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18 Classification Chapter Test B

Multiple Choice
Write the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement on the line provided.
_____ 1. For many species, there are often regional differences in their
a. common names. c. taxa.
b. scientific names. d. binomial nomenclature.
_____ 2. Based on their names, you know that the baboons Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do
NOT belong to the same
a. class. c. genus.
b. family. d. species.
_____ 3. Often, the second part of a scientific name is
a. a description of a trait or habitat.
b. the same as for other members of the same genus.
c. capitalized if it derives from a proper name.
d. different in different locations.
_____ 4. Several different classes make up a
a. kingdom. c. family.
b. phylum. d. genus.
_____ 5. Traditional classifications tended to take into account primarily
a. extinct organisms.
b. RNA similarities.
c. DNA similarities.
d. visible similarities and differences.
_____ 6. In an evolutionary classification scheme, species within one genus should
a. be more closely related to one another than they are to species in other genera.
b. be less closely related to one another than they are to species in other genera.
c. be limited to species that can interbreed.
d. have identical genes.
_____ 7. In biology, a trait that arose in an ancestor and is passed along to its descendants is referred
to as a
a. derived character. c. molecular clock.
b. taxonomic group. d. physical similarity.
_____ 8. Similar DNA sequences in genes can be evidence of
a. binomial nomenclature. c. common ancestry.
b. mutations. d. different anatomy.
_____ 9. What is true about dissimilar organisms such as a cow and a yeast?
a. They are not related at all.
b. Their degree of relatedness cannot be evaluated.
c. Their degree of relatedness can be estimated from their genes.
d. They can interbreed and thus are the same species.
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_____ 10. All organisms in the kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia are
a. multicellular organisms. c. eukaryotes.
b. photosynthetic organisms. d. prokaryotes.
_____ 11. Why is the kingdom Protista not valid under evolutionary classification?
a. Protists are all very similar and easy to confuse.
b. Protista contains groups that share closest common ancestors with other groups, rather
than with each other.
c. Protists are the most numerous organisms on Earth.
d. Protista evolved before any other kingdom, and as such share a most recent common
ancestor with each other, as opposed to any other group.
_____ 12. The two domains composed of only unicellular organisms are
a. Eubacteria and Archaea. c. Archaea and Bacteria.
b. Eukarya and Bacteria. d. Archaea and Eukarya.
_____ 13. The three-domain system arose when scientists found that Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
were more
a. like Eukaryotes.
b. similar than scientists thought.
c. dissimilar than scientists thought.
d. like Fungi.
_____ 14. To be useful, a scientific name has to refer to
a. all living species.
b. all living and extinct species.
c. all species in one habitat.
d. a single species.

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the underlined word or phrase to make
the statement true.
_____ 15. Linnaeus’s system of classification has seven taxonomic levels.
_____ 16. An order is a broad taxonomic category composed of similar phyla.
_____ 17. Cladistic analysis considers derived characteristics that have arisen as lineages have evolved
over time.

Complete each statement on the line provided.
18. The animals Panthera leo (lion) and tigris (tiger) belong to the same
19. The use of a two-part scientific name for organisms is called
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20. In Linnaeus’s system of classification, the two smallest categories are genus and .
21. The domain contains plants, fungi, protists, and animals—which are all

Short Answer
In complete sentences, write the answers to the questions on the lines provided.

Figure 18–1

22. According to the cladogram in Figure 18–1, what two characteristics do crabs and barnacles share
that limpets do not?

23. How can DNA help scientists make the classification of similar organisms such as giant pandas
and red pandas more accurate?

24. Compare and contrast kingdom Fungi and kingdom Plantae in the six-kingdom system.

Figure 18–2

25. What characteristic is used to place an organism, such as the amoeba in Figure 18–2, in the domain
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Using Science Skills

Use the diagram at right to answer the
following questions on the lines provided.

Figure 18–3

26. Interpret Graphs Which level of taxonomic category shown in Figure 18–3 contains the greatest
number of different organisms?

27. Classify Do all organisms shown in Figure 18–3 that belong to the order Carnivora also belong to
the phylum Chordata? Explain.

28. Classify Do all organisms shown in Figure 18–4 that belong to the class Mammalia also belong to
the genus Ursus? Explain.

29. Observe Based on the information in Figure 18–3, describe how the diversity at each level
changes from species to kingdom.

30. Infer Examine Figure 18–3. In which group, Ursidae or Carnivora, would you expect the members
to be more similar to one another? Explain your answer.
Name Class Date

Classification Chapter Test A

Multiple Choice
Write the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement on the line provided.
_____ 1. One reason common names are not useful to biologists is that they
a. are in Latin.
b. can apply to more than one animal.
c. are too long.
d. require the use of a dichotomous key.
_____ 2. At any level of organization, groups that have biological meaning are referred to as
a. cladograms. c. taxa.
b. binomials. d. systems.
_____ 3. According to the rules of binomial nomenclature, which of the terms is capitalized?
a. the genus name only
b. the species name only
c. both the genus and species names
d. neither the genus nor species names
_____ 4. Often, the second part of a scientific name is
a. a description of a trait or habitat.
b. the same as for other members of the same genus.
c. capitalized if it derives from a proper name.
d. different in different locations.
_____ 5. When classifying organisms, a monophyletic group includes one
a. species and all its ancestors.
b. ancestor and all its descendants.
c. species and its genus.
d. genus and all its species.
_____ 6. The grouping of organisms based on their common descent is called
a. traditional classification.
b. binomial nomenclature.
c. derived characters.
d. evolutionary classification.
_____ 7. In contrast to Linnaean taxonomy, cladistic analysis considers only which kind of traits, or
characters, for analysis?
a. genetic characters c. derived characters
b. lost characters d. physical characters
_____ 8. What does a cladistic analysis show about organisms?
a. the importance of each derived character
b. the relative degrees of relatedness among lineages
c. the general fitness of the organisms analyzed
d. all traits of each organism analyzed
_____ 9. What does the presence of similar DNA sequences in the genes in very dissimilar organisms
a. The genes were produced by different selection pressures.
b. The organisms share a common ancestor.
c. The organisms do not share a common ancestor.
d. The genes became identical through mutation.
_____ 10. What cell structures in eukaryotic cells contain DNA that can be used to determine
evolutionary relationships?
a. nuclei and cytoplasm c. nuclei and mitochondria
b. nuclei and vacuoles d. nuclei and microfilaments
_____ 11. Which kingdom contains heterotrophs with cell walls of chitin?
a. Protista c. Plantae
b. Fungi d. Animalia
_____ 12. Why is the kingdom Protista not valid under evolutionary classification?
a. Protists are all very similar and easy to confuse.
b. Protista contains groups that share closest common ancestors with other groups, rather
than with each other.
c. Protists are the most numerous organisms on Earth.
d. Protista evolved before any other kingdom, and as such share a most recent common
ancestor with each other, as opposed to any other group.
_____ 13. The domain that contains unicellular organisms that live in extreme environments is
a. Eubacteria. c. Archaea.
b. Eukarya. d. Bacteria.
_____ 14. What is thought to be true about the three domains of living things?
a. They diverged from a common ancestor fairly recently.
b. They diverged from a common ancestor before the evolution of the main groups of
c. They did not have a common ancestor.
d. Domains Bacteria and Archaea evolved after the main groups of eukaryotes.
_____ 15. The two domains composed of only unicellular organisms are
a. Eubacteria and Archaea. c. Archaea and Bacteria.
b. Eukarya and Bacteria. d. Archaea and Eukarya.

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the underlined word or phrase to make
the statement true.
16. In the name Ursus maritimus, the word Ursus refers to the species.
17. Modern biologists build classification diagrams called cladograms that reflect lines of
evolutionary descent.
Complete each statement on the line provided.
18. In systematics, the class Mammalia is grouped with the classes Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, and all
classes of fishes into the Chordata.
19. In , groups of organisms were formed on the basis of physical traits
rather than evolutionary relationships.
20. The domain contains plants, fungi, protists, and animals—which are
all eukaryotes.
21. The domain is composed of the kingdom Eubacteria.

Short Answer
In complete sentences, write the answers to the questions on the lines provided.

Figure 18–1

22. According to the cladogram in Figure 18–1, what two characteristics do crabs and barnacles share
that limpets do not?

23. In Figure 18–1, what does diagram B, which is based on more recent evidence, show about the
classification of animals shown in diagram A?

24. How can DNA help scientists make the classification of similar organisms such as giant pandas
and red pandas more accurate?
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25. Compare and contrast kingdom Fungi and kingdom Plantae in the six kingdom system.

Using Science Skills

Use the diagram below to answer the following questions on the lines provided.

Classification of Four Organisms

Corn Whale Shark Spider Monkey
Kingdom Plantae Animalia Animalia Animalia
Phylum Anthophyta Chordata Chordata Chordata
Class Monocotyledones Chondrichthyes Mammalia Mammalia
Order Commelinales Squaliformes Cetacea Primates
Family Poaceae Rhincodontidae Balaenopteridae Atelidae
Genus Zea Rhincodon Megaptera Ateles
Species Zea mays Rhinacodon typus Megaptera Ateles paniscus
Figure 18–2

26. Interpret Tables Which two organisms listed in Figure 18–2 are most closely related to each
other? Explain.

27. Interpret Tables Which level of taxonomic category shown in Figure 18–2 indicates whether an
organism is a mammal or not?

28. Interpret Tables How many different kingdoms are represented by the organisms listed in Figure
18–2? What are they?

29. Infer If you were adding a column to Figure 18–6 for the protist species Amoeba proteus, would
this species share any taxonomic category with any of the other organisms in the table? Explain
your answer.

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