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Grrxlle Asder- Rivee 9-Point Essay Rubric ‘Score _| Required Components 79 ‘FF Iniroduction moves from general to specific, shows understanding of the complexity of the topic. ‘Strong claim, clearly developed and arguable, analytical, answers all aspects ofthe prompt, and followed by and organized and clear outline of supporting reasons. Each paragraph is properly written witha strong topic sentence that supports the claim, Includes at least one substantial and relevant quote (9* grade) or at least two substantial and relevant quotes (10® grade) in each body paragraph. These quotes tie in directly with the topic sentence. Quotes are set naturally within the narrative ofthe paragraphs. Quotes are followed with in-depth warrants which analyze and interpret. They do not summarize. Conclusion paragraph reviews the major points of the claim and supporting reasons. Is written in 3" person, punctuates and cites correctly, and contains few grammatical errors. Introduction contains “empty” sentences that chatter or are vague rather than actually introduce. May be disorganized. Contains a claim that is vague or unfocused, one that may not answer the prompt but rather addresses parts of it. Supporting reasons follow, but they are unclear and vague or they are summaries. Topic sentences are present, but do not sufficiently support the claim. Quotes from the work, but the evidence presented may not actually fit the point being made Quotes are improperly set into the narrative of the essay. ‘Warrants after quotes contain light analysis, but they mostly describe or summarize. ‘Conclusion either reviews the claim or supporting reasons, but not both fully rors in sentence structure, informal voice, and/or grammar will be more serious and detract from the essay. ——— = = 2 ‘Introduction may be short, incomplete, or may fail to properly introduce the material ‘© Claim willbe simple, may hint at the prompt, bt not answer or address it ‘© Paragraphs are simple and undeveloped, lacking strong topic sentences and may be short and lack analysis. + Quotes are merely mentioned, are poorly chosen, or are missing. + Some incorrect information s given in evidence and/or warrants. + No warrants or analysis given in body paragraphs or warrant does not analyze evidence presented. Conclusion may shor, incomplete, or off-topic. + Will have major spelling and/or grammar errors. May be writen in 1* or 2 person. OF ‘© Incomplete or inappropriate response, ‘Lilt understanding ofthe prompt conveyed. ‘© _ Simply a summary ofthe book. 30 Point Asignment 7 LOE FinalDraft score’ | ProcessPoints) g ee 20 67% Highlights & Annotations (0-4) Determined by the extent ond qu ae a waik Dhl nd nnn on yen of 72 75% rough drof. % Ceti (0) +) ia 55K Determined by thoughtfully ecogniing 2 355% strengths and weaknesses according to a4i checklist, ua 4° 48% Revisions (0-4) + gop Ba Fae Determined by ast essy to refect, deed ond expects ng sondore. ia maw ee 5 na Dam Determined by setting stondordsbosed soos Ming and working toward go's previous et This fs 2 cate ‘is a thorough reflection of your personal writing process. Period Name Instructions: Please read the following questions carefully, and choose one, Use this sheet to make notes and to organize your essay. Hand this sheet to Bigelow at the end of class, It will be used to score your paper. This essay is due at the end of the period and is worth 20 points. You will save your essay as your first and last name in the Nigh Folder found in the teacher share folder. Save your paper as a word document. 1) Faith is an important subject in Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night. Write an essay in which you analyze the role and nature of faith in the book. Analyze at least two ways faith functions within the story. Then analyze how it contributes to the meaning of the work (what is the lesson that Wiesel is teaching through his, use of faith). 2) The book Night by Elie Wiesel focuses on how the Holocaust impacted family relationships. The most prominent relationship that appears in the memoir is Elie’s relationship with his father. In a well-written essay analyze the dynamics and significance of this relationship. Begin by analyzing how the relationship changes and its evolving importance to Elie. Then analyze how it contributes to the meaning of the work (what is the lesson that Wiesel is teaching through the relationship he has with his father). Note: Use all of the organizing and essay writing skills that you have learned. Start with a crystal clear thesis. Make every paragraph count, You will be graded on how well you organize and write the essay and how well you demonstrate mastery of the book by citing evidence from throughout the book. ‘There is a copy of the essay rubric by which this will be graded on the back of this sheet. Aguila Rivera 2 Giselle Aguilar-Rivea Mr. Bigelow English 10.“ A 16 November 2617 An Act of Dependability Relationships are seen everywhere. They're one of the healthiest things a person can have in their li if it’s nurtured properly. It helps people rely on one another if it grows strong enough or it could destroy one’s trust and person itself; one wrong move and it could all be over. It's beautiful and sensitive thing. There's some that don’t last and there’s some that could last what seems like lifetimes. Elie Wiesel’s Night is a well written memoir which goes in depth about a few of many different kinds of relationships there are in the world. Elie's experience throughout Holocaust was rough ie his father, the = person he Dhaai was able to make it out alive. The relationshi \d his father have teaches the audience what relationships are all about: dependability } part 7S needs + bee SY e FES With a new genocide rising during un, it’s shown at the beginning that relationships amongst families and those near to one another would play a huge role in Elie’s experience of this new genocide: the Holocaust. Throughout it all Elie is with the one person he knows he can rely on for anything: his father. With time running out and the destination coming closer and ie could only think of one thing and it’s about his family. The second they were all y we separated “[Elie] tightened thé grip/on (his) father's hand” closer, EI (104) because Elie knew what was going to happen. It gave him “the old familiar fear: not to lose him” (104). Once Elie had figured Aguilar-Rivera 2 ‘out what was going to happen to him and his father he had a bit of fear in him. His father is now s/2 ‘eparatcd from the rest of his family. Elie knows the importance z. of having his father with hirv at all times. It's a huge act of dependability. Of course, with the one of his priorities after b categorizing and arranging by condition, Elie wasn’t going to give up his father to the SS officers that easily “[he] first wanted to see where they would send [his] father. Were he to have gone to the right, [he] would have run after him” (32). Elie did not want to lose the only other person he had there that he knew he could depend on in a time like that. He wouldn't let himself get separated from his fair at all, I gives off this strong emotion to tie on to that gives the aus \ing-t0 Connect to so that they could actually feel somewhat of what Elie was going advenh SF ‘ clave With everything that had happened between Elie and his family, being separated and all, he had his fathof His father became one of Elie’s top prioritieg: he became Elie’s motivation to 7 make it out of that concentration camp, not alone but with him also] je had “made up [his] mind to accompany [his] father wherever he went” (82). Elie had also thought that “[he] had no right to let [himself] die... [he] was his sof€* (87). Elie was ‘not thinking about death but about not wanting to be separated from his father. [They] had already suffered so much, endured so much together. [That] was not the moment to separate” (82). Elie’s father was the reason he went 6n but also how he was the reason his father wes on: an act of dependability with one another. Even through one of the hardest times Elie kept moving forward, he kept going for the sake of hicfatner. The thoughts Elie had on his father were in his right place of mind-Ti gives another en(otional connection to what Elie had to go through. Tat odes alan Through the importance of relationships what Wiesel wanted to get across to the audience was that relationships could definitely be needed to be able to learn from or to have in Aguilar-Rivera 3 order to get through difficult times. Elie and his father had this relationship where they knew th could depend on one another when they needed it, It was the main reason they both kept going. With that id Elie knew that he couldn't let down his father, “to have lived and endured so much, was [he] really going to let {his] father die now” (105). During the time of their running from camp to camp they would take turns where “[Elie] would watch over [his father] and his father] will watch over [Elie]. [They] won't let each other fall asleep. [They would] look after each other” (89). Through their own difficult times, they had each other's backs so that the other wouldn't give up so easily. ‘Their father-son relationship isn’t like others; it has its ow liule meaning beyond thi with everything ‘hat wag going on. It ties down the level v of emotion and connection between the two. The relationship Elie and his father have is all about the act of dependability. Elie’s — experience throughout Holocaust was rough but having his father with him at the time, Elie managed to keep the bond they had between them alive. How Elie Wiesel’s Night proved this, importance of relationship was through him and his father; with the ongoing time and how it strengthens, how they have each other’s backs and how they could depend on one another for anything. Through the roughest times if gne tries hard enough, they are able to maintain a relationship no matter the situation of it. \

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