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2017 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC)

December 17-20, 2017. Gold Coast Convention Centre, Australia

Coexistence for Industrial Wireless Communication Systems in the

Context of Industrie 4.0
Darina Schulze1 , Lutz Rauchhaupt1 , Ulrich Jumar1

Abstract— Several wireless communication systems operating

in parallel are typical for industrial applications. These systems
have to be coexistent to ensure, that every application commu- W D2
nication requirement is fulfilled. Ensuring this coexistence is
called coexistence management. We want to develop an auto- 3
W D2 1
mated coexistence management with control engineering con-
W D3
siderations, which is not considered in current approaches yet.
In this contribution we investigate the nominal (interference-
free) plant model with several wireless communication systems.
We use timed Petri-net approaches in max-plus algebra for
W D2
modelling the time behaviour of message transmissions. We 1 3
W D1 W D1
parametrize this model with real measurements in a 2.4 GHz
frequency spectrum within a WiFi test environment according 2
W D1
to a predefined test case scenario.

I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Exemplary field of consideration, compare to [3]

The use of wireless communication for industrial produc-
tion and logistic processes will rapidly grow in the next few
years. According to several application communication re- by radio channels. The set of all radio channels composes
quirements, heterogeneous types of wireless communication the transmission medium. If W CS operate independently,
systems (W CS) are going to be implemented in production as usual today, the radio channels will most likely overlap
facilities. Heterogeneous means, that different technologies and cause interferences. A holistic arrangement, a so called
(e.g. Bluetooth, WiFi, WISA or ZigBee) and different fre- wireless coexistence management, is required.
quency bands (e.g. 1900 MHz, 2400 MHz, 5800 MHz) are
used. If several W CS are using the same transmission II. C OEXISTENCE MANAGEMENT APPROACHES
medium in the same time domain, the same frequency domain In [1] we give an overview of the current coexistence
and at the same location domain, message transmission may management approaches, which we describe in this Section.
be interfered, compare to [1]. In such a case, the coexistence Investigations on wireless coexistence and its management
between W CS could be lost. Wireless coexistence is a state have already been done years ago [4], [5], [6]. In fig. 2 we
in which every W CS fulfils all their application commu- give an overview of different implementations of coexistence
nication requirements in the facility hall [2]. Coexistence management approaches. There are four types of these imple-
management process is a measure to hold the coexistence mentations: manual management, automated non-cooperated
and to minimise interferences between several W CS. In our management and automated cooperated management, either
research area we are focussing on an automated coexistence centralised or decentralised.
management process with control engineering considera-
tions. The objective is based on using a control to ensure Coexistence Management
coexistence. For the optimal development of such algorithms
we developed a description of the field of consideration for
wireless coexistence management, compare to [3]. In figure Manual Automated
(fig.) 1 key terms are introduced. The W CS are subject
of coexistence management according to interferences. A
W CS consists of at least two wireless devices (W D). In Computer aided Cooperated Non-Cooperated
Fig. 1 W D with the same number form one W CS. A W D
can be source S (producer) or target T (consumer) of a
message. This assigns its role in a logical link l between Centralised Decentralised
two logical end points of an automation application. For
message transmissions of a logical link, a physical link pl has Fig. 2. Overview of coexistence management implementations [1]
to be established. In W CS physical links are implemented
1 Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation e.V., 39106 Magdeburg, In case of manual coexistence management a person is
Germany responsible for preventing disturbances of the W CS. The

978-1-5386-2178-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 95

only degrees of freedom the human coexistence manager with respect to (w.r.t.) ⊕ is ε −→ −∞, such that
has is to change the frequency channel, which is not time ε ⊕ w = max(ε, w) = w and the neutral element w.r.t. ⊗
optimal. Therefore, manual coexistence management is only is e := 0, such that e ⊗ w = 0 + w = w. Furthermore, we
advisable as far as no more advanced measures are available. denote the state space model representation for the event
An automated non-cooperative management means that discrete system state x(k + 1) = f (x(k)) as x+ = f (x).
different W CS cannot exchange information between each
other about their state. They just react on disturbances III. A C ONTROL ENGINEERING APPROACH FOR AN
and adapt their own behaviour on the current state. That
means a non-cooperative management system is prone to A class model has been developed as depicted in fig. 3
disturbances due to different W CS. For the system as a in order to consider all relevant aspects for an automated
whole an automated non-cooperated management is missing. coexistence management [1]. It is based on a class model
This approach is not in our focus, therefore the reader can for wireless industrial automation. Here wireless industrial
find some information in [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] and the automation is modelled as a composition of distributed
references therein. automation application (DAA), W CS and the radio environ-
An automated cooperative management means that every ment. The automated coexistence management system shall
W CS could exchange information on their state with each be an aggregation of the same elements complemented by a
other. On the one hand these information exchange could coexistence controller. Thus, beside the system- and device-
be centralised or on the other hand decentralised. A central related influencing parameters of the W CS, e.g. antenna
management has a central instance, e.g. the central coordi- gain or output power, the application-related influencing
nation point, collecting the status information of each W CS. parameters, e.g. position of communication device or user
In [12] there is a concept of such a central instance. However, data length, the characteristic parameters, e.g. transmission
this concept does not specify an algorithm to ensure coex- time or update time, as well as the passive and active
istence. This is left open for future developments. Another environmental influencing parameters are taken into account.
approach is the decentralised cooperated management, where For more details see [3].
W CS exchange their state with the others. In [13] there is a
consideration of Secondary-User networks and Primary-User
constraints. The authors introduce an optimization parameter,
Quality of Coexistence (QoC). They want to maximize QoC
with an interference-constrained time slot splitting. This
method is focused on a W iF i technology and thus not
suitable for a holistic coexistence approach.
Most of the mentioned approaches avoid interferences by
using medium access control mechanisms. In current re-
search activities on coexistence management, an application-
related, technology-independent automated coexistence man-
agement is missing. Our research focusses on this subject. Fig. 3. Class model of wireless industrial automation with automated
To reach this aim, we investigate control engineering ap- coexistent management system, compare to [1]
proaches, see [3].
In this contribution we describe the first stage of our model The automated coexistence management system may be
for the holistic approach - the interference-free (nominal) implemented using various types of algorithms. In [3] we
communication behaviour. Here we use Petri-net modelling proposed a control engineering approach. Taking a control
for the general case with several W CS, which is an ex- circuit, as depicted in fig.4, shows the reference to the field
tension from [1]. We propose a general structure for the of consideration P (fig. 1).
coexistence plant in state space model representation, which
is independent from used wireless technology.
Paper Structure Section III describes the control engineer- D
ing approach to wireless coexistence management and a basic
W + E U Y
coexistence plant model with Petri-net structure. In Section - C P
IV we present a general description with several W CS in Y
state space model representation for the interference-free
(nominal) case. In Section V we parametrize the nominal
case in a specific 2.4 GHz and show simulation results and Fig. 4. Classical Scheme of a control circuit
Section VI provides a summary as well as a discussion.
Basic Nomenclature We denote the set Rmax = The plant P is a set of W CS, relevant for coexistence
(R ∪ {−∞} ∪ {∞}) in max − plus algebra with management, forming the coexistence plant, see Fig. 1. Each
two binary operations q ⊕ w = max(q, w) and W CS is considered as a sub-plant p(i) , with i ≤ s and
q ⊗ w = q + w, ∀q, w ∈ Rmax . The neutral element p(i) ∈ P . The total number of p(i) is described by s.

Furthermore, every p(i) has at least one logical link l, which We divide the functionality of a W D into a distributed
describes the connection from S to T . Therefore, we classify application function (DAF ) represented by θDAF and a
every sub-plant with p(i,l) . The controller C represents a set wireless communication function (W CF ) represented by
of central or distributed coexistence management functions θW CF . In S, DAF is responsible for message generation and
implemented in instances of the class coexistence controller. W CF is responsible for, i. a. medium access, link control
The reference parameter vector W (i,l) is a set of required or wireless transmission. In T, W CF determines on success
characteristic parameter values from all distributed automa- of message transmission and DAF processes the received
tion applications p(i,l) . The control parameter vector Y (i,l) message. For the purpose of coexistence management DAF
represents the set of measured values of the characteristic pa- also calculates the characteristic parameter values and evalu-
rameters in p(i,l) . The difference between required and actual ates the coexistence state. The medium is represented by θm
characteristic parameter values result in the error parameter for the interf erence − f ree state (nominal state). Thus, θd
vector E (i,l) in p(i,l) . The controller C uses the influencing implements the calculation of interferences for each message
parameters of the distributed automation applications or of transmission for later evaluation of coexistence. In fig. 5 we
the wireless devices as manipulated parameter vector U (i,l) indicate the interference case with dashed arcs. In this paper
for each p(i,l) . The disturbance parameter vector D(i,l) we focus on the description of the nominal behaviour of
represents the active environmental influencing parameters the introduced Petri-net model. That means even through we
affected by the passive influencing parameters in p(i,l) . For are describing the modelling of the wireless transmission for
the design of an automated coexistence management, we different W CS. It is important to underline, that we are
start with modelling of the coexistence plant P . In [1] we assuming for this purpose that these W CS not interfere
showed a first modelling approach in Petri-net graph notation each other. For the nominal behaviour the set of places
G = (θ, λ, ξ, ν), whereat θ is the set of places, λ is the set are constituted as {θDAF s , θW CF s , θm , θDAF t , θW CF t } ∈
of transitions, ξ is the set of arcs and ν is the set of its θ. The transitions λref s and λref t represent the message
weights (see Fig. 5). Furthermore, we defined the behaviour transfer via source reference interface and target reference
of the Petri-net P N = (G, x(0), v), whereat x(0) presents interface. λm1 represents the medium transition in S for
the vector of the initial marking state and v presents the the medium and λm2 represents the transition from medium
vector of transition delays. With respect to P N we defined to T , such that {λref s , λm1 , λm2 , λref t } ∈ λ. We describe
the transformation from wireless industrial automation to messages with its properties by using coloured tokens. In
Petri-net according to table (tab.) I. tab. II relevant properties are listed.
AUTOMATION TO P ETRI - NET Properties Parameter
Model element in Petri-net modelling W CS type ST ID
wireless industrial automation element W CS SID
Processing and buffer for messages Place θ Logical link (S, T) LLID(S, T )
Processing for messages Transition λ Message identifier M ID
Time behaviour of message Transition delay v of λ Time of occupied medium ton
transmissions Time of not occupied medium tof f
Transmission path of messages arc ξ Physical link (S, T) P LID(S, T )
Total number of messages per path weight ν Transmit power (S, T) EIRP (S, T )
Message Token Interference vector (EIRP (S, T ), f, ton )
Message properties, see tab. II Token properties Success of message transmission SM T
Delay in S (DAF , W CF ) v1 , v 2
Delay in T (DAF , W CF ) v4
Delay of medium v3

Source λin T arget λout

In the following Section we describe the modelling of the
θDAF s θDAF t
nominal behaviour for the coexistence plant with several
W CS. Therefore, we describe the structure for message
λref s Ref erence Interf ace λref t distribution in state space representation. For modelling the
behaviour of the control signal Y (e.g. transmission time) we
v1 v4
Interf erence are using max − plus algebra in state space representation
θW CF s λd1 θd λd2 θW CF t
for P .
W CF vd1 vd2
v2 v3 First of all we consider the nominal behaviour. Therefore
Interf erence − f ree we declare the amount of weights ν, which determine the
amount of messages per state transition with ∀ν(λj , θi ) > 1
Fig. 5. Graphical presentation of the general coexistence plant P [1] and ∀ν(θi , λj ) > 1. As described in [1] we introduce the

coexistence state xc of P . We split the coexistence state in get
(i,l) (i,l) (i,l)
xc = [xdis , xtb ]T ], whereat xdis is the state of θ with  (i,l)+     (i,l)+ 
(i,l) x1tb ε ε ε ε x1tb
their allocated token and xtb models the time behaviour of  (i,l)+  v (i,l)  (i,l)+ 
token transmissions (Message transmissions over all logical x2tb   2 ε ε ε
 x2tb 
 (i,l)+  =  (i,l)   (i,l)+  ⊕ (6)
links in all W CS). In this contribution we will show an x3tb   ε v3 ε ε x3tb 
(i,l)+ (i,l) (i,l)+
extension of our model with respect to the wireless commu- x4tb ε ε v4 ε x4tb
nication of more than one W CS. Since we are focussing on | {z }
(i,l) A0
the nominal behaviour xdis = [x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 ]T , which  (i,l) 
corresponds θ = [θDAF s , θW CF s , θDAF t , θm , θW CF t ]T as v1
 ε  (i,l)+
places with their allocated token. For the initial marking ⊕
 ε u (7)

we have xdis (0) = [x01 , x02 , x03 , x04 , x05 ]T . The marking
distribution in places describes the following model ε
| {z }
  B0
1 −1 0 0 0 0 (i,l)
0 1 −1 0 0 0 y = ε ε ε e xtb . (8)
(i,l)+ (i,l)  
xdis = xdis +   0 0 1 −1 0 0 ej , (1) For the explicit form we take the rule, see [14]
0 0 0 1 −1 0 
0 0 0 0 1 −1 xtb = (A30 ⊕ A20 ⊕ A0 ⊕ E)(B0 u(i,l)+ ), (9)

whereat ej = [λin , λref s , λm1 , λm2 , λref t , λout ]T is a binary with A∗ = A30 ⊕ A20 ⊕ A0 ⊕ E. For using this rule we have
vector of switching transitions. to prove that A40 = N . That means A0 has no circuit. We
In the reminder of this contribution we use the state space consider the worst case for A0 , such that ∀v1,2,3,4 6= εM .
representation of the timed-based Petri-net. We switch from That means every place in p(i,l) is empty. A0 is given in eq.
Petri-net specific symbols to those common in control theory. 8. For proving that A40 = N we consider the path of delay
(i,l) weights, the precedence graph ρ(A0 ), fig. 6
For describing the time behaviour of P we introduce xtb =
{x1tb , x2tb , x3tb , x4tb }T as time stamps of a token when the
vector transition λ(i,l) = [λref s , λm1 , λm2 , λref t ]T fires. The v2
relevant time delay represents v (i,l) = [v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 ]T for 1 2
v3 (i,l)

each token in p(i,l) . With respect to max − plus algebra, we

introduce the neutral elements (N, E) ∈ Rmax .
    v4
ε ε ... ε e ε ... ε 3 4
ε ε . . . ε ε e . . . ε
N = E = . .
   
.. . ..
. ..  . ..  Fig. 6. Precedence graph ρ(A0 )
 
ε ε ε ε
ε ... ε ε ε ... ε e
(2) Every node presents the transition with their time stamp
xtb for every p(i,l) . For calculation A20 , A30 and A40 we get
We describe the time behaviour of each message transmission the following matrices:
per logical link with the following state space notation:
ε ε ε ε
 
(i,l)+ (i,l)
(i,l) xtb = f (xtb , u(i,l) ) ε ε ε ε
A20 = 

p : (i,l) . (3) v2(i,l) ⊗ v3(i,l)
, (10)
y (i,l) = h(xtb ) ε ε ε
(i,l) (i,l)
ε v3 ⊗ v4 ε ε
For describing the linear case in max − plus algebra we 
ε ε ε ε

assume, that ∀xdis (0) the places are empty. Thus, compare ε ε ε ε
A30 = 

to [14] the general description of xtb can be described as ε ε ε . (11)

 ε
(i,l) (i,l) (i,l)
(i,l)+ (i,l)+ v2 ⊗ v3 ⊗ v4 ε ε ε
xtb = A0 xtb ⊕ B0 u(i,l)+ (4)
= C0 xtb . (5) A0 has no circuit, because it is obviously that A40 = N . For
the reminder of this contribution we use eq. 9 as the explicit
Here, A0 describes the switching times of transitions (xtb )
(i,l) form.
in dependency of the initial positions of messages in places.
B0 describes the switching times of transitions (u(i,l) ) in
dependency of the initial positions of messages in places. In fig. 7 we depict the test setup for the nominal time
First of all, we define u(i,l) = λin as transition for the behaviour in a 2.4 GHz ISM band with W iF i technology
transfer interval (time interval for message generation) and [1].

Anritsu In fig. 9 we zoom one time stamp for considering the
time delay from input signal to output signal. Here we
W iF i have a delay from 0.001917 s, which corresponds to the
measurements. In tab. V we present the transmission time
per event k.
Fig. 7. WiFi system setup for a 2.4 GHz frequency spectrum [1]
Event k Transmission time [s]
1 0.001917
For this purpose the W iF i traffic from access point (AP ) 2 0.001885
3 0.001882
(S) to the client (T ) is recorded and the characteristic values
4 0.001904
are determined for model parametrisation. The behaviour 5 0.001908
of the wireless transmission channel is emulated by the
Qosmotec Propagation Effects Replication (QP ER). A fixed
distance of 10 m is configured between access point and VI. C ONCLUSION
client. The application-related traffic is generated through
the Anritsu, which we configured with an attenuation from In this contribution we derived a nominal plant model for
−60 dB. The output power is 10 dBm. PROFINET IO the evaluation of an application-related, technology indepen-
(P N IO) is used as application traffic. P N IO messages with dent automated coexistence management process with Petri-
a data length of 1024 Bit are transmitted at a transfer interval net modelling in max − plus algebra. The coexistence plant
of 2 ms (periodic signal). The test access point (T AP ) cre- provides fundamental communication relationships between
ates a passive access point to the Ethernet network and copies different wireless communication systems, like the time
the test traffic at the reference interface to the measuring behaviour of messages in a communication net. We showed
computer P C. In fig. 8 we simulate time stamps of the input that the precedence graph has no circuit to generate the
signal (transfer interval uin ) with a periodic behaviour and explicit form for the plant model in state space model repre-
the time stamps of the output signal (transmission time x4 ) sentation. Hence we can investigate the system behaviour,
according to eq. 9 for 5 events in nominal case for Rmax . e.g. the dynamics for stability analysis. Furthermore, we
In Rmax the transition is active (firing transition) at e and parametrized the model in a specific test environment in a
inactive (non firing transition), at . 2.4 GHz frequency spectrum for WiFi.
We presented the modelling for a general coexistence
plant in interference-free (nominal) case. The next step is
Transfer interval of logical link 1 from p 1 in Rmax
1 modelling of the disturbance for interference cases with

0 real coexistence scenarios for validation. Furthermore, we

-1 will investigate the robustness with system uncertainties
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time event of k-th firing time stamp u
according to different technologies, e.g. W iF i or Bluetooth.
Transmission time of logical link 1 from p 1 in Rmax

Parts of this work are funded by ReICoVAir (16KIS0417)
-1 through the German Ministry of Research and Education
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time event of k-th firing stamp x

Fig. 8. Modelling the transmission time of p(1,1) in Rmax R EFERENCES

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