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Topics in Logic, Set Theory and Computability

Homework Set #3

Due Friday 4/6 at 3pm (by email or in person at 08-3234)

Exercises from Handouts


8-C-2. Let f : X  Y and B  Y.
(a) Prove that f (f (B))  B.
(b) Provide a counterexample of B  f (f (B)).
(c) Provide a necessary and sufficient condition (or conditions) for f (f (B)) = B.
(d) Prove your assertion in (c) is true.
Solutions to Homework #3

7-C-2. Let s be a relation from X to Y and suppose C  X a nonempty collection of subsets of X.

(a) Prove that s (»C)  »{ s(A) : AC }.
(b) Provide a counterexample of »{ s(A) : AC }  s (»C).
(c) Provide a necessary and sufficient condition (or conditions) for s (»C) = »{ s(A) : AC }.

(a) Proof:
Let ys (»C).
Then there exists x»C such that (x,y)s.
This implies that xA for all AC.
Hence for every AC, we have xA and (x,y)s.
Thus ys(A) for every AC.
This implies that y»{ s(A) : AC }.
Therefore s (»C)  »{ s(A) : AC }. ■

(b) Take X = Y = 2 = { 0, 1 } with s = { (0,0), (1,0) } and C = { { 0 }, { 1 } }. The image of the sets
in C are s({ 0 }) = s({ 1 }) = { 0 }. This implies that »{ s(A) : AC } = { 0 } whereas s (»C) =
s () = . Therefore, it is certainly not the case that »{ s(A) : AC }  s (»C).

(c) Equality comes from the condition given for the definition of an injection of a function. Using part
(a), we only have to establish the following theorem.

Theorem: Let s  X  Y. Then

»{ s(A) : AC }  s(»C) for every nonempty collection C  X
if and only if
s({y}) is a singleton or the empty set for every yY.

: Suppose x1, x2s({y}). [Now show x1 = x2.]
Choose the collection to be C = { A, B } where A = { x1 } and B = { x2 }.
Then s(A) = s(B) = { y }.
This implies that »{ s(A) | AC } = s(A)  s(B) = { y } and s (»C) = s (A  B).
If x1  x2, then s(A  B) = s() = , which would contradict the fact that
»{ s(A) : AC }  s(»C).
Therefore, we must have that x1 = x2.

: Let C be a nonempty collection of subsets of X.

Suppose y»{ s(A) : AC }. [Now show ys(»C).]
Then ys(A) for every AC.
Since s({y}) is a singleton, then there exists xX such that { x } = s({y}).
Then we must have that xA for every AC.
Thus, x»C and this implies that ys(»C). ■

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

(a) 5 90 100
(b) 3 100 100
(c) 2 60 60

7-E-6. Let s be a relation on X. Prove that if s is transitive and reflexive, then s2 = s. Is the converse
Suppose s is transitive and reflexive.
Since s is transitive, then s2  s by Exercise 7-E-1(g). [Show s  s2.]
Suppose (x,y)s. [Show (x,y)s2.]
Since (x,y)s, then yX.
Since s is reflexive, then (y,y)s.
Since (x,y), (y,y)s, then (x,y)s  s = s2.
Thus s  s2 which implies that s2 = s. ■

The converse is not true. Take X = { 0 } and s = . Then s2 = s but s is not reflexive.

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

Proof 5 90 100
Converse 2 30 20

7-E-7. Let r be a relation on X. Prove each of the following.

(a) The relation t = r  r–1 is symmetric and is the smallest symmetric relation containing r. [That is,
if s is a symmetric relation such that r  s  t, then s = t.]

Claim: The relation t = r  r–1 is symmetric.

Let (x,y)t = r  r–1.
Then either (x,y)r or (x,y)r–1.
The former implies (y,x)r–1.
The latter implies (y,x)r.
So either (y,x)r–1 or (y,x)r.
This implies (y,x)r  r–1 = t.
Thus t = r  r–1 is symmetric. Ñ

Claim: The relation t = r  r–1 is the “smallest” symmetric relation containing r.

Suppose s is symmetric with r  s  t. [Now show s = t (we need only show that t  s).]
Let (x,y)t = r  r –1.
This implies that (x,y)r or (x,y)r –1.
If (x,y)r, then (x,y)s (since r  s - and so we are done).
If (x,y)r –1, then, (y,x)r.
Since r  s, then (y,x)s.
Since s is symmetric, then (x,y)s. Ñ

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

symmetric 5 80 92
smallest 5 60 60

8-A-4. Let f : X  Y. Show that the relation f –1 is not necessarily a function.

Let X = { a }, Y = { b, c }, and define f = { (a,b) }.
Then f –1  Y  X is the relation f –1 = { (b,a) } but f –1 is not a function since dom f –1 = { b }  Y.

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

3 90 100
8-A-9. Construct the sets (a) 23.

Since 2 = { 0, 1 } and 3 = { 0, 1, 2 }, then 23 = { f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8 } where
f1 = { (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0) }, f2 = { (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 1) }, f3 = { (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0) },
f4 = { (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1) }, f5 = { (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0) }, f6 = { (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1) },
f7 = { (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 0) }, and f8 = { (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1) }.

Instructor’s Note: We could have given a simplified answer using the characteristic function. It is
23 = { c0, c1, c{1}, c{2}, c2, c{0,2}, c{1,2}, c3 }.

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

3 90 100

8-B-2. Prove that X Y =  iff X =  and Y  .

It would have been helpful to do some of Exercise 8-A-9 to know that 00 = 1, 10 = 1, and 01 = 0.

: Proof of the contrapositive.
Suppose it is not true that X =  and Y  .
This implies that either X   or Y = .
Case 1: Suppose X  . Then either Y =  or Y  .
If Y = , then X Y = {  }  .
If Y  , then choose any aX. Define fX Y by f (y) = a for all yY. Thus X Y  .
Case 2: Suppose Y = . Then X Y = {  }  .
In both cases we have X Y  .
Thus X Y =  implies X =  and Y  .

: Suppose that X =  and Y  .

Since X  Y =  (by Exercise 6-G), then there are no possible functions f that satisfy f  X  Y
= .
Thus, X Y = .

Overall, X Y =  iff X =  and Y  . ■

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

 4 60 80
 4 60 60

8-C-2. Let f : X  Y and B  Y.

(a) Prove that f (f (B))  B.
(b) Provide a counterexample of B  f (f (B)).
(c) Provide a necessary and sufficient condition (or conditions) for f (f (B)) = B.

(a) Proof:
Suppose yf (f (B)).
Then there exists xf (B) such that f (x) = y.
Since xf (B), then there exists zB such that f (x) = z.
Since f is a function, then z = y and so yB. ■
(b) Let X = 1 = { 0 }, Y = 2 = { 0, 1 } and define f : X  Y as f (0) = 0 with B = { 1 }. Since f (B) = ,
then f (f (B)) =  and so it is not true that B  f (f (B)).

(c) f (f (B)) = B iff B  ran f.

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

(a) 5 70 80
(b) 3 90 100
(c) 2 80 90

8-D-4. Let f :AB and g :BC. Prove each of the following.

(a) If f and g are surjections, then g  f is a surjection.

Let f : A ⤖ B and g : B ⤖ C be surjections.
To show g  f : A  C is a surjection, suppose zC. [Now show there is an element in the domain
of g  f that maps to z.]
Since g is a surjection, then there exists yB such that g(y) = z.
Since yB and f is a surjection, then there exists xA such that f (x) = y.
Since g(y) = z and f (x) = y then g(f (x)) = z.
This implies that (g  f )(x) = z.
Thus, g  f is a surjection. ■

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

5 90 100

8-D-5. Let C  X a nonempty collection of sets in X and let f : X ↣ Y be an injection.

(a) Prove that »{ f (A) : AC }  f (»C).

Let y»{ f (A) : AC }. [Show yf (»C).]
Then yf (A) for every AC.
To each AC there is associated xA such that f (x) = y.
Because f is an injection, there is only one preimage of y. Let’s call this preimage x.
Since xA for every AC, then we must have x»C.
Since f (x) = y, then yf (»C). ■

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

5 70 80

8-E-1. Show that 2  3 ~ 6.

Since 2  3 = { (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2) } and 6 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, then define a bijection
f : 2  3  6 by f = { ((0,0), 0), ((0,1), 1), ((0,2), 2), ((1,0), 3), ((1,1), 4), ((1,2), 5) }.

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

3 100 100
8-E-2. Show  0 ~ 4.

Since  0 = { 0, 1, {1}, 2 } by Exercise 5-H(d) and 4 = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, then define a bijection f : 
0  4 by f = { (0, 0), (1, 1), ({1}, 2), (2, 3) }.

Exercise Out of Class Average Class Median

3 80 100

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