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to `emhe path of exploring the capabilities section only provides what should be a

very succint overview

of the most important sound tasks with linux. For more detailed
information, please consult the booklet listed below.

A more comprehensive introduction to using audio with the
linux operating system.

* Synthesize text as speech

>> echo "hello world " | festival --tts

* find the duration of the audio file 's.wav' in hours/minutes/seconds

>> soxi -d s.wav
>> soxi s.wav | grep -i duration ##(the same)


* record a 'wav' file from the microphone, saving it to 'hello.wav'

>> rec hello.wav

This begins an 8,000 Hz, monaural 8-bit WAV recording, which is not
very good quality.

* make a high-fidelity recording from the mic and save it to 'goodbye.wav'

>> rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 goodbye.wav
>> rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 goodbye.wav


* play the MP3 stream at the url

>> mpg321


It is a common task to need to convert sound files from one

format to another.

* translate an audio file in Sun AU format to a Microsoft WAV file,

>> sox recital.wav

* convert 'sound.mp3' into a wav file 'new.wav' (a new file is created)

>> mpg321 -w new.wav old.mp3 ##(the file 'old.mp3' is unchanged)
>> mpg123 -w new.wav old.mp3 ##(the same)

* encode an MP3 file from a WAV file called 'september-wind.wav'

>> lame september-wind.wav september-wind.mp3


== tools for editing sound

.. audacity - a good graphical sound editor
.. sox - a command line audio editor

* join the audio files 'a.wav' and 'b.wav' together and save as 'new.wav'
>> sox a.wav b.wav new.wav



== translation tools
.. youtranslate - uses web services such as google


* Find UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due to Byte

>> fithe name suggests, the rendering of this analysis in the form of visuals
(crosstabs, line charts, histograms, scatter plots, geo maps, treemaps, and so on)
make this a very useful tool. Join me as I walk you down the path of exploring the
capabilities nd . -type f | grep -rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF'

* show the current locale (language and character encoding)

>> locale

* show a hexdump of a text file

>> hd file.txt
>> hexdump file.txt #(the format is a little different)


* Convert a file from ISO-8859-1 (or whatever) to UTF-8 (or

>> tcs -f 8859-1 -t utf /some/file

* Convert filenames from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8

>> convmv -r -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 --notest *

* Detect encoding of the text file 'file.txt'

>> file -i file.txt ##(-i is the 'mime' switch, but it also shows encoding)

* convert file from utf8 (no bom) to utf16 (with 'bom')

>> recode UTF8..UTF-16LE linux-utf8-file.txt

* convert all '.php' files to the utf-8 text encoding

>> find . -name "*.php" -exec iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 {} -o ../newf/{} \;

* find utf-8 encoded text files misinterpreted as iso 8859-1

>> find -type f | while read a;do [ "`head -c3 -- "${a}"`" == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ]
&& echo "match: ${a}";done

* Fix UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due tonames Byte
>> pnameserl -i -pe 's/\xef\xbb\xbf//g' <file>

* Convert file type to unix utf-8

>> ex some_file "+set ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8" "+x"

* Convert one file from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

>> iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 iso.txt > utf.txt


== spell checking programs

.. spell, a non interactive spell checker
.. ispell, a veteran program
.. aspell, the gnu version
.. myspell, the open-office spell checker
.. hunspell, based on ispell
.. spellutils, debian package to selectively spell check

== editors with spell checking

.. vim, type ':set spell' to activate, and 'z=' to correct
.. emacs,

* search for all debian packages which have something to do with spelling
>> apt-cache search spell

* spell check the file 'lecture'

>> spell lecture

prints a list of badly spelled words

* print all misspelled words in all ".txt" files with line numbers
>> spell -n -o *bian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/
Instructions about how to make a debian (binary) package that can
be installed with the 'apt-get' command.

* list all files which a debian package will install

>> dpkg-deb -c var/cache/apt/archives/somepackage.deb

* show information about a debian package

>> dpkg-deb -I var/cache/apt/archives/somepackage.deb

* list all the files within a debian package file

>> ar tv somepackage.deb

* show information about the format of the 'control' file of a debian package
>> man 5 deb-control ##(the control file determines dependencies etc)

* find problems in a debian package

>> lintian somepackage.deb


A linux system is capable of playing, recording and editing

sound (audio) files with a variety of open-source software.
This the name suggests, the rendering of this analysis in the form of visuals
(crosstabs, line charts, histograms, scatter plots, geo ma
setwd, read.csv,view, ?data.frame for help,rwind(append function), cbind, str( it
is describe function, let you now the meta data of the table),
"as.factor",table,libarary(ggplot2),ps, treemaps, and so on) mak
setwd, read.csv,view, ?data.frame for help,rwind(append function), cbind, str( it
is describe function, let you now the meta data of the table),
"as.factor",table,libarary(ggplot2),e this a very useful tool. Join me as I walk
you down the path of exploring the capabilities section only provides what should
be a very succint overview
of the most important sound tasks with linux. For more detailed
information, please consult the booklet listed below.

A more comprehensive introduction to using audio with the
linux operating system.
* Synthesize text as speech
>> echo "hello world " | festival --tts

* find the duration of the audio file 's.wav' in hours/minutes/seconds

>> soxi -d s.wav
>> soxi s.wav | grep -i duration ##(the same)


* record a 'wav' file from the microphone, saving it to 'hello.wav'

>> rec hello.wav

This begins an 8,000 Hz, monaural 8-bit WAV recording, which is not
very good quality.

* make a high-fidelity recording from the mic and save it to 'goodbye.wav'

>> rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 goodbye.wav
>> rec -s w -c 2 -r 44100 goodbye.wav


* play the MP3 stream at the url

>> mpg321


It is a common task to need to convert sound files from one

format to another.

* translate an audio file in Sun AU format to a Microsoft WAV file,

>> sox recital.wav

* convert 'sound.mp3' into a wav file 'new.wav' (a new file is created)

>> mpg321 -w new.wav old.mp3 ##(the file 'old.mp3' is unchanged)
>> mpg123 -w new.wav old.mp3 ##(the same)

* encode an MP3 file from a WAV file called 'september-wind.wav'

>> lame september-wind.wav september-wind.mp3


== tools for editing sound

.. audacity - a good graphical sound editor
.. sox - a command line audio editor

* join the audio files 'a.wav' and 'b.wav' together and save as 'new.wav'
>> sox a.wav b.wav new.wav



== translation tools
.. youtranslate - uses web services such as google

* Find UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due to Byte
>> fithe name suggests, the rendering of this analysis in the form of visuals
(crosstabs, line charts, histograms, scatter plots, geo maps, treemaps, and so on)
make this a very useful tool. Join me as I walk you down the path of exploring the
capabilities nd . -type f | grep -rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF'

* show the current locale (language and character encoding)

>> locale

* show a hexdump of a text file

>> hd file.txt
>> hexdump file.txt #(the format is a little different)


* Convert a file from ISO-8859-1 (or whatever) to UTF-8 (or

>> tcs -f 8859-1 -t utf /some/file

* Convert filenames from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8

>> convmv -r -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 --notest *

* Detect encoding of the text file 'file.txt'

>> file -i file.txt ##(-i is the 'mime' switch, but it also shows encoding)

* convert file from utf8 (no bom) to utf16 (with 'bom')

>> recode UTF8..UTF-16LE linux-utf8-file.txt

* convert all '.php' files to the utf-8 text encoding

>> find . -name "*.php" -exec iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 {} -o ../newf/{} \;

* find utf-8 encoded text files misinterpreted as iso 8859-1

>> find -type f | while read a;do [ "`head -c3 -- "${a}"`" == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ]
&& echo "match: ${a}";done

* Fix UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due tonames Byte
>> pnameserl -i -pe 's/\xef\xbb\xbf//g' <file>

* Convert file type to unix utf-8

>> ex some_file "+set ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8" "+x"

* Convert one file from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

>> iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 iso.txt > utf.txt


== spell checking programs

.. spell, a non interactive spell checker
.. ispell, a veteran program
.. aspell, the gnu version
.. myspell, the open-office spell checker
.. hunspell, based on ispell
.. spellutils, debian package to selectively spell check

== editors with spell checking

.. vim, type ':set spell' to activate, and 'z=' to correct
.. emacs,
* search for all debian packages which have something to do with spelling
>> apt-cache search spell

* spell check the file 'lecture'

>> spell lecture

prints a list of badly spelled words

* print all misspelled words in all ".txt" files with line numbers
>> spell -n -o *.txt

* spell check the file 'ch.1.txt', with misspellings to the file 'bad.sp'
>> spell ch.1.txt > bad.sp

* check the spelling of a word on the command line

>> echo 'is this korrect ?' | spell

This prints 'Korrect' since it is badly spelled

* output a sorted list of the misspelled words from 'lecture.draft'

>> spell lecture.draft | sort | uniq


'ispell' is an older and simpler program than 'aspell'

* interactively spell check 'report.txt'

>> ispell report.txt

* install a British English dictionary for the "ispell" spell checker

>> sudo apt-get install ibritish

* check and correct the spelling interactively in document "report.txt"

>> ispell report.txt
setwd, read.csv,view, ?data.frame for help,rwind(append function), cbind, str( it
is describe function, let you now the meta data of the table),
"as.factor",table,libarary(ggplot2),n a misspelling is found, type the number of
the replacement)

* spell check "file.txt" using a british english dictionary

>> ispell -d british file.txt

* spell check a document written in spanish (using a spanish dictionary)

>> ispell -d spanish archivo.txt

* show what dictionaries are available locally for ispell

>> ls /usr/lib/ispell/

* the isnamespell dictionaries are all called "i[language-name]"

>> dictionary files: icatalan, ibrazilian ...

* spell check and correct "thesis.tex" which is a LaTeX format document

>> ispell -t thesis.tex ##(ispell ignores the latex mark-up codes)


aspell is a more modern and capable spell checking program

the official site
A usage manual for aspell

* show options for aspell and available dictionaries

>> aspell help | less

* show locally available dictionaries for aspell

>> aspell dicts

* install a British and American English dictionary for aspell

>> sudo apt-get install aspell-en

* install a spanish dictionary for aspell

>> sudo apt-get install aspell-es

* show all debian packages and dictionaries for aspell

>> apt-cache search aspell

* interactively check the spelling of the file "chapter.txt"

>> aspell -c chapter.txt
>> aspell check chapter.txt ##(the same)


rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF'

* show the current locale (language and character encoding)

>> locale

* show a hexdump of a text file

>> hd file.txt
>> hexdump file.txt #(the format is a little different)


* Convert a file from ISO-8859-1 (or whatever) to UTF-8 (or

>> tcs -f 8859-1 -t utf /some/file

* Convert filenames from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8

>> convmv -r -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 --notest *

* Detect encoding of the text file 'file.txt'

>> file -i file.txt ##(-i is the 'mime' switch, but it also shows encoding)

* convert file from utf8 (no bom) to utf16 (with 'bom')

>> recode UTF8..UTF-16LE linux-utf8-file.txt

* convert all '.php' files to the utf-8 text encoding

>> find . -name "*.php" -exec iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 {} -o ../newf/{} \;

* find utf-8 encoded text files misinterpreted as iso 8859-1

>> find -type f | while read a;do [ "`head -c3 -- "${a}"`" == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ]
&& echo "match: ${a}";done

* Fix UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due tonames Byte
>> pnameserl -i -pe 's/\xef\xbb\xbf//g' <file>
* Convert file type to unix utf-8
>> ex some_file "+set ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8" "+x"

* Convert one file from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

>> iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 iso.txt > utf.txt


== spell checking programs

.. spell, a non interactive spell checker
.. ispell, a veteran program
.. aspell, the gnu version
.. myspell, the open-office spell checker
.. hunspell, based on ispell
.. spellutils, debian package to selectively spell check

== editors with spell checking

.. vim, type ':set spell' to activate, and 'z=' to correct
.. emacs,

* search for all debian packages which have something to do with spelling
>> apt-cache search spell

* spell check the file 'lecture'

>> spell lecture

prints a list of badly spelled words

* print all misspelled words in all ".txt" files with line numbers
>> spell -n -o *.txt

* spell check the file 'ch.1.txt', with misspellings to the file 'bad.sp'
>> spell ch.1.txt > bad.sp

* check the spelling of a word on the command line

>> echo 'is this korrect ?' | spell

This prints 'Korrect' since it is badly spelled

* output a sorted list of the misspelled words from 'lecture.draft'

>> spell lecture.draft | sort | uniq


'ispell' is an older and simpler program than 'aspell'

* interactively spell check 'report.txt'

>> ispell report.txt

* install a British English dictionary for the "ispell" spell checker

>> sudo apt-get install ibritish

* check and correct the spelling interactively in document "report.txt"

>> ispell report.txt
setwd, read.csv,view, ?data.frame for help,rwind(append function), cbind, str( it
is describe function, let you now the meta data of the table),
"as.factor",table,libarary(ggplot2),n a misspelling is found, type the number of
the replacement)

* spell check "file.txt" using a british english dictionary

>> ispell -d british file.txt

* spell check a document written in spanish (using a spanish dictionary)

>> ispell -d spanish archivo.txt

* show what dictionaries are available locally for ispell

>> ls /usr/lib/ispell/

* the isnamespell dictionaries are all called "i[language-name]"

>> dictionary files: icatalan, ibrazilian ...

* spell check and correct "thesis.tex" which is a LaTeX format document

>> ispell -t thesis.tex ##(ispell ignores the latex mark-up codes)


aspell is a more modern and capable spell checking program

the official site
A usage manual for aspell

* show options for aspell and available dictionaries

>> aspell h...


== translation tools
.. youtranslate - uses web services such as google


* Find UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due to Byte

>> fithe name suggests, the rendering of this analysis in the form of visuals
(crosstabs, line charts, histograms, scatter plots, geo maps, treemaps, and so on)
make this a very useful tool. Join me as I walk you down the path of exploring the
capabilities nd . -type f | grep -rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF'

* show the current locale (language and character encoding)

>> locale

* show a hexdump of a text file

>> hd file.txt
>> hexdump file.txt #(the format is a little different)


* Convert a file from ISO-8859-1 (or whatever) to UTF-8 (or

>> tcs -f 8859-1 -t utf /some/file

* Convert filenames from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8

>> convmv -r -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 --notest *

* Detect encoding of the text file 'file.txt'

>> file -i file.txt ##(-i is the 'mime' switch, but it also shows encoding)

* convert file from utf8 (no bom) to utf16 (with 'bom')

>> recode UTF8..UTF-16LE linux-utf8-file.txt

* convert all '.php' files to the utf-8 text encoding

>> find . -name "*.php" -exec iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 {} -o ../newf/{} \;

* find utf-8 encoded text files misinterpreted as iso 8859-1

>> find -type f | while read a;do [ "`head -c3 -- "${a}"`" == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ]
&& echo "match: ${a}";done

* Fix UTF-8 text files misinterpreted as ISO 8859-1 due tonames Byte
>> pnameserl -i -pe 's/\xef\xbb\xbf//g' <file>

* Convert file type to unix utf-8

>> ex some_file "+set ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8" "+x"

* Convert one file from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

>> iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 iso.txt > utf.txt


== spell checking programs

.. spell, a non interactive spell checker
.. ispell, a veteran program
.. aspell, the gnu version
.. myspell, the open-office spell checker
.. hunspell, based on ispell
.. spellutils, debian package to selectively spell check

== editors with spell checking

.. vim, type ':set spell' to activate, and 'z=' to correct
.. emacs,

* search for all debian packages which have something to do with spelling
>> apt-cache search spell

* spell check the file 'lecture'

>> spell lecture

prints a list of badly spelled words

* print all misspelled words in all ".txt" files with line numbers
>> spell -n -o *.txt

* spell check the file 'ch.1.txt', with misspellings to the file 'bad.sp'
>> spell ch.1.txt > bad.sp

* check the spelling of a word on the command line

>> echo 'is this korrect ?' | spell

This prints 'Korrect' since it is badly spelled

* output a sorted list of the misspelled words from 'lecture.draft'
>> spell lecture.draft | sort | uniq


'ispell' is an older and simpler program than 'aspell'

* interactively spell check 'report.txt'

>> ispell report.txt

* install a British English dictionary for the "ispell" spell checker

>> sudo apt-get install ibritish

* check and correct the spelling interactively in document "report.txt"

>> ispell report.txt
setwd, read.csv,view, ?data.frame for help,rwind(append function), cbind, str( it
is describe function, let you now the meta data of the table),
"as.factor",table,libarary(ggplot2),n a misspelling is found, type the number of
the replacement)

* spell check "file.txt" using a british english dictionary

>> ispell -d british file.txt

* spell check a document written in spanish (using a spanish dictionary)

>> ispell -d spanish archivo.txt

* show what dictionaries are available locally for ispell

>> ls /usr/lib/ispell/

* the isnamespell dictionaries are all called "i[language-name]"

>> dictionary files: icatalan, ibrazilian ...

* spell check and correct "thesis.tex" which is a LaTeX format document

>> ispell -t thesis.tex ##(ispell ignores the latex mark-up codes)


aspell is a more modern and capable spell checking program

the official site
A usage manual for aspell

* show options for aspell and available dictionaries

>> aspell help | less

* show locally available dictionaries for aspell

>> aspell dicts

* install a British and American English dictionary for aspell

>> sudo apt-get install aspell-en

* install a spanish dictionary for aspell

>> sudo apt-get install aspell-es

* show all debian packages and dictionaries for aspell

>> apt-cache search aspell
* interactively check the spelling of the file "chapter.txt"
>> aspell -c chapter.txt
>> aspell check chapter.txt ##(the same)


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