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191, Utsav, Mahanagar,  
Phase II, Pilibhit By Pass Road 
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, 
India. Pin - 243006 

Asanas(Intermediate Level - B.K.S Iyengar Style), Bandhas, Mudras, Pranayam, Dhyana (Yoga sutra 
and Vedantic Meditation style). 

My Teaching Includes cleansing the system of body that include nerves purification, Strength, 
Suppleness and deep relaxation 

July 2012 - PRESENT 
SRMSCET, Bareilly, - Asst. Professor 

Yoga Practitioner and Private yoga Instructor 

● I can teach various types of Yoga practices ( HAtha and Raja Yoga).  
● My practice includes Iyengar Intermediate level , Shatkarma, Pranayam Techniques 
● Practicing last 08 years 
● Teaching privately last 04 years 
● I can explain and demonstrate various texts like Gheranda samhita, Shiva Samhita, Hatha 
Yoga Pradipika, PAtanjali Yoga sutra, and Yoga upanishads 
● My Yoga teaching focusses more on central nervous system that include spinal movements, 
Headstands, Shoulder stands and their variations , back / shoulders pain removal ,arm 
balances, etc 
● I have worked with people to give yoga therapy in the areas of diabetes,, Poor blood 
circulation, Arthritis 
● I have visited Advaita ashrama Belur MAth to seek higher knowledge (Jnana Yoga) 
● I have studied and practiced teachings of Swami vivekananda in daily life 

July 2005 - June 2007 
Thapar University, Patiala​ - M.E.(MAsters in Engineering 

Represented Thapar University in Inter-University Volleyball Championship 
Represented R.H.G.P.G College, Kumaun  

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