Summary Romanesque Art PDF

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Fiorella Intriago Lamota 

Romanesque Art: 
Stories in stone 
● Roman  Catholic  faith  established.  Builders  borrowed  elements  from  Roman 
architecture. Began to roof churches with stone vaulting.  
● Pilgrimages  were  in  vogue  at  the  time,  visited  shrines  of  sacred  bones,  garments,  or 
splinters from the True Cross. Layout was cruciform, symbolizing the body of Christ. 
● The  “chevet”  (pillow):  resting  place  for  Christ’s  head  as  he  hung  on  the  cross,  behind 
the altar, were semicircular chapels with saints’ relics. 
● Exterior  of  churches:  plain,  sculptural  relief  around  main  portal.  Sculpture  taught 
religious doctrine by telling stories in stone. Concentrated on the tympanum. 
● ILLUMINATED  MANUSCRIPTS:  Monks  and  nuns  copied  manuscripts,  keeping  alive  the 
art  of  illustration  in  particular  civilization  in  general.  Papyrus  scroll  replaced  by  the 
vellum or parchment. Considered sacred objects. 

Book of Kells 

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