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The District Engineer

DPWH-Kalinga District Engineering OfficeTabuk City, Kalinga Province

SUBJECT: Narrative Report on the Seminar/Training on Windows 8 andMS Office 2010 Overview &
This has reference to the Seminar/Training we attended at DPWH-CARRegional Office on May 2-4, 2013
which was conducted by personnel from theMonitoring and Information Service (MIS) and Regional Office
IT personnel. The said seminar/training covered an overview of Windows 8 Operating System and
theupdates and features of MS office 2010 Applications.The course is targeted to recipients and users of
workstations the under N-RIMP-II Program and aims to enable IT users to transition smoothly from
previousversions of Windows and MS Office without compromising their efficiency andproductivity as they
shift to these new versions.The seminar/training was attended by District Network Administrators from all
DEO’s of the region they were each accompanied by one computer
savvy rank andfile employee. Interested personnel from the RO also joined the training/seminar.On the
day of the seminar/training they oriented us on It Policies andGuidelines and on the Advocacy on NRIMP-
Institutionalize Capacity Development
(ICD) and Business Processing Improvement (BPI’s) Projects. The 2
day wasfocused on training and familiarizing us participants on the new Windows 8Operating System they
lectured on its features and differences from the previousversion. On the final day of the training the
lecturers conducted a crash course onthe new MS Office 2010 especially on Word, Excel and Outlook
after which it wasended with a question and answer session to which queries were resolved
andanswered.For your information.
Dexter G. Batalao Romeo D. Adora
Computer Maintenance Technologist II Computer Operator I

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