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Artin, Emil, 1898—1962.
Class field theory / Emil Artin, John Tate.
Originally published. New York: W. A. Benjamin, 1961.
Includes bibliographical references.
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1. Class field theory. I. Tate, John 'ibrrence, 1926— joint author. IT. title.

QA247.A75 2008
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Preface to the New Edition v
Preface vii
Preliminaries I
I. Idèles and ldèle Classes 1
2. Cohomology 3
3. The Herbrand Quotient 5
4. Local Class Field Theory 8

Chapter V. The First Fbndamental Inequality 11

1. Statement of the First Inequality ii
2. First Inequality in Function Fields 11
3. First Inequality in Global Fields 13
4. Consequences of the First Inequality 16

Chapter VI. Second Fundamental Inequality 19

1. Statement and Consequences of the Inequality 19
2. Kummer Theory 21.
3. Proof in Kummer Fields of Prime Degree 24
4. Proof in p-extensions 27
5. Infinite Divisibility of the Universal Norms 32
6. Sketch of the Analytic Proof of the Second Inequality 33

Chapter VII. Reciprocity Law 35

1. Introduction 35
2. Reciprocity Law over the Rationals 36
3. Reciprocity Law 41
4. Higher Cohomology Groups in Global Fields 52

Chapter VIII. The Existence Theorem 55

1. Existence and Ramification Theorem 55
2. Number Fields 56
3. Function Fields 59
4. Decomposition Laws and Arithmetic Progressions 62

Chapter IX. Connected Component of Idéle Classes 65

1. Structure of the Connected Component 65
2. Cohoniology of the Connected Component 70

Chapter X. The Grunwald-Wang Theorem 73

1. Interconnection between Local and Global rn-tb Powers 73

2. Abelian Fields with Given Local Behavior 76

3. Cyclic Extensions 81

Chapter XL Higher Ramification Theory 83

1. Higher Ramification Groups 83
2. Ramification Groups of a Subfield 86
3. The General Residue Class Field 90
4. General Local Class Field Theory 92
5. The Conductor 99
Appendix: induced Characters 104

Chapter XII. Explicit Reciprocity Laws

1. Formalism of the Power Residue Symbol
2. Local Analysis
3. Computation of the Norm Residue Symbol in Certain Local Kummer
Fields 114
4. The Power Reciprocity Law 122

Chapter XIII. Group Extensions 127

1. Homomorphisms of Group Extensions 127
2. Commutators and Transfer in Group Extensions 131
3. The Akizuld Witt Map v: H2(G,A) H2(G/H,A") 134
4. Splitting Modules and the Principal ideal Theorem 137

Chapter )UV. Abstract Class Field Theory 143

1. Formations 143
2. Field Formations. The Brauer Groups 146
3. Class Formations; Method of Establishing Axioms 150
4. The Main Theorem 154
Exercise 157
5. The Reciprocity Law Isomorphism 158
6. The Abstract Existence Theorem 163

Chapter XV. Well Groups 167

Bibliography 191
Preface to the New Edition
The original preface which follows tells about the history of these notes and
the missing chapters. This book is a slightly revised edition. Some footnotes and
historical comments have been added in an attempt to compensate for the lack of
references and attribution of credit in the original. There are two mathematical
additions. One Is a sketch of the analytic proof of the second inequality in Chapter
VI. The other is several additional pages on Well groups at the end of Chapter XV.
They explain that what is there called a Weil group for a finite Galois extension K/F
lacks an essential feature of a Weil group in Weil's sense, namely the homomorphism
WK,F —r but that we recover this once we construct a Weil group for
F/F by passing to an inverse limit. There is also a sketch of an abstract version of
Well's proof of the existence and uniqueness of his WK.F for number fields.
I have not renumbered the chapters. After some preliminaries, the book still
starts with Chapter V, hut the mysterious references to the missing chapters have
been eliminated. The book is now in TeX. The handwritten German letters are
gone, and many typographical errors have been corrected. I thank Mike Rosen for
his help with that effort. For the typos we've missed and other mistakes in the text,
the AMS maintains a Web page with a list of errata at
http: I/wv. ama. org/bookpages/chel—366/
I would like to thank the AMS for republishing this book, and especially Sergei
Gelfand for his patience and help with the preparation of the manuscript.
For those unacquainted with the book, it is a quite complete account of the
algebraic (as opposed to analytic) aspects of classical class field theory. The first
four chapters, V—VHI, cover the basics of global class field theory, the cohomology of
idéle classes, the reciprocity law and existence theorem, for both number fields and
function fields. Chapters LX and X cover two more special topics, the structure and
cohomology of the connected component of I in the idèle class group of a number
field, and questions of local vs. global behavior surrounding the Grunwald—Wang
theorem. Then there are two chapters on higher ramification theory, generalized
local classfield theory, and explicit reciprocity laws. This material is beautifully
covered also in [21]. For a recent report, see [8]. There is a nice generalization of our
classical explicit formula in [13]. The last three chapters of the book cover abstract
class field theory. The cohomological algebra behind the reciprocity law is common
to both the local and global class field theory of number fields and function fields.
Abstracting it led to the definition of a new algebraic structure, 'class formation',
which embodies the common features of the four theories. The difference is in the
proofs that the idèle classes globally, and the multiplicative groups locally, satisfy
the axioms of a class formation. Chapter XIV concludes with a discussion of the
reciprocity law and existence theorem for an abstract class formation. In the last

chapter XV, Weil groups are defined for finite of an arbitrary class formation',
and then, for topological class formations satisfying certain aXIOWN which hold in
the classical cases, a Well group for the whole formation is c'oiistnicted, by passage
to an inverse limit, The class formation can be n'covrred ii its Wril group, and
the topological groups which occur as Well groups are chareu'trrizt'rl by axnnris.
The mathematics in this book is the result of a century of devvlupement,
roughly 1850—1950. Some history is discussed by llasse in [5) and in several of
the papers in [18j. The high point came in the 1920's with l'alotgi's proof that the
finite abelian extensions of a number field are in natural to-one correspondence
with the quotients of the generalized ideal class groups of that field, and Artin's
proof several years later that an abelian Galois group and the cm responding ideal
class group are canonically isomorphic, by an isornorphisin which Implied all known
reciprocity laws. The flavor of this book is strongly irillutneetl by the last bLeps in
that history. Around 1950, the systematic use of the eohomology of groups by
Hochschild, Nakayama and the authors shed new light. It enabled many theorems
of the local class field theory of the 1930's to be transferred to the global theory, and
led to the notion of class formation embodying the conunon features of bol h theo-
des. At about the same time, Weil conceivcd the idea of Weil groups and proved
their existence. With those two developments it is fair to say that the classical
one-dimensional abelian class field theory had reached full maturity. '['here were
still a few things to be worked out, such as the local arid global duality theories,
and the cohomology of algebraic tori, but it was time for new directions.
They soon came. For example:
• Higher dimensional class field theory;
• Non-abelian reciprocity laws and the Langlanda program;
• Iwasawa theory;
• Leopold's conjecture;
• Abelian (and non-abelian) t-ad.ic representations;
• Lubin-Tate local theory, Hayes explicit theory for function fields, Drinfeld
• Stark conjectures;
• Serre conjectures (now theorems).
Rather than say more or give references for these, I simply recommend what
has become a universal reference, the internet. Searching any of the above topies
is rewarding.

John Tate
September 2008

This is a chunk of the notes of the Artin—Thte seminar on class field theory given
at Princeton University in 1951—1952, namely the part dealing with global class field,
theory (Chapters V through XII) and the part dealing with the abstract theory
of class formations and Well groups (Chapters XI11—XV). The first four chapters,
which are not included, covered the cohomology theory of groups, the fundamentals
of algebraic number theory, a preliminary discussion of class formations, and local
class field theory. In view of these missing sections, the reader will encounter missing
references and other minor flaws of an editorial nature, and also some unexplained
notations. We have written a few pages below recalling some of these notations and
outlining the local class field theory, in an attempt to reduce the "prerequisites"
for reading these notes to a basic knowledge of the cohomology of groups and of
algebraic theory, together with patience.
The reason for the long delay in publication was the ambition to publish a
revised and improved version of the notes. This new version was to incorporate the
advances in the cohomology theory of finite groups which grew out of the seminar
and which led to the determination of the higher cohomology groups and to a
complete picture of the cohomological aspects of the situation, as outlined in Tate's
talk at the Amsterdam Congress in 1954. However this project was never completed
and thus served only to prevent the publication of the most important part of the
seminar, namely Chapters V through XII of these notes, That this material finally
appears is due to the energies of Serge Lang, who took the original notes, continued
to urge their publication, and has now made the arrangements for printing. It is a
pleasure to express here our appreciation to him for these efforts.
Two excellent general treatments of class field theory, which complement these
notes, have appeared during the past year, namely:
Camels and Algebraic Ntmber Theory, Academic Press, London, 196?.
(Distributed in the U.S. by the Thompson Publishing Company, Washington, D.C.).
Weil, Basic Number Theory, Springer4'erlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 1967.

1. Idéles and Idèle Classes
A global field is either a number field of finite degrcw' over the rational field
or a function field in one variable over a finite conat ant field. Such fields have
primes and corresponding canonical absolute values mi wiucli product
formula holds. A local field is the completion k a prime p.
Thus a local field is either the real field IR, the complex Held C, a finite extension
of the rational p-adic field Q,,, for some prime number p, or a field of formal power
series in one variable over a finite constant flea In other words, a local field is a
locally compact non discrete topological field.
The tdêle group and the zdèle class group of a global field k are denoted by
J = .J, and C = Ck respectively. The absolute value (or volume) of an idèle a is
the product of the absolute values of its components: lal In view of
the product formula, the absolute value of an idéle depends only on its class. We
denote by J° (resp. C°) the group of idèles (rep. idéle classes) of absolute value 1.
By a finite set of primes S of k we menu a non-empty set, containing
the arch.imedean primes in case k is a number field. The group of S-Idèles,

4,5 fl k x fi
4 =pES
consists of the idéles whose components are units for p S. The group of S-idèle
Ck,s = Cs = k*Js/k* .Js/k fl J.q 4/k;
consists of the idéle classes which are represented by S-idèles. Notice that =
kt fl 4 is the group of S-units of k, i.e. elements of k which are units for all
p g 5, and that C/C5 i/ks..!5 is isomorphic to the group of divisor classes in
the Dedekind ring formed by the elements of k which are integral for p S.
We give J the unique topology such that, for each 8, 4 is open in J and the
topology induced on 4 is the product topology. Uniqueness because J = .Js
Existence because the group of units is open in for each non.archiinedvan p.
Note that J is locally compact because each U,,, is compact, and each k is locally
Applying the product formula to a — 1 for a e k, a $ 1, one proves that k
is a discrete subgroup of J. The theorems on finiteness of class number and the
existence of units can be used to show that C° J°/k is Of course,
C/C° J/J° is isomorphic to or to Z in the number field and function field
cases respectively.
If K is a finite extension of k, then there are injections Je, — and (7&
CK, and in each case the smaller group maps houneornorphically onto a

subgroup of the larger one. If K/k is Galois, the Galois group C operates on K,
Jjc, and CK, and we have k 4 and (7k The first of these
isomorphisms follows from Galois theory, the second from definitions of idèles and of
the imbedding Jk C Jic, and the last follows from the first two in view of "Hilbert's
Theory 90": 1I'(C,K') =0.
If S is a finite set of primes p of k, we let the same symbol S stand also for the
set of primes ¶33 of K which divide some prime p S. With this understanding we
J,c,s fl(fluqj)
VeS ¶flS peS VVS
and consequently

fl irQ, xH
peS VIp
Now the operation of C on permutes the factors, and the subgroup of
C consisting of the elements which carry a given factor into itself is the de-
wmposition group Gcp of ¶33. It follows that K is the C-module "induced"
by the 1(1 and the cohomological theory of induced modules (some
time referred to as Shapiro's Lemma, referred to in these notes by the catchword
scmiocal theory) shows that we have isomorphisms

for any fixed prime t33 dividing p, and similarly
Hr Hr(G(p,u(p).

These isomorphisms are canonical, coming from the restriction from C to and
the projection of the ¶33-factor. By the theory of local fields, we have =
0 for r > 0 if K(p is unramifled over and therefore if our set S contains all primes
p of k which ramify in K we have
Ir(G,JK,S) fl H Jr(C,,Kj.
peS (pap peS
Passing to the direct limit over larger and larger 5, we find for r > 0:
H'(G, Jx)
Hr(G, JK,s) II

where denotes direct sum, and for each p of k, denotes a selected prime
of K above p. In this way, the Galois cohomology of the idéles is reduced to
the cohomology of the local fields. The isomorphism is of course functorial and
commutes with restriction, transfer, and inflation in the k C L c K situation in
the obvious way: A global restriction from GK/k to CK/L is reflected in the local
restrictions from CKc9/kp to The global transfer in the other direction
is reflected, for each p, in the sum over the primes q of L dividing p, of the local
transfers. The global inflation corresponds to the totality of all local infiations.
Let IZ be an infinite extension of k. The idele group Jr1 is by definition the union
of the idèle groups of the finite subextensions K/k of 12/k, and the same goes for
the idèle class group C0. ñ is a Galois extension then its Galois group G =

operates on .J0, C0, and fV. For each K, we bass'. Ig where GK a

is the subgroup of C0 corresponding to thc field K. and the Aatm' Is true for the
idèle class groups and for the multiplicative groups of the fields. Thus for A = .10,
C0, or fC, the mathematical system (C, {CK}, A) reprt*nitu a "forinittion" in the
sense of the beginning paragraphs of Chapter XIV. The reader might well begin his
study of these notes by reading the first three sections of Chapter XIV. where the
notion of class formation is defined in abstracto, because the first three chapters
(Chapters V—Vu) of these notes are devoted to the proof that the Idèle classes of
global fields do constitute a class formation.
Our notation and terminology for formations is rather naive. For all intents
and purposes, the notion of a formation is equivalent to * intir (C, A) consisting of
a compact totally disconnected topological group C and a G.niocluh' A on which
G acts continuously in the sense that the stabilizer of every element a C. A is an
open subgroup of C. Given such a pair one defines cohomolugy groups 11' (C, A)
for r 0 either by using continuous standard cochains, or equivalently, as the
direct limits under the inflation maps of the cohorriology groups 11(C)/Il, A") of
the finite quotients of C by its open normal subgroups U. As funeun of (C, A)
these cohomology groups have all the properties of ordiuiuy colnnnoliigy groups of
groups, and the freedom to vary the "formation" module A and ,( ;alois group" C
is a considerable technical advantage. For more details the reader ceai consult 121,
Cli. X] or for still more details, [22].

2. Cohomology
In the proof of the main theorem, p. 154, we refer to the folhMng reucult in the
cohomology of finite groups.
THEOREM A. Let C be a finite gnnsp, and let Ax B - ' C be a C-pairing of two
C-modules into a thin!. Let a A). Then for each q Z and ear/i subgroup
S C C the cup product with the restriction of a to S yields a homonwrphism
aq,s: JP(S, B) —' C).
Suppose for some qo that the maps czqo..i.s are surf ective, the maps are bijec-
tive, and the maps aqo+1,s are infective for all subgroups S. Then the maps czq,s
are bijectzve for all q and ailS.
The proof is not difficult. By dimension shifting, one reduces to the ernie p =0,
in which case aq,s is just the map induced by some G-horruimorphis;u f: IS —' C.
Adding to C a cohomologically trivial module into which II we see that
it is no loss of generality to assume that f is an injection. We then consider the
cohomology sequence associated with the exact sequence

and see from our hypotheses that

HQO-'(S, D) 1195, D) =0
for all subgroups S of C. It follows now from the theory of cohomological triviality
that D) = 0 for aU q and all 5, whence the result.
In discussing cohomological triviality one first reduces to the Sylow groups and
then, by induction in cyclic towers, to cyclic groups, where nuitter is trivial.
These methods have been refined in tecent works of Nakayama and Run. The main

theorem itself is proved directly in Serre's BOurbald seminar report of February

1953 ([23], see also [21, Chap. DC]).
At the time when Chapters V—XH of these notes were written, the isomorphism
of the main theorem were not known except for q = —2, —1, 0, 1, 2, nor was it
seen that these constituted part of a general pattern. Indeed, the possibility of
extending the cohomology of finite groups to negative dimensions was not known
at that time. Therefore the all-important norm-residue isomorphisms
(a) H°(Gx/p,AK)
(here denotes the commutator subgroup of a group C) for a normal layer K/F
in a class formation was treated separately by itself in the missing Chapters l—IV.
Two descriptions of it were given.
The first method was to map a C GK/p onto the element fl.
a fundamental 2-cocycle for the layer K/F. In-
deed, this Nakayama map1 is just an explicit formula for the cup product of the
fundamental class with the class H2(G, Z) corresponding to a, so that this
method amounts to giving an explicit description of the map a_2 of the main
theorem without recognizing it as a cup product.
However in Chapters V-XIl, the emphasis is placed on a dual description of
the isornorphism (a), namely that of Propositions 6 and 61 of Chapter XIV, which
involves no negative dimensional cohomology, even implicitly. Before explaining
this method, we must introduce a formalism with characters which is also useful
in other connections. Let C be a finite group. Since Q is infinitely and uniquely
divisible it has trivial cohomology, and the.exact sequence
0-' Z -' Q -+ Q/Z 0
gives an isomorphism
5: JI'(G,Q/Z) -' H2(G,Z).
We can identify H'(G, Q/Z) with the character group C = Hom(G, Q/Z) and we
then denote the image of a character x under the isomorphism 6 by 6x H2(G, Z).
Thus if for each a C we let £(a) be a rational number such that x(a)
(mod 1), then
a) = + £(a) — £frc)
is a 2-cocycle with values in Z representing the class Summing over we obtain
a) = rg(a)
where n = (C: I) is the order of C. Thus passing to cohomology, it follows that
the pairing
H2(G,Z) x H2(C,Z) — H°(C,Z) = Z/nZ
1The mapa '-' are was introduced by Tisdasi Nakayaina in 1935 in his paper [19J. He
showed that if K/k is a Galois extension with group C, and liar is a 2-cocycle of C in K, then:
(1) The map C ILrCG lir,c induces a homomorphism C — k'/NK; (2) If the cohomolony
class of lire has the maximum possible order a = ICI, and C is abelian, that homomorphism
Is injectivc; and (3) If k is a p-adic field, and liar corresponds to a division algebra with Hasse
invariant 1/n, then the homomorphism is the inverse of the norm residue homomorphism of local
class field theory. A few mouths later, Yasuo Aldzuld showed that for as in (2), then for
arbitrary C the kernel of the homomorphism is C', by reducing the general case to the abelian
one (see footnote after (Xlii, Sect. 3, Theorem 5)).


is given by

From this formula we obtain a conceptual proof for the periodicity of the co-
homology of cyclic groups:
THEOREM B. Let C be a finite cyclic group of order n, and A a C-module, and
w a generator of C. Let x be the character of (3 stir/a that I/n (mod 1).
Then the cup produc2s with 6x and with give mutually inverse isomorphisms


Indeed, we have U ox 5x U C,, = 1 (mod n) In this case.
Now let K/F be a normal layer in a class formation For each a Ap, we
let (a, K/F) denote the element of corresponding to the residue class
of a mod NK/FAK under the norm residue isomorphisni (.). Then (a, K/F) is
characterized by the fact that
x((a, K/F)) = invp(xa U ox) for all x C
where no denotes the 0-dimensional cohomology class corresponding to a. Indeed,
if (a, K/F) = a mod (3C then by definition, sea = where a is the Fundamental
class of the layer, hence
xaUOx = ati
UOx =
and this 2-dimensional class does have invariant x(a) because a baa Invariant 1/n.2
3. The Heitrand Quotient
The Herbrand quotient is used so frequently in clans field theory that we recall
here its definition and properties. If f is an endomorplusm of eui abilnut group A,
we shall denote its kernel and image by A1 and A1 respectively.
Let f and g be endomorphisrns of an abelian group A such that fg —0=9/.
Then the Herbrand quotient is defined by the expression

q(A) = qj,9(A)
provided both indices are finite.
Special Case: Gis a finite cyclic group of order n. A is a C-module, f = 1 — w
and = 1 + + -. . + where w is a generator of C. We have
ff°(G, A) Jf2((3, A)
A3/A1 ff'(C,A) H'(C,',A)
and thus the Herbrand quotient is denoted in this ease by 1(C, A) or by "2/I (A),
because it is the ratio of the orders of the 2- and 1-dimensional cohomokigy groups,
and so appears in many applications.
2The interpretation of the Nakayama reap as the cup product wIIb(. gives a quick proof
of the theorem of Akizuki-Nalcayama mentioned in the previous footnote Indund, denoting the
class of a by 6x we have
(ç0 Jx)anR(o)n
Hence, if a is of order vi = IGI asid ç, . a = 0, then k(a) is an integer, i.e., a 0, for ill x
t7EG'. EG'.)

The basic properties of the l-lerbrand quotient result from the fact that it is
the "multiplicative" Euler—Poincaré characteristic of the circular complex

i.e. is the ratio of the orders of the two cohomology groupa of the complex. Thus,
by usual arguments, we find:
THEOREM q.1. Suppose in the following diagram the horizontal rows are exact
and the horizontal arrows commute with the vertical arrows:
o it" A A', 0

o A' A" —÷ 0.
Then q(A) = q(A')q(A") in the sense that if any two of the three quotients are
defined then the third is o./.so and the above equality,i holds.
THEOREM q.2. 1/A is finite, then q(A) =1.
It is an elementary exercise to prove:
THEOREM q.3. If g and h are commuting endomorphisms of an abelian group
A, then
= qo,9(A)qo,a(A)
in the sense that if either side is defined then the other is also, and equality holds.
We sketch a proof of the following theorem which generalizes a theorem of
Chevalley (Class Field Theory, Nagoya, 1953—54, Theorem 10.3).
THEOREM q.4. Let G be a cyclic group of prime order p, and let A be a C-
module such that is defined. Then and are defined and we
= 'A0

Let be a generator of C and consider the exact sequence

0-4 A°
Since A'S' is at the same time a quotient group and subgroup of A, we see that
is defined, because is so by hypothesis. Since both of these are
defined, so also is by Theorem q.1. But h211(A0) = because C
operates trivially on A°. Hence
h211(A) =
Substituting these equations in the statement of the thcorein, we see that we are
reduced to proving that is defined, and satisfies


But the endomorphism I ÷ ço + + 9r4 annthilates A' ' so that we can view
as a module over the ring ZjX]/(1 +X+ '), 1e we can treat
a primitive p-th root of unity, and we are to prove
= (qo,i_,(A'
But this follows from Theorem q.3 because in the ring of integers in the field of p-tb
roots of unity, the factorization of p is given by p = (1 - wt
where e is a unit.
Another proof can be found in notes of Serre's course TMHonzologie des groupes,
applications arithmetiques", College de France, 11)58—59
Theorem q.4 gives the fastest known proof of the basic lemma (Chapter V, §3)
in the proof of the global first inequality in case of cyclic extension of lrine degree
which is the only case necessary. To compute tho herb: and quotient (Ks) of
the S-units one needs only know the ranks of the finitely generated groups K5 and
= because qo,p depends obviously on the rank. The details cata he found in
Cheva.Hey's Nagoya book.
Another application of Herbrand's quotient is in the computation of the power
(if :
in a local field At Since this index is used at the end of the proof of Lemma 2,
Chapter VI, § 3 we outline the computation here. Let k be a ntna-archimedean local
field, let U be the group of units in k, and for each integer s? 1, let U1 .- 1 + p'
be the group of units congruent to 1 mod We let / he the map f(x) = 1 for all
zek*,andg(x)=C. Then

We observe that the denominator is the order of the group of n th roots of unity
ink. Nowfor any i,
qo,n(k) =
= (finite
n prime to the characteristic of k, then the map x —. a" maps
Ug isomorphicaUy onto where m = ord&(n), as one siw's for example by the
binomial series for (1 + i)" and (1 + t)'1'. Hence
= (U1 = (o : p)tm = (o : no) — l/Hs
where f denotes the normed absolute value of it in At Thus finally:
(Ic' :1)

and in particular, if the n-th roots of unity are contained In k, than

(Ic' : k") =
These forznulaa can be checked directly in the archirnedi'an calms, it — R and Ic = C
(recall that in the latter case, the normed absolute value Is the Mjuw' of the ordinary
absolute value). They hold formally if the characteristic of it dlvklre it, because
then Inla = (1 and (it' : it"') =

4. Local Class Field Theory

We now turn to local class field theory. Let k be a local field, and 0 its algebraic
closure. We are to show that the formation (Go/k, 0') is a class formation. If k is
architnedean this is completely trivial, so we assume k non-archirnedean. For any
normal layer K/F we have H' (GK/p, K') 0 by Hubert's Theorem 90, i.e. our
formation is trivially a field formation in the terminology of Chapter X1V, because
it is a formation of (multiplicative groups of) fields.
Probably the best way to prow the Second Inequality
is the method of Chapter XI, because the detailed study of the norm mapping car-
ried out there is necessary for the ramification theory, and must be done sometime
anyhow. On the other hand, there are short cuts if one wants only the inequality.
As explained in Chapter XIV, one needs only establish our inequality for cyclic
layers of prime degree.
Let K/F be cyclic of degree n. Then for any submodule V of finite index in
the group of units U of K, we have
h2/,(GKIF, K') = h2/l(GK/p, Z)h2/,(GKIP, U/V)hzfl(GK/p, V)
= nh2/s(GK/p, V)
and we shall prove this is equal to vi by constructing in any normal layer K/F,
cyclic or not, a subgroup V such that Hr(G, V) = 0 for all r. Indeed, let jO0} be
a normal basis for K/F. Replace (1 by ir19 where ir is a prime element in F, and
where i is sufficiently large so that if we put
M = E OFO°

wehaveM2 cirM and M clroK. Finally, put V ='l+M. Thenitiseasyto

see that v is an open G-submodule of U, and moreover V is filtered by subgroups
V1 = 1 + ir1M such that for each i, the module
is C-regular, and hence has vanishing cohomology. Now we can apply the following
elementary lemma whose proof we leave to the reader.
LEMMA. Let A be a complete topological group and C a finite group operating
continuously on A. Let
A = A0 A1 A2
be a decreasing sequence of subgroups invariant under G, and which shrink to the
identity in the sense that for each neighborhood U of 1 in A, there is an index i
such that A1 C U. If 0 for all i and some r, then W(G, A) = 0.
(In characteristic 0, one could avoid the preceding construction by taking a
sufficiently small neighborhood of 0 in the additive group of K, and mapping it
onto a neighborhood of 1 in K' by means of the exponential function.)
For cyclic layers K/F of prime degree p different from the characteristic, one
can also deduce h211(C,qp, K') = p from Theorem q.4 above, using the equations

obtained in our computation of the power index (K' : K") above.

Finally, one could ignore the second inequality completely by proving directly
that every 2-dimensional class has an tmramifled splitting field, or what is the same,
that the Brauer group of the maximal unrarniflod extension of k Is trivial (cf for
example [15)).
To complete the proof that our formation of multiplicative grotq* of local
fields is a class formation, we must establish Axiom 11' of XIV. For this,
we consider the unramifie.d extension K/F of degree n. Since the residue class field
is finite, the Calois group GK/F is cyclic, with a canonical gu'nerator, the hobenius
automorphism =
For any normal layer K/F, u.nramifled or not, the exact
0 -.U,, -'K'-. Z -0
yields, on passage to cohomology,
F' = K'0 Z —' H'(GK/F,UK) —. -0,
from which we see that H1 (UK/F, UK) is isomorphic to the cukernel of F' —. Z, i.e.
is cyclic of order equal to the ramification index CK/r, because Z here represents
the value group of K. Thus, for our unramilied K/F, we have II' (UK/F, UK) =0.
On the other hand, we have H°(GK/F,UK) I/v/NA/bilk - 0 aLso. This
follows in various ways: either a direct refinement process showing that every unit
in F is a norm of a unit in K, or from the fact that h2/j(f/b) 1, -was shown
in course of proving = n above. 'l'hns for unrantitied K/b' we have
H"(GK/F, UK) = 0 for all r, a fact of importance for the ulMi' cuhoinology, as
mentioned in the first paragraphs of this introduction.
From our exact sequence we obtain canonical isoinorphisms
H2(GK/F, K') H2 (UK/F, 74
On the other hand, x —' x(wx/F) gives an isomorphism

Composing these two we obtain an injection

lnvK/F: H2 (UK/F, K') —. Q/Z.
For anyaE F', andx the class xaubx by
the 2-cocycle Taking ordinals, i.e. applying thc map K' —. I, we get the
(ordK r)
which represents the class ordKaUöx = 4) in 112(CK,ip,Z). Thus we have

(n) invK/p(xa U 6x) =

since ordp a = ordK a, our extension being wirainified. Thu show, that for an
unramified extension K/F, we will have
(a,K/F) =
(In some classical texts, the opposite sign is chosen.) I\srthenncwe, since (bqp Is
cyclic, every 2-dimensional class is of the form na U *nd we ('an the rule
(n) to establish the requiTed properties of invh/p. J:i,st of sill, the snvai'iasit does
not change under inflation to a bigger unramiflwl extension li/F with L .. K J F,

because is the image of coj,p under the canonical map GL/F —* CK/F, and
inflation of za U amounts to viewing a character xof GK/F, as a character of
GL/F by this same canonical map. Hence

= U H2(GK,#F, K)
K/F unramthed
the subgroup of the Braner group H2(*/F) consisting of the elements coming from
unramified layers. We obtain an isomorphism
invp: -. Q/Z
(surjectivity because there exist unrainified extension of arbitrary degree).
To complete the proof of Axiom II', we must show that the invariant multiplies
by the degree IE: F] under restriction from F to F. This follows from (**) when
one takes into account that ordE = e ordp, where e is the ramification index, and
that, under the canonical map GKE/E Gjqp the image of WKE/E is c/F where
/ is the residue class degree. Hence the invariant multiplies by ef [F: F].
This just about completes our introductory comments. Concerning the exis-
tence theorem, we have given in Chapter XIV, §6 an abstract discussion which
shows that the existence theorem follows in abstracto from Axioms lila-Tile. In
both global and local class field theory, these axioms are all trivial to verify except
for Lild. The proof of this axiom in the global case is carried out in Chapter VI,
§5. In the local case, it is not covered in these notes, but would follow readily from
the theory of the norm residue symbol in Kummer fields.
Chapter XIII and Chapter XV are not needed for the remaining parts, but note
that there is a proof of the principal ideal theorem in Chapter XIII.
We hope that the preceding remarks will to some extent reduce the inconve-
nience which the reader will suffer from the missing portions of the notes, arid other
imperfections occurring in them.

The First Fundamental Inequality

1. Statement of the First Inequality
In this entire chapter, k is a global field and K/k a cyclic extension of degree it
with Galois Group G. We let J = Jx be the idèles of K, and C CK be the
idéle classes of K. Then C acts on J and C, and the fixed are J0 —

We let and h2 denote the orders of the first and second cohomology groups.
abbreviates h2/h1. We wish to determine the order h2(C, C) of C), and
it will be shown in this chapter that h2(G, C) ) it. In feet, we prove
THEOREM 1. Let k be a global field and let K/k be a cyclic cxtenaon of degree it
with group C. Then
h2(G,Cg) n hi(G,Cx)
or in other words,
h3/l(G,CK) = n.
To simplify the notation we omit C and write ?i1(C) Instead of 111(C, C) when-
ever C is the group of operators.
We shall prove this inequality first in function fields, lxx'.ause considerable aim-
plifications occur in this special case. Afterwards, we shall give a unified proof for
all global fields.
We shall make constant use of the properties of the Index developed on
pages 5-7 (Section 3 of "Preliminaries"), and recall here the three most important
properties for the convenience of the reader.
PR0PERn' I. The index 113/1 is multiplicative In other words, if A is an
abelian group on which G acts, and A0 is a subgroup Invariant under C we have
in the sense that if two of these quotients are finite, then so Is the third, sad the
relation holds.
PROPERTY 2. MA0 is a finite group, then h311(A0) a 1, sad henos 113/I (A) =
PROPERTY 3. If A Z is infinite cyclic and Gopnatn trivially, then ?t311(Z) =
it is the order of C.

2. FIrst Inequality In Function Fields

We suppose here that k is a function field We let U a be the unit
idéles of K, and .19 = the idèles of volume 1 of K, I e those fliMa a such that

flu, =1. Then Jo U obviously, and Jo K' by the product formula. Hence
The multiplicativity of h211 gives
and it will come out that all three quotients on the right are finite.
To begin with, J/Jo is C-isomorphic to the additive group of integers Z with
trivial action under C, via the degree map. Hence

h211(J/J0) = vs.

Since the number of divisor classes of degree zero is finite, Jo/UK' is a finite
group. Hence
h311(J0/UK') = 1.
The factor group UK'/K' is to U/(U n K') and hence

h311(UK' 1K') = tt211 (U/(U fl K')) = h211(U) (h211(u fl K'))

Here we use the multiplicativity in reverse, and it will be shown that both ¼1(U)
and h211(UflK') 1.
We know that Un K' = K& is the multiplicative group of the constant field of
K, and is finite. Hence h211(U n K') = 1. We contend finally that h211(U) = 1.
Indeed, we can express U as a direct product,


where each component Up is semilocal, and irwariant under C. For each p

let be one of the groups Up, and let be the local group, leaving (4 invariant.
The semilocal theory states that


and we have

We know from the local class field theory that

where e, is the ramification index. But Cp 1 at almost all p. This shows that
h2(U) and h1(U) are both equal to and therefore that h211(U) = 1, as was
to be shown.
If we piece together the information just derived, we get the desired result:
h211(C) h411(J/K') = vs.

3. First Inequality in Global Fields

We treat now the two cases simultaneously. The existence of archimedean
primes prevents us from giving the same proof for numlici fields that was given
for function fields in the preceding section. Using Haar measure, and a generalized
Iierbrand quotient for Haar measure, one could indeed give an argument in number
fields which parallels completely that of function fields. Since we wish to avoid the
use of Haar measure, we give below a modified version of our preceding proof.
We let k be a global field and S a finite non-empty set of primes uf k including
all archimedean primes. The subgroups K, Js, KJs of J are rnvariant under C.
(Recall that S also stands for the set of all the primes of K dividing those of k
which are in 5.) We have therefore
= It311 (JicK/K),
and it will be shown that both indices on the right are finite.
From the finiteness of class number theorem we know that J/J5JC is a finite
group, and consequently h211(J/J5K') = 1.
JgK*/K* is G-isomorphic to .Js/J5 fl K = Consequently
h211(J/K') =
and it will be shown that both quotients on the right are finite. We can write

(fl x (fj ")

where each factor is invariant under C. By an argument similar to that used in
function fields, we have /t211 ci,) = 1. We can decompose the finite product

fl K; = H (H K;').
pES Ply

Let K; be any one of the fields K, and let be its local group. The semilocal
theory shows that
h2/1 (c, fi K;) H fl K;) = fl K;).
PES p€5 pC$

From the local theory we know that K;) = flp is the local degree, and
K;) = 1 is trivial. Hence

H "r
We shall therefore have annpleted the proof of the first inequality If n aicceed in
proving the following
LEMMA. Let S be a finite set of primes of k including all arrisimedean primes
arid let K/k be a cyclic extension of degree n wtth group C. Then

= (fl

PRoOF. Let $ be the number of primes ¶)3 of the set S in K, and let R' be

the additive group of Euclidean s-space. Let be a basis of R" and map
the 5-idéles of K into R3 as follows:
a- L(a)=

This map is an algebraic homomorphism of J3 into R'. We shall make it & C-

homomorphism by defining a suitable action of C on k3. Namely we let
and extend a to R' by linearity. Then C acts on R3, permUtes the vectors Xqi but
uot necessarily transitively. We recall that Ia°!r = and using these facts we
= E log Ia°hpXp
= log

= E log UJPX!pe

= L(a)°.
This proves that L is a C-homomorphism of into R.
The image L(K3) is a lattice of dimension s — 1 in R, according to the Unit
Theorem (see 116, p. 104] or [5, proof of theorem, p. 721). This lattice is contained
in the hyperplane RI-I of all elements such that = 0 because of
the product fonnula, and consequently the lattice L(Ks) spans this hyperplane.
The kernel of L in Ks consists of all roots of unity and is a finite group. The
K5 —+ L(K5)
Is a C-homomorphism and L(K5) is G-isomorphic to K5/(roots of unity). Hence
frt,ii(L(Ks)) =
because ofafinitegroupis 1.
We now face the task of determining hzp(L(Ks)). We first extend the 8— 1
dimensional lattice L(Ks) to an s-dimensional lattice M as follows. We let X =
Then the vector X does not lie in the hyperplane R't spanned by L(Kg).
We let M be the lattice generated by L(K5) and by X, i.e.
M L(Ks) + IX (Z are the integers).
Then M is s-dimensional, and spans R'. Since XC = X for all a E C, M is
Invariant under G and both L(Ks) and ZX are C-modules. The module ZX is
tThe key idea in this proof is that for a finite cyclic group G and a finitely generated C-
module M, the }Ierbrand quotient h211(G, M) is defined and depends only on the R(G).module
M R (see, for example, [5, Cli. IV, Sect. 8, Prop. 12]) In fact, if C is of order it, generated by
c, and the characteristic polynomial of a acting on the vector space M ®ia is 4'(z) = (z— 1)'hP(z)
with t(l) 0, then
h211(C,M) =
For example, if 4'(z) = —1, then = n/r.

C-isomorphic to Z with trivial action. Hence h211(ZX) = it. Furthermore, the

above sum is clearly direct, and therefore
h311(M) =
The proof of our lemma will therefore be complete if we prove that
h211(M) = fl
For this purpose, we prove the following proposition.
PROPOSITION. Given any s-dimensional lattice M in ourk' that is invariant
under G, there erists a sithlattice of finite index M which ts znvanant under G, and
generated by basis elements 5) on which the action of C L! given by
YF'Yr eeC
Before proving the proposition, we show how our lemma follows from it. Sup-
pose we have found a sublattice M of M with the action described in the propo-
sition. For each prime p, let M genvrated by all nlements
Yp, ¶J p. (In other words, break up M into transitivity domains under C.) Then
each M, is invariant under C and

is a direct sum. Furthermore, each pair (C,,) is sullocal. By the semilocal

theory, we have for each
= h311(Cqj,ZY1)
and acts trivially on the infinite cyclic group generated by }ip. Consequently
= flp and h211(M) = fin,,. Since M is of unite index is M, it follows
h211(M) = ¼1(M) =
This proves our lemma. (3

PROOF OF PROPOSITION. For convenience we define & norm on R' by putting

= mrIxcI e R.

This norm is clearly invariant under the effect of a C.

Let b be a constant such that for any vector A c R' there exists Y E M such
that A — Yj <6. Such a 6 exists since M is s-dimensional
Let Y,C Mbesuch
Let Yip = c'cc 17. We contend that the vectors Yip a sublattice of the
desired kind.
We first verify that C has the proper effect, i.e. Ye,. Indeed

E etC

as was to be shown.
All that remains to be done is to show that the vectors are linearly mdc-
pendent. Given a relation

we shall prove that all zp =0.

We note that the number of a C C such that = ¶$ is exactly the local degree
Because of (1) there exist vectors such that
= bXp +
where <6.
From the definition of Yqi we get

E 6X+ >

> bXqj+Cqj
= p0=13
= + C1
where C13 is a vector such that (7q4 Substituting in the relation yields
(2) 0= +

Let (C13, be the component of C13 along X13. Since the vectors are inde-
pendent, the component of each X13 Id (2) must be 0. It is
x,p[npb + X13)]

and the inequality Gui shows that + YAp) cannot be 0. Hence

Zip =0, and the Ycp are linearly independent.
This concludes the proof of the first inequality. 0
4. Consequences of the First Inequality
We note that in Theorem 1, we have proved more than an inequality. Namely,
we have actually proved that h2(C, C) is equal to h1(G, C). This will be used at
a later stage of the theory. However, at this point we shall only give applications
of the inequality itselt
Since C is cyclic, we have
h2(G, C) = (Cc NC) = NK,kCK)
or in terms of idèles,
h2(G,C) = (.Jk kNK/kJJc).
'lb simplify the notation, we abbreviate NK/k by N, and locally write N13 for

The first inequality implies therefore that the norm index (,Jk kNJK) of a
cyclic extension is greater or equal to its degree. in particular, if this index is 1,
then the cyclic extension is trivial, and [K k] = I also. This remark is used to
prove an important consequence of the first inequality.

THEOREM 2. Let K be a normal extension of a global field k. If K k

then there exists infinitely many primes p of k which do not romplctely in K.
Phrased another way: If K9) = for all but a finite number of primes p, then
First let K/k be cyclic. Suppose K1 a k, at almost all primes. We
shall prove that any idèle a .4 can be written
S=ctNaK ag€JK.
Let S be the set of primes where K9) $ k such that cr1a is
so close to 1 at all p S that is a local norm: = Npnp. At all other
primes, cC1a is a fortiori a local norm of an 0%I -= because K'p We make
up an idéle 0K by giving it the component 09) at one p and 1 at the
other p. Then
a a. N
as was to be shown. Therefore (4 kNJg) 1, K k
If K/k is normal, and K k, then there is a non tnvial cyclic subgroup of G
which leaves fixed a subfield F of K over which K is cyclic. 'Ihe theorem is now
obvious since there are infinitely many primes in F that do not split completely
inK. 0
In the following special cases, one can use the HUbert Theory to sharpen The-
orem 2.
THEOREM 3. Let K/k be a cyclic extension of prime power drgrre p'. Then
there exist infinitely many primes of k which do not split at all in K, i.e. which
remain prime in K.
PROOF. K contains exactly one subfield F of p over h. Suppose that
almost all primes split in some way. Then for such primes p,
[ICy = kpj = [K: (K 11 k,)J =

is the local degree and is strictly less thanjf. Hence ((Kflk,) : *4 > I and therefore
Fc This would mean that all but a finite nwziber of prime split completely
in F, and this is impossible. C
The next theorem will be used in the proof of the second inequality.
THEOREM 4. Let K1,.. . ,K,./k be r cyclic eztension.c of prime dnjree p which
are mutually disjoint over k, I.e. n (K1 ... Ks.. K,.) a. k Then there exist
infinitely many primes p that split completely in K, (s> 1) and vrtnain prime in
PROOF. Let K = . .be the compositum of all K,,. Then K/(K2 .. . K,.)
. K,.
is cyclic. Let q be a prime in (K2.. . Kr) which remains prime K and which
divides a prime p of k which is unra.mified in K. (There exist inllmtely many such
primes.) Then Kq/(K2. . . K,.)4 is cyclic of degree p. Rut K,fk, Is also cyclic
because p is unramified in K. The Calois grou;i øf K/k Is of type (pp p)
and that of Kq/kp a cyclic subgroup. This means that (K, k,J p. 'logether
with [K, : (K2 . K4,j = p this shows (K2 .. . K,.), — k,. It follows that p splits
. .

completely in (K2 .. . K,.). It remains prime in K1, or else K5 — k, which is not

the case. 0

The previous theorems concerning the existence of primes splitting in a certain

way are weak instances of more general results concerning the statistical behavior
of primes in normal extension, which can be proved using analysis. What we have
proved in Theorems 2, 3, and 4 will suffice for our development of class field theory.
We shall obtain one more consequence of the first inequality in function fields.
THEOREM 5. Let k be a function field in one variable over a finite constant
field lco. Then there exists a divisor of degree 1 in k.
PROoF. We have already observed (Section 3, Theorem 8) that the degrees
of the divisors of k form an ideal of the ordinary integers. This ideal is principal,
generated by the positive integer 5, which is the greatest common divisor of all
degrees of the divisors. It is also the g.c.d. of the degrees of the primes, and we
shall now prove that 5= 1.
Let k1/k0 be the extension of degrees 5 and let K = kk1 be the corresponding
constant field extension of K. For each prime p of k, the residue class field con-
tains k1, and therefore for any ¶13 p,
= By the first inequality (Theorem 2)
it follows thatK=k, i.e. 5=1. 0
It may be convenient for the reader to recapitulate the essential ingredients of
the preceding proof:
The first inequality in function fields is actually an immediate consequence of
the Riernann—Roch Theorem and of the fact that the constant field is finite. The
only other facts used in its proof are the elementary properties of the index h211,
and some elementary local properties.
We see therefore that the existence of degree 1 is fairly shallow.
The existence of a prime of degree i is a much more serious question. Such primes
do not always exist. and conditions under which they exist are obtained from the
Riemann Hypothesis in function fields.
We see that in function fields, the value group of the idèle classes is the integers,
and is generated by an idèle class having volume exactly q. Denoting such an idèle
class by so that = q, we see that we can write any idèle class a uniquely
In the form a = a0 where ao is an idèle class of absolute value 1. We may
therefore assign ordinals to idéle classes, just as we did in the local theory, and we
shall see later that front the point of view of class field theory, the group of idile
classes behaves in exactly the same fashion as does the local group.

Second Fundamental Inequality

1. Statement and Consequences of the Inequality
Let k be a global field, of characteristic p (= 0 or > 0). K/k denotes a normal
extension of degree n with group C. We abbreviate Ng/k by N and by
The proof of the first inequality showed that if K/k is cyclic,
h2(CK) = (Ck NCR) = hi(Cx) -n.
In this chapter, we shall prove the
SECOND FUNDAMENTAL INEQUALITY. For any normal extension K/k the norm
index ((Jk NUx) divides the degree [K k}.
Coupling the two statements together, we obtain immediately h1(C,ç) = 1
for all cyclic layers of the formation of idèle classes. In Chapter XIV, Section 2,
Lemma lit is shown that the triviality of in all cyclic layers implies the triviality
of 1-I' in all layers. Consequently weget
THEoREM 1. Let k be a global field and let K/k be a normal extension with
group G. Then ?-l'(G, CK) is trivial. The fonnation of idêle classes of the algebraic
closure of k is a field formation.
If we consider the exact sequence
?C(JK/K') N2(K') —' U2(Jic)
we notice that the natural imbedding of fl2(K') into fl2(Jg) must be injective.
We have already discussed the structure of ?12(.Jx) on page 2. It is a weak direct
product of the local groups K). A cocycle class r c W(Jx) is completely
determined by its local components cp. We obtain therefore
THEOREM 2. Let K/k be a normal extension. Let c 7-12(G, K'). Then c = 1
if and only if Cp = 1 for all primes p. In other words, a 2-cocycle of K' splits in
K if and only if it splits everywhere locally.
Let c E 7(2(,J4. According to the local clase field theory, each local compo-
nent cp of c can be assigned canonically an invariant invp r. We shall prove later
(Reciprocity Law) that the cocycle classes of K' are charactcrized as those cocycle
classes c ?t2(J,c) having c = 0.
In order to prove the second inequality, we have to distinguish two cases de-
pending on the characteristic of k. These wilt be liaiiclled tivety in Sections
3 and 4. The Kummer Theory of abelian extension wilt lie ii' in our proofs and
is given in Scction 2. In Section 5 we point out that the tislizilte ctivisilnlity of
the group of universal norms in idéle classes is an irnrneiliatc of the
procedure used to prove the second inequality.

We shall now perform certain trivial reduction steps showing that it suffices to
prow the inequality in cyclic fields of prime degree 1?. If £ $ p, we may even assume
that k contains the £-th roots of unity.
LEMMA. If E/k is any finite extension of degree m, then ((3k NE/kCE) is
finite and divides a power of m.
To prove the norm index finite it suffices to prove it for normal exten-
sions (because if K B and K/k is normal, NCK C NE/kCE). In the later case,
let S be a finite set of primes including all archimedean primes, all ramified primes,
and enough primes such that'
Then kNJK = . NEC . = whence

(Jk : kNJK) = (k'4 : fl


by an argument similar to that used in the first inequality (V, 3). This proves the
finiteness. 0
The norm index divides a power of the degree because for any a E Ck, am E
LEMMA. Let E F k be two finite extensions. Then:
1. ((3k : NF/k(CF)) dindes (Ck :
2. ((3k : NE/k(CE)) divides (Ck : Np/k(CF)) . (CF : NEIF(CE)).
Corwequently if the inequality holds in the steps of a tower, it holds in the tower

Pftoor. We note that

(ii) ((3k : Njs/k(CE)) = ((3k : Np/k(CF))(Np/k(CF) : Np/k(NE/p(CE))).
This already proves 1. The map Cp —. NF/k(CF) is a homomorphism so that the
second factor of the right side of (a) divides (CF : NE/F(CE)). This proves 2. 0
From these lemmas we obtain
REDUCTION if the second inequality holds in all cyclic extensions of prime
degree, then it holds in all normal erten.siort$.
PROOF. Let K/k be normal and let £ be a prime. Let E be the fIxed field of an
£-Sylow subgroup of the Galois group (3. K/B is a tower of cyclic fields of degree
£ and by the lemma we may assume that the inequality holds in K/F):
(CE : divides [K : El. On the other hand, ((3k : NEIk(CE)) divides
& power of [B: k] and is therefore prime to £. the fact that ((3k :
divides ((7k : Na/k(CE)) . ((38 : NK/E(CK)) it follows now that for each prime e
the £-contribution to ((3k NK/k(CK)) divides [K: E} and consequently [K : k].
The inequality for K/k follows. 0
REDUCTION 2. if £ $ p it suffices to prove the second inequality for cyclic fields
of prime degree over fields k which contain a primitive £-th root of unity C.

tOften in this chapter we write instead of (Jk)s


PRooF. If K/k is cyclic of degree £ then the norm index of K/k divides that
of K(c)/k which in turn divides the product of the one of k(Cj/k and the one of
K(()/k(C). The norm index of k(()/k is prime to £ since the degree is prime to £.
The norm index of K/k is a power of £ and divides therefore the norm index of
a cyclic extension of prime degree £ of a field containing (. 0
2. Kuinmer Theory
Let k be any field with any characteristicp, K/k an abelian extension of k (finite
or infinite) and C its (3alois group with the Krull topology. We shall consider only
cases in which C is of finite exponent it, meaning by this that a" = 1 for all a C.
We shall give an algebraic characterization of these extension fields K/k in two
certain special cases.
a. p{ it and k contains the primitive n-th roots of unity. The n-th roots
of unity form a multiplicative group of order ii in k and we use it as value group
for the characters of C,
if is a character, its value is in k, so that it is invariant under the action
of C. This implies x(crr) = x(o)x(r) = and shows that the function
xfr) is a continuous 1-cocycle of (G, K'). flt(G, K') is trivial. Consequently
there exists an a E K' such that x(a) = a1 This a is not arbitrary, since
= (x(rr))" 1 for all a G, so that a" is in k.
This suggests that we introduce the discrete multiplicative group A of all a
K' such that a" k. We have then x(a) = with a & A. If we form conversely
with any a A the function x(a) = then this function is continuous on C
since its value is 1 on the subgroup of C that has the field k(o) as fixed field. It
satisfies = = 1. is therefore an n-th root of unity in k and
consequently invariant under the action of C. Finally x(c)x(r) = x(a)(x(r))a =
= = x(ar), in other words, x(a) is a character of C.
We introduce now the symbol:
(a, a) =
and see that it defines a pairing of the groups A and C into the roots of unity of k.
The kernel of A in this pairing, the set of all a e A with a1° = I for alla €0,
is k (k C A is trivial). In order to find the kernel of C let a0 be an element $ 1.
By the Duality Theorem, there exists a character x such that x(ao) I. We have
shown above that x(a) = for some a. This shows that is not in the kernel,
in other words that the kernel of C is 1.
Let now H be a closed subgroup of C and H' the orthogonal group to H under
our pairing. Then k' C H1 C A and any subgroup of A that contains k will come
from precisely one closed subgroup H of C namely its orthogonal group. We adjoin
the elements of H' to k and obtain the subfield k(I! I) of K Whirli subgroup of
G determines this subfield? It consists of those elerne,its a of C which leave every
element of Jfr invariant. The translation of this statement into tile language of the
pairing shows that the group in question is orthogonal to H According to the
duality theory it is therefore If. We have therefore a 1 1 correspondence between
the subfields of K/k and the subgroups of A that contain k'.
The connection between the structure of C and that of A is given by
A/k' O

and the map defined by our pairing.

The group A can now be mapped onto a subgroup of k by raising each element
into the n-th power. The kernel of the map a a't consists of the n-th roots of
unity and is therefore contained in the previous kernel k. All our statements can
therefore be compounded with this further map. We obtain A't/k" C, and have
a 1—i correspondence between the subfields of K/k and the subgroups of A't of k
which contain
We must now do these steps in the reverse order. Suppose we start with an
arbitrary subgroup A of k which contains k"t (this A is to play the role of the final
group A't). We extract all n-th roots of elements of A and obtain a group A1'"
in the algebraic closure of k. (A'/'t is to play the role of A. It clearly contains k.)
Construct the field K = k(A'/'t). It is a normal extension because it is a splitting
field of the separable polynomials C — S of all S A. Let G be its group. We
contend that C is abelian. It suffices to show that the action of C on each generator
a of the field K/k is commutative. We have a't k or (e'tE' = a't for
each a C. This shows that it = where is an n-th root of unity. If r in
C, then r leaves fixed and we obtain (o9)t = an equation, which shows
the required commutativity. We also see?' = 1 which shows that the field K/k
is of our previous type. We determine now the group A in this field K. Clearly
A A"t Since subgroups of A are in 1—1 correspondence with subfields of
K and since k(A'/'t) = K it follows, that actually A = A"t. We summarize our
main results in:
THEOItEM 3. Let k be a field and suppose that the primitive n-Ui roots of unity
lie in k, p fn. There exists a 1—i correspondence between subgroups A of k'
which contain k*'t and abelian extensions K/k with groups C of exponent n. The
correspondence is given by
A i-9
The character group C is isomorphic to the factor group A/k".
The following corollaries axe obvious:
CoROLLARY 1. ff A1, A3 are two subgroups of k' containing k't then we have
the correspondences
A1A2 4-. .

A1flA2 i-e flKA3.

COROLLARY 2. If K/k is finite then C C and [K : k] = (A:
In all our discussion, we have taken A k". We now remark that if A is
a subgroup of k which does not contain we can always form the composite
group Then the Kummer group of the field K = k(A'1") is
A . k"/k" is isomorphic to A/(A n?'t) and in case K/k is finite,
we get
[K : kJ= (A : (A n k*n)).
COROLLARY 3. K/k is cyclic if and only if A/k is cyclic. If S generates
A/k4t' then K =
For global fields these statements have to be supplemented by arithmetical

THEOREM 4. Let k be a globalfield containing the primitive n-Ui roots of unity,

ft. Let K = be a finite Kummer extension and p a pnme of k.
1. p splits completely in K if and only if A C 14".
2. Suppose that p is finite and that p { it. p is unramified in K if and only
if there exists a set of generators of A/k" which are units at p. In other words:
Ac (4
PROOF. 1. The complete splitting of p means that the completion of K at a
prime dividing p is Since this completion is the contention is obvious.
2. Let p in k. Kqj/kp is unramified if the value group of the valuation of
is the same as that of Let 5 be one of the generators. Since S = (Jh/fl)Th in
Kcp, its value is an n-th power of a value. The same is therefore true in and this
means that the ordinal of ô is divisible by n : p = rn. it is an element of k with
ordinal 1 at p then 6(rT)" is a unit at p and can be used as generator instead of 6.
3. Assume conversely that has generators 6 which are units at p. It will
suffice to show that each field k( is unramified. a = satisfies the equation
f(x) x" — 6 = 0 and f'(a) = is prime to p. By an elementary local
criterion p is unramified. 0
b. it = p, the characteristic of k. The elements of the prime field of k
form an additive cyclic group of order n = p and we use it as value group for the
characters of C. The theory goes over with very little change, one has only to be
careful to replace the multiplicative group A by an additive one.
This time a character satisfies x(crr) x(a) + xfr) = x(°) + ox(r) and is
an additive 1-cocycle of (G, K). The first cohomology group in the additive setup
is trivial again and one obtains x(a) = (1 — o)a for some a in K. This a is
not arbitrary. To find the group A to which it belongs we introduce the additive
operator p of K by defining:

If j3 is in the kernel of this operator then fP — = 0 and this equation has as

exactly the elements of the prime field. The operator p commutes with
the elements of C. We apply now to the equation x(a) = (1 — a)n the operator p.
The left side becomes 0 since x(a) is in the prime field and the right side shows
now that p(a) k. We define therefore A to be the addsttve subgroup of those
elements a E K for which p(a) E k. if we form conversely with such an element
a A the function x(a) = (a — 1)a and apply p to it, then the right side becomes
O and shows that is in the prime field (and consequently left fixed by C). Its
continuity together with
x(a) + xfr) = x(a) + axfr) = (a — l)a + (or — o)o = (or — I)o x(crr)
shows that this function is a character of C.
The symbol (a, a) = (a — 1)a defines now a pairing of the additive group A and
the multiplicative group C into the additive group of the prow field. The kernel
of A is again k and we prove as before that the kernel of C is 1. We find as before
a 1—1 correspondence between the subfields of K and the (additive) subgroups of
A which contain k.
The mapping of A into the ground field k is done by the operator p. We obtain
pA/ph C, and have a 1—1 correspondence between the subtields of K/k and the
additive subgroups of B which contain pk given by LI pA

If we start with art additive group A of k which contains pk, we form in the
algebraic closure of k the group where the symbol means all solutions of
p(x) =9 --x = cz. We form the field K = and arrive by completely similar
arguments at the theorem:
THEOREM 5. Let k be a field of characteristic p> 0. There is a 1—1 cone-
sponder&ce between the additive subgroups A of k which contain pk, and abehan
extensions K/k with groups of exponent p. The correspondence is given by

A-' KA=k(!A
3. Proof in Kummer Fields of Prime Degree
Let k be a global field, of characteristic p (= 0 or > 0). Let n be an integer,
flit. denotes a primitive n-tb root of unity. We assume lies in k.
We shall introduce auxiliary groups of idèles in the following way. Let S be
a finite set of primes containing at least all archimedean primes and divisors of n.
This set S is split up into two disjoint sets 51 and S2, one of which may be empty:
S = 5i US2. Let i stand for one of the two subscripts 1, 2 and call j the other. We
define the group to be the group of all idbles a such that
1. a is an n-tb power at all p
2. a is a unit outside 5,
whereas no condition is put on the primes of We see that D1 can be written
naturally as a product:
D1= fl krx flk; x
pcS, pES, flS
An element a D1 can be written a = b" with b k, and c x
flflS Up.
We put A1 = D1 fl k. It is clear that D A1 lv? and we know from the
Unit Theorem that is finite. In fact is a free abellan group on s — 1
generators if S consists of 5 primes, modulo the roots of unity. Since k contains
the roots of unity form a cyclic group of an order divisible by n and this shows
(1) (kg:14'1)n8.
The extension K1 = is a finite Kurruner extension, belonging to A1k".
We obviously have Ii lv" = From this we get for the degree
[K1: = : lv?),
by Theorem 3, Corollary 2. In addition, from Theorem 4 we obtain a crude de.
acription of the splitting of primes in K1 as follows:
If p 5, then p is nnramified in
If p then p splits completely in K,.
In a similar way we define We denote the idèles of and by .J1 resp.
and norms from these fields to k by N1 resp.
The proof of the second inequality is contained in the following lemmas.
LEMMA 1. Let K/k be a finite abelian extension of exponent n (i.e. a" = I for
silo G). Let a .Jk. Then C k'NK/kJJc.

PROOF. We first note that even though G has exponent a, it does not mean
that G is of order a. If C has order a, then the lemma is of course trivial.
If we wish to use local class field theory, we can even prove that atm NJK.
Indeed, 4' E K;, so the lemma is obvious. We can give an elementary proof,
however. Let a k be such that aa is close to 1 at all ramified primes. Then
is norm at these primes.2 At the other primes, the local extension is cyclic,
and therefore has a degree dividing a. Hence (cia)" is a norm at the unrarnified
primes also. This proves the lemma. U
The next lemma is fundamental, and shows how the Kummer theory of the two
fields intermingles with their class field theory.
LEMMA 2. Let k contain the n-A roots of unitp, p $ a. Let S be a finite set of
primes including
• all n and all archime4ean primes,
• enough primes so that = k'4.
Let S = U S2 as above. Let K4 = k(zhr). Then

2. (.Jk : k'Dl)(Jk : kD2) [K1 : k][K2 : kJ

and consequently

(4 k5NlJI)(Jk : k5N2.J2) [Ki : kj(K3 : kj.

PROOF. We begin with the first statement. Let a D1. Write a = V' . c
as above. Then II" by Lcrnrna 1. c has component 1 at all p Si.
Furthermore, if p then p splits completely in K,, and heiice Cp is a local norm.
If p 5, p is unramified, Cp is a unit and consequently a local norm. Thus 18
local norm at all primes, and hence c This proves that a c
The second statement will follow from a brief index computation. We fist
remind the reader of the general rule; (A: B) (AC; BC)((A fl C) : (B n C)).
We have therefore
(Jk: k5D4) = (k5 : D1)

((Jfnk') :(04flk))
— (4 : D4)
— llpcs,( p p . LSTI

[K4 :

We form now the analogous expression for (.Jk ; kD,) awl multiply the two
formulas. This yields
(4 : ; Ff02) ; kJ[K2 k].

Ch. 11, Sections 4 and 5, for the details djust how rice to I (tsr needs to be. But
the fact that * it is open is more elementary. For example, it contaIns 14" "PJ which it
compact of finite index in Ui,, hence open

In the remarks on pages 6 and 7 we computed the local index

(k, 14') =

Since nip = 1 for all p S we get from the product formula

pEES p

and consequently

fl (14 : =

which leads to the desired formula

(.Jk : k'D1)(J,, k'D2) = iKi : kl[K2 k].

The second inequality will now be an immediate consequence of the next lemma.
Note how the Kuinmer theory relates with D1 whereas the class field theory
relates with 1)3. 0
LEMMA 3. Let n be a pitne. Let k(ç/&) = K be any given Kttmmer extension
of degree n. Then there exist two disjoint sets of pnmes
S satisfies the condition of Lemma 2, for which .4 = kD1, and for which the
associated field K1 happens to be K.

Before proving this lemma we indicate right away how the second inequality
follows from it. Since 4 = k*Di C . N2J2 we have (4: N2J2) = 1. By

the first inequality this implies that "2 = k. The last line of Lemma 2 reads now
(4: k*N1J1) ( [K1 : k] and this is the second inequality since K = K1. (The
divisibility follows from the first lemma of this chapter.)

PaooF OF LEMMA 3. Let be a finite set of primes containing

• allp I n and all archimedean primes,
• allpIa(whichmakesaan Si-unit),
• enough primes so as to have 1k = k4'.
To simplify the notation we put J = .Jk, and 4, =4'.
ks1/kL is of type (tin,..., vi) since n is a prime, a is not an n-th power and
may therefore be extended to a basis of Let ai,. .. , a8, be such a basis,
a = a1.
Put E0 = Then K = E1. The full compositum of these fields has de-
gree ti", the compositum of aU but one field n8' This follows from the preceding
section. Our fields satis& therefore the condition of Theorem 4 of Chapter V so
that there exist primes outside the set such that qj remains prime in the field
but splits completely in all the other fields E,4. Of these primes we utilize only
the primes Q3, q3,.. . , and form with them the set S2 (so without the prime q1).
Then is an n-th power at all the primes of 52 and (for i I) is an n-th power
Many q, but notann-thpoweratq1.

We look now at the structure of the groups Js1, A and .1st fl D1:

= fl k; X 12
x fl

v1= flk; x flu,,,

p€Si 1=2

Js3 = H x fluz xfl U,,.

PESi 12 pqs
The local index 11) has been computed on p. 7. Its value is n/mi,,. For a
prime outside S1 this is simply n since all p 1 vi are in S1. rz is a prime and so the
factor groups are cyclic of order it. if we can find idhles a1 .is, which
are n-tb powers at each a3 a, and not an n-th power at a, then these idéles a,
will generate the factor group Js,/Js1 fl D1. The peculiar properties of 02,.. . , a,,
show that these principal idèles (they are in kg1) will serve. Since they are principal
idèles we see that J = k'Js, c: kD1
which proves the part of our lemma.

We have still to show that K = 14 = k(Ar). We remark to this effect that

the group (see the display of its structure above) is obviously a subgroup of
. = = k"VS,. A generator 5 of the Kummcr group
mod IC" of the field K1 can therefore be assumed in i.e. in kg,. It has then
the form

But 5 has to lie in A1k" which implies that S must be an n-tb power at every prime
qj S2 (i 1). At qj every with j i is an n-th power and is not. This
shows &3,.. . u,, are divisible by n.
that 1/2, Since n-tb powers ('an be absorbed
into k" we may now assume S = Such a 6 is indeed in since it is an n-th
power at every prime of S2 and a unit outside S. Since a this proves the
contention. U
Proof in p-extensions

a. A lemma on derivations. In the course of the proof a certain lemma on

derivations will be needed and we prove it separately because it is of independent
By a derivation D of a field E one means an additive map of S into itself which
satisfies the usual rule
D(zy) = zD(y) ÷ yD(x).
Putting x = y =1 one obtains D(1) =0. Letting now v = one
D(c') = c2D(x).
The additive group of all z for which D"(x) = 0 shall be denoted by P,,.
(D° = identity, hence P0 = {0}.)
As usual, we denote the additive operator that multlplln the elements of £
by a given element y of E also by y. A confusion hetwuwn y WI element and y as
operator is avoided by the use of parenthesis: Dy means tile operator product p
followed by D whereas D(y) means the effect 1) has on the element v.

We say that an element x E is a logarithmic derivative in E if there exists

an element y Et such that z = We say then that z is the logarithmic
derivative of y.
LEMMA 4. An element z of E is the logarithmic derivative of an element y
F',, which is not in (n > 0) if and only if the n-th power of the operator
D + x applied to I is 0 and the (n — 1)-st power applied to 1 is different from 0:
(D + x)"(l) = 0, (D + x)"'(I) 0.
PROOF. Letr= forsomeycE'. ForallzcEwehave(D+z)(z)=
12(z) + = jr'D(yz) = This means in operators that D + z =
and consequently for any n 0 that
(12+ z)" =
y y g P,,_1. Then (12 + =
= y,r1D"(y) = 0 and similarly (12+ x)"'(i) 0. Assume conversely
that (D+z)Th(I)= 0 and
(D+x)"'(l) =
(D+ x = 24J1. Therefore
1) + z = 3r'Dy, (12 + = y'D"'(y) $ 0 and similarly = 0.
HenceyEP,,butygP,,_1. Q
Frequently the derivation L) has the additional property that for every x in E
we have D"(x) = 0 for some ii or in other words that E is the union of all P,,.
Then our lemma shows that an element x c 5 is a logarithmic derivative in E if
and only if (12+ = 0 for some n. If x is now an element of a subfield F of
E that is stable under 12, (12(F) c F), and if x is an element of F, then x is a
logarithmic derivative in F if and only if it is a logarithmic derivative, in E.
This situation occurs in the following case: Let k be a field of characteristic
p> 0 and E = Ic{t} the field of formal power series in t with coefficients in k. if D
is the ordinary differentiation with respect to t then JY =0. We obtain therefore
COROLLARY. Let B = k((t)) be a power series field of characteristic p> 0 and
F a subfield stable under the ordinary derivation D An element x F is
logarithmic derivative in F if and only if it is a logarithmic derivative in B.
b. A pairing connected with function fields. Notations:
k a global function field of characteristic p >0.
k9 its constant field, the prime field.
k the additive group of
the multiplicative group of k1,,.
k1 the residue class field of k1 contains naturally and k0 may be viewed
naturally as the power series field k1((t)), where t is a local uniformizing parameter,
i.e. an element of ordinal 1. If necessary, we can select t from k and even assume
that it is separating, i.e. that k is separable over k0(t). (Every p is regular in the
sense of 12, XVI1, 4] because k0 is perfect.)
Sthe trace from k1 toZ,,.
res(z 4,) the residue of a local differential zdy computed with any local uni-
formizing parameter (it does not depend on the choice of the parameter). The
reader will find the necessary explanations and proofs in [2, X, 3].

a. Abed pairing.

If z k, and y we define

We find easily
WpOt + x', y) = ii) + y),
in") = Wp(X, y) + y'),
and have therefore a pairing of the two groups k into the additive group
If x is an integer of and if y is a in k then has residue 0 and this
shows the continuity of this pairing.
LEMMA 5. Let x be an integer of Then Wp(x, y) =0 if and only if either
ordy or x = pr/or some z E
Paoor. Letx=ao+a1t+... withageki,andy=flwhereelsaunitof
Then e) =0 and consequently
çop(z,y)=n x— =nS(a0).
4, t
= 0 is therefore equivalent with p 1 n or S(ao) = 0 and we have to show
cpp(x, y)
that S(ao) = 0 is equivalent with x = pz = — z.
Suppose first x = — z. If the power series for z had poles then these poles
would dominate in z could not be an integer of If 6 is the constant term
of z then a0 = ft —6. Raising into the power p is the generating automorphism a of
the finite field k1/Z,, so that we have a0 = (a — 1)6, an equation which is equivalent
to S(a0) =1) because the additive Galois cohomology groups of a field are trivial.
If we have conversely 8(a0) = 0 then from the last remark = (a — 1)6 = p6
foracertainbe !cj. Letzi =ait+a2t2i-... andput z1 =
This series converges in the topology of and we get easily = 4' — = pzj
and consequently
z=p(b+zi). a
fi. A global pairing. The trace S in (1) can be broken up into the trace from
the residue class field k1 of to the constant field k0, followed by the trace 5' from
k0 down to the prime field Z,.
Let V be the additive group of valuation vectors of k (see [2, XIII, I)) V
with local components We select one of the primes and choose t separating in
k and local uniforrnizing parameter for this prime. Put

= >Tp(resp(ep cAt)).

A(C) takes values in k0, is additive and 1c0-linear and is not identically 0. If
is sufficiently small at all primes where t has poles and a unit at all other
primes, then = 0, since each residue is 0. This shows that A(() is continuous

on V. horn [2, XVII, it follows that vanishes for all k, Le. is a

differential of k. Put now

/ dt = S%X(e)) = E /Cp

LEMMA 6. 1/4 is a valuation vector such that f 4xdt = S'(A(4x)) =0 for all
zek is ink.
PROOF. We may replace x by ax for any a e k0 and obtain S'(a.A((x)) =0. If
were 0 we would have S'(k0) =0 which is not true since k0/Z, is separable.
Therefore A(4x) =0 for all x k. Theorems 5 and 9 of 12, XIlI, 5] show now that
. U

t is separating in k. horn [2, XVII, 4J it follows that for almost all p the
derivatives jf are local units means a local uniformizing parameter at the
prime p).
if a E .4 is an idhle then its local components up are in k. If we form the
vector with the components

s dt —
then almost all of its components are local integers, it is therefore a valuation vector
that we shall denote by We define now the following pairing between elements
x k and idèles a, into


The last expression shows that we have indeed a pairing. As for continuity, nothing
has to be shown for the discrete k; if up is very close to 1 then is very close to 0
and a look at the components of the local integrands shows the required continuity
on The most interesting question, that of the kernels is answered by
LEMMA 7. The kernel of in our pairing (2) is precisely k .
that of k
is the additive group pk, i.e. the elements of the form z z k. (Note
that every element of k has period p and that Jk/k* is compact; indeed it is
isomorphic to The duality theory may therefore be used.)
PROOF. I. Suppose a is in the kerneL The valuation vector= has then
the property that 5 dt = for all x k and is therefore an element y of k.
Taking the p component of y at the prime p, which has the element t k as local
uniformizing parameter we obtain

y is therefore a logarithmic derivative in k is a subfield of and is

stable under the differentiation since t is in k. y is also in this subfield and the
corollary of Lemma 4 shows that p is a logarithmic derivative in k:
1 dz

Weobtai.nforouridèle: Put
= 0. Each component satisfies therefore - 0. This means that each
component is a p-tb power whence c J and consequently a k'
Both and Ic lie trivially in the kernel, Ic for the reason that A is a differential.
2. Suppose x = — z. By the approximation theorem we can find an element
v Ic such that the idèle ya is very close to 1 at all primes where r has a pole. At
these primes then yap) = 0. Furtheremore w(x, a) = w(x, ya) since p is in the
kernel of .4. Then
w(x, a) = E pp(x, yap) = wq(x, yap)

where q ranges only over those primes where x has no pole and is consequently a
locai integer. Lemma 5 shows that each = 0, since x = — z. x is
therefore in the kernel of Ic.
3. Suppose that x is in the kernel of Ic. Then a) =0 for all idèles, especially
the local idéles a, which have only one component $ 1. One obtains therefore that
Wp(X,0p) = 0 for all Up Let p be a prime where x has no pole. At such a
prime Lemma 5 applies and tells that x =4— Zp with Zp Such a prime splits
therefore completely in the global extension and Theorem 2 of Chapter V
Section 4 tells us that this global extension must collapse, i.e. x = — z, z Ic. 0

y. The GalS group of the maximal elementary p-extension. The p-extension

with the Kummer group Ic shall be called the maximal elementary p-extension. it
is the held M = The group A associated with it by the Kuznmer theory is
A= This group A is paired with the Calois group 15 by (a, a) = (a — 1)a.
We have mapped A into Ic by the map a — pa. The image of A is in our case the
whole field Ic and we may view this pairing also as a pairing of Ic and '5 into Z,

The kernel of Ic is now ph, the same as in the pairing çp(x, a); that of 15 is 1. Under
this pairing the group 15 is naturally isomorphic to the character group of k/pk
(where k/ph has the discrete topology). In the pairing a) the group Jk/k4 is
naturally isomorphic to the sante character group. it follows that one has a natural
isomorphism between 15 and Jk/k*J. If a is the image of the idèle a under this
map then we should have y(x,a) = fx,aJ = (a — We denote this map
by cr(a) and the previous equation describes for us just the effect of a(a) on the
generators of M, a description which determines e(a) completely:
1 1
(3) a(a):

The mapping (3) is actually a mapping of the idèle classes Into 0 with kernel Ct.
We have therefore the theorem
THEOREM 6. The mapping (3) is a bicontsnuous uomorphiam between the
group .1k/k. (or Ck/C) and the Calots group of the vnanmal abettan exten-
sion M of exponent p.

c. The proof of the second inequality. Let K/k be a cyclic extension of

degree p. As subfield of M it is determined by an open subgroup Ij of of index p.
The norm group k 'NK/k(Jjc) is open (all idèles in a sufficiently small neighbor-
hood of 1 are norms) and of finite index in 4. According to the first inequality the
index is at least p. The image of this group under the isomorphism of Theorem 6
is a certain open subgroup I)' of t15. The index of (j' in is finite and at least p. If
determines a certain subfield E/k of M/k which is the compositum of cyclic fields
of prime degree and each of these fields is left fixed by If. To each cyclic subfield
K'/k of degree p which is different from K we shall exhibit an element of If which
does not leave every element of K' fixed. This will show that if must be lj and
prove thereby the second inequality since the index of lj is p.
According to Chapter V1 § 4, Theorem 4 there is a prime p of k which splits
completely in K and remains prime in K'. if K' we can select p in
such a way that x does not have a pole at p. Let Up be an idéle of k which has
at p a component of ordinal 1, and has components 1 at all other primes. It is
a norm from K since p splits in K. is therefore in If. Now we compute
p does not split in K', x is therefore not in Up has
ordinal I (not divisible by p). According to Lemma 5 we have w(x, up) $0. This
means according to (3) that cr(a,) moves and is therefore not identity on K'.

5. Infinite Divisibility of the Universal Norms

It is a remarkable feature of the proofs of the second inequality that we obtain
as a by-product the Existence Theorem, or rather the infinite divisibility of the
universal norms of idèle classes, which turn out to be the kernel of the norm residue
We shall assume here the norm index is equal to the degree in all abelian cx-
ten$ions. This fact will, be proved in the next chapter. (Up to now, it has been
proved only for cyclic extensions.)
Under this assumption we shall prove
THBOREM 7. Let k be a global field. Let a Ck be an idèle class which is a
universal norm, i.e. a norm from every finite extension. Then for every integer n,
a is an n-th power of a universal norm, i.e. there exists a universal norm 6
such that a =
Paoor. It was shown as a consequence of the compactness of C° that the
axiomatic conditions of Ch. 14 for the existence theorem are fulfilled. It suffices
therefore to prove that for every prime it, a is the power of an idéle class.
Furthermore, since we may prove this only in sufficiently large layers, we may
assume that all necessary roots of unity lie in k.
Let it be a prime. If n = p, the proff of the second inequality *c above) shows
that, under the isomorphism of Theorem 6, a universal norm corresponds to an
element of the Galois group which leaves fixed every cyclic extension of degree p,
and is therefore a p-th power. We may therefore assume that it $ p. This puts us
In the situation of Section 3.
We go back to Lemma 2. We let 52 be the empty set, S = Then D1 =
x flpqsUp = Js. Hence A1 = k5 and K1 = We also have
= = J. Since k'D1 = k'N2.12 it follows from the first inequality that
K2 = k. The Kuminer group of is A2 = fl k and hence A2 =

Now from Lemma 2 we obtain

(J:kD2)=[Ki :k].
Supposing the first inequality to be true in all abe]ian extensions, we must have
k'D2 = k?'11 .1k. (We have therefore explicitly constructed the class field to k*D2.
It is then no wonder that the existence theorem comes out as a by-product.)
Let a Ck be universal norm. It is in particular norm from It has therefore
a representative idèle a Any two such representatives differ by an element
C = ks". a is n-th power at all primes in S. We shall prove that a is also an
n-th power at all primes outside S.
If 5' S then a has a representative Li C We can write Li =
where Li' is unit outside 8' and is 1 in 5', and c is I outside S' Let 41 c k be such
that c = where 0 E Js. Then c" = and Li This shows that Li
is n-tb power at all primes in 5'. Li differs from a by an n-tb power and therefore
it is also n-th power in 5'. The set 5' can be made to include any prime, and this
concludes the proof of the theorem. 0
6. Sketch of the Analytic Proof of the Second Inequality
The Kummer theory proof in Section 3 is basically Chevalley's (cf. 16, Sect. 9]).
Before 1940, the only known proof of the second inequality was analytic. The
analytic proof is quite short, once given the behavior of the zeta functions and L-
functions near s = 1. It works for arbitrary finite extensions K/k, not necessarily
even Galois, but gives only the inequality, not the divisibility. The analytic part
of the argument, after the properties bf the C and L functions are established, is
the same as the one Dirichiet used to prove his theorem on primes in arithmetic
progressions. He showed that for a prime to m, the set of primes congruent to a
(mod in) has what we now call "Dirichlet density" 1/0(m). A set T of prime ideals
of k has Dirichiet density 5, if the function

E - Jlog(—1-1)
is bounded on 1 Cs c 1+ e. The set of all primes has density 1. This follows
from the fact that the zeta-function (k(s) = (1 — Nra)' has a simple pole at
$ = 1, so that log (k(s) — log is bounded near s = 1, and on the other hand,
Iog(k(s) differs from by a bounded amount there. A finite set, and any set
of primes of degree> 1, have density 0. The analytic proof that Ii $Ck/NCJC1
is less than it = jK: kl is by showing that the set of primes p of k which split
completely in K has density and the set of primes whose class is a norm from
K has density Since the former set is contained in the latter this implies h n.
A sketch of how this goes is as fellows. Let B be an open subgroup of finite
index in Ck. As explained in (Viii, 2 and 4), we can view Ck/I) as a group C
of classes of fractional ideals prime to a "conductor" m, each class being a coset
of a group of "generalized arithmetic progressions" (mod rn) Let X denote the
character group of C, the analog of a finite group of Dirichiet characters. The
associated L-functions, defined for Re(s) > I by L(a, x) = (I — 'have
similar properties to those of Dirichlet L-functions. They are holomorphic at s = I,
except for x = 1. The zeta function, (k(s) = L(s, 1), has a pole of order 1 there.

One concludes, following Dirichiet, that

= _axiog(_Lj) +0(1),

for s near 1, where ax is the order of L(s,x) at s = 1. Averaging over XE X one


where h=IX!=ICI=JCk/BI.
Now suppose K/k is a finite extension, and B NK/kCK, so that h is the
norm index. Let T be the set of primes p of k which split completely in K. Each
p T lies below a = [K: k] primes ¶)) of K, each with = Np. Hence, since the
set of all primes of K has density 1,
= !iog +0(1).
The primes p T are norms from K, so their classes are norms, i.e. they are among
the primes p with x(P) = 1. Comparing the last two equations we find therefore

S (1 - Lax).
x 1, i.e. L(s,x) does not vanish at a = I, and Ii 5n.

Reciprocity Law
1. Introduction
k is a global field, 11 the separable part of its algebraic closure, and S the Galois
group of 11/k. C0 are the idèle classes of 11, Ccz = UK (K where k C K C 11, K/k
finite and normal.
We have seen in the preceding chapter that (5, C0) is a field formation, i.e.
11'(b, C0) = I for all open subgroups lj of S. It is possible to assign invariants to
the element of N2(S, C0) in such a way that (5, C0) becomes a class formation in
the sense of Chapter XIV. This assignment will be carried out in this chapter.
In function fields, the situation is very much like that in local fields: every idèle
class can be given an ordinal, and the constant field extensions in the large can be
used in the same way as the unramnifled extensions were used in local class field
In number fields, it turns out that the cyclotomic extensions can be made to
play a role similar to the constant field extensions, in spite of the fact that they
ramify and that they are not all cyélic. (As a matter of fact, the constant field
extensions themselves are cyclotomic, i.e. they are obtained by adjoining roots of
It will therefore be necessary to prove first the reciprocity law for cyclotomic
extensions of the rational numbers. This is done in 2. The proofs proceed in a
completely elementary fashion, except at the very last argument where the second
inequality is used. From then on the reciprocity law can be proved for normal
extensions K/k of global fields without essentially distinguishing the two cases. We
first assign invariants to idèle cocycles by taking the sum of their local invariants.
We then prove that number cocycles have invariant 0. This is done by moving a
number cocycle from a normal extension to a cyclic cyclotomic extension, where
this fact has already been proved. We select the auxiliary cyclic extension so that
it splits the cocycle locally everywhere, and then use the triviality of N'(Cx) to
move the cocycle.
By this procedure, we get invariants for idéle class cocycles, whenever these
have a representative idèle cocycle. When they do not, the triviality of 1t'(Cx)
allows us to move a cocycle to a cyclic extension K' on which it splits. In K' the
cocycle has a representative idéle cocycle, and hence may be given an invariant
there. It is easy to show that the invariants thus obtained are independent of
the auxiliary constructions performed, and that they satisfy the axioms of a class
Knowing that (0, C0) is a class formation, we can apply the axiomatic devel-
opment of Chapter XIV. In particular, we get the triviality of the third cohomology
group i13(G, Cx) in finite layers of the formation.


We also get the existence of a homomorphism w of Gk into a dense subgroup of

0/0' given by the norm residue symbol. In function fields, the situation is again
completely analogous to that of local class field theory. w is an isomorphism, but
is only into 0/0'. It is possible to complete Ck to a group Ck in such a way that
w extends to an isomorphism of Ck onto 0/0', by a procedure similar to the one
carried out in the local class field theory.
In number fields, the situation is different: The norm residue symbol w maps
CJk onto 0/0', but there exists a non-trivial kernel, the elements which are infin-
itely divisible. This kernel turns out to be the connected component of whose
structure is discussed in detail in a later chapter.

2. Reciprocity Law over the Rationals

Let Q be the rationals, Q the archimedean
prime of Q. Then is the reals and contains the multiplicative group of the
positive reals. U denotes as before the product of all for p pa,, considered as
subgroup of the idèles JQ.
JQ contains naturally the direct product Itt. x Ti as an open subgroup with the
product topology. It consists of those idèles whose infinite component is positive
and whose finite components are units. If a Q is a given rational number then
the coset a(R+ x U) consists of the following idéles: their infinite component has
the same sign as a and each finite component has the same ordinal as a. Since the
ordinals and the sign of a rational number can be arbitrarily prescribed we see that
JQ = Qx x Ti
with the product topology (Q discrete) since x U is open.
Let k be any field. The extension obtained by adjunction of all roots of unity
shall be called the maximal cyclotomic extension of ftc and any intermediate field a
cyclotomic extension of k. An automorphisin of the maximal cyclotomic extension
is described by its action on the roots of unity. A root of unity is sent into a power
of itself and one derives easily from this that the Ga.lois group is abelian.
Denote by F' the maximal cyclotornic extension of Q and by the maxi.rnal
cyclotomic extension of contains a maximal cyclotomic extension 1' of Q
as subfield and we have r is isomorphic to V but there are many
isomorphisins of r onto V. If t is one of them then At is the most general one,
where A is any element of the Galois group of V/Q. Let S be the Galois group of
V/Q and 0 the one of r/Q. The map t induces a natural map a = r'at of 0
onto Since S is abelian one sees that this map is independent of the choice of
the map t. This allows a simplified description. We shall choose an identification
of the field r with the field F, so that we may say VP = This identification
results in an identification of 0 and S and this latter identification is independent
of the way in which the identification of r and F is done.
The Galois group 0, of = over is now mapped in the well known
way canonically into 0, by looking at the effect that an element of 0,, has on V.
The group 0,, becomes in this way a closed subgroup of 0.
For p = the field is the field of complex numbers and 0,, a group of
order 2.
If p is finite, VQ,,/Q contains the maximal tsnramifted extension of Q,,, obtained
by adjoining to it all m0-th roots of unity Co with an mc prime to p. The group of

this unramified extension contains the Frobenius substitution which sends each Co
onto Ct. We shall denote by an element of which has this effect on the Co
Our first aim is to prove that 0 is isomorphic to ii in a'natural way.
An element of 0 is determined by its effect on the roots of unity. If C is a
primitive m-th root of unity then the automorphisms of C5 induce of course the
Galois group of Q(C)/Q on this subfield. The following lemma which is nothing
else than the irreducibility of the cyclotomic equation gives the structure of this
LEMMA 1. Let C be a primitive rn-Ui root of unity. An automorphism of Q(C)/Q
sends C into a power where n is prime to rn Conversely, to any given n prune
to m there is an autornorphwm a such that C° = In short, GQ(ç)/g (Z/mZ).
PROOF. The first part of the lemma is trivial. As to the second part, it suffices
to prove the statement if n is a prime p that does not divide m. C satisfies the
equation C - = f(x) = 0, and f'(() = is prime to p. The local field
is therefore unramified. Its Frobenius substitution sends C into an m-
th root of unity that is congruent to (P. Since f'(() = ITIM(C — CM) is prime to
p it follows, that no two rn-Ui roots of unity are in the same residue class; (P is
therefore the image of ( under the Frobenius substitution. This automorphism of
the local field induces an automorphism of the global field Q(()/Q and this proves
the lemma. U

For the description of the automorphisms of the infinite field F the exponen-
tiation with integers is not convenient and shall be replaced by an exponentiation
with elements it c 17. Let rn the prime divisors
p of rn and u, the p-components of it. We can find an integer it that satisfies the
simultaneous congruence n it, (mod n e it (mod rn).
This it will be prime to rn and its residue class mod rn is uniquely determined. If
we put C = C then (" is well defined. If conversely an integer it prime to p is
given, there exists a it u such that it n (mod m). Indeed, it suffices to select
for it and v in U.
According to our lemma we may now say that an autornorphism of Q(C)/Q
sends ( into some power (" and that each it U gives rise to an automorphism
of this field which maps C onto (U. If rn divides m' and if C' is an m'-th root of
unity then Q(() c Q(C'). Let a be the automorphism that sends C' into ((I)U. To
describe it we have to find an nil a it (mod m'). Then = ((')Th'. C is a power
of C' hence C° = C'. Since this it' is also congruent to it (mod in), (C = (U. This
means that the automorphism that it defines on Q(C') will induce on the subfield
Q(() again the automorphism corresponding to it.
Let now a0 be the following map of F into F. If a E r tben a lies in some field
Q(C). The given it defines on Q() a certain automorphism and we let a4a) be the
image of a under this automorphism of Q(C). If a lies also in the field Q(('), we can
find a root of unity Ci such that C and C' are powers of Ci. The automorphism of
Q(Ci) corresponding to it agrees with those of Q(C) and Q(C') sad this shows that
our map is well defined, is an automorphism of F since it is an automorphism
on every subfield Q((). To make its description now very short; sends every
root of unity ( into Clearly a0a,, =

The map u —. is an algebraic homomorphism of 17 into 0. its kernel consists

of those is which are I modulo every integer in, i.e. a = 1. The map is therefore
an isomorphisin into (5. It is continuous. Indeed a neighborhood of 1 in 0 can be
taken to be the group bm that leaves a given Q(C) Exed and the inverse image of line
is the set of all a 1 (mod in); this set is open in U. The image of U is everywhere
dense in 0 since every automorphism of the finite subfield Q(c) is induced by some
As continuous image of the compact set U it is compact and therefore all of 0.
Thus we have proved:
PRoposiTioN. The map is —, a isornorphism of U onto 0.
By means of this description of the group (5 we define now a map a —. a(a) of
the idèle group onto 0:
DEFINITION 1. According to JQ = Q x R÷ xti we write a given idèle a uniquely
* = a. p• a where a Q, p E and a if. Put a(a) = = a;'. The action
on the roots of unity is therefore
ç(a) =
Since the map is a projection followed by an inversion followed by an exponen-
tiation: a —' a —
("', it is a continuous homomorphism of JQ onto 0 with
kernel Q x K,.. Since Q is in the kernel it is actually a continuous homomorphism
of the idèle classes CQ onto (5 with kernel DQ = K4..
(We note parenthetically that is the connected component of CQ. Namely,
is obviously the connected componcht of Jq. The continuous image DQ =
in the idéle classes is therefore connected and CQ/R+ is totally disconnected.)
If denotes as usual the idèle that has at p the same component as a and 1
at all other primes we may write for any finite set of primes


is the complement of S in the set of all primes. As S becomes bigger and bigger
approaches 1. Since a(a) is continuous, = 1. A more highbrow and
more formal argument is the following: The totality of all sets S forms a filter in the
set of all primes. In this sense = I and the continuity implies = 1.
From this we deduce the convergence of the infinite produce fi,, a(a,,) in the sense
of this filter and the formula:
a(a) =

We compute now each single a(a,,):

1. p = Let the infinite component be ea where c = ±1 and a positive real.
According to our definition we have to split up into three factors: (e, e,...) E Q,

to find an integer n (mod in) and notice that it = e will always do it.
Therefore = (6 or:
= çigu(ap0,)

2. p finite. We shall write idèles in this way: first the component of

p and then those of the other primes. Let


Since any root of unity C is the product of an root of unity (o with p{ me
and a f-tb root of unity fr it suffices to give the action of u(a,,) on Co and (,,,.
We have to find an integer ir' (mod trio) and see that r does it for all trio
if p 0 Hence = cf. The Frobenius substitution p, maps Co onto and
we may also write:
— p p
"0 "O '
a description which remains valid if p C 0 because of the group property.
For the action on we have to find an integer n u;' (mod j/) i.e. simply
a sufficiently good approximation of the p.adic number tç' and we shall leave it at
that. Then
— ,ç'

All this suggests the introduction of a local symbol defined by;

DEFINITION 2. For every prime let a,,(a,,) denote a map —' Cp(ap) of
into '5 defined as follows;
1. Ifp=pa,, let
2. If p is finite and a,, = let the action on Co resp. (pr be:

= cry, = (ço,, Frobenius subst.)

The map a,, -4 a,,(cr,,) is continuous. The kernel is at pa, and 1 at finite
primes. Indeed, to have = 1 we must have C,) = 1 for all and this implies
I (mod f) for all r, whence u, = 1. It also implies = I and this
means ord(a,,) =0.
The symbol a,,(a,,) will eventually turn out to take its values in 4, and to he
the local norm residue symbol of Q,,. We have obviously:
THEoREM 1. if a has components a,, then c(a) = fl,, cr,,(a,,). We also write
for u,,(a,j.
We come now to the keystone of this investigation:
THEoREM 2. Let K/Q be a finite cyciotomic extension: Q C K C Q(() where
C = 1. Let Ij be the subgroup of 0 that determines K (is i4entity on K). i/a is
an idEle C Q'NK/QJK then c(a) e ty.
PROOF. 1. For each p the map cs, —a cr,,(a,,) is continuous and (j is open.
Therefore c,(a,,) e tj for all op near enough to 1.
2. Let S be the set of all archimedean primes of K and of all primes that divide
m. Assume a = ciNx/QQ3) with a Q. According to the approximation theorem
we can find an element A of K such that 2t = where !B is as close to 1 as we like

at all primes of S. Then ¶4= ctNK/Q(A)N,c/Q(93) = (3NKfQ(!S). Since c(f3) = I

it suffices to show c ¶5. We decompose according to Theorem 1 this
autoinorphism into its local parts = We prove the contention by
showing that each a,, is in b (Ij is closed). The norm mapping is continuous. If
we have brought the components of ¶5 for the primes of S near enough to 1 then
will have components near I for p m. According to what
we have seen, a,, will be in ¶5 for these primes.
There remains the case when p is finite and does not divide in. The field Q,,(()
is then unramified and so is the completion K,, of K as subfield of Q,,((). If ii,,
is the degree of K,,/Q,, and the Frobeijius substitution then CI4" leaves K,, and
consequently K C K,, fixed.
The p-component of is a certain local norm and all we
have to know about it is that its ordinal is a certain multiple rn,, of the local degree
of K,,. Since p does not divide in, the action of on (is the same as that of cc".
The automorplñsm leaves therefore Q(() and consequently the subfield K
fixed. Since leaves it also fixed it follows, that K is fixed under in other
We remark that Theorem 2 contains an independent proof of the first inequality
In cyclotomic extensions of the rationals.
The local counterpart of Theorem 2, together with the proof that the map
a,, —' a,,(a,,) is a true local map is contained in:

THEOREM 3. The map cr,,(cz,,) is a continuous homomorphism of Q

onto an everywhere dense subgroup of®,,, Let IC,, be a finite cyclotoraic extension
of Q,, and the (closed) subgroup of®,, that determines K,,. If Q is a norm
from 14 then c,,(ct,,)
PROOF. 1. We begin with a proof of the last part of the theorem. Assume
that a norm from K,, and let a,, be the idèle with componcnt at p and
components 1 at all other primes. Let be any open subgroup of the global group
0 (it has finite index in 6). The group tjIj is also open and determines a certain
finite extension E of Q. The completion of E at a prime dividing p is determined
by the subgroup iflj fl 6,, of 6,,. Since Ij is in 0,, we have Ij C 1)1) fl 6,,. This
means that the completion of E is a subfield of K,, so that a norm from
the completion of E. The idèle a,, is consequently a norm from JE and Theorem
2 shows now a(a,,) a(a,,) is therefore in every open neighborhood of the
compact, hence closed subgroup and consequently in ij. Hence c,,(a,,)
2. if we select 14 = Q,,, then ij= 6,, and every cx,,is norm from K,,. Therefore
c,,(a,,) e 6,,. Our map is therefore into 6,.
3. The image of Q will be everywhere dense in 6,, if every automorphism of a
finite extension Q,,(()/Q,, is induced by some If we write C = (o(pr, where
Co is an m0-th root of unity (with p$ ino) and (p? a pt-th root of unity, then Q,,((o)
is unramified. The action of an autoinorphism on Co is therefore the same as that of
where is the Frobenius substitution. is sent into say Q. where (ii, p) = 1.
According to Definition 2 the element has the same action. 0
It would be quite nice if the next theorem could be proved without appeal to
the second inequality, but this seems to be hopeless at present.

THEOREM 4. 1. Let K/Q be a finite cijclotomic extensiqn detennined by the

subgroup of(5. Then a(a) Ij if and only a Q'N(Jjç)
2. Let similarily be a finite cyclotornic extension of Q, determined by
the subgroup ij of 0,. A9ain ij if and only if cz1,
PROOF. Both "if" statements have been proved before. If M denotes therefore
the idèles of Q (resp. elements of Q) that map into 1i (resp. Lj) then M
QmNK/Q(JK) (resp. M J Njç/Q.(K)). If we follow our maps by the canonical
map of (5 resp. onto the factor groups S/lj resp. then M is simply the
kernel. These last maps are onto the factor groups because the map a(a) is onto,
and at least onto art everywhere dense subgroup. This means that the index
of M in JQ resp. is the degree of K/Q resp. of By the global (resp.
local) second inequality, the index of Q. NK/Q(Jk) (resp. is at most
equal to these degrees. The theorem follows ixnmed.iately. 0
The next and last theorem of this section is a purely local one. We have made
several attempts to prove it by purely local means and have not succeeded.t
THEOREM 5. The symbol is equal to the local norm residue symbol
(ar, Qi,) in In mew of the explicit character of the map (Definition 2)
we have therefore before us an explicit determination of the norm residue symbol
PROOF. For the infinite prime the statement follows from Definition 2. Assume
therefore that p is finite. We select in Q, any element t of ordinal 1 (not
fly p). We put a1,er) = a and (yr, Q,) We want to show that a = r. Let Ij be
an open subgroup of (5, and lI, the subfield determined by it. Both automorphisrns
a and r have the property that ir is a norm from if and only if a resp. r are in
Ij. Denoting by resp. br the closed subgroups of (5 generated by these elements
we see that lj contains if and only if it contains The two subgroups have
therefore the same open neighborhoods and that implies = Ij,-. consists of all
powers where r Z. the completion2 of the integers Z. It follows that r = a'S.
To prow that r = 1 we look at the action of a and r on an unramified field of
degree Tn. Both a and r act like (Frobenius substitution) since r has ordinal 1,
and r = & shows thnt = on this field. Since çø,, has period m on this field
we get r 1 (mod m) for all m. But this implies r = 1.
A unit u1, is the quotient of ir = pup and p (both of ordinal I). We have
therefore also = (u1,, Q,,) and the general statement is aow an immediate
consequence. 0
3. Reciprocity LaW
Let k be a global field. Let K/k be a normal extension with group G, degree
n. Let p be a prime of k. The groups arc isomorphic for nil p and
so are the decomposition groups For each p select one of the primes P

tSince these notes first appeared there have been two local approaches found. The first was
by Dwork (71, see also 121, CIt XIII, Sect. The second was by Lubin and Tate [17], see also
[12] and (5, Ch. Vi, Sect. 3]
2Contpletion with respect to the subgroups of finite index: 2= Litu Z/mZ.

and put Kw = = Op. fl2(G, IK) is a direct sum of semilocal components

fl2(G, K!p) and each one of these is isomorphic to any of its local constituents:

Hence .JK) may be viewed as a direct sum of the local cohomology groups
Kr),by assigning to each cocycle class e fl2(G, JK) local components
Cp which determine e completely. We have cp 1 for almost all p.
We recall how these local components behave under inflation, restriction, and
Inflation. Let L K A, be normal over k. Let I be a prime of L. A
Local component of JJ1IL c is the local inflation of a local component Cp to
To discuss the restriction and verlagerung, we suppose that H is a subgroup of
C and that E is its fixed field. Let q p in E.
Restriction. Let c fl2(G, Jjç). The local q component of ReSE c is obtained
by the local restriction of Cp to Eq:

(2) (Ressc)q=ResEqep.
Verhzgerung. Let c fl2(ll, .JK). A local p component of VE/ke is the product
of verlagerungs of the components cq:
the local

(3) (VE/kc)p fl(VEq/kpCq).

In the local class field theory we have attached to each element Cp E ICR)
a local invariant, IUVp Cp. These invariants are rational mod 1. We know that iiivp Cp
completely characterizes cp. In particular, cp = I if and only if irivp Cp =0.
We shall now assign invariants to global elements e ?t2(G, ,J,ç). Namely we
define IBVp c = invp and let
hive =

This sum is finite because cp = 1 at almost all p, and hence invp c = 0 at almost
all p.
We have trivially
rnvcic2 = invci + invc2.
The map
is a homomorphism of 112(0, .JK) into the rationals mod 1. We note that mc does
not characterize c and that invc = 0 does not imply that c = I. (in contrast with
the local set up).
It is convenient to discuss immediately the formalism of these invariants, i.e.
how they behave under inflation, restriction, and verlagerung. We note that the
invariants we have assigned are functions of K and k. When necessary we shall
write invx,k to emphasize their dependence on particular fields.

5Vertagensng is the term used here for the map which today is called corestriction.

The next three lemmas are immediate consequences of the local class field

LEMMA 1. Let L K k be normal over k and let c fl2(C, JK). Then the
invarüznt does not change under inflation to L, i.e. IIiVp C = lflVp c, and

IDVL/k JuL C =
PRoOF. ñom the local class field theory we know that the local invariant of
Cp does not change under local inflation to Lqy. The lemma follows immediately
frozu(1). 0
REMARK. Lemma 1 shows that our assignment of invariants is consistent with
the isomorphic imbedding of fl2(G, JK) in In other words, let K1 ft
and K2/k be two normal extensions with groups C1 and C2. Let c1 N2(G1, Jg1)
and c2EN2 (G2,JK3). LetL=K1K2. If
Inft c1 = Inft C2
then invK1/k Cj = 1nvK3/k c2. Hence invpqk is not a function of K but only of k.
We may therefore write legitimately invk instead of invx/k. In particular, given
e If ResK c = 1 we know that c can be deflated to a cocycle class of
fl2(G, .JK) (or equivalently that c is the inflation of a cocycle class of fl2(G, IK)).
To determine the invariant of a cocycle class c, it suffices therefore to determine it
in any one of the layers on which it splits.
For the next two lemmas, we let H be a subgroup of C and E the fixed field.
Let q pinE and let nq = [Eq be thélocal degree of E.
LEMMA 2. Let c c K2(Ø, .Jjc). Then invq Res5 C = Ttq invp c, and
invz ResE c = fE hi c.

PROoF. &om the local class field theory and (2), the statement concerning the
local restriction is clear. We recall the elementary fact that flq = [E: kj and
invpc) = c= [E: k]invpc.

Summing over p gives the desired result. 0

LEMMA 3. Let c 112 (H, Jx). Then the verlagentng preserves invariants, Le.
invk VE/kc= invEc.
PROOF. From the local class field theory, we know that the local verlagerung
preserves the local invariant, i.e.
invpVqcq =invqcq.
From (3) we obtain

Taking the sum over p proves the lemma. 0


Our purpose is now to determine the kernel of the homomorphism c —. mvc,

l.a to characterize the elements c fl2(G, Jx) which have invariant 0.
To simplify the notation we omit G in writing cohomology groups.
We recall the exact sequence
fl2(K') 712(J,c) —ø

It was a consequence of the first two inequalities (VI, 1, Theorem 1) that

is trivial. It follows that is imbedded isomorphicaily into 1-(2(JK) by in-
clusion, and that a 2-cocycle in K' splits globally if and only if it splits locally
In view of this isomorphic imbedding we may view elements of N2(K') as idèle
cocycle classes, and may therefore assign local and global irivariants to them. In
other words, for c E 'K2(K') we can define naturally invp c and invc.
We know that the inclusion mapping z commutes with the inflation, restriction,
and verlagerung. Hence the properties of Lemmas 1, 2, and 3 are naturally valid
for elements of fl2(K'), and the remark made foilowing Lemma 1 is equally valid
for elements of ?12(q, 11'). In order to find the invariant of c fl2(q, Ii'), it suffices
to find its invariant in any one of the layers in which it splits.
In the rest of this section we shall identify fl2(K') with the image (under
inclusion) in fl2(J,).
With this identification, the fundamental result (proved below in Theorem 8)
may be expressed as follows: Let c fl2(J,c). Then invc = 0 if and only if
c fl2(K').
We begin by examining the invariants more closely in cyclic extensions.
Let K/k be cyclic of degree ri, with group C. Let C be the character group
of G, generated by x. The characters take on their values in the rationals mod I.
According to the cyclic theory, any element c N2(.Jj<) is of the form c = x(a)UOx
where a JK.
If a has p-component Up the local component of c is

q, =PriçResc0x(a)uJx=x(a,)UJxp
where Xv = Res00 If (ar, is the local norm residue symbol, then
invp x(a) U 6x = x(a,) U
= xp((ap,Kp/kp))
= x((ap,
if we interpret (Up, also as an element of C.
To simplify the notation, we shall omit one parenthesis and write for instance
Xp(Ctp, instead of xp((Ilp,
We note that (un, = 1 at all p where is a unit and p is unratnifled,
because Up is then a local norm.
(a, K/k) = fl (ar, Kp/kp).
This product is finite because (up, =1 at almost all p and it is defined
because G is abelian so that the order of the factors does not matter.

We note parenthetically that if k = Q is the rationals and K/Q is cycle.

tomic, we have shown in the preceding section that (a, K/k) = u(a). In particular,
(a, K/Q) = 1 in this case.
We have trivially
(ab, K/k) = (a, K/k)(b, K/k).
The following identity is obvious:

Ex(op,Kp/kp) =
and consequently
mv s4a) U ox = x(a, K/k).
THEoREM 6. Let K/k be a nonnal extension with group C and c fl2(C, K*).
Then invc = 0.
PROOF. The following argument shows that in number fields, it suffices to
prove the theorem in case k = Q is the rationals.
Let L K be normal over Q. Then ml c is an element of fl2(L/k) and by
Lemma 1,
Iflvi InfL c = inv% C.
According to Lemma 3, taking the verlagerung does not change the invariant. The
cocycle class Vk/Q c is an element of N2(L/Q) and we have
mvk C = invQ Vk/Q lrift c.
If the theorem is proved for normal extensions of the rationals, it will follow that
rnvQVk/QInfLc=0,andhencelnvkc=0. 0
We shall now prove the theorem in special cases.
Case 1. k = Q is the rationals, and K/Q is a cyclic, cyclotomic extension.
Any cocycle class c e 712(K) is of type x(a) U where a e Q. We know that
invx(a)uOx = x(a,K/Q)
and we have already remarked that (a,K/Q) =1. Hence mnvx(a)UOx = 0, as was
to be shown.
Case 2. k is a function field and K is a constant field extension (hence cyclic
K/k is cyclic and unramified. Let a Then
(up, = Pp = ord, a,
where 'pp is the Frobenius Substitution and (a,, acts on the residue class
field locally. If q is the number of elements of ko then the residue class field of p
has elements. The effect of on the residue class field is therefore
) x
and it induces the same effect on the constant field of K.
Any cocycle class cC N2(K') is of type x(a)UOx, a C k. We look at a as an
idèle, a = (...,a, a, a,...), and let Up = a. The product formula gives

(a, K/k) =

we see that the effect of (a, K/k) is identity, namely

Hence x(a, K/k) =0 and inv(x(a) U =0, as was to be shown.

We now treat the global cases together again, and suppose that k is either a
function field or the rational numbers. K/k is an arbitrary normal extension. Let
C E N2(K). We use K' to denote cyclic cyclotornic extensions of k, and let /1 be
the compositum, L = KK'.
In order to prove our theorem, it suffices to prove the existence of an exten-
sion K' such that
ResK'InfLc= 1.
Indeed, K' is a splitting field for IUfL c. Using the remark following Lemma I we
see that InfL c is the inflation to L of a cocycle class c' fl2(Kl*); coupling this
with the results of Cases 1 and 2, we see that invk c = 0.
The existence of K' will be a consequence of the following elementary existence
PROPOSITION. Given a finite set of primes p, and integers rp (with the obvious
restriction at that ru,,, = 1 or 2 if kr,, is real, and 1 otherwise), there exists
a cyclic cyclotomic extension K'/k such that is divisible by rp for each
prime q J p in K'.
Before proving the proposition, we indicate how our theorem results from it.
invp c will be 0 only at a finite number of primes p, and will have denomnina.
tors at these primes. Let K' be a cyclic cyclotomic extension such that [Kq'
is divisible by rp for each prime q I p. Actually, is the same for all q p.
Denote this number by mp. Abbreviate c by CL. By Lemma 2,
invq ResK' cL = mp iUvp CL.
By Lemma I, CL = ins's, c and hence
inVq Il.CSKS CL = 0
for all primes q of K'. This means that ResK' CL splits locally at all primes q of
K'. By VI, Section 1, Theorem 2 we conclude that ResK' CL = 1. This is precisely
what we wanted to achieve,
PROOF OF PitoposiTloN. In function fields we may select for K' a suitably
large constant field extension, with highly divisible local degrees at the finite set of
in number fields, let £ be a prime, and let 1" be the l.c.m. of all powers of
£ dividing the numbers r5. (We need consider only the finite set of primes £ for
which £" $ 1.) It suffices to prove that there exists an extension 14 of t power
degree such that its local degrees at the finite set of primes p is divisible by
Indeed, the compositum K' of the fields K wili be cyclic (because the degrees of
its components are relatively prime), and its local degrees will be the product of
the local degrees of K. Hence K' will satisfy the requirements of our Proposition.
We let Cr denote a primitive r-th root of unity.

Suppose F is odd. The field is a compositum of bhe field Q(C4) and a

cyclic field of degree r', and has (1—1) over At a finite
prime p this implies that has degree (F— 1) over the completion of
By a local result (left to reader) it follows that the degree Q,,} — oo
as n cc. Since this degree is a power oft, we can find an it such that this degree
is divisible by P at a given finite set of finite primes, as desired.
Supposei=2. withn)3. LetC=C—(1. Let We
contend that is cyclic. The automorphisms of Q(cfl/Q are given by
We have
= CTM —

We note that c2"t = —1 and one verifies directly that

One of the numbers or —p + 1 (mod 4). This implies that the auto-
inorphisms of Q(C)/Q are all induced by automorphisms where p 1 (mod 4).
This group is cyclic and the Galois group of is a factor group of it, whence
Furthermore, = Hence is not real, and its local degree at a real
Infinite prime is 2, as desired.
Let p be a finite prime. We know that [Q,(() : Q,} is a power of 2. Since
LQ(C) = 2 it follows that : 2. Since the degree of
increases as it increases, it follows that the degree of must also increase.
For large it, it can therefore be made divisible by any given power of 2.
This concludes the proof of the Proposition. C
As an immediate consequence of Theorem 6 we obtain a refinement of VI,
Section 1, Theorem 2.
COROLLARY. Let K/k be normal, and let c e fl2(K). If tp =1 at all primes
but one, then cp = I at that prime also, and hence c = 1.
PROOF. Obvious, because S invp c =0. 0
This corollary is a prototype of statements which follow from product (or sum)
formulas. We shall meet another one of the same kind later on in the theory.
We are now approaching the end of our journey, and assign invariants to cocycle
classes of idèle classes.
We recall the map
j: 112(JK) 3

We have defined invariants for elements c N2(JK), and the natural way of pro-
ceeding would be to assign jc the same invariant as c. However, we encounter the
following difficulty: The map j is not always onto. In order to assign invariants to
elements of fl2 (GK) we shall therefore proceed as follows.
We begin by making three auxiliary remarks. The first one is a
corollary to Theorem 6.
REMARK 1. Let L/k be normal with group Gt. Let i E ?(?(GL,CL), and
suppose ë = ft = jd with c, d fl2(CL,JL). Then invtc = invkd. Proof: We

have (j(cC')) = 1 and hence at' fl2(CL,L). By Theorem 6, it follows that

invk(cd') =0, whence c = nvk d.
REMARK 2. Let ë f fl2(JK), say ë = fc. Let L D K be normal over k. Since
inflation commutes with f, we have
JaIL ë =lnft(ic) j c.
We see therefore that if is in the image off in any layer, then its inflation to any
bigger layer is also in the image off.
REMARK 3. Let e fl2(CK). Let L1 j K and L2 D K be normal with groups
C1 and C2 over k. Suppose that
InfL1c=jc, and InfL3E=jc,
with c1 fl'(G1, and e2 fl2(C2, Jt2). Let L = L,L2 be the composittun.
By the transitivity of inflation and by Remark 2 we get
Inftë=jlnftci 31flfLC2.
It follows from Remark 1 that invk ci = IflYk In1 Cz, and hence by Lemma 1,
Cj = tnvk G2
Let K/k be a given normal extension. An element a c will be called
regular if it has the following property: There exists a normal extension L D K
such that
for some cocycle class c C 1-12(CL, JL). We denote the subset of regular elements
by 172.
We first note that W is a group. It suffices to prove that it is closed under
multiplication. Let ë, d E 172. There exists fields L1 and L2 K such that lnfL1 E
is in the image off, and 1n1L2 ciis in the image off. Let L = L1112. By Remark 2,
it follows that and d is in the image off, and since
Inft(cd) = IrIfL C (1

this proves that G is regular. It proves also that given two regular elements, there
exists a common extension L in which their inflation is in the image of j.
We shall now define invariants for regular elements. It will be proved at the
very end that all elements are regular.
Let a R2(CK) be regular, arid let L K be a normal field such that
with c 4). We define Lnvk ë to be invkc.
From Remark I, it follows that our definition is independent of the choice of
representative c in the field L. From Remark 3, it follows that our definition is
independent of the choice of auxiliary held L. The invariant depends only on the
field k, and is well defined. -
Given two regular elements ë and d, we can find a field L such that ml L E jc
and Inft d = fd. We then have In.fL(czt) =j(cd) and invkcd = invkc4-invkd. The
C —+ C

Is therefore a homomorphism of the regular elements W(CK) into the rationals

modL Inparticula.r,ffinvka$Othena#L

LEMMA 4. LetH be a subgroup ofG and let E be the 'fixed field. LetE be a
regular element of fl2(CK). Then Hess E is regular, and
lflV5 Res5 E = [E: kl mvk
Paoop. Let L K and suppose JnftE = je, with c fl2(GL,J,j. By the
comrnutativity of lnf, Res, and j we have

lnfL C = Roe5 In-IL C = ReS5 jc = j Res5 c.

This means that Res5 ë can be assigned an invariant. By Lemma 2, we have
Res5 c = [E: kJ invk C
and this proves our lemma, because we have already shown that the assignment of
invariants is independent of auxiliary fields and selected representatives. 0
Our final task is now to prove that every cocycle class a 'H2(CK) is regular.
At the same time we shall prove that the map
—' mv a
is an isomorphiam: CK/k .Z 3Z/Z, where it = [K: kl. We shall first do this in
cyclic fields, and need a lemma.
LEMMA 5. Let K/k be cyclic of degree n. There exists a regular coctjcte class
t 712(Cjc) having invariant 1/n.
PROOF. It suffices to show that if t it is a prime and t it exactly, then there
exists a cocycle class C E having invariant i/t. Indeed, we let E = jc.
Then invk a = 1/F? by definition, and taking a suitable power product of such a for
all primes £ gives a cocycle class of invariant 1/ri.
K/k contains a subfield K0/k of degree F?. According to the theorem on the
existence of primes, V, Section 4, Theorem 3, there exists a prime p in k which
remains prime in ICc: the local degree at p is therefore F?. According to the local
class field theory, there exists a local cocycle class cp having invariant 1/F?. We
form the global cocycle class c having p-component Cp, and I at all other primes.
Then invk C = I/F?, and the invariant of its inflation to K remains the same. This
proves our lemma. 0
LEMMA 6. Let K/k be cyclic of degree n. The map
j: fl2(Jjç) 112 (Cx)
is onto. In other words, every cocpcle class of Cx is regular. Let C E (Cx).
Then invk C =0 if and only if C = 1. Hence 112 (Cx) is cyclic of degree n.
Paoor. According to Lemma 5 there exists a regular cocycle class C C
such that invk C = 1/n. The powers of C form a cyclic group of order at least n.
Because of the second inequality and the fact that in the cyclic case, 1i2(Cx)
C has order exactly it, and consists of all
elements of 112(CK). If invk C" = 0 it follows that C" = 1. This proves our
lemma. 0
We are now ready to generalize the above results to arbitrary normal extensions.
Let K/k be normal of degree n. We shall prove that all elements of W(CK)
are regular, and that 112 (Cjç) is cyclic.

Let K' be any cyclic field of degree n over k. (The existence of K' follows from
the proposition concerning the existence of cyclic cyclotomic fields.) Let L = KK'
be the compositum. Let if' 7-12(Csci) have invariant 1/n. Such a if' exists by
Lemma 5. Then if' has also invariant 1/n. It follows from Lemma 4 that
Resg led L d has invariant 0. But UK is cyclic. By Lemma 6 this implies that
Resx IIlfL if' = 1. This means that lnfj. if' can be deflated to K, or in other words,
that there exists ë 712(C,c) such that
InfL e = lnft
Since Irif1, if is a cocyele class of invariant 1/n, it follows that if is regular and has
invariant 1/n. The group generated by a is cyclic of order at least n. The second
inequality shows that the order is exactly n, and that 712(CK) = 712 (Cx) is cyclic.
We have therefore shown that the map

is an isomorphism of W(CK) into the rationals mod 1. If invk if =0 then C = 1.

We now see that invariants can be assigned to every element ë 712 The
invariant is independent of the field U to which c may be inflated, and this allows
us to assign invariants to the elements of 712(0, Ce). Consequently the map
C —+ mv if
for C 712(0, Cn) is an isomorphism onto the rationals mod 1.
It is onto, because of Lemma 5, and the existence of cyclic fields of any given
degree vi. —

The lemma on restriction (Lemma 4) holds in general, because =7-12. Hence

we have proved the fundamental theorem:
THEOREM 7. Let k be a global field, and flits separable algebraic closure, with
group 0. Then C0) is a ctass formation. The elements a E 7.(2(0, C0) can be
assigned invariarits which satisfy Axiom 2 of Gh. XIV, 3 according to the procedure
described above, and the map ë —+ mv a is an isornorphism onto the rationals mod 1.
THEOREM 8. Let k be a global field. Let K/k be a nonnal exten.sion of degree
n. 712(K') is characterized as the subgroup of elements c 7t2(Jx) such that
invc =0. Furthenriore, given local invariants satisfying the conditions
1. tipAp 0 (rip = local degree)
2. almost all )ip =0
3. =0,
there exists a cocycle class c 712(K) such that invp C = Ag,.
PROOF. Let c E 712(Jx), inve = 0. Let if = jc be the image of c in 112
Then invif = 0 and consequently if = 1. Hence c is in the kernel of j, which is
Let now Cg, -K2(K;) be local cocycle classes having the prescribed invariants
Ag,. Let c 6 112(.Jg) have local components Cp. Then invc = 0, and by the preceding
argument, c (IC'), thereby completing the proof of our theorem. 0
According to Theorem? we may now do class field theory in (0, C0) and obtain
a homomorphism
a —, (a, k)

of 0k into a dense subgroup of 0/0'. If a is any idèle representing a we define

(a,k) = (a,k).
Locally we have also a class formation and we may form the symbol (a,, k,),
which is an element of where 0, is the local group of
We investigate bow the global symbol is related to the local one.
THEOREM 9. Let K/k be a finite abelian extension. Let a E C*, and let a be
any representing idéte of a. Then
(a, K/k) = H (a,,, K,,/k,,).

PROOF. The product is finite, because if p Is unraznified and a unit,

(a,,, K,,/k,,) = 1. To show the equality it suffices to prove that for every character
x of C (the (3alois group of K/k) we have
x(a,K/k) =

the properties of the dual mapping we know that

(a, K/k) = inv(x(a) U Lx)
= Einvp(4a) U ox)

= E inv,,(x(ap) U 6Xp)
where x,, Resc, x. Ifrom the definition of the local dual mapping it follows that
inv,,(x(a,,)uLx,,) =x,,(a,,,K,,/k,,) =
inv(x(a)UJx) = Ex(op, K,/k,,) = x(fl&ip1 Ky/k,))
aswastobeshown. 0
COROLLARY 1. Let K/k be finite abelkn. U an element a E k is a local norm
at all primes but one, then it is also a local norm at this prime.
PROOF. This is an immediate consequence of the product formula for the norm
residue symbol,
1 = (a, K/k) = fl(cr,

and of the properties of the local symbol. 0

COROLLARY 2. Let Ak/k be the maximal abelian extension, and let 0 be its
Galois group. Then
(a,k) =

PROOF. The product is finite on every finite subfield of Ak, and hence converges
In 0. Since
(a, k) = fl(ap, k,)

on each finite subfield, this is also true on Ak, as contended. 0


COROLLARY 3. The norm residue symbol gives a continuous map from Ck into
PROoF. Let 1) be a neighborhood of lint, i.e. an open subgroup of finite index.
Let K be its fixed field. Let a lip is unrainified in K, and 0p is a unit then
= I. lip is unraniifled, we have therefore C Ij, lip is rantified,
it follows from the local theory that there exists a neighborhood of I such that
= 1. Hence C If we put N = Up unram Up )< N,, then
N is a neighborhood of 1 in 4 and (N, k) C b. Since Ck has the factor topology,
and (k, k) = 1, the corollary is proved. 0
Let K/k be an abeian extension. Let a 4. Then (ap,K,,/k,,) = is an
element of the local group C,,. Tithe idéle a is a field element a k, then fl, c, =
fl,,(a, = 1. Conversely, given a set of local autornorphisms Up C,,, we
wish to determine when there exists a k such that (a, K,,/k,,) = Up. It turns out
that the obvious necessary conditions to be placed on the are also sufficient.
THEOREM 10. Let K/k be a finite abelian extension with group C. Given a set
of av.tornorphisnis G,, for each p such that
1. almost all op=l
2. flpUpI
there exists a c k such that (a,K,,/k,,) = Up.

Pn.ooF. By the local class field theory we can obviously find an idèle a .Jk
such that (ap,K,,/k,,) = But (u,K/k) = fl,,ap = I implies that a lies in
the kernel of the norm residue symbol, i.e. a C k*NJ,c. We can therefore write
a = aNa for some a k*, a JK. Locally, (Na,,,K,,/kp) = 1 and consequently
(a, K,,/k,,) = a,, as was to be shown. 0
Tho elements a of k' for which (a, K,,/k,,) = I at all primes p are k' fl NJK,
the elements which are local norms everywhere. The conditions under which these
elements are also global norms will be discussed latex in this chapter.

4. Higher Cobomology Groups in Global Fields

Let k be a global field, K/k a normal extension of degree n.
We consider the exact sequence

fl2(JK) fl2(CK) fl3(K) 1 N3(Jic).

The third cohomology group in layers of a class formation is trivial. From the local
class field theory we know therefore that fl3(G,,, K,,) is trivial for all primes p.
Hence 713(.Jjç) is also trivial. This means that
6: —, Ns(Ks)

is onto. fl2(CK) is cyclic of order a, generated by the cocycle class 6 having

invariant 1/n. We see therefore that 'H3(K) is cyclic, generated by = t, the
so-called Teich.mWler Cocycle. lt is easy to determine the order of Ns(K*) The
kernel, of 6 consists precisely of the images of j, i.e. those idèle class cocycles which
have an idèle representative.

THEoREM 11. Let m be the Lc.m. of a.ll local degrees = : The

image jfl2(Jx) in consists prr.cisely of those elements having invariant
r/m, where r is an integer.
PRooF. By selecting suitable components, it is clearly possible to find a cocycle
class c c N2(Jx) having invariant 1/rn. Hence we get all possible invariants r/m
as images of idèle cocycle classes. Conversely, it is obvious that these are the only
invariants we can get from idèle cocycle classes. 0
THEOREM 12. Let K/k be a normal extension of degree n. Let m = Lc.m. of
all local degrees flp. Then N3(K) is cyclic of order n/rn, generated by where
is the fundamental cocycle class of N2 (Cx).
We now derive consequences concerning the inflation and restriction of 3-
cocycles in global fields.
THEOREM 13. Let K/k be normal with group C. Let II be a subgroup of C.
Then every element of fl3(H, K) is the restriction of an element of fl3(C, K*).
PROOF. We have cornmutativity in the following diagram:
fl2(ff,Cx) —L Na(R,K*)

712(G, CK) —L fl3(C,

Hence tx/E = 55x,z = Resu oCx/k = Rest 0
THEOREM 14. Let K/k be normal, tx/k the Teichinililer cocycle. There exists
a normal extension L/k, L D K D k, such that tx/k splits.
PROOF. We have comnrntativity in the following diagram.
112(CL) —L. Na(L*)

112(Cx) —L fl3(K')
tx/k has invariant 1/n. All we need to do is select a field L having local degrees at
least a Then lUlL cK/k has also invariant 1/n, and is now in the image of j. It is
consequently in the kernel of 5, as was to be shown. 0

The Existence Theorem

1. Existence and Ramification Theorem
Let k be a global field. Let Ck = C, = C0. Let Ak be the maximal abelian
extension of k, and let 0 be its Galois group over k. Let to: C —. C) be the mapping
of the norm residue symboL
We want to prove the Existence Theorem;
THEOREM 1. Given an open subgroup of finite index B of C, there exists an
abelian extension K/k such that B = NCjç. K is the fixed field of t49).
It will be best to prove Theorem 1 in number fields and function fields sep-
arately, even though the methods used are quite similar. This will be done in
Sections 2 and 3. We shall here simply make further comments on the chara.cteri-
zation of abelian extensions of k by their norm groups.
First we have an important corollary.
COROLLARY. There is a 1—1 cortespondence between the open subgroups of
finite, index B of C and the finite abelian extensions K/k, given B = NCK,
and K fixed field of w(B). If B1 and correspond to K1 and "2 respectively,
then B1B2 corresponds to ii "2, and fl B2 corresponds to K1K2. Finally,
K1 ci K2 if and only ifBi B2.
PROOF. The first part of the corollary is a repetition of the theorem, and of
the fact that the norm index is equal to the degree of the extension. The second
part is an obvious consequence of these facts.
Let k be a global field. One may say that a finite extension E/k is a class field
if (E: Ic) = (Uk : NEIkCE). We have proved that all abelian extensions are class
fields, and that all class fields are abelian. An abelian extension is said to be the
class field of its norm group.
The reciprocity law allows us to determine the ramification of primes in abelian
extensions by investigating the idble class group NCK. We irnbed each local field
into Uk via the composition of maps —i Ccc. The next theorem gives
the connection between the global and local situations.
THEoREM 2. Let K/k be an abelian extension, ¶ p. Then
Ncccnk; aNtpK.
PROOF. In terms of idèles, we have to prove
NJcc.knk; .ks =N,Ki.k.
The inclusion j is trivial.

Conversely, let N2ta = aØJ. Then a/fl is a local norm at all primes but p.
By the product formula for the norm residue symbol, we know that a/fl is a norm
at p also. This implies that ap is a local norm, and conchides the proof of the
theorem. 0
The Ramification Theorem now shows how the splitting of a prime p in a class
field is reflected in its idèle class group.
THEOREM 3. Let K/k be an abelian extension belonging to the group B =
NCK. A pnme p is unramifled in K if and only if U,, c B. p splits completely
in K if and only if k,,' C B. (If p is archimedean, the two notions coincide, and
PROOF. If p is unramified, then all local units are local norms. Hence U,, C B.
Conversely, if C B, then by the previous theorem U,, C (B fl = N!pKqJ.
All local units are therefore norms, and by the local class field theory, p must be
The part of the theorem relating to the complete splitting is proved by replacing
TMU,," by "k,," and "unramified" by "spilt completely" in the preceding argument.
The global problem of determining how a prime ramifles can therefore be solved
by investigating the norm group, and is completely reduced to a local problem by
the preceding theorems. The higher ramification for finite primes will be studied
in detail in a subsequent chapter. Note that Theorems 2 and 3 are valid for p finite
or not.

2. Number Fields
Let k be a number field. We shall prove the Existence Theorem, and investigate
the structure of the open subgroups of finite index in C.
We have first:
THEOREM 4. The norm residue symbol w: a —' (a, k) maps C onto S.

PROOF. We can write C = R.4. x Co. R÷ is infinitely divisible and belongs to

the kernel of w. c0 is compact and w(C0) w(C) is everywhere dense in S. It is
compact, closed, and hence all of 5. 0
The kernel of w is contained in every open subgroup of finite index. Otherwise
some infinitely divisible element would not be in B, and (C : B) would not be finite.
Let B be an open subgroup of finite index. Then B is closed in C. Let
B9 = B fl C0. B0 is closed in C0, hence compact, and (C0 : = (C : B).
= is a closed subgroup of 5, and B0 is the full inverse image of I) in C0
because B contains the kernel of w. Hence (0 : Ij) = (C0 : Bo) = (C: B). Let K
be the fixed field of b. Then NCx is contained in the inverse image B of tj under
w. Since (C : NCK) [K: k) = (S : b) = (C: B) it follows that B = NCK. This
concludes the proof of the existence theorem in number fields. 0
We now turn to a more detailed study of the open subgroups of finite index.

define up 1 (mod
p finite, 1.

if p is real but zip = (3, then we put no restriction on up.

By a module in we shall mean a formal product in = where Pp ? 0, and
almost all = 0. We can think of a module as a divisor in number fields, with
archiniedean primes entering in it.
Let a be an idèle. We define a I (mod in) to mean I (mod Such
idèles form a group which we denote by 6,,,. We let Cm Gmk*/kS.
The neighborhoods of 1 in C are obtained from neighborhoods of 1 in J. A
fundamental system in J consists of neighborhoods which are constructed as follows:
w = fl u,, xfl
where Wp is the group of all such that I (mod p
if p is archimedean, then is simply a neighborhood of 1 in The sets
Wk constitute therefore a fundamental system in C. The group generated by the
elements of W is 6,,, if Vp 1 at each real p. Let be the group generated by
Then N,, = if p is finite, and is either the complex, the reals, or the
positive reals if p is archirnedean.
If B is art open subgroup of C then B contains a neighborhood Wk of the type
just described. Since B is a group, B.contai.ns the corresponding group Cm.
If in = 1, then = Js where S consists precisely of the archimedean primes.
We let kG1 = C1. Then C/C1 is isomorphic to the ideal class group and (C : C1) =
It is finite.
We may write
(C:C,,j=(C:C1)(Cj :Cm)
and (C1 Cm) is obviously finite because : is finite for all primes p. We
have proved
THEOREM 5. Let k be a number field. Let B be an open subgroup of C. Then
B is of finite index in C, and B contains one of the groups Cm.
Let B be an open subgroup of C. Let be the least power of p such that up I
(mod implies E B. Then = is obviously a module, and C1 C B. In
fact it is clear that Cm C B if and only if f in. is called the conductor of B. If K
is the class field of B, then f is the conductor of K. It is an immediate consequence
of Theorem 2 that is the local conductor of K, in the sense of the local class field
We specialize the preceding discussion to the rational numbers. A module is
given by in = m where m is a positive rational number, is the infinite
prime, and v =0 or 1. Suppose zi = 1, so in = Every open subgroup B of C
contains a group The class field to the group is simply the cyclotomic
field Q((m), according to what we have proved in Ch. 7, §2. R.ecafling the Corollary
to Theorem 1, this yields Kronecker's Theorem:
THEOREM 6. Every finite abelian extension of the rational numbers is a cyclo-
tornic field, i.e. is a subfield of Q((m) for some rn

Returning to an arbitrary number field, we consider the special module in =1.

The group C1 is an open subgroup of C and we note that it has been canonically
By the Existence Theorem, C1 has a class field K/k. By the R.ami.fication
Theorem and the definition of C1, K/k is unramified at all primes. (Recall that
for an archimedian prime, "unrairsifled" means "split completely".) Conversely, if
K'/k is an unramified abelian extension, it follows from the ramification theorem
that C, C NK'/kCK'.
The compositum of unramified extensions is also unramified. We get
THEOREM 7. Let k be a number field. The maximal unramified abelian exten-
sion K of k is finite over k, and [K: k] = h is the class number. K is class field
to C,, where C, = kJ5, S being the set of archimedean primes.
K is called the [filbert Class Field of k. We abbreviate by HCF. If h = I, then
every abelian extension of k ramified, and the HCF is k itself.
One may construct a tower of HCF over a number held k.
THEOREM 8. Let k he a number field. Let K be its HCF, with group G. Let
K, be the HCF of K. Then K1/k is normal with group C,, and K is the maximal
abelsan subfield of K1. In other words, (3= (3,/C, is the factor commutator group
of C,.
PROOF. Let a be an isomorphism of K,/k. Then a maps K into itself, so
= K. Since = Kf/K is unramified, it follows that Kf C K1 whence
Ki is normal over k. 0
Let K' be maximal abelia.n in K,. Then K' K. But K' is unramified. Hence
K' c K as was to be shown.
The Principal Ideal Theorem applies to K and K, of the preceding theorem.
It was in fact the way it arose historically.
it is an unsolved problem' to determine whether there exists towers of HCF
with infinitely many steps. More generally it is an unsolved problem to determine
whether there exists infinite non-abelian u.nramifled extensions over number fields.
The HCF has some interesting consequences concerning the class number.
THEoREM 9. Let K/k be the HCF. Let E/k be a finite extension. IfEflK = k
tlienhk hE.
PROOF. KE/E is abelian and unramified, hence is a subfield of the HCF of E.
We have hk = [K: k]. By assumption hft = (KE: El. It follows that hk I hE. 0
EXAMPLE. Let p be a prime, a primitive p"-th root of unity. Then Q((,..)/Q
is completely ramified at p. Let F C Q((,,.). Let K be the HCF of F. Then
fl K = F. if F C E C then Eli K = F and by the preceding
theorem, hp hE. In particular, the class number of the real subfield divides the
class number of
We finish our discussion of the HCF by a remark concerning unrarnified
tensions in general: Namely, there exists many other unramifled extensions besides
the HCF. These will of course be non-abelian. One can in fact prove the following
1This problem was solved by E. S. Golod and I. it Sbafarevich, see their paper [9j.

Let we be given any normal extension K/k of a number field with group G.
There exist infinitely many finite extensions E/k such that En K = k, i.e. KE/E
has also group G, and such that KE/E is unramified.


3. Function Fields
Let k be a global function field. Let ko be the constant field, with q elements.
Let be the algebraic closure of Ic0, and let K = K0k be the compositum. Z
maybe interpreted as the group t50 of K0/ko, or of Kok/k. Letp: cx —. be the
canonical generator of which then consists of powers f, ii Z. (We recall that

7 is the completion of Z under the ideal topology.)


k K0

Let Ak be the maximal abelian extension of k, and let 0 be its Galois group.
Letu€0. lfo=çoM on Kc, we define ordc=v.
We have previously assigned ordinals to idèle classes. Namely, if a C, we can
write a = ar ao where aol = 1, Jail = q, ii Z. We let ord4 = ii.
Let w: a (a, k) be the map of the norm residue symboL

THEoREM 10. Let a e C. Then ord(a, k) = ord a. in particular, ord(a, Ic) is

in Z and not in Z.

PROOF. Let a be a representative idèle of a. Then from the Reciprocity Law

we know that (a, Ic) = and we view (up, as an element of e.
The global and local ordinals are related by the formula

ord(ap,kp) =

because the constant field of has qiP elements. We have from the local cla.% field

Ic,) = ord, Up.


It follows that Ic,) =0 at almost all primes, and therefore

ord(a,k) = >ord(ap,kp)

= ord,

= orda
thereby proving the theorem. ci
COROLLARY. Let ho be the group of Ak/Kok. Then w is a topological isornor-
phism of C0 onto ho. 6 is isomorphic to the direct product of ljo and
PROOF. o.(Co) is contained in Conversely, if w(a) ho then orda =0 and
a C C0. Hence a is an isomorphism of C0 onto ho. It is continuous, and since C0 is
compact it is a homeornorphism onto. —
Let a 0 be a lifting of a topological generator w of Then the closure (a)
of the subgroup generated by a maps isomorphically to and 0= (a) x øo. 0
Let ordai = I. Write C as a direct product {ai} x C0. Any a C can be
written a = a7 x ac. We see that C is isomorphic to Z x C0 (but not canonically).
We define a new topology on C: The neighborhoods of 1 are to be the open
subgroups of finite index in the ordinary topology. This topology will be called the
class topology.
LEMMA. The class topology coincides with the old one on Co. It induces the
ideal topology on Z and the product topology on Z x C0.
PRooF. Let B be an open subgroup of finite index in C. Let b E B have least
positive ordinal. Let B0 = B fl C0. Then B = UVEZ b"B0. Bo is open because Co
is open. We shall now discuss those open subgroups, and prove they are of finite
index in C0.
As in our discussion of number fields, we let in = (v, ) 0 and = 0 for
almost all primes) be a module. A fundamental system of neighborhoods of I in J
is given by the groups
Gin flu9 x fiN,
ptm P1,n

where N, are the groups of Ic, such that a9 1 (mod p"), for p 1 rn The
groups Cm = ktSn, are a fundamental system in C, and in fact C C0. We have
(C0 : = (C0 : Uk)(Uk :
where U = , U,. By the finiteness of class number, (Co : = h is finite,
and obviously (Uk is finite, because (U, : N,) is finite.
The open subgroup Bo must contain some open group Cm and hence (C3 : Do)
is finite.
It is clear that the induced topology on Z is the ideal topology, and this proves
our lemma. In addition, it gives insight into the structure of open subgroups similar
to that obtained in number fields. 0

We form the group C = x C0 x C0 by taking the formal Cartesian

product {c4} x C0 where the exponents z' of U] now range over Z. Both Z and C0
are compact, so C is compact.
if we look at the effect of the norm residue map on C, we see that w is uniformly
continuous, in the new topology. We may therefore extend w by continuity to C.
Since C is compact arid w(C) is dense in 6, it follows that w(C) is onto 6. w is an
isomorphism between C and 0, and consequently w is a homeomorphism.
We can now prove the existence theorem in function fields using the same
procedure that was used in number fields.
Let B be an open subgroup of finite index in C. B0 = B no0, B = U.€1 IPB0.
If we write 6=4 then (Z: = d. Let B = x B0. Then
(C : B) = d(C0 : B0) = (C : B).
Let ly = w(B). tj is closed in 0 and (C: B) = (0: tj). Let K be the fixed field of
w(B). Then [K : k} = (C: B). We know that cu(NCK) C Ij, and hence NCK C B.
Since (C : NCK) = [K: kj we conclude that NCjç = B, thereby proving the
existence theorem.
As in the local class field theory, we remark that the open subgroups of finite
index in C are in 1—1 correspondence with those of C. Namely, let B' be an open
subgroup of finite index in C. Let B0 = B' n C0, and let I' = B' fl I Then 1'
is a closed subgroup of finite index of Z, and is consequently of type a where d
is an ordinary integer. We see therefore that B' is simply the closure of the group
a x B0.
The Hilbert Class Field has a certain analogue in function fields. The maximal
unramified abelian extension of is infinite because of the possible constant field
extensions. We may ask howcver for unramified abelian extensions which have the
same constant field. Let C1 = Uk/k. Let 6 C, ordb = 1. Then the group
B = {b} x C1 is open in C, and (C: B) = h is the class number. The class field of
B may be viewed as a HCF. It is a maximal unramliled abelian extension having
the same constant field as Iv. We contend that there are /i such class fields, and
that their Galois groups are isomorphic to C/B.
Let Ui,. . . , be representatives of C0/C1. Let 6, = The groups B1 =
x C1 are all distinct and (C: B4) = h. Furthermore the factor groups C/B1
are all isomorphic. The groups give rise to h class fields of the above mentioned
type, of degree ii over Iv, with isomorphic Galois groups.
Let orda = 1. Then ord air' = 0 and hence a is in some coset 1m1 mod C1.
This proves that the HCF we have described account for all of them. We denote
these HCF by Khi= 1,. ..,h.
The class field of {b"} x is the constant field extension of degree h. Denote
it by L. We contend that LK1 = US5 = UK4 .. . for any ;j. Indeed,
xCon{b1} xC1 xC1.

But and are in the same coset mod C1. This proves our contention.
The field K = UK, . . K,, is of degree
. over Iv. It is invariantly defined and
is may be viewed as the correct generalization of the Hubert Class Field. It is class
field to {6h} x C,, where 6 is any idèle class of ordinal 1.
On the other hand, noting that in number fields the HCF is class field to the
group IC Js,©, where is the set of archimedean primes, one couid say that an

analogue in function fields is the class field to ktJ5, where S ,is any non-empty set
of primes which we designate as the "infinite" ones. Then the Galois group of the
Dedekind ring Os of functions with no poles outside 5, in strict analogy with the
number field case, where the Galois group of the HCF is isomorphic to the ideal
class group of the ring of integers. The constant field extension in this type of UCF
is of degree equal the qcd of the degrees of the primes in S.

4. Decomposition Laws and Arithmetic Progressions

We consider only number fields k, and leave to the reader the task of formulating
the analogous results in function fields.
Let m = be a module in the sense of 2, and C, = kGm. Let K be the
class field of
Let 4 be the group of idèles having component 1 at all p in and arbitrary
otherwise. We contend that every idèle class mod k'6m has a representative in 4.
Indeed, let a be an idèle. By the approximation theorem, there exists a E k such
that 1 (mod in, 1. Thisimpliesthataa C Jm6m,orinother
words, J = k4JmOm as contended,
By an elementary isomorphism theorem, we have
Jm/ 'Tin fl

tm J
map idèles onto ideals by putting = fl
p finite

'Tin Jut
of 4 onto the ideals prime to in. Let be the principal ideals represented by
elements a c k*, a 1 (mod in). Then = Jim fl Hence we get
J/kt6in Jm/Jinflk4tStn
Let C be the group of K/k. Let
w: 4 —p0
be the norm residue map restricted to Then w depends only on cosets of
Jut fl ?Om. For every ideal a in we select an idèle a such that =
and define (f) to be w(a). We know that w depends only on cosets of (1
and consequently (*) depends only on cosets of k. The map
I -r
is a homomorphism of onto C, with kernel L. We interpret a generalized
arithmetic progression modm.
Let p be a finite prime. It follows from the Ramification Theorem that if p { in
then p is unramified. Let it it = I. The idéle it = (..., 1, it, 1,...) having
w at p and 1 at all other primes is such that = p, and hence w(ir) = (f)
isthe Frobenius Substitution. This shows how the norm residue symbol can be
described just in terms of the unramified primes. If q is another prime we have
(t) (F if and only if p and q lie in the same arithmetic progression.

If k = Q is the rationals, then a module in is of type in or where in is

a positive rational. Considering the latter type, in = we see that +m maps
onto the ideals prime to in mod in. A rational number cx is I (mod in) if
and only if it is positive and 1 (mod in) in the ordinary sense. This shows that
two integral ideals are in the same generalized progression mod if and only
if their unique positive generators are in the same arithmetic progression mod in.
Thus our "generalized progressions" do generalize the classical ones, which justifies
our terminology.

Connected Component of Idèle Classes

1. Structure of the Connected Component
Let Ic be a global field. Let S be the Galois group of its maximal abelian
extension, and let w: —' S be the map given by the norm residue symbol. In
function fields we have seen that the kernel of w is trivial, i.e. consists of I alone. In
number fields, the kernel is the subgroup of CA of all elements which are infinitely
divisible according to Prop. 10 of Ch. 14. We shall prove that this subgroup is the
connected component of identity of CA, which we shall denote by Dk. We shall
also determine the structure of DA by finding a set of representative idbles whose
images generate DA.
We need an auxiliary result (which will reappear in sharper form in the next
chapter). We prove a little more than is immediately needed for our purpose. We
denote by Cm a primitive m-th root of unity.
THEOREM 1. Let k be a global field, m= (m' odd) an integer and S a
finite set of primes. Let a Ic and assume a ktm for all p S.
A. If k is a fi.inction field, or if Ic is a number field and the field k(fr)/k is
cyclic (this condition is certainly satisfied if t 2) then a k"tm.
B. Otherwise at least a k*m12.

PRooF. 1. Suppose m and n are relatively prime, a = fJtm and a = q' tth
/3, 7 in Ic. Let rrn + on = 1 then
= an r,nn atnn k"
This shows that it suffices to prove our theorem in case in = yf a power of a prime
and we shall assume this for the rest of the proof.
2. Let p be the characteristic of k. Consider the inseparable extension K =
k(fl). Since Ktm C Ic, any valuation p of Ic extends uniquely to K which means
that only one prime of K divides p. From the elementary theory of global fields
we know ecpfqi = deg(K//c) and hence deg(K/k) = ecpfp = deg(Kp/kp).
If we now assume that a then deg (K/k) = 1 or
a km.
3. Assume Ic. The field = K is then a well defined Ku.mmcr
extension of Ic and our assumption about a means that = for every p S.
Theorem 2 of Chapter V shows K = Ic hence a Ictm.
4. 11Cm Ic we form the new ground field Ic' = k(C,,j. The preceding part of
the proof shows a = (3m with j3 Ic'.
The polynomial xm — a splits in Ic' into linear factors x Let xm — a =
f1(x) be its decomposition into irreducible factors in Ic; each has a root of
the form = and k(131)/k is abelian as subfield of Al/k. If a = %", 7p

then f1('yp) =0 so there exists one such that =0. This means that
our p splits completely in one of the subfields of k'.
Assume now that k'/k is cyclic of prime power degree. The subfields of k' are
then linearly ordered by inclusion and we may assume that k(fl1) is the smallest of
the subfields If p S then p splits in one of the k(j31) and consequently in
k($1). Theorem 2 of Chapter V shows k($1) = k, E Ic, a = or
5. Let p be odd and put k1 = k(4j. k'/k1 is cyclic of prime power degree.
Considering k1 as the new ground field we see that we can write a /3" with
/3 k1. Taking norms from to k on both sides we see that k"' where d is
the degree of k1 /k and therefore prime to in = p7 as divisor of p—I. Since atm Ictm
we conclude a C r.
6. Only the case in = remains. The degree of k'/k is then a power of 2. If
k'/k is cyclic our problem is settled by part 4 of our proof. This eliminates the case
of a function field. We may therefore assume that Ic is a number field, and that
k'/k is not cyclic (especially that t> 2).
Put k1 = k(VCT). Since it is well known that k'/k1 is cyclic we have k1 k
andwecanwritea=/3rwithfiic/cj. Takingnormsfromk1tokweobtain
a2 = fJtm with j3€ Ic. This means a = ±/32'' and we must show that the — sign
is impossible. Assume that it occurs. Then —1 = The assumption about a
together with t > 2 allows us to conclude that —J is a square at all primes p S.
According to Theorçm 2 of Chapter V we would have Ic1 = Ic which is not the
case. 0
REMARK. If the m-th roots of unity are not in Ic, the symbol has no
well defined meaning and a careless use of it may lead to mistakes. The crucial
steps of our proof are those of part 4 and a reader that wishes to simplify them is
asked to be especially careful at this place. In the next chapter we shall see by the
way, that the conjecture that a ktm is not always true.
We let Ic be a number field for the rest of this chapter. J =
J of the multiplicative groups of
the complex local fields and the positive real lines at real primes. One knows
from the elementary theory of topological groups that the connected component
of C is the closure of the image of the connected component of J. However, we
shall obtain a more explicit model for it, and will not make use of the abstract
topological situation, which would in any case not be sufficient for a discussion of
the cohomology of the connected component.
The group U of unit idèles splits into a direct product U x Ti where U =
and U = Accordingly each unit idhle a can be written as a

where ü has components I at all finite primes and a has components 1 at all
archimedean primes. The units e of the number field Ic, considered as idéles, can
therefore be written accordingly e = The two factors on the right side are of
course only idéles and not any longer principal idèles.
The group U is compact and has a fundamental system of neighborhoods of 1
that are subgroups of finite index. It follows that the exponentiation with ordinary
integers can be extended to an exponentiation with elements of Z where Z is the
completion of Z under the topology of the ideals of Z. The symbol at is therefore

defined for every unit idèle and every z C 2 and especially ttds defined for units e
of k and x Z. it is of course again only a unit idèle of U.
As usual we denote by vi the number of real archimeuean primes, by £3 the
number of complex primes and put r = + £3 —1.
THEOREM 2. Let Ci,.. . ,e,. be independent units of k. The corresponding idèles
4. QTE independent relative to exponentiation with I In other words, the
(1) edlrzexr_1
implies that all =0.
The group generated (with ordinary integers as exponents) by the
is of finite index d in the group of all units of k. Let m be any integer. We find to
each in (1) an approximating ordinary integer v1: v1 (mod 2dm), v2 Z.
Then e =4' .. is an element of k and we can write
— Mr
e—e1e2 —Mi
Dividing the right side by the left side of (1) we obtain

At a finite prime each 4 has component 1; the remaining factors have exponents
that are divisible by 2dm. C is therefore a power at every finite prime.
Theorem 1 shows that it is a dm-th power in k: e = ç' k. This zy must
be a unit of k and consequently its d-th power in the subgroup generated by the
= 41 .. .er, pj €1. Consequently e = . =
Since are independent! we must have = pjm. This shows that every x1 is
divisible by m. Since m was an arbitrary integer it follows that each =0 as was
to be shown. 0
Let V be the integral valuation vectors of the rational numbers Q. We may
view V as a direct V = Z + It (R the reals) with the product topology. Any
element A V can therefore be written as pair: A = (z, s) where z €Z and s It.
The integers m Z are canonically imbedded in V by the map m —t (m, m).
If C is a totally positive unit of k (that means > 0 for every real we
define (not quite canonically) an exponentiation of C by an element A = (x, s) of V
by putting
= ret
The idèle C8 is defined as follows: it has component I all finite primes and component
e1°5'cao at the log has any fixed value for a complex prime but is the real log
if p<, is real (this last restriction is necessary in order to obtain for the component
an element of This is again an idèle of U. it Is the ordinary power if A is
an integer and has always volume = 1. Indeed CAl = WI = = 1.
The map A —' r' (for a fixed C) is a continuous map of V into U.
If Pi, .. . , are the complex primes of k, we have unit circles in each of the
corresponding local fields. We describe the frth unit circle by the idèle Øp(tM)
which has at the component (t0 It) and I at all other components.
Let C3, . . . be a system of independent totally positive units of k (if is
not totally positive its square will be).

We note first that the idéles of the form

form a group and have volume 1. We want to know when an idèle of the form (2)
is principal.
LEMMA 1. Let A1 = An idlie of the form (2,Us equal to an element a
of k if and only if each A1 and each t1 is an integer. For the A, this means that
is an integer (in the natural imbedding in Z) and that zs the same inieger.
PROOF. The sufficiency of the condition is obvious. Suppose conversely that
the idèle of (2) is = a k. Looking only at the finite primes we must have
The element a must be a unit. a't lies therefore in the subgroup generated by the
say a't = et' . with gi, Z. Raising (3) into the d-th power we obtain:
= 1.
Theorem 2 shows that dx1 — =0. This means (if one considers the ordinals of
at the primes p of Z) that the integer p is divisible by the integer d in the ordinary
sense, and since d is not a divisor of 0 in Z, this means that is an ordinary
integer. This makes now

an element of k. This c is equal to a at all finite primes. Even if we had this only
at one prime we could conclude a = e. The infinite components of a are therefore
on one hand, whereas (2) gives .. . ë'"Øi(ti) ..

The relation is:

(4) t1_ntet_z3 . ..Cr_xtcfri(ti) . . . = 1.
If we take components at and then the absolute value we obtain
r =

the independence of our units we see immediately that = If we substi-

tute this result in (4) it follows now trivially that all the t1 are also integers. This
proves the lemma. U
The reader is invited to investigate how it comes that the roots of unity of k
did not play a role in our proof.
Consider the map
11 % A1 Al
We shall use the vector notation, and abbreviate this map by
(A, t) —'
It is a homomorphism of VT x into the idèles and it is continuous.
We may follow this map by the canonical homomorphism into the idéle classes.
According to the preceding lemma, the kernel consists precisely of zr x ZT2. Each
Z is closed in V or It, and we obtain a continuous isomorphism of (V/Z)T x
into Co. It will be shown below that it is a topological isomorphisin onto the
connected component of Co.
The following lemma concerning the topology and the group structure of VIZ
will be useful.

LEMMA 2. V/Z is compact. The reals R, naturally irabedded its V/Z, am ev-
erywhere dense in it, and V/I is eonsequently connected. V/I is infinitely and
uniquely divisible.
PRooF. 1. One sees easily that every element of V/I has a representative
A = (z, s) with 0 ç a ( 1. If we denote by N the set of all A = (0, a) with 0 C s 1
then our representative is in Z + N and this means that V/I is the image of the
compact set I + N under the canonical map of V onto V/I. V/I is therefore
2. Let A = (x, s) be any element of V. If in is a given integer (describing a
neighborhood of Z), let p a (mod m), p I and subtract the image of p in V,
so the pair (p, j.t) from A. This leads to the pair (a — p, s — j.z) which represents the
same element as A in V/I. This pair belongs to the set (mZ, 0) + (0,s — which is
mapped into a neighborhood of the real s — pin V/I. Therefore R is dense in V/I.
Since the closure of a connected set is connected, it follows that V/I is connected.
3. The same computation allows us to write A e (mod I) and
shows divisibility by rn If mA 0 (mod I) then there would be an integer p I
such that mx = p in and ma = p in lit The first equation implies (as in the
previous that a is an integer and the second shows now that a is the same
integer. But this means A 0 (mod I), and proves the unique divisibility. 0
The group V/I is called the solenoid. It can be shown that it is simply the
compact dual of the discrete additive group Q of rationals.
We return to our continuous isomorphism of x into Co. Each
circle k/I is compact and infinitely (but not uniquely) divisible. it is obviously
connected The group x is therefore compact, connected and in-
finitely divisible. Its image D0 in C0 is therefore compact, connected and infinitely
divisible and our map an isomorphism, both algebraically and topologically.
We contend now that every infinitely divisible idèle class of volume I lies in
D0. Let a be such a class. Write a = where h is the class number of k and
in a highly divisible integer. The class W' can be represented by a unit idble, the
class b2k by an idèle c of U that is totally positive, a is therefore represented by
the idéle = The idèle is in as small a neighborhood of 1 as we like for
a suitably highly divisible in. We shall prove that the idèle class c of Zm belongs to
D0. From this it follows that a is in the closure of D0. But D0 is a closed set and
consequently we will have proved that a is in D0.
Let = a. Then a is totally positive and = 1.
Let (v = 1,. ..,r+ 1) range over the archimedean primes.
From the independence of the units we can solve for 5k,. s,. the system of
= ... Li = 1,...,r.
Since al =1 we also have
11 .—1— 1r
I IPr.pi — Ci P"+i '• 'I r1P,.+i.

Let Aj = (0, V. Since a is totally positive, we have

= . .

for any real At a complex prime they differ by an element of value 1. Hence
we can write

thereby proving our contention, that D0 contains the infinitely divisible idèle classes
of volume 1. Since D0 itself is infinitely divisible, it is therefore equal to the infinitely
divisible idèle classes of volume I.
This shows that D0 is the intersection of all open subgroups of finite index in
C0. It contains therefore the connected component of identity in C0. Since D0 is
connected, it now follows that it is the connected component of 1 in Co.
In order to get the full connected component of C, we select at some archime-
dean prime a positive real line C Then it is clear that every element
from the connected component is uniquely represented by an idèle of the group

Thus we have proved

THEOREM 3. The mapping (A, t) of (V/Z)' x into C0 is
a topological isomorphism onto the connected component of C0. The structure of
the connected component of C is that of a direct product of one real line IR÷, r =
+ r2 —] solenoids, and r2 circles and is the closi&re in C of the image of the
connected component of J.
2. Cohomology of the Connected Component
Let K/k be normal with group C. As we shall deal only with the idéle classes
of K, we let
C=CK, D=DK, D0=DKr1C°K.
Then, as is easily seen, it is possible to choose a splitting such that D = D0 xlR4
and C has trivial action on
Let range over the complex primes of K. The circles of the preceding sec-
tion are now denoted by Øu,3(tp). Such a circle is the idèle having all components 1
except the ¶jY-component, which is We can write

Indeed, each ¶1 of K extends exactly one prime p of k, which may be real or
complex. It is clear from the definition of the action of C on idèles that each
semilocal component 11PIv Øqj is invariant under C, and hence the full product is
invariant under C. (This comes from the fact that each local module consists
precisely of those elements of the local complex field having absolute value equal
to 1.)
Let D' be the subgroup of D given by the canonical image of the circles in C,

Then D' is C-isomorphic to the product Øp, and is a subgroup of D, invariant

under C. From the preceding section, we see tbat D/D' is C-isomorphic to x
(fl V/Z). Since both lit,, and VIZ are uniquely divisible, it follows from W, that
= I for all it From the exact sequence
1C-'(D/D') -, W(D') -t W'(D)
we get
TNE0nzM 4. For all r, 7-flD')

The cohomology of LV is now easily determined. For each semilocal pair

(C, let (Ge, be a local component. From the semilocal theory, we
know that
and since the cohomology group of a product is the product of the cohomology
groups, we have
If p is unramifled, i.e. splits, then is trivial, and so is the local cobomology group.
If p is real, C, is cyclic of order 2, generated by the complex conjugation. From the
cyclic theory, we know that the cohomology groups are periodic of period 2, and
hence our computation is reduced to the dimensions —1 and 0.
In dimension —1, we know that the cohomology group is isomorphic to the
elements with norm 1, modulo those which have obviously norm 1 (i.e. those of type
One venues immediately that for the circles, this factor group is trivial.
in dimension 0, we know that
(449 :

i.e. the fixed elements modulo the norms. But the fixed elements are simply ±1,
and the norms are trivial, i.e. equal to 1. Hence the factor group is cyclic of order 2.
Thus we have proved:
THEOREM 5. Let K/k be nonna! with group G. Then N2"(D') is of type
(2,2,. .. , 2) and order 2" where p is' the number of ramified archimedeen primes.
fl2r+l(jy) = 1 for all r.
in the exact sequence
1= fl'(C) — fl'(C/D) -. 112(D) -fr -. fl2(C/D) -'1
the map i maps each local factor of 712(D) onto the kernel of multiplication by 2
in the cyclic group N2(C). Thus, if ji> 0, then N1(C/D) is of type (2,2,. . . , 2)
and order and cH2(C/D) is cyclic of order k}.
We note that N'(C/D) is not necessarily trivial, and that consequently the
inclusion i: fl2(D) N2(C) is not always an isomorphism.

The Grunwald—Wang Theorem1

1. Interconnection between Local and Global rn-tb Powers

Let k be a global field, m any integer and S a finite (possibly empty) set of
primes. Denote by P(rn, 5) the group of those elements a /f which are in
for all p S.
k5m is a subgroup of P(m, 5) and we ask now for the precise structure of the
factor group. Theorem 1 of the preceding chapter provides already an answer in
certain cases and we must now investigate the remaining possibilities. If k is a
function field, then P(m, S) = k*rn.
Assume therefore from now on that k is a numberfield and let in = 2trnt
(in' odd). The answer is again P(m, 8) = ktm if k(fr)/k is cyclic (see IX, Section 1,
Theorem 1).
We are therefore led to investigate the conditions under which is a non-
cyclic field.
Changing the notation slightly denote by (r = 1,2,...) a primitive 2'-th
root of unity such that
Sr+1 —

and observe that r =2. We also obtain:

(4) Cr+i'ir+iCr+I.
(3) shows that a field containing ij,. also contains all with p r. (4) shows
that a field containing iir+i and Cr will contain Cr+i if r 2. If therefore (2 =
and > 2) are in a field, then (,. is also in this field. k((r) is therefore the
compositurn of the fields k(i) and k(lh-) for r > 2.

11n 1932 W. Grunwald proved a theorem like 'Theorem 5 of this chapter in his dissertation
(supervised by H. Hasse, cf. [10]). However he did not notice the need for an extra condition in
a certain special case. Ten years later, (3. Whaples published a new Foof of Grunwald's theorem
[30] also overlooking the special case. This new proof was presented by Bill Mills in Artin's seminar
in the spring of 1948. A few days later, one of the listeners, Shianghaw Wang came to Artin's
office with a counterexample to a key lemma of that proof, and later the same day produced a
counterexample to the Theorem itself, by proving that there dose not exist a cyclic extension of Q
of degree in which 2 stays prime (see the 'consequence' before Theorem 2 below). In his Ph.D.
thesis, [26] Wang published a corrected version of Grunwald's statement, which is now known ss
the Grunwald-Wang Theorem. This chapter is Artin's own reworldng of this theorem, its proof
and related questions, in the light of Wang's discovery.


The extensions are cyclic. To see this it is sufficient to show that

Q(flr)/Q is cyclic since the group of k(ij4/k will be a subgroup. Every automor-
phism of Q((,.) is induced by an automorphism UM((r) = of Q(ijt) and (2) shows
that and will induce the same automorphism of Q(q,.). We may therefore
assume that gi 1 (mod 4). These automorphisms a cyclic group
generated by and this shows that Q(q,.) is cyclic.
If k would contain all q,. then k(i) would contain all Ct which is impossible.
There is therefore an integer s 2 such that C ¼ but 77a+i k.
Because of (3) is quadratic.
Suppose now that all are cyclic. is then the only quadratic
subfield they can have. k(i) is either k or quadratic and consequently I
If conversely i C (for r> s+1) then k(Ct) = and is therefore
The non-cyclic case is therefore characterized by the fact that F = k(i, fls+1)
= is a four group field over k. In this case, F contains the three quadratic
subfields k(i), k(r13+j) and and (3) shows that this fact can be expressed
within k by the condition that the three elements —1, 2+ —(2 + are non-
squares in k.
Since E k, k(i) = k(C.) and we see that is cyclic for t ( s. But
F = k(C5+i) and all with t> a are non-cyclic. Let a be the automorphism
$1 of k(i)/k. C3+C;1 = E kand c5C;1 = 1€ kshow that and are
conjugate: = (Z'.
Suppose now that there exists an a P(m, 5) which is not in k'tm. Then
a P(2', S) but a c k*2t (since a C kern'). We see immediately that we must have
the non-cyclic case arid that t>
With k(i) as ground field we have the cyclic case so we can write a = A2'.
Raising to the power 1— a we obtaini
(A1_0)2' = 1.

is a root of unity in k(i) = k((4) and k(i) (it generates F).

Therefore A'° = cr. In a = A2t we can replace A by A1 = Then =
cr2A. If ,u were even we could achieve A'° = 1 or A1 k contradicting a k2'.
So is odd and now we can achieve that jzis any given odd number especially in'.

= C" = = (1+ C)(l-e)rn'

It follows that j3 = A(1 + fl—n' satisfies = 1 or fi k. From A = fl(1 +C5)m'

we get a = aop2t where
11 rws vi, in

= (—2 — ,)rn/2 = ((2 +

These various expressions follow from (3), (4) using t> s) 2.
This is in km'; C together with
a aok*m.
Thus far we have seen that P(rn, 5) C k U a0k. We have still to investigate
whether actually Pfrn, 5) and whether the two cosets are different.

Let So be the (possibly empty) set of all primes p where F,/k,, is of degree 4
(and consequently a four group field). Since unramified fields are cyclic, and
is only ramified for primes dividing 2, and since archimedean extensions are of
degree 2, it follows that consists only of certain divisors of 2.
Assume now that ktm or that it is in some k" with p So Then it
would be in k2t resp. Since in' is odd, (2 + would be in k2t resp. kE.
Extracting a 2t*th root (2 + i)3)( would be in k2 resp. where ( is a 2''-th
root of unity of k resp. But k(i) resp. k9(i) are genuine extensions so ( can only
be ±1. The fact that F/k reap. is a four group field shows that ±(2 + q.,) is
not a square and we have a contradiction.
This shows that a0km $ ktm but it shows also that ao can be in P(m, 5) only
if So C S.
Assume now So c S and let p S. collapses so one of the three quadratic
fields of F must collapse. Either or or is in and a suitable expression
from (5) shows El Icr, ao P(m, 5). We have now proved the theorem:
THEOREM 1. Let Ic be a global field, in an integer, S a finite set of primes
and Pfrn, 5) the group of all a El kt such that a El k" for all p S. Then
F(m, 5) = k'tm except under the following conditions which will be referred to as
the special case:
1. k is a number field.
2. 2 + tj, and —(2 + are non-squares in Ic, where $) 2 is an integer
such that c k, g k.
3. in = 2cm' where in' is odd, and t> s.
4. c 5, where So is the let of those primes p (2 where —1, 2+ ci,, and
—(2 ÷ are non-squares in
In this special case P(m, 5) = k*rn Ua0km where ao is given by (5,). Obviously
but a0
As an example let Ic = Q. Then 3 = 2, F = = Q(i, contains
the single prime 2. The special case occurs if 8 (in and if S contains 2. =
(1÷ir = = 2km.
Taking especially in 8 (the smallest integer where the exceptional case occurs)
we have
ao= 16=
and 16 is an 8-th power at co and at all odd primes. Indeed, if p is odd, the
extension is unramilled and must therefore be cyclic of degree 2. This
means that either i or or vC2 lies in Q, and the formulas show that 16 is an
8-th power. On the other band 16 is not an 8-tb power in Q or in the 2-adic field.
CONSEQUENCE: Let K/Q be any cyclic field of degree 8. Then 16 is a norm
at all p except possibly 2, and hence at 2 also by the product formula for the
norm residue symbol. It follows that K2/Q2 cannot be unrainilled of degree 8 (the
ordinal of 16 is not divisible by 8). This shows that one cannot prescribe local
conditions at certain primes and find a global cyclic field of given degree satisfying
these conditions. The circumstances when this can be done are discussed in the
next section.

As a corollary to Theorem 1 we prove the following thçorem which gives us

insight into the structure of the idèle class group:
THEOREM 2. Let k be a global field, m an integer. Denote by Jm reap. Cm
the group of idèles resp. idèle classes whose period divides m and let be the
canonical ima9e of Jm in the zdèle classes. We contend Cm = .Jm unless vie are
in the special case with the additional restriction that So = 0 (empty). Then there
ezists an idèle class ao E Jm such that Cm = 3m U aofm. In function fields of
characteristic p: C, = 1.
PRoOF. Let a represent an a Cm. Then am = a and consequently a
P(m, 0). Therefore a = 3m unless we are in the special case with So = 0 when
a may be a0$tm; this a0 is an m-th power at all p so there exists an idèle aij such
that ao = The idéle class a9 of a0 is not in or else = /30c with 1;
this would yield = i3(,? which is not the case. We obtain now Om = /3"' reap.
am = so that resp. is in This shows that a rasp. is in 0
If k is a function field then trivially .1, 1 and consequently C, = 3,, = 1.
REMARK 1. The structure of is pretty obvious: each component of and
idèle of must be a local m-th root of unity. Since the kernel of the canonical
map of onto is very simple namely the m-th roots of unity of the global field
k (as far as they exist), the structure of .Jm is also understood.
Since Sg is not empty in case k = Q, this is not an example for the special case
of Theorem 2.
Consider k = Q(T7). Over Q2 we have = isjC7 where yCY Q2 since
—7 1 (mod 8). k((3) = i) = F is a four group field which collapses over
= since i k2. Therefore is empty, and we have the special case of
Theorem 2 if we take m =8.
REMARK 2. In the special case (if only t > s), a9 is independent of rn. Formula
(5) shows indeed that (ao)p = 1 + or 1a+1 or depending on which of the
three quadratic fields collapses at p.

2. Abelian Fields with Given Local Behavior

Consider the idèle class group C of a field k. The corresponding local fields
have been imbedded naturally in C. This imbedding is done in such a way that the
local norm residue symbol (a, Ic,) coincides with the global one (a, k).
An abelian extension K/k is described by its norm group N = NCjc which is
an open subgroup of finite index in C, and every open subgroup of finite index is
conversely the norm group of exactly one abelian extension K/k.
The norm groups of the local completions are given by:2
Let S be a finite set of primes. Via the injection P —' .4 we see that C contains
the direct product P = k. If S contains more than one prime the topology
that C induces on P is not any more the product topology. P will even not be
closed in C. The intersection
2Thls follows from (Vii, Sect. 3, Corollary 1 of Theorem 9).

defines a subgroup P3 of P of finite index which is open in P. It describes the

local extensions Kq3/kp for p S and the interconnections between them. Indeed,
= P0n k; and more generally, P0 is the kernel of the norm residue map for
elements a e
(a,K/k) = H(ap,K!p/kp)
Two arise now:
1. Let P = k; but with the product topology. The map of P onto P is
an algebraic isomorphism. We may view P as a subgroup of J and the map as the
canonical map into C. it is therefore continuous. Do the open subgroups of finite
index of P and P correspond to each other? The answer is affirmative.
2. Let Po be a given open subgroup of finite index in P. Does there exist in
open subgroup N C C of finite index such that Po = N fl P? This would give the
existence of an abelian extension K/k whose local behavior at the primes of S is
the one described by P0. The answer is also affirmative.
LEMMA 1. Let A and B be subsets of a topological group, A compact and B
closed. Then AB is closed.
PROOF. We have to show that the complement of AB is open. We remark that
c 0 AS is equivalent to A'cflB 0. We have therefore to show: If A'cflB = 0,
then there exists a neighborhood V of 1 such that A1cV fl B = 0. We denote by
W's open neighborhoods of identity. Since A'c is compact a change of notation
transfonns our question into the following:
LetAbecompactandBclosedandassunieAflB= 0. FindaVsuch
that AVflB=0. SinceBisclosedwecanflndtoeachac
aW a such that WaWa C W. Since A is compact we can cover A
by a finite number a11V1 of the sets aWe. Now we determine a V C fl If a E A
is in then aV C C C and does not intersect B. 13

LEMMA 2. n C= = unless we are in the special case with a non-empty

set So. in this special case let cm be the idéle class of P that has components ao at
the pnmes of and I at the other primes of S. Then PflCP" =
P fl (7" can be represented by an idéle a with compo-
nents I outside S and we must have an equation of the form a = acm. This shows
that a E P(m, 5) and therefore a = fjtm unless we are in the special case when
a = a0/3m is also possible. This is an m-th power outside 5o and we may write
Cto C,nO" where has components in S0 and 1 everywhere else. This shows
that a = a"' or, in the special case if is not empty possibly = Comparing
components outside S we see that n can be taken in fJpcs Ic,,. Going back to P we
obtain our lemma. 0
LEMMA 3. P" is closed in P and the factor groups P/P" and P/Ptm air
PROOF. C" is closed as we know. Therefore PnC" is closed in P. This shows
that Ptm is closed in P unless we are in the special case. In the special case Ic is
a number field and the index of Ptm in P is finite. Since P2" C (P fl C2"') c Ptm
and P11 is closed, we see that Ptm is closed in this case also.

The map of onto P/P" is continuous. It suffices therefore to show that

P/Ptm is compact. This amounts to show that kp/kr is comp,act. For archimedean
primes the factor group is finite of order 1 or 2. For non-archimedean primes
Z x 14, and therefore kp/kr Z/mZ x Up/U.7', a product of a finite group
and a continuous image IJV/Ur of the compact group Up. 0
THEOREM 3. The open subgroups of finite index of P and of P correspond to
each other under the mapping.
PROOF. Since the map_of P onto P is continuous, an open subgroup of P comes
from an open subgroup of P. Let conversely PQbe an open subgroup of finite index
of P and select in in such a way that P"2 C Po. P0/P"2 is compact so the image
P0/P"2 is compact and therefore closed. It is of finite index in P/P"2 and therefore
open. Consequently P0 is open. [I

LEMMA 4. If P0 is an open subgroup of finite index in P then P0C" is closed

PROOF. P0 is open in P. Let IV = flpES W, be a neighborhood of I in P
that is contained in , where the W
in divisible by n such that P"' C Po. Since P0/P"2
is compact one can find a finite covering Po = p1P"2W. Going over to P one
obtains Po = U1 p,P"2W. The point is that W is compact as continuous image of
a compact set (although not necessarily a neighborhood of 1 in P). Multiplying by
C" and observing that Ptm is absorbed by C" one has P0C" = U1 I¾WC". W is
compact and C" is closed. Lemma 1 shows the contention. U

LEMMA 5. C/C" is compact.

PROOF. In number fields C has the structure K,. x C0 so that C/C" Cg/C73
an image of the compact group C0. In function fields the structures are Z x C0 and
Z/nZ x and the conclusion is the same. 0
LEMMA 6. C has a fundamental system of neighborhoods V such that the sets
C"V aro open subgroups of finite index in C.
PROOF. Let W = Vi,, be a fundamental system of neighborhoods of J,
selected in such a way that the W,, are compact subgroups of ?t if p is non-
archimedean. At the archurnedean primes let them be small neighborhoods of 1.
J"W is a group since for the archimedean primes ;"w, = The images V of
the W in C are a fundamental system of neighborhoods in C and the images of
J"W are C"V.
Read modulo C" the C"V are neighborhoods of I in C/C". Since C/C" is
compact, a finite number of translations cover the whole group and this proves that
the index is finite. 0
LEMMA 7. Let P0 be an open subgroup of finite index of P. There exists (if
n is a given integer) an open subgroup N of finite index of C such that P fl N =
Po(PflC"). N contains C".

PROOF. 3Both groups P0C't and PC'1 are closed in C. Since Po is of finite
index in P, P0C' is of finite index in PC't. The complement of P0C't in PC"
consists of a finite number of (closed) cosets of P0C'1 and is therefore closed In
the topology of PC", P0C" is therefore open in the group PC". This means
that there exists a neighborhood V of 1 in C such that PC" fl V C P0C". Put
N = P0CW. According to Lemma 6, N is an open subgroup of finite index of C.
PC"nP0C"V = P0C"(PC'tflV) = P0C't. Therefore WIN = =
PnP0C" =Po(PflC").





THEOREM 4. Let P0 be an open subgroup of finite index of P. There exists an

open subgroup N of finite index of C such that P11 N = P0. The smallest inte9er
n that one can achieve as exponent of the factor group C/N is the smallest n for
which P 11 C" C Po. Trivially PN/N P/P0. Let m be the exponent of P/P0.
Thenn=m ifPflCm cP0; otherwise, n=2m.
PROOF. 1. Suppose an N is found such that P n N P0 and such that the
factorgroupC/N isofexponent n. ThenC" C Nwhence C P11N= P0.
2. SupposePflC't cP0. UsingLemzna7witbthisnwe findanNsuch that
3. Since Po is of finite index there is an n such that P" C P0. Under any
circumstances P11 Ca" C c P0. 0
This result suggests that one should impose further global conditions. We
study first the special case when P/P0 is a cyclic group of order in. We may view
in this case P0 as the kernel of a continuous character xs of P of period m. The
restrictions of xs to k (if p ci S) define local characters Xv on k whose kernels
are Po 11 (i.e. the local norm groups of the global field K belonging to N). If
are the periods of the Xpt then in is the least common multiple of the lip. If the Xv
are given then xs = Xv
The question arises whether Xs can be extended to a continuous character x
of C and what the minimal period of such an extension would be. The kernel N
will be an open subgroup of finite index of C and the exponent of the factor group
will be the period n of x Theorem 4 shows that the inirthnal value for n that one
can hope to achieve is n = m unless we have P (1(7" Po when ii = 2m will be
needed. Let n be defined in this way.

3We make use of the following Minus II B is a group, A a subset of B and C any other set
then BflAC= A.(BflC).

According to Theorem 4 we can find an open subgroup N1 of finite index of

C such that P n N1 = 1%, PZV1/N1 P/P0 and such that C/N1 has exponent n.
We conclude first that xs can be extended naturally to a character of the group
PN1 with kernel N1. If we view this extension as a character of the finite group
PN1/N1, we can extend it to a character of the finite group C/N1. if we view this
extension as a character on C it will be an extension of Xs to C, will be continuous
since its kernel N contains N1 and will satisfy = 1 since C/Ni has exponent n.
Finally we look at the condition that determines the value of n. Lemma 2
shows (since Ptm C F0) that we have Ti = 2rn if and only if we are in the special
case for P(m, 5) with a non-empty set So and if the idèle class of Lemma 2 is
not in Po. In other words if xs(cm) = xpfr'o) = 1. We have proved:
THEoREM 5. Let S be a finite set of primes, Xv local characters of periods Up
for each p e S and rn the least common multiple of the n,. There exists a global
character x on C whose local restrictions are the given Xv Its period can be made
= m provided that in the special case the condition:
[I xp(cto)1

is satisfied. If the condition is not satisfied one can only achieve the period 2m.
We describe very briefly the corresponding question if P/P0 is abelian. Let
, , be a basis for the group of characters of P/P0. Let be the period
of The question is whether one can find an N such that C/N P/P0 and
P fl N = P0. This turns out to be equivalent to the condition that each of the
can be extended to a character Xi of C with period ej. If this is possible, one takes
for N the common kernel of the Xi
We return now to the cyclic case.
REMARK. Assume that we are in the special case, p E 8o and 14,/hp the local
extension described by the given character Xv of period if Ttp is even, let I4/hp
be its quadratic subfield. Then xpfrxo) = ±1 where the — sign occurs if and only if
is odd and —(2 + q9) is not a norm from K/kr.
PROOF. According to (6) Oo = (—(2 + rp8flm/2. ii is even, then a0
and consequently = I.. if is odd we write:

Xp(ao) = (XY(—(2 + 'ii)))

is the character of period 2 that describes the field so that we can drop
the exponent ?t. This proves the remark. 0
LEMMA S. Assume that we are in the special case, that n is even and p So.
There exists a cyclic local extension of degree rip, such that —(2 + tj,) is a norm
from its quadratic subfield.
it suffices to achieve 14,. Indeed, K would be = and
= = —(2 + me). To find such a 14,, observe that the fields
p.> s are all cyclic and have as degree a power of 2. Among them there are
fields of arbitrarily high degree since a given field will contain only a finite number
of the AU of them contain It suffices to take as K the compositum of
such a field with an unramified field of suitable odd degree. U

We can now prove a theorem that has applications in the theory of algebras
over global fields:
THEOREM 6. Let k be a global field, S a finite set of primes and Tip positive
integers associated with each p S. If p is archimedean it, should be a possible
degree/or an extension of k,. Then there exists a cyclic extension K/k whose degree
it is the least common multiple of the and such that the completions K9)/kp have
degree '½ for all S.
PROOF. To each p S select a cyclic field in the following way:
1. If p is archimedean select the extension in the only way that is anyhow
2. If p is non-archimedean but not in select the unranüfied extension of
degree Tip. For primes in select the extension as in the previous lemma.
if we describe each of these local extensions by characters, we can find a global
character of period n whose restrictions to k, are the given local ones since we have
taken care that in the special case = 1. 0
The following corollary is directly adapted to the intended application to alge-

COROLLARY. Let k be a global field and c fi) a 2-cocycle of period it.

Then c has a cyclic splitting field of degree it over k.
PROOF. We know that =1 at almost all primes. The period of c is the least
common multiple of the periods n, of the c,. Each c, is split by any local field of
degree Tip. Furthermore c splits globafly.if and only if it splits locally everywhere.
By Theorem 5 we can find a global cyclic field K of degree it which has local degree
at all primes where 1. This field will split all and consequently c. U

3. Cyclic Extensions
it is possible to ask a somewhat different question. Namely, given a cyclic
extension K/k of degree it, and a prime p. We wish to determine when there exists
a field L J K which is cyclic of degree f over K, and also cyclic over k.
If pf it, then the question reduces to the one already treated. We suppose that
p 1 n.
To simplify the notation, let C denote the idèle classes modulo the connected
component in the case of number fields, and the compactified idéle classes in the
case of function fields. We have therefore C = C in the notation used previously.
Denote by C the character group of C.
Let N be the norm group of K, to which K is class field, and N,, = Nflk,. Let
x be a character with kernel N. Afield L of the prescribed type will exist if and
only if there exists a character C such that x =9 , or in other words, x C".
indeed, the kernel of such a character 0 would be an open subgroup M C N of
finite index yin in C, and its class fieki L would satisfy our requirements.
The subgroup of C orthogonal to is precisely (the elements of order
dividingf in C) because a (CPr)* <* = 1 for all & C <* *(a"')= 1 for
all i/i C = I.
In function fields we note that the elements 11/Pt have ordinal 0 and hence are
genuine idéle classes.

The foliowing theorem is essentially trivial if we take into account Theorem 2

and the relation between the local arid global groups and, N described at the
beginning of Section 2.
THEOREM 7. Let the notation be that described in the preceding jxzragraph.s.
The following statements are equivalent:
1. There exists an extension L of K such that L/K is cyclic of degree p' and
L/k is also cyclic.
3. At each prime p, = 1 for every jf-th root of unity C in and in the
special case, x(cy) = 1 (where is the idèle class of Lemma 2).
4. At each prime p, C E for every pt-th root of unity in k,, and in the
special case, cy
COROLLARY 1. If k is a function field and p is the characteristic then the
construction of Theorem 7 is always possible.
PRooF. There are no idèle classes of period p, and there is no special case. 0
COROLLARY 2. Jfk is a global field and ( is a primitive f-th root of unity in
k, then the four statements of the theorem are equivalent to the condition that (is
a norm from K, i.e. (= Na, a E K.
Since (lies in k, there is no special case. If (is a global norm it is a
local norm everywhere. Conversely, if (is a local norm everywhere, it is a global
norm because K/k is cyclic. This proves the equivalence of our statement with 4
and hence with the others. 0
The conditions formulated in Corollary 2 and in Theorem 7, 1, are completely
algebraic, i.e. do not involve arithmetic objects. It can be shown that they are
equivalent in any abstract field Ic. Corollary 1 is likewise true over any field k
of characteristic p. See for instance N. Bourbaki, Elements, Ch. V, Algebre, 11,
We see that the algebraic theorems and criteria are special cases of the arith-
metic theorems for global fields, but that the latter hold whether the roots of unity
are in k or not.

Higher Ramification Theory

1. Higher Ramification Groups
We recall some elementary facts of local valuation theory, and begin by fixing
the notation.
Let /c be complete under a discrete valuation, with perfect residue class field k.
The characteristic of/c is p ? 0.
K/k denotes a normal extension The prime ideals are ¶43 and p respectively, the
rings of integers 1) and a. 11 has order 1 Lu K, and it has order 1 in k. We write
a if a and fi have the same value.
E/k denotes a finite separable extension. Os/k is the different. E/k is unram-
ifled if and only if 05/k = 1. If K £ k then = O,qs OEm. If the
powers of a are a minimal basis for E/k, and 1(x) is the equation for a over k,
then = f'(a)SD.'
in a tower K £ k, we distinguish objects of K/F) by the sign , and those
of E/k by the sign - (which will not be confused with the residue class field). We
would write
Let K/k be normal with group G. We define a descending sequence of groups
(7= J Vo D V1 J V2 D... as follows. V1 is the group of all eQ G such that
eamo (mod
We also write this condition symbolically
V, is called the i-Ui ramification group of K/k. V1 and are not necessarily
distinct. Vo is the inertia group and its fixed field T is the maximal unranilfied
subfield of K. We note that the groups V1 are normal in G. Indeed, let a
r c G. Then
—a — i-'a) ¶431+1

and hence rar1 thereby showing that V1 is normal.

Suppose that the powers of a are a minimal basis: 1) = o&. Thea obviously
ceV1 ifandonlyiffrr—1)ac Thisshowsthat V1 = I forlargei. If K/k is
completely ramified, then {IIM} is a minimal basis and therefore a V1 if and only
ifoHeIl (mod
The different is given in terms of the ramification groups as follows:
1Suth elements a exist. If Is an element of i) whose residue class generates the residue
class field extension and H is a prime element of 0, then either fi or $ + H will be such an a. See
(16, III, § 1, Prop. a].

THEOREM 1. Let K/k be a normal extension. Then

ordKt9 =D#V -1).

PROOF. If a is a minimal basis, and the irreducible equation for a over

k, then = f'(a) = — a). For a E but a we have by definition
— a) = i+ 1. It follows that ordk 19= + 1)(#% — and this
formula is easily seen to be equal to the one of the theorem, for instance as follows.
Suppose = I. Then our sum is equal to
(#Vo-#Vil+2(#Vi - #V9+3(#V2-#V3)+•..+t(#Vt-i -#1')

=E(#¾-I). 0

We shall now derive some useful structure theorems concerning the ramification
We begin by remarking that we may assume K/k completely ramified without
loss of generality. Indeed, we have
THEOREM 2. Let K/k be normal with group C. Let K be an intermediate field
fixed under H. Let V4 be the ramification groups of K/E. Then V4 =
V4 fl H.

PRooF. Clear. 0
If K/k is normal it is much more difficult to determine the relationship between
the ramification groups of K/k, and those of K/k. The next section will be
devoted to this enterprise. For the moment, we stay in one field.
Denote by k the multiplicative group of units of k which axe 1 (mod p9
for i > 0. Complete this definition by letting be the group of units of k, and
= k' itself. We have
k0 k1 k2 D
Let K/k be normal with group C.
The factor group 1(o/K1 is naturally isomorphic with the multiplicative
group of the residue class field. If K/k is completely ramified, then K = k and C
operates with trivial action.
Let K/k be completely ramified, V0 = C. We have

In fact, we see that Z'(Vo, Ko) is a unit cocycle.
ThEoREM 3. Let K/k be completely ramified. V0/V1 is isomorphic to a finite
subgroup of K (multiplicative), and is cyclic. Its order e0 is prime top.

PROOF. The map a —, (mod is a homomorphism of Vo into the

multiplicative group of the residue class field, because is a 1-cocycle with
trivial action in 1Co/K1 = K. The kernel is precisely V1, and this proves that
14,/V1 is isomorphic to a subgroup of K = k. A finite subgroup of the multiplicative
group of a field is cyclic, so is cyclic. If e0 is its order, then we must have cc
prime to the characteristic of k, as was to be shown. 0
THEOREM 4. Let K/k be completely ramified, i i I. =0, then V1 = 1.
If p 0, then %/½+i is isomorphic to an additive subgroup of K, and is of type
(p, p,. . . , p). V1 is consequently a p-group.
PROOF. Again the map a —* (mod K1±i) for a e is a 1-cocycle in
Since 14 has trivial action on 14, it is a homomorphism, with kernel
It follows that 14/14+1 is isomorphic to a subgroup of 1? = k (additive)
because the map x I+ induces an isomorphism of the additive group of
the residue field and the multiplicative group K1/K1+1. lip = 0 then the group
is trivial. If p> 0 then every element has period p and since is a finite
group, itis of type (p,p,...,p), aswastobeshown. 0
THEOREM 5. Let r Vo and let a E V1 (i I). Then rar'C' if and
only if orr'€Vj.
PROOF. We may clearly assume that K/k is completely ramified.
Let 'rfl = eli, where e E K0. Let
oH m H + (mod
where $ €0. Since a 14, we have as e (mod Hence
ui-H = a(dH) s elf (mod p(+2)
cli + eflhi'" (mod
dll + (mod
On the other band, i-ft ft (mod because K is completely ramified. Hence
rail E i-il + ftT(Tfl)I+l (mod
sill + (mod
Combining the two congruences we get
(at — ru)H — I) (mod
Replacing H by (r1tr1fl) we get
II— — 1) (mod
We see that
fl(e' —1) 0 (mod
<#fiEO or
But from the definition of a, we clearly have a e ¾+i if and only if ft 0 (mod
Since K is completely ramified, -i-c e (mod and therefore
This proves that r1 V3 if and only ifs' I (mod ¶J3) and concludes the proof of
our theorem. U

CoaouaaY 1. The gnnsp is contained in the ce9ter of

PROOF. If we take r in V, then we must have This is the
corollary. 0
COROLLARY 2. if K/k is abeiian, and then Co divides i.
PROOF. The commutator is 1. Let r be a generator of Vo/V1. The period
of r is Co. By hypothesis we can select a V1+i. This implies that e0 i,
contended. 0
If K/k is not abelian, we can generalize Corollary 2 as follows. Consider ele-
ments a V, but a Let r generate %T0/V1. Note that rt'ar" g for
any integer i.', because 14÷i is normal. Separate — 14+i into equivalence classes
by letting a a' if a' = r"ar" for some integer v. Let the equivalence class of
an element a have r, elements. Then r0 is obviously the least integer ii such that
a= We have 7T0 arroa_l = 1, and since a g we conclude from the
theorem that E Hence Co ir, for each a.
The above facts will be used in our discussion of the conductor later, to prove
that the conductor is an integral ideal.

2. Ramification Groups of a Subfield

Let k be complete under a discrete valuation with perfect residue class field k,
of characteristic p.
Let K/k be a normal extension with group C. Let H be a subgroup, and £ the
fixed held. If B/k is normal, it will turn out that the ramification groups of Efk are
given by ¾H/H, but the numbering does not fit, i.e. is not necessarily V1H/H.
We shall find the function of i which gives the precise correspondence between the
ramification groups.
LEMMA 1. Let 0K = o(cx], and 0s = o[8]. Then for any a C,
[j (rcz—a)= llfr'va—a).
PROOF. Let f(s) = Irr(a, E) = f are in
We have f°(x) = lrr(ua,aE) = — a'ya). But f(x) — f°(x) has
coefficients divisible by a/i — /3 and hence (a/i — /3) f°(a) — f(a) = f '(a).
Conversely, let /3 = g(a), g(x) o[z]. Thenf = g. Since g(z) — /3 has root cx
and coefficients in B, it follows that g(x) —/3= f(x)hfr) with h(s) E SDEtxJ. Hence
g(x) — /3° = f°(z)h°(x) and g(a) — /3° = f'(cx)h'(a) = /3 — /3'. This proves our
lemma. 0
Let SbeasubsetofGand let S(a,5) . Then #S =
Let i(a) + I = ordK(aa — a) for any number a giving a minimal basis. We put
i(I) = oo. Equivalently, we might have defined i(a) by a but a
We obtain

(I) i(a)+l =L5(a,Vw).


Let FJ/k be normal, fixed under H. Let C UHU. We have functions 1(ã) for
S/k. The following lemma gives 1(ü) in terms of the indices in K/EL
LEMMA 2. If off flY1 is not empty for some i, then


where 4cr) is the largest integer r' such that oH fl is not empty.
We may also describe 4cr) as the integer such that a Ve(a)H but u

PROOF. If we take ordjç(crfl — /3) in Lemma I, we obtain

è(1(ü) + 1) = (i(cry) +1)



= Vu).

Suppose off n is not empty, say flo Then


This means that there is a 1—1 correspondence between elements of n H),

fi H), and (oR n V,). Hence

Returning to our sum we substitute the number obtained and get

ë(1(a) +1) >:
We note that e = #Vo by definition. Dividing by ë yields

i(ü) +1 =

as desired. U

Let K/k be normal. Let x be a real variable. Ifs is an içsteger s 0, we define

the real function px/k(z) by putting

'Pzc/k(X) +1=

We often omit the subscript of 'PK/k and write briefly We have

We note that y(0) =0.

We extend this function by making it linear between integers. Its graph looks
roughly as follows:


Let fx} = least integer ) x. Define Then it is easily seen that

We extend to the left by putting (V0 : = : V0)' for x 0. Then

= —I and the slope of to the left of —1 is f.
Properties of
1. w(x) is continuous, strictly monotone increasing, and cp(0) =0.
2. w(x) has right and left derivatives everywhere, and ç4. if x is not an
integer, or if V1.1.1 then

At an integer i where we have


3. çp'(—oo) = arid co'(+oo) i/c.

4. p(x) is convex.
5. has an inverse function =

Properties of tI4x).
1. is continuous, strictly monotone increasIng, and tfr(O) =0.
2. has right and left derivatives everywhere, t/4 and t/4. By elementary
calculus, ifr'(x) = I/ço'(çA(x)), and i/4(x) or is always an integer for z —1,
except for
3. t,b'(—co) = I/f and ø'(+oo) = e.
4. is convex.
5. If i is an integer, then is also an integer, for I —I.
The properties of w(x) and 'J'(z) are obvious from their definitions, except
possibly 5 which follows from 2.

We may formulate Lemma 2 with the aid of the çø function as follows:

We use the notation = Warn and =
THEOREM 6. Let K £ k, with K/k and E/k both normal, E fixed under
If. The ramification groups of E/k are given by
= VXH/H, or =
Paoor. We have
a Ra)
(by (2))
* £(c) x
* t(u) {z}
*o€ V2H
thereby proving the theorem. 0

THEoREM 7. Let K E k be as above. Then

w(z) =
PROOF. Both functions 'p and are continuous, have value 0 at o and are
differentiable except at a finite set of values. By the chain rule for differentiation,
at the points where derivatives exist, we have

1 1

= p'(x).
Hence at the points where the functions are differentiable, their derivatives are
equal. By elementary calculus, it follows that 'p = as contended.
In order to avoid mentioning explicitly the function 'p,we may define
Then the result of Theorem 6 may be expressed as follows:
The new numbering of the ramification groups is now set up in such a way that
we may define ramification groups in infinite extensions. Indeed, let fl/k be the
algebraic closure of k (any other infinite Calois extension would also do). Let (5 be
its Galois group, and let I) range over normal open subgroups of finite index.
For real x let be the subgroup of 0 containing such that = VX for
the normal extension fIb/k. Let be D lj. It follows from Theorem 6 that
an = x

Define =
The groups for a finite nonnal extension are now easily recovered from
Indeed, we contend that

The inclusion is trivial. Conversely, let -r E We can write 'r = m-'m where
b and 7b Hence =b The sets fl are not empty
and are closed. Since the group is compact, the intersection C
is not empty. Let a be in it. Then allo = rblyo for all Ij. This shows that
= 07,7 bo, and proves our contention. 0
3. The General Residue Class Field
The fields studied in this brief section will be used as the residue class fields of
a complete field in the next section. It turns out that local cLass field theory and
the ramification theory can be carried out in these more general complete fields.
We suppose therefore that k is a field satisfying Moriya 's Ariom:

k is perfect, and for each positive integer n there exists exactly one extension
of degree vi of k.
We note that any finite extension of k also satisfies the axiom.
LEMMA 3. All finite extensions of k are cyclic.
PROOF. It is obviously sufficient to prove that an arbitrary finite normal exten-
sion K/k is cyclic. Let C be its Galois group and let JK : k] = n. For each divisor
d of vi let ih'(d) be the number of elements a e C with the exact period d. Any
two automorphisms with the same period must have the same fixed subfield, and
must therefore generate the same group: they are powers of each other. Therefore
0(d) ç ço(d). We have

It follows that 0(d) = w(d). Taking d vi shows that C is cyclic. 0
The following algebraic proposition will be usefu] in Lemma 4.
PROPOSITION. Let F be any field of characteristic p 0.
Let be a prime p. Let a E F. The polynomial xt — a is either irreducible in
F, or a is an £4/i power in F.
Letp>0. The polynomial
f(x) — c is either irreducible in F or has a vuot in F.
PROOF. Suppose xt — a is reducible in F. The constant term of one of the
factors with coefficients th F is of type where r <1, and C is an €-th root
of unity. From F we deduce at F'. Thvially at Ft and hence
afr.t) = a E F', as was to be shown.
We turn to the additive case. Obviously, f(x + y) = f(x) + fly). Let a be one
root of f(x) = c. It is trivially verified that all the roots are given by a + vfl where
=0,1,. . . ,p — 1 and fi = Suppose f(x) — c is reducible. The coefficient
of x"1 in one of the factors in F is a sum of roots, and hence of type ret +
where 0< r C p. It lies in F, and hence + pfi) = a + (js/r)fl is in F and is a
root of f(x) = c, as contended. 0
LEMMA 4. Every element of k is norm from any finite extension.
PROOF. Using the transitivity of the norm and the fact that every finite exten-
sion of Jr also satisfies the axiom, we see that it suffices to prove the lemma in case
of cyclic extensions of prime degree £. Note that all €-th powers in Jr are norms.
We distinguish three cases.
£ = p. Then Jr' = Jr because k is perfect. Everything is a norm.
£ p and £ is odd. Let a Jr. Consider the equation xt — a. If it is irreducible,
then a is clearly a norm. If it is reducible, then a is £-th power by the proposition,
and hence a norm.
£ $ p andt = 2. ffx2 —a is reducible then a is a square and hence a norm.
Otherwise, its root generates the extension of degree 2, and —a is a norm. We shall
now show that —1 is also a norm. Let K be the extension of degree 2 over Jr. We
know that k has exactly one extension of degree 4, say with a K. Let a
be the non-trivial automorphisin of K/k. Then K(v&w) has also degree 4 over Jr

and hence K(ra) = By Kuinmer theory

a'°=$2 /3EK.
Taking norms to k yields
Therefore = ±1. Suppose P1/3=1. Then /3= by HUbert's Theorem, and
substituting in the preceding formula gives = 1 whence cry2 = a El k. We
get K(J&) = K(y'ä). But lk(s/a) /t] c 2, and since there is only one extension of
degree 2 over k, we must have El K. This is a contradiction, and NØ = —1, as
was to be showiL 0
PROOF. Suppose (k: k') # 1. There exists an element a k' The polynomial
— a is irreducible by the proposition. By Lemma 3, one root of this polynomial
generates a cyclic field K of degree £ which is therefore splitting field of the equation.
This implies that a primitive £-th root of unity (lies in K. But t satisfies an
equation of degree C £ over k. Hence( must lie in k. We are therefore in the
situation of Kummer theory, and since there is only one extension of degree £,
(k:k')=4aswastobeshown. 0
LEMMA 6. Let a, 6 k, ab 0. Let f(x) = at — S. Then the additive index
(k f(k)) is p.
PROOF. Suppose (k: f(k)) 1. There exists an element c k, c 1(k) and
the polynomial f(x) — c is irredu4ble by the proposition. By Lemma 3, one root
generates a cyclic splitting field K of degree p. This implies that jI = lies
in K, and hence in k, because j3 satisfies an equation of degree <p over k. It is
easily verified that
= a'jIf(x)
and we have trivially p($k) = p(k). By the additive Kummer theory, and since
there is only one extension of degree p, we obtain
(k: 1(k)) = (k &55f(k)) = (k p(k)) ç p
as was to beshown. 0
4. General Local Class Field Theory
Let k be complete under a discrete valuation with residue class field k satisfying
Moriya's Axiom as discussed in the preceding section Such a field will be called a
general local field.
We note that all finite extensions of k are solvable. Indeed, we need only con-
sider normal extensions. Such an extension is a tower whose first step is unrarnified,
and hence cyclic by Lemma 3. The second step is tamely ramified and can be ob-
tained by adjoining an n-th root. The final step is strongly ramified, and its group
is a p-group which is consequently solvable.
LEMMA 7. Let k be a general local field and let K/k be an unrarnified extension.
Then every unit of k is norm from K.
PRoOF. The proof is based on the following result, valid in complete fields.
We use N for the norm and S for the trace.

PROPOSITION. Let k be complete under any discrete valuation and let K/k be a
normal unramified extension. Let it be a unit in k, it a 1 (mod p). Then it = Ne,
where e is a unit of K.
PROOF. Since K/k is unramified, the prime p remains prime in K. An element
r of order 1 in k also has order 1 in K. We show that given a unit Urn 1
(mod ptm), there exists a unit Cm of K such that Cm a I (mod ptm) and it,,, a Nem
(mod pTfl+l)
Put e = I + irtmy,,, where is some integer of K to be determined. Write
it,,, = I + ir"e,,, where 0rn is an integer of k. We have

)V(I + irtm I/rn) JJ(1 + a 1+ ir"S(ym) (mod pm+l).

We may interpret the trace in the residue class field. K corresponds to a normal
extension Ko of the residue class field k0, and not all elements of K0 have trace 0.
Since the trace is homogeneous with respect to the elements of /c0 we can obviously
find an integer I/rn such that S(ym) a am (mod p) For this value of I/rn we get
Ne,,, 1+ irmS(yrn) a 1+ (mod prn+1)
as contended.
We have it a Ne1 (mod p9. Put u/Ne1 = it2. We can find a unit C2 a 1
(mod p9 such that u2 Ne2 (mod p9. Put u2/Ne2 = U3. Proceed inductively in
this manner. The infinite product eie2ea... converges to a unit of K, and clearly
it = Ne, as was to be shown. 0
Returning to our general local fields, we let it be any unit of k. According
to Lemma 4, there exists a unit e0 of K such that it Neo (mod p). By the
proposition, u/Nco = Ne1 for some unit e1 in K. It follows that a = Ne where
e = cod, thereby proving Lemma 7. 0
The next lemmas are preparatory to the proof of the second inequality, and to
the determination of the conductor in cyclic extensions of prime degree.
If K/k is a normal extension, II denotes a prime of K, ir a prime of k, and II,
an element of order ) s in K. We use N for the norm, and S for the trace.
LEMMA 8. Let K/k be cyclic of prime degree C. Let x be an snteger of k. Then
N(1 + x115) a 1+ xS(fl5) + x'N115 (mod
PROOF. Let c generate the group of K/k. We have

N(l +xH3)=(l .f-x113)(l +x11)(1 +x1172)...(1 +xflf').

Beside the three terms in the expansion given above, we have terms of the type
where is a polynomial inc of degree €— 1, with coefficients either 0
or 1 and involving at least two monomials. F\irthermore all such polynomials will
actually occur as exponents of fl3.
If = ay(c),then y(c) = °2w(°) = a3cp(c) = ... and hence co(c) =
1+ a + q2 ÷ ... + This would give the norm, already taken care of.
We have therefore ça(u) $ crcp(c). We lump together the terms involving
oip(a), . .. and by taldng these together we obtain terms of
Since has at least two monomials, this proves our lemma. C

LEMMA 9. Let K/k be normal of degree 1, and completejy ramified; p =

Let 6= be the different. Then S(!W) = pr where r = [(m + s)/tj.

PRooF. Let = p'S. We must determine r. We have

= 5(prq3s) = ca
By the definition of the different, we see that
c 0_I and 0 C
This mesas that m ft — s, or equivalently, r ( (m + s)/t.
Conversely, we have
qy—tfr+1) 1,—i

*0 tpl(r+l)-s
*(r+ I)t—8>m
=ir+I> (m+s)/t
Thisyieldsr=[(ml-s)/tjaedesired. 0
We are now in a position to investigate the cyclic extensions of prime degree.
Let K/k be cyclic of prime degree 1, with group CL Since G has no subgroups
except itself and 1, the pattern of the ramification groups of K/k will be;
= = ...=

where t is an integer —1. The order of the different is


according to Theorem 1.
K/k is unramified if and only if t = —1. The graphs of t/4x) in the ramified
and unramified cases are as follows:


/ Ramified

,//soPel /1

b(x)= ft

THEoREM 8. Let K/k be cyclic of prime detgee 1. For an integer i) —1 we

1. C Ic1 and C k1÷i.

where t is the integer such that Vt
PRooF. We distinguish several cases.
i = —1. Then = —1. The inclusion statements are obvious, and so is the
index which = I if K/k is ramified (t $ —1) and = £ if K/k is unramifled (t = —1).
i = U. Then tp(O) =0. Obviously, NK0 C k0. We also have NK1 C Ic1 and we
see that the inclusion statements are obvious.
If t —I (K/k unramified) then every unit is a norm by Lemma 7, and
Let - denote residue classes (mod 9,3). We have
(k13 = (k0 : k1NK0)(k1 k1 (1 k1NK0)
= (k:

If t =0 then K/k is tamely ramified and £ $ p. By Lemma 5 the index is £. If

t> 0 then K/k is strongly ramified and £ = p. Since k is perfect, the index is I.
This settles the case i = 0.
We shall now treat the cases wherei I. We distinguish several values of t,
and use Lemma 9 constantly, m = (t 4-l)(t —1).
t = —L We have tj'(i) = i. Therefore = p'. Also, we see that S9,3W(1)
and are contained in We have trivially Nr(t) = p" c Hence
by Lemma 8 we have
N(l + e 1+ p' (mod
which gives . = k,, as was to be shown.
t (Jand i) We have 0(i) = t+4i—t) = —(t—1)t+ti. Therefore
1). FromthisandLemma9itfollowsthat
= p' and =
Furthermore, C Since t,&(i) i, we have
C p1 and c
The inclusion statements follows from these remarks and Lemma 8.
To get the index we consider two cases.
b.t. Then 14i)>iand cp1 Hence
N(I + q3*(O) 1+ p1 (mod pl+l)
and kj±INKØ(l) =
i = t. We have already considered i = 0, so that we may aseume i = t > 0.
We are in strong ramification. We have 0(i) = i = t. By the inclusion statements,
there exists an element a 9,31, a 9,31+1 such that Ba and So =

5 p. Then Nez = irta, where a 0 (mod p). For any integer x of k we have by
Lemma 8:
N(1 + xa) 1+ xSa + xtNa (mod
E I + irt (ax' + bx) (mod pt+l)
where aS $ 0 (mod p) We have considered the polynomial /(x) = + Sr
in Lemma 6, and found the index (k : p. Multiplicatively, this gives
: k1÷1NKt) E p, as was to be shown.
t ) 0 and i
i+(i+1)(t—1) Thisprovesthatt/'(i)+(t+l)(t—l)) 1(i+l). Hence
by Lemma 9, C and a fortiori, and C For the
norm, we are in the ramified case, and therefore NcJ3*(i) = pt, and = pt+l.
Using Lemma 8 proves the inclusion statements. Furthermore,
N(1 + qyfli)) = 1 + p4 (mod
and this means multiplicatively = lcj, thereby completing the proof of
our theorem. 0
Having settled the case of a cyclic extension of prime degree, we can treat
the general normal extension by showing that the statements we wish to make are
We recall the notation: and t14(z) are the right and left derivatives of
t'(x). We denote by the quotient
THEOREM 9. Let k be a general local field, and K/k a normal extension. For
an integeri welwve:
I. C kj, and C ki+i.
2. (k4 :
PRooF. The two statements have been proved in Theorem 8 in a cyclic ex-
tension of prime degree. We know that K/k is solvable, and it suffices therefore
to prove that the two statements are transitive. This transitivity is essentially a
trivial consequence of the transitivity of the norm, and of the function (proved
in Theorem 7).
Let K E D k be two normal extensions and assume the theorem for K/E
and E/k. We have
N—RN and &=t/nP.
By assumption,
Ck and C
C k1.1.1 and C
The first statement is now trivial, because
To prove the second statement, we write
(k1 : k4+1NK0(0) = (ks:

We can insert the group in the last index because of the inclusion
C which we have just proved:
Hence our index becomes by induction

This final step follows from the chain nile for right and left differentiation which
holds because our functions are strictly monotone. C
If we take i very large in the preceding theorem, we get = I. This
means that for all sufficiently large i,
(k, =I
and from this index we see that every unit of k1 is congruent to a norm from
mod Such a unit can therefore be refined to a norm by an obvious argument.
COROLLARY. Let k be a geneml local field. Let K/k be a normal ertension.
Then C N.E for some integer i.
The conductor of K/k is the least power p" of p such that C NK, and we
see that the conductor exists. We denote it by f if the reference
to the field is clear
We may now write the norm index as a product:
(k: NK) = (k: k0NK)(k0NK : k1NK).. . (k5_1NK: k,NK).
Ifs is big enough, k3 C NK. Hence

(1) (k: NK) =

Furthermore, by an elementary isomorphism theorem, we have

: liNK: kj+INK*(j) liNK) = (k1 :

4 (by Theorem 9).

horn (I) and (2) we obtain

(3) (k : NK) 4 4n

where n = [K: k]. indeed iIi(i) C t/4(i + 1) whence 4 1. Furthermore

= 1/f, and W4(oc) = e. Hence the product is C ef = n.
The Index inequality of (3) is the second inequality. The class field theory in
general local fields may now be developed in exactly the same way as the theory
in the classical case. As a consequence of the second inequality, we can prove
that h2(K/k) 4 [K: kl, and then use the same method as that of Chapter XIV.
Instead of the Frobenius Substitution, we select in the Galois group of the algebraic
closure of k an element a which operates non trivially on every finite extension of

k. The effect of 5 on each finite extension is to generate the Galois group, which
is cyclic. The automorphisrn a has a corresponding automorphism a in the Galois
group of the maximal unrarnified extension of k, which can jlay the same role as
the Frobenius Substitution. It has not been canonically selected, but this does not
make any difference to the proofs, as long as we develop only a local theory. It
is only in the global theory, when the local theories were pieced together, that it
became important to choose the proper automorphism in the local fields.
Having done local class field theory, we obtain all the results of Chapter XIV.
In particular:
THE0R.EM 10. Let k be a general local field. Let 1! be its algebraic cloture, and
e the Galois group. Then (0, ii') is a class formation.
We may now return to the indices computed to prove the second inequality. We
know that in abelian extensions the norm index is equal to the degree. This means
that the doubtful indices of Theorem 8, 9 and (2), (3) above for abelian fields are
no more doubtful, but are actually equal.
THEoREM 11. Let k be a general local field, and let K/k be a finite abelian
ext ension.
1. k1 n NK = n NK C
2. : kI+1NK,p(,)) (k1NK: =
3. All breaks in occur at integral arguments. in other words, =1
if a is not an integer.
4. C NK if and only if Vz(= V,b(r)) = 1.
PROOF. Statements I and 2 arise from the equality in (2) and (3) above. lb
prove 3 we note that has a finite number of breaks. If we take the product
over the numbers a for which there is a break, we get ef = n. But each
is> 1. Since the product over integers already yields n, this means that
the integers give all the breaks.
Using the equality of the indices in 2 we have:
CNK (k1 1 for allj)x
i*ij'.(x) =e
(#Vo : #V*(x)) = (#Vo : #Voo)
4* = V00 = I
4;> VX = 1

thereby proving 4. 0
THEOREM 12. Let k be a general local field, and w the norm residue mapping,
into the Galois group 0 of the maximal abelian extension of k. Then is
everywhere dense in
Paoop. Let K/k be a finite abelian extension. K Is left fixed by
* C NK
* w(k4 leaves K fixed

and this proves the theorem. 0

COROLLARY. LetK/k be afinite abelian extension of a general lorsl field. Then

5. The Conductor
Let k be complete under a discrete valuation with perfect residue class field k.
We shall investigate the conductor of a normal extension of k attached to a character
of its Galois group, and defined formally in terms of the ramification groups. Most
of our discussion will be valid in the field k, and it will be explicitly stated when k
is to be specialized to a general local field.
Let K/k be normal with group (3. We assume known the representation theory
of 0 over the complex numbers.
Let 1(u) be a function of C into the complex. Let H be a subgroup of C. Then
f is also a function on H by restriction. We let

L f(a)du=
The integral is an average over H.
Let x be a character of C. Its restriction to H is a character of H. On H, we
can express x as a sum of irreducible characters:

We call the multiplicity of in It follows from representation theory


where p is the multiplicity of 1 in x. (We refer to the irreducible character xfr) =1

for all a as 1.)
We have

and the integral is therefore an integer ) 0.

A character x is linear on the group ring. We have
c)do = dimx — is
L x(l
where p is again the multiplicity of I in From this we see that f,, x(i — c)du is
an integer 0.
Given a character x on 0, we define a real number v(x) as follows:

Then Vt = I for large t, and x(l — 1) =0. Hence x(i — o)dcr =0 for large I.
The inner integral is always 0 according to the preceding remarks, and therefore
v(x) is a well defined non-negative real number. We define formally the conductor
belonging to this character to be pM(X) =
The function f(t) = x(1 —a) do- is easily seen to be a step function. Suppose
that C is abelian and that x is an ordinary character of G (i.e. a homomorphism into
the unit circle), x # 1. It follows from representation theory that = 0 if

and only if is nontrivial on Vt. Under these




Let x0 = inf{x: 1(x) = Q}. Then we see that = Xe + 1. Furthermore, x is

not trivial on VXO but is trivial on Vxo+S for 5 > 0.
Suppose in particular that k is a general local field. By definition, must
have a break According to Theorem 11 of section 3 the breaks in occur only
at integers in the ahelian extensions of general local fields. This proves
THEOREM 13. Let k be a general local field and K/k an abelian extension. Let
x be a character of C. Then v(x) is an integer. (If x = I them v(x) = 0 trivially.)
Let w be the mapping of the norm residue symbol Then x is a hoino-
morphism of k into the unit circle. From the existence of a conductor for K/k
(Theorem 9, Cot.) we see that x w is continuous in the class topology on k.
To get precise information we use the Corollary to Theorem 12. We know that
w(kj) = V. Combining this with the preceding discussion we obtain
THEOREM 14. Let k be a general local field and K/k an abelian extension.
Then t4x) is the least integer i such that x w(k2) = 1.
COROLLARY. Let f be the con4uctor of K/k. Then
We see that the formal conductors obtained from characters of the Galois group
are the same as the conductors arising in the class field theory.
Having shown that the conductors coincide when class field theory holds, we
shall return to the abstract case, and investigate the formal properties of We
assume therefore that the residue class field of k is perfect.
THEOREM 15. Let K/k be normal and let X2 be two characters of C. Then
"(xi + x2) "(x') + "(x2).
PROOF. Immediate from the definition of because characters are additive.
THEOREM 16. Let K E k be two normal extensions. Let be a character
of C/H = C, so that may be viewed as a character x of C also. Then
PROOF. Let Vt =_UO(V' n H). We know that = VtH/If, and the a are
naturally elements of Vt, and = x(Ui) for all -y H.
It suffices therefore to show that
x(1 — — a)do.

Note that #Vt and hence

x(i—ci)da = =

THEOREM 17. t4x) = E0 Ev, x(' a).

PROOF. Since = V$(j), we have

x(' — e)dc) Lft.

= J°°
—1 (J
The function 1(t) x(1 — o)da has only a finite number of discontinuities,
and we may take the sum of the integrals in the intervals where no discontinuity
occurs. Let $ = t/'(t) and t = ço(s). Then dt = w'(s)ds and by the chain rule:

= C (La x(' - c)da) 9 ds


i=O V

because 14+a = ¾+i for 0<6< 1, and

J t>x(1—a))ds=Lx(1—e).
The formula giving in the preceding theorem might have been taken as a
definition. We have selected the integral because the important Theorems 13, 14,
15, and 16 were immediate consequences of our definition.
THEOREM 18. Let K/k be normal with group C. Let H be a subgroup, and E
the fixed field. Let be a character of H, and x the induced character of C. Then

= (D = discriminant.)
PROOF. Let G = U HE5. The induced character x has the value

x(r) = E
where =0 if a H. Starting with the expression derived for '4x) in Theo-
rem 17 we have therefore:

i=o V..

=! - ear').

But = V1 because V1 is normal. We can therefore take out the rt:

Ot'g C

Since e= and =0 unless a V1 fl H,

= f — #(V1 n H)*(1) ib(1 — a)).

+ V,flH
But V1 fl H = We may add 1 and subtract 1, thereby giving

— —

Using Theorem I for the order of the different, and Theorem 17 giving the expression
for z4tp): -
= vi ordK I3] +

But ordK vi — ordjç 6 ordk Also, I = ordt. Furthermore, ordgg NE/k =

fordE. Combining these remarks, and writing the formula multiplicatively, we have
= pV(x) =
where DE/k = is the discriminant. This proves our theorem. 0
COROLLARY 1. Let vfr =1 and let the induced character x = S1 /hiX1 where Xi
are the irreducible characters of G. Then

PROOF. Immediate from the additivity of the characters. 0

COROLLARY 2. Let K/k be abelian. Then

where the product is taken over all the ordinary characters of (3.
PRooF. Let E = K in the preceding corollary. The character x induced by 1
is the character of the regular representation. The irreducible characters have
dimension 1 so = 1 in the product. The irreducible characters are simply the
ordinary characters of C when C is abelian, and this proves our corollary. 0
The preceding theorems giving the formalism of '4x) are valid in a complete
field with any perfect residue class held. We shall now specialize to a general local
field to obtain one more statement concerning the conductor:

THEOREM 19. Let k be a general local field, and K/k a normal extension. Then
t4x) an integer.

PROOF. A character is a linear combination With integer coefficients of irre-

ducible characters. Using the linearity of v(x) we see that it suffices to prove the
theorem for irreducible characters.
Suppose next that x is 1-dimensional. Such a character will be called more
briefly an abelian character. It is a homomorphism of C, and its kernel C0 is a
normal subgroup. Furthermore, C = C/C0 is cyclic. Let x = on C. Then
= by Theorem 16, and by Theorem 13 we know that is an integer.
This proves the theorem if x is abelian.
Let be an abelian character of a subgroup H. Then ii(t4') is an integer by the
preceding remarks, and is integral. Letx be the induced character. The formula
of Theorem 18 shows that is also integral, i.e. that "Cv) is an integer.
Brauer has proved that every character is a linear combination with integer
coefficients of characters induced by abeian characters. In view of the linearity of
"(x) it follows that is an integer.
We shall give here a proof independent of Brauer's Theorem, by reducing the
problem to p-groups. Indeed, for a p-group, it is shown fairly easily that every irre-
ducible character is induced by an irreducible abelian character,2 and the preceding
argument can then be applied directly.
We may of course assume K/k completely ramified. e =
We begin by treating Co. Let )'(x) = ev(x) be the double sum. Then

A(x) [xIXl#vi — E x(a)]


= —Ex(u)] — >(i— —

= — — f — x(a)]

V0 1=1
i {x(1)(#Vs — #V1+i) — E
But e0 #Vo and Ev. x(a) = #Vo . p where p is the multiplicity of 1 in x. So the
first term is divisible by Co.
To handle the sums, we recall Theorem 5 and the discussion following it. The
sum x(c) breaks up into a suns over equivalence classes and we have

S x(a) =5
where the second sum is taken over a representing the equivalence classes. (We
can do this because a character depends only on the conjugate class of a group
the corollary of Theorem 3 In the appendix which follows.

We know that EN x(a) is a rational integer for any subgroup H of C. Hence

x(a) = E11 x(a) — x(°) is a rational integer, say We also
know that €0 t 1r0. Hence
tnj = eoE(irc/eo)x(c).

But Ea(irc/eo)x(a) = is an algebraic integer, and a rational number. It is

therefore an integer, and this proves that eo divides the questionable sum.
The preceding discussion is valid for any character x• Taking x = 1 yields the
term i(#Va — #V1÷i) which is therefore also divisible by eo.
All that remains to be shown is that is divisible by ji.

divisible by #1"o e. Let 6 be the fixed field of V1. We know that fl V1

and therefore

EEx(' —a)= ,i. V


where is the restriction of xto We have V0 = % Our sum differs from

in E by
E — a) = x(1 a)

and this sum is divisible by #14 = Hence it suffices to prove that is

divisible by pr and reduces therefore the theorem to the case of the p-group V1. We
saw already at the beginning of our proof that the theorem follows in full, if we use
the fact that every character of a p-group is induced by an abelian character of a
subgroup. 0
This concludes our discussion of the higher ramification in general local fields.

Appendix: Induced Characters

For the convenience of the reader we shall develop here the theory of induced
characters, used in the preceding section.
We begin by recalling basic notation.
Let C be a finite group, F a field, algebraically closed and of characteristic 0.
All the spaces we deal with will be finite dimensional F-spaces. This will not be
mentioned explicitly any more. We denote F-spaces by U, V, W,....
Let V be a C-space. C acts on V linearly, and is represented by linear trans-
formations of V. If a basis of V is selected, then the transformations may be given
by matrices and we have a homomorphism
of C into a group of matrices.
The character x of the representation is the function on C given by
x(a) = 5(M0)
where S is the trace (sum of diagonal terms). The fundamental theorem states that
the character is an invariant of the representation, and that in fact it characterizes

it: Two representations of C are defined to be equivalent if their spaces are C-

isomorphic, and two representations are equivalent if and only if they have the
same character.
Induced representation. Let H be a subgroup of C. For each coset c = Ha,
let be a representative element, so that C = LI H, disjoint union. Let V be
a C-space, W and H-space, and i: W —' V an H-homomorphism. One says that
V is induced bp W via i if i is an isomorphism into and V = er'iW, direct
sum. For each W there does exist such a V for example, V = F[C] W, with
i(w) = 1 0 w. For any such V it is easy to check that if V' is another C-space
the map f '—' 10 i is an isomorphism Eiomcj(V, V') Z Homy(W, V'). From this it
follows that V is uniquely determined by W up to a unique G-isomorphism I such
that / a i = V. Therefore we usually view i as an inclusion, don't mention it, and
write simply V = 11w.
THEOREM 1. Let C H I, and let TV be an I-space. Let tjw be the C-space
induced by W and Vw the H-space induced by W. Then Uw
11W1 and 14'2 are two 1-spaces, then Vw1 + Vw3 where + means the
direct sian.
PROOF. The theorem is an immediate consequence of the of the
induced representation. 0
Let C H, and let W be an H-space. Let t4' be the character of the repre-
sentation of H in W. The character x of Vw is called the induced character. The
next theorem gives a formula which allows us to compute the values of x in terms
of the values of
THEOREM 2. Let C = Then
x&r) =

where we let t4r) =0 unless r E H.

PROOF. be a basis for W over F. We know that V = Er'W.
Let a be an element of C. The elements form a basis for V.
Remark that
The action of a on this basis is therefore given by
= r'

one i
But cc' = c if and only if ear1 E H. Furthermore,


as was to be shown. 0
THEOREM 3. Let (3 be a p-group. Let V be an irreducible C-space. If V is
not 1-dimensional then there exists a proper subgroup H1 and an irreducible H1-
sttbspace W of V such that (C, V) is induced by (Hi, W).
PROOF. We begin by recalling that an irreducible representation of an abelian
group is 1-dimensional. This implies in particular that if V is not 1-dimensional,
then C is not abelian.
We shall first give the proof of our theorem under the additional assumption
that V gives a faithful representation of C. (This means, if a4 = 4 for all 4 E V
then a = 1.) It will be easy to remove this restriction at the end.
Let H be a normal subgroup of C which is abeliazi and contains the center
properly. -
(Proof of existence of H: C has a non-trivial center Co. LetG = C/Go. Let
be an element of period p in the non-trivial center of C and let H be the subgroup
of C generated by a. Then H is normal in C. Its inverse image H in the natural
map C C is normal in C, and is generated by an inverse image of a, and
by C0. Furthermore, a G0 so H C0 properly. Finally, a commutes with its
powers and with C0 (the center of C) so that H is abelian.)
We denote the elements of H
As an H-space, V is a direct sum of irreducible H-spaces which are 1-dimensi-

Let 4 e V generate a 1-dimensional H-space. Let be its character, so 'v4 =

where tbfry) F. gives an equivalent representation, then 'yrj =
If a, b F then 'y(a4 + &q) = $y)(a4 + tnt). Hence the vectors of V giving rise to
the same irreducible representation of H form an H-space W.
We contend that V $ W. Assume V = W. Let 4 be any element of W = V. Let
a E C. Then is a 1-dimensional H-space by assumption, and has character
= a0('y)C'4 =
This shows that f4 = for all 4 W = V. Since H is not contained in the
center, 'y
is faithful.
for some 'y H, a C, and we have contradicted the fact that V

We may therefore assume that V = +. .. ÷ W,. where each is the space

generated by all the equivalent 1-dimensional H-spaces having the same charac-
ter The sum is direct, and r> 1.
We shall prove that C permutes the spaces W1 transitively.
- For definiteness, we consider the effect of C on one particular W4, say W1.
Let a be an element of C. Then aW1 C W1 for some i.

Paoor. Let4€W1. Forany'yEH,

'y(a4) = a(a"ya)4 = =

where the function given by = ip(f') is a character on H and depends

only on a. For a fixed a, we see therefore that tb3 = t/j for some i. Since
contains all the spaces with character b1, it follows that oW1 C U
a is an isornorphisrn of W1 into W2. By symmetry, cC1 W1 must be contained in
W1, and since W2 and W2 are finite dimensional, this implies that their dimensions
are equal. Hence oW1 =
The preceding argument proves that C permutes the spaces All that re-
mains to be shown is the transitivity. Let V' = GWI. If V' V then CV' = V'
and this contradicts the irreducibility of V. Hence CW1 = = V. This proves
that the spaces are permuted transitively.
Let H1 be the stabilizer of W1. Then H1 D H, and H1 C because r> 1.
Furthermore, (H1, W1) is a local constituent of (C, V).
We contend that is irreducible for H1. This will finish the proof of our
theorem (in the case that V is faithful).
Suppose Wj is not irreducible for H1. Then there exists a space U C W1,
U W1 such that H1L1 c U. Let C = We know that V = Let
= r'U. Then V' $ V, and we shall prove that V' is a C-space, thereby
contradicting the irreducibility of V.
We have
= r'(oozr1)U c r1u
because (&?r') c H1. But cc runs through all cosets as c does, and this proves
that aV' C V' Hence V' is a C-space, contradiction.
Suppose now that V is not faithful. Let C con-
sisting of all a such that ce = for all e V. Then V is art irreducible space
of C = C/C0 and gives a faithful representation of C. If V is not 1-dimensional,
then C is not abelian and there exists a proper subgroup ft of C and an irre-
ducible H-space W such that (H, W) induces (C, V). Let H be the inverse image
of H in the natural map C C. Then H C0, and W is naturally an irreducible
H-space. Furthermore we contend that the stabilizer H1 of W is H. Certainly,
H1 H. Suppose a H1, a H, then oW C W, U P. Since U has the same
effect as a on W, this contradicts the fact that H is the stabilizer of W.
This proves that (H, W) induces (C, V) and concludes the proof of our theorem.
COROLLARY. Let C & a p-group. Let x be an irreducible character. fix is not
1-dimensional then x is induced by a 1-dimensional character ij' of a subgroup H
of C.
PROOF. Let V be the irreducible space of A subgroup of a p-group is a
p-group. We may apply the preceding result step by step using Theorem I until we
get a. subspace W which is 1-dimensional. The character i/i of W will then induce
x. 0

Explicit Reciprocity Laws

1. Formalism of the Power Residue Symbol

The global norm residue symbol was obtained from local ones. The definition
of the local symbol was obtained indirectly from a non-constructive proof of the
fact that all cocycles have an unramified splitting field. We are therefore faced
with the following unsolved problem: To determine explicitly the effect of the norm
residue symbol on totally ramified extensions. (On the unramified extensions, it is
the F'robenius Substitution.)
We shall treat special cases of Kummer extensions.
We need an auxiliary algebraic statement.
LEMMA 1. Let F be a field of characteristic p 0, containing the n-i/i roots of
unity, p $ n. Let a E F. Then —a and 1 — a ate norms from F(&f").
PROOF. We distinguish two cases.
[F(&1") F] = n. Then x" — a is irreducible and its roots generate F(a'/'9.
1' — a = fl(x —
where ranges over all n-th roots of unity, and are the conjugates of al/n.
Putting z = 0 shows —a is a norm. Putting x = 1 shows I — a is a norm.
[F(cW") : F] = d c n. By Kmxuner theory, d I n. Let = /3" where d I n is
the period of a (mod F"). We have F(a"') = F(f3'/'1) and by selecting a11" and
pl/d suitably (i.e. by multiplying them by a suitable root of unity) we may assume
= j31/u1. The conjugates of a11" are therefore Cda"' where Cd ranges over all
d-th roots of unity. The polynomial
1' — a = fl(x —

is not irreducible, but for each factor (x — it contains also all its conjugates.
Putting x = 0 and z = 1 as before shows that —a and 1— a are norms. 0
We now let Ic be a local field, p the characteristic of its residue class field if k
is not archimedean. p is the prime of k. We assume that k contains the n-th roots
of unity, p$n.
Let a = (a, k). On each abelian field K/k of finite degree, a = (a, K/k). in
particular, on k(fi"') we have
a = (a, k(131/")/k).
Define (a,Ø) to (jjl/ny'—l. Then (a, 13) is an n-th root of unity and does
not depend on the n-th root 131/fl selected. If Ic is complex then (a, /3) = 1 for all

a,/3. ifkisthereals, thenn=2. Theexplicit values of (a,fl) wilibediscussed in

section 3.
The symbol (a, /3) satisfIes the following formal properties which are in most
cases immediate consequences of the properties of the local symbol a = (a, k).

Properties' of (a, t3).

1. (a,$) = I if and only if a is a norm from
2. (a1a2,fl) = (aa,L3)(az, /3).
3. = (a,/31)(a,j32)

PROOF. We have
tWL P2 / tPl / W2 /

because the norm residue symbol is consistent. C

4. (—a,a)=(1—a,a)=1.
PROOF. Use Property 1 and Lemma 1. 0
5. (a, /3)(Ø, a) = 1 (inversion theorem).

PROoF. We have by the preceding property:

(a, j3)(fl, a) = (a, a)(—$, /3)(—a, a)(/3, a)
= (—aj3,13)(—a/3,a) 0
(—a/3,a/3) = 1.

6. (a,3)=(a,a+f3)(a+/3fi)(—i,a+/3) (provided, of course, that a+/3

1= (1—. =
= (j3, a)(fl,

But = = (—1,'r9 by Property 4. The property

now follows by transposing the suitable terms, and taking the exponent —1 outside
the symbol. 0
7. The symbol (a, /3) is continuous in both arguments.

PitooF. It is continuous in the first argument because if a is close to 1 then a

is a norm, and Property 1 can be used. it is continuous in the second argument by
the inversion theorem. 0

11f F is a field and A an abelian group, a map r x F —, A with propertim 2,3, and 41s
called a Steinberg symbol and can be interperted as a homomorphism K3F A.
2. Local Analysis
Let k be complete under a discrete valuation with perfect residue class field k,
and integers a. We shall specialize k later to an ordinary p-adic field.
We recall some elementary facts.
A series >tIJ a,, converges in k if arid only if lim a,, =0.
A product Ha,, converges in k if and only if lima,, = 1.
Let o{t} be the ring of formal power series f(t) = a,,t" with a,, E o. The

f(t) —+ /(x)
is a homomorphism of o{t} onto o. This is clear for the polynomial ring and extends
to the power series by continuity.
Let F/k be a finite, completely ramified extension. Then P = k. Let EL be
a prime in F, and co(t) = irr([l,k,t). Every a ED can be written a =
where a,, E a because F = k. The map

1(t) —'1(11)
where f(t) E o(t} is therefore onto ID. We contend that its kernel is the principal
ideal generated by w(t) in ojt}. Indeed, suppose
with a,, a. Then II, and hence ir ao. Since çp(t) is an Eisenstein polynomial
with last coefficient divisible by ir exactly, we have, for suitable d0
f(t) — docp(t) = b1t + + bat3 +...
and is in the kerneL Hence by the same argument as before, r b1 and
we can find d1 a such that
/(t) — (do + d1t)ço(t) = +
c2t2 ÷
Repeating this argument shows that f(t) = g(t)co(t) where g(t) e o{t}, as conS
Let a 0, a = /(H) E0a,,fl" where f(t) o{t}. We may take the
a' = E
Then a' is not well defined in K. However, we know that any other expression for
a as a power series is of type a = 1(H) + g(H)ço(H) where g(t) C o{t}. Taking the
derivative shows that
a' = f(H) + g(H)co'(H).
But çl(fl) is the different of F/k. Hence we have proved
LEMMA 2. Let F/k be completely ramified. Let a E 0 and write a =
where f(t) o{t}. Then the derivative a' = f'(H) is well defined modulo the
different off/k.
We now specialize the field k: Suppose that k is a completion at a finite prime
of an algebraic number field, in other words, k is an ordinary p-adic field. We shall
consider special series in k, analogous to the log and exponent. Let p 1 p. By ord

THEOREM 1. The series

converges for ails E k such that ordz >0. Ifordx> l/(p — 1) then ordx"/n>
ordx for n 2, and ordx = ordlog(1 + x).
PROOF. Let p? yj cpr+l. We have ordxm/n = nordx—ordn) nordz—r.
An elementary limit computation shows that ord t/n —. oc as n oo, provided
that ord x >0. This proves the convergence statement.
Suppose ordx > i/(p — 1). We must show that ordt/n > ordx for n ) 2, or
equivalently, ord ft/n — ordx> 0. But
ordf/n—ordx= (n— 1)ordx—ordn
>(n—1)/(p—1)—r (becausen)2)

To justify this last step, note that it suffices to show r(p —1) n—i. Since yf
it suffices to show r(p — 1) — 1. If r = 0 this is clear. Otherwise, dividing by

p—i shows that the inequality is equivalent to r . . + pt1, which is true

because there are r terms on the right.

This concludes our proof because of the strict inequality in the second step. 0

REMARK. If a E 1 (mod p) we define loga = log(1 —(1 — a)).

THEOREM 2. Let a and jibe 1 (mod p). Then
logaj3 = loga +logjl.
PROOF. The identity in formal series is known, and all the series involved
converge by the preceding theorem. U

COROLLARY. Let ( be a p' root of unity in At. Then log (is defined and =0.
PROOF. We certainly have 1 — ( 0 (mod p) and hence log(l — (1 —
converges.By the functional equation,
0=logl=IogQ' =p'log(.
Hencelog(=0. 0
Although we shall not need the exponential function in the sequel, we give it
here anyway for completeness.
THEOREM 3. The series
expz= 1+x+52/2!+xu/3!+...
converges for alit sec/i that on! z> 1/(p — 1). In that case, ordt/n! > ordz for

n in the p-adic scale:


where are rational integers, 0 ç p — 1. Then

[nip] —a1
[nip2] = a3 +

[n/f] = tip.
We clearly have
p = ordn! = [n/p] + jn/p2] + + [n/f] =

and therefore
(p — 1)p = (1— 1)a0 + (p — + (9 — + . .. + (f — 1)a,.
= U—
where +ai+ a,.. This gives

=n(ordx_ J_1) +Sn/(p 1).

Since is positive we see that ordx't/n! — oo when ordx> 1/(p — 1), and the
series converges.
To get the second statement wç have to show that ordz"/n! — ord z >0. We
ordxT1/n! —ordr = (it 1)ordz (it— sn)/(p 1)
If it 2 the result is obvious because a,, ? 1 always. 0
THEOREM 4. if ordz and ord y> 1/(p — 1) then
exp(x + y) = (expx)(expy).
PROOF. The formal identity is known, and all the series converge by the pre-
vious theorem. 0
THEOREM 5. Ifordx> l/(p — 1) then
explog(l +x) = 1+z
logexpz = x.
PROOF. The formal identities are known, and all the series converge by the
previous theorems. 0
Let 6= [e/(p-l)]+l. The log and exponent give mutually inverse isomorphisms
of 1+ p5 onto p6.
We leave it as an exercise to the reader to prove the converse of the Corollary
to Theorem 2, i.e. the kernel of the map
for a I (mod p) is exactly the pM-th roots of unity contained in the field k.

3. Computation of the Norm Residue Symbol in Certain Local

Kummer Fields
'We treat the simplest cases of Kuxnmer fields, and begin with the infinite prime.
Let R be the reals, a, 6 lit. We may interpret the results of Section 1 with
n=2over the reals. We obtain

Next we consider finite primes. Let £ be a prime and k Qs((e) where is

the £-adic completion of the rationale and Cj is a primitive e-th root of unity. We
shall determine (a, fi) in the field kQ3hIt) explicitly.
Since the symbol is continuous and multiplicative in both arguments it will
suffice to determine it for a multiplicative basis of k.
We first consider £ = 2, k = Q2 A multiplicative basis2 of Q2 is given by 2,
—1, and 5.
THEoREM 6. Let a, I' E U2 be wilts of Q2. Then
(2,2) = 1
(2,a) =
(a,b) = (b,a) =
where e(a) (a — l)/2 (mod 2).
PRooF. We see that (a, 6) = (6, a) from the inversion theorem and the fact
that (a,b) = ±1.
We prove that the exponent e(a) is multiplicative. We have
— a2 = (ai — 1)(a2 — I) 0 (mod 4)
and therefore

e(a1a2) = e(aj) + e(a2) (mod 2).
For the other exponent we have

(ala2)2—c4—aI—l= (a?—1)(c4—1) mO (m.od64)

and therefore
+ (mod 2)

as was to be shown.
Both sides of our equations axe multiplicative. It suffices to verify the state-
ments for a basis of k.

We note that:
Q2(i) is ramified (because (I + 1)2 = 21).
is unrainifled. Indeed, let a = — I)/2.
Then a generates and satisfies the equation a2 -f-a—I =0. Read mod 2,
it is the canonicalequation for an extension of the residue class field. Hence Q2(a) =
is unramified.
2Here and in the next four pages, basis for" means "a set of generators for &
dense bUb%flBJp of".

(2,2)=(.-l,2)=1 because—i
(2,5) = —I because the prime 2 is not a norm from the unrarnified extension

(—1,5) 1 because the unit —1 is norm from

(5,5)=1 for the samereason.
(—1, —1) —I because —1 is not a norm from (Otherwise, —1 =
x2 +y2 which is impossible mod 4.)
One verifies directly that the values we have just found coincide with (.4)c(a)c(b)
in each case, and this proves our theorem. U
We suppose from now on that S is an odd prime and that k = Q,(() is
a primitive t-th root of unity.
Then [k Q,] = £— I and k is completely ramified over Qj. Let A = 1—(. Then
A is a prime in k, and I A''. It is actually easy to determine (mod A).
Namely: ÷... + 1 = — c") and therefore t = — (") We get
— £Lk4½ I — (1
/ 'I

But ( 1 (mod A). By Wilson's theorem, we see that

We shall abbreviate the modulus, and write (A) for (mod A).
Let rjj = 1)1.
LEMMA 3. The form a multiplicative basis of the units of k 1(A). A full
multiplicative basis is given by the the (F — 1)-Ut roots of unity, and the powers
of a prime.
PROOF. The residue class field of Ic is Z1 = because k/Qt is completely
ramified. The (1—1) roots of urdty lie in and obviously any unit can be multiplied
by such a root of unity to make if 1(A).
Every unit e 1(A) can be written e = 1 + a1A + a2A2 +... where are
rational integers. We can obviously solve formally

for integers b2, c3, by a recursive process. The power series obtained by putting
t = A will converge, and this proves our lemma. U
We are now interested in computing the symbols A). We note that
(q1,A') = (1— A1,A1) = (1— =I
by Properties 1 and 4 of the symbol. This shows that if £ i then (qj, A) = 1
because A) is an £-th root of unity.
LEMMA 4. Lete be a unit of/c, e Exl(Al+9 for somex E k. Theme it an
1-I/c power in k.
PROOF. Suppose e x'(A") with ii ) £ +1. We try to refine x. We contend
(z + yA"/t)t xl ÷

Indeed, the remaining terms of the binomial expansion are of type

Since £1 the intermediate terms are divisible by t (4) and hence are
Furthermore A"1/t = A" Also, v—I 1, and 1— 1 ) 2.
Hence the last term is also This proves that we can solve for y such
x + yfr'A"
and by a standard refinement process, we can find an t-th root for e, as contended.

PRooF. Ifi c (then £$i and wehavealreadyconsideredthlscase. Iii) (+1

then 'ii a and = at by the lemma. Hence (tn, A) = (a, 1 thereby
proving the theorem. LI

It will be much harder to prove the following results.

THEOREM 8. (Iji, A) = or equivalently, = C.
PrtooF. The inversion follows from the inversion property for the symbol. We
shall deal with (A, qj), because we enjoy the advantage of the following statement:
is unrami.fled.

PROOF. LetA=q,". ThenA'—l+A'=O. LetB=(A—1)/A. Then

A = AB +1 and therefore B satisfies the equation
O=(AB+ 1)'—i+A'

But £ Divide the equation by Since we see that B satisfies


We have seen at the beginning of our discussion that (IA/A') —1 (A) and our
equation becomes therefore
x'—.z+ImO (A).
Since k/Q, is totally ramified, the residue class fields k and are equal and are
simply the prime field Z,. Hence the equation above is irreducible in the residue
class field and this proves that k(A)/k is unramified. 0
We conclude that a = (A, k(A)/k) = w is the flobenlus Substitution. We must
therefore prove that = C.

We know that B the effect

on A we have
= (1 + AB)

El—A (A2)
But if (It (P (A2) then t7(l — e 0 (A2). Since (1— (11V) A unless v p
(mod £) we conclude that = (thereby proving our theorem. 0
Our next problem is to determine (m1 in terms of (iji, A).
We begin by deriving a certain functional equation for (ijj, qj). We see imme..
diately from the definition that
'ij +A1tj,
Note that = —1 because £ is an odd prime, and hence (—1,/i) I for all /3.
From the addition theorem we get
('i,,A"i1) =
We use the multiplicativity of the symbol and
to get
('ii, = Th+j) ('11+1, m)&ii+a,
and invert everything:
(2) =
(qi,7j,) = [1 (flri+sj, A)_(toi+aoJ)
where r, 3 are positive integers, relatively prime, and for each pair (r, a) the pair
(ro, so) is one solution of the equation rs0 — sr0 = 1.
PROOF. We must first show that the expression is well defined, i.e. does not
depend on the choice of (ro, so). Indeed, it is easy to verify that any other sdution
(ri, is given by r1 = r0 + ri and si = + st where t is an integral parameter.
This implies that the exponent changes by (ri + sj)t. Let p = ri + sj. From (1)
we know that A)" = I and therefore our expression is well defined.
Let [zh rjjj be the expression. We prove that frj,, 'uJ satisfies the functional
equation (2) as a function of i We consider different values of r, s.
r = s. Then r = s = 1 because (r,s) = 1. We may choose ro = 0 and = 1.
The term gives the contribution (tlj+j,
r> s. Let s = s' and r = r' + s'. This gives a 1—1 correspondence between
(r', s') and (r, s). The product over such terms gives the contribution

[J ( A)

where r',s' 1 and (r',s') = 1. This is precisely


r < s. Let r = r' and s = r' + s'. Again we have a i-i correspondence between
(r', a') and (r, a). The product over such terms gives the contribution

ri .
i /

where r', a') 1 and (r', a') 1. This is precisely

We have therefore shown that tj,] satisfies (2). Taking the quotient we
(3) =
For large v and p we know that and axe t-th powers and therefore
= [ni,Iiv]
= = 1.
Using (3) recursively to increase the indices we see that the quotient is 1, thereby
proving the proposition. 0
We have proved in Theorem 7 that A) = I unless p = 1. Hence in the
product only terms with ri + sj = t will give a contribution. Theorem 8 we
where the product is taken for relatively prime positive integers r, a such that ri +
sJ = t. If no such integers exist, = 1.
if ri + sj = then r and a cc £ and
where l/r is the integer inverse to r mod £. We have proved
THEOREM 9. H(r,s) ç;/r where the product is taken over all integers
r, a) 1 such that ri + = £. j/r is interpreted mod 4 and (17i, = I if there
exist no (r,s) such that rt+sj =€.
Having found (')i,flj) we may now get (a,$) for all a,/3 £ k. By factoring
out powers of A, we see that it suffices to compute the symbol for units, and A
REDUCTION 1. Let cx, be units. Then
a''mCt'I (A)
and = (a,$). This reduces our problem to units I (A).
REDUCTION 2. If a 1 (A) then we can write a I + pA (A2) where p is
a iutzonal integer (because k = Zr). Since C" = (I A)" e I — pA (A2)
we obtain a(" I (A2). This reduces the computation of (a, j3) to the case where
(A2),andto((,/3)whereflEl (A).
REDUCTION 3. We have (('C) = = 1. This reduces the
tation of((,3) to the case where (3m I (A2).

Before computing the symbol for the above cases, we make a definition. Let fi
be a unit of k, j3 = EtJ where are rational integers Define Diog (ito be
if/fl where (3' is the derivative of the power series, as discussed iii section 2. Then
Dlog[i is well defined mod t2 according to Lemma 2. Indeed, the different of
k/Q, is A'2 because k/Q, is tamely ramified. We have obviously
Dlog(afl) mDlogfl+Dloga (t2).
Note that logfl may not be defined since (3 is not necessarily mi (A). Even in this
case, log/i may not be a unit, so Dlogfl is not necessarily (log/i)'.
REMARK. The good radius of convergence for the log in k is precisely A2.
Indeed, if ordA x) 2, or equivalently, if x> 1 then ordx> 1/(t —1) which is
the number of Theorem 1.
We let S denote the trace from k to Qj.
THEOREM 10. (a, (3) is determined according to the following scheme.
1. cal (A2) and/ia 1 (A). Then
(a,fl) =
2. awl (A). Them
3.aal(A). Then
(a,A) = loga)

The previous statements hold in the sense that the exponents involving log cx and
Dlogfl an well defined mod t and hence ( can be raised to such exponents.
PROOF. We begin with the first formula and must prove that the exponent is
well defined mod t. F'kom a E I (A2) we get loga a 0 (A2) by Theorem 1. We
know that Dlog/3 is well defined mod A'2. Hence lognDlogfl is well defined
mod A2A'2 = At = tAt where c is a unit. We see that
= 5(k)') =0 (mod 1)
where 'y is an integer. This proves that the exponent is well defined.
From the functional equation of log and Dlog we see that the exponent is
multiplicative in a and (3, and that it is continuous in both arguments. It suffices
therefore to verify our theorem for a multiplicative basis, i.e. for (tj4, 'Ii) according
to Lemma 3. In fact, since a 1 (A2) we may assume i a 2.
Considering Theorem 9 we must prove that

(mod 1)

We have

=log(1—A')= —EA'1/r

Dlogij1 = =

Multiplying the two series:

= > L.
Letm=ri+sj. Lett Ir but We shall prove that

rn—i fi (1) ifvn=4v=O

(t) otherwise.
This will establish the fact that our two exponents are congruent mod t
We have t 0 and 2€" in because i ) 2. Also, 2r in = ri + sj.
CaseL 2(rn(€andv=O. andtake(intothesumto

(in-. 1)
= 3s (Yi
(in; ')(_l)us((P+l).
But in (Implies p +1 C 1. We have
Indeed, if p + 1 Ct then (14+1 $ I is a primitive £-th root of unity satisfying
+ + --- + 1 = 0 over Qe. Hence = —(coeffafr2) = —1. If
= (then (' = land S(1)=t— I.
We note that
a = (1— 1)"—'
Hence the sum is 0 except when in = £. in that case we obtain
(in— 1) (_1)ø +
(;: 1)

This concludes our proof.

Case 2. rn > 1?.
We show that our expression in (4) is 0 (1). Taking inside the trace
where e isaunit. it suffices to prove therefore that in— I—(v+1)((— 1)> 0. This
is a hypothesis for v =0. We may therefore assume ii L We have trivially
in — I — (v + 1)(t — I) 2€" — 1— (a.' + l)(t —1) = ffr)

and we shall prove that f(zi) >0. We have

ffr+1)—f(u) —1—(u+2)(t— 1) —(2t—1—fr+1)(t— 1))

= (2€" (1 — 1)
to be shown.
concludes the proof for the first formula of the theorem.
We shall obtain the second as an immediate corollary. We first consider the
case a 1 (A2), and must show
= çtsflosct).
Since ( 1(A) we can use the preceding result on (a,C). We have = 1—A,
—1 and Dlog( = = —1/C. This gives
logaDlog( = —logo
and by the preceding result,

The inversion property now gives

= =
as desired.
We have remarked in Reduction 2 that if a 1 (A) then a(M = 1 (A2) for a
suitable power of (. We know that ((,a) = (1 — A, A) = 1, and we also know that
log( =0 by the Corollary of Theorem 2. Hence
(a,()=(aCM1C) and
This proves that we may assume a e 1 (A2), and that the formula is valid for a 1
We now come to the third formula involving the prime A. The same argument
concerning a that has just been made shows that we may assume a 1 (A2). We
must prove
The exponent is defined because loga mO (A2) according to Theorem 1 and hence
£ logo).
It suffices to verify the formula for the multiplicative basis (i 2). It has
been proved in Theorems 7 and 8 that


Our exponent for gives

log(1 — A1)) =

We refer to the computation carried out previously, i.e. to the

result (4), with
m = ri The only term giving a non-zero contribution will be the term with ri = €

andv=O. Sincetlsaprimeandi)2,thiscombinationcanoccuronlyifr=1
and i = £. In that case, we get I (mod 1) from the sum, and the minus sign in
front. These values are seen to coincide with those of (5), and this concludes the
proof of our theorem. 0

4. The Power Reciprocity Law

We make first some remarks on finite fields. Let F be a finite field with q
elements. Then = 1 for all z F, r 0 Furthermore, in (q —1) if and only
if all m-th roots of unity lie in F. Suppose this is the case. We have

—1 =fI(x"" -C)

where ( are the rn-th roots of unity. The mapping


(q — 1)/rn elements in its kernel and z(t.l)/m = I if and only if r = vtm for
some y.
We let kbeaglobalfield,p afiniteprime, q = Np. p{m, and wesupposethat
a primitive rn-th root of unity lies in k. From this it follows that in I (Np — 1) and
that the preceding remarks on finite fields can be applied to the residue class field
of p.
We recall the elementary fact that (" (P (mod p) if and only if ii
(mod in).
Suppose p { a. We let be the rn-th root of unity defined by

= a(Nrl)/m (mod p).

The existence and uniqueness of the root of unity follows from the preceding it-
marks. It follows immediately that

\ )\)\
— (al\(a2

if and only if a = jr (mod p) for some /3.

THEoREM 11. 1

PROOF. Immediate from the definitions and the remarks on finite fields. 0
Let A = be one of the m-th roots of a. From Kummer theory we know
that k(A)/k is un.ramifled at p. Let be the Frobenius Substitution at p. Then
e (mod p)
(mod p)
(mod p).

The congruences are written mod p because they hold for each I P.
For /3 satisfying the conditions
1. $isprixnetoa,
2. jiisprirnetorn,

From this definition we have immediately
f a\ (a\(cz

We wish to investigate the number We let

(/3, a) the beginning of this chapter. (Note that (/3, is defined for
Before proving the theorem which gives the annection between our various
symbols, we make a useful remark: Let a, r be two automorphisms over k. Then
= and = (,. where and Cr are two roots of unity. We have
= ((7A)° = CcC.rA. This proves that
This remark will be used in the course of our proofs.
THEOREM 12. If then4

Paoor. Jfpfa then

But is unramified and therefore = (/3, = cor' By defini-
(/i,a)p = = AerdpP(wp_1}

by the remark on automorphisms. This proves our theorem, if p 3 a.

11 p a then p /3 by assumption, and
(a\ef3y1 —
'43)) ka)
The rest follows by symmetry. 0
THEoREM 13. Let cx, /3 E /c. Then

where the product is taken over all primes (including the infinite primes!).

3Far a prime p which divide. a, so that (f) is not defined, the exponent ordp ft is 0, and
the corresponding factor in the product is to be interpreted as 1.
4A slightly more general statement, true for arbitrary a, /3 k, is

wherei=ordpa andj =ordpfl.

We know that c, = (j3, Our theorem is an immediate

consequence of the product formula for the norm residue symbol:
L7p 1

and of the remark on automorphisms. 0

CoROLLARY. Let a, /3 be relatively prime. Then

fl ($,ci)p H

The computation of is reduced to a computation at a finite number

of primes, namely the primes p 1
We must still consider the special primes dividing m. Let A E k be divisible
only by primes of in. Define
(A\ (A\0TdPG
kcz) kp)

Then by the same arguments as before we have

THEoREM 14. Let A be divisible onljj by primes dividing rn Then

= (a,A), = fl (A,a)p.

EXAMPLE 1. Quadratic Reciprocity Law.

Let k = Q be the rationals, vii =2. Let a, b be two relatively prime odd integers.
Since (a, b),, = ±1 we have (a, = (b, a),,. Using Theorem 13 and its Corollary,
and the formula found in Theorem 6, we obtain

G) =

The complementary result coming from Theorem 14 and Theorem 6 is, for odd a,

= =
EXAMPLE 2. Let k = Q(() where £ is an odd prime, and (a primitive £..tb
root of Take in = £ r.s where A =1- (.
Only one prime divides 1', namely A. All are complex so they will give no
contribution in the power residue symboL
Suppose a I (A2) and j3 a 1 (A). Then by combining Theorems 10 and 13
we get

Noting that = I because (is a wilt, and that

(1)(E)_I =((ah

we also obtain
= Iosa))
(where N is of course the absolute
The complementary statement for A is


Group Extensions
1. HomomorphIsms of Group Extensions
This section concerns the elementary facts about group extensions and home.
morphisins of them. Since these things are quite well known, the treatment is
sketchy throughout, many details being left to the reader. The main results are
summarized in Theorems 1 and 2 at the end of the section.
Let C be a group, not necessarily finite, and let A be an abelian group. A
group extension of A by C is an exact sequence of group homomorphisms

Then U is a group containing a normal subgroup LA which is isomorphic to A, such

that the factor group U/LA is isomorphic to G. Since i is an isomorphism it is no
essential loss of generality to assume that i is an inclusion, and we will habitually
do so. Then we have A c U and U/A a
Associated with such an extension there is a natural operation of C on A
which can be described informally as follows: Since A is a normal subgroup of U,
the elements of U operate on A by conjugation, and since we have assumed A
commutative, the elements of A operate trivially on A; therefore the factor group
U/A C operates on A.
We shall write A inultiplicatively, and we will denote the effect of an element
o E G on an element a E A by C. According to the discussion above we have
a° = a" = u0atç1,
where is any element of U such that ju0 = a.
To analyze the structure of an extension U one selects for each a E C a definite
representative element u0 U such that = a, i.e. such that u0A is the coset
of A in U corresponding to the element a e C. Then each a element u c U can be
written uniquely in the form
indeed, the a and a are given explicitly in terms of u by a = ju, and a = wç'.
For each pair of elements a, r E C, there is an element A such that
tgtLr = ag,ruar.
These elements as,.,. = constitute what is called a factor set.
The multiplication of elements of U can be described in terms of the multipli-
cation in A and in C, the operation of C on A, and the factor set Indeed, if
ii = at0 and v = bu, are any two elements of U we have
uv = au0bu, =
= ab ti0u1. =

The associativity of the multiplication of elements in U iwposes a condition on

the factor set ae.t. On the one hand we have
pi. a — p U,i it qr —
—& —&
u,rap,er it
and on the other hand
= =
Comparing the two expressions we find

p —1 —1_.

The left band side of this last equation is the multiplicative form of the cobound..
ary formula for standard 2-cochains (ci. the discussion of H2(A) in §2 of Ch. II).
Therefore, our associativity condition means simply that a,,7 is a standard 2-cocycle
of C with values in the C-module A.
Working backwards, we can easily prove that, given any mode of operation of
G on A, and any 2-cocycle a,,7 of C in A with respect to that operation, there
exists a group extension U from which they come. We define U to be the set of all
symbols a * ti,, a A, a C, with the multiplication rule
(a * * u7) = * (it,7).
The associativity of this multiplication is an immediate consequence of the cobound-
ary, relation = 1, and of the usual properties of the exponentiation a'.
For fixed a and $ U the equations

areeasily seen to be solvable in U, and it follows that U is a group, i.e. has a unit
element and inverses. They are explicitly given by
1= ci *
(a * = * 14,—i.

(Various identities which arise in this connection, and which are of course direct
consequences of the coboundary relation are:
= aç1 a1,.,. =
Putting j(a * a,) a we obtain a homomorphism of U onto C whose kernel
is the set of all elements of the form a * This subgroup is isomorphic to A
under the correspondence a (aajl a ui). We may therefore identify A with this
subgroup, i.e. put a = * a1, and if at the same time we put a, I sit,, we
= * ui)(1 * ti,) = * U * U0

u,a = (1 * u,)(aajj * = a' * it, = a'u,

= (1 * u4(l * a7) * 1497 =
Therefore, the operation of C on A, and the 2-cocycle a,,,., with which we began
the construction are those derived from the group extension we have constructed.

A homomorphism of one group extension into another is a collection of homo..

morphisms f, F, and such that the diagram

(1)—.*A u—L- c—..11)

is commutative. Since we are viewing i as an inclusion, this means in particular
that / is the restriction of F to A. Now suppose f and are given. Under what
conditions does F exist, and bow many F's arc there? To study this question we
select representatives is0 U and VA V. Supposing for the moment that an F is
given, we have for arbitrary is = au0 U
= F(au0) = (Fa)(Fu0) = (fa)(Fts4.
Hence to describe F completely it is enough to give the elements Fu0; and since
j(Fu0) = çPju0 = con =
there are elements c0 c B such that
Fit0 =
Thus, F is described by a function a -. c0 from G to B.
If F is to be a homomorphism it is furthermore necessary that
F(u0aiç') = (Fu0)(fa)(Fu0y'
F(u0w,.) = F(u0)F(u.,.).
Writing out these conditions we find that they amount to
f(a"j=(/a)'0, aEA,
/ ,a,,,
" -—b
— 1,0—1
where a01, and are the 2-cocycles associated with our two extensions and our
selected representatives it0 and VA. To interpret these conditions, we must view B
as a G-module under the operation If0 which is induced by the homomorphism
cp: G — H. Then the first condition means simply that f is a G-homomorphisin
of A into B; and thc second condition means that the 2-cocylcies f a01, and b,01,,
of G in B differ by the coboundary of the 1-cochain c0 of C in B.
Thus, necessary conditions for the existence of F are that be a C-homomor-
phism when C operates on B through 0, and that 1a1, and b,,0,, be cohomologous
2-cocycles of C in B. Conversely, it is easy to check that these conditions are suf-
ficient; if c0 is a 1-cochain satisfying (*), then a suitable F is obtained by putting
F(au,) = (/a)c0v,0.
In order to investigate the number of different F's for given f and p, we consider
the totality of 1-cochains c0 = (Fu4v;0' which describe them. If F and F' are
any two F's, then, as we have seen, the corresponding c and c' have the same
cobouadary, so their quotient
4C' = (ru0)v;v,,(Yu4' (F'u0)(Fu0)'

is a 1-cocycle of G in B. This 1-cocycle is independent of the choice of represen-

tatives u0 because upon replacing ttg by ott0, a A, we find that d0 changes into
(fa)d0(fa)' = d0. Therefore there is a natural operation of 1-cocycles d = 4,,
on the set of homomorphisms {F}, defined by (d. F)(u0) = d,,(Fu0); the rule
d'(dF) = (d'd)F is obvious. From the above considerations it is clear that this
operation is transitive, and without fixed points, i.e. if F0 is one fixed F, then the
correspondence ci —' dF0 is a (1-4)-correspondence between the d's and the F's.
it is natural to ask what is the significance of the 1-coboundazies, d0 = (ob),, =
b B, in this connection? We have

((of,)- F)u,, = lr'b"°(Fu0) = lc'(Fu46.

Therefore, (ob).F is obtained by following F by the inner autoniorphisrn v lr1vb
of V. We shall call two F's equivalent if they differ by such an inner automorphisin.
Then it follows from what we have proved that the 1-dimensional cohomology
classes of C in B operate transitively and without fixed points on the equivalence
classes of F's.
Putting all these results together and considering special cases we obtain the
following theorems:
THEOREM 1. Let us call two group extensions U and U' of A by C equiva-
lent if there exists an F: U U' such that the following diagram is
A —k U U

identitYt identitYt
A U C.
Then the equivalence classes are in natural (i—i)-correspondence with the 2-dimen-
sional cohomology classes of C in A, for the vanous modes of operation of C on
THEOREM 2. Let U/A C and U'/A' C' be two group extensions. Then, if
homomorphisms f: A A' and w: C —' C' are given, there exists a homomorphism
F: U -' U' such that the diagram
A —U —s C

is a
2) f4a = f a', where a
a' C 112(G', A') is the class of U'. (Here
on A' through ço, and
IP(C,A) is the class of the extension U, and
and cc' stand for the homomorphisms
induced by (1, f): (C, A) —' (C, A') and 1): (C', A') —' (C, A'), respectively.)
Furthermore, if we call two such F's equivalent whenever they differ by an inner
automorphisin of U' by an element a' A', then the group H1 (C, A') operates
transitively without fixed points on the set of equivalence classes. In particular, if
H1(C,A') = 0, then all F's are equivalent.

2. Commutators and bansfer in Group Extensions

Let C be a finite group, A a (multiplicatively written) C-module, and let U be
a group extension of A by C:
There is no loss of generality if we view A as subgroup of U, i.e. treat i as an
inclusion. Then, if 6 U are representatives of a C, the elements of U are of
the form at0, a A, g C. They are multiplied according to the rules
u0a = a0u0 =
where a0,,- is a standard 2-cocycle of C in A whose cohomology a C H2(G, A)
is the class of the extension U.
Let UC denote the commutator subgroup of U. We wish to describe the sub.
group UC ri A of A. According to the corollary of Theorem 16 of Cli. V §4, a
subgroup of an abelian group A can be characterized by the set of all characters
(Zrhomomorphisms f: A -. Q/Z) which vanish on it, and this is the approach
we shall use. It is clear that a character f of A vanishes on
UC fl A if and only if it can be extended to a character F of u
Ii. Indeed, if f vanishes on Ut fl A, then / can be viewed
as a character of UtA/Ut by means of the parallelogram in
the accompanying diagram, and can then be extended to U,
by Theorem 16 of Ch. V, §4. Conversely, any character of U /
vanishes on (P because Q/Z is abelian.
Given a character / of A we must therefore investigate the
question,whether it can be extended to a character F of U.

This can be viewed as a question about homomorphisms of (P n A
group extensions as in the following diagram:

Ii I
Q/Z —S. Q/Z
Since the lower extension is trivial, we see from Theorem 2 of §1 that necessary
and sufficient conditions for the existence of F are:
(1) f must be a C-homomorphism, G operating trivially on Q/Z, and
(2) /.a =0 in H2(C,Q/Z),
where a H2(G, A) is the class of our extension U/A C. The first condition
means simply that f must vanish on IA, the submodule of A generated by the
elements To transform the second condition we use the corollary of Theo-
rem 18 of Ch. V, §4, which states that H2(G,Q/Z) is the dual of H3(G,Z). It
follows that is the zero element of H2(C, Q/Z), if and only if it yields the zero
character of H3(G,Z), i.e. if and only if (f.a)( 0 for all ( H3(G, Z). We
have (/.a)C because (1a)n = f(an) for a A, vi C Z; hence, our second
condition is equivalent to
(2') f.(a()=0 forall(€H3(G,Z);
in other words, to the vanishing of on the subgroup If 3(C, Z) of A).
The effect of f. on H'(C,A) is related to the effect of I on AN (= the kernel of

the norm map a fl,, ae) by the following commutative diagram


(Q/7/4x —L. H'(G,Q/Z),
in which the lower horizontal arrow is an isomorphism. We see finally that our
conditions amount to the vanishing of f on the subgroup )IC' (a. H3(G, 1))
of A. Thus we have shown that the characters of A which vanish on U' fl A are
exactly those vanishing on . H3(G, Z)), both conditions being equivalent

to extendability to U. It follows that the two subgroups are equal, so we have

TimoitEM 3. Let U/A (3 be a group extension belonging to the class a
If 2(G, A). Then, denoting the commutator subgroup of U, we have
(P fl A = )fC1(a . ft3(Q, 74).
In other words, i/IA is the subgroup of A generated by the elements and AN
is the kernel of the norm map, a —' Na = J.lueG &, then
IAcUtnAc AN,
and the factor group (Ut n A)/IA corresponds to 1t3(G, Z) under the natural
isomorphi.srn Ax/IA A).
It should be remarked that the twoinclusions IA c UtflA C AN can be proved
directly. The first is obvious; for any a A, a C we have = u0au;'a1 c
ii A. The second is best understood by means of the group theoretical transfer
from U to A which we will now investigate. It is a homomorphism
VU,A: (U/Ut) (A/AC) = A
mapping the factor commutator group of U into that of A, the latter being A itself
since A is abelian. It is defined by
u each a C, ff = j(ugu) is the unique element of
C such that u0utQ1 A. Being multiplicative, V is of course determined by its
effect on A, and on the representatives it,.. For these special cases we obtain
Vu,A(aUt) II u0au; = fl aC = Na,
eGG a
= fl = iTt
where a0,,. is the 2-cocycle associated with the representatives Thus, in par-
ticular, the effect of V on A is that of the norm, and this explains the inclusion
Ut fl A C AN, because V annihilates Ut. V carries the representative it,. into the
image of 'r under the Nakayama map r —, fl,. a,,,,. which we have studied in §5
of Oh. V, this being the other interpretation of the Nakayama map to which we
alluded there. Since the norm and the Nakayama map both have values in AG,

see that the image of U/Ut under V is contained in AQ This can also be seen
directly, for it is a special consequence of the following fact about transfer: If W is
any subgroup of finite index in U, then

= u(Vu.wu')tC'

for all u, U' U.

Recalling that the Nakayama map can be used to compute the cup product a<,.
we see that we can abstract from the above considerations the following statement
which is independent of the choice of representatives tie.

THEOREM 4. Let U/A G be a group extension belonging to the class cx E

H'2(G, A). Then the following diagram is commutative1

o A/(U0 n A) —L. U/U0 C/C° H2(G, Z) — o

o -'-A' wO,

where the right-hand vertical arrow denotes multiplicatürn by a, and N, T, and 3

denote the maps induced in the obvious way by N: A — NA, and by A U G. 4
COROLLARY. Let U/A C be group extension belonging to the class a E
H2(G, A). Consider the following three homomorphisms:

H3(G,Z) -. H'(G,A) a...2: H2(C,Z) —' H°(G,A).

We contend that there exist exact sequences

0—' (G,A)/Ima_3 —, KerV —* Kera_2 —0

0-4 A'/ImV H°(C, A)/Irna...2 —' a

In particular, V is an isomorphism into if and only if is onto and a_2 is an

isomorphtsm into; V is onto if and only if cn.2 is onto.

PROOF. Notice that the horizontal rows of the diagram of Theorem 4 are exact.
Let us augment that diagram by putting zeros above and below in the following

1The diagram gives another interpretation of the Nakayama map a, as the map induced by
the Verlagerung in the group extension corresponding to the class cx. In that version it is implicit
in the proof of the Principal Ideal Theorem due to Artin and lyanaga which we give in Section
4 of this chapter. It was published in S. lyanaga 1141 lyanaga was in Hamburg at the time and
states that the greater part of the proof is due to Artin, who generously let him publish it under
his own name.


0 —0"—--— —0 o

-———0 * e—IA* e— * o

0 0 e— I0
11 1

waumjoa we ujtqa 'saxa1dwoa at uje;qo we pexa 'aauaubas

put aip jo a3uanbac :8!

'-0 (19)j = 3fl)/Ny (vu

— t"vm1/(y'0)0y 'Os-
uoiidtiasap 1° J/) Li V Aq at 099 3n)/Mv U (v
94)flj3UO9 Gtfl jooid jo 'Amjjoioo o
'g WM-i)IflZPIV dew :a (Ty

'H/0)tH (v
ian y aq g uaswt pin j'j aq u dnoi2
Jo y :f3
IL H J0 1ç11g dnoaMms Al = 'Cw)1-F uaq in ue
uocsuasxa jo Acj :jj

it '0)tH (v aq; lvuoTsuam!p-z ssep 'a
uaqs B
'H)ZH (v smis 'Al 'paapiij a ; sai4wp.tasasdaz jo 0
tic ssuamaja 3 'H 8B SaAfle5UaSOKTal JO H ItI ODUOff
£q aip apXooa-c .&'DV jLDnSnflnt 'H v apAaoo-g
99903 jo H U! 0 01 aqs 99903 JO Al UJ 'fi pue J! H
o ni/ri 'HID asoa.xaqj at traa uuoj aig uoTsuasxa
Os tra jo aip ada at 9AtIj uaaq
'trmjaqe at ;srnn appqp ;no Aq io;wgtmmoa dnoa2 ,jo
I 3M/AP' H/D"mht/IP
3. THE AKIZUKI—WITF MAP U: H2(G,A) -. 113(G/H,A"} 135

This last extension may be called a factor extension of U.

Perhaps a lattice diagram will help in visualizing these various
Now let V = VW,A denote the group theoretical trans-
fer from W into A. It maps W/Wc into A11, and is easily
seen to be a (0/H)-homomorphism. Consequently it induces
a homomorphism of the (C/H, W/WC) cohomology into
the (C/H, A") cohomology. (Needless to say, is not the
cohornological transfer; it is simply an induced map.) The 2- wt
dimensional class fi e H2(C/H, W/WC) associated with the
factor extension is carried into a certain 2-dimensional class
V.$ E H2 (C/H, A"). Obviously VS/i depends only on the {1}
equivalence class of the original extension U/A C, that is to
say, on the element a H2(C, A) which characterizes the extension U. We have
therefore constructed a map a —' V5/i which we denote by
vc,(C/n): 112(0, A) —, H2(C/H, AM).
'lb review the definition of vc,(G/ff): Given a H2(G, A) one constructs an exten-
sion U/A C belonging to cx, goes to the factor extension (U/W')/(W/W9
0/H, and then takes the image of its 2-dimensional class /3 under the homo.
morphism induced by the (0/11)-homomorphism V: wiwc A"; the result
is Vc,(G/H)a. Following this prescription we can easily derive an explicit formula
for the computation of Vc(c/H) in terms of standard 2-cocycles. Let a0,,. be a 2-
cocycle in the class of a. Then a suitable group extension U consists of the elements
au,, a A, a C, with the multiplication rules
u0a = Cu0 =
The subgroup w of all auk with h H. In order to compute a 2-cocycle
be,, W/WC (for r, $ C/H) which describes the factor extension, we first select
representatives I C of the elements r C/H. We may then use the elements
r C/H, as representatives of the cosets of W in U, and the corresponding
2-cocycle br,s is determined by the equations
= (mod we),
Introducing the abbreviation I ifl1 H and comparing the equations
= a7yj
we find
14.s = (mod Wt).
Now we must transfer these elements from W to A. Using the rules derived in the
discussion preceding Theorem 4 of §2, we find
IlL &r I —I
a,,,, h —h
V =
h h
THEOREM 5. Let C be a finite group, H a nonnal subgroup, and let the elements
F C be representatives of the cosets r = ?H of H in C. Then the cohornology
in 112(G,A) —# H2(C/H,A")

is induced by the cocycle map at,,,. —. (va),.,8, which is defined by

(va),.,8 = cch) .

where'y="y,ft=flFrt EH.2
COROLLARY. The cohomology map v is multiplicative.
THEOREM 6. For o JP(G, A) we have

PROOF. If a E C, we denote by i the representative of the coset in which a

lies; i.e. = oH. Then irif va is represented by the 2.cocycle
(iufva)0,, = (va),.H,,.H =
Using the coboundary relation to pull the h's down from the exponents we obtain
a formula in which two pair of terms cancel:

H afta.t a\4t ?&atuf'.

Since ü is in the same coset of H as a is, and since H is normal, we can replace
the product over ha in the first factor by the product over oh. Similarly, we can
replace haiwr1 by h in the third uncancelled term, because àf Ur4 C H. This
(infva)0,,. = [J ack,f

Now the 1-cochain c0 = flh aaj, has the coboundary

Dividing our 2-cocycle by this coboundary we obtain the following equivalent 2-
cocycle in thc class ink va
= fi (2j.
It consists of two factom of the coboundary and since this coboundary
is I we can write
CS,l. = = llae,?haA.

2Multiplying formula for (va),.,3 by 1 = one finds another expreasion:

(vu),..5 = Nyu,',1 In this form our map v was discovered independently by Witt and
Akizuki in 1935 (see and (1J). Both these authors proved our Theorem 6. 11 the inflation-
restriction sequence is exact in dimension 2, e.g. if A) = (O}, then it is clear that there
exists a unique map like it satisfying Theorem 6, and Witt's motivation was to find an explicit
formula for it in terms of cocycles. Akizuki proved a result relating v to the Nakayama map which
we can express as He used thiswith H = C' to show that Nalcayama's
theorem about the injectivity of his map for abelian C implies with the sante hypothesis that for
arbitrary C the kernel is C' (ci. footnote at the end of Section 2 of the Chapter "Preliminaries").

Using the coboundary relation to put the a in the first factor back in the exponent
we find
= fl a,. ,1a,T,hafffla0
Since the quantity in the parentheses is the coboundary of the 1-cochain 4 =
11 we see finally
In terms of cohoniology classes this means ml va = as contended. 0
4. Splitting Modules and the Principal Ideal Theorem
Let C be a group and A a C-module. Let a Hr(G, A) be a cohomology class
of (3 in A. A splitting module. for the class a is a C-module B containing A, such
that the image of a under the homomorphism induced by the inclusion of A in B
is zero. In other words, such that a cocycle in the class of a becomes a coboimdary
when it is viewed in the bigger module B. Splitting modules exist for cobornology
classes of all dimensions, but we will content ourselves with a discussion of a special
case, namely a canonical type of splitting module for 2-dimensional classes. This
special case is the most important one because of its intimate relationship with
group extensions.
Let as,,. be a standard 2-cocycle of C in A, and for convenience assume as,,. =
=0. (Any 2-dimensional class contains such a 2-cocycle; from the point of view
of group extensions, the normalization al,,. = Ua,j = (I corresponds to choosing the
identity element of the extension U as the representative of the identity element
of the factor group C.) We wish now to construct a G-module B containing A, in
which there is a 1-cochain x0 such that
(ax)0,,. = ax,. — + x,, = a,,,,..
As the additive group of B we take the direct sum of A and of a 7.-free module
whose basis consists of symbols x,., one for each element r G except the identity,
i.e. we put
B=A+EZX,. (directsurn).
For notational convenience we define to be the zero element of B. We extend
the operation of C from A to B in just such a way that the 2-cocycle arn,. becomes
the coboundary of the x,.. This is done by defining
(*) ax,. —x,,+a,,,.
for a, 'r E C. In order to justify this definition, we discuss the general question
of 7.-homomorphisms of B into an arbitrary 7.-nodule C. A 7.-homomorphism
f: B —' C is obviously determined by its restriction to A, and by the values
J(x,.) for r 1. Conversely, given any 7.-homomorphism g: A —+ C and given
arbitrary elements c,- C for 'r I, there exists a homomorphism f: B C
such that = g and f(x,.) = c,.. Now taking C to be B itself we can therefore
associate with each a C the unique homomorphism a: B —' B such that 04 is
the originally given effect of a on A, and such that ax,. is given by equation (s) for

r e 1. The equation (*) then holds automatically for r =1 beçause =0. The
unit element of C acts as identity on A because
lit,. =i., ri + ai,r = £7.
(Recall that = (I and at,, = 0.) The associative law for our operation follows
from the cobou.ndary relation for the 2-cocycle namely:
p(ux,.) = £g + a0,)
= — x9 + — Zpe + — Upe + PUa,r
= Zper Xpg + (pa0,, + apor
= +
= (pcr)xr.
We have shown that the operation of C on B has all the required properties; B is
a C-module.
The main properties of the splitting module B are stated in the next several
lemmas. These lemmas will be used later to prove the principal ideal theorem.
LEMMA 1. The factor module 8/A is C-isomorphic to the augmentation liSA
I. Mart precisely, the following is an aract sequence of C-homomorphisms
0—' A' -98-'
I I-'O,

where i is the inclusion, andj is defined byjA = 0, and by jat,. = fr—i) fort 1.

PROOF. Since the elements 'r — I for -r I are a Z-basis for I, and since the
elements it,. are a Z-basis for B/A, we see that j is a Z-homornorphism of B onto
I with kernel A, so the sequence is exact. To see that j is a C-homomorphism we
note that the formula fr,. = — 1 holds for all -r, because it holds automatically
for r = I, and consequently
jaxr = j(xor x0 + a0,,)
= (ar—l)—(c— l)=o'r—c =cfr— 1)
UJZ,. 0
LEMMA 2. Let be an element of the group ring of C. Then 78 c A if and
only if -y is a multiple of the trace, i.e. 'y = e(E0 u) = eS for some integer e.
PRO0F.ByLemmaiwebaveB/As'sL Hence'yB
'y('r—l) =Oforallr eC. Writlng =Ee0aweseethatthisrneansall
coefficients e0 are equaL 0
Now let us introduce the group extension U/A C constructed with the 2-
cocycle a0,7. When A occurs in this connection, we will write it multiplicatively,
though we still preserve the additive way of writing A when we view it as a sub-
module of the splitting module B. Thus, U consists of the elements au0 with the
multiplication rule
au0bw,. = ab'a0,7u07.
in particular, we have u1u1 = ai,iui = UI, hence Ui =1, because we have assumed
a1,1 is the identity element of A.

LEMMA 3. The abetian group B/lB is isomorphic to the factor commutator

group U/Ut of U under the correspondence
aurUc a+ +18.
PROOF. Define a map log: U —. B/lB by logau0 a+z0 (mod 18). Then
the log of the product is the sum of the logs. lndesd
= a + at + +

and subtracting these two expressions we obtain an element of 18, namely

at —6 + (zr. — x0 + — = (a — 1)6 + (a —
Since B/lB is abelian, our ]og homomorphism induces a homomorphism
U/Ut -e B/lB.
On the other hand, we can define a homomorphism exp: B U/UC by putting

fexpa=aut, aCA
As usual, the second of these formulas holds for 'r = 1 as well because = 0 and
= 1. This homomorphism exp vanishes on 113, because
exp(a — 1)a = = =
exp(a — 1)z.,. = exp(xq.,. — x0 + as,, —
I (mod Ift).
Consequently, exp induces a homomorphism ëiq5: B/lB U/Ut. A glance at the
definitions shows that and are mutually inverse maps; hence they are both
isomorphisms onto. This concludes the proof. 0
LEMMA 4. The transfer map Vu,A: U/Ut —, A corresponds, under the isomor-
phism U/Ut 8/18, to the map 3: B/lB — A which is induced by the frace map
8:8-3. (Notice that S carries B into A (cf Lemma 1) and S vanishes on ID.)
PROoF. For the representatives we have

= [J (viewing A in U)


= Eart —

Eaxr = Sx.,. = Slogw,.,


and for a A we have

V(aUC) = Na (in U)
=Sa (inS)
= e(a+JB)=eSja.
Since any element of U is of the form this concludes the proof. 0
THEOREM (Principal Ideal Theorem). Let U be a group whose commutator
subgroup U' is of finite index and is finitely generated. Then the transfer map
U/Ut is the zero map.
PROoF. Dividing out by (Ut)t does not affect the transfer map, so it is no loss
of generality to assume = 1, i.e. abelian. Furthermore, replacing U' by
an arbitrary abelia.n subgroup A containing we see that it is enough to prove:
THEOREM 7'. Let U be a group whose commutator subgroup U' is of finite index
and is finitely generated. Suppose that A is an abelian subgroup of U containing
Ut. Then, if e = (A: Ut), e times the transfer map VU,A: U/Us — A is the zero

PROOF. Since A D Ut, A is normal in U and the factor group C = U/A is a

finite abelian group. Let its order be n = (U : A). Then (U: Ut) = (U: A)(A:
Ut) = vie. Let B be a splitting module for a 2-cocycle coming from the extension
U/A G, as described in the paragraphs above. Then B is finitely generated
over Z, because B/A I is a free Z-module on (vi — 1)-generators, A/Ut a finite
group, and U' is assumed to be finitely generated. By Lemma 3, the factor group
B/lB is isomorphic to U/Ut, and is therefore a finite abelian group of order ne.
Let b1, b2,.. . , be elements of B which are representatives, mod 113, of a basis
for B/LB. Let be the period of mod lB. Then vie = e1e2. . . Let
bm+i, bm+2, . .. be generators for lB (as subgroup of a finitely generated abelian
group, B lB is finitely generated). Put em+s = em+2 = = e8 = 1. Then we
have achieved the following three things:
1) The elements b1, b2, .. . , generate B.
From 1) we have B = s;=1 Zbj, hence LB = E=1 lbj. Therefore, by 2) we see
that there exist elements Ojj C I such that

ebj=EOsjb,, i=l,2,...,s.
Putting = eiJq where is the Kronecker delta, we obtain an s x $ matrix
of elements of the group ring F of G such that

(*) E.y,,b,=o, i=1,2,...,s.

Since C is an abelian group, the group ring F is commutative; hence the notion of
a determinant of a square matrix with elements in F makes sense. If (%) is the
matrix whose elements are the cofactors of the elements of the matrix ('It,) we have

where 'y = det and 6 is the Kronecker delta. Multiplying (*) by

i we obtain
7k, =
for all j. Since the bj generate B it follows that annihilates B, and a fortiori,
C A. Hence, by Lemma 2, 'y is a multiple of the trace, say 'y = tS. To determine
the value oft, it is enough to compute the image of y under the ring homomorphism
c: F Z which is defined by cc = 1 for all c G, and whose kernel is L On the
one hand we have
67= e(tS) = tfrS) = Ut.
On the other hand, going back to the definition of 7, we have
67 = edet(7,j) = =
because = — (mod I). Comparison of the two equations above
shows t = hence 7 = eS. This proves the theorem, because according to
Lemma 4, the transfer map VU,A is induced by the trace map S on B and, as
we have already remarked, annihilates B.

Abstract Class Field Theory

1. Fbrmations
In this section we will introduce an abstract algebraic object called aformation.
In order to motivate the definition and terminology we first consider an important
special case arising from ordinary galois theory. Let k be any field and let 11 be the
separable part of the algebraic closure of k. Let C be the galois group of CI over k,
i.e. the group of all automorphisms of CI which are identity on k. (Of course C is
usually infinite.) Let E be the set of all finite extensions of k in II; we denote them
by F, B, K, L etc. For each F E, let Cp denote the subgroup of C corresponding
to F, i.e. consisting of all automorphierns of 11 which are identity on F. Then C
can be made into a topological group by taking the family of subgroups {Gr}Fcs
as a fundamental system of neighborhoods of the identity, and it follows then from
galois theory that every open subgroup of C is of the form CF for some F E.
Let A denote the multiplicative group of CI, viewed as C-module. For each
finite extension F of k, let Ap denote the multiplicative group of F. Then from
galois theory we know that AF = i.e. 4, is the submodule of A consisting
of all elements which are left fixed by Gp.
if F and K are two finite extensions of /c, we have F C K if and only if
CF D GK, in which case K/F is a finite extension of degree [K: F] = (Gp:
and 4 C AK. The extension K/F is normal if and only if GK is a normal subgroup
of Gp, and then its galois group is isomorphic to the factor group GF/GK.
In this situation the finite galois group GK/F, operates on the multiplicative group
AK of the normal extension K; hence we have cohomology groups HT (GK/F, AK).
It is this type of cohomology group in which we are interested.
However, if the fields K and F are finite algebraic number fields, the galois
group operates not only on the multiplicative group of K, but also on the
idèle group of K, and on the idèle class group of K; and in global class field theory
it is essential to study the cohornology of all three situations. The idèles of the
various finite algebraic number fields F can be assembled into one big group, the
idèle group of the field of all algebraic numbers, and the same goes for the idèle
classes. Thus, we will be able to treat each of these situations as special cases of
the following abstraction:

DEFINITION I. A formation (C, {Gp}; A) consists of:

1) A group C, usually infinite, together with a non-empty indexed family
{GF}FCE of subgroups of C satisfying the following conditions:
a) Each member of the family {C,} is of finite index in C.
b) Each subgroup of C which contains a member of the family {Cp} also
belongs to the family.

c) The intersection of two members of the family {Gp} also belongs to the
d) Any conjugate of a member of the family {Cp} is also a member of the
e) The intersection of all members of the family {CF} is the identity:

Gp 1.

2) A C-module A such that A = AG?, in other words, such that every

element of A is left fixed by some member of the family {GF}
Notice that in this definition the symbol F has been reduced to the humble
status of a mere index. Logically it would be more reasonable to drop it altogether
and use the subgroups 0F themselves as indices. However we retain the F for
psychological purposes, and in order that our terminology will fit the applications.
The requirements concerning the family of subgroups {Gp} could have been
stated more briefly by our saying: C is a Hausdorif topological group in which there
is a fundamental system of neighborhoods of the identity consisting of subgroups of
finite index, and {Gp} is the family of open subgroups of G. However, until much
later there will be no need to consider C seriously as a topological group, so we
prefer the explicit algebraic description of the properties of the family {Gp} to the
more succinct topological one. For the time being, the only hint of the topological
aspect will be our use of the convenient term open subgroup as a synonym for
member of the family {GF}".
The terminology of formations which we now outline can be best understood if
one keeps in mind the special example discussed in the opening paragraphs of this
section, in which C is an infinite galois group and A is the multiplicative group of
the infinite normal extension. If (C, {Gp}, A) is a formation, we call C the galois
group of the formation, and we call A the formation module. The indices F are
referred to as field.s. Corresponding to each field F we define a submodule AF of
A by Ap = AG?. We call these submodules Ap the various levels of the formation
and we say that Ap is the F-level. If F and K are a pair of fields, we write F C K
whenever Cp and say then that F is a subfield of K, or K an extension
of F. When this is the case, the F-level is contained in the K-level: Ap C AK. A
pair of fields such that F C K is said to determine a layer of the formation, and
this layer is referred to by the symbol K/F. Ap is called the ground leve4 and AK
the top leve4 of the layer. The index (Gp : Cx), which is finite by assumption la)
of the definition of a formation, is called the degree of the layer K/F and is denoted
by [K : F]. When Gg is a normal subgroup of Gp the layer K/F is called a normal
layer. Then the finite factor group GF/CK operates naturally on the top level of
the layer, i.e. on AK = This factor group Gp/Cx is called the gal oth group
of the normal layer and is denoted by CK/p. We have clearly

in other words, the ground level of a normal layer consists exactly of all elements of
the top level which are left fixed by the operation of the galois group of the layer.
As in galois theory, a normal layer is called solvable, abelian, or cyclic, if the galois
group is solvable, abelian, or cyclic.

By the cohornotogy groups of a normal layer K/F we iqean those a.%ociated

with the operation of the galois group Ofl the top level AK. They are denoted
briefly by H'(K/F). Thus we have by definition
IIt(K/F) = HT(CK/F,AK) =
Of course these cohomology groups are those of finite groups GK/F, in spite of the
fact that the galois group C of the whole formation is usually infinite. Therefore all
of the theory which we have developed in the preceding chapters applies to them.
In particular, we have at our disposal all the natural homomorphisms. We now list
these, giving first the old notation, and following it by a new abbreviated notation
which we are hereby introducing:
Transfer' and Restriction: if F C E C K and K/F is normal, then we
V(CE,GK),(a,/CK): RY(GE/GK, —' Ht (Gp/GK, A(GK))

V(K/E),(x/p): fflK/E)
res(c,,GK),caZ,fcK): Jr (GE/GK, A(GK))
res(x/F),(K/E): H'(K/F) —. fr(K/E).
Conjugation: If K/F is normal and u C, then we have

HY(K/F) —' Ht(r/r),

where is defined by the equation GKO = uCKcr'. (This is permissive
by assumption Id) of the definition of a formation, which states that the family of
subgroups {CF} is closed under conjugation.)
Inflation: If F c K C L and L/F and K/F are normal, then we have for
inf Jfr(GF/CK,A(Gx)) -4
inf : W(K/F) -. IflL/F).
The purpose of a formation is to facilitate the study of the cohomology groups
of its normal layers. By putting these layers all together into one big object, the
formation, we achieve the fullest possible freedom in studying their interrelation-
ships, so that we can glean information about "difficult" layers from our knowledge
of simple layers.
A special notational device which we will employ is that of using K and L to
denote the top field in normal layers and using E to denote the top field of non-
normal layers. For example, K/F and L/E are automatically understood to be
normal, whereas E/F and E1 /E arc not necessarily normal.
Most features of ordinary galois theory carry over to abstract formations. Two
important examples of this general fact are furnished by the followir*g propositions.
tThe map is nowadays often caied "corestriction".

PRoPoSITIoN 1. Given any finite set of Layers over the same ground field,
E1/ F, E2/F,... ,Em/F, there exists a normal Layer K/F containing all of them,
i.e. such thatFcEjcKfori=l,...,m.
Paooi. Each of the subgroups is of finite index in Op and has therefore
only a finite number of distinct conjugates G°5, in CF. These conjugates are open
subgroups of G by assumption d) of definition 1. Hence, by assumption c) of that
same definition, their intersection,

is also open, i.e. is of the form Gx for some field K. Since Gic is obviously normal
in Gp, and is contained in for each i, it follows that K/F is normal, and
K D Fig for each i, as contended. 0
PROPOSITION 2. Every subgroup of the galois group 0K/F of a normal Layer
K/F is of the form for some E,Fc EcK.
PROOF. We have = Hence any subgroup is of the form H/Ox
for some group H such that H Since if J Cx there is a field B such
that H = 05, by assumption b) of Definition 1. Then F C B C K and our original
subgroup of GKIF is GE/GK = Ox/s. 0
One difference between formation theory and galois theory proper is that in a
formation one does not assume that ,the correspondence
0x Ax = A°"
is one-to-one. It is perfectly possible, according to our definition, that the galois
group of a formation operates trivially on the formation module, in which case all
levels are the formation module itself. The point is that the one-to-oneness of the
correspondence plays no role whatsoever in the cohomological considerations, so
there is no point in assuming it.

2. Field Fbrmations. The Brauer Groups

The main fact about the cohomology of a finite galois group operating on the
multiplicative group of a normal field extension is that the 1-dimensional coho-
mology group is trivial. For the convenience of the reader we insert here a formal
statement and proof of this fact:
PROPOSITiON 3. Let K be a field. Let be the multiplicative group of K,
and Let 0x/F be a finite group of automorphisms of K. Then H'(CK/F, Ax) =0.
PROOF. Let f: —* Ax be a crossed homomorphism of 0K/F' in AK:
f(crr) = (f(r))°f(c) a, r E
Select 1, E K such that the element
a= E btf(r)

isnot zero, i.e. a C Ax. The existence of such a 6 follows from the theorem on the
independence of isomorphisms of a field (see, e.g., [3, Corollary in Section F], or [4,

Chap. V, §7, Theorem 3] or almost any modern textbook on (3alois theory). Then
the equations
a'f(c) = EbUt(f(r)rffr) = =a

show that f(c) = i.e. / is a principal crossed homomorphism. 0

It is the vanishing of the 1-dimensional groups which gives the ordinary galois
cobomology theory its peculiar flavor. It is therefore of interest to study abstract
formations whose normal layers have the corresponding property, i.e. which satisfy
AXIOM I. H'(K/F) =0 for each normal layer K/F. We will call a formation a
field formation if it satisfies this axiom. All the formations considered in class field
theory are field formations, although in the case of the formation of idéle classes in
the global theory this fact lies very deep.
in order to establish axiom I in the more difficult cases, it is necessary to know
that it is a consequence of the seemingly weaker
AxioM I'. H1(K/F) 0 whenever K/F is a cyclic layer of prime degree.
The fact that Axiom F implies axiom lisa special case of the following lemma.
LEMMA 1. Let (C, A) be a formation in which all inflation-restriction sequences
a, JflL/F) H'(L/K)
are exact for a certain positive dirnensionr. Then in order to prove that a divisibility
of the form
order of [L : F]"
holds for all normal layers L/F, it is enough to show that it holds for cyclic layers
of prune degree.
REMARK. From the case r = 1, v = 0 of this lemma, we see that Axiom r
implies Axiom I, because the inflation-restriction sequence is always exact in di-
mension 1. We will use the case r = 2, v = 1 in the next section.
PROOF. Let L/F be a given normal layer for which we wish to prove the
divisibility (*). By induction on the degree of the layers, we may assume (*) holds
for all layers of degree c IL: F].
Case 1. IL: F] is a prime power pt. We may assume t ) 2; otherwise (*) is
true by assumption. The galois group of the layer, 0L/F = CF/CL is of order pt,
and therefore contains a proper normal subgroup different from identity, because
p-groups are solvable. This subgroup is of the form CL/K where F C K C L, by
Prop. 2 of §1. Using the exactness of the inflation-restriction sequence we find
hr(K/F) .

where ii,. denotes "order of H'"'. Since the layers K/F and L/K are of lower degree
than L/F, (*) holds for them, by our inductive assumption, i.e.
hr(K/F)IIK:F]V and
Combining these divisibilities with the above and using the obvious multiplicativity
of the degrees, IL: F] = [L: K][K: FJ, we obtain
hr(L/F) IL:

which is the divisibility we are trying to prove.

Case 2. [L: F] is not a prime power. For each prime p dividing [L FJ, let
0L/F2 be a p-sylow subgroup of CL/F. Then, using the fact that the restriction
map from a group to a p-sylow subgroup is an isomorphism into on the p-primary
part of the cohomology groups, we find

ML/F) I fi
Since IL: F] is not a prime power, all the layers corresponding to the Sylow
subgroups are of lower degree than L/F; hence (*) holds for them by our inductive
assumption, i.e.
multiplying over p and using = (L Fl (the order of a group is the
product of the orders of the p-sylow subgroups for the various p) we obtain the
desired result. This completes the proof of Lemma 1. 0
In the proof of Lemma 1 the exactness of the inflation-restriction sequence is
used only in the form of the consequence
This consequence could also be obtained from an exact sequence in the other di-
rection such as the special 0-dimensional sequence
II°(K/F) s— H°(L/F) — II°(L/K)
mentioned at the beginning of Ch. W, and from this we get a similar statement
in dimension 0. However we only mention this in passing, since we will never require
the result.
Throughout the remainder of this section we will assume that our formation
is a field formation. The most Important consequence of this assumption is the
exactness of the inflation-restriction sequence in dimension 2. 11 F C K C L with
K/F and L/F normal, then the sequence
0—' H2(K/F) ±L 112(L/F) H2(L/K)
is exact. This follows either from the Hochschild—Serre spectral sequence, or by
"dimensiona shifting", using the fact that the 1-dimensional cohomology group of
the layer L/K corresponding to the subgroup CL/K of GL/F, is trivial in our field
One consequence of this exactness is that for F C K C L, the map
H2(K/F) 2!, H2(L/F)
is an isomorphism into. We may therefore identify H2(K/F) with its image in
112(L/F), and view the inflation as an inclusion. If F C K C L C M, then, by the
transitivity of inflation we see that the direct imbedding of H2(K/F) in H2(M/F)
is the same as the imbedding via H2(L/F). Taking the injective limit we obtain
a group which we may denote by 112(*/F) = limx H2(K/F), and which has the
following properties:
1) For each normal layer K/F over the ground field F, 112(K/ F) is a subgroup
àf H2(*/F).

2) If F C K C L, then the subgroup H2(K/F) is contained in the subgroup

H2(L/F), and the inclusion map is the inflation, 'nf(K/fl,(L/p).
3) 112(*/F) is the union of these subgroups.
The group 112(*/F) = UK H2(K/F) is called the Brauer group over F of the
field formation (G, A). It was first constructed by Richard l3rauer in the special
case of the formations in which the formation module is the multiplicative group
of the separable part of the algebraic closure of a ground field F. He viewed it as
the group of classes of simple algebras with center F, the multiplication of algebra
classes being induced by the Kronecker product of representative algebras. The
connection with the 2-dimensional cohomology groups arises from the possibility of
writing simple algebras explicitly as crossed products, in which the multiplication
rules in the algebra appear in the form of a standard 2-cocycle. This procedure had
beers introduced by Wedderburn and Dickson in special cases using non-standard
2-cocyles, and was first "standardized", and thereby systematized, by Brauer.
To review the definition of the Brauer group over F: Any element of it is equal
to an element a (K/F) 112(GK/F, AK) for some normal layer K/F. If
a' H2(K'/F) belongs to another such layer, then a' is equal to a in the Brauer
group if and only if
a= (K'/F)(LIF)
in! a' L

for a normal layer L/F such that L D K and L D K'. (Of

course if this equality holds for one such L, it holds for all.)
The sum of a and a' in the Brauer group is equal to the element
\\ F

in H2(L/F). In this way, all computations in the Brauer group are referred to
computations in the layers.
It is natural to denote the inclusion map of If 2(K/F) into the Brauer group
H2(*/F) by the symbol in! (K/f),(*/F), and to view it as a symbolic inflation, since
it is, so to speak, the limit of actual inflations, inf(K/p),(L/p) as L —. oo.
Our next task is to define a symbolic restriction map, resp,E: H2(*/F) —'
H2(*/E) between the respective Brauer groups of two fields F C B. Let F C E C
K C L with K/F and L/F normal. Then the following diagram is commutative:

IP(K/ F) S-eL H2(L/F)

re.j resj

H2(K/E) H2(L/E).
Therefore, if we view the two upper groups as subgroups of H2(*/F), the two lower
ones as subgroups of 112(*/B), and the horizontal arrows as inclusions, we see
that the effect of the vertical restriction maps is consistent—the one on the right
extends the one on the left. Taken all together therefore, for all K, L etc. which
contain E and are normal over F, these restriction maps res(K/p),(K/E) constitute a
map of H2(*/F) into H2(*/E) which we denote by resr,s, and view as a symbolic
In case E is normal over F, the kernels of both vertical restriction maps in
our diagram are the sa.rne, namely they are inf (112(E/F)). This follows from the

exactness of the horizontal inflation-restriction sequences

H2(E/F) -S 112(K/F) H2(K/E)

11 Infj
H2(E/F) —EL H2(L/F) 112(L/E)
and the commutativity of the diagram, in which we view the vertical inflations as
inclusions. Consequently, the symbolic inflation-restriction sequence
0—' H2(E/F) ±L H2(*/F) H2Qtc/E)
is exact; the kernel of reeFs is the subgroup H2(E/F) of LP(*/F) in case E/F
is normal. This fact is of' the utmost importance because it characterizes the sub-
groups of the Braner group H2(*/F) which belong to the individual layers: For
an element a e H2(*/F) to belong to H2(EfF), it is necessary and sufficient that
= 0.
Let us review how the image of an element a E 112(*/F) under the symbolic
restriction map is explicitly computed in terms of the layers. The given a will
belong to seine normal layer K/F, i.e. a c 112(K/F). Then we have
a = res(L.fl,(L,s) S (K/F),(L/F) a H2(L/E) C 112(*/E),
for any L containing E which is normal over F.
A symbolic transfer map can also be defined which maps H2(*/E) into H2(*/F)
for any F C E. As in the case of restriction, it is induced by the ordinary transfers in
finite layers, whose consistency is by the fact that the following diagram
is commutative:
H2(K/F) _i!L 112(L/F)

vI . vI
112(K/E) —EL 112(L/E).
We denote the resulting symbolic transfer by
H2(*/E) —' H2(*/F); F C E.
The important relation "transfer of restriction = multiplication by degree", i.e.
VE,Fresp,sa = EL? : F]a,
holds for these symbolic maps because it holds in the finite layers.
Finally of course we have the isomorphisms between Brauer groups which are
induced by conjugation with an element G:
H2(*/F) —. f-12(*/F°)
where FC is defined by G(pc) = We leave their construction to the reader.

3. Class Formations; Method of Establishing Axioms

in global class field theory the formation of idèle classes plays a central role,
analogous to that of the field formation in local class field theory. if one analyzes
the features common to these two formations one sees that they are both special
cases of an abstract algebraic structure in which the constructions peculiar to claas

field theory can be carried out. We call this structure a class formation; it is a field
formation which satisfies the following additional axiom
AxioM II. For each field F, there is given an isomorphism a —' invp a of the
Brauer group H2(*/F) into the group Q/Z of rationals mod 1, which satisfies the
following conditions:
a) If K/F is a normal layer of degree n, then invp, maps H2(K/F) onto the
subgroup of Q/Z.
b) For any layer E/F of degree ii we have
= flhJlVp.
The rational number mod 1 which we denote by irtvp a is called the invariant
of the element a H2(*/F). Since inVF is by definition an isomorphism into, these
invariants characterize the elements of the Brauer group uniquely.
The most difficult part of class field theory consists in proving that the fortn&.
tions of local fields and of global idèle classes are class formations. In the next few
paragraphs, we shall outline the method of proof that is used, carrying out here the
reduction steps which can be done abstractly. In the later sections of this chapter,
we will assume given an abstract class formation and derive consequences from that
Notice that in the proof we are about to outline we do not assume at the
beginning that our formation is a field formation. The proofs of Axioms I and II
are intermingled, at least in the global theory. One first proves that the formation
in question satisfies
AXIOM 0'. Tn each cyclic layer of prime degree, the Herbrand quotient is
defined and is equal to the degree.
The proof of Axiom 0' involves subtle arithmetical arguments, especially in the
global case, but one has the advantage that the layers involved are of the simplest
possible type, and that the Herbrand quotient has especially simple multiplicative
properties with respect to changes in the coefficient module (cf. q.l, q.2, q.3 in the
first chapter of the book).
Axiom 0' states that if K/F is a cyclic layer of prime degree, then
h2(K/F) = (K: F]h1(K/F),
where Ii,. = "order of H'". Thus, when it is proved, one has at one's disposal the
"first inequality":
(K : Fl 1 h2(K/F)
in all cyclic layers of prime degree; and one knows that the and sufficient
condition for the equality
h2(K/F) = 1K: F]
to hold in these layers is given by Axiom I' of the preceding section, i.e. H'(K/F) =
0 for cyclic layers of prime degree. On the other hand, another necessary and
sufficient condition is obviously given by
AXIOM V'. The "second inequality"
h2(K/F)( (K:F]
holds in all cyclic layers of prime degree.

Therefore one proves next either Axiom I' or Axiom I", whichever is more
convenient. In the local theory Axiom 1' is immediate because the formation is
that of the non-zero field elements and is therefore a field formation. But in the
global theory, where one is dealing with the formation of idèle-classes, no direct
proof of Axiom I' is known. Instead, one proves Axiom I", making heavy use
of the first inequality and of Kumnmer theory. Here one again has the advantage
that the layers involved are of the simplest possible type—cycbc of prime degree.
Furthermore, in such a layer, the cohomology group in question, ff2, is isomorphic
to H°, which has a simple down-to-earth description: elements in the ground level
rnodulo norms from the top level.
At this stage one knows that the formation is a field formation because, as we
have seen in the preceding section, Axiom I' implies Axiom I. Hence, the inflation-
restriction sequence is exact in dimension 2, and we can use the case r = 2, v = 1
of Lemma 1 of §2 to show that the "second inequality"
order of H2(K/Ffl [K :F]
holds in all normal layers K/F, since we know by Axiom 1" that it holds in cyclic
layers of prime degree.
Finally, by investigating the 2-dimensional cohomology groups of some special
layers (corresponding to unrarnified extensions locally and cyclotomic extensions
globally) one proves that the formation satisfies
AXIOM H'. For each field F, there is a subgroup F) of the Brauer group
112(*/F), and an isomorphism of this subgroup into Q/Z such that:
a) For any layer E/F we have C and
resF.E a = [B: Fl mvp Q
krallaER2(*/F). -
b) If there exists a layer E/F of degree it, then H2(s/F) contains a subgroup
which is cyclic of order it.
The point is that we now have enough information to prove that the subgroup
must in fact be the whole Brauer group over F. To do this we have
simply to show, for each normal layer K/F, that H2(K/F) is contained in ii
because the Brauer group is the union of the groups H2(K/F). Let it = [K: Fl be
the degree of the layer in question. According to lYb, there exists a subgroup T of
H2(*/F) which is cyclic of order vi. Using ll'a we find
ulvjc resp,KT = ninvpT = invpnT = invjrO = 0.
Since nvK is an isomorphism into by hypothesis, it follows that resFjc T =
end the exactness of the symbolic inflation-restriction sequence
0—' H2(K/F) —' H2(*/F) H2(*/K)
allows us to conclude T C H2(K/F). Recalling the second inequality, which states
that the order of H2(K/F) divides the degree it, which is the order of T, we see that
H2(K/F) = T and is therefore contained in H2(*/F) as contended. ftrthermore,
its image under IFWF is

triiwp(T) = 1Z/Z

because *Z/Z is the only cyclic subgroup of order n of Q/Z. Thus the formation,
together with the map satisfies Axiom II. This concludes our discussion of
how Axioms I and II follow from the seemingly weaker Axioms 0', 1! or I", and IL'.
For the remainder of this chapter we assume that our formation (C, {CF}, A)
is a class-formation and discuss the rather remarkable consequences of this assump-
tion. According to Axiom II a), the 2-dimensional cohornology group of any normal
layer K/F of degree n is cyclic of order n, being in fact canonically isomorphic to
the group under the isomorphism iUVF. Any rational number t which can
be written with denominator is determines a unique element a E H2(K/F) such
that invp a t (mod Z). This a is called Usc cohomology class with invariant t.
If we are working with a complex X for the galois group CK/p of the layer, and
f: X2 —' AK is a cocycle in the class a, we also say that is a cocycle with in-
variant t. The class with invariant I/n has period is and generates H2(K/F). It is
called the canonical class, or the fundamental class of the layer K/F. A cocycle f
reprcsenting the fundamental class is called a fundamental 2-cocycle.
PRor'osrrioN 4. Let F C E c K, with K/F normal. Then the restriction of
the fundamental class of the layer K/F is the fundamental class of the layer K/E.
PROOF. Letn=[K:Fjandm=[K:E]. Then [E:FJ=n/m, and ifais
the fundamental class of K/F we have by Axiom JIb:
invEresFEa= —lnvFam —. — —
1 nI
(mod Z). 0
n mis mn
Since the fundamental class of a layer generates its two dimensional cohomology
group, the foUowing corollary is immediate:
COROLLARY 1. Let Pc E C K, with K/F normaL Then the restriction maps
JP(K/F) onto H2(K/E).
Keeping F and E fixed, letting K vary, and remembering that H2(*/E) =
UK H2(K/E) we see also
COROLLARY 2. Let E/F be an arbitrary layer of a class formation. Then the
symbolic restriction maps H2(s/F) onto H2(*/E).
Corollary 2 is an important fact. For one thing, it shows that the isomorphisms
havE for all fields £ J F are determined by the single isoznorphism invp through
the equation
rnvEresF,g = [E: Fjinvp.
Furthermore, the onto-ness of the symbolic restriction allows us to prove
PROPOSrTION 5. Let E/F be an arbitrary layer. Then
1) The symbolic transfer maps H2(*/E) isomorphically into H2(*/F), preserv-
ing invariants in the following sense
UivF Vs,pa = havE a, a H2(*/E).
2) Conjugation by an element c E Cp preserves invariants in the following
invEe(c.a) = invs a, a E 112(*/E).

PRooF. 1) The homomorphism computation

lflVp VE, resp,g = invp[E : Fl = [E: F] invp = resp,s
shows that
mifF VE,F IflVE
because is onto. Hence the transfer preserves invariants and is therefore an
isornorphism into.
2) An element a E Op acts as identity on 112(K/F) for all normal K/F, hence
also on H2(*/F). Using these facts we make the computation
rnvEc iflVE9 £7,
= [EC rj lflVpc C.
= [E: F]invp'
= JI1VE resp,5.
This shows uwEv a, = because respe is onto. 0
4. The Main Theorem
The main fact about the cohomology of cLass formations is that the cohomology
groups of a normal layer K/F depend only on the structure of the galois group
THEOREM I (Main Theorem). Let K/F be any normal layer in a class forma-
tion. Let a be the fundamental class u/the layer, i.e. the canonical generator of
H2(K/F) = H2 (GK/p, AK). Consider the cup products associated with the natural
pairing AK x Z — AK. For each integer q, let a,, denote the map C —' a( which is
obtained by multiplying the variable element C Z) with a. We contend
that these maps are isomorphisms onto for all q, —rnoo <q < oo:
aq: H"42 (Gjqp,Ajç) = (K/F).
Paoop. We use an abstract cobomological theorem that was designed for just
this purpose.2 Each subgroup C' c OK/F, is of the form C' = OK/F' for some
field F', F c P C K, by Proposition 2 of §1. If a' denotes the fundamental
class of the layer K/F', then, by Proposition 4 of 3, we have a' = res cx. Let
4: H"(CK/F?, Z) —+ (OK/F', AK) be the map obtained by multiplication
with a'. Consider these maps in the three successive dimensions —1, 0, +1:
Q'...iI H'(CK/r,Z) —4 H1(CK/F',AK) = H'(K/F')
H°(GK/p.,Z) -4 H2(GK/FS,AK) = H2(K/F')
aç: H1 (OK/F" Z) —, F13(GK/F', AK) = H3(K/F').
In order to establish the hypotheses of the cohomological theorem, we must show
that is onto, c4 is an isomorphism onto, and c4 is an isomorphism into. Then
we can conclude from that theorem that is an isomorphism onto for all q and
our present theorem will be proved.
is obviously onto, because H'(K/F') = 0 by Axiom 1. 'lb show that c4
is an isomnorphism onto we have only to point out that H° (OK/F', Z) is cyclic of
2For a very general version of this theorem, see [21, Theorem B in Chapter IXZ, §8J See
also Section 2 of our chapter "Preliminaries", where there is a simple version, Theorem A. and
sketch of the proof.

order (UK/F' : 1) = [K : F'] generated by xl, H2(K/F') is cyclic of the same order
generated by a', and c4(xl) = a'(4) = l,a' = a'. Finally, a' is automatically an
isomorphism into because H'(GK/p., Z) =0. This concludes the proof of the main
theorem. 0
The canonical isomorphisins which we have just established commute with re-
striction and transfer, according to
THEOREM 2. Let F C F' C K, with K/F normaL Let a be the canonical class
of the layer K/F, and a' that of K/F'. Then each pair of vertical arrows makes
the following diagram commutative:

a' that this theorem is an immediate
consequence of the identities relating products and restriction and transfer. Namely,
for any C E H"(GK/p1Z)
a'(res() = (resa)(re8() = res(aC),
and for any
c4V(') V((res a)(') = V(a'C,'). 0
The isomorphisnis of the main theorem commute with conjugation, but since
this commutativity is a special case of their commutativity with the isoznorphisms
induced by isomorphisms between class formations, we digress for a moment to dis-
cuss this latter concept. if (G, {Gp}, A) and (G', A') are two formations, it is
natural to define an isomorphisrn of one onto the other to be a pair of isomorphisnis
such that f((Aa')a) = c'(f a), and such that A induces a correspondence
between the subgroups and the subgroups {GF}. Then for each field F' we
can define AF' by G(Ap') = A(G'1,), and it is clear that f(AAF') = Ak,, GAK'/Ap' =
etc. Consequently, for each norma! layer K'/F' there is an isomorphism

(A, W(AK'/AF') HT(K'/F')

induced by the isomorphism of pairs
A: '-'K'/F' '-'AK'/AF' j:2 $

If one formation is a field formation, then so is the other, and the isomorphisms
(A, on the 2-dimensional groups of the layers induce isomorphisrus of the Brauer
groups. If the formations are class formations, then one would also require that
these isornorphisrns between Brauer groups also preserve the invariants. When this
is the case, it is clear that the two class formations are the "same" alge-
braic structure and that any construction carried out in one could be carried out in

the other with the "same" result. In particular, the isomorphiszns constructed in the
main theorem would correspond, i.e. the following diagram would be commutative
JP(GAJ(s/Aps, Z) _..


If (G, {Gp}, A) is any class formation, and r E C, then the "inner automor-
rl:ct=rurl_r tr:a—"ra
is an automorphisin of it in the sense we have described, because by Proposition 5
of §3 we know that conjugation preserves invariants. Thus we have proved
THEOREM 3. Let r E G, and let K/F be a normal layer. Let a be the funda-
mental class of the layer K/F. Then is the fundamental class of 'rK/rF and
the following diagram is commutative:


The isomorphisms of the main theorem do not commute with inflation in pos-
itive dimensions. The correct rule is given by
THEOREM 4. Let F C K c L with K/F and L/F normal. Let ax/p and
0L/F be the canonical classes of the respective layers. Then the following diagram
is commutative for q > 0;


!L:Klinfj iufj

PROOF. The theorem is an immediate consequence of the general formula

(info) U (inf 43) = inf(a U 43). This rule can be proved by a dimension shifting
induction, and it is also an immediate consequence of the well known formula for
the cup product of standard cochains, in positive dimensions, namely
Granting this rule, the proof is immediate; we have only to observe that the inflation
of ax/p is [L: KICXL/F. Namely, these two classes have the same invariant, because
1 _IL:K1
1K: F] — {L: F]'
and inflation preserves invariants. (It is the inclusion in the Brauer Group!) Hence,
for any (€ we have
inf(agipC) = (infa,qp)(inf() = ([L: K)atip)(inf
= QL/p([L: K] info

and this was our contention.

In dimensions r > 2, the inflation map in a formation is very weak. For
example we have
COROLLARY. if F C K C L, and if the degree [K: F] divides the degree
{L : K], then the inflation from K/F to L/F is the rem map in dimensions r > 2.
PROOF. Since the horizontal arrows of the commutative diagram of the preced-
big theorem are isomorphisras onto, we need only show that the left hand vertical
map, [L : K) iuf, is the zero map. But this follows from the fact that it is ap-
plied to the group HT(Gxip, Z), in which every element has an order dividing
(G,c/F;1)=[K:F] U
Combining the down-to-earth interpretations of the cohomology groups in low
dimensions with the isomorphism of the main theorem we obtain the following
special results:
H4(K/F) H2(GK/p, Z)
H3(K/F) H'(GK/p, Z) =0
H2(K/F) H°(GK/F, Z) Z/nZ
H1(K/F) H1(GK/F,Z) =0
(AF/NK/FAK) u H°(K/F) H 2(CK/p, Z)
r'(K/F) .Lr3(GK/F,Z).
By far the most important of these special cases is the next to the last. It is the
so-called reciprocity law isomorphism of dass field theory, and the whole of the next
section is devoted to a detailed study of its consequences. The following exercise,
with which we close this section, concerns the case of 114(K/F).

Using the isomorphism 6: H'(Q/Z) H2(Z) we see that the elements of
if4 (K/F) are of the form a where x e H'(CK/p,Q/Z) and a is the fun-
damental class of the layer K/F. If x(cr) is the standard 1-cocycle representing
then the map a is a character of C, and we may identify x with this
character as we have discussed. Thus the correspondence

is an isomorphism between the character group of the galois group of the

layer K/F, and H4(K/F), the four dimensional cohomology group of the layer.
a) Let F c E c K with K/F normal. Show that the restriction from H4(K/F)
to H4(K/E) corresponds to restricting the character x from (to the subgroup
GxIg; and show that the transfer from H4(K/E) to H4(K/F) corresponds to the
map of characters of the subgroup GK/E into characters of the big group
obtained by composing them by the group theoretical transfer.
b) Notice that the restriction and transfer are weak maps in dimension 4; for
example, if F C E C K, and the layer E/F contains the maximal abelian sublayer
of K/F, then both maps are the zero map. (For the transfer statement, use the
principal ideal theorem.)

c) Let F c K C L with K/F and LIP normal. Show that the inflation map
from H4(K/F) to H4(L/F) corresponds to the procedure of viewing a character
of the factor group cK/F as a character of the big group and raising it into
the [L: K]-th power. (Use Theorem 4.)
d) Given a standard 4-cocycle f = f(uj, a2,03, of GK/F in AK, representing
a class (3 C If 4(K/F), show that the corresponding character x is given by
x(r) =invp(f*r),
where f * r is the standard 2-cocycle defined by
(f * Ef(a1,02,p,'r).

5. The Reciprocity Law isomorphism

in order that our notation correspond as closely as possible to that which
will be used in applications, we will from now on write the formation module
.4 multiplicatively. The effect of a on a is then denoted by a'. if E/F is an
arbitrary layer, the corresponding norm homomorphism Ngj1: As AF is defined
by NE/Fa = a'1, where the elements are representatives of the left cosets
of CE in Cp: C, = a1C5. It is the multiplicative analog of the trace; if
F C E C K and K/F is normal, then the map N5/F is what we have previously
called the trace from the subgroup CK/E to the big group
For each normal layer K/F, the main theorem gives us a natural isomorphism
Both of these groups have down-to-earth interpretations. Jf°(K/F) is isomorphic
to the factor group of elements in the ground level modulo norms
from the top level; the isomorphisrn is induced by the map x: Ap —e H°(K/F)
which is onto and has kernel On the other hand, H2(CK/F, Z) is
naturally isomorphic to the factor commutator group of the galois
group of the layer K/F. The isomorphism is induced by the homomorphism3
o— (,= t')K(a— I) which is onto and has The special case of the
main theorem mentioned above may therefore be interpreted as an isomorphism
flFJAVK/FflK fl
"K/ Ft

This Is known as the reciprocity law isomorphism, for historical reasons. Being
an isomorphism between a factor group of A1 and a factor group of GK/F, it is
induced by a multivalued correspondence
between those two groups. Then. by definition, we have
ifandonlyif ,ca=a.(0.,
where a is the fundamental 2-dimensional class of the layer K/F. A dual description
is given by

3Ilere 6: 1r2(G,Z) Z H'(Q, I)ts the connecting homomorphism of the exact sequence
0—p tc; Z —'0.
We have H'(G, 2') Ic/'&. and as is well known, the map cr.-.o—I (rood 1)2 inducas an
isomorphism G/GC

PRoeosrnoN 6. Let a E A,.. and a GK/p. Then a a, if and only if

invp(xa. ox) = x(a)
for alt characters x of CK/F. (On the left hand side of this equation, the characte
x is to be interpreted as an element of H'(C, Q/Z) in the usual way, and tx is the
corresponding element of H2(C, 1).)
PROOF. Let a be the fundamental dass for the layer K/F. If a a, then

invFQca = invp((a. = lnvF(a• ((a ox)) = x) =

This proves the proposition because the a's to which a corresponds are characterized
by the values x(c) for variable x (see also pages 4-5). 0
Our next theorem concerns the commutativity of the reciprocity LAW isomor-
phism with various natural mappings between different layers.
THEOREM 5. Using the symbol I(K/F) to denote the many valued correspon-
dence inducing the reciprocity law isomorphisin in the layer K/F, we assert that
the following diagrams are commutative:
F - '-AE
(K/fl1 t(K/E) (FCEcK)
V group theoretical V
/ c transfer ;
,GK/Fl K/F) — K/SI K/S

(x/F)j (FCECK)

(K/F)j j(Kn/r) (FCK, reC)

,., conjugation byt
/ AF
(L/F)f t(K/F) (FCKCL)
f natural horn. onto +
factor group

PRoOF. To prove a) and b) we use Theorem 2 of §4 which states that the fun-
damental isomorphisms of the main theorem commute with restriction and transfer.
We have only to recall how these homomorphIsms are obtai.ued explicitly in case
of H°(AK) and H2(Z). The inclusion map Ajj induces the restriction
from H°(JCfF) to Jf°(K/E); while the norm map from A5 to AF induces the
transfer from H°(K/E) to H°(K/F). On the other hand, the restriction from
H2(GK/F, Z) to Jf-2 (Gjc/5, Z) is induced by the group theoretical transfer from
Gx,'r to GK/E, while the cohomological transfer in the other direction is induced
by the inclusion of CK/s in
Statement c) follows similarly from Theorem 3 of § 4.

For d) we must use another method because we have not introduced cohomology
corresponding to the natural map of Al/Nt/FAt onto AF/NK/FAK, and to
the natural map of CL/F onto the factor group GK/F. We use the duality criterion
of Proposition 6, which states that for a Ap and o Gtip we have a u
if and only if
(*) = invp(xa öx)
for all characters of CL/F. We must therefore show that if (*) holds for all
(a) 4'(aCL/K) = invp(xa' 54')
for each character 4' of CK/F = GL/F/GLIK. To this effect, we let x
= rnfcKIF,GL,P 4'. Then x is the character of CL/F defined by xfr) = lIi(UCL/K).
Of course we have jul = 5x because inflation commutes with coboundaries.
%b(crCL/K) = xfr) = invp(xa' 5x) = invp(xa . laf 54'),
and since the cup product with the 0-dimensional class na is given by an induced
map (Theorem 10, §3, Ch. V), and therefore commutes with inflation, we can write
this as
?,b(UCL/K) = invp(inf(xa . 5*)) = invp(xa .
(The last equality follows from the fact that we have inf (xa' 54') = xa by the
very definition of the Brauer group.) This concludes the proof of Theorem 5. 0
The reciprocity law isornorphisin is of course induced by a homomorphism of
Ap' onto with kernel NaqrAx. This homomorphism is called the
norm-residue map and is denoted by
a—.(a,K/F), a€Ap.
The symbol (a, K/F) is called the norm-residue symbol and is of historical origin.
The reason for the name is that the value of (a, K/F) determines the residue class
of a modulo norms from K, i.e. modulo NK/FAK. Dunslating Proposition 6 and
Theorem 6 into properties of this symbol we obtain:
PROPOSITION 6'. Let K/F be a normal layer and let a Then (a, K/F)
is the uniquely determined element of such that
invp(xa 5x) = x(a, K/F)
for all characters x of CK/p.
THEOREM 6. a) IfFc ECK, then fora€A1 we have
(a, K/B) = VGK,F,GKIR (a, K/F).
b) IfFc B cK, then fora E AB we have
(N511a, K/F) = (a, K/B) .
c) JfFcKari4tcG, then foraeAp' we have
(aT, KT/r) = (a, K/F)t.
d) lfFcKcL, anda€Ap', then
(a, K/F) = (a, L/F) . CL/K.

PROOF. These identities are simply restatements of the ,commutativities

serted in Theorem 5. 0
The kernel of the norm residue homomorphism a -. (a, K/F) is the subgroup
NjqpAx of Ap. We will call such a subgroup, and more generally, a subgroup
of the form for an arbitrary extension B/F, normal or not, a norm
subgroup of Ap. Clearly, if F C C £2, then NE, fFAE, C NEI/FAEI because
= NE,/FNE,/51. Therefore, the map B —, NE/FAE is a lattice-inverting
map of the set of all extensions B of a fixed field F onto the set of all norm subgroups
of AR. We propose now to discuss the features of this correspondence in detail.
PROPOSITION 7. Let F C B C K with K/F normal. Then for a c Ap we have
a NE/RAE 4* (a, K/F) GK/EC4/p.
PROOF. If a NE/FAR, say a = NE/Rb, With Ii AR, then by Theorem fib)
we have
(a, K/F) = (b, Gjc/14./p.
On the other hand, if (a, K/F) GK/EGk/F then there exists an element b AR
such that
(a, K/F) = (6, = (NE/Rb, K/F)
because the map 6 —' (b, K/B) maps Ac onto GK/E/(4/E. Since the kernel of
the map a —. (a, K/F) is NK/FAK it follows that there exists an element c AK
such that
a= NK/PC = NE/F(6NK/sc).
Hence a NE/RAE as contended. 0
if B1 and are any two fields of formation, we define their compositum, B2,
to be the field which is defined by the property GE,s, = Gc1 11 GE,. Then
contains both and El, and is contained in any field Which contains both B1
and £2, because GE2 fl Gj, is contained in both GE1 and GE,, and contains any
subgroup of C which is contained in both C5, and G,1,.
An extension M/F is called abelian if it is normal and its galois group GM/F,
is abelian; in other words, if GM ) G'5,. From this latter criterion we see that
if M1/F and M2/F are two abelian extensions, then their coinpositum M1 M2/F
is also an abelian extension. From this it follows immediately that any extension
B/F, normal or not, contains a maximal abelian subextension M/F; that is, there
exists a field M such that F C M C B, M/F is abelian, and any field between F
and B which is abelian over F is contained in M.
The following theorem concerns the properties of the correspondence between
extension fields of F and their norm subgroups.
THEOREM 7. The norm group of an arbitrary extension B/F is the same as
that of its maximal abelian subextension M/F, i.e. = NM/pAM. If {M}
is the set of all abelian extensions of F, then the correspondence
is a one-to-one correspondence between {M} and the set of all norm subgroups of
A,, having the follounng properties:
b) NM1MI/RAMLM, = (NM,/RAM,) 11

c) [M: :NM/FAM).
Finally, every subgroup of AF which contains a norm subgroup is itself a norm

PROOF. Proposition 7 shows that for the extensions ElF which are contained
in a given normal extension IC/F, the norm group depends only on the
group This group is obviously the minimal normal sub-
group of GK/F containing Giqe such that the factor group
abelian. Consequently the corresponding intermediate field M (defined by =
is the maximal abelian subextension of B. Thus, the norm group
Ne1pAs depends only on the maximal abeban subextension of E/F; arid since the
maximal abelian subcxtension of the maximal abelian subextension is that exten-
Sn itself, it follows that NE/FAR = NM/PAM. This proves the first part of the
theorem, and shows in addition that every norm subgroup of 4 is a norm group
of an abelian extension.
Let M/F be any abelian extension. The intermediate fields M1, F C M1 C
are in one-to-one correspondence with the set of all subgroups GM/MI of the
galois group GM/P. Since the norm residue map a —' (a, M/F) maps 4 onto
0M/P' and has kernel NM/PAM, it follows that the subgroups GM/MI are in one-
to-one correspondence with their inverse images under the norm residue map, and
that these inverse images are those subgroups of 4 which contain NM/PAM.
On the other hand Proposition 7 shows that the inverse image of GM/M1 is the
norm subgroup NM1/FAM1. Since any two abelian extensions M1/F and 113/F
are contained in a single abelian extension M = M1M2, it follows from what we
have proved that M1 = M2 if and only if NMIIPAMI NMZ/PAM2; hence the
correspondence between abelian extensions and theii norm groups is one-to-one.
Furthermore, since any norm subgroup of Ap is the norm group of an abelian
extension Al, we have shown that any subgroup of Ap which contains a norm
subgroup is itself a norm subgroup.
All that remains is to establish properties a), b), and c). Concerning a) we
know from the transitivity of the norm that the bigger the extension, the smaller
its norm group; and in the case of abelian extensions we can say conversely that
the smaller the norm group the bigger the extension, because of the one-one-ness
of the correspondence. Now b) follows from a) by simply considering the lattice
of norm subgroups of 4 as compared to the lattice of abelian extensions of F.
Property c) is just a special consequence of the reciprocity law isomorphism GM/P
AF/NM/FAM. This concludes the proof of Theorem 7. 0
If E/F is an arbitrary extension, the index (4 NQ,PAR) is called its norm
index. From Theorem 7 it follows that the norm index of an extension is equal
to the degree of its maximal abelian subextension. Hence, the norm index of an
extension always divides its degree, and is equal to the degree if and only if the
extension is abelian.
For historical reasons the top fields M of abelian extensions P4/F are called
class fields over F. According to Theorem 7, the class fields over F are in one-
to-one correspondence with their norm groups in A,'. If B is a norm subgroup of
Ap, the corresponding class field M over F such that NM/PAM = B is called the
class field belonging to B. The galois group GM/P is canonically isomorphic to the

factor group Ar/B by the reciprocity law. If ElF is an arbitrary extension, then
by Theorem 7 we have M C E if and only if B NE/rAE.
PROPOSITION 8. Let B be a norm subgnnip of Ap, and let M be the clan field
over F belonging to B. Then
a) For any r G, is the class field over F' belonging to Bt.
b) If E is any field containing F, the group C = N/,(B) is a norm subgroup
of A5 and the class field over E belonging to it is the compositurn ME.
PROOF. a) This follows from first principles: MT/V is abelian because M/F
is, and we have
NM? /F?AM? = = (NM/RAM)' = B'.
Hence M' is the class field over FT belonging to B'.
b) Let L denote a variable extension of E. Then, by definition, ME is the
smallest L such that L J M. Since M is the class field over F belonging to B, we
where C = Nj,3,(B). Thus, ME is the smallest L such that NL/EAL C C. This
shows in the first place that C is a norm subgroup of A5, because C contains the
norm group of ME; and now it follows that ME is the class field over E belonging
to C because that is the smallest extension of E whose noun group is contained
inC. 0
6. The Abstract Existence Theorem
As we have seen (Theorem 7 of the preceding section), the lattice of abelian
extensions M of a given field F is anti-isomorphic to the lattice of norm subgroups
of the given ground level AF. Thus, if we can in some way characterize those
subgroups of A, which are norm subgroups, then we will have gained an insight
into the totality of all abelian extensions ofF. In class field theory proper, both local
and global, it turns out that a very simple characterization of the norm subgroups
can be given, in terms of the natural topology in the levels Ap—the norm subgroups
turn out to be the open subgroups of finite index in A,. The aim of this section is
to discuss a set of conditions on an abstract class formation, from which the above-
mentioned characterization of norm subgroups follows, and which are relatively
easy to check in the case of class field theory proper.
DEFINITION 2. A formation (G, {Gp}, A) is a topological formation if each
level A, is a topological group and if:
a) In each layer E/F, the topology of the ground level A, is that induced by
the topology of the top level AE; in other words, the inclusion map Ap —* A5 is
b) The galois group G acts continuously on the levels; if a C, then the snap
a: Ap —. A(po) is continuous for each field F.
It follows that the map a: A, A,0 is bicontinuous in a topological for-
mation, because the inverse map, given by r', is also continuous. If E/F is an
arbitrary layer of a topological formation, the norm map N5/p: A5 A, is con-
tinuous, and furtlicrmore the ground level Ap is a closed subgroup of the top level
A5. To prove these statements, we imbed ElF in a normal layer K/F, and make

use of the fact that the topologies of A5 and of A? are those they inherit as subsets
of AK. Obviously the norm map a = ft a" is continuous, because each
of the isomorphisms a —' a°' is a continuous map of AK into AK. Furthermore,
A?, being the set of elements of AK which are left fixed by the continuous operators
c is closed in AK.
From now on in this section we asswne that our class formation is a topological
formation. in the course of studying the norm subgroups of a given level Ap, it
will be useful to consider the intersection of all norm subgroups. We denote this
intersection by Dp:
DF= fl
Thus, Dp is the group of "universal norms", elements which are norms from every
extension. For any layer E/F we have N5IFDE C D1, i.e. a norm of a universal
norm is a universal norm. This is obvious from the transitivity of the norm and
from the fact that every extension of F is contained in an extension containing E.
Under certain topological assumptions one can prove the opposite inclusion,
I)p C N51pD5. These assumptions are:
AXIOM lila). For each layer B/F the norm group is a closed subgroup
of Ap.
AXIOM 11Th). For each layer B/F the kernel of the norm map, namely
is a compact subgroup of A5.
PRoPosiTion 9. In a topological formation satisfying Axioms lila) and b) we
have = N5IpDE for each B/F.
PRooF. According to the remarks above, we have only to show Dp C N5IFDE.
Let a c Dp. For each field L containing B, let
Tb = (NL/EAL) fl
denote the set of elements of A5 which are norms from AL and whose norm to F
is a. Our task is to show that the intersection of the sets TL, over all I, D B, is
non-empty, for an element of that intersection would be a universal norm in A5
whose norm to F is a. The individual sets Tt are not empty because, a being a
universal norm in Ap, we have for each L,
a E Nt/PAL = N5/p(NL/5Ajj.
It follows that the sets Tb have the finite intersection property, since fl...1 D Tb
whenever L for i = 1,. .. ,r. Therefore, in order to prove that the Tb have
a common point it suffices to show they are compact. This is where Axioms lila)
and b) come in; TL is the intersection of the closed set Nb/SAL and the compact set
and is therefore compact. This concludes the proof of Proposition 9. 0
In class field theory proper the formations satisfy
AXioM IlIc). In each level Ap the kernel of the map a d, namely i3, is
compact, for each prime number 1.
AxioM Hid). For each prime number t we have Dir C 4 for all sufficiently
large fields E. (More precisely, there exists a field such that D5 C 4 for all
£ B1. Note that the required "largeness" is allowed to depend on the prime 1.

For example, in the application to ordinary class field theory, "sufficiently large"
will mean "containing the £-th roots of unity".)
PRoPOSITIoN 10. In a topological formation satisfying Axioms lila), b), c)
and d) we have Dp = D for all natural numbers m and all fields F.
PROOF. It is clearly sufficient to prove Dp = Di,, for each prime C. Using
Axioms lila) and b) we know from the preceding proposition that Dp = NE/FDE
for each extension E/F. Taking E to be "sufficiently large" for £ in the sense of
Axiom hId) we have then
fl = AS
Up IT iat'. II?
fl C IVE/pkttEJ A 'Li
For each a C Dp, let aVt denote the set of all elements of A, whose
is a. From (*) we see that the sets
XE = (NEIFAE) fl
are non-empty. Therefore they have the finite intersection property. They are
compact because is closed (Axiom lila) and alit is compact (Axiom Ilic).
Consequently their intersection is not empty. An element of their intersection is an
element of D,, whose e-power is a. This concludes the proof of Proposition 10. 0
If our class formation satisfies one more axiom, then we can get information
about the norm groups themselves rather than their intersection B,. This final
axiom is
AXIOM Ille). For each field F there exists a compact subgroup Up of A, such
that every open subgroup of finite index in Ap, which contains Up, is a norm
THEOREM 8. In a topological class formation satisfying the five Axioms liJa)—
e), the norm subgroups of a level A, are just the open subgroups of finite index in
A,. Their intersection D, is given by D, = and we have B, =
for all natural numbers rn
PROOF. The statements about Dp follow immediately from the preceding
proposition. Indeed, for each held E F we have


which proves that A7t C B,. Conversely, for each m we know from the
preceding proposition that B, = D7' C A7t, which proves B, C
In a class formation the norm indices (A, NE1,As) are finite (cf. Theorem 7
of the preceding section), and we have assumed (Axiom lila) that the norm sub-
groups NE/FAE are closed. it follows that the norm subgroups are open. What
remains to be shown is that conversely, each open subgroup B of finite index is
a norm subgroup. Let N designate the general norm subgroup of Ap. Then B
contains Dp = flN N because B 4FB) Lip. in other words, in terms of
the complements. the open sets A — N cover the closed set A — B. In particu-
lar, they cover the compact set (A — B) fl U,, where U, is the compact subgroup
of A, mentioned in Axiom Ilie). Thus there is a finite set of norm subgroups
N1, N2, . .. such that the sets A — cover (A — B) fl U,. The intersection
N = N1 fl fl . . fl N,, is a norm subgroup such that (A — B) fl U, fl N is empty,

i.e. Up flN C B. Now consider NnB. It is open and of finite index in Ap because
both N and B are. Multiplying it by Up we obtain a subgroup (Nil B)Up, which
is open, of finite index, and contains Up. Such a subgroup is a norm subgroup by
Axiom IRe). Since the intersection of two norm subgroups is a norm subgroup, it
follows that N n (Up(N fl B)) is a norm subgroup. This last subgroup is easily
seen to be contained in B if one remembers that we have constructed N so that
N fl Up C B. Thus B contains a norm subgroup and is therefore itself a norm
subgroup. This concludes the proof of Theorem 8. 0

Weil Groups
In this section we shall apply the abstract theory of group extensions developed
in Cb. Xlll, §1, 2, 3 to the case of a group extension belonging to the fundamental
class aK/p H2(K/F) of a normal layer K/F of our class formation. In doing so
we will gain a new insight into the reciprocity law isomorphism. For the sake of
efficiency and ultimate clarity, our discussion will be quite formal. We first define
a certain type of mathematical structure called a Weil group of the normal layer
K/F. We then prove the existence and essential uniqueness of such a structure.
Finally we discuss various further properties of the

DEFINITION 1. Let K/F be a normal layer in a class formation. A Well grvtsp

(U, g, for the layer K/F consists of the following objects:
1) A group U (called the Well group by abuse of language).
2) A homomorphism, g, of U onto the Galois group Gxip.
Having 9 at our disposal, we can introduce for each intermediate field £ between
F and K the subgroup U5 = Ug is the subgroup of U which is the
inverse image, underg, of the subgroup GK/E of GK/p. The final ingredient of the
Well group is:
3) A set of isornorphisms fg: A5 of the E-level A5 onto the factor
commutator group of U5, one for each intermediate field E.

In order to constitute a Well group, these objects U,g, and must have the
following four properties:
Wi) For each intermediate layer E7E, F C £ C 0 C K, the following diagram
is commutative:


where the left hand vertical arrow is the inclusion map between formation level,
and the right hand vertical arrow V5'15 denotes the group theoretical transfer
(Verlagerung) from U5 to U5'.
W2) Let u be an element of U and put a = g(u) Then it is clear that
for each intermediate field B we have = Property W2) states that the

following diagram is commutative:

A5 Q
a it

where the left hand vertical arrow is the action of a on the formation level A5 and
the right hand vertical arrow is the map of the factor commutator groups induced
by conjugation by it: U5 — UUEtC1 =
W3) Suppose L/E is a normal intermediate level, F C E C L C K. Thea the
map g i.uduces an isoniorphism
which we do not bother to name. Since At is isomorphic to tic/Ut by we can
view UE/UL as a group extension of AL by Cia as follows:

(*) (1) —. At Ut/Ut —' Us/Ut —* °L/E (1).

The operation of CL/s on AL associated with this extension is the natural one,
as one sees by applying property W2) to an element it U5 having a prescribed
image in (replacing the field E mentioned in W2) by our present field L).
Property requires that the 2-dimensional class of our extension (it) is the
fundamental class of the layer L/E.
W4) We finally require that Uk = 1. This concludes the definition of a Well
Fortunately it is easier to prove the existence of Well groups than it is to define
THEOREM I. Let K/F be a normal layer in a class format ion. Then there
exists a Weil group (U,g, for the layer K/F.
Let U be a group extension of AK by CK/p belonging to the fun-
darnental class 0K/P of the layer K/F (Cf. Ch. XIII, §1, especially Theorem 1).
Thus, U is a group containing AK as normal subgroup, together with a homomor-
phism g of U onto GK/F, with kernel AK. Choosing for each a GK/p a preimage
to U such that a = g(u0) we have then a" = u0atç' a°, for a AK, and
furthermore a0,q = is a fundamental standard 2-cocycle of GK/p in AK.
For each intermediate field B between F and K we put U5 = (GxIs). In
the two extreme cases £ = F and E = K we have Up = U and UK = AK. In
general we have AK C U with US/AK CKTh the isomorphism being
induced by g.
The 2-dimensional class of the group extension US/AK is the funda-
mental class aK/s of the layer K/B, because it is the restriction to GK/S of the
of our original extension, and we know that 0xis = res
Let us now consider the group theoretical transfer map designating it
by VK/5 for short. We have discussed this map for the case of an arbitrary group
extension in §2 of Ch. XIII. It is shown there that VK/E carries Us/Ut not only
into AK but into A5. We therefore view VK/S as a homomorphism with

values in AE:
i ire
vK/s: LIE/LIE —i

In the corollary of Theorem 4, §2, Ch. XIII the kernel and cokernel of this homo-
morphism is analyzed in terms of kernels and cokernels of the homomorphisms
a_s: H3 (GK/E, 1) H'(GK/s, AK)

a_2: H2(CK/E,Z) —

which are effected by cup product multiplication with the 2-dimensional class of
the group extension involved. In our present case this 2-dimensional class is the
fundamental class of the layer K/E, and by the main theorem of class field theory
we know that the maps a,.: Z) —. Jfr+2(K/E) are isoxnorphisms onto
for all r. It follows that the transfer map is an isomorphism onto, Vxig:
AE. We finish the construction of our Well group by defining the isomorphism
fE: AE Un/Ui to be the inverse of 11K/E•
All that remains is to verify that properties WI)—W4) are satisfied, and this
is not hard. Properties Wi) and W2) concern the commutativity of diagrams
involving the isomorphisms fE Replacing these isomorphisms by their inverses,
we see that Wi) amounts to the transitivity of the transfer, namely
VjqE(a) = VK/EIVEI/E(a), aC
and W2) amounts to the nile, for a =
= uVK/13(a)v71 VKIEO(uatC'), aC
which follows from the naturality of the transfer.
To verify property W3) we refer to Ch. XIII, §3, where the map
v: 112(GK/z,AIc) —' H2(GLIE,AL)
is defined. By the very definition of v we see that the class of the extension (*)
mentioned in W3) is the image under v of the class &K/E of the extension fig/AK
GK/E, because the extension
UL/UL -4 -'
is a factor extension of the latter in the sense discussed in §3 of Gh. XII!, and the
isomorphism Ut/UE At is given by the transfer VUL AK. And since aL/E =
it follows that 0L/E is indeed the class of the extension (*).
Finally we see that W4) is satisfied because by our construction UK = AK and
is abelian. This concludes the proof of Theorem 1. [1

Having defined the notion of Weil group, and shown the existence of Weil
groups, it is natural to consider the question of isotnorphisins of Weil group. It is
clear how we should define isomorphisxns, namely
DEFINITION 2. Let K/F be a normal layer in a class formation. Let (U,g, (fpj})
and (U', g', {fJ) be two Weil groups for the layer K/F. Then a Wet! isomorphism
from one to the other is an isomorphism p: U U" with the following two

WI 1) The following is commutative

P identity
4, ,
U ..—)..t7K/F.
WI 2) From WI 1) it is evident that y(U5) = for each intermediate field
£ between F and K, and consequently cp induces an isomorphisin WE:
(4/UEI. Property Wi 2) requires the commutativity of


for each E.
THEOREM 2. There exists a Weil isosnorphism ip: U U' for any two Weil
groups U and U' of a layer K/F. Furthermore, is unique up to an inner auto-
morphism of U' effected by an element of Uk.
PROOF. if is a Well isomorphism then the following diagram is commutative,
by WI 1) and by WI 2) for the extreme case E = K:
15 mc) S

Ix , mci /
Conversely, we contend that any homomorphism 4p: U U' which makes this dia-
gram commutative is a Well isomorphism. Indeed, let ço be such a homomorphism.
Then, from the exactness of the rows, it follows that ip is an isomorphism of U onto
U', and by the commutativity of the right hand square we have so(Us) = Uk for
each intermediate field E. Thus so induces an isornorphism ipx: Uk/14f
and we can consider the following cube:


A5 --S---- AK PS

-V Uk
The top and bottom faces are commutative by property WI) of Well groups. The
back face is obviously commutative. The front face is commutative by the naturality
of the transfer map V, because ip: U U' is an isoinorphism mapping U5 on
(4 and UK on Uk. The right hand face is commutative because the left hand
square in the preceding diagram is commutative. Since the horizontal arrows are

isomorphisms into, we conclude that the left hand face of our cube is commutative,
and this shows that w satisfies property WI 2) for all intermediate fields E and is
therefore a Weil isomorphism.
The problem of Weil isomorphisms o therefore boils down to the problem of
middle arrows coin the diagram at the beginning of this proof, that is, to the problem
of homomorphisms between the two group extensions represented by the horizontal
rows of that diagram. These two group extensions have the same 2-dimensional
class, namely &K/p. Consequently, maps exist, by Theorem 2, §1 of Ch. XIII.
Moreover, since the 1-dimensional cohomology group H'(Gx,p, AK) is trivial, it
follows from the uniqueness part of that same theorem that co is determined uniquely
up to an inner automorphism of If' effected by an element of = fk(Ajc). This
concludes the proof of Theorem 2. 0
TnE0REM 3. Let F1 C F C K C K1
with K1/F1 and K/F normal. Let (U,g,{fE})
be a Weil group for the big layer 1C1/F1. Then /
U = Up1

(UF/UkJ,{fE}PCECK) is a Weil group for the

small layer K/F, where denotes the hornomor-
phism of onto CK/p, which is induced by
/ Up

g in the obvious way.

PROoF. This theorem is evident from the def-
inition of Weibi group. The lattice diagram at the
right may help in visualizing the situation. 0
Now let 1C1/Fj be a fixed normal layer, and let
(U,g, be a Well group for it. In the next few
paragraphs we suppose that all fields F, E, K,...
under consideration are intermediate between (1)
and F1. Clearly by choosing our fixed normal layer
1C1/F1 suitably large we can arrange that any pre-
scribed finite set of fields F, B, K,... are contained
between F1 and K1, and so are "under consideration".
THEoREM 4. Let B/F be an arbitrary layer. Then the following diagram is
A1 U1/(4
flYS/P If (mapinducedby
inclusion UE C Up
As Us/Uk
PROOF. This theorem follows from a certain simple property1 of the group
theoretical transfer when we analyze what it says. There is a minor technical
difficulty arising from the fact that we do not assume ElF normal. Because of this
non-normality, we must first choose a K (e.g. K = K1) such that B C K and K/F

tThe general property of transfer which is essentially proved below is as follows: If U J U1 D

A are groups with A abelian and normal of finite index in U, then, vieweing A as a (U/A)-module
in the usual fly, the transfer from If to A of an element U1 is the norm from AUSM to
AU/A of the transfer of from Us to A.

is normaL We can then refer the things we are interested in to AK and Ux/Uk by
means of a cubic diagram of the following type:


Up/U} -


Here we must explain N1 and N2. We choose Nt so that the back face of the cube
is commutative, going back to the definition of Namely we write

GK/p = U CiCK/E (disjoint union)

and put
Ni(a)=fla°', GEAK.

Next, we choose N2 so that the right face of the cube is commutative. According
to property W2) of Well groups, this can be done by choosing elements vj E Up
such that = and defining
N2(u) = fl &" fl (mod Uk)

for it E UK (mod Notice then that we have

Up = U (disjoint).

Now the top and bottom of the cube are commutative by property Wi) of Well
groups. Since the horizontal arrows of the cube are isomorphisms into, the comrn
mutativity of the left side, which we want to show, will follow if we can show that
the front face is commutative. This means that we must prove for it E 1JE that
Vu,,uK(u) = llvi(Vuz,uK(u))vi'.

To do this we write
Us = U Uxtv1 (disjoint).

Up = U =U = U UKvewJ,
the last because UK is normal in Up. Now by the definition of the transfer we have
= flv1w3uw;'vC,

where (i, j) (i1 ,ji) is the unique permutation of the pairs (i, J) such that each

factor of this product lies in UK. But since UK is normal in Up we see that this


permutation is achieved by selecting first so that w1uw1 (.JK and then putting
= i. And now we are through because
Vu5 u5(u) flwjuw,,. 0

COROLLARY. fr and fE induce i.somorphisrns

st (UE n
THEOREM 5. Let K/F be a nonnal layer. Then the reciprocity law £somorphism
for that layer is given by
where the ñgl&t hand isornorphisrn is that induced by 9. In other words, if
9.: Up/Uk —,
is the homomorphism induced by g: U, -÷ GK/F, then g.f: A, —' is
the norm residue map.
PROOF. For each a E select a representative u0 E Up such that a =
g(u0), and let b, = f,1(ujJ$) 4. We must then show that corresponds to
a under the reciprocity law map. From the commutativity of

A, Up/U,
j;nci jv

we see that
fK(b0) = = =11 u7u0u;J Uk = fx(fl

where we have defined elements Ur,Q AK by

a 2-cocycle belonging to the extension
c g.
.' '-'K/P
and is therefore a fundamental 2-cocycle for the layer K/F, by property W 3) of
Well groups. Consequently, from

= fi a,.,0 = Image of a under Nakayaina map

we can conclude that b0 and a do correspond under the reciprocity law, as con-
tended. 0
The theorem we have just proved shows that the entire theory of the reciprocity
law is contained in the theory of Well groups. The reader will easily check that all
the results of Ch. XIV, § 5, can be recovered immediately from our present theory.
The reciprocity relationship between levels A, and galois groups GK/F becomes
easy to visualize when one identifies with U,/14 (by means of ft.) and identifies
with UP/UK (by means of 9). In this way, all the facts are wrapped up in

one neat non-abeliaA bundle, namely a suitable Well group U. From this point of
view we get one additional dividend, the Shafarevië Theorem.2.
THEoREM 6. Let F C K C L with K/F and L/F normal, and L/K abelian.
Then we may view GL/F as a group extension of GL/K by GK/F so there is de-
termined in a canonical way a 2-dimensional class jY 112(CK/P, CL/K), the
class of this extension. By means of the reciprocity law isomorphism, GL/K
AK/NL/KAL (which is a 0K/P isomorphism), /3 determines then a class /3' E
H2(CK/F, Ajc/NL/KAL). This class /3' is the image of the fundamental class
aK/F c H2(CK/p,AK) under the natural projection of AK onto AK/NL/KAL.
PRooF. The proof is evident from the lattice die.-
gram at the left. We identify the various gaJois groups
with factor groups of subgroups of U, and we identify AK
with UK/Uk by means of fK. Then NL/KAL is identi-
fled with (IL/Uk, and the reciprocity law isomorphism
becomes the identity map of UK/lIE, by the preceding
theorem. Hence j3' is the class of the extension

\ \ NLIX Aa and is therefore obviously the image of aK/p because

aK/p is the class of the extension
Uk U
The theorem ws have just proved shows that if K/F is a normal extension,
and if B is a norm subgroup of AK which is a GK/p-submodule, and if L is the
class field over K belonging to B (so that B = NL/KAL), then we can determine
the structure of the galois group CL/P in terms of objects associated with the
layer K/F. Indeed, 0L/F is isomorphic to the group extension of AK/B by
belonging to the image of the fundamental class.
in the preceding paragraphs we have seen how a Well group for a big normal
layer K1/F1 contains information about all intermediate layers E/F, and in par-
ticular contains, as factor groups of subgroups, the Well groups for all intermediate
normal layers K/F. This suggests that we try to go to the limit and construct one
universal group, a Well group for the whole formation so to speak, which will have
all the Well groups of all finite normal layers as factor groups of subgroups of itself.
This is the next step on our program. in order to carry it through we must assume
that our formation is a topological formation (cf Definition, Cis X1V, §6) which
satisfies a certain compactness condition, a condition which is satisfied in local and
global class field theory. We shall also view the galois group, C, of our formation
as a topological group, the neighborhoods of 1 in C being the subgroups Cp. Thus
2This theorem is due to Shafarevich. He observed that it is a consequence of a simple
relation between the Alcizulo—Witt map v and the description of the norm residue correspondence
via the Na.kayama map, about 10 years sfter those two things were discovered If a is a 2-
cocycle of 0 In A and H an abelian normal subgroup of C, then by (XIII, 3, Theorem 5), we
have (va)r,s 2 ilses (mod NSA). Here 7r.a = P2 fl' is a 2-cocycle defined by the
extension H .-. C —, C/If. The formula shows that the image of under the Nalcayaina map
5 —. made with the restriction of a to If is equal to the image of va under the map
In the class formation situation, if a is a fundamental 2-cocycle for 0, then its
restriction is one for H, and va is one for C/H, (by XlII, 3, Theorem 6), and the present theorem
follows. This is what Shafarevich observed in the context of local class field theory (see 1241)

all groups and modules to be considered from now on are topological. As usual in
the theory of topological groups we must distinguish between the notion of a rep-
resentation and the notion of a homomorphism. A representation is a continuous
map of one group into another which is algebraically a homomorphism. A homo-
morphism is a representation f: C —, if such that / induces a homeomorphism
between C/Kentelf and Image 1' in other words, such that 1(U) is open in f(C)
whenever U is open in C. These things being said, we can now define the type of
object which we aim to construct:
DEFINITION 3. Let (C, {Cp}, A) be a topological class formation. A Weil group
(U,g, {fp}) for the formation consists of the following object,s:
1) A topological group U.
2) A representation, g, of U onto an everywhere dense subgroup of the galois
group C of the formation.
Having 9 at our disposal, we can introduce, for each field F of our formation the
subgroup Up = The Up's wiil then be open subgroups of finite index in U
whose lattice reflects exactly the lattice of the Ge's. We have UE C Up F C B,
and LIE is normal in Up if and only if E/F is a normal layer. If this is the case,
then g induces an isomorphism Up/LIE GE/F. (These things are true because
9(U) is dense in C, and consequently, for any B, we have g(U) . GE = G, because
GE is open in C. In other words, every coset of GE contains an element of the
form g(u).) The third ingredient of our Weil group is
3) For each field F of our formation, an isomorphism (topological and algebraic)
fp: Ap Up/Uj',
where denotes here, and from now on, the closure of the commutator sub-
group Up.
In order to constitute a Weil group for the formatiou, these objects U, g, and
{fp} must have the following four properties:
W 1) For each layer E/F, the following diagram is commutative

AF Up/U}
IncA V

where V is the transfer map. (It is easy to verify, in case of a topological group
G and an open subgroup H of finite index, that the transfer map carries G',
the closure of the commutator group of C into if', the closure of the commutator
group of H, and consequently induces a map of G/G' into if/if C. It is this latter
map which is meant by V here, and from now on.)
W 2) Let u U and let e = g(u) G. Then it is clear that u(UE)tr' = U(Ecr).
Property W 2) states that the following diagram is commutative for each field B:

by is


W 3) For each normal layer K/F, the class of the group extension
(I) AK -' Up/Uk [IF/UK GIçIJi' (1)
is the fundamental class of the layer K/F.
W 4) We finally require that
be an isomorphism of topological groups. This concludes Definition 3.
Suppose for the moment that U is a Weil group for the formation. It is obvious
from the definition that for each normal layer K/F, Uy/Uk is a Well group for
that layer. In particular, if k is the ground field of the formation, so that U = [4,
then the factor groups U/Uk for variable K normal over k are Well groups for the
various normal layers K/k. On the other hand, property \V 4) above states that
U is the projective (inverse) limit of these factor groups. This shows how we must
go about constructing U; we must get it as the projective limit of Well groups of
finite layers K/k. Let us carry out this program.
From now on, unless specific mention is made to the contrary, all fields F,
K, L, M, - - -
are understood to be normal over k. For each such field K, let
(UK, 9K, (If }) be a Weil group for the layer K/k. It will be convenient to suppose
that the isomorphism if: AK (if is the identity map, in other words to identify
Ax with its isomorphic image uff, for each K. This being said, we topologize UK
by taking as fundamental system of neighborhoods of liii UK a fundamental system
of neighborhoods of I in AK; in other words, we give UK the unique topology for
which Ax is an open subgroup âf UK, and for which the topology induced on AK
is the same as that which AK gets as a level of our topological formation.
LEMMA. For each field E, k c E C K, normal or not, the commutator subgroup
of Uf is closed; in other words, (Uff)c has the same meaning as befort.
PROOF. Let for the moment (Uff)t denote just the conunutator subgroup
rather than its closure. Then (Uf) fl AK is closed in Ax because it is the ker-
nel of NK/E, and the norm map NK/E is continuous in a topological formation.
Being closed in Ax, it is closed in U". On the other hand (Uff)' flAK is of finite
index in (Uflc because AK is of finite index in U". Therefore, being the union of
a finite number of closed cosets, (Uff)c is closed. U

LEMMA. The is a homeornorphism if and

only if NK/E is an open mapping.
PROOF. The following diagram is commutative

t S.
+ / map induced
\ by inclusion
Since Ax is open in (F', i, is an open map. And since is a homeoniorphiszn,
it follows that if ft is a homeomorphism, then NK/t must be an open map. Con-
versely, if NK/E is an open map, then NK/EAK is an open subgroup of At, and is

horneomorphic to AK/N,JE(1). On the subgroup NK/EAK. Is induces therefore

the composition of two bomeomorphisms,
NK/&AK i4AK).
Since the left hand and right hand of these groups are open in A5 and in Uf/(Uf)'
respectively, we conclude that Is is a horneomorphism. 0
Now to proceed to the construction of our projective limit we must find a
collection of "reasonable" homomorphisms cot/K: U" one for each pair
(L, K) such that L D K, which are transitive in the sense that
WM/ic =
whenever M L K. What is to be meant by "reasonable"? The answer is
obvious once we recall that Ut/(Uk) is a Well group for K/k, just as fl is.
We shall require that our homomorphism (pt/K: Ut —' U" has kernel (Uk)' and
induces a Well isomorphism (Definition 2) from U"/(Uk)' to UK. Let us give the
name Weil map to a homomorphism WL/K satisfying this condition.
LEMMA. Let coL/K: Ut UK be a Weil map. Then cot/K carries At(= Ut)
into and the restriction of c°t/x to At is Nt/K. Fh.rtherrnore, 4Ot/K is
a homomorphism (in the sense of topological groups) if and only if Nt/K: At —'
AK zs an open map.
In the following diagram
AK— —;-
by WL/Jc

the left side square is commutative, and the top square is commutative, by the
definition of Weil isomorphism. Factoring the diagonal arrow (restriction of co) into
the product of and the Weil isomorphism, we see that the restriction of cc does
induce NL/K on At as contended.
Now since cot/K maps onto U", cot/K will be a topological homomorphism
if and only if it is an open map. Since the subgroups AL C Ut and AK C are
open subgroups, it is clear that Wt/K is an open map if and only if its restriction
to At is open, i.e. if and only if is open. This concludes the proof of the
lemma. U
According to Theorem 2, a Well map cot/K exists for each layer L/K, but is not
unique, bcing determined only up to an inner automorphism of by an element
of AK = (4. This non-uniqueness will be the main obstacle we shall encounter in
constructing our projective limit, since it forces us to make a selection. \Ve must
therefore discuss in some detail the inner automorphisms by which the Weil maps

can be changed. In order to have a notation for them, let us denote by aK the inner
automorphism of U" effected by an element a AK; that is, we put aK(u) = auC1
for u U". When is the identity automorphism? Clearly, when, and only when,
a commutes with every element of U". Selecting representatives u0, a e GK/k, for
the elements of we see that the condition is that a commute with
each because, Ax being abelian, it will then follow that a commutes with each
element of Since = this condition means that a for all
o Gx/k, iii other words that a Ak. Thus we have shown that the group of
inner automorphisms of UK by elements of AK is isomorphic to AK/Ak.
For each layer L K, let XL,K denote the set of all Well maps cot/ic: 1$
UK. If is one fixed element of XL,K, then the other elements are of the
form with a E AK. Since 'PL/K is an onto map we have a,op°L,K =
bKC,4IK 4* bjç aIC' Ak * aAk = bAk. In other words, we have a
one-one correspondence
aAk 4-4

between Ax/Ak and XL,K. This allows us to topologize XL,K by the topology
which is induced on it by the topology of AK/Ak, i.e. such that the above one-
one correspondence is a homeomorphism. This topologization of the set of Well
maps is independent of the choice of because the topology of AK/Ak
is invariant under translation.
LEMMA. The composition of WeU maps is continuous. More precisely, if M D
L D K, then the composed map Wt/WPM/t XM1K is a continuous function of
the two variables 'Pt/K XL/K and 'PM/t XM,L.
Note first of all the rule
WL/Kat = (Nt/KG)
for a C AL, 'Pt/K XL,K. Indeed, for it we have

cot/KaL(u) = cot/x(aua') = WL/K(a)coL,K(14(coL/K(u)) =

= (NL/Ka)coL,K(u)(NL/xa)' (NL/Ka)xcoL/K(u),
because the restriction to At of S0L/K is Nv,ic by the preceding lemma.
For a 0 Aic we have therefore
(bKcot/K)(aLcoM/L) = (&NIJ/KG)KcOL/KSOM/L.
Since &NL/Ka is a continuous function of the variables a At and 6 E AK, our
contention follows. 0
LEMMA. Suppose AK/Ak is compact for each K. Then there exists a trunsitive
collection of Weil maps cot/K: UL
Prtoor. A random choice of Well maps may be thought of as an element
= (coux)
of the cartesian product
X= II Xt,K,
the product being taken over all pairs (L, K) such that L j K. Since we have
assumed AK/Ak is compact, we know each Xt,,c is compact and consequently their

product X is compact in the product topology. Now for each triple M L K,

let X(M, L, K) be the subset of X consisting of the elements so such that
Our task is to show that the subsets X(M, L, K) have a non-empty intersection,
an element of their intersection being a choice of Well maps which is transitive
for each triple M L K. Each of our subsets X(M, L, K) is closed, by the
preceding lemma. And since X is compact, it will be enough if we show that the
sets X(M, L, K) have the finite intersection property.
To this effect, let (Mi, L1, K), I c,i n, be a finite set of triples. Select a field
P such that P for each i. We shall show that there exists an element so E X
such that
soil/K = 'PL/KS0M/L
for all triples M, L, K such that P M > L K k, and therefore in particular
for our given finite set of triples. To do this we select, for each field F between k
and P, a Weil isomorphism
eF: uP/(u;)c uF'
and then we put, for each couple L K between k and P:
WL/K =eKchL/KSL. Ut U"
where denotes the natural map of U"/(Ufl' onto These
are obviously Well maps, and their transitivity, in the levels between P and k,
follows from the transitivity of the natural maps ?I*L/K Finally, whenever P Z L,
we choose a WLJK at random, obtaining then a so = such that

This concludes the proof of the lemma. 0

THEOREM 7. Suppose (G, {GF}, A) is a topological class formation satisfying
the following three conditions.
WT 1) The norm map NE/F: A,1, —' Ap is an open map, for each layer ElF.
WT 2) The factor group As/Ap is compact for each layer E/F.
WT 3) The Galois group C is complete.
Then there exists a Weil group (U,g, {fp}) for the formation, and it is unique up
to isomorphism.
PROOF. For the details of the proofs of the basic facts about projective limits
which we shall use in our proof we refer the reader to Weil [27, section 5).
Choose a transitive collection of Well maps sot/K: Ut —, UK (this is possible
by hypothesis WT 2) and a lemma). Each soL/K is a (topological) homomorphism
of Ut onto U" (by hypothesis WT I)) and a lemma above. I contend that the
kernel of is compact. Since At is of finite index in AL fl Ker sot/K is
of finite index in Ker soL/K so it suffices to prove that At fl Ker sot/K is compact.
Since the restriction of sot/K to AL/K is we are reduced to proving that
KeINL/K is compact. Now I(GL,K)At = is of finite index in
Ker Nt/K because the factor group is At). It will therefore suffice
to prove ICL,KAL is compact. For each u Gt/K, the map a — induces

a representation of AL/AK onto A7,', because A7r' = 1. Therefore, AZ1

compact, being a continuous image of AL/Ax which is compact by hypothesis
WT 2). Consequently IGLIKAL is compact as contended.
We have now shown that the family of topological groups {UK} together with
the family of homomorphisms satisfies Well's conditions 121, LPII, and
It follows that we can build a projective limit U with all the desirable
properties one could wish for. We form the direct product
of our Well groups UK, and in it we consider the subgroup U consisting of all
n=(ug), UKEUK
such that = cQLfKUL for all pairs £ K. We topologize U by giving it
the topology which is induced by the product topology in the direct product. At
first sight, this means that a neighborhood of 1 in U is given by a finite set of
fields together with a neighborhood of 1 in for each i, the corresponding
neighborhood in U consisting then of the elements u = (us) such that e
for each i. However, taking into account the "coherence" of the components of u,
i.e. the fact that ux, = (PL/K,UL for a suitable L K1 all i, we see that it suffices
to consider the neighborhoods oil in U which are given by a single field £ together
with a neighborhood WL of 1 in U", these constituting a fundamental system.
For each L we have a map 'pr: U —e defined by
(PL(U) =
for is = (ug) U. Using the compactness of the kernels of the maps S0M/L for
fields M D £ one shows easily that is onto, and consequently is a topological
homomorphism of LI onto U'.
We must now construct the representation g: U —. C, and to do so we must use
the hypothesis WT 3) which states that G is complete in the topology for which the
subgroups Cx are a fundamental system of neighborhoods of 1. This completeness
assures us that C is the projective limit of its factor groups C,qk = G/Gg,
follows: Let GL/k —' GK/k be the natural map. Then, given any family of
elements {ax}, with Ox GKIk, such that Ug = 11L/KUL for each pair £ J K,
there exists a unique element a C such that = CTGg. (Namely, for each K,
let Uy C such that CTKGK = ag, and put a = lim this limit existing because
{o*} is a Cauchy directed set, and C is complete.) Conversely, given any a C
we can put ag = O'GK, obtaining a family of elements (ag}, with ag GK/k,
such that EL/KUL 0g. Now for u = (ux) U, we put
g(u) = C,
in other words, we define g(u) to be the unIque element of C such that
for each K. horn another point of view, if we introduce the natural maps bg: C
GKIk, then we see that our map g: U —+ C is characterized by the property that
for each K.
Our g is obviously an algebraic homomorphism. Its image, 9(U), is everywhere
dense in C. indeed, for any neighborhood Gg of 1 in C, we have = C,


because maps UK onto GK/k = G/GK. Finally, one immediately thatg

is continuous
Having g at our disposal, we can introduce the subgroup UE = 9'(GE) of U,
for each field E (not necessarily normal over k).
LEMMA. Let K E k, with K/k normal. Then Us = wk'(Ui) and
in — —1(flyK\c
"ES0Ktt El
PROOF, The first statement is almost evident. The formal proof depends on
the rule I,bK9 = YKWK and runs as follows:
—lIrTK\ —11

K \—1(/fl
= '31'K9) WK/E
—l —1(r,
Tb prove the second statement, let denote the commutator group of U5 so
that is, by definition, the dosure of in U. Let L be any field containing
K such that L/k is normal. Then from what we already have proved, namely
U5 = and from the fact that Wt is an onto mapping, we can conclude
TY? IL' \ —liirrL'tc
(Recall that (Uk)t = (Uk)' by a lemma.) Now from the theory of Well groups of fi-
nite layers and from the definition dfWeil map we know that (Uk)t =
And since WK = 'PL/KWL, we conclude
a formula in which the left side contains an arbitrary L K, and the right side is
independent of L. From the definition of the topology in U, we can make Key WL
an arbitrarily small subgroup by selecting L sufficiently large. Hence
= D

The opposite inclusion is trivial since contains and is closed. This

concludes the proof of the lemma and we now continue with our construction of
the Weil group U. 0
Since 4OK: U —' is onto, we conclude from the lemma that WK induces an
S, inc irK
and this isomorphism is topological as well as algebraic because pj< is a topological
homomorphism. Thus there exists a unique isomorphism such that Wic S=
If, i.e. such that the diagram

A5 -

is commutative. Moreover this isomorphism Is is topological as well as algebraic

because the same is true of by hypothesis WTI and the second of the above
lemmas. The properties Wl-W4 for the Well group (U,g, of the formation
now follow readily from the corresponding properties for the Well groups of finite
layers K/F), and our existence proof is complete. U
llriicity was not discussed in the earlier editions. In these last several pages,
added in 2008, we fix that gap and go on to discuss a few more things about Well
groups, including an account of Well's original proof of their existence.
Concerning unicity, it is proved in (25, Proposition (La.!)) for the classical
situations, and the proof there works in the present abstract context. If U and U' are
two Weil groups for the same formation one shows, by the same type of compactness
argument used to prove the lemma just before Theorem 4 of this chapter, that there
exists a compatible family of isomorphisms 9K U/Uk — commuting with
1K and 1k and with the maps induced by g and g', for normal extensions K of the
ground field k. Then 9= U —, U' is an isomorphism of Well groups. 0
ThEoREM 8. (a) Let (U,g, {fp}) be a Well group for a class formation
(C, C,, A). For each field F, the composed map
A, 14 pt C? = a?
where is the map induced by g, is the reciprocity mapping.
(b) I/for every normal layer K/k there is a cyclic layer L/k of the same
degree, then in the definition of Well group for a class formation (Definition 3),
one can substitute statement (a) of this theorem for the condition W 3) znvolvtng
the fundamental classes.
Paoor. For (a) it suffices to prove that for every abelian normal layer K/F,
that the composed map
A, -* UP/UK —, CrICK = GK/ F
where the arrows are induced by fp and Gab, is the reciprocity map for that layer,
and that is true by Theorem 5.
The fundamental class of a layer of degree n was defined in Chapter XIV
as the class with invariant 1/n, so to prove (b) we have only to show that in a
class formation satisfying the hypothesis of (b) the reciprocity maps determine
the invariant functions. That hypothesis implies that every two-dimensional class
comes by inflation from a cyclic extension. For a cyclic extension K/F cut out by
a character x every class is of the form a
a the reciprocity map A, —' GK/p. 0
If (U, g, {fF}) is a Weil group for a class formation (C, {Cp}, A) in which C is
complete, it is clear from the definitions that we can recover the formation up to
isomorphisru from knowledge of only the topological group U and the collection of
subgroups {Up}, for we have isomorphisms
C = jjpj (U/UK), Cr 1!!?. (C,/GK)
the projective limit being taken over all small UK normal in U and the maps fp
give an isornorphism
Jim f,,

the injective limit on the right being taken over all Up's relpSive to the transfer
homomorphisms Vs,p.
This suggests we define a new type of mathematical objects which we will call
DEFINFrION 4. A W-group (U, (Up)) Is a topological group U, together with
a family of subgroups {Up} such that
WG 1) The family {UF} consists of open subgroups of finite index in U, is closed
under finite intersection and conjugation, and contains all subgroups containing any
one of its members.
WG 2) For every pair UK < 11F. the transfer map VK/P Up/Uk —, Ux/Uk
maps Up/Ui isomorphicaily and homeomorphically onto and has
compact cokernel. (Here Up acts on UK by conjugation and UK acts trivially on
UK/Uk, so Up/UK acts on the latter.)
WG 3) The canonical map U —' is an isomorphism of topological
It is clear that the Well group of a class formation satisfying the conditions
WT 1,2,3 of Theorem 7, gives us a W-group. In fact, the converse is also true.
THEoREM 9. Up to isomorphism, evenj W-group comes from a class formation
satisfyin9 the three conditions of Theorem 7.
PRooF. Let (U, {Up}) be a W-group. As explained in a paragraph preceding
Definition 4, we can construct from U a formation (C, {Gp}, A) by putting
and taking for Op the inverse image of Up/UK for all sufficiently small UK normal
in U. The level Ap, which by definition is A°' can be identified with the isomorphic
image of in A because the injective Limit is made with the transfer maps,
and for all small UK normal in U we have VK/p(Up/Ufl = —
If g: U —+ G is the canonical map, and fp : —+Up/Ui' is our
identification map, then (U,g, {fp}) is a Well group for the formation.
This formation does satisfy the three conditions of Theorem 7. The norm map
NE/rAe —, Ap is reflected in the canonical map — LJp/(4 which is open;
the inclusion map Ap —' Ac is reflected in the transfer map which has compact
cokernel by the definition of W-g'roup; and G is profinite, hence complete. The only
question is whether our formation is a class formation. To see that it is, let K/F
be a normal layer and consider the exact sequence
O—4Ajc ndJK/Uk -t Up/Uk
Which to simplify notation we will denote by
0— AK —' GK/F 0.
Let a fl2(GK/p, AK) be the class of this group extension. Let be the
algebraic commutator subgroup of
LEMMA. (Ufl' is compact, hence (Ufl' = (Uflc = and is com-
We postpone the proof of the lemma. Assume the lemma is true. Then the
transfer map Uji/(Ui)' Af'/" is bijective, by condition WG 2) of Definition 4,

and it follows from (Chapter XIII, Section 2, Theorem 4) and its corollary, (in both
of which (P denotes U'), that is surjective and cr..2 is bijective, where
?r(GJ(/F, 1) —' AK) is the map given by cup product with a. Also,
is injective because fl'(GK/F, Z) 0. Hence, by the general cohomological
theorem alluded to in the proof of Theorem 1 of Chapter XIV, §4, is bijective
Sn all n Z. For vi = —1 this implies our formation is a field formation, and for
ii = 0 it implies that N2(GK/F, Z) is cyclic of order IGK/FI = [K generated
by a = ao(l). We denote this class by 0K/p when different layers are involved. For
K C L normal over F, (Xlii, §3, Th.6) shows that infiLfK(aK/F) = [L: KJcq.,ip,
because aK/p = v(aL/p), by definition of v and the a's. Also for F C E C K
we have aK/F = resE/paK/p. These facts allow us to define "invariant maps"
rnvp fl2(Gp, A) Q/Z which satisfy the class formation axiom, Axiom Ii of
Chapter XIV, Section 3, by putting invp(ajc,p)
PRooF OF THE LEMMA. Consider the inclusions
The index of the first inclusion is finite, because, by Theorem 3 in Chapter XIII,
Section 2, the quotient is a homomorphic image of The index of
the second inclusion is finite because AK is of finite index in Uf Each is
compact, as continuous image of AK/A?. Thus IK/FAK is compact and so also is
(Ufl', as finite union of compacts. Hence (Ui)' is i.e, equal to its closure
(Uf)' = Finally, U$ is compact as projective limit of the compacts
This proves the lemma and the theorem. U

THEOREM tO. The existence theorem holds for the class formation associated
to a W-group (U, i/and only if the family {Up} consists of all open subgroups
of finite index in U.
The existence theorem for a "field" F means that every open subgroup
of finite index in U,' which contains Uf? is of the form UK for some "field" K, which
is then the "class field over F to the subgroup of = A,". This is
certainly true if every open subgroup of finite index in U is a UK, because finite
index in Up implies finite index in U. Conversely, suppose the existence theorem
holds. Let W be open of finite index in U = A neighborhood of 1 in
the projective limit topology contains the inverse image in U of a neighborhood of
I in U/Uk for some K. Thus, W Uk for some K. By the existence theorem for
K, there exists a "clasafield L over K belonging to the subgroup (W fl UK)/Uk of
UK/Uk", that is, a field L such that UL = W fl UK, and since W contains (4, it
is of the form Up for some F. 0
It follows that a topological class formation satisfying the existence theorem
and the three conditions of Theorem 7 is mathematically equivalent to a special
type of topological group U, one which satisfies the two conditions WG 2) and WG
3) of Definition 4, if we take the collection of all open subgroups of finite index as
the family denoted there by {Up}.
In class formations in which the reciprocity maps A, —. Gp/(4 are injeetive,
the map U — C is injective, and one can "find" a Weil group U for the formation

inside the Galois group C. This is the case for nonarchimedean local fields and
global function fields. We discuss the latter case as an example.
Let k be a global function field, p its characteristic, 'a separable algebraic
closure, k0 the (finite) constant field, and kg the algebraic closure of kg in Let
C= and let U be the subgroup of C consisting of the elements which
act on as a positive or negative power of the F'robenius autornorphisin x
Let U1 = = be the subgroup of U consisting of the elements of C
which act trivially on kg. Topologize U by declaring U1 to be open in U and giving
U1 the profinite Krull topology of C1. Thus U/U1 = Z with the discrete topology,
whereas C/Ci = Z.
Let g U C be the inclusion map. For each finite extension F' of k in
let Gp = and Up = U fl Cp = C'(Cp). Let —' be
the reciprocity map (denoted by w in Chapter VIII). The image of rp' is
We have = because Up is dense in and C = U1. Let IF
-4 be the bijection induced by Our choice of the topology of U
is such that the fp's are isomorphisrns of topological groups (cf. Ch. YllI, §3).
Thus (U,9, {fe}) is a Well group for the formation (G, {Cp}, This should
be clear from the preceding discussion, except perhaps for the fact that for each
normal layer K/F the class of the group extension

O—iCK=UK/Uk-..UF/U1(-JUF/UK =CK/F-.+O

is the Kndainental class. But that is true by part (b) of Theorem 8, because part
(a) holds, by our construction of U:
It was Weil who first focused on the fact that the Takagi-Artin class field theory,
as expressed for infinite extensions by Chevalley with idhles, could be interpreted,
in the case of function fields, in terms of the group U we have just describçd.
His belief in the deep analogy between function fields and number fields and his
hope to find a non-abelian analog of Hecke's 1,-functions with Grössencharacters
led him to expect that a similar group U might exist in the case of number fields,
a group in which the quotients are isomorphic to the idele class groups
Ce, so that one would have a Galois-like interpretation of the full group Cp, as
a refinement of Chevalley's interpretation of the group of connected components
Ce/Dc as Weil believed that to find a theory in which such a group
U appears as naturally for number fields as it does for function fields is a very
important problem, perhaps holding the key to the R.iemann hypothesis. He was
at least able to show that this idea was not a pipe dream, by proving in 1281 by
an artificial construction that such a group U, with all the properties one would
expect, does indeed exist for number fields, and is characterized up to isomorphisrn
by those properties. To find it occurring naturally is still, 60 years later, an open
How did Well construct the group U using only the classical Thkagi-Artin the-
ory, without the theory of global fundamental classes which was the basis of our
method? Although our way is more general, and perhaps more natural, once one has
the theory of fundamental classes, Weil's is a natural direct attack on the specific
problem of global number fields, and is certainly of intrinsic and historic interest.
We finish this chapter by describing Weil's method in an abstract situation briefly,
in a series of exercises.

Th begin, we must define what Well constructed. For that we have only to
modify our Definition 1 at the beginning of this chapter as follows:
(i) Replace "class formation" by "field formation with reciprocity maps Ap .-+
CF/CC, satisfying (Chapter XIV, Section 5, Theorem 6)"
(ii) Have g be a map of U into rather than into GK/F = Up/ag.
(iii) Replace condition W 3) involving the fundamental class by:
W 3') For each intermediate field F c E C K, let : Ut —' denote the
map induced by g. Then the composed map
Ut t
is the reciprocity map rE.
Call a triple (U,g, {fE}) satisfying this modified definition a V/cit group in
Weil's sense for the layer K/F. Note that it has a key feature, the map g in (ii)
above, which is missing from our definition of Weil group of a layer. We recover
the existence of g only after passing to the inverse limit to construct a Well group
for the whole formation.
In 128J, Weil showed for the formation of idèle classes of global number fields
that for normal K/F a Weil group in Well's sense exists and is unique up to
isoxnorphism.The key special properties of number fields which he used are:
(1) For each intermediate field F C E C K the reciprocity map rE : Cs —e
is surjective.
(2) The GK/p.rnodule Dg := Ker(r,c) is isomorphic to a direct sum of modules
Induced from subgroups of order I or 2 of OK/p.
(3) For each intermediate E, W (GK/E, Dg) = I) and NK/EDK = D5.
THEOREM 11. Let (0, {C,}, A) be a field formation with reciprocity laws satis-
fring Theorem 6 in Chapter XIV, §5, properties (1) and (3) just above and, instead
of (2), the slightly more liberal condition
(2') The Dg := Ker(rg) is isomorphic to a direct sum of modules
induced from cyclic subgroups of 0K/F'
Assume also that C is complete so that we have reciprocity maps ?p Ap —0
C!'. Then a Weil group in Weil's sense exists for a normal layer K/F of the
formation, and is unique up to isomorphism.
PROOF. (Sketch, in a series of exercises. The method is essentially Well's,
except for the additional technical difficulty posed by assuming (2') instead of (2).)
1. Define a W-diagram for K/F to be an exact commutative diagram
Ag U, 4 CK/F 0
lrx Lid.
o (Jx/Gk GF/0g - —' Gjqp 00.
Using the long exact cohomology sequence associated with the short exact sequence
show that a W-diagrarn exists.
2. The group DK) acts simply and transitively on the set of isomor-
phism classes of W-diagrams for K/F. To see this, fix a section a e-t of the
xv. wzrt cnoun tar

canonical map -. 0K/F which occurs in the bottom row of W-diagrams

for K/F. Let = E Z2(GK/F, denote the corresponding
2-cocycle, which represents the class of the Galois group extension in the bottom
row of each such diagram. The set of lifts of this cocycle to AK is a coset of
Z2 AK), where Z denotes cocycle. Each lift defines
a W-diagram (U,g, -..) with elements u0 e U such that
U= II AKUC, = a01,-, g(u0)

Show that the product action of DK) on the coset of lifts induces a simply
transitive action of N2 Dx) on the set of isomorphism classes of W-diagrams
for K/F. Call this action "twisting".
3. Suppose (Up, gp, i, j) is a W-diagram for K/F. For each intermediate field
B, F C E C K, let = .r1(GxIs) = r'(Gs/Gk) and note that by replacing
F's by L's in the diagram in (1) we obtain a W-diagram for K/E as "subdiagram"
of the one there for K/F. The transfer map Ut — = Ax factors through
the inclusion A5 '—' Ax. Let VKIE U)) — Ag denote the map it induces.
Show that a Well group (U,9, {IE}) for K/F in Weil's sense is the "same" as a
W-diagram (U,9,...) in which, for each intermediate E, the map VKIE = fj' is an
isomorphism and the composed map rg OVK!E is equal to the map 9r: Ut —'
induced by g. Our first goal is to show that there exists a W-diagrarn in which
r5 = for all E, and that it is unique up to isomorphism.Then we shall
prove that for such a diagram the transfer maps are isoinorphisms.
4. Suppose (Up, gp, . ..) is a W-diagrarn for K/F. Show that the maps tpo
Vx/F and coincide on the image of AK = Ut in U)P and that their compositions
with : are equal. (Use the "translation" and "transfer" theorems,
i.e., parts (b) and (a) of Theorem 6 in Chapter XIV, Section 5).
5. Note that the quotient of Ut by the image of AK is =
Also, show that rp maps N°(GKJF, Dx) = = (Dx fl Ap)/Dp
isomorphically onto Ker(Vt'p).

6. By 4 and 5, the ratio U$' C?) can be factored as follows

— (4p IC2 (Cx,,, Z) t Dx) = (Dx fl Ap)/Dp m

The same consideration applies to each subdiagram (U5, 9E,..). In a this way,
a W-diagram determines a collection of homomorphisms : it2 (GIqE, Z) —'
N° (Gjq5, Dx), one for each intermediate field L. Our first goal is to show the
existence arid uniqueness up to isomorphism of a W-diagram for which = 0,
i.e., rgoViqs =4, for allE.
7. As notation, for a group C, a C-module M and a C 712(G, M), let •a:
7C2(C, Z) —i 7i°(G, M) denote the Nakayama map a given by cup product
with a. With notation as in 2., show that Vjc1p(uo) = fl a,,,0 and 4(u0) =
7c- Conclude that twisting a W-diagram for K/F by a class 5 'tt2(GK/p, DK)
multiplies its map by the map for each intermediate field E.

8. For finite cyclic C and C-module M, show that a .a is an isoitior-

phism from 112(C, M) to Hom(W2(G, Z), fl°(G, M)). Thus a W-diagram de-
fines, for each intermediate field £ such that K/B is cyclic, a unique class 6E
*(GK/s, DK) such that iks
9. Let (U,g,...) be a W-diagram for K/F. let E C B' be intermediate fields
corresponding to subgroups H H' of Let 6 fl2(H, Dx). Check that the
following diagram is commutative with the middle horizontal arrows being either
1,bE and as in the diagram, or being .6 and .resó (V denotes the transfer map
and Id the map induced by the identity on D4:
= fl—2(H,Z) S., fl°(H,DK)
j,res jres Lid
= 7t2(H',Z) fl°(H',Djc)
Prove that ifS is the set of cyclic subgroups of G,qp, then the family (6s)G,qscS
defined in 8 is coherent in the sense of the following

PROPOSiTION. Let C be afinite group and M a C-module. LetS be a set of sub-

groups of C such that if H €8, then each subgroup of H is ins and each conjugate
H° = uHcr' is inS. Call afamily of e ILESflW,M)
coherent if resajj all' for all pairs H' ci H 5, and = aaH for all pairs
H c S and c C. Suppose that M is a finite direct sum of modules induced
from subgroups H S. Then the map lf(C, M) —. fl'(H, M) defined by
a —+ is an isornorphism of 7V(C, M) onto the set of coherent families
10. To prove the above proposition, suppose H and C are in S. Let

G=—HHrCo and HrC0= II

rET uER,
Then H = a(HnirC0r1) and M as H-module is a direct sum, M = S Al7,
where M7 = SeER crM0 is an H-module induced from the (HnrCor')-module
Let ajj lf(H, M) be the if-component of a coherent family Let
= aff,,. with 7-flu, M7). Let = pr(res ie(H n
rC0r', rMo) be the class corresponding to ag,,- by the sensilocal theory. Show
that = r(resg.°.1ff7)0Q0OGO,1). Conclude that agj = where a E
7IT(H, M) is the unique class such that CXGO,I 9i7(C0, Al0) is the class corre-
sponding to a by the semilocal theory Since H was arbitrary in 5, this proves the
U. Taking S to be the set of cyclic subgroups of C = CK/F, show that
8, 9, and tO imply that any W-diagrarn for K/F can be twisted by a unique
4c Djç) to a W-diagram for K/F in which =0 for all intermediate
12. To finish we must show that in a W-dia,gram (U,g,i,j) for K/F in which
rEo VK/E = for all intermediate E, the transfer maps VK/e are isomorphisms.
It suffices to do this for £ = F. We write U = Up, g = gp, and V = Vjc1p.

Surjectivity: Let a Ap. Since is surjective, there exists z Utb such

gab(1) = Then

Hence V(x) = aNxlpd = aV(i(d)) for some d Dx, and a =

Injectivity: Let is U such that V(uUt) =0. Then 9th(uUt) = rF(V(uU9) =
0. Hence there is a d Dx such that is i(d)Ut, because the kernel of g in a
W-diagrazn is i(Djc). We must show i(d) Ut. We know that 1 = V(uUt) =
V(i(d)Uc) = Nx1pd. By our hypotheses on Dx, N' (GxIp, Dx) = 0 and the
cohomology of Dx has period 2. Thus, Dx) = 0 and consequently,
d= for some finite set of pairs Dx x CK/F. Let = Liv
and j(uv)=cry. Then Ut aswas to be shown. 0
That finishes our sketch of the existence and uniqueness of a Well groups in
Well's sense for layers in the special type of field formation we are considering,
following Well's proof for the formation of idele class groups of number fields. If,
as in the case of number fields, the formation is a class formation with cyclic layers
over the ground field of arbitrary degree, then the class of the group extension of
Gx/p by given by the Well group, is the Iundarnenta.l class. This was proved for
number fields by Nakayama in a paper in the same Taicagi memorial volume of the
Journal of the Japanese Mathematical Society as 128], by the same method we used
to prove Theorem 8(b). The fundamental class was discovered at almost the same
time by Nakayarna and Well, in completely different ways, Well as a byproduct of
his discovery of the Weil group and Nakayarna by a systematic study of the Galois
cohomology of class field theory, partly in collaboration with G. Hochschild, leading
to most of the cohomological results we have presented irs Chapter XIV (cf. [11]).
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