considerations Fixed Dock Moorage Fixed Dock Fenders ‘Summary FLOATING DOCKS, PIERS AND WHARVES Structural Geometry Design Considerations for Flotation Elements Selection of Float Element Type Design Considerstions for Float Components vi 60 61 73 73 95 97 99 101 101 14 eB 129 131 135 137 152 154 154 176 182 187 7.5 Floating Dock Moorage 229 7.6 Floating Dock Fenders 229 7.7 Anchorage Systems 231 7.8 Summary 250 CHAPTER 8 UTILITIES AND SPECIAL SERVICES 253 8.1 Electrical Service 254 8.2 Sewage Pumpout and Disposal Service 258 8.3 Fresh Water Service 264 8.4 Fire Fighting Services 268 8.5 Fueling Services 273 8.6 Summary 278 CHAPTER 9 DREDGING FOR SMALL CRAFT HARBORS 279 9.1 Methods and Equipment 279 9.2 Primary and Maintenance Dredging 283 9.3 Dredged Materials and their Disposal 284 9.4 Enviroumental Impacts of Dredging 289 9.5 Dredging Problems - 294 9.6 Summary 295 CHAPTER 10 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 297 REFERENCES 302 APPENDIX A SMALL CRAFT BERTHING FACILITIES, LAYOUT 32 Table Number 21 3.1 4d Ad 43 Ad 45 46 47 1 LIST OF TABLES Recommended Slip Widths for Various Slip Lengths Typical Values for Gradient Height, Surface Drag Coefficient and Roughness Length Concrete Design Recommendations for Marine Structures Steel Alloys and Uses Availability of Shapes, Plates and Bars According to ASTM Structural Steel Specifications Average Specific Gravity and Average Weight for Commercially Important Timber Species Average Change in Clear Wood Strength Properties for a 1~percent Change in Moisture Content Below Fiber Saturation Point Shrinkage Values of Wood Properties of Commercial Aluminum Mechanical and Hydraulic Dredges wilt 72 74 13 83 389 98 280-281, Figure Number LL 1.2 22 2.2 2.3 24 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 37 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 4 42 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Dock, Pier and Wharf Geometry Organizational Chart of Design Considerations Inland River Marina Locations Mechanical Current Generator ~ Spatial Arrangement of Berthing System Components Gaussian Distribution of Slip Length Recoumended Berth Width for Single and Double Slips Horizontal Wave Force on a Floating Object Small Craft Weight and Displacement Volume --.. Wave Force Adjustment for Relative Body Length Isotach of Maximum Wind Velocity (mph), 30 ft (9.1 =) Above Ground, 50 Year Recurrence Period Mean Wind Velocity versus Altitude Mean Wind Velocity versus Profile Height Horizontal Wind Pressure on a Vertical Face Above Water Profile Height versus Length of Craft Superposition of Waves and Harmonic Motion Current Pressure versus Current Velocity Underwater Profile Height versus Boat Length Docking Impact Energy for Smail Craft Assumed Geonezry for Boat Impact Analysis Impact Energy Reduction Factor versus Berthing Point Relation Between Durability and Water-Cement Ratio for Air-Entrained and Non~Air-Entrained Concrete Relationship Between Coefficient of Permeability and Water-Cement Ratio, for Mortar and Concrete of Three Aggregate Sizes ix Be Ww ig 28 29 30 34 36 39 40 43 45 48 SL 63 84 Figure 43 4.4 45 4.6 47 4.8 4.9 4.10 441i 4.12 4.13 ale 415 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Conventional Gradation Chart for Concrete Aggregate Gradation Chart for Concrete Aggregate Using Sieve Sizes to the 0.45 Power Strength in Relation to Water-Cement Ratio for Air Entrained and Non~Air-Entrained Concrate Réfect of Moist Curing on the Strength of Concrete ‘Temperature Dependency of Concrete Strength Transverse and Tangential Sections of a Softwood The Orthotropic Axes of Wood Permanent Effect of Dry Heat on the Modulus of Rupture of Dry Wood Load Direction in Relation to Annual Growth Ring Direction Characteristic Shrinkage and Distortion of Wood Shapes Because of Annual Ring Direction Adjustment of Wood Working Stresses for Load Duration Experimentally Derived Creep Curve for Wood ‘Typical Fatigue Curves of Aluminum Alloys Anchored Bulkhead Walt Cantilevered Sheet Pile Wall Typical Pile Supported "L" Wall for Weak Soils Use of Gabions in Marina Construction Typical Timber-Crif Wharf Cellular Sheet Pile Wharf Sheet Pile Arrangement for Cellular Walls Concrete Caieson Wharf Relteving Platform Type Wharf Effect of Wave Characteristics on Air Pressure Buildup x 66 69 69 70 78 84 86 a1 93 96 102 104 105 106 108 110 110 uu 13 us Figure 3.11 5.12 $5.13 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 Reduction of Air Pressure in Relation to Percentage of Air-Hole Arca Deep-Seated Failure of a Retaining Platform Because of Insufficient Bearing Capacity of Underlying Weak Soil Granular Bedding Layer Used to Increase the Bearing Capacity of an Underlying Weak Soil Dry-Stack Storage Compressed Air-Ice Suppression System Air Bubbler Layout Fixed Pier Construction High-Level Fixed Wharf Consteuction ‘Typical Pile Types Used in Waterfront Construction Bearing and Batter Piles Concrete and Tar Pile Cap Molded Synthetic Pile Cap Wood Batten Pile Protection Timber Pile Splice Detail Examples of Cast~in-Place Concrate Piles Examples of Precast Concrete Piles Types of Fixed Pier Bracing Pile Cap Types Typical Pile to Superstructure Connections Prestressed, Precast Concrete Deck System Proper Grain Orientation for Wood Plank Decking Diagonal Dack Planking Fixed Pier Gangway Page 116 11 122 133 134 136 136 138 140 143 143 164 145 a9 150 158 160 162 164 165 166 169 Figure 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 TL 7.2 7.3 7.4 2.5 7.6 wT 7.8 9 7.10 7.4L 742 7.13 Finger Pier or Walkway Misalignment Timber Joint Fasteners Joist and Beam Hangare and Framing Anchors Sall Craft Berthing Arrangements Hardwood Mooring Cleat Line Mooring end Cleat Location for Single and Double Berths Cooperative Svitch-Tie System for a Double Berth Traveling Tron Vertical Tube Fender Vertical Fender Pile Typical Wood Pile Dolphins Floating Covered Berths Floating Dock Indicating Suggested Frecboard Floating Dock Structural Types Floating Dock Design for Pontoon Location ‘Timber Frame and Bearing Boards above Premolded Styrofoam Floats Insert and Through-Rod Concrete Pontoon Assemblies Stringer Detail on a Lightweight Shell Floating Dock Braces Grossties and Struts Used to Strengthen Floating Pier Decks Deck Framing Stiffened with a Torque Pipe Floating Dock Gangway Wheel Guided Gangway with Apron Plate Gangway Counterbalance Systen mii UL 172 174 177 179 180 181 183 185 186 188 192 194 196 209 211 213 215 27 220 221 223 224 225 Figure Number 7.14 7S 7,16 Wy 7.18 7.19 7,20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.28 7.25 7.26 7,27 7.28 7.29 8.1 8.2 8.3 1 9.2 ‘Truss Supported Gangvaya Crossiccked Connection of Finger and Headwalk Stringers Hinge Connectors Floating Dock Fender 4@mchor Pile Location Pile Yokes Pile Rollers ‘Traveling Iron Guide ‘T-Bar Guide Pipe Strut or Stiff Arm Anchorage Deepwater Cable Anchorage of Floating Pier Drawdown Adjustable Anchorage Soft Ground Anchor Types Cable Anchorage of a Floating Dock Penetration and Keying of a Propellant-Enbedded Anchor Submerged Crossties Location of Electrical Utilities Location of Fresh Water Service Fuel Dock Locations Beach Nourishment and Sediment Bypassing Behavior of Dredged Material Released From a Scow wit Page 226 228 230 232 235 237 239 261 261 242 244 265 266 268 249 251 259 269 277 287 292 ‘LIST OF SYMBOLS English Letters for Above-water profile Area Below-water profile Area Relative Deasity Energy Current Force Tensile Stress Wave Force Wind Force Minima Yield Stress Constant of Gravitational Acceleration Above-water profile height Undervater profile height Stiffness Impact Energy Reduction Factor Einetie Energy Coefficient of Permeability Length Wave Length Body Length Adjustment Factor Current Pressure Wind Pressure Velocity of Boat Normal to Dock Current Velocity Displacement Volume Mean Wind Velocity Measured Wind Velocity Wacer-Cement Ratio Minimum Weight of Boat Altitude Standard altitude for Wind Veloctty Measurements (usually 30 ft or 9.1m) Roughness Length Wind Velocity Gradient Hetght Greek Letters A Deformation or Deflection In-site Soil Density Minimum Density of Soil in Laboratory Maximum Density of Soil in Laboratory Density of Water Zo Convert From " foot inch pound ib/et a/c” wee? t/ta? LIST OF CONVERSIONS To °c meter millimeter Newton N/a N/m’ eit/ a e/a’ xvi Multiply By °C = (5/9) (°F -32) 0.3048 25.4 4.448 0.0146 0.0479 0.1571, 6.895 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Docks, piers, and wharves are types of coastal structures intended to provide a link between land and water modes of transportation. With Fespect to the recreational marinas which are the focus of this study, water transportation refers to small craft such as sailboats, open-hulled Power boats, and Light cruisers. These vessels are often large enough to Preclude launching by trailer, hoist, or forklift with each outing. In addition to convenient access, dock, pier, or wharf structures must also provide mooring or tie-up facilities that afford adequate protection from environmental loads. The term "dock" is defined with some difficulty since tt may refer either co the area of water between two lauding piers, or to the landing pier proper (Webster's, 1976). According to Quinn (1972), a "dock" is a general term used to describe a marine structure used for the mooring of vessels, or for the transfer of passengers and cargo. Accordingly, a dock may consist of various arrangements of wharves or piers which are defined as follows: @ "wharf" is a dock which parallels and is generally contiguous with the shore, while a "pier" projects out into the harbor basin, The primary functional difference is that a pier may ba ap- proached from both sides, while a wharf only has one side open to the water. Simple examples of these structures are illustrated in Figure 1.1, Several other tems are coumonly used in literature concerning small craft harbor facilities. A “uarginal wharf" is one that lies along the border of a harbor, and along it runs the “marginal walkway". The 1 Aqyawoz9 JABYM pue Aeza ‘y20q TT eaNza au Avery Teurszen peautTng wILPAIwD,, ( SePTND OTTa UITS BeTa r0yoUy wI¥OTs 208073, verrd azoddns ysaaq aT qnop you Surze0ts 390d POXTE 3 dock surface of a pier that extends out from the shore is called the “main walk" or “headwalk". As indicated in Figure 1.1, berthed craft are separated by “finger piers" which are known as “catwalks” in the case of fixed dock structures, and "finger floats" for the corresponding floating docks. There are three broad categories of structural type used in the con~ struction of docks, including solid Fill, fixed or pile supported, and floating or pontoon supported. It would be unusual however, for the typical small craft marina to consist of only one structural type. The most common form of marginal wharf is the anchored bulkhead which also serves to retain the surrounding soil. Floating berthing arrangements are often accessed by a fixed pier approach. In the past, the analysis and design of these structures has been besed om the local experience of the ower and/or contractor. While such procedures may have resulted in some savings in terms of first cost, the quality of the finished product was often compromised. According to Chamberlain (1977), a large portion of.the marinas built in the sixties are literally falling apart. Although some of this deterioration may be because of 2 lack of proper maintenance, most is a result of trying to cut corners in the construction stage. In light of the rising cost of construction materials and labor, there is increasingly a need for Yational analysis and design procedures that incorporate the probable environmental loads and material strength properties. The object is to develop an efficient, functional design at reasonable initial cost that will provide an acceptable service life and a minimum of required maintenance. An attractive appearance is generally considered to be of

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