Pewveoece& Kesâ Øeejbefyekeâ Ve Nsleg Efme#Ece: Hee" 1-Ceceeskeâej Ceb$E

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pewveOece& kesâ ØeejbefYekeâ %eeve nsleg efMe#eCe

(Teaching For The Basic Knowledge of Jainism)

Éeje—Øe%eeßeceCeer DeeefÙe&keâejlve Ûevoveeceleer
efØeÙe hee"keâeW!
hetpÙe ieefCeveerØecegKe DeeefÙe&keâeefMejesceefCe ßeer %eeveceleer ceeleepeer Éeje meved 1974 ceW yeeuekeâ-
yeeefuekeâeDeeW kesâ efueS pewveOece& keâer ØeeLeefcekeâ efMe#ee nsleg efueKeer ieF& yeeue efJekeâeme hegmlekeâ meYeer kesâ efueS yengle
ner GheÙeesieer nw~ Fme yeeue efJekeâeme kesâ 4 Yeeie nQ, Fve ÛeejeW YeeieeW keâe DeOÙeÙeve keâjkesâ pewveOece& kesâ cetueYetle
efmeæevleeW keâes hetCe&™he mes mecePee pee mekeâlee nw~ yeeuekeâeW kesâ meeLe-meeLe yeÌ[eW kesâ efueS Yeer pewveOece& keâe Flevee
%eeve nesvee lees DeleerJe DeeJeMÙekeâ nw FmeerefueS ÙeneB ceQ yeeue efJekeâeme Yeeie-1 keâer hegmlekeâ kesâ ceeOÙece mes
Deehe meYeer keâes efMe#eCe Øeoeve keâjvee Ûeenleer ntB~ hee" keâe DebiesÇspeer DevegJeeo mJe. ßeer efpevesvõ Øemeeo pewve-
"skesâoej, efouueer Éeje efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ hegve: 'Important Facts About The Lesson' kesâ ceeOÙece
mes ceQves pewveOece& kesâ Fme ØeejbefYekeâ %eeve keâes Deepe kesâ yeeue SJeb ÙegJee Jeie& lekeâ hengBÛeeves keâe ØeÙeeme efkeâÙee nw~
DeveeefoefveOeve Ceceeskeâej ceneceb$e mes Fme hegmlekeâ keâe MegYeejbYe ngDee nw~ Ùen ceb$e ceele=keâe ceb$e, Dehejeefpele ceb$e Deeefo veeceeW mes
Yeer peevee peelee nw~ meJe&ØeLece Fmekeâe Megæ GÛÛeejCe DeeJeMÙekeâ nw, hegve: Ùen ceelee kesâ meceeve meowJe Deehekeâer j#ee keâjsiee Deewj ØelÙeskeâ
mebkeâš kesâ meceÙe Fme ceb$e kesâ mcejCe Je peehÙe mes Deehekeâer efJepeÙe nesieer~
Øeefleefove Øeele:keâeue meeskeâj G"les ner Fmes 9 yeej heÌ{W Deewj jeef$e ceW meesles meceÙe 9 yeej heÌ{W~ Deehekeâe hetje efove cebieueceÙe nesiee
Deewj jeef$e ceW DeÛÚs-DeÛÚs meheves DeeÙeWies~

hee" 1-Ceceeskeâej ceb$e

Cecees DeefjnbleeCeb DenËleeW keâes vecemkeâej nes~
Cecees efmeæeCeb efmeæeW keâes vecemkeâej nes~
Cecees DeeFefjÙeeCeb DeeÛeeÙeeX keâes vecemkeâej nes~
Cecees GJepPeeÙeeCeb GheeOÙeeÙeeW keâes vecemkeâej nes~
Cecees ueesS meJJemeentCeb ueeskeâ ceW meJe& meeOegDeeW keâes vecemkeâej nes~
Fme cev$e ceW DenËle, efmeæ, DeeÛeeÙe&, GheeOÙeeÙe Deewj meeOeg Fve heeBÛe hejcesef…ÙeeW
keâes vecemkeâej efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
FmeceW 35 De#ej nesles nQ Deewj DeªeJeve cee$eeSB nesleer nQ~ Ceceeskeâej ceb$e keâe
megvoj Ûeeueermee Yeer nw, Deehe Gmes heÌ{keâj %eeve keâe ueeYe Øeehle keâerefpeS~
1. Bow to the Semi-Salvated Souls (Arhants).
2. Bow to the Liberated Souls (Siddhas).

Debkeâ-11 μ mecÙei%eeve (ceF&-2018) μ (5)

3. Bow to the Preceptors (Acharyas).
4. Bow to the Spiritual Teachers ( Upadhyayas).
5. Bow to all the Saints (Sadhus) of the World.
In the above holy verse we have bowed our head to the Semi-Salvated Souls, Liberated
Souls, Preceptors, Spiritual Teachers and Saints. We should worship all these five Supreme Spiritual
Guides (Panch Permeshthees).
This Mantra is having 35 letters and 58 Matras. The chalisa of Namokar . Mantra is also
available, you should recite that also.
Religious Gentlemen!
Poojya Ganini Pramukh Aryika Shri Gyanmati Mataji wrote Bal Vikas Books in 1974.
These books are very useful for everyone for knowing the fundamentals of Jainism.
There are four parts of Bal Vikas. I want to teach all of you from the book of Bal Vikas part-1.
This book begins with Namokar
. Mantra, which is eternal and is the mother of all of the Mantras.
Firstly, you should understand its correct pronunciation then it will save you like a Mother and
you will get victory in all adverse conditions by reciting this Mantra.
You should recite it nine times every morning, when you wake up and also in the night, when
you go to the bed. Thus, the whole day of you will be very fruitful and auspicious. You will also see
good dreams in the night.
After this you will know about the greatness of Namokar Mantra by the means of a story in
the next lesson. .

yeÛÛeeW keâer ogefveÙee

nce yeÛÛeeW keâer ogefveÙee nw, Ùen hetâueeW keâer yeefieÙee nw~
nce Iej keâes cenkeâeles nQ, nbmeles Deewj nbmeeles nQ~~1~~
oeoer nceW efmeKeeleer nw, Ceceeskeâej yegueJeeleer nw~
DeÛÚs mes yeesuetB lees efmej hej DeeefMeJee&o yejmeeleer nw~~2~~
ceeB Yeer keâneveer megveeleer nw, cebefoj oMe&ve keâjeleer nw~
veeMlee-Yeespeve pewmes ner oMe&ve keâer ceefncee yeleeleer nw~~3~~
O my friends! listen my talk,
As food is neccessary for the body, prayer is neccessary for the Soul. So we should
go to Jinmandir daily and should have Guru darshan, by this religious activity we will get a
lot of Punya and holiness of Soul.
After this I tell you some facts, which you should accept-
1. Always drink filtered water, never use un-filtered water.
2. Always eat vegetarian food, never eat non-veg, egg, fish, meat etc. and never use
the non-veg materials also as-leather etc.
3. Daily say Jai-jinendra and not say Hai-Hello.
4. Take food in day only and not at night in Chaturmas or at least for one month of Bhadrapad.

(6) μ mecÙei%eeve (ceF&-2018) μ Debkeâ-11

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