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Americas Distribution Services Division South

Service Instructor Certification Program
Document Type: Procedure Manual
Division: Americas Distribution Services Division (ADSD) - South
Market: Latin America and the Caribbean Territory
Department: Service Training
Owner: Rafael Paloma
Revision Date: 04-April-2011
Authority: ADSD South - Service Training Policies
The purpose of this document is to define the requirements and procedures required for
the execution of the Caterpillar Instructor Certification Program. This manual must be
used as the Procedural Document to perform the Caterpillar Instructor Certification
Program on Caterpillar Dealer Service Instructors.

This document has been divided into the following sections:

• Program Description.
• Program Audience.
• Program Objective.
• Program Governance.
• Caterpillar Service Instructor Certification Procedure.
• Document Change History.

Program Description
The ADSD South Service Instructor Certification Program is core part of Caterpillar
Dealers’ Technician Career Development Program (TCDP). The focus of this program is
to develop Technical Service Training Instructors with the highest levels of
Communication Skills and Product Support Knowledge, within Caterpillar Dealerships to
support Caterpillar’s Technician Career Development Program.

Program Audience
This program is intended for Caterpillar ADSD - South Dealers Service Training
Instructors only.

Program Objective
The objective of this program is to validate the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to
develop and deliver Caterpillar Service Training Courses by Caterpillar Dealer Service
Training Instructors.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Program Governance
The Dealer upon sign up of their Instructor to the ADSD – South Service Instructor
Certification Program, previous to initiating the Certification Process, must accept the
following terms and conditions:

The Dealer will ensure availability of their Certified Instructors to provide

his/her Services for ADSD – South Service Training Department Activities
up to 6 weeks per year.

The Dealer, must ensure, while the Instructor(s) has direct responsibilities
with Service Training, to maintain the Instructor’s Certification Active.

This Program does not have a Registration Fee, unless otherwise specified.

This process will be initiated once the interested party (in this case the Dealership and
the Dealer Service Instructor) have filed the Registration form, accompanied of all the
required documentation in it stated, and this registration has been approved by ADSD
South Service Training Department. The pre-requisites required to received approval for
registering a Dealer Service Training Instructor are the following:

• Must have taken the Train the Trainer Level I and II courses that are delivered by
the University of Illinois through ADSD South Service Training Department.

• Must have taken Applied Failure Analysis I and II Training Courses delivered by
ADSD South Service Training Department.

• Must have obtained a Caterpillar Technician Certification offered by ADSD South

Service Training Department for the Product which him/her will be delivering
training on.

Upon successful completion of the program, the Dealer Service Training Instructor will
be awarded the title of “Caterpillar ADSD South - Certified Service Instructor”. This
Certification will be valid for a period of (2) two years from the date is awarded.

For renewal of this Certification, the Re-Certification process will be preceded by the
following requirements:

• Instructor must submit Participants’ Evaluation forms for at least (6) deliveries of
the Accredited Course.

• Instructor must submit Participants’ Final Score Evaluation Summaries for all the
deliveries above mentioned.

• Instructor must submit an Updated Copy of the Accredited Course Instructor

Book Version and Participant Book Version.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Once the interested parties have provided all this information, the ADSD South Service
Training Department will have thirty (30) calendar days to issue a response on the
status of the Instructor’s Certification.

If the Caterpillar Certification Status expires or does not get extended, the Instructor will
have to initialize his/her Certification Process once again.

Special Disclaimer:

All Certified Instructors that were certified before 1st June 2009, will have till 1st June
2012, to request their Re-certification for their courses. After this date, the Instructor
Certification will be no longer valid and Courses delivered afterwards will not be
contemplated as valid Caterpillar training. For activating the Certification Status,
participants will have to go through the current Certification Process.

This Disclaimer is valid until 1st June 2012. After this date, this disclaimer should
be removed from this Policy.

End of Disclaimer

Caterpillar ADSD South - Service Instructor Certification Procedure

The procedure for executing the Caterpillar ADSD South – Service Instructor
Certification Process is conformed of the following steps:

1. Following the Dealer Instructor Career Development Plan, the Dealer decides to
initiate the Instructor Certification Process by submitting the Caterpillar Instructor
Certification Program Registration Form with all the required information.

2. ADSD Service Training Department receives and processes the Registration

Form and Approve/Not Approve the registration of the Candidate. If the Request
is not approved, a feedback report will be delivered to the Dealer noting the
reasons for No Approval together with the recommendations for getting the
approval to the program.

3. Once the Registration of the Candidate is approved, ADSD Service Training

Department will assign a Service Training Consultant to execute the Instructor
Certification Program. He/She will be responsible on explaining the evaluation
process and conducting the evaluation upon the Candidate.

4. Once the Service Training Consultant has established the Evaluation Guidelines
to the Candidate, the Candidate must develop the Course-Specific Material
(Instructor and Student Books, Lesson Plans). This material will be revised and
evaluated by the Service Training Consultant using the Instructor Certification
Evaluation Tool. If the Service Training Consultant finds necessary to make
changes/corrections on the material, he/she will provide feedback to the
Candidate about this matter.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

5. Once the Candidate has submitted all the Course-Specific Material and has been
approved by the Service Training Consultant, the Service Training Consultant will
Schedule the Course Delivery Date. This date should not be more than four (4)
months after the Process Start Date. The Candidate will deliver a One-week
course with a maximum of 40 hours of training, in which he/she will display the
instructional techniques required for delivering a Caterpillar Service Training
Course. The Service Training Consultant will perform a live evaluation of the
delivery of this training course.

6. After the Training Course Delivery, the Service Training Consultant will perform a
feedback session and may recommend corrections/changes on the Course-
Specific Material. Once all corrections/changes have been submitted, the Service
Training Consultant will generate a Certification Report stating if the Candidate
have Pass/Fail the Certification Program. If the Candidate obtains its certification,
he/she will maintain the Caterpillar Certified Instructor Status for a two (2) year
period starting from the Date the Certification is awarded. If the Candidate fails to
obtain the Certification, he/she will not be awarded any credential and he/she will
have to start the process if he/she still desires to obtain the Caterpillar Instructor
Certification Credential.

7. Once the Candidate has been awarded the Caterpillar Certified Instructor
Credential, he/she will have to submit a Re-certification Request every two (2)
years from the Certification Award date to maintain his/her Caterpillar Certified
Instructor Status. The Re-certification Request will be process as established in
this Program Governance.

Re-certification Approval Requirements:

For an Instructor to maintain their status as a “Caterpillar Certified Service Instructor”,

he/she must submit the documentation mentioned in the Program Governance. To
award the Re-certification, the Instructor must achieve the following metrics:

1. Participants Course Evaluation Results: The results regarding this evaluation, will be
based on the Participant Course Evaluation Template use by ADSD South Service
Training Department, to be filled by each participant taking a Caterpillar Service
Training Course. The Metrics that will be compared with the Information submitted
by the Instructor will be:

• Results must show that in the Organization Section of the Participant Course
Evaluation an average score of 85% or higher is achieved.

• Results must show that in the Instructor Section of the Participant Course
Evaluation an average score of 85% or higher is achieved.

• Results must show that in the Course Material Section of the Participant Course
Evaluation an average score of 85% or higher is achieved.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2. Participants Pre & Post Test Results. This metric is used to compare knowledge
increment by measuring the Participant’s Pre-test and Post Test Scores from a given
course. The knowledge increment should demonstrate that 85% of the trained
technicians have increased their knowledge on an average of 25% or higher from
Pre-test to Post Test. Pre-test and Post Test must be the same assessment with no
variance whatsoever.

3. Updated Course Instructor and Student Books: The Instructor must submit a copy of
the updated Instructor and Student Books. The instructor book must be
accompanied of each Module Lesson Plan and Competency Standard, Lab
Instructions for Facilitator, Lab Results, Exercise Results and Presentations
Instructor Notes. Student Books must have Course Agenda Updated, Course Media
updated, Course Tools updated, Module Labs updated, Reference Material
Updated, according to the requirements established by the Service Training
Community that governs the specific course.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Process Flow Chart

Instructor Certification Process

Process Start Service Training Course Delivery Re-

Consultant Scheduling Certification
Assigning Process Process
CICP Registration
Evaluation Course
Guidelines Delivery

Form Course-Specific Course Delivery
Processing Material Evaluation
Yes Process

Registration No
Approved? Course-Specific Feedback
Material Evaluation Session
No Process

Final Changes/

Material Approved?



Caterpillar: Confidential Green

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