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SPE 77506

World Energy Beyond 2050

Arlie M. Skov

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. energy shortages are analyzed, and the pace and sweep of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and technological innovation needed are described in broad terms.
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September –2 October 2002.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author. Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and ar e subject to Many forecasters predict an imminent shortage of oil and gas,
correction by the author. The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE which supply nearly 60% of the world’s energy needs. A
meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for
recent book1 even predicts world oil production will peak
commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is between 2004 and 2008, only 2 to 6 years from now, and then
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous decline. Others have made similar predictions in recent
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. years3,9,10, often based upon Hubbard’s 4 mathematical “curve
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
fit” method for predicting future oil production peaks, a
method that once worked well for the U.S. lower 48 states. In
Abstract an older but more comprehensive long-term prediction by
Today’s total world energy demand is near 200 million Bookout2 , Figure 1, peak world oil production occurred
BOEPD, up five-fold from 1950; over 80% is supplied by in 2020.
fossil fuels and nearly 60% by oil and gas. Many forecasters By contrast, in the latest EIA (U.S. DOE) forecast8 , oil and
believe oil and gas production will decline before mid-century, gas production increases continuously and monotonically
but population growth and economic development combine to through 2020, the forecast period. Absent geopolitical or
drive energy demand ever upward. Dramatic changes must environmental constraints, current forecasts of early peaks in
occur in both the nature and magnitude of the various sources oil supply are likely as wrong as so many others have been
of energy supply, and of the various natures of demand, since 1875 when the Pennsylvania Geological Society issued
beyond 2050. one of the first such warnings.
Yet, vast sources of energy exist. About 1.4x1019 BTU of Nonetheless, someday an actual physical limit, or
solar radiation hits Earth’s cross sectional area daily, 13,000 “shortage” of oil and gas, and perhaps of coal, too, will be
times current total energy use. Another 5 to 8x1014 BTU, experienced, and even though this may not happen in the next
roughly equal to current use, is conducted to Earth’s surface two decades, it seems likely that it might occur at least by
daily from its interior. Einstein’s equation assures that every 2050, if population growth and economic
pound of material on earth is equivalent to nearly 4x1013 BTU. development continue.
Thus, the mass in each barrel of oil contains over 2 billion One likely scenario is that a growing concern about global
times more energy than is available by its combustion. Fully warming thought to be exacerbated by carbon dioxide released
exploited as “atomic energy,” 0.1 BOPD, about 4 gallons, from burning fossil fuels may limit their use in the future.
could meet current total world energy demand. Hence, we must consider how to meet energy demand in the
Major problems exist in effectively capturing, converting, second half of this century, and prospects for coping with
storing, transporting, and utilizing these forms of energy while either diminished availability or use of fossil fuels .
meeting society’s diverse and changing economic, The term “shortage of fossil fuels” isn’t entirely
environmental, political, cultural, geographic, and aesthetic appropriate. In the real world, supply and demand are equal,
needs and desires. Development and application of forced so by price in a free market economy, or by
technology, though difficult, is required and almost government edict in an un-free one, or a combination of both.
certainly achievable. But temporary interruptions can and do cause genuine
This paper analyzes perceived world energy supply and economic problems. A free and thriving market economy
demand beyond 2050, using a range of existing and new likely offers better assurances that emerging technologies will
forecasts for fossil fuel availability and prospects for other alleviate periods of economic pain resulting from spiking
forms of energy. Scenarios are developed for demand based energy costs.
on projected relationships between energy use and world
economic and population growth. Responses to some earlier

Changes in Mankind’s Activities and Energy Use Since billion kWh per year worldwide, or 13 MMBOEPD − the
1850. The year 2050 is a fifty-year leap into the future. For a same amount of energy used in total a century earlier. Aircraft
proper perspective on the overall pace of change in society, it carriers and submarines were now also nuclear powered, and
is illuminating to review how technology and energy use have aircraft, both civilian and military, were powered by jet
progressed since 1850 in 50-year increments. engines. Space exploration was underway, and man had set
In 1850, wood supplied about 70% of the world’s foot on the moon. Rocket-launched orbiting satellites provided
“commercial” energy2 . Use of muscle power (horses, oxen, enhanced electronic communications and navigational
mules, and people) “fueled” by biomass (“renewables” in capabilities undreamed of in earlier times, as well as remo te
today’s lexicon) likely exceeded that of all “commercial” sensing for greatly improved knowledge of our own planet.
energy. Muscle power was widely used in transportation and Computers had been devised and were in widespread use for a
in industry, and almost exclusively in agriculture. Steam diverse variety of purposes in industry, education, and homes,
engines, fueled mostly by coal, were rapidly increasing in use in the military and in commerce, having a major impact on
as the industrial revolution swept Western Europe and almost every aspect of human activity. Communications
America. Wood, water and wind power were also used. included television, cellular telephones, facsimile transmission
Railroad locomotives fueled by coal and sometimes wood of documents, and electronic, or e-mail. Military capabilities
were used for transport of bulk goods on land (replacing had moved into space with ICBM’s and multiple
canals and muscle power), and at sea, wind power was used thermonuclear warheads (MIRV’S), as fusion weapons
almost exclusively. Light came from open fires, candles, replaced fission. The combined effects of the “pill,” many
whale oil, and, in the larger cities, “city gas” (synthetic gas more working women, preference for smaller families as
from coal). The world’s military forces moved troops, arms, wealth increased, and the spread of AIDS in Africa and
and supplies by foot, or with horses on land, and by wind elsewhere was having a dramatic impact in reducing rates of
at sea. population growth.
By 1900, coal-fueled railroads provided most intercity land This brief review illustrates both the immense impact that
transportation for bulk goods and people. Horses were widely new developments in technology have on all aspects of human
used for shorter trips and almost exclusively in agriculture. At activity, and the unpredictable nature of those advances.
sea, coal-fired steam engines were rapidly replacing wind. To put these changes in a numerical context, Table 1
Kerosene, the first widespread use of petroleum, had mostly illustrates the growth in the world’s population and energy
displaced other forms of energy for lighting, and, in cities, was use, total and per capita, in 50-year increments. In 1850, world
rapidly being displaced in turn by electricity generated by population was about one billion people and total energy
burning coal. Military land forces hadn’t changed consumption (excluding muscle power and the biomass which
significantly, but at sea, coal had replaced wind. Population fueled it) was about 6 MMBOEPD or 2.2 BOEPY per capita.
growth was accelerating. By 2000, these had grown to 6.1 bn, 190 MMBOEPD, and
In 1950, the internal combustion engine had displaced 11.4 BOEPY per capita. An estimate of population in the year
steam engines and petroleum had largely displaced coal in 2050 of 9.1 bn (UN most recent medium variant projection) is
industry and railroads. Automobiles, buses, trucks, and piston- also added to Table 1 as an illustration of what the future
engine aircraft had replaced horses and were strong may hold.
competitors of railroads (now fueled mostly by oil) for
movement of both people and bulk goods. Agriculture was Table 1: World Population & Energy Use, 1850-2000
rapidly being mechanized. Telephones and radio were in
widespread use, and television had been introduced. Year Population, Energy Use, BOE/Year
Electricity had displaced kerosene lamps for lighting, even in Bn MMBOEPD Per Capita
many rural areas; coal and hydropower were primary sources
1850 1.0 6 2.2
of energy for its generation. Military forces had changed
dramatically. On land, internal combustion engines had 1900 1.6 14 3.2
replaced horses for movement of men, equipment and
supplies, and engine-powered armor and artillery had been 1950 2.7 35 4.7
developed and deployed effectively. Aircraft, fueled by high- 2000 6.1 190 11.4
octane gasoline, had become a decisive factor. At sea, aircraft
carriers and submarines, all petroleum-powered, had 2050 9.1e Unknown Unknown
supplanted coal-fired dreadnaughts and battle ships. Nuclear
weapons of mass destructive power had been invented. The
first antibiotics had been developed, and improvements in Table 2 expresses the same data as average annual
medical care were contributing to population growth by percentage growth rate by 50-year periods. Population growth
greatly reducing infant mortality and extending adult increased from 0.9% in the first 50-year period to 1.6% in the
life spans. last, a significant 70% increase. But, in the most recent 10-
In 2000, even more startling changes had taken place. year period, the rate dropped to 1.0%, and it is anticipated that
Nuclear energy to generate electricity was providing 2560 the growth rate will decline further to an average 0.8% from

2000 to 2050. Growth of energy use accelerated from 1.7% operating at 33% efficiency; thus, BOE and BTU’s, as
annually to 2.1 %, but in the most recent 10 years, decreased reported, are three times higher than the electricity actually
to only 1.3% annually. Of most significance perhaps is the generated. Since these “barrels” never actually existed, and
ratio of growth rates, energy use to population. This ratio were never consumed, the numbers are misleading, and there
remained almost constant at near 2 for 150 years, but is a danger they may be misused, such as in calculating carbon
decreased to 1.3 for the most recent 10-year period. If this, dioxide emissions that don’t exist. Oddly, BP treats nuclear
along with a decrease in the rate of population growth, is a power in the same fashion, but not hydropower.
reliable harbinger of the future, our energy “problem” may not Using historical data for the last decade from these
be as serious as usually believed. different sources yields average worldwide energy
consumption growth rates of 1.30% (World Bank), 1.15%
(BP), and 1.13% (EIA). While these differences seem small,
Table 2: Historical Growth Rates, %/Year
extrapolating them for a century compounded continuously, as
Period Population Energy Use Ratio some forecasters have, yields differences up to nearly 20%.
As BP does not report renewables, and World Bank and
1850-1900 0.94 1.70 1.80 EIA do, there is an interesting opportunity to calculate
1900 -1950 1.05 1.85 1.75 percentage renewable energy usage by each nation. This
shows poorer nations use a larger percentage of renewables
1950-2000 1.63 3.38 2.08 than richer ones: those with national per capita incomes below
1990-2000 1.00 1.30 1.30
$1,000 use 28.2% renewables; those in the range of $1,000 to
$20,000 use 4.1%, and those over $20,000 use 0.8%.
2000-2050 0.8e Unknown Unknown Ironically, the industrialized nations who mostly phased
out the use of wood and biomass long ago now consider them
important future sources of fuel, and the poorer nations remain
Table 3 illustrates how our “fuels” mix has changed from significant users of biomass, but are striving to achieve
70% wood and 19% coal in 1850 to 63% oil and gas, 22% industrialization by emulating the historical pattern of their
coal, and 8% nuclear in 2000. wealthier neighbors by turning increasingly to fossil fuels.

Table 3: Historical Energy Use by Type of Fuel, % The Basic Natural Sources of Energy
For eons, two or three primary sources of energy have enabled
Oil & Hydro & and nurtured essentially all life on Earth − solar, geothermal,
Year Wood Coal Gas Nuclear Other
and to a lesser degree, tidal energy. Quantitatively, about
1850 70 19 - - 7 1.4x1019 BTU of solar radiation hits Earth’s cross sectional
area daily and another 5 to 8x1014 BTU is conducted to the
1900 27 67 4 - 2
earth’s surface from its interior. Geothermal energy, from the
1950 4 50 38 - 8 Earth’s molten interior (generated currently by gravitational
compression and radioactive decay of naturally occurring
2000 - 22 63 8 7
radioactive substances), is about equal to today’s actual energy
use of 200 million BOEPD while total incoming solar
Sources of Data, Current, Historical, and Limitations radiation is some 13,000 times greater. Tidal energy is less at
The principal sources of data for historical use of energy about 2.8 x 1014 BTU per day or 50 MMBOEPD, about one-
employed herein are BP, World Bank, and EIA 5,7,19. fourth of current worldwide energy use.
Understandably, statistical data for past centuries is not well Solar energy can be used directly as heat or converted to
documented. Much of the fuel used for heating, cooking, and electricity via photoelectric cells. Solar energy also generates
even for early steam engines was wood or other biomass numerous other secondary sources, which can either be used
harvested locally, and not consistently recorded, if at all. directly or converted into electricity, such as wind, ocean
Even current data are not uniformly reported, either waves and currents, precipitation for hydropower and biomass
numerically or philosophically, partly because the raw data through photosynthesis. Biomass can be either used directly as
itself is elusive, and partly because sources often report them fuel or converted into other products such as methanol and
differently. BP reports only “commercially traded” fuels (oil, ethanol, which in turn can also be used as fuel or as feedstock
gas, coal, nuclear, and hydropower), wh ile EIA and the World for fuel cells or petrochemical plants. More exotic applications
Bank endeavor also to report “renewables,” i.e., solar, wind, of “solar energy” exist, such as focusing mirrors that track the
wood, waste, geothermal, etc. Moreover, to convert non-oil sun to generate steam for turbine-driven electric generators,
energy sources to BOE, BP uses 5.5 million BTU’s per barrel, use of deep ocean temperature gradients for power generation,
while EIA uses 5.8, a difference of 6%. To convert electricity or space-based photovoltaic generation of electricity
generated by nuclear and hydropower to BOE, EIA and World transmitted to Earth as microwave energy.
Bank assume a hypothetical “equivalent” fossil fuel fired plant

Storms created by solar energy also generate large and increase in the use of petroleum for lighting drove whale oil
often destructive local energy (thunderstorms, including prices back to $0.60/gal and less after 187512 .
lightning, tornados and hurricanes), but “harvesting” these is In more recent times, the twin oil price shocks of 1973 −
fraught with difficulties. Over geologic time, solar energy has the October (Yom Kippur) War and the ensuing Arab oil
provided oil, gas, and coal, or “fossil fuels,” by the embargo − and 1979-80 Iran-Iraq War decimated world
accumulation and conversion of biomass through deep burial economic growth.
and the effects of heat, pressure, and time. This process is still Table 4 illustrates its impact on the U.S. economy; a four-
happening, but is believed to be occurring at a very much fold increase in inflation rate and a near doubling of
slower rate than fossil fuels are being extracted and used, unemployment after 1973, and another doubling of inflation
hence fossil fuels are regarded as “depleting.” and near doubling of unemployment after 1980. After oil
About half of total incoming solar radiation (insolar) is lost prices dropped in early 1986, U.S. inflation and
immediately through reflection, scattering, absorption by the unemployment rates have remained near the pre-1973 levels
atmosphere, and/or re-radiation, so the amount hitting Earth’s for nearly 20 years, with a small price spike, and a shallow
cross sectional area averages 77 BOEPD/acre (5.5 x 106 watts recession in 1991 caused by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and
per acre, or as it is more frequently cited, 1367 watts per Desert Storm.
square meter). Moreover, as the sun is visible only during
daylight hours, it is often obscured further by clouds, fog, or Table 4: Impact of Oil Price Shocks on U.S. Economy
dust, varies in strength between summer and winter, and
diminishes at higher latitudes, fixed, land-based photoelectric Inflation Rate, Unemployment Long Term
Time Period % Rate, % Int. Rate, %
cells must be accompanied by storage batteries or other energy
storage techniques to provide a reliable power supply. Pre 1973 3 5 7
Geothermal energy is used commercially in very limited
Post 1973 11 9 8
quantities, mostly from steam or hot water from wells to
generate electricity, and mostly where near-surface magma 1978 6 6 8
intrusions generate temperatures and temperature gradients
Post 1979 13 10 14
significantly higher than normal. Geothermal energy also
drives plate tectonics, which generates volcanoes, geysers, and Post 1985 3 5 5
earthquakes, forms of geothermal energy that are often
immensely destructive but difficult to “harvest.” It is believed
As another measure of the economic impact of high oil
that tectonic forces, equivalent to 450 million BOEPD,
prices, U.S. GDP grew at just over 6% prior to 1973. From
generate about 2.6 X 1015 BTU/day. If human activities moved
1973 to 1985, it grew at less than 3%. Extrapolating pre-1973
underground − residences, offices, shops, factories, etc. − big
growth rate suggests nearly a 40% loss in the U.S. GDP by
energy savings for space heat and air conditioning would be
1985. Moreover, every U.S. recession in the last 30 years (a
possible, but for most peoples would also be
total of 4) has been associated with a sudden increase in
culturally unacceptable.
energy prices, including the longest and deepest in 1974.
Earth also loses significant energy through radiation. As an
Lastly, although the economic consequences of the
ideal “black body” with an average surface temperature of
1973-85 oil price shocks were severe, they were man-made
50ºF, the earth would radiate about 1.5 x 1021 BTU/day
and unrelated to any fundamental shortage of oil resources.
(Stefan-Boltzmann law), or 100 times as much energy as
comes daily from the sun. Actual loss is believed to be only
Effects of Growing Population and Wealth on
about 2.6 x 10 BTU/day (or 450 MMBOEPD), just over twice
Energy Demand
current total world energy consumptions. Without its
Growth of energy demand in the industrially developed
protective layer of greenhouse gases, Earth would be a cold
nations correlates well with growth in GDP, both over time
and uninhabitable planet!
and across ranges of GDP. The latter is illustrated in Figure 2
for the 34 largest (population and/or energy use) nations in the
Shortages of Years Past
world today. The “scatter” in Figure 2 incorporates some
Energy “shortages” have affected mankind’s activities for a
sensitivity to population density, since, as might be
long time. Firewood shortages in England in the early 14th and
anticipated, sparsely populated nations such as Canada, the
16th centuries caused both exceedingly high prices for
U.S., Russia, and Australia generally require more energy per
firewood and increased use of coal for heating long before the
unit of GNP than more densely populated areas such as Japan
industrial age12 . Even ancient Rome suffered occasional food
and Western Europe, due in part to greater
shortages when adverse winds precluded grain supplies from
transportation needs.
crossing the Mediterranean in a timely fashion by boat. In the
Some forecasters use the relationship of energy use to
U.S., whale oil supply, used extensively for home lighting,
GNP to predict future energy demand, although this requires
peaked in about 1850, resulting in a subsequent four-fold
also an estimate, or assumption, as to GNP growth. Others
wholesale price increases to $1.50/gal in 1865. A rapid
have observed that energy demand tends to stabilize in fully

developed countries as a function of population, which The EIA and IEA have projected growth rates in energy
requires a forecast, or assumption, as to future demand for the next 20 years using growth rates of 2%
population growth. annually for oil and 3% for gas; both seem high compared to
In mature industrial economies, intensity of energy use actual growth rates for the last decade of 1% for oil and 2%
(defined as energy consumption per unit of GDP), declines for gas. Sustained growth rates at even these low numbers for
with time. A French study20 , Figure 3, spanning most of the the next 50 years yields a total world energy demand of 330 to
industrial revolution, noted an early increase in energy 660 MMBOEPD, as compared to Bookout’s forecast of about
intensity, a peak, and a decline of energy intensity in 285, of which only about 90 were oil and gas combined, and
individual industrializing countries as they matured. The UK, 110 were coal.
with the longest history, demonstrated a long-term average Reliable estimates of population growth are also elusive.
annual decline of 1% for nearly a century (from 1882 to The UN has repeatedly revised them downward in recent
1980). In the U.S., the decline was 1.2% and was 1.3% in years, as actual fertility rates have dropped all around the
Germany (1925-85 for both nations). In France, it was world until many nations are now below the “replacement”
0.8% (1935-85). rate of 2.1 children per woman. Using the current UN
Bookout2 in a major study of both historical energy use “medium variant” projection of a world population of 9.1
and a comprehensive long range forecast, calculated an billion in 2050 yields an energy demand then of 300
average annual energy intensity decline of 1.8% from 1970 to MMBOEPD, assuming a constant average energy
1986 in the industrialized nations while energy prices were consumption of 11.5 barrels annually, as at present, per capita.
high, and of 0.5% for the twenty year period 1950 to 1970 Table 5 illustrates another aspect of energy use and
when energy prices were low, suggesting a measure of price national wealth. World Bank data5 separates nations into
elasticity. His forecast of future energy demand was actually groups designated as low, medium, and high income. Only
based upon population growth, but implicitly, he assumed 15% of the world’s population are in the high-income group
future energy intensity declines in the range of 2.5 to 3% in but possess 78% of the world’s wealth and consume 50% of
early years. His forecast of energy use has stood the test of its energy. By contrast, the low-income group represents 40%
time remarkably well to date. In 1985, he projected oil use for of the population, but have only 3% of its wealth and consume
the year 2000 at 69 MMBOEPD − actual was 70. He 13% of its energy. The high-income group consumes nearly
underestimated gas use by 7%, overestimated coal by 22%, 10 times as much energy per capita, but the low-income group
and overestimated total commercial energy use by a mere 4%. consumes nearly 9 times as much energy per unit of GNP.
Energy intensity in the U.S. has decreased recently at Depending upon which yardstick is used, either group could
about 2.0%/year (1985-00), as noted in the National Energy rationally be accused of “wasting” energy.
Policy, May 200121 . Data5 for the U.S. (1990-99), published
by World Bank, shows a GDP increase of 5%/year and an Table 5: World Population, Wealth (GNP)
energy growth rate of 1.7%/year, for a net 3.3%/year decrease & Energy Use by Income Level
in energy intensity while the most recent 20-year forecast by
Low Mid High
EIA sees future GDP increasing at 3.2% per year and energy Income Income Income World
at 2.2% per year for a net 1% per year decrease in
energy intensity. Population, % 40 45 15
Assumptions of 2 to 3% annual declines in energy Wealth, % 3 18 78
intensity seem reasonable with current technology and
economic relationships, and could likely become much higher Energy Use, % 13 37 50
with either sharply increased energy prices, or breakthroughs GNP/Capita $400 $2,000 $25,700 $4,900
in advanced technologies, or both.
BOE/Capita 4 10 39 12
Forecasting Future Energy Demand
BOE/$GNP $8.9 $4.9 $1.0 $2.4
Forecasting energy needs in 2050 is a hazardous undertaking
at best, but scenarios based upon assumptions of likely trends
in GDP growth, population growth, and reductions in energy More to the point, if the entire world used as much energy
intensity can be developed. per capita as the high-income group, world consumption
From 1980 to 1990, world GDP grew at 3.2% annually, would over three times as high as it actually is, or about 680
but dropped to 2.5% annually from 1990 to 19995 . As noted MMBOEPD, and if the world were all high-income and used
above, future GDP growth rates in the U.S. have been energy as inefficiently as the low-income group, consumption
projected at 3.2%. All of these numbers are actually near the would be nearer four times higher or 720 MMBOEPD.
range of likely decreases in energy intensity, suggesting that Hence, energy demand by 2050 can be forecast using
no energy increase at all may be needed, or at worst, perhaps economic growth, population growth, combinations of both,
only 1 or 2% per year. changes in energy intensity, or projections of increases in
current demand. Doing so yields results ranging from 200
MMBOEPD, the same as at present, to over 700, a range so

broad as to be of little practical guidance except to suggest However, other constraints may effectively limit future use
there may be substantial built-in “adaptability” to changing of fossil fuels. First are environmental concerns, particularly
energy supplies and costs. as to the increase of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere
from combustion of fossil fuels and the postulated ill effects of
Meeting Future Energy Needs global warming. This constraint may become limiting based as
The future energy needs of the planet seem certain to be met much upon perception, politics, and economics as hard
increasingly by renewable energy resources, including nuclear science, but the Kyoto Protocol is a reality for much of the
power, and incorporating many technological advances in both world. Next, an increasingly complex set of world political
energy supply and consumption. First, a review of and geopolitical issues, often further magnified by local issues
conventional energy availability is appropriate. and by global economic and environmental concerns,
associated with both the production and consumption of fossil
Fossil Fuel: A “Depleting” Resource? Although many fuels, will likely limit their future use. And lastly, fossil fuels
believe a critical shortage of fossil fuels, particularly oil, will themselves may simply become priced out of contention in the
occur long before the year 2050, and that both the shortfall, future by rapid decreases in costs of emerging alternatives, as
and efforts to alleviate it, will irreparably damage both the occurred with whale oil, and even coal, as oil and gas became
world’s economic structure and its environment, it is by no widely available at lower cost.
means certain this will happen. Current fossil fuel reserves and
resources, their rates of use, and particularly the ratio of Nuclear Power: A Depleting, or an Infinite Resource?
reserves to current production rates, (R/P), or “years of life” Nuclear power began generating electricity commercially in
demonstrate why. the US in 1957 at Shippingport, PA, but not until 1969 did it
Table 6 presents the data. Current consumption rates and provide as much as 1% of U.S. electrical supply. That grew to
proved reserves are from BP7 and resources are from various 10% by 1977 and stabilized near 20% by 1988 with just over
sources quoted by IPCC18 and Lomborg 17 . Earlier estimates of 100 nuclear plants installed and in operation. Prior to 1988,
both reserves and resources, particularly for oil and gas, have nuclear plants typically operated at 50 to 60% of capacity, but
proven to be too low17 . Estimates of resources are particularly by 2001 the average was 90%, and 769 million MWh were
difficult as is suggested by the ranges of numbers in Table 6. produced, equivalent to 1.2 MMBOEPD. By year-end 2001, a
total of 104 nuclear plants were in operation in the U.S.
Table 6: Fossil Fuels, Consumption Rates, Twenty-eight had been built and shut down, and 122 orders
Reserves, Resources for new plants had been cancelled, mostly from 1974 to 1984,
as construction delays, cost overruns, and public concerns
Oil Gas Coal Total
about safety, security and waste disposal converged.
Use, 2000, MMBOEPD 74 44 44 162 Worldwide, 2,635 million MWh of nuclear power was
generated in 2001, equivalent to about 4.1 MMBOEPD.
Reserves, Bn BOE 1,050 945 3,650 5,645
Recent growth has been greatest in France and Japan.
Ranges of Resource 1,400+ 2,800 to 13,100 to 17,300 to Most nuclear power today is generated in light water
Estimates, Bn BOE 3,240 30,300 34,940 cooled reactors using U235 (usually enriched from 0.7% of
natural occurring uranium to “several percent”). Sufficient
Perhaps the most surprising numbers are R/P’s shown in economically recoverable uranium is believed to exist to last
Table 7 for the years 1980 and 2000. These have increased for for at least another 100 years at current production rates with
both oil and gas over this 20-year period even incorporating current technology. Hence, conventional wisdom regards
actual production increases in the denominator (16 and 62% nuclear power as a “depleting” resource, like fossil fuels, but
respectively), suggesting an infinite supply. For a “depleting" actually there are good technical reasons for
resource, this defies both common sense and conventional thinking otherwise.
wisdom. However, it illustrates dramatically the uncertainty The available energy in natural uranium could be increased
that exists in estimates of remaining oil and gas. R/P numbers 100-fold or more, to an estimated 14,000-year supply, by
based upon resources, instead of proved reserves, are in the reprocessing “spent nuclear fuel” and adding plutonium (either
range of 300 to 600 years for all fossil fuels. also recovered from spent nuclear fuel or from obsolete or
dismantled warheads) to create MOX, or mixed oxide fuels.
Table 7: Fossil Fuels, Remaining Years of Life Even greater nuclear energy is available with fast breeder
reactors using a known technical process that actually
Oil Gas Coal Total generates more plutonium than is consumed, making nuclear
power essentially infinite. It therefore seems more accurate to
R/P, Years, 1980 29 47 ~230
classify nuclear power as a “renewable” form of energy rather
R/P, Years, 2000 40 60 227 96 than a “depleting” one.
A major impediment to the use of fast breeder reactor
R/P, Years, 2000, 52 175 to 820 to 300 to
Based on Resources 205 1900 600 technology, and to a lesser degree, to MOX, is a concern that
plutonium may be diverted either illegally or inadvertently,

and be made into nuclear weapons by either terrorists or includes “renewables,” most of which is used in the poorer
rogue nations. countries and is assumed to be all bio mass).
Nuclear energy may also be a fusion process in the future. Today, use of either wind and solar power is insignificant,
Fusion theoretically has infinite energy potential. It is also but long term technical potential is judged to be high − nearly
fraught with enormous technical problems. It is estimated that 6 times total current world energy use for solar and up to
the world has spent over $20 billion on fusion research. almost 1.5 times for wind power. The estimates of current use
Currently, ITER is designing a “tokamak” vessel expected to are total installed MW at year-end 200114 calculated at 20%
generate a net 500 MW from an investment of $2.8 billion. year-round efficiency.
Although ITER’s design is not meant to be commercial, at Hydropower is judged to have the long-term technical
$5.6 million per MW, this is very near the present cost in the potential to produce 9 to 13 times as much power as today, or
US for a new fission plant, $5 million per MW ($5 billion for 20 to 30% of today’s total world demand. Future hydropower
a 1000-MW plant). projects face difficult environmental obstacles, as people
Although ITER is likely nearer commercially, many other increasingly place esthetic value on free flowing streams.
groups and organizations are also researching other potential
designs. Interestingly, surprising new potential fusion sources Direct. Solar power has heated Earth for several billion
continue to surface. In the nineties, “cold fusion” emerged at years, and is expected to do so for several billion more. This
the University of Utah, and is still being studied as “deuterated energy can be transformed directly into electrical energy
metals research,” and this spring, Oak Ridge reported an through photoelectric cells, or focused to provide a more
interesting study of possible “cool fusion” from bubble concentrated form of direct heat for steam driven generators.
collapse in acetone. While both of these are generally viewed Total capacity of all photoelectric cells installed through
with some skepticism, they illustrate that much is still to be 2001 is about 1643 MW (396 MW in 2001 alone, up 38%
learned about fusion. from 2000).14 Some 86% are single crystal or polycrystalline
silicon, and most of the remainder are amorphous silicon thin
The Conventional “Renewables” film on various substrates. Efficiencies have improved
The term “renewable energy” is usually limited to incoming dramatically in the last 25 years (from a range of 6 to 8% in
solar energy, geothermal energy, and tidal energy, and 1976 to 12 to 20% today), while prices have dropped. The
derivatives thereof, which may all be used either directly as trends suggest increasing use of photoelectric cells in the
heat or mechanical energy, or secondary solar sources such as future, both for stationary sources of electricity and for use in
hydropower, wind, and biomass, each of which may also be mobile fuel cells. Hence, the belief that the long term technical
used directly or further converted. potential of solar power is up to 6 times the world’s total
current energy requirements.
Solar. Table 8 illustrates the current usage levels of solar At present, however, significant subsidies are usually
energy in all its forms, and judgments that have been made required for photoelectric cells to be economically
(IPCC and Craig) as to the “Long Term Technical Potential” competitive, except in special cases. In a recent example, the
of each. It should be noted that these judgments are very roof of a post office in Los Angeles was covered with an array
subjective, and prone to substantial error; they should be of 1000 photoelectric cells rated at 127 kW. Total cost was $1
treated as order of magnitude estimates. million, of which over 75% was paid by City and State
subsidies. The full cost is $7900 per kW, which is 7 or 8 times
Table 8: Renewable Energy – Current Use and the initial cost of a new nuclear power plant (although future
Ranges of Long Term Potential operating costs are of course much less). A flat roof of some
30,000 square feet was covered, for an average of 4 W per
Source Current Use, Potential, Potential, Frac.
MMBOEPD MMBOEPD Current Use square foot, or about 40 W per square meter.
In addition to cost, photoelectric power suffers from
Solar 0.01 1,164 5.8 intermittency, a mismatch in timing between peak generating
Hydro 4.6 40 to 60 0.2 to 0.3 capacity and demand, deterioration of performance with time,
and must be kept clean for best performance. Normally, some
Wind 0.05 60 to 280 0.3 to 1.4 battery storage is also required to mitigate the intermittency
problem, which increases total cost.
Biomass 17.7 580 2.9

Hydropower. Hydropower has been in use for centuries

Currently, biomass use amounts to about 18 MMBOEPD, with water wheels powering mills for grinding grain, etc., but
or 9% of the world’s energy use, while hydropower with the advent of widespread use of electricity, it is used
contributes 4.6 MMBOPEPD or 2.3% (hydropower numb ers today mostly for that purpose. It is one of the cleanest sources
are from BP for 2000, and biomass is calculated as the of electricity, and lakes required for the necessary hydraulic
difference between BP’s 1997 tabulation of world head and water supply also have other beneficial uses for
“commercial” energy use and World Bank data, which agriculture, recreation, and flood control (although some of

these uses are subject to conflicting water about 0.3 % of total energy use, and its use has declined about
management objectives). 20% from its peak in 1994 as some of the principal sources
In 2000, an average of nearly 5 million MMBOEPD was deplete, and economics for new developments
generated with a growth rate of about 2% per year. Long-term appear marginal.
technical potential is believed to be 9 to 12 times current use, Prospects for extensive future use of geothermal are
but increasingly, environmental concerns are blocking the considered marginal for most areas of the world without
construction of new dams. significant technical advances. However, heat flowing upward
from Earth’s interior is quite large in total.
Wind. Wind, generated mostly by the sun, has been used
as a power source for centuries, and for even longer, was the Some Unconventional Sources
principal source of power for marine transport. After the The Oceans. The world’s oceans (hydrosphere) contain about
industrial revolution began, wind has been largely replaced by 1.8 x 109 tons of water. A change of just one degree F in
fossil fuels. Recently, wind has been rediscovered, as it is both temperature would amount to about 3.7 x 1021 BTU’s
“free” and “renewable,” and significant technology advances equivalent to 6.4 x 1014 BOE, or over two hundred times more
have been made for harvesting it, e.g., wind turbines. than the 3 trillion barrels of oil resources believed to have
Moreover, its long term technical potential is believed existed worldwide initially. In addition, there is a significant
significant, up to 1.4 times total current world energy use, or temperature gradient from a surface temperature of 50º to 70º
over 5,000 times greater than today. F to 27º F in ocean depths, which can be employed to generate
Total world installed capacity increased from 14,000 MW electricity. Harvesting these oceanic sources of energy is
in 1999 to 18,500 MW in 2000 or 32%, and in the US, from difficult, but potentially significant.
2,600 to 4,300 MW, or 65%. Installed capacity does not
translate directly to MWh produced (intermittency of wind, The Atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere contains only about
mismatches in timing with peak electrical demand, 0.3% of the mass of the oceans, or about 5.6 x 107 tons and
transmission line access, maintenance, etc). In the U.S., heat capacity is per unit of mass is also lower. A change of
calculated average effective capacity utilized in 1999 and one degree F in the average atmospheric temperature still
2000 was 20% and 16% respectively. involves significant energy, roughly equivalent to one trillion
Cost of wind power installations has dropped by an order BOE, or about 15 years supply at the world’s current energy
of magnitude in the last quarter century, and wind power is consumption rate. As in the case of the oceans, harvesting this
now believed competitive with new coal fired-plants where energy is quite difficult, but some effort is worthwhile, as this
consistent and strong winds exist in proximity to centers of would also limit any adverse impacts of global warming,
electrical power demand or transmission lines. Intermittency, manmade or natural.
timing, and geography are still detriments to broader use.
Energy in Global Climate Changes. At the peak of the last
Biomass. Biomass has been used directly as a source of “Ice Age,” (Last Glacial Maximum) roughly 21,000 years ago,
energy for mankind since the invention and use of fire, and sea levels are believed to have been 380 to 440 feet lower than
indirectly as food for mu scle power before that. at present. Thus, some 7.4 x 1016 tons of seawater had been
Photosynthesis turns sunlight into biomass at a quite evaporated, and redeposited on continents as ice occupying
inefficient rate of about 0.1%. Photoelectric cells do much about 1.8 million cubic miles by volume.
better at present, and as costs drop, the comparison will be Heat input required to evaporate this volume of water
even more favorable to them. (latent heat of vaporization) is about 1.4 x 1023 BTU’s, and a
With the advent and growth of the industrial revolution total of 1.7 x 1023 BTU’s were released as it condensed and
powered largely by fossil fuels, the wealthier nations have froze, accumulating on land as ice. An additional 2 x 1022
largely abandoned the use of biomass except in special niches, BTU’s converted the ice back to water (latent heat of fusion).
such as ethanol as an oxygenate additive for gasoline and Over recent geologic time, very significant energy transfers in
locally where wood waste or other biomass products are and out of the ocean have occurred naturally, though at a
gathered for other reasons (pulp mills, municipal garbage, somewhat slower pace than mankind uses it. For example, if
etc.). Low energy density per ton and low density of tons per this transfer of energy occurred over 10,000 years, which
acre makes transportation costs high. seems reasonable, the rate of exchange is about 21 million
In the U.S., two billion gallons (or about 80 MBOEPD) of BOEPD, over roughly 10% of the world’s total current annual
ethanol were used as gasoline additives in 2000 comprising energy usage.
1.6% of all gasoline usage. About 64 TWh of electricity were
produced from 11 GW of installed generating capacity (about Natural Radioactive Decay. Natural radioactive decay of
1.7% of U.S. total).14 uranium, thorium, and potassium in the earth’s crust release
3.1 x 1015 BTU/day, equivalent to about 3 times current total
Geothermal. Geothermal energy is used around the world daily world energy consumption. If these three elements exist
(Italy, New Zealand, and Iceland) mostly for generating in the same relative abundance below the crust, total heat
electricity, but also for space heat. In the U.S., it accounts for release is 3.9 x 1017 BTU/day, or about 360 times total daily

energy consumption. Uranium concentration in the earth’s braking), followed by or perhaps concurrently with,
crust is only 4 ppm and thorium is 12; potassium is much penetration of the historical hydrocarbon liquid fuels market
more abundant (2.6%), but releases less than 0.004% as much by GTl (gas to liquid) technology, coal to liquids, and biomass
energy on decay as uranium. to liquids (including ethanol and perhaps methanol). Later,
switches to either pure electric or fuel cell power or both (with
Gas Hydrates. Immense volumes of natural gas exist in the fuel cells powered initially by hydrocarbon or biomass liquids,
form of gas hydrates both in and under permafrost on land and later by hydrogen), and lastly perhaps a switch to pure
below the sea floor in oceans. Hydrates form under hydrogen, either via fuel cells or combustion in IC engines,
combinations of low temperature and high pressure. Methane or both.
forms hydrates at pressures greater than 400 psi at It is unnecessary, and unlikely, that there will be a
temperatures of 32º F or less, while heavier hydrocarbon sustained transportation fuels “crisis,” as there are too many
gasses do so at only 50 psi (for gas gravities of 1.0). Hence, evolving solutions, and technology will be developed and
vast areas of ocean, covering 70% of the planet, particularly in applied as needed and appropriate.
water depths of 1,000 feet or deeper provide environmental
conditions for the formation of gas hydrates. Global resources Conclusions
of natural gas existing as hydrates are estimated to exceed 1. A look back at 150 years of human activities, advances in
twice the world’s reserves of all conventional deposits of oil, technology, and their combined impacts on types of
gas, and coal combined. Harvesting these resources is at energy and its use, suggest that technology will continue
present believed to be uneconomic, although research to have a significant and accelerating impact on future
continues, particularly in Japan, where most energy must energy, both as to needs and as to how they are met.
be imported.
2. World population is expected to grow by 50% over the
Methane is 56 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than
next 50 years, but abrupt worldwide decreases in fertility
carbon dioxide. If sea levels dropped 400 feet, as happened in
have recently caused significant downward revisions. If
the last episode of continental glaciation, the reduced pressure
consumption per capita remains constant, the current UN
at the sea floor likely caused enormous quantities of hydrates
medium variant of 9.1 bn people in 2050 implies a 50%
to disassociate into methane, and as this methane entered the
increase in energy needs.
atmosphere, it would have tended to reverse the process of
continental glaciation. Similarly, rising sea levels tend to trap 3. Global economic development, generally considered a
more methane in the form of sub sea hydrates. favorable objective, could add enormously to energy
demand. Today the wealthiest 15% of the world’s
Other. This brief listing of “unconventional” sources of population consumes 50% of its energy, and the poorest
energy is by no means exhaustive. Enormous sources of 40% consume only 13%. If the entire world were
kinetic energy are available in the rotation of the earth about suddenly as wealthy as the top 15%, and the relationship
its own axis, and about the sun, and in the moon’s rotation between economic wealth and energy consumption were
about the earth. While these sources are huge, they are also unchanged, world energy demand would jump by a factor
extraordinarily difficult to “harvest” for mankind’s use of three. Similarly, if the entire world were as inefficient
without causing secondary undesirable effects. For example, in converting energy to wealth or GDP as the poorest 40%
the frictional effects of lunar tides currently slow Earth’s rate of the world, consumption would also jump by a factor of
of rotation by about 2 seconds every 10,000 years, and also three without any increase in world wealth.
cause the moon to move farther away with time.
4. The future world supply of fossil fuels over the long term,
and their costs, is likely to be impacted more by political,
The Transportation Challenge
One of the more significant challenges facing us as geopolitical, environmental, technological and economic
factors than by actual physical shortages.
conventional liquid hydrocarbon fuels phase out (whether due
to scarcity, environmental concerns, or cost), is how to fuel 5. There are enormous supplies of naturally occurring
transportation − automobiles, trucks, locomotives, aircraft, and energy available − solar, including wind and biomass, and
ships. In the U.S. in 2001, transportation accounted for 28% of geothermal − but their relatively “diluted” forms are a
all energy use and 70% of all liquid petroleum use; 97% of challenge, as is intermittency of availability and location.
transportation fuel needs was met by petroleum. Replacing
this relatively portable, inexpensive, and reasonably safe fuel 6. Nuclear power, particularly with reprocessing of spent
with its high BTU content per unit weight and volume, will be nuclear fuel and use of breeder reactors has huge potential
most difficult for aircraft and perhaps ships, easiest perhaps for meeting future electrical needs. As and when
for locomotives, less so for automobiles, trucks, and tractors. technology develops effective fusion reactors, this energy
Likely scenarios include phased, multi-faceted switches to supply is essentially infinite
other fuels or sources of power. First, to hybrid vehicles 7. Rapidly increasing efficiencies and decreasing costs of
(liquid fuels plus electric motors, batteries, and regenerative photoelectric cells seems certain to increase direct use of
10 ARLIE M. SKOV SPE 77506

solar power to generate electricity. Wind and hydropower, 7 BP plc, BP Statistical Review of World Energy, London,
though lower in total long-term technical potential, are June 2001.
already competitive with new coal fired electric 8 Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review
2000, US DOE, Washington, D. C., August 2001.
generating plants.
9 Duncan, R. C., “The Peak of World Oil Production and the
8. Use of electricity to: 1) initially provide fuel for Road to the Olduvai Gorge,” Summit 2000, Geological Society
transportation, by conversion of natural gas, coal, or of America, Reno, NV, November 13, 2000.
biomass to liquids for both IC engines and fuel cells, and 10 Campbell, C. J., & Laherrere, J. H., “The End of Cheap Oil,”
Scientific American, March 1998. p78-83.
2) eventually provide hydrogen, is promising. 11 Parker, H. W., “After Petroleum Is Gone, What Then?” World
9. It is incorrect to speak of a “shortage of energy.” Supply Oil, September 2001, p 70-76.
and demand are always equal, and balance is achieved by 12 McCabe, P. J., “Energy Resources – Cornucopia or Empty
Barrel?” AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, No. 11, November 1998, p
price in free economies or government edict in those
which are not. Price also drives development of 13 Simon, J. L., “The Ultimate Resource,” Princeton, Princeton
technology, which in turn makes newer and cheaper University Press, 1981, 415 pl.
sources of energy available, working most effectively in 14 Baldwin, S. F., “Renewable Energy: Progress and Prospects,”
free economies. Physics Today, Vol. 55, No. 4, April 2002, p62-67.
15 Marcus, G. H., & Levin, A. E., “New Designs for the Nuclear
Nomenclature Renaissance,” Physics Today, Vol. 55, No. 4, April 2002 ibid
BOE: Energy expressed as Barrels of Oil Equivalent, assumed 16 Ogden, J. M., “Hydrogen, The Fuel of the Future?” Physics
equal to 5.5 to 5.8 million BTU’s per barrel. Today, Vol. 55, No. 4, April 2002, p69-75.
17 Lomborg, B., The Skeptical Environmentalist, Cambridge
MMBOEPD: Millions of Barrels of Oil Equivalent Per Day University Press, 2001.
18 IPCC, “A Special Report on Emission Scenarios,” Working
GDP: Gross Domestic Product, meaning the total output of Group III, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
goods and services produced by a nation’s labor and property 19 Monthly Energy Review, EIA, DOE, Washington, D. C., April
valued at market price. 2002.
20 “Hot Stuff,” Economist, September 15, 1990, p85.
21 National Energy Policy, U.S. Government, Washington, D.C.,
GNP: Gross National Product, meaning GDP as above plus May 2001.
net “factor” income received from or paid to the rest of the
world (largely dividends, interest, and reinvested earnings of
individuals and multi-national corporations). For most nations,
the difference between GDP and GNP is less than on or
two percent.

Ppm: Parts per Million

The very able and most timely assistance of Harriet Whaley
( in preparing figures and tables in graphic
and electronic format, in editing and proofreading, and in
converting text to PDF is gratefully acknowledged.


1 Deffeyes, Kenneth S., Hubbert’s Peak, The Impending World

Oil Shortage, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 2001.
2 Bookout, J. F., “Two Centuries of Fossil Fuel Energy” presented
at the International Geological Congress, Washington, D. C.,
July 10, 1985.
3 Meadows, D. H., et al, The Limits to Growth, Universe Books,
New York City, 1972.
4 Hubbard, M. K., “Degree of Advancement of Petroleum
Exploration in the United States,” Bulletin AAPG, November
1967. p2207.
5 “World Development Report, 2000/2001,” World Bank, Oxford
University Press, September 2000.
6 Aguado, E., and Burt, J. E., Understanding Weather & Climate,
Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2001.

Figure 1: World Energy Balance

Millions of Barrels Per Day

300 (Oil Equivalent)



1860 1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100

Figure 2: Energy Use and National Wealth


GNP Per Capita



Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belgium Brazil Canada China

Columbia Egypt Ethiopia France Germany India Indonesia
10 Iran Italy Japan Korea Mexico Netherlands Nigeria
Pakistan Phillipines Polland Russia South Africa Spain Thailand
Turkey Ukraine U.K. U.S. Venezuela Vietnam

1 10 100

BOE Per Capita

12 ARLIE M. SKOV SPE 77506

Source: The Economist

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