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Georgia Intern Keys Effectiveness System

Candidate Assessment on Performance Standards (CAPS)

Performance Standard 4: Differentiated Instruction Candidate: Martina Smith
The teacher candidate challenges and supports each student’s learning by providing appropriate content and Rated by: Paul Waters
developing skills which address individual learning differences. Date: 03-09-2018

Perormance Indicators at Level III

4.1. Differentiates the instructional content, process, product, and learning environment to meet individual developmental needs.

4.2. Provides remediation, enrichment, and acceleration to further student understanding of material.

4.3. Uses flexible grouping strategies to encourage appropriate peer interaction and to accommodate learning needs/goals. Students are allowed to work
with a partner on one of the two assessments observed. All students were actively engaged in assignment as some students worked in pairs while other worked

4.4 Uses diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment data to inform instructional modifications for individual students. Ms Smith shares data with
students frequently in order to help students achieve at a high acadmeic level and to address skills where students are deficient. Ms. Smith follows the county pacing
chart but through the use of remind 101, e-class page and additional technologies, is able to redirect, reteach and supplement student understanding of material.

4.5 Develops critical and creative thinking by providing activities at the appropriate level of challenge for students.

4.6 Demonstrates high learning expectations for all students commensurate with their developmental levels.

Performance Rubrics:

Level IV Level III Level II Level I

The teacher candidate continually The teacher candidate consistently The teacher candidate inconsistently The teacher candidate does not challenge
facilitates each student’s opportunities challenges and supports each student’s challenges students by providing students by providing appropriate
to learn by engaging him/her in learning by providing appropriate appropriate content or by developing content or by developing skills which
critical and creative thinking and content and developing skills which skills which address individual
COMMENTS:learning address individual learning differences.
challenging activities tailored to address individual learning differences.
address individual learning differences.

Examples of Evidence/Artifacts to demonstrate performance on this standard:

Lesson plans
Observation of lesson – feedback from Site Coordinator or Host Teacher
Unit plans with supporting documents – assessments, handouts, rubrics, etc.
Student work samples
Data notebooks and/or candidate’s notes on observation of students
Evidence of collaboration with co-teachers (i.e., special ed teachers, IEP/504, ESOL, gifted, EIP, etc.)
Formative and summative assessments with rubrics

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