The Blower Terms

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United States Patent (19) 11) 4,215,977

Weatherston 45 Aug. 5, 1980

54 PULSE-FREE BLOWER 3,667,874 6/1972 Weatherston et al. .............. 418/206
(75) Inventor: Roger C. Weatherston, Williamsville, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
N.Y. 309685 4/1929 United Kingdom..................... 48/206
(73) Assignee: Callspan Corporation, Buffalo, N.Y. Primary Examiner-John J. Vrablik
(21) Appl. No.: 851,077 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Allen J. Jaffe; David J.
22 Filed: Nov. 14, 1977
(51) Int. C.’........................ F04C 17/04; F04C 29/08 57 ABSTRACT
52 U.S. C. .......................................... 418/1; 418/78; A three-lobe Root's blower is provided with feedback
418/180; 418/206 structure to bring the gas trapped in the impeller well
58 Field of Search ................... 418/78, 86, 180, 205, volumes up to the discharge pressure prior to delivery.
418/206, 1 An essentially uniform and pulse-free discharge is pro
(56) References Cited duced by having a constant feedback flow rate which is
achieved by always having a trapped impeller well
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS volume in communication with the outlet via feedback
1,252,160 1/1918 Pagel -a a 418/205 structure which is sized to yield a continuous feedback
2,489,887 11/1949 Houghton .............................. 418/86 flow rate.
2,665,057 1/1954 Walter .................................. 418/180
2,871,794 2/1959 Mosbacher ........................... 418/206
3,531,227 9/1970 Weatherston ........................ 418/180 19 Claims, 7 Drawing Figures

N 6.
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 1980 Sheet 1 of 3 4,215,977




O 90 180 270 360

Fig. 1




O 90 18O 270 360

U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 1980 Sheet 2 of 3 4,215,977
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 1980 Sheet 3 of 3 4,215,977


PULSE-FREE BLOWER F.G. 5 is a partial sectional view of a first modified
feedback arrangement;
FIG.6 is a partial sectional view of a second modified
in the classical Root's blower the well fill process is feedback arrangement; and
virtually instantaneous. The benefits of filling the impel FIG. 7 is a partial sectional view of a third modified
ler well volume gradually by means offeedback slots as feed back arrangement.
an improvement over, the classical Root's blower is In a two-lobe construction, the angular travel from
known in the prior art as exemplified by U.S. Pat. No. tip to tip is 180°. If properly sized feed back slots are
3,531,227. Thus the very sharp discharge flow pulsa placed 90' back from the points where the impeller
tions of the classical Root's blower can be reduced by 10 wells would become exposed to the discharge region in
bringing the trapped gas in each impeller well volume the absence offeedback passages or slots, one feedback
gradually to the discharge pressure level before or at slot would be active for 90° of impeller rotation of one
the time that each well volume becomes exposed to the impeller followed immediately by the activation of the
discharge region. While the prior art devices teach opposite slot on the second impeller. In this fashion the
reduction of very sharp discharge flow pulsations, all 15 discharge flow rate could be theoretically held con
pulsations are not thereby eliminated. stant. As a practical imatter, however, the set back angle
It is an object of this invention to provide a blower of the feedback siots cannot exceed about 45 in a two
having a generally uniform and pulse free discharge lobe device else the gas entering the impeller well vol
flow. ume from the slots would leak back out of the inlet side
It is a further object of this invention to provide a 20 of the impelliers. Hence, the maximum amount of dis
quieter blower. charge flow smoothing that can be actually achieved in
It is an additional object of this invention to reduce a two-lobe design is substantially limited. Flow pulsa
the loading and fatigue of attached equipment and the tions for a two-lobe Root's blower with feedback slots
aerodynamic tare power on the blower itself due to set back 45 are shown in FG. I. It will be noted that
non-steady flow effects. These objects, and others as 25 there are severe pulsations in the discharge region de
will become apparent hereinafter, are accomplished by spite the fact that the inpeiler well volumes were as
the present invention. sumed to have been fillied by the feedback slots. Hence,
in a blower, the discharge flow rate is essentially bringing the well volumes up to outlet pressure prior to
controlled by two dominant parameters. The first is the their exposure to the discharge area is, in itself, insuffi
displacement rate of the impellers proper. At a given 30 cient to eliminate discharge pulsations.
speed, this rate is a constant except for small cyclic in the case of a three-lobe impeller construction,
variations due to the impeller geometry which, from a angular
practical standpoint, are negligible and the impeller back slottravel is set
from tip to tip is only 120". If each feed
back half this distance, 60, as will be
displacement rate can be considered to be essentially come apparent hereinbelow, one of the well volumes is
constant. The second parameter affecting the discharge 35 always trapped and it is possible to have one or the
flow rate is the flow rate of the feed back gas into the other of the feed back siots active all of the time. As
impeller well volumes. In simple terms, the instanta suming a proper sizing of these slots, the idealized flow
neous discharge flow rate can be stated as:
Discharge Flow Rate=Impeller Displacement Rate inrateFG, from the blower can be held constant as illustrated
Feed Back Flow Rate Since the impeller displacement epending upon impeller configurations, clearances,
rate is constant, it is obvious that the feedback flow rate etc., actual construction ray dictate the employment of
must also be constant for the discharge flow rate to be additional sicts at signalier set back angles to tend to hold
constant. The only way that this can be attained is for the total feed back fow rate at a constant value as the
the feedback flow rate to be continuous. pressure rises in the impeller well during the fill process.
Basically, the present invention is directed to a Root's 45 The important feature, however, is that, from the onset
type blower having three, or more, lobes and which has
a pulse-free output. Continuous feedback is provided to of the initial feedback, there be a nominal 60' of impel
er rotation to bring the wells to essentially the dis
each of the impeller well volumes during portions of
their rotational cycle to achieve a constant feed back charge pressure. In addition, the impellers should be
similiar else the feed back rates inay not be the same
flow rate. 50 from eacia is speller Wei fi action.
For a fuller understanding of the present invention, EMBOEMENTS
reference should now be made to the accompanying in FIG. 3, the is uneral iO generally designates a
detailed description of the same taken in conjunction 55 three-lobe Root's biower with a continuous, constant
with the accompanying drawings, wherein: rate feedback configuration. Blower 10 includes a hous
FIG. 1 is an idealized illustration of the blower dis ing 12 having an inlet 24 and an outlet 16 and defining
charge flow rate for a two-lobe Root's blower with feed a chamber 13 having an oval cross section in the illus
back slots set back 45 from the housing extremities on trated view, impeller 20 having lobes 22, 24 and 26 with
the discharge side; tips 22a, 24a and 26a, respectively, and impeller 30
FIG. 2 is an idealized illustration of the blower dis having lobes 32, 34 and 36 with tips 32a, 34a and 36a,
charge flow rate for a three-lobe Root's blower with respectively, are located in chamber 18 and are in slid
feedback slots setback 60' from the housing extremities ing sealing engagement with each other and with the
on the discharge side; r. '' . . inside walls of housing 12. Feedbacksiots 40 and 50 are
F.G. 3 is a sectional view of a three-lobe Root's 65 located is housing 32 and each operatively extends over
blower empioying the presentiinvention; . . . an angle 6 from the top most position of the respective
FIG. 4 is the same as FIG. 3 except that the impellers impeller lobes in a direction away from the outlet 16. In
have moved to a new position; . . . the three-lobe device of FG. 3, the angle 8 will be a
4,215,977 4.
nominal 60' as will be explained in detail below. FIG. 3 rotation, when it is recognized that the objective is a
illustrates a transitional point in which the gas in impel constant flow from the discharge area proper. As illus
ler well volume 60 is trapped between lobes 22 and 26 trated in FIG. 3, impeller well volume 70 has just com
and is at inlet pressure and is about to be exposed to pleted its fill process. If the effect of the well filling
outlet pressure via feedback slot 40 and in which the process for impeller well volume 60 is not immediately
gas in impeller well volume 70 has been exposed to felt in the discharge area there will be no feedback flow
outlet pressure via feed back slot 50 and is at outlet component manifested there and the discharge flow
pressure and is about to be in free communication with rate would therefore immediately increase to the impel
the outlet 16. FIG. 4 illustrates a position in which the ler displacement rate. The expansion wave, signaling
gas in impeller well volume 60 is about halfway up to 10 the onset of the feed back flow into impeller well vol
outlet pressure via feedback slot 40 and in which the ume 60, does not immediately arrive at the discharge
gas in impeller well volume 70 is completely exposed to but travels toward the discharge region with the speed
the outlet region. of sound in the discharge gas, ad. To account for this
FIG. 5 illustrates a modified feedback slot 40' which time delay it is necessary to advance, somewhat, the
extends an additional distance through housing 12' of 15 beginning of the fill process from the 60' position. The
blower 10' for ease of manufacture. FIG. 6 illustrates corrected angular travel required for each well fill pro
the use of the restricted flow path between the tip 122a cess is given by the relationship
of impeller lobe 122 and the wall of housing 112 to
provide a feed back flow path through the angle 8" in Impeller Angular Travel for Well Fill=60'
addition to the use of slot 140 over the angle 6' as de 20 (1--VT/ad)
scribed above. The unslotted portion 112a of the hous
ing 112 acts in conjunction with the tip 122a of impeller For an impeller tip velocity, VT, of 105 feet per sec
lobe 122 to provide a restricted communication of the ond and a discharge speed of sound, ad, of 1300 feet per
outlet region with the impeller well 160 and, in effect, second in air, which represent practical air blower oper
provides for a restricted communication in the absence 25 ating conditions, the value of VT/ad is about 0.08. The
of an actual slot. In essence, then, a 60 slot-like re resulting desired angular travel for the fill process is
stricted communication action can be achieved in a slot about 65. For other tip speeds and other gases the value
of less than 60' of arcuate length. FIG. 7 illustrates a of VT/ad may be different. It is obvious that an angular
third modified feedback structure in which passage 240 travel time for the well fill process that is only slightly
in housing 212 of blower 210 communicates outlet pres 30 greater or less than 65" would only slightly affect the
sure with the impeller well volume via nozzle 242 prior smoothness of the discharge flow. With the speed of
to the delivery of the impeller well volume. sound correction added, there will be some small over
lap in separate impeller well fill processes but this over
lap effect will not be manifested in the discharge region.
In the operation of the blower 10, as depicted in 35 The cross sectional area (in square inches) of the feed
FIGS. 3 and 4, an essentially constant feedback takes back passage necessary to accomplish the present inven
place at all times in order to achieve a constant dis tion has been found to be between 0.0025 and 0.0075
charge flow rate as discussed above. The flow fill pro times the quantity Dp21(RPM/1000).
cess into the wells can be controlled and kept essentially where
constant for 60 of impeller rotation as shown in FIGS. D is the impeller pitch diameter in inches
3-6 in which the interior housing wall is recessed to 1 is the impeller length in inches
allow feedback flow to be metered into the wells by RPM is the impeller rotational drive speed
flowing between the impeller tips and housing over 60' and
of impeller rotation. In the blower 210 of FIG. 7 the
well fill gas is introduced onto the rearward face of the 45
lobe to contribute a jet assist effect and to reduce the P. T. T
power required. It will be noted that the slots 40 and 50 -- - - 1 T
start rather abruptly about 60' back from the extremity = P2/.P (+4)
of the housing 12. The depth of the slots 40 and 50 can
be increased toward the outlet to insure a constant flow 50
rate into the impeller wells as the pressure rises therein where
but for high pressure ratios (say about 1.5, or higher) P1 and P2 are the inlet and outlet pressures, respec
this is less important. tively
The most important consideration is that the feed T1 and T2 are the inlet and outlet temperatures, re
back flow be relatively constant and take place during 55 spectively
60 of impeller rotation to bring the well to essentially and
the discharge pressure level followed immediately by L is the leak fraction of the blower.
the initiation of the fill process in the other impeller. For As a practical matter, for the operational parameters
proper operation, it is essential that the impellers be of a three-lobe blower having a pressure ratio between
similar and that the feed back flow be continuous yet 1.5 and 2.0 the ideal area varies only about -10% from
alternating between the impellers. In a three-lobe the area required at the compression ratio of about 1.75.
blower the actual slot length may vary from about 50 The area calculation can then be simplified to between
(FIG. 6) to 80 (FIG. 5) but the well filling process 0.0005 and 0.0015 times D2(RPM/1000)l. Depending
should take place during essentially 60' of impeller primarily upon manufacturing conditions, the slots may
rotation in order to insure that the total feedback flow 65 extend the entire axial length of the impeller or a por
is continuous. tion thereof with the slot depth varying inversely with
There is an additional consideration that alters some the length of the slot. Also, the cross sectional area of
what the significance of the fill time for 60 of impeller the feedback slots may be increased slightly toward the
5. 6
outlet end thereof to accommodate the decreasing pres of said one of said impellers approximating one half
sure ratio between gas in the impeller, wells and the of the tip to tip arcuate distance between adjacent
outlet. At high blower compression ratios (1.5-2.0), lobes of said one of said impellers;
however, this consideration becomes less important. second feedback means operative for controlling
In all of the disclosed feedback arrangements, the 5 fluid communication and providing an essentially
high pressure discharge gas undergoes a controlled constant feedback flow between said outlet and
expansion process either via the nozzle configuration each of the trapped wells defined by adjacent lobes
242 of FIG. 7 or via the sequential narrowing and open of the other of said impellers and the walls of said
ing of the feedback flow paths illustrated in FIGS. 3-6 cavity during respective portions of the rotational
and provided by the rounded impeller tips coacting
with the slots and housing. In this manner, the flow
10 cycle of the other of said impellers which corre
spond to the remaining portions of the rotational
process from the high pressure region to the low pres cycle of said one of said impellers;
sure region is highly efficient and the fill flow rate re whereby each of the trapped wells is brought up to
mains relatively constant as the pressure rises in the essentially outlet pressure prior to its direct com
impeller wells. When the pressure ratio is less than 15 munication with said outlet by providing alternat
about 1.1 the feedback flow rate will begin to diminish ing fluid communication between said outlet and a
somewhat, however, at this time, the fill process is vir- . trapped well of said one impeller via said first feed
tually complete. back means followed by providing fluid communi
Although preferred embodiments of the present in cation between said outlet and a trapped well of
vention have been described and illustrated, other 20 said other impeller via said second feedback means
- changes will occur to those skilled in the art. It is there in a cyclic manner such that the feed back flow
fore intended that the scope of the present invention is remains essentially constant and continuous as per
to be limited only by the scope of the appended claims. ceived at the outlet of the blower and the output of
I claim: said blower is essentially pulse free.
1. A method for providing an essentially pulse free 25 6. The blower of claim 5 wherein said impellers have
discharge flow as perceived at the outlet of a Root's three lobes each and said first and second feed back
type blower having two impellers each of which having means are each operative during essentially 60 rotation
at least three lobes and including the steps of: of said impellers.
running the impellers at an essentially constant speed; 7. The blower of claim 5 wherein said first and second
alternately communicating discharge pressure at an 30 feedback means are slots extending between 50 and 80'
essentially constant, predetermined rate to a of arcuate length.
trapped well volume defined by adjacent lobes of 8. The blower of claim 5 wherein said first and second
one impeller and the housing prior to exposure to feedback means are symmetrically located with respect
the outlet followed by similarly communicating to said outlet.
discharge pressure to a trapped well volume of the 35 9. The blower of claim 5 wherein said first and second
other impeller; and feed back means provide for essentially constant feed
providing an essentially constant and continuous feed back flow to each of the trapped wells during at least
back flow as perceived at the outlet whereby at 50' of rotation by said impellers.
least one of the trapped well volumes is being filled 10. The blower of claim 5 wherein the average cross
at all times and brought up to essentially outlet sectional area of each of said first and second feedback
pressure prior to its direct communication with means is between 0.0005 and 0.0015 times
said outlet. (D2)l(RPM/1000) where Dis the impeller pitch diam
2. The method of claim 1 wherein feed back flow eter, 1 is the impeller length and RPM is the impeller
takes place during an angular displacement of essen rotational drive speed.
tially one half of the tip to tip arcuate distance between 45 11. The blower of claim 5 wherein said first and sec
adjacent lobes. ond feed back means each include an internal housing
3. The method of claim 1 wherein feedback flow to passage communicating outlet pressure with the cavity
each trapped well volume takes place over 50 to 80 of at a point set back an arcuate distance of at least 60'
rotation of the impellers. from said outlet.
4. The method of claim 1 wherein the essentially 50 12. The blower of claim 11 wherein the smallest cross
constant and continuous feedback flow is provided by sectional area of each of said first and second feedback
establishing sequential fluid communication between means is between 0.0005 and 0.0015 times
the outlet and the trapped well volumes of one impeller (D2)l(RPM/1000) where Dis the impeller pitch diam
and then the other in a cyclic manner. eter, l is the impeller length and RPM is the impeller
5. A Root's type of blower having an essentially pulse 55 rotational device speed.
free output as perceived at the outlet of the blower 13. A Root's type of blower having an essentially
comprising: pulse free output as perceived at the outlet of the
a housing having an inlet, an outlet and walls defining blower and including:
a cavity therein; a housing having an inlet, an outlet and walls defining
two rotary impellers having at least three lobes each a cavity therein;
located in said cavity in a coacting relationship two similar three-lobed rotary impellers located in
with each other and with the walls of said cavity; said cavity in a coacting relationship with each
first feedback means operative for controlling fluid other and the walls of said cavity whereby trapped
communication and providing an essentially con fluid well volumes are formed between adjacent
stant feed back flow between said outlet and each 65 lobes of each of said impellers and the walls of said
of the trapped wells defined by adjacent lobes of cavity;
one of said impellers and the walls of said cavity first feedback means for providing fluid communica
during respective portions of the rotational cycle tion at an essentially constant rate between said
outlet and each of the trapped fluid well volumes 14. The blower of claim 13 wherein said first and
defined by the adjacent lobes of one of said impel second feed back means are symmetrical and are in
lers and the walls of said cavity during respective alternating continuous fluid communication between
portions of the rotational cycle of said one of said said outlet and said trapped fluid well volumes.
impellers approximating one half of the tip to tip 15. The blower of claim 13 wherein said first and
arcuate distance between adjacent lobes of said one second feedback means are slots extending between 50
of said impellers; and 80' of arcuate length.
second feedback means for providing fluid communis 16. The blower of claim 13 wherein said first and
cation at an essentially constant rate between said second feedback means provide for essentially constant
outlet and each of the trapped fluid well volumes O feedbackflow to each of the trapped fluid well volumes
defined by the adjacent lobes of the other one of during at least 50 of rotation by said impellers,
said impellers and the walls of said cavity during 17. The blower of claim 13 wherein the average cross
respective portions of the rotational cycle of the sectional area of each of said first and second feedback
means is between 0.0005. and 0.005 times
other of said impellers which correspond to the 15 (D2)l(RPM/1000) where Dis the impeller pitch diam
remaining portions of the rotational cycle of said eter, 1 is the impeller length and RPM is the impeller
one of said impellers; rotational drive speed.
whereby each of the trapped wells is brought up to 18. The blower of claim 13 wherein said first and
essentially outlet pressure prior to its direct com second feed back means each include an internal pas
munication with said outlet by providing alternat sage communicating outlet pressure with the cavity at a
ing fluid communication between said outlet and a point set back an arcuate distance of at least 60' from
trapped well of said one impeller via said feedback said outlet.
means followed by providing fluid communication 19. The blower of claim 18 wherein the smallest cross
between said outlet and a trapped well of said other sectional area of each of said first and second feedback
impeller via said second feedback means in a cyclic 25 means is between 0.0005 and 0.0015 times
manner such that the feedback flow remains essen (D2)l(RPM/1000) where Dis the impeller pitch diam
tially constant and continuous as perceived at the eter, l is the impeller length and RPM is the impeller
outlet of the blower and the output of said blower rotational drive speed.
is essentially pulse free.





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