Swanton School News 9.20.10

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Swanton School News

September 15, 2010

Volume 10, Issue 1


A New School Year!

The beginning of the school year is 6th graders start their day by
always an exciting time at Swanton stretching their math thinking during
Vision Elementary School! Here are just a Algebra Corner.
few of the events that are happening
in our school: Students and teachers At home, you may notice the
The Swanton are building their classroom challenges of transitioning from
School is a communities and developing summer mode to school mode. Now
caring, relationships through team building is the time to develop routines that
responsible, activities that will allow students to can support your student’s learning
respectful take risks with their learning. Our for the year. Establish routines that
garden is brimming with vegetables allow your child to be their best at
community of that students are harvesting and school include: a space and
learners. Our selling to the Abbey to be served in timeframe to complete homework,
work, supported our food program. Monarch time for reading – independent or
by inquiry and caterpillars create chrysalises and together, a consistent bedtime routine
reflection, emerge as butterflies right in our (3-6 year olds need 10-12 hours of
promotes classrooms. Students excitedly learn sleep, 7-12 year olds need 10-11
the ins and outs of technology hours of sleep, and 12-18 year olds
personal learning through GoogleDocs, Young need 8-9 hours of sleep), time to read
integrity, Writers Project and Study Island. together, and a morning routine that
citizenship and Teachers gather beginning of the year allows time for eating breakfast and
lifelong data on students in the areas of math completing self-care habits –
learning. and reading to better inform their dressing, washing face and hands,
instruction. The “Three Bees” fly in brushing hair and teeth, etc.
to our first K-2 school assembly to
teach us about the core concept of We look forward to a wonderful
BELONGING and how to BE partnership together as we support
RESPECTFUL. Full day our children’s growth as learners!
kindergarten allows our youngest
learners time for a balanced program
in a learning environment that
promotes academics and guided play.
Fresh Fruit and Handbook
September 16th: Vegetable Are you looking for information
Great American Thanks to our school nurse, Lynn about our school policy and
Fundraiser Forms are Lane, our school has received a procedures? Our 2010-2011
Due grant to provide fresh fruit and Handbook for Parents and Students
vegetable snacks throughout the can be found online at
September 22nd: year. Every Tuesday and Thursday, www.swantonschool.org.
School Spirit Day – all students receive an afternoon If you do not have Internet access,
Tie Dye fruit or vegetable snack. The Abbey please let the office know and we
is facilitating this program. So far, can send home a paper copy with
September 23rd: our students have enjoyed plums, your child.
Open House, 6:00- pears, peaches, grapes, and beans.
7:00 pm We are excited to promote healthy
fruit and veggie snacks for our Absences and
September 24th: In- students! Attendance
service Day – ½ day
of school, 11:30 am Students are required to attend
dismissal school every day in which it is in
session, except for reasons of illness
September 29th: or family business.
Picture Day-Babcock Please call school (868-5346 for
Sept. 30-Oct. 1: Central, 868-4920 for Babcock)
Picture Days before 8:30 a.m. to notify the office
Central that your child will be absent.
Before 7:30 a.m., a
October 6th: PTO telephone recorder will
Meeting 6:00 pm Who’s Who? accept your message for
Central School either school. It is important not
Library. Who might greet you as you come to the to leave a message on the teacher’s
school offices? phone - if a substitute teacher is
October 5, 6, 7, 12, Interim Principal – Brent Coon covering the class the message won’t
13, 14: NECAP Interim Assistant Principal –Holly Rouelle be heard. Unless we have received a
Testing. Receptionist, Central– Mary Ellis note or call from home alerting us to
Receptionist/Secretary Babcock–Dawn the absence, parents/guardians of
October 11th: School Tessier absent students will be called to
Board Meeting 6:00 Office Manager – Lora McAllister verify the absence.
pm Central Library Health Services: Students arriving late need to sign in
School Nurse, Babcock – Lynn Lane at the office to be sure they are
Associate School Nurse, Central – Joan removed from the absentee list.

Please use the designated parking spaces when dropping off and picking up your child.
For the safety of all our children, parents should not park directly in front of the school or
along the yellow curb, which is the designated fire lane. Thank you!

Many thanks this month to the Swanton PTO and the many school and community
members who helped put up our new playground structure in August. We are grateful
for the continued support of the PTO playground committee that is working to improve
our outdoor facilities.

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