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MCT/MST Lesson Observation 2

Student teacher’s name: Mariam Yousef H00355127 Grade Level:5

Unit/Lesson: Data (charts and graphs Date: March 8. 2018
MST Jennifer. Al Shaheen

Competency Area E G S M U
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)

Professionalism x
Planning for learning x
(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)
Implementing and Managing Learning x
(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)
Assessment x
Reflection on Practice
Overview of the lesson:
Mariam planned and taught a lesson about graphs: bar, pie, line graphs. She introduced the lesson
bye showing an image of these graphs and eliciting names as they remember. She showed a video
which described the three graphs and stopping at different times to briefly describe the x and y axis.
Then she gave out 3 different activity sheets in which students were to translate a list of information
into a graph. She adjusted the time when they needed more time and then asked ss to return to
their desks., using class dojo to maintain good class management. Finally she gave them a worksheet
with a question about a graph and asked each child to solve the problem, reminding them of how to
behave and work independently.

The MST praised Mariam for her open attitude towards accepting suggestions and growing in her

Areas for development:

1. Modeling: It would have been better to model how to transfer the information from the list to the
graph. You could have shown the list and then helped the children see how the number on the list
becomes the number on the graph. This should have been done at least 3 times, once or twice for
each graph
Modeling Steps:
• 1. Concept/skill or problem solving strategy is broken down into its critical
• 2. Teacher clearly describes concept/skill or problem solving strategy.
• 3. Teacher clearly models concept/skill or problem solving strategy.
• 4. Multi-sensory instruction (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic)
• 5. Teacher thinks aloud as she/he models.
• 6. Teacher models examples and non-examples.
Examples on Video
• Grade 1 Math numeracy
• Grade 3 Problem Solving Perseverance

10:05 ss enter class
M asks everyone to sit.
MST readiesthe class
M announces the lesson by showin charts bar chart, pie chart and line graph
She asks ss if they have seen
One boy says he has seen the charts but doesn’t know the names
Pie graph, line graph bar graph
First we will watch a video and chat
Tells group 5 to go to the carpet

Robot and friend in boat Moby - quest to find the island with the most ducats problem: list of nations
and GDP is confusing so put the information into graph

M stops the video to emphasise y-axis and x axis

Shows pie graph and line graph

M stops video briefly to remind students about the y and x axis

Video ended
Sends group 5 back to seat
So we see the video about graphing which graph we write on percentage (pie graph)
We have 2 that have x and y axis (ss say line graph and bar graph )

Now we will go to our activity

First I need you to sit in your group 1, 2, 3,
Ss move quietly and efficiently

You have a paper with information you have to write information what do yo write in y axis
Dyou yoou werite here the day orthe time.
So you will write a line graph for the time that Mohammed was …. So you will put a point and you will
draw a line.
The second group will draw a bar graph for the favorite colour of grade 5 students
Which one will you put on the y axis. And which

Group 3 you will draw a pie about grade 5 pets and the percentage of the students so you need to draw
the pie graph and you don’t start until I ask you ok.

You will have 10 minutes to finish so I will set the timer and start I need a beautiful graph
Mariam circulates to help with activity
Gives 2 extra minutes as children have not finished

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