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Picture 3.1 Box Logo

A. Understanding

Box Sync is a productivity tool that allows you to combine data stored on

the Box to your desktop. You can then navigate and modify the content stored on

the Box site through exploring the original files of your computer, without using

a web browser. Synced content to your computer is available for offline access. If
you make changes to locally synced files, these changes will automatically be

synced back to your Box account

B. Usefulness

Box Sync is used as a container to include all incoming data from a

Vendor in the form of PDF / Excel sent via forwarder such as DHL, DUTA,

DAMCO, and so forth. In addition, the benefit of this sync tool is that it has a

complex conflict resolution tool that helps to merge or edit or merge edited files

for more than one collaborator or location and needs to be merged.

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Box Sync According to the Version

1. Box 4.0 sync version

a) Disadvantages Version 4.0

Box Sync only supports if :

 Mac :

1) Mac OS 10.13

2) Mac OS 10.12

3) OS X 10.11
4) HFS or HFS + formatted hard drive

 Windows :

1) Windows 10, 32-bit dan 64-bit

2) Windows 8.1, 64-bit

3) Windows 8, 64-bit

4) Windows 7, 32-bit dan 64-bit

5) NTFS formatted hard disk

6) Microsoft .NET Frame .NET 4.5.2 or later

b) Advantages version 4.0

Box Sync this version does not limit the number of files and folders that

can be synchronized at any given time. In Box Sync performance improvement it

uses the "always watching" strategy to report any changes that occur in the Box

or on your computer. This strategy now allows Box Sync to receive notifications

on every file that changes on both systems, thus providing faster and more

accurate reports. Then, on increasing CPU usage this version consumes 25%

more CPU than the previous version is 3.x. In Root-Level File Syncing this

version allows you to directly sync files in the Box Sync folder.
2. Box Sync Version 3.x

a) Disadvintages Version 3.x

On performance improvement this version scans every system

first and then repeats the process even though only one file is

changed in both systems thus making it a time consuming process.

Then, on the increase in CPU usage this version consumes more

CPU than the later version is 4.0. In version 3.x, Root-Level File

syncing creates a separate "Default Sync Folder" and the synced

file will be moved to that folder.

b) Advantages Version 3.x

In this version scan one by one file to be synchronized it aims

to minimize errors that occur.


Before starting to enter data make sure its data has been downloaded first.

Here are the steps to download its data:

1. Open the Google chrome app.

Picture 3.2 The Location of the Google Chrome App on the Taskbar
2. Then access the Box Sync app on the Google chrome navbar.

Picture 3.3 The Location of the Application on the Navigation Bar

3. If it is accessed will pop up as shown below then click continue.

Picture 3.4 Pop Up Box Sync

4. Then if it is clicked will appear a notice like the picture below,

then click the folder forwardrder to continue to download data.
Picture 3.5 forwarder folder

Picture 3.5 Forwarder Folder

5. Here I will discuss how to download Duta data first. After that
click the Freight Duta folder to download Duta data.

uta folder to download Duta data.

Picture 3.6 Duta Freight folder

6. Then after that will appear the folder year, then click the folder

2017. Then the folder appears month, click the month to be

Picture 3.7 Years Folder

7. After that select according to data to be entered according to its

latest date. Then download it.

Picture 3.8 Month Folders

8. After that will pop up about the dates of the month. Then select

according to the date of the most recent incoming data.

Picture 3.9 Step to Download the File

9. After clicking download it will pop up like picture below.

Picture 3.10 Pop Up the Downloaded File

10. After the file is downloaded then the next step is to extract the file

Picture 3.11 Step to Extract the File

11. Extract the file at the location you want. If I put it on a PEM server


Picture 3.12 Select a Storage Location

12. After getting the data we want, the next step is to open the Qman

data to match the existing data on the file.

13. After downloading the data of Freight Ambassador, the next step is

to download Damco data. Is the same way as we download the

Picture 3.13 Location of Qman Data
data Duta Freight.

Picture 3.14 Damco folder

14. Then will appear a selection of several folders, then select the

Consolidate folder.

Picture 3.15 Consolidate folder

15. Then select according to the year and month to be downloaded.

Picture 3.16 month and year folders

16. Then after that extract the file as when to extract the file Duta

Picture 3.17 File to Extract

17. Then after extracted the file will be updated with format like

picture below.

Picture 3.18 Format of Data to be Updated

18. For TRAC_LOC data format according to the picture below.

Picture 3.19 TRAC_LOC format

19. Then to fill the DATA PRINT like the format in the picture below.

Picture 3.20 DATA_PREALERT format

20. Then format to fill DATA_ASLI. Data to fill DATA_ASLI

obtained Qman data.

Picture 3.21 Format DATA_ASLI

21. Then the next one is a PROBLEM sheet. This sheet is filled in if

the data coming from Qman does not match the data that has been

Picture 3.22 Format Sheet PROBLEM

22. Once the data is entered in the format, then the data is updated into

the SAP application.

Picture 3.23 SAP LOGON

23. After clicking PRD-PRODUCTION it will pop out the login must

be in order to connect to SAP

24. Once connected SAP's ask Tcode according to what we want.
Picture 3.24 login SAP
Because here I will update the file is used T-code: ME21N..

Picture 3.24 T-code SAP

25. Then will appear data format to update data from file that have

been downloaded earlier. Then enter the data according to the

description in that format.

Picture 3.25 Format Update Data

26. After the data is completed entered in accordance with the data

downloaded then the data has entered into the PEM server.

E. Work steps to delete the synced folder

If we want to delete the synced folder, then we will receive the prompt

"Confirm Deletion" when we will delete the folder we have from the

Sync folder that has the collabator in the folder. As :

Picture 3.26 Pop Up to Deleted

We can optionally check the checkbox. Always delete if we

always want Box Sync to delete the folder on our Box account. We

will no longer see this pop-up to delete future folders that we

have that contain collabiles.

There are also reasons you did not receive the "Confirm Deletion"


1. You will not get this prompt if you delete individual files. The file

will be removed from your Box account.

2. You will not get this promtp if you delete a folder owned by another

user. The folders will be synced for you.

F. Epilog

The conclusion that can be drawn from Box Sync is that Box sync

application is very helpful to enter data. Box Sync enables us to keep tabs on

stored data that can be navigated and modified without using a web browser.

And also synced content is available for online access. So it's easier to use it.

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