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Name: ___________________________

Caption Writing- Notes

When choosing pictures to accompany a story:

*You must consider not just the subject of the photo or the composition of the
photo, but the function of the photo as well.
● e.g.

In general, captions need to contain the ___________________________________

___________________ of the photo.

Captions are __________sentences long.

There are three parts of a caption:

A. In the first sentence, explain ________________________ in the
photo in ____________tense. Include 5 W’s.
B. The second sentence is often ____________tense and
_________________________________about the photo or the
situation. The focus should be ________________________________
C. The third sentence should give a quote from a witness or someone
who was involved in the activity. (Not always needed/ available).

Your assignment
You will be pretending to post a picture on Instagram and give an appropriate caption. The
picture must contain an event happening, a person, animal, etc. Be creative! Use all of the
elements that you have been taught in class today and apply them to your caption which should
be at least 2-3 sentences. The caption and picture must be school appropriate. Have fun!

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