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Shabaan 1439 A.H. (a.t.f.s.)
Special Issue

Hazrat Abu Jafar Imam Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon them) informed:

“Whoever tes fies in the (belief in) night of decree will know that indeed it
is specific to us… certainly Allah, Mighty and Majes c be He, is far Superior
that He would send the affairs along with Ruh (Jibraeel) and angels to a
corrupt and an infidel…”

(An infallible Imam is necessary in order to receive divine affairs)

[Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, p. 253, H. 9]

July - December 2018

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful Allah’s Blessings be on you, O Saaheb al-Amr, help us and forsake us not

Sayings of other infallible ones (peace be

on them) about Imam Mahdi (may Allah
hasten his reappearance)
The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him and his progeny)
informed Janabe Zahra (peace be upon her):
“Dear daughter! We, the Ahle Bait, have been bestowed
with seven things that no one has been granted before us.
Our apostle is the best of the apostles, and he is your father.
Our successor is the best of the successors, and he is your
husband. Our martyr is the best of martyrs, and he is
Hamzah1, the uncle of your father. From us is the one who
has two dyed wings, by which he glides in Paradise, and he
is your cousin Ja’far. From us are the two grandsons of this
Ummah, and they are your two sons Hasan and Husain
(peace be upon them). And from us, by Allah and there is
no God except Him, is the Mahdi of this Ummah, behind
whom Isa Ibn Maryam (peace be upon them) will pray.”
Then he touched the shoulder of Imam Husain (peace be
upon him) and said thrice, “From him.”

[Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 51, p. 76, H. 32 narrating from

Al-Ghaibah of Shaikh Tusi (may Allah have mercy upon him), p. 191]

1 Before the martyrdom of Imam Husain (peace be upon him), the title of Syed al-Shohada (chief
of martyrs) was ascribed to Janabe Hamzah (peace be upon him). But after the event of Karbala,
this title is now specific for Imam Husain (peace be upon him).

July - December 2017

And Remember the Favour of Allah Upon

From every aspect, the above mentioned a blessing is the rightful response from the one
portion of the verse of the Holy Quran1 carries who has been granted a blessing.
an invaluable message from Allah, the There is no person or a nation which can
Almighty. In every letter of this concise count the blessings of Allah. Nor can the world
statement, runs the blood of an eternal life. The of science invent a machine which can claim to
beauty of it ignites thinking. And when the enumerate these bounties. When the Holy
mind says ‘Labbaik’ (I am here my Lord) to the Quran challenged the disbelievers to bring
thought, it opens up windows of delightful forth a verse let alone a chapter, it’s not that
perspectives which are spread far and wide and man — who keeps boasting about his scientific
are keen to express itself. The call of Labbaik progress — did not make an attempt. But,
freshens up the soul and relays the news of an when they failed, the Holy Quran ratified its
everlasting existence. It is a source and as well stance by saying that even if all the jinn and
as an axis. In its ambit lies the radiance of the men got together they would not be able to
sun, the moon and the contracting splendor of bring the like of even a single verse of the Holy
the galaxies. This freshness makes an individual Quran. It is the remembrance of the Beneficent
worthy of being called a human being. It also and a concise discussion about the blessings,
adorns him with honour, provides him with which can, on one hand, be interpreted but
grace for praising the Creator. Neither is this certainly cannot be analyzed. A poet once said,
grace in anybody's control nor can “Leaves of trees are green in the eyes of the
consciousness pen down the essence of its alert.” The Holy Quran indicates towards this,
fragrance. It is an inspiration which can be “recognize Allah, the Bestower of favours upon
inked only through in-depth knowledge and you, who says, ‘And not a leaf falls off its
deeds. branch but He knows it’.”
The Lord says, “And remember the [Surah An’aam (6): 59]
favours of Allah upon you”. Look at this The mind takes a pause here and asks: Is
happiness in the light of intellect and wisdom, Allah pointing towards a specific blessing
which gushes out in an individual when he which needs to be remembered?
earns a blessing. The only difference is that –
happiness is directly correlated to the worth or Ne’mat (Bounty)
value of the blessing. Regardless of the nature
or importance of the blessing, the one who is A person’s life is divided in two halves –
blessed has only one word to say to the One short and long – the length of which cannot be
who has granted him that blessing, and that is determined and the knowledge of which is
‘Shukr’ (Thankfulness). only with Allah. The first phase is before death
and the other is after death.
The one who receives the blessing,
expresses his gratitude through thanksgiving. In short, the first period is the stage of free-
In other words, to let the feeling sink in, an will and compulsion which begins in the cradle
individual thanks the Bestower. Remembering and ends in the grave.
1 Surah Baqarah (2): 231

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Example of compulsion: granted by the Creator to help his servants.

A person can stand on one foot but if he And then He orders to seek help from it. These
tries to raise both feet then he will come are bounties which open up the windows to
crashing down. Or, for instance, one can see heavens from where the cool breeze from the
through the eyes but if he’s blind then the tree of Tuba nurtured the soul.
whole world is nothing but darkness for him.
The Protector
Free-will The protector of this lofty bounty, the
This is an aspect of life which makes trustee, in charge, one who keeps the enemies
human a human. We are awake, cautious, away, upholds its purity, splendour and charm
mindful and thoughtful. So, when we get unharmed, the one who protects it from any
obliged, we go into prostration, thanking Allah alterations can only be someone appointed by
for making us able-bodied. The field of deeds Allah. He is the master of the time. He is the
is the training ground for an individual’s Key to the Unknown. He recognizes his
character. Character building, beautifies itself enemies too well and thus He has arranged
in the field of deeds and earns itself an identity. things in such a way that the chain of Infallibles
If this character is shaped in the template of (peace be upon them) remains intact and the
good deeds, virtues and goodness, then its dust of politics doesn’t settle on it nor dull its
status becomes such that – the blessing which freshness and life.
Allah has provided through his Friend – Holy
Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) Conclusion
– is the trusty of this blessing. Hence, he (peace Thus, the Greatest Messenger (peace be
be upon him and his progeny) announced: upon him and his progeny), while bidding
Surely I am a faithful apostle to you. adieu willed to Ameerul Momineen Ali (peace
Therefore guard against (the punishment of) be upon him): When the nation turns its back
Allah and obey me. on religion then you, O Ali, protect, the religion
[Shoara (26): 107-108] (through good morals and Shariat). When
This bounty is so invaluable that the mind Imam Ali (peace be upon him) attained
cannot comprehend it. But it is the path of martyrdom in Namaz, he (peace be upon him)
edification and Shariat which must be treaded said: By Lord of Kaba, I have succeeded.
on – as has been commanded and ordained. Imam Husain (peace be upon him) while
The light of edification and Shariat reaches up narrating his will to Imam Zain al-Aabideen
to the Arsh. If it recognises the soul of (peace be upon him) and confirmed it with
edification (Tehzeeb) and Shariat, then it Janabe Zainab (peace be upon her) by saying,
should not only establish prayers and fasts but “O sister, remember me in your night prayers.”
is helped and sheltered by it. Syed al-Sajjaad (peace be upon him) is that
Thus, Allah, the Almighty says: “And seek Imam whose prostration raised such a call in
assistance through patience and prayer, and the heavens that the Angels must have said
most surely it is a hard thing except for the Zain al-Aabideen (peace be upon him) is an
humble ones.” exemplar of servitude.
[Surah Baqarah (2): 45] In this manner, the chain of the infallibles
Allah is The Greatest! How exceptional reached the 11th Imam (peace be upon him),
and important is this blessing which has been who kept establishing this bounty – that of

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fasting and praying — in its full glory. When it (peace be upon him and his progeny).
was the turn of the 12th Imam (peace be upon
him), he was shielded from the machinations Clamour and Commotion
and deception of the enemies and first, granted There is clamour all around and the
minor occultation. Then then as per Divine evildoers are in a majority. There is a flood of
Will, he was granted a major occultation. evil from all directions. The waves of this flood
Imam (peace be upon him) protected this are busy dislodging the foundations of
bounty, firstly by personally keeping in touch mountains. On the other hand, the Holy Quran
with the first special representative and declares the Will of Allah. Nothing can
through him with the masses. The series of withstand Allah’s Will. His Decree is for the
letters (Tauqee’aat) continued. He then inheritor and the Imam of this earth who has
communicated with the people through been apparently and erroneously considered
different sources. weak. “And We desired to bestow a favour
Imam’s presence in itself can be compared upon those who were deemed weak in the
with this blessing — which is the soul of Shariat land, and to make them the Imams, and to
— meaning he is the guardian of best of make them the heirs.”
blessings like prayers and fasting. The august [Surah Qasas (28): 5]
blessing — Al Qaem (may Allah hasten his
reappearance) — the name that sees us place Regret
our hand on the head out of respect, besides It is indeed sad that a nation and a
other important things, calls out I am the community which has such a divine treasure
forgotten bounty among the Shias. and blessing, is deprived of his guardianship
and protection. His is teary eyed and
Complaint complaining that he is the ‘forgotten bounty’
This statement also carries grief. It reflects among the Shias.
acute sorrow and heartache, which only his When he is so kind to us even when we are
follower can understand. It is incumbent upon negligent of him, then it would be impossible
us to deliberate the blessing of our Imam to enumerate the unimaginable bounties that
(peace be upon him) upon us. Our Master he would shower upon us if we were truly
(peace be upon him) is the greatest bounty of attentive towards him.
Allah upon us. He (peace be upon him) is a
divine treasure and blessing. He (peace be Overview
upon him) is connected to the Arsh and earth
One needs to be little attentive, aware and
every moment. He (peace be upon him) is the
a mutual correlation between knowledge and
most dependable among those who can be
actions is required. A small amount of light
relied upon. The Messenger (peace be upon
acquired through knowledge and wisdom will
him and his progeny) ascended the heavens
allow a follower of Imam (peace be upon him)
and descended with blessings as a mercy and
to visualise better. The same Imam (peace be
graced everyone with his affection and
upon him) can see the burning door of Janabe
forgiveness. In this last era, and till the time of
Zahra (peace be upon her), Ameerul
reappearance, Imam-e-Zamaana (may Allah
Momineen Ali (peace be upon him) being
hasten his reappearance) will be the trustee of
dragged with a rope around his neck, rights of
bounties brought by the truthful Messenger
Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) being

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usurped, the tragedy of Karbala and the his followers individually and inviting them to
patience, prayers, glorification of Allah on the tread this path. He is not negligent of us even
lips of those who faced hardships after Karbala. for a moment.
There is a brief sequence whose sad scenes
have enveloped the skyline of Kazimain, Plea
Khurasan and Saamarra. The one who will O my Master! O my leader! O the one who
take revenge is not helpless. Rather, he is keeps an eye on the guards, we the helpless
waiting for Divine Permission else he would ones request you, “O our Master, we are the
have already finished off the oppressors. He is weak and lowly ones. Your envoys are Janabe
the son of the Lion of Allah. He is the possessor Jibraeel and the other angels. You rank is
of Zulfiquar. He is the manifestation of Allah’s affiliated to Allah. O Master if your kind
Power. Now, through this complaint, look at support wouldn’t have been with us we
the tears in the piercing eyes of Imam-e- wouldn’t have survived in any corner of this
Zamaana (may Allah hasten his reappearance). corrupt world. Please provide us with the
Which follower will not cry incessantly after resources to tread the path that leads to you.
hearing this sentence? Give us the courage and resolve.

Goal A Hidden Caller Calls

“I am the forgotten bounty among the Break free from the desire of being famous.
Shias.” This sentence uttered by Imam-e- Stay attached with the Religious Authority of
Zamana (may Allah hasten his reappearance) the time. He is our representative. Attend
is not unexpected or out of place. Neither is it gatherings of scholars who practice what they
a complaint. There is nothing other than this. preach and remember the favours of Allah
The one who hears this is at best moved for a (upon you).
few moments and then becomes negligent
again. Remember?
It is not like that. Imam (peace be upon “Salutations be upon you O My Master!
him) is the representative of Allah, the A sincere salutation to you concerning
Almighty on this earth and he is directly in Mastership. I bear witness that you are
contact with Allah. This statement is an the Imam, the guided one (Mahdi), in
assertion and just a reminder, a wake-up call word and deed.”
for the inattentive ones. It is a path which
[Isteghaasa ba Hazrat Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
stretches a long way and its final stop is reappearance), Mafaatih al-Jinaan, p. 216]
reappearance. The ones who have gone ahead
on this path have left footprints behind which
are devoid of any pitfalls. This is the very path
which the provider of bounties has prepared Continued from page 9
for his special servants. This sentence of Imam-
reappearance of our Imam, our master, our
e-Zamana (may Allah hasten his reappearance)
leader, the master of our bounties, the medium
encourages pondering and offers an outlook
of Allah’s blessings – Hazrat Hujjat Ibn Hasan
— to join the caravan moving along this path.
al-Askari (peace be upon them) and include us
The consequences will not be good if one gets
among his sincere servants.
deviated. It is the hospitality of our Benevolent
Master (peace be upon him) who is gathering Aameen! O Lord of the Worlds!

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Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (may Allah hasten his

reappearance) and the Night of Decree
Lailat al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) is “Surely We revealed it on a blessed
regarded as the most important and sacred night, surely We are ever warning.
night in the Islamic calendar. Among all the Therein every wise affair is made
350 nights and days of the year, this night holds distinct.”
the highest position. Holy Quran has declared The Night of Decree arrives every year.
it better than a thousand nights i.e. worship in One might presume that the Holy Quran was
this night is better than that of a little over 83 revealed over the blessed life of Holy Prophet
years. It means worship during the nights and (peace be upon him and his progeny) and the
days of a little over 83 years devoid of this night revelation having concluded during his
cannot be compared to worship in this night. It lifetime, there remains no possibility of
is the most important night for Muslims - be it ongoing revelation of the Quran. This is flawed
the 19th, 21st, or 23rd night according to Shias, thinking. Consequently, people with such
or 27th night of Maah-e-Ramazan according thinking might only observe this night as
to Ahle Tasannun. Regardless of the formality. However, this is not true. We must
disagreement on the date, the significance of never entertain such thoughts as the Night of
this night is accepted by all. On this night, Decree bears two very important merits:
special arrangements for worship are made in The first one is related to the revelation of
mosques and other places of worship. People Quran, which contains everything – wet or
generally spend the entire night in worship. dry. Secondly, Holy Quran has all the
This night is important because destiny is information of changes about everything since
written in this night. Life and death, sustenance, the day of creation. The progress of time
children, marriage, dignity, honor, disgrace, depends on years, months and days. These
rains, famine, flood, war, unrest and all that changes with time and their indications are
would occur in this world is decreed in this understood only by those entrenched in
night.1 The Holy Quran has explained this knowledge. Therefore all changes that would
reality in the following words: occur during the year are scribed in a scroll
“The angels and Jibraeel descend in brought down from the heaven to the earth by
it by the permission of their Lord for an angel. The Archangel, who is also known as
every affair”. Spirit (Ruh), descends at a point and fulfills his
[Surah Qadr (97): 3] responsibilities. We will provide additional
The word “for every affair” is explained in explanation about this event.
the 2nd and 3rd verse of Surah Dukhaan (44) The Night of Decree arrives every year.
thus: Muslims, who make arrangements for this
every year, also narrate its reality. Revelation of
1 According to Shia beliefs, the evils that would
occur would be a result of evil human actions and the Holy Quran is mentioned as an event of
not forced by Allah but since human actions are the past since the word is used in its past tense:
in the Pre-Knowledge of Allah, He would decree
“Surely We revealed it on the grand

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night.” the nights in the holy month of Ramazan and

In the blessed Surah Dukhaan too, past not in the remaining 11 months. Allah revealed
tense is used: in the 185th verse of Surah Baqarah:
“Surely We revealed it on a blessed “The month of Ramazan is that in
night.” which the Quran was revealed.”
However, the coming down of angels and It is mentioned in Surah Qadr:
affixing of destiny is mentioned in the present “Surely We revealed it on the grand
tense. night.”
“The angels and Jibraeel descend in In Surah Dukhaan it is said:
it by the permission of their Lord for “Surely We revealed it on a blessed
every affair.” night.”
In Surah Dukhaan as well, the distribution This confirms that the Night of Decree is a
of affairs and destiny is mentioned in its part of the blessed month.
present tense.
“Therein every wise affair is made Significance of this Night
distinct.” Almighty Allah placed infinite reward for
Scholars know that present tense is used to worship in the holy month of Ramazan. Even
explain an event of continuity and sequence. the breath of a fasting person is glorification,
Since revelation of Quran was a past event and while his sleep is considered worship. On the
a completed affair at a specific time, and is not other hand, forgiveness of our sins, relief from
ongoing, past tense was used for its revelation. severities of the judgment day, passing over the
But the descent of the angels and the bridge of Seraat and entry in Paradise, all of
distribution of affairs and destiny is a these would be an outcome of otherwise many
continuous affair and hence present tense is good actions. Therefore, Allah’s mercy and
used. grace demanded that Lailat al-Qadr was kept
“The angels and Jibraeel descend… hidden within a few nights so that on this
and… Therein every wise affair is made pretext we perform few more good actions and
distinct” are both used in the present tense increase our reward.
and prove that this affair ongoing. Therefore, it was mentioned that it is
Another important aspect is that this among the odd nights of the last ten days of the
Night of Decree is not only an existing and holy month of Ramazan. Sometimes it was
continuous affair but also a great bounty from mentioned as one of the nights from 19th, 21st
Allah. It is narrated from Holy Prophet (peace or 23rd of the holy month. Imam Jafar Sadiq
be upon him and his progeny): (peace be upon him) has mentioned about the
“The Almighty Allah has bestowed the three nights in the following manner:
great bounty – the Night of Decree – “Affairs are decided in the 19th night.
only to my nation, while He has not On 21st night a ruling is made and on
granted this privilege to other nations.” the 23rd a final verdict is passed for
[Tafseer-e-Namuna, vol. 27, p. 190] execution.”
[Al-Kaafi, vol. 4, p. 159, H. 9]
A Night in the Blessed Month Ahle Tasannun consider 27th night as
To add to its importance is that it is one of Lailat al-Qadr.

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We are heedless of the great bounties of situation when the best of the angels, The
these nights and hence do not utilize our time Spirit, is descending in Lailat al-Qadr?
even during these three nights completely for According to traditions this angel descends
worship. We must ponder that these nights are from the heavens and visits earth only once a
the best means of our forgiveness. Especially, year with all the important affairs.
the grief about the martyrdom of Ameerul The method of Allah (Glorified be He) is
Momineen (peace be upon him) is an that whenever He sent down an angel with
important means for us to acquire proximity revelation, message, book, scroll… on the
of Allah. We must consider these nights as earth, He also informed the angel about whom
transient and by the intercession of Aale to meet and hand over the trust. Therefore, He
Muhammad (peace be upon them), attempt to appointed Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon
acquire Allah’s forgiveness and pave the way to him) for the scrolls, Hazrat Moosa (peace be
Paradise. Otherwise, it is found in traditions upon him) for Torah, Hazrat Isa (peace be
that if a person is not forgiven in the holy upon him) for the Bible, and Holy Prophet
month of Ramazan, then he is never forgiven (peace be upon him and his progeny) for Holy
except that he is blessed with the performance Quran. Archangel Jibraeel and all other angels
of Hajj and he seeks forgiveness in the land of were well aware about the opportunity they
Arafaat. received in meeting these lofty personalities.
The ultimate verdict of wisdom states that
Upon whom do the Angels if “affairs” are revealed in the Night of Decree,
descend? Who is the recipient of then there is a “Master of the Affairs” and
divine affairs? “one vested with authority who can enquire
about all the affairs.” The existence of Allah’s
According to Quranic verses, when it is
proof is mandatory when angels and Spirit
mentioned that in the Night of Decree, Angels
descend to meet him.
and Spirit descend and all affairs of the year are
decided a question arises: The tradition of Imam Husain (peace be
upon him) explains this reality: “In relation
Upon whom do the angels descend? And
with the destiny and distribution of affairs, the
to whom are the affairs of the year and in other
decision of Allah (Glorified be He) descends in
words, Allah’s plan for human beings handed
your holy presence and begins from your blessed
over? Who is the epicenter of the descent of
angels and Allah’s mercy?
[Mafaatih al-Jinaan, Ziyaarat Mutlaqa of Imam
Whenever we communicate any message,
Husain (peace be upon him), First Ziyaarat]
we ensure to keep the recipient of the message
Thus it is Ahle Bait (peace be upon them)
in our mind. This is an intellectually acceptable
in whose presence all the affairs are presented.
practice. But is it also acceptable that messages
The regular occurrence of the Night of Decree
keep accumulating while the sender has no
every year is the proof that there exists a
clue about the receiver? The messenger stands
“Master of the Affairs” who is the proof of
in the middle of the road and searches for the
Allah and “Wali al-Amr.”
receiver of the message?
Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (peace be
What is the divine practice here? Has
upon him) said: “O Shias! Establish proof and
Allah sent angels without the information of a
argument by Surah Qadr. Surely you will
recipient and are the Angels, clueless about
succeed. By Allah! After the Messenger of Allah
where to go after they descend, especially in a

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(peace be upon him and his progeny), who is the Abi Talib (peace be upon them).”
leader of your religion, this Surah is Allah’s proof They probed further: “Is this some special
and argument for you. O Shias! Use Surah Haa affair which common people cannot receive.”
Meem Dukhaan as your argument. Allah
Imam (peace be upon him) replied: “Yes!
(Glorified be He) says: Surely We revealed it on
Allah has decided that till His religion does not
a blessed night surely We are ever warning.
dominate (over all other religions) and the time
Therein every wise affair is made distinct. After
of its explicit manifestation does not arrive, He
the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and
must be worshipped silently. Just like Holy
his progeny), this is specific for his vicegerents. O
Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny)
People! Allah (Glorified be He) reveals in the
and Janabe Khadija (peace be upon her) did not
Holy Quran: And there is not a nation but a
disclose this matter till the time they were not
warner has gone among them1 (warner refers to
instructed to do so.”
the divine proof).
They asked: “Is it necessary that the master
People asked, “O son of the Messenger if
of the religion and the master of the affairs
Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny),
keep this matter concealed?”
isn’t Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
progeny) the warner for this nation?” Imam (peace be upon him) answered: “Ali
Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them) alongside
Imam (peace be upon him) replied,
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
“Certainly, but is he present at this time?”
progeny) did not announce this matter till Allah
They said: “No.” did not command them for it.”
Then Imam (peace be upon him) asked: They agreed: “Yes, this is true.”
“So does not this nation need any warner like
Imam (peace be upon him) elucidated:
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
“Our affairs are similar to this. Till the time the
book reaches its appointed time.”2
They replied: “Yes of course.” [Ta’weel al-Aayaat, vol. 2, p. 824-825 narrating from
Then Imam (peace be upon him) Al-Kaafi, vol. 239, p. 6; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 25, p.
responded: “Holy Prophet (peace be upon him 8, Tradition 68]
and his progeny) appointed a warner for this Therefore, for the revelation of the affair,
nation before leaving this world.” the existence of the ‘Master of the Affairs’ is
They inquired: “Is Holy Quran not absolutely essential. Thus, The Night of Decree
sufficient in this matter?” is only for those who believe in the existence of
Imam (peace be upon him) retorted: Hujjat Ibn Hasan al-Askari (peace be upon
“Indeed but only when the interpreter and the them). It is for those who spend every moment
teacher of the Holy Quran is present.” awaiting his reappearance, sobbing and
praying to Allah (Glorified be He) to hasten
They further asked: “Did Holy Prophet
his reappearance, especially in this night, they
(peace be upon him and his progeny) not
plead Him for a blessed opportunity to spend
provide the complete exegesis of the entire
this night in his holy presence.
Among the affairs that Allah (Glorified be
Imam (peace be upon him) countered:
He) is going to decree in Lailat al-Qadr, we
“He did but only to one person and also
pray that first and foremost, He ordains the
introduced him to his nation and he was Ali Ibn
2 Surah Baqarah (2): 235
1 Surah Faatir (35): 24 Continued on page 5

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Exegesis of Dua Ahad

(Continued from previous issue) through a face.”
O Allah, I beseech You in Your Noble [Al-Tauheed by Shaikh Saduq (may Allah be pleased
Name, in the Light of Your Luminous with him), p. 149, chapter 12, H. 1]
Face and Your Eternal Kingdom. O Transcendence within the belief of Divine
Ever-living! O Self-Subsistent! I beseech Monotheism (Tauheed) is an extremely
You in the name of Your Name with important pillar according to the true religion
which the heavens and the earth have and teachings of Ahle Bait (peace be upon
lit up and in Your Name with which the them). It means to purify and sanctify Allah
past and the coming generations have from all kinds of comparisons and
become upright! O He Who has been resemblances. Allah is holier than and free
always alive before the existence of all from everything which is found in human
living things! O He Who shall be alive beings. Then what does ‘Face’ in this statement
after the extinction of all living things! refer to? Let us see what ‘Face’ means in the
O He Who has been always alive even light of traditions of Aale Muhammad (peace
when there was nothing else alive! O He be upon them).
Who revives the dead ones and causes
the living ones to die! O Ever-living! Face (Wajh) refers to Religion
There is no god save You. In the above tradition, at the outset, Imam
In the aforementioned verses of this Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon him) has
supplication, we beseech Allah, Glorified be sanctified Allah from the apparent connotation
He, through His Name, Luminous Face, His of the word ‘Face’. He then explains: “Rather it
Kingdom and His Specific Names. We shall means that everything shall be destroyed except
mention some important terms here: His religion and ‘Face’ (Wajh) is that through
The literal meaning of the word ‘Wajh’ is which He can be reached.”
face i.e. something which helps draw our [Ibid]
attention towards a particular thing. ‘Wajh’
and ‘Jaah’ also mean value and position. This Face (Wajh) means the path of
word has also been used at numerous places in truth
the Holy Quran. We can refer to ‘Wajhullah’
Haarith Ibn Mughairah al-Nasri, an
(Allah’s Face), ‘Wajho Rabbik’ (Face of your
extremely reliable companion of Imam Sadiq
Lord), ‘Wajho Rabbehim’ (Face of their Lord),
(peace be upon him) and a traditionalist
(Muhaddith), narrates that I inquired from
What does the term “Allah’s Face” imply? Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) about the
Firstly, it is important to clarify that Allah and verse:
His Face are completely different. Imam
“Everything shall be destroyed
Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon him)
except His Face”
[Surah Qasas (28): 88]
“Surely Allah, Mighty and Majestic be
In his reply, the Imam (peace be upon
He, is far greater than being described
him) said:

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“Everything shall be destroyed except and His Face.”

the one who took the path of truth.” [Ibid, p. 151, H. 7]
[Al-Tauheed by Shaikh Saduq (may Allah be pleased Imploring by the means of His Noble Face
with him), p. 149, chapter 12, H. 2]
in this statement of Dua Ahad refers to the
What is the path of truth? Obedience to sacred personalities of Muhammad and Aale
and following the Holy Prophet (peace be Muhammad (peace be upon them). They are
upon him and his progeny) is the true face of the luminous face of Allah and it is through
God. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) has their mediation that prayers are accepted.
explained the aforementioned verse as follows: Another term is “Mulkek al-Qadeer” (or
“Whoever comes to Allah with whatever Qadeem as per some narrations) which means
he was ordered concerning the “the everlasting or all-powerful kingdom”. Allah
obedience of Muhammad and the has complete dominance over His entire
Imams after him (peace be upon them), kingdom. He grants it to and takes it away
then (surely) he is the face which shall from whomsoever He wishes. “Say: O Allah,
not be destroyed and then he recited Master of the Kingdom! You grant the
‘and whoever obeys the Messenger kingdom to whomsoever You please and
then indeed he has obeyed Allah’” take away the kingdom from whomsoever
[Surah Nisaa (4): 80] You please, and You exalt whom You please
[Ibid, H. 3] and abase whom You please, in Your Hand is
the good; surely You have power over all
Face (Wajh) refers to Ahle Bait things.”
(peace be upon them) [Surah Aale Imraan (3): 26]

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) Although Allah bestowed human beings
elucidated: “We are the Face of Allah. We keep with power and freewill but He still has more
frequenting the earth among you all. Whoever authority over them as compared to themselves.
has recognized us has done so (his reward is He can withdraw from them whenever He
fixed) but whoever is ignorant of us then indeed wishes. No one should assume these things to
certainty (death) is in front of him.” be his own, rather they are all bestowed.
Servitude also demands that we consider
[Ibid, p. 150, H. 6]
ourselves totally helpless in front of Him.
If we summarise these three interpretations
O Ever-living! O Self-Subsistent! I
then we can conclude that Ahle Bait (peace be
beseech You in the name of Your Name
upon them) are the Face of Allah while the
with which the heavens and the earth
religion of Allah as also the path of truth also
have lit up
refers only to them.
Allah is the Ever-living Being but it should
Khaisama narrates that I inquired from
be borne in mind that that His life cannot be
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) about this
compared to our lives. Rather He is the creator
verse “Everything shall be destroyed except
and owner of our lives. We have been cautioned
His Face.”
against drawing any mental, intellectual and
Imam (peace be upon him) replied: perceptive image about Him. His Names are
“His religion. The Messenger of Allah equally transcendental and praiseworthy just
and Ameerul Momineen (peace be as His Essence. In other words, when we
upon them) are the religion of Allah discuss about Allah’s life then we are only

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permitted to say that “there is no death for [Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, p. 87, H. 2]

Him”. “(He is) Living (such that) there is no Secondly, Allah’s Names are of two kinds
(concept of) death for Him.” – Literal (Lafzi) and Universal (Kauni). Literal
[Al-Tauheed of Shaikh Saduq (may Allah be pleased (Lafzi) are those Names which are words
with him), p. 138-140, 146] formed based on combining of alphabets such
There is nothing like death for Him, unlike as “Allah”, “Rahmaan”, “Raheem”, etc. Universal
other living beings for whom there is life and (Kauni) refer to the entire creation of Allah
death. Rather He is the creator of their life and which indicate towards Him (being their
death. creator). All divine Names, Prophet
O Self-Subsistent means that He controls Muhammad and his progeny (peace be upon
the entire universe and brings about peaks and them) are the Greatest of the Greatest of the
troughs in their lives. All of us are completely Greatest Names of Allah (Isme A’zame A’zame
under His control and power. He is the A’zam). It is through their divine light that this
Authority, Master, Protector, Reformer and universe is illuminated. Such statements are
Controller over the entire creation and there found in supplications: “The earth was
are no exceptions to this. None can escape His illuminated through your light.”
Kingdom and Dominion. Everyone is humble [Al-Balad al-Ameen, p. 302]
and meek before Him. How many Names of Allah are Lafzi?
After this, we beseech Allah through that According to traditions, 4,000 Names of Allah
Name which is the cause of the illumination of are Lafzi.
heavens and the earth. The word ‘Ism’ in Arabic A question arises here that if Allah is
means name or sign. It is derived from the root unfathomable through thoughts and
‘wow-seen-meem (wa-sa-ma)’ which means imaginations, then what is the purpose of these
sign. Hence, whenever we recite Bismillah (in Names? The reply is that it is He who has
the Name of Allah) it actually translates as ‘I selected these Names for Himself. We have to
indicate for myself that I am a creation of Allah call unto Him through these Names only.
and He is my creator’. Neither do we have any right to coin a name
Imam Reza (peace be upon him) states: for Him, nor has He permitted us for it. All His
“Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) means that I Names and Attributes are Tauqeefi i.e. no one
specify for myself with one of the signs (Simat) of has the right to say anything other than what
Allah, Mighty and Majestic be He, and that is He has ordered. In other words, we have been
servitude.” forbidden to call Him by any other name than
The narrator asked: What is the meaning what He has commanded.
of Simat? Allah implements every command under
Imam (peace be upon him) replied: “Sign.” the light of a specific Name. For details, one
can refer to Dua Simaat which is to be recited
[Ma’aani al-Akhbaar, p. 3, H. 1]
on Fridays at the time of Asr.
It is imperative to mention few important
And in Your Name with which the past
points here. Firstly, All Divine Names and
and the coming generations have become
Attributes are not a part of Allah’s Essence.
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) explains:
“Name is different from the Entity. All (divine) This statement implies that means of
Names are different from Allah.” success and good fortune in this world and the
hereafter are provided for them. O He Who has

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been always alive before the existence of all objection over the long life of Imam Mahdi
living things! O He Who shall be alive after the (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is like
extinction of all living things! O He Who has actually casting a doubt over Allah’s divine
been always alive even when there was nothing power.
else alive! O He Who revives the dead ones and We pray to Allah, the Most High, that O
causes the living ones to die! O Ever-living! Allah! We implore You for the sake of the holy
There is no god save You. existence of Your last divine proof, Imam
We have already discussed about life and Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance),
death above. Allah is the One who grants life keep us steadfast on his Imamat during such
and causes to die. He can cause anyone to die turbulent times and protect us from doubts
whenever He wishes and can grant life to and objections raised by the enemies of Islam.
whosoever He wishes. If He wants, He can Aameen!
cause His divine proof to remain alive amidst [To be continued later… Insha Allah]
burning flames of fire. If He pleases, He can
Continued from page 22
call His divine proof up to the fourth sky and
keep him alive. If He wishes, He can keep His upon him and his progeny) inform: Surely I
divine proof alive in the depth of a well. If He leave among you two precious things, two
desires, He can cause His divine proof to caliphs. If you take from them you will never
remain alive even inside the belly of a fish. If go astray after me. One of them is superior to
He wants, He can keep His divine proof alive the other. The Book of Allah – a rope extended
by concealing him from the people and from the skies to the earth (or from the earth)
granting him a prolonged occultation. Indeed, and my progeny, my Ahle Bait (peace be upon
Allah the Almighty grants life. them). Know that these two will never separate
from each other until they meet me at the
It is a pity though, that so-called Muslims
pond of Kausar.”
neither doubt over Prophet Ibrahim (peace be
upon him) being unharmed in the raging Reminder
flames of fire nor about Prophet Isa (peace be
This tradition has been repeatedly
upon him) being alive on the fourth sky. There
mentioned by Holy Prophet (peace be upon
are no reservations for anyone over the safety
him and his progeny) on numerous occasions.
and well-being of Prophet Yusuf (peace be
During the farewell Hajj, at Mount Arafaat, at
upon him) in the depth of a well and neither
Ghadeer-e-Khum, during the final stages of
does anyone challenge the account of Prophet
his life in Medina when his house was
Yunus (peace be upon him) in the belly of a
brimming with companions, in the sermon
fish. Ironically, if there is any objection, then it
delivered after returning from Taa’ef and
is only over the last divine proof of Allah, who
numerous other occasions. In short, with
will fill the earth with justice and equity, the
regards to the belief in Twelve Imams,
twelfth successor of Holy Prophet (peace be
Muhaddis Noori has not only refuted the
upon him and his progeny) viz. His Eminence
objections of the Ahle Tasannun from their
Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
own sources but also proved that only Ahle
reappearance), whose occultation and
Bait (peace be upon them) are the successors
reappearance are proven from the Holy Quran
of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
and traditions.
progeny) and accordingly Imam Mahdi (may
We want the readers to pay attention Allah hasten his reappearance) is alive and
towards an important point here. Any present even today.

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A Complete Submission
The manner and style of the verses of the perhaps we would have avoided the great
Holy Quran is of such sublimely miraculous calamities which have befallen us, destroyed
nature that each attempt to express their cities and villages and their inhabitants in their
transcendental beauty causes human intellect strides.
to wander endlessly in the depths of their The word “Tasleem” has been derived from
meanings and concepts. If man was to the word “Salaamatun” or “Salaamun” which
completely utilize whatever intellect Allah has means to be submissive or to yield.
granted, this would be a great achievement in [Al-Munjid, p. 487]
itself. Often words fail to describe the true
The word Sa-la-ma has been used in the
depth of meanings which are conveyed by the
Holy Quran 4 times in the meaning of
Divine verses but at the same time, hearts
submission and obedience. Surah Nisa (4): 91
resonate with their understanding and
and 190 and Surah Nahl (16): 87 and 128. We
acceptance. As an example, let us look at one of
shall mention one of these verses as an example:
the most frequently recited verses of the Holy
Quran: “On that day they shall offer their
submission to Allah.”
“Indeed, Allah and His angels send
[Surah Nahl (16): 87]
greetings on the Holy Prophet (peace
be upon him and his progeny), then Submission can be analyzed in two ways
O those who profess belief, you too here:
send salutations unto him and a. Apparent submission
submit a complete submission. b. Submission from the heart
[Surah Ahzaab (33): 56]
Apparent submission means that a person
The last portion of this verse stands as an submits on a topic superficially while he
exegesis of the entire verse and acts as a filter doesn’t actually accept it from his heart. Rather,
which erases all the dust and haze accumulated he would oppose this topic at the first available
upon our intellect and causes it to enter into opportunity. This has been mentioned in the
the light of clarity and illumination. When we Holy Quran as such:
ponder over the last portion of this verse and
“The Bedouins proclaim that they
attempt to analyze its profundity from the
have accepted faith, then you inform
depths of our souls only then can we put forth
them that you all haven’t actually
our humble efforts to tread the path of great
believed rather you all should say
personalities who are the very embodiment of
that you have professed to the
this verse. If we were to look at these great
acceptance of Islam and belief hasn’t
personalities from the aspect of their
yet entered into your hearts”.
faithfulness in their absolute submission to the [Surah Hujuraat (49): 14]
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
progeny) we can analyze how they have The relation between Islam and
fulfilled its right. Had people really acted upon
this complete submission to the Holy Prophet Imaan (belief)
(peace be upon him and his progeny) then The aforementioned verse points towards

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a very clear distinction between those people narcissism, etc. then Allah shall cause
who claim to have accepted Islam but haven’t punishment to descend upon him. Apparently
progressed through the various levels of belief. a person is aware of these orders and
Islam can be accepted in the meaning of understands and accepts them but these do
submission only when those who claim to not actually enter into the depths of his heart.
accept it, understand its actual meaning and “And although their hearts were
concept which, at its very core, is accepting the certain about those miracles, still
guidance and mastership of Ahle Bait (peace they did not accept them due to
be upon them). Without this belief, their arrogance and rebellion. Then (O
acceptance of Islam would be hollow and Prophet) see the fate of those who
nothing more than an apparent shape and spread corruption.”
structure of Islam, devoid of its soul. Hence [Surah Naml (27): 14]
through the apparent acceptance of Islam a This is the miraculous nature of the words
person can profess to be a Muslim but cannot of God which has so eloquently expressed this
be called a Mo’min (believer). psychological aspect. Even though their hearts
Now we shall mention a tradition from were absolutely certain about it, they still did
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) on the topic not accept it out of rebellion and arrogance.
of Islam and belief, in which he (peace be upon Firaun was well aware that Prophet Moosa
him) says: (peace be upon him) was speaking the truth
“Islam refers to those apparent things and his intellect too had accepted the veracity
which are generally accepted by the of the words of Prophet Moosa (peace be upon
people viz. the belief in Divine him) but it was his arrogance, love of position
Monotheism, Prophethood of Holy and power and his desire for kingship and
Prophet (peace be upon him and his rulership which stopped his heart from
progeny), reciting the daily prayers, accepting Prophet Moosa (peace be upon
giving Zakat, performing Hajj and him).
fasting in the month of Ramazan, are Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan knew Ameerul
all referred to as Islam. But belief is Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon
accepting the guidance and mastership them) much better than others but he did not
of the Ahle Bait (peace be upon them) submit to him and destroyed his hereafter by
along with the aforementioned actions. bearing hatred and enmity towards him.
If a person fulfills all of the former but
does not accept the mastership of the Submitting from the heart
Ahle Bait (peace be upon them) then
even though he may be considered to be This is the true submission which
a Muslim he would be deviated (he guarantees Paradise. When the light of
wouldn’t be a believer).” submission illuminates in the heart of a person
then there are no boundaries which limit its
[Tafseer al-Burhan, vol. 4, p. 212, H. 5; Al-Kaafi, vol.
2, p. 24, H. 4]
expanse. This is real submission which a
person accepts from his heart. Faith and action
Apparent submission can be a cause of
are the fruits of true submission. We shall
punishment for a person. As an example, Allah
further discuss this form of submission.
the Almighty says in the Holy Quran that
whosoever turns away from Allah and His It would not be inappropriate to say that
orders i.e. he acts upon jealousy, greed, when apparent submission transforms into

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true submission, a person ascends a heavenly salutations unto the Prophet (peace
position wherein sometimes he resembles be upon him and his progeny). O
Salman al-Muhammadi (may Allah have you who believe! You too send
mercy on him), Hurr Ibn Yazid al-Riyahi and salutations upon him and submit a
at times Zohair Ibn Qain al-Bajali, Haroon al- complete submission.”
Makki, Fuzail Ibn Yasaar, Kulaib al-Tasleem, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him)
etc. But at the same time, if this submission addressed me: “O Abu Hashim! What do these
would remain restricted to a person’s thoughts people know about the exegesis of this verse?”
and not translate into actions, then he would Then he (peace be upon him) explained:
tread the footsteps of Hassaan Ibn Saabit, Ali “Submit a complete submission to the
Ibn Hamzah al-Bataaeni and Shalmaghani mastership of Ali (peace be upon him).”
(may Allah curse them).
“And on that day, they shall stand
When a person enters into the realms of submissively before Allah.”
submission, he himself understands that no [Surah Nahl (16): 87]
doubts can be raised against the Imam “Surely Allah and His angels send
appointed by Allah. If an apple was to be split salutations unto the Prophet (peace
into two parts and kept before Imam al-Sadiq be upon him and his progeny). O
(peace be upon him) and he were to adjudicate you who believe! You too send
that one portion of the apple is Halaal while salutations upon him and submit a
the other portion is Haraam then there is no complete submission.”
room for someone who possesses true [Surah Ahzaab (33): 56]
submission to question any part of this
“The Bedouins claim that they have
brought faith, O Prophet! Inform
Let us observe aspects of this true them that they haven’t brought faith
submission through traditions of the Infallible rather they should say that we have
Imams (peace be upon him). accepted Islam, while faith has not
“A complete submission means submit yet entered into their hearts.”
to Him with Mastership and whatever [Surah Hujuraat (49): 14]
has reached us from Him.” “And they rejected the miracles
[Tafseer al-Qummi, vol. 2. p. 196; Tafseer al-Burhaan, despite having certitude about them
vol. 4, p. 488] due to their prejudice and pride.
Abu Baseer asked Imam al-Sadiq (peace Then see how the end of was of the
be upon him) about Surah Ahzaab verse 56, to corrupted.”
which Imam (peace be upon him) replied: [Surah Naml (27): 14]
“To send salutations upon them and to “(Prophet Moosa (peace be upon
submit completely before them!” him)) said: Surely you know that
[Al-Mahaasin, vol. 1, p. 271] none have revealed these miracles
Abu Hashim narrates that I was with except the Lord of the heavens and
Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) in the earth as proofs and surely I think
the Holy Mosque of Mecca. The governor of you O Firaun that you are destroyed.”
[Surah Bani Israel (17): 102]
the city went up to the pulpit and delivered the
Friday sermon in which he said: “And they have hearts but they do
“Surely Allah and His angels send not understand through them.”

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[Surah A’raaf (7): 179] submission (of Tauheed and Prophethood) but
“Have they not travelled in the land were devoid of true submission due to which
so that they may have hearts through they became deserving of the fire of Hell.
which they may understand?” History is replete with such individuals.
[Surah Hajj (22): 46] Hasan Ibn Ali al-Washsha says that one
Now let us glance through some historical day, my master Imam Reza (peace be upon
incidents to understand the effects and him) called me to Marw and addressed me as
blessings of this true submission. If we were to such:
look at the beginnings of Islam then among “O Hasan, today Ali Ibn Hamzah al-
the foremost ones the name of Hassaan Ibn Bataaeni has died and has entered into his
Saabit stands out. He had the good fortune to grave at this hour. Then the two angels of the
meet the five great infallible ones viz. Holy grave entered and asked him, ‘Who is your
Prophet, Ameerul Momineen, Janabe Zahra, Lord?’ He replied ‘Allah!’ Then they asked him,
Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (peace be ‘who is your Prophet?’ He replied, ‘Muhammad
upon them). He was a companion of Holy (peace be upon him and his progeny)!’ Then
Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) they asked, ‘who is your Master?’ He replied,
and was present at the time of Ghadeer in 10 ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them)!’ They
A.H. He pledged allegiance to Ameerul went on, ‘After him?’ He replied, ‘Hasan (peace
Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon be upon him)!’ They continued, ‘And after
them) and even composed poems glorifying him?’ He replied, ‘Husain (peace be upon
the appointment of Ameerul Momineen him)!’ ‘Then who?’, they asked. He said, ‘Ali
(peace be upon him). But unfortunately this Ibn Husain (peace be upon them)!’ They asked
was only an apparent submission, not true ‘and who after him?’ He responded,
submission. Due to this, during the reign of ‘Muhammad Ibn Ali (peace be upon them)!’
Usmaan when he was asked whether Ameerul They asked further, ‘and who after him?’ He
Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon replied, ‘Jafar Ibn Muhammad (peace be upon
him) was right or Usmaan? He replied, “I don’t them)!’ They asked, ‘after him?’ He replied,
know”. When someone asked Ameerul ‘Musa Ibn Jafar (peace be upon them)!’ When
Momineen (peace be upon him) about they asked, ‘and who after him?’, he stuttered.
Hassaan Ibn Saabit after his death, whether he They rebuked him and asked him again, ‘who
died as a Shia of Ameerul Momineen (peace be after him?’ He was still silent. They asked him
upon him). Imam (peace be upon him) sternly, ‘Did Musa Ibn Jafar (peace be upon
responded: “One who dies without recognizing them) not inform you of this affair i.e. Imamat
the Imam of his time has died the death of of Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (peace be upon
disbelief and hypocrisy.” i.e. Hassaan died a them)?’ Then the two angels struck him with a
death of disbelief and hypocrisy – which implies rod made of fire and they filled his grave with
that not having true submission towards the fire till the Day of Judgment.”
Imam appointed by Allah would lead a person I left the presence of my master, recorded
to unending tribulations of Hell fire. that day and in just a few days I received a
Karbala stands as the fundamental source letter from the people of Kufa informing about
of our beliefs and our existence. Can anyone the death of Bataaeni on the very same day
claim that the killers of Imam Husain (peace which Imam (peace be upon him) had
be upon him) did not recognize him? They too mentioned and that he had been put into the
were on the position of only apparently grave at that very time.

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[Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 49, p. 58] and his progeny). He was at the position of
It should be borne in mind that Ali Ibn absolute acceptance and belief for every word
Hamza al-Bataaeni was not an ordinary and every action of Ahle Bait (peace be upon
person. He was from among the closest them). This is probably the reason why Holy
companions of Imam Musa Ibn Jafar al-Kazim Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny)
(peace be upon them) and was considered to said that Salman is from us, Ahle Bait (peace
be among his reliable and trustworthy be upon them).
confidants. But later turned a Waaqifi1 and The great position and excellence of the
denied the Imamat of Imam Reza (peace be martyrs of Karbala is solely due to their
upon him). This was because he had submission absolute submission. When confronted by
to the Imam of his time was only apparent and death, they said: O grandson of the Prophet of
not from his heart. Allah! Even if we were to be killed seventy
There are other examples such as times and brought back to life we will not give
Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Shalmaghaani al- up our allegiance to you.
Azaqari during the minor occultation who was During the times of other Imams (peace
from the companions of Imam Hasan al- be upon him) as well, we find such outstanding
Askari (peace be upon him) and wrote many personalities like the companion of Imam
books. During the time of the third special Sadiq (peace be upon him) – Haroon al-Makki.
deputy Husain Ibn Rauh Nawbakhti, His submission towards the Imam (peace be
Shalmaghaani falsely claimed to be a special upon him) was to such an extent that one day
representative of Imam Mahdi (may Allah when Imam (peace be upon him) ordered him
hasten his reappearance) and went astray. to enter into a burning furnace, with no
Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his questions asked, Haroon just leapt into it. After
reappearance) sent a letter in which he has some time, he was seen sitting in the fire and
cursed him. glorifying Allah!
[Mahdi Mau’ood (translation of Behaar al-Anwaar, v. [Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 47, p. 105]
51), p. 685)]
Mukhtar Ibn Zaid al-Shahham narrates
After all what caused Shalmaghaani to from Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) that
deviate? Did he not possess apparent I met Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) and I
submission? Definitely he did, but because he spoke to him about one of our companions
did not truly submit from his heart, he rejected whose name was Kulaib. Whatever we mention
the mastership of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon in front of him (from your narrations) he
him). In order to further understand this true immediately says “I submit and accept”. So we
submission from the heart, let us have a look at have named him as “Kulaib al-Tasleem”
lives of the true companions of the Ahle Bait (Kulaib, the submissive one). Imam Sadiq
(peace be upon them). (peace be upon him) said:
In the beginning of Islam, we find Hazrat “May Allah have mercy upon him!” Then
Salman al-Muhammadi among the first of he asked: “Do you know what submission is?”
such true believers. His level of submission We were silent. Then Imam (peace be upon
was such that he would literally walk in the him) informed: “To be humble before Allah.”
footsteps of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him
Then Imam (peace be upon him) recited
1 Those who believe in the Imamat of only 7 Imams the below verse from the Holy Quran: “Those
i.e. up to Imam Kazim (peace be upon him) are
known as Waaqefi Continued on page 26

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Kashf al-Astaar an wajh al-Ghaaeb an al-Absaar

Unveiling the Hidden Face
Saamarrah is a city with pleasant climate Allah has promised to protect this eternal
in southern Iraq, at the banks of river Tigris – radiance and will surely fulfill His promise
where a township settled in 3rd century A.H. even if the kings, who are followers of darkness,
Since this city was near the banks of river are averse to it.
Tigris, it was the capital during the Abbasid With the passage of time till 13th century
regime. Now this land has become sacred for A.H. a brilliant and wise scholar, late Ayatullah
the believers due to the holy shrines of Imam Mirza Hasan Shirazi migrated from Najaf to
Hadi and Imam Hasan Askari (peace be upon Saamarrah in 1290 A.H. He revived the
them), although both were forcibly brought to materialistic face of this city and made it a
the city. The holy house of Imam Hasan Askari center that urged people for the anticipation of
(peace be upon him) was present here which their Imam (may Allah hasten his
was also the house of the birth of Hazrat Wali- reappearance). Owing to his historical
e-Asr (may Allah hasten his reappearance) and migration, several positive outcomes such as
celestial hoories descended therein at the Islamic gatherings and preaching, overall
break of dawn. Janabe Hakimah Khatoon was progress of the city, services therein and
witness to the divine spectacle and splendour. frequenting of this city for Ziyaarat increased
Neither is any tongue capable of narrating the manifold. This progression continued for
excellences of that dawn or the house or the several decades. Moreover, the impact of this
city where Imam-e-Zamaana (may Allah migration is evident in the city today as well.
hasten his reappearance) was born nor can any
The famous traditionalist, late Mirza
pen document it. Hence, this place is visited
Husain Noori Tabresi, the beloved and
and frequented by thousands of believers from
trustworthy of Mirza Buzurg Shirazi, was also
across the world.
present during the migration. Mirza Husain
From the 3rd century onwards, this city Noori remained with Mirza Shirazi until Mirza
was always looked upon from two perspectives: Shirazi passed away in 1312 A.H. Subsequently
Firstly, its natural habitat, the flamboyant lives Mirza Noori returned to Najaf in 1314 A.H.
of Caliphs that was full of vain pleasures, owing Few book of Late Muhaddis Noori (may Allah
to the pleasant climate offered by the banks of sanctify his grave) especially “Mustadrak al-
river Tigris. Secondly, the existence of virtuous Wasaael” were written in Saamarra. Three
personalities from the immaculate progeny of volumes of Mustadarak were completed in
Prophets and Imams (peace be upon them) 1305 A.H. 1310 A.H. and 1313 A.H. while he
that always attracted people’s attention towards was in Saamarrah and then immediately he
this city. Believers, on one hand, whose eyes started writing “Khaatemah Mustadrak al-
were waiting for Allah’s Promised One (may Wasaael” and completed it in 1318 A.H. while
Allah hasten his reappearance) and the he was in Najaf. Mustadrak was published in
impious people, on the other hand, intending 10 volumes post completion.1
to extinguish Allah’s effulgence. However,
1 Refer Biography of Marhoom Muhaddis Noori

July - December 2017

Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Hasan themselves to defend the belief in Mahdaviyyat

Shirazi possessed apparently special and were known as ‘defenders of Mahdaviyyat’.
characteristics which were practically imbibed This was just an overview. Insha Allah, a
by his students. Consequently, such comprehensive research on this topic at some
characteristics are remembered as “Maktab-e- other time.
Saamarra”. Ustad Faqih Syed Muslehuddin Mirza Husain Noori, a defender of the
Mahdawi narrates about the characteristics of boundaries of beliefs and the one who exposed
Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Hasan Shirazi in the external and internal innovations in
the following words: religion, was born on 18th Shawwal 1254 A.H.
• Attention to self-motivation, self- in a village near the radiant city of Mazandaran
development and center of ethics and called ‘Yaalu’. While he was eight years old, his
morals based on Shariat father Mirza Muhammad Taqi Noori passed
• Devotion to practical aspects of religion away. After attaining puberty, Maulavi
and humble presence in public, cultural Muhammad Ali Mahallaati took care of him
and social gatherings and he was instrumental in making Muhaddis
Noor a scholar, jurist, pious, devout and noble
• Knowledge of his current times and being
person. Subsequently, he visited Iraq numerous
aware of own responsibilities
times. In 1273 A.H. he stayed with Shaikh
• Special attention towards the Wilayat of Abdul Rahim Burujerdi for 4 years. In 1278
Ahle Bait (peace be upon them) A.H. he travelled and met the great scholar
• Special focus on the defense of the and jurist Shaikh Abdul Husain Tehrani and
Imamate of Imam of the time (may Allah both went to Karbala. For two years, he was in
hasten his reappearance) Kazimain. In 1280 A.H. he benefitted by
• Opposing the infiltration of strangers staying with Shaikh Murtuza Ansari for 6
• Defending the rights of the oppressed months, which were the last 6 months of the
latter’s life. Then, in 1286 A.H. he returned to
One of his special characteristics was his
Najaf and till 1312 A.H. stayed with Mirza
attention and love for Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (may
Shirazi in Najaf and Saamarrah till the end of
Allah hasten his reappearance) which is found
the latter’s life and Muhaddis Noori was
in majority of the people trained in the
included among his special trustworthy ones.
Saamarrah school.
In 1314 A.H. he returned to Najaf from
However, some so-called visionaries Saamarrah and in 1320 A.H. at the age of 66
deemed this school as a factor which led to the years, he passed away.
foundation of Baha’ism, who spread incorrect
In this article, our aim is to introduce his
interpretations regarding the belief in
book, “Kashf al-Astaar”. Therefore, let us
Mahdaviyyat. Nevertheless, the Saamarrah
curtail this and move to our topic. In order to
school urged its scholars to defend the correct
read more about the intellectual struggles and
beliefs concerning Mahdaviyyat. The reality is
other writings of Muhaddis Noori, refer to Al
that the factors resulting in the rise of Baha’ism
Muntazar special issue of Sha’baan al-
were external and not internal. Although
Mo’azzam 1416 A.H., pp. 21-24.
external factors were not apparently manifested
but some internal factors had reached to such In the month of Rabi al-Saani 1317 A.H., a
an extent that this school had prepared panegyric written by Mahmood Shukri Aalusi,
by Abdul Husain Taale’ei and Muhammad reached Najaf al-Ashraf and became famous as
Safaakhwaah, pp. 48-54 “Qaseedah al-Baghdadiyyah”. Its beginning

July - December 2018

was as follows: Tehran’s ‘Haaj Ahmed Muayyad al-Ulema’

O scholars of the time, for whom it is publications.
known This book includes a preface, two chapters,
That their intellect is always baffled in conclusion and sources of references. The
(solving) delicate issues preface consists of the reasons for writing this
book and its content includes Qaseedah al-
Aalusi wrote 25 couplets in this panegyric
Baghdadiyyah. The first chapter (pp. 37 – 154),
which raises objections on the existence, long
Muhaddis Noori has mentioned about the
life, occultation and other special attributes of
opinions of Muslims on the birth of Imam
Imam-e-Asr (may Allah hasten his
Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance).
reappearance). When this poem reached
He has proved that Imam Mahdi (may Allah
Najaf-e-Ashraf, Muhaddis Noori (may Allah
hasten his reappearance) is the torch bearer of
sanctify his grave) was preoccupied in writing
universal salvation and this is based on the
“Khaatemah al-Mustadrak”. In those days, he
reliable narrations. But in the following two
had kept all other requests for other books on
instances, the Imamiyyah scholars differ from
hold with the condition of completing
some Ahle Tasannun writers:
“Khaatemah al-Mustadrak”. This is also
mentioned in the preface of his book “Lulu wa 1. Whether Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten
al-Marjaan” wherein he wrote that “Syed his reappearance) is Hasani or Husaini?
Murtuza Jaunpuri from India has requested 2. Whether Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten
me several times to compile traditions and his reappearance) is born or not?
Maqtal for the convenience of those reciting The initial part of this chapter talks about
from the pulpits. However, since I was busy Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
with Mustadrak I delayed my reply to him.” In reappearance) who bears the same name as
short, after compiling “Khaatemah al- Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
Mustadrak” in 1318 A.H. “Lulu wa al-Marjaan” progeny) and is the son of Imam Hasan Askari
was completed in 1319 A.H. (peace be upon him), being born in 255 A.H.
During those strenuous days, he Therein 40 Ahle Tasannun scholars have been
encountered the poem of Aalusi, and as you quoted who have testified the birth of Imam
know by now, he had delayed all other Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance)
assignments for Mustadrak. But the story here and have accepted it. The position and
was different. An important pillar of religion knowledge of these scholars has been
was challenged and that too in a poetic form, substantiated through Ahle Tasannun books
whose words had an intense impact on the of Rejaal. Some have been directly quoted
Arabs. Hence, Muhaddis Noori gathered his from relevant and authentic sources, while
might and gave a fitting reply to the doubts of some others have been quoted from the book
Aalusi in a short span of two months. The book “Isteqsaa al-Afhaam” of Late Mir Hamid
“Kashf al-Astaar an wajh al-Ghaaeb an al- Husain Hindi (Abaqaati). Some concepts in
Absaar” was completed on 9th Jamaadi al- this chapter are in Persian. In the first chapter,
Saani 1317 A.H. which means this book took along with brief arguments where it is
precedence over Mustadrak. Keeping in mind mentioned that the Promised Mahdi (may
the importance of the book, Muhaddis Noori Allah hasten his reappearance) is none other
took it upon himself to publish it and on 17th than Hujjat Ibn al-Hasan al-Askari (peace be
Jamaadi al-Awwal 1318 A.H. it was printed by upon them) and discussions concerning this

July - December 2017

topic are as follows: • In addition to these, it is also mentioned

Some traditions prove the Imamat of 12 in other Sihaah, Masaneed and Sunan.
Imams, either under the general discussion of (Ibid.)
12 caliphs or sometimes clearly spelling out Note
their names and attributes. For instance: Muhaddis Noori proved that traditions
• Muslim has brought a tradition in his which talk about there being twelve caliphs
Saheeh from Haseen who narrates from after the Prophet (peace be upon him and his
Jabir Ibn Samrah who says, “I arrived in progeny) are authentic and all scholars
the presence of Holy Prophet (peace be unanimously agree to those. He has also
upon him and his progeny) along with proved that whatever the Imamiyyah scholars
my father and heard his eminence have narrated is evident for all those who are
informing, “Surely this affair will not known to be just and that these prophetic
come to an end until there are twelve traditions do not comply with anyone except
caliphs in it.” Jabir says, “Then Holy the Imamiyyah sect.
Prophet (peace be upon him and his Noteworthy point
progeny) whispered something which I All Ahle Tasannun scholars have deemed
couldn’t hear. So I asked my father about this tradition as correct. They also conform to
it. My father said that Holy Prophet its meaning. But they differ in its interpretation.
(peace be upon him and his progeny) Within themselves, Ahle Tasannun have come
said: “All of them would be from Quraish.” up with various lists of twelve Imams. For
(Kashf al-Astaar, p. 108)
example, they brought a list that has their four
“Rightly guided Calpihs” and the rulers of Bani
• Bukhari has brought a tradition (from
Umayyah or the rulers of Bani Abbas. However,
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his
not a single list could conform to the necessary
progeny)) that: “After me, there will be
conditions. For example, “all of them must be
twelve leaders” and said that: “All of them
from Quraish” or “religion will get honor and
will be from Quraish.”
strength through them” or “caliph of the
(Ibid., p. 109) Prophet would be possessor of good
• Likewise, Shaareh (in Ghaayat al- characteristics and will be free from evil
Ahkaam) has quoted from his chain of attributes”, “will be the guided one” or “will be
narrators that Abu Qataadah said: I heard on the truthful religion” and so on.
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his Muhaddis Noori (may Allah sanctify his
progeny) saying, “The Imams after me grave) has very efficiently proved that under
will be twelve equal to the chiefs of Bani the light of many more authentic traditions it
Israel and the disciples of Isa (peace be can be concluded that only Ahle Bait (peace be
upon him).” upon them) are the twelve successors of Holy
(Ibid.) Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny)
• Imam Husain Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace unto whom the Prophet has emphasised to
be upon them) said: “There will be twelve hold fast. The Late author has also narrated
Mahdis from us. The first of them is Ali Hadees al-Saqalain from Ahle Tasannun
Ibn Abi Talib and the last of them is Qaem sources. For instance, Abu Saeed Khudri
(peace be upon them).” narrates that
(Ibid.) “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be
Continued on page 13

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The Flag of Imam Mahdi (may Allah

hasten his reappearance)
A flag is such an honoured and valued Flag.
symbol of a nation that despite being lifeless it In Arabic the words, ‘Ra’yah’, ‘Liwaa’,
is so high in status that every member of the ‘Alam’ etc. are terms used for flag. The author
nation bows his head in respect. When this of Majma al-Bahrain has explained the terms
flag is established or unfurled national anthems ‘Ra’yah’ and ‘Liwaa’ thus: “Ra’yah means a big
and slogans start echoing around with full flag and Liwaa is other than this. Ra’yah is
pomp and glory. If battalions pass by it without owned by a warrior and war is fought based on
saluting its glory and majesty it is disrespect to it and towards it is the end of the war as well.”
its awe and splendour. Bravery and valour are [Majma al-Bahrain, vol. 1, p. 199]
nurtured under the shade of this symbol.
In the history of mankind the first flag was
Though lifeless in itself, it is still a symbol for
made by Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
every child, youth and elderly person of the
as has been narrated by Imam Jafar Sadiq
nation who is willing to sacrifice his life for its
(peace be upon him):
“The first person who made a flag was
From the beginning of creation this earth
Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him).”
has always been a center for evil and corruption.
Since times immemorial, by going through [Tehzeeb al-Ahkaam, vol. 1, p. 170]
those signs which aide in documenting history History has witnessed two types of battles
of human civilisation, or those symbols which – either truth against falsehood or falsehood
illuminate the progress of human society, we against falsehood. Never has a war been fought
find that this world was divided into various between two rightful groups. There could be
nations and communities and every nation misunderstanding based on certain mistakes
crafted its own culture. In order to identify but these would never lead to war. The innate
with that culture, each of those nations created human nature always dislikes war, disputes,
their own unique flag. Slogans of unity were arguments and fights and based on this same
given under the shade of the flag. Upon hearing principle it does not refrain from temporary
the name of the flag and based on its shape and extremism in order to break the back of crime
form, we are able to recognize the cultural and corruption.
progress of the nation. Nevertheless, people prepared their own
Keeping the flags of various nations and flags in order to distinguish themselves from
communities aside, let us now draw your other groups and every flag is considered to be
attention to the Islamic flag. Before we proceed a manifestation of the opinions of its bearer.
to take a look at it from a historical perspective, Among all flags, the flag of truth is only
it is important to understand the literary and with the divine proof, which indicates towards
terminological meaning of a flag. We also have the falsehood of all other flags apart from itself.
to be aware of its past in order to understand Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace
the importance and significance of the Islamic be upon them) beautifully describes:

July - December 2017

“The flag of truth and guidance is with upon him). Be it a person of my insignificant
us, one who goes ahead of it will be stature or even a great scholar, none can
deviated, one who forsakes it will elucidate the grandeur and majesty of that flag.
become extinct, and the one who holds For its celestial and universal superiority, it is
fast unto it receives guidance.” sufficient to state that when both the hands of
[Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 34, p. 262] the flag bearer Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon
This flag of truth does not suit any hand him) were severed, he still held tight the water
but that of the divine proof. If an undeserving bag of Janabe Sakina (peace be upon her)
person tries to catch hold of it, this flag exhibits between his chest and kept the flag furling
his incapability and becomes a source of high. When the time of his martyrdom arrived,
disgrace for him. The words of the Messenger it was his last will that his body should not be
of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) taken back to the tents. The divine personality
clearly resonate this in a distinct tone: of Imam Husain (peace be upon him), while
fulfilling this last will of his beloved brother
“Tomorrow I shall hand over the flag to
left the blessed body of Hazrat Abbas (peace be
a man whom Allah and His Messenger
upon him) in the battlefield and took this flag
(peace be upon him and his progeny)
back to the tents.
love and he also loves Allah and His
Messenger (peace be upon him and his Had this standard not been lifeless and if
progeny) equally. He is neither coward we were to request it to unravel its excellences,
nor will he flee the battlefield and Allah most certainly this flag would have started
will grant victory through his hands.” narrating its lofty merits and virtues thus:
[Kitaab Sulaym, vol. 2, p. 641] I am the one who shall now successively
pass on from the hands of Imam Sajjaad (peace
Being a flag bearer is specific for Ahle Bait
be upon him) unto the hands of Imam Hasan
(peace be upon them) in this world and the
Askari (peace be upon him) while bearing all
hereafter and this is what Holy Prophet (peace
the difficulties and tribulations in protecting
be upon him and his progeny) announced:
the religion, propagating the Prophetic
“(O Ali) You are my flag bearer and my teachings. It will now be an honour for me to
standard bearer in this world and in the reach those blessed hands in the city of
hereafter”. Saamarra, who shall unfurl me in the whole
[Amaali al-Tusi, p. 550] world. Glad tidings about him have been given
This standard had always been with by the beloved of Allah, the greatest Messenger
Ameerul Momineen (peace be upon him). Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him and
After him it reached Imam Hasan and Imam his progeny) thus:
Husain (peace be upon them). In the battle of “After me shall be my twelve successors,
Karbala Imam Husain (peace be upon him) the last of whom shall be the promised
placed this standard in the hands of the Mahdi, the Qaem (peace be upon him).
Qamar-e-Bani Hashim, the author of the And only he shall fill this world with
history of loyalty and the possessor of its justice and equity like it would be
universal status Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas fraught with injustice and tyranny.” He
(peace be upon him). So much so that Imam is none other than Imam-e-Zamana
Husain (peace be upon him) gathered his (may Allah hasten his reappearance)
small army in Karbala and handed over the whose hands own this flag.
flag to Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (peace be

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Peculiarities of the Flag of Imam Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him and
his progeny) is that he shall rise with a sword.
Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
He shall kill the enemies of Allah and His
reappearance) Messenger. He will kill the oppressors, tyrants
It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace and the rebellious ones. He shall be assisted
be upon him): “It is the standard of the Holy through the means of sword and awe and his
Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) flag shall never be overpowered.”
which Jibraeel (peace be upon him) brought in [Kamaaluddin, vol. 1, p. 327, H. 7]
the battle of Badr… by Allah, this flag is neither
of fiber, nor cotton, nor silk… it is a flag made The inscription on the Flag of
out of the leaves of Paradise, which Holy prophet
Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten
(peace be upon him and his progeny) unfurled
in the battle of Badr. Then he rolled it up and his reappearance)
handed over to Ali (peace be upon him). Since It is mentioned in traditions that the
then it was always with Ali (peace be upon him) inscription on the flag of Imam Mahdi (may
and he unfurled it in the battle of Jamal, and Allah hasten his reappearance) shall be:
Allah made him victorious in it. Then it was “Allegiance is for Allah, Mighty and
folded and kept aside and now it is with us. Majesty”.
None shall unfurl it now until the Qaem (may [Kamaaluddin, vol. 2, p. 654, H. 22]
Allah hasten his reappearance) rises. Thus,
Allamah Majlisi (may Allah have mercy
when he rises he shall unfurl it. When he would
upon him) has narrated from the book of Fazl
unfurl it, none shall remain in the east and the
Ibn Shaazaan that the standard of Imam Mahdi
west except that he shall join him. Its awe shall
(may Allah hasten his reappearance) shall bear
always be at a distance of one month ahead of it,
the inscription:
behind it, on its right and on its left…”
[Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 52, p. 360]
“Listen and abide”.
[Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 52, p. 305, H. 77]
Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace be upon
him) says: “When he (Imam-e-Zamana) would
take along this standard against anyone, Allah
The Flag of Imam Mahdi (peace be
shall disgrace that person. When he (may Allah upon him) vis-à-vis Flags of the
hasten his reappearance) shall unfurl it, hearts rebellious
of the believers shall become as strong as iron.”
Hatred of the innate human nature towards
[Kaamil al-Ziyaaraat, p. 120, H. 5] evil acts in every era gave rise to revolutionary
Muhammad Ibn Muslim says that I came movements against the oppressive and tyrant
in the presence of Imam Muhammad Baqir rulers. But more often than not, because of
(peace be upon him) and wanted to inquire ignoring the divine proofs, it was observed
from him about the Qaem of Aale Muhammad that proponents of these revolutionary
(peace be upon them). Imam (peace be upon movements and those who raised slogans
him) began the discussion by informing me: against oppression and tyranny, after having
“O Muhammad Ibn Muslim! Indeed in the successfully come to power, themselves began
Qaem of Aale Muhammad (peace be upon adopting those very oppressive measures
them) possesses the similarity of five Prophets… against which they protested some time back.
the similarity that he shares with our grandfather We have the example of the movement of Bani

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Abbas against Bani Umayyah. When Mansoor heat within the hearts of those who await his
al-Dawaaneqi (the accursed), sat in front of reappearance, has always kept it upright and
the royal table spread, he uttered: “This is the that it is the red flag which is restlessly waving
table for which we waged a war. Until yesterday, on the dome of Imam Husain (peace be upon
it was with Bani Umayyah and now it is with him). It is an Arab custom that when someone’s
us.” This was the culmination of revolts that blood has not been avenged, a red flag is affixed
commenced with Abdullah Ibn Zubair waging on his grave. Imam Husain (peace be upon
a war against Yazid, the accursed, in the name him) discussed about Imam Mahdi (peace be
of avenging the blood of Imam Husain (peace upon him) among his companions in the night
be upon him). of Aashurah. It is Imam Mahdi (may Allah
Hazrat Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) hasten his reappearance) who shall avenge the
foretold in one of his traditions: “Every flag blood of Imam Husain (peace be upon him)
that shall be raised before the rising of Qaem and this standard over the grave of Imam
(may Allah hasten his reappearance), its bearer Husain (peace be upon him) is incessantly
shall be deviated (Taghoot). Instead of Allah, calling out, “Hasten Hasten”.
Mighty and Majestic be He, this person shall be We plead to Allah with hands outstretched,
worshiped.” that may this red flag unfurl alongside the
[Al-Kaafi, vol. 8, p. 295, H. 452] standard of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (may Allah
Finally, it is relevant to bring the discussion hasten his reappearance). May Allah hasten
of one flag that has been furling in the memory the reappearance of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr and
of the awaited Imam since 14 centuries. The include us among his helpers and supporters.
Aameen! O Lord of the worlds!
Continued from page 18 towards the Imam of our time. We should
who bring faith and do good actions and are strive day and night to fulfill his rights upon
humble before their Lord.” us. We should focus our world-weary eyes
[Surah Hud (11): 23] [Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, p. 391]
towards those places which increase our
proximity towards the Imam of our time. Our
Our salvation is solely dependent on true
destination is the camp of the Holy Imam
submission to Ahle Bait (peace be upon them).
(peace be upon him) and this is the essence of
It is a caravan which is moving towards its
absolute submission to Allah and His
destination with a burning lamp guiding
representative on this earth.
towards the Mastership of Ahle Bait (peace be
upon them) – a burning lamp which illuminates Absolute submission to the words and
the hearts with the light of Wilayat. This actions of Ahle Bait (peace be upon them)
caravan makes the path of truth easy for those makes one eligible for Mercy and Forgiveness
who seek it. It is that voice which awakens a from Allah and is the sole path of salvation.
person’s intellect and drives him towards Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
action and understanding. If few actions from reappearance) in one of his letters has referred
our side result in the Imam (peace be upon to this very discussion by stating: “Then obey
him) turning towards us then this would be a Allah and be submissive towards us…”
cause of salvation from all calamities which [Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 53, p. 179]
surround us in this world. And in another letter, “O Mehzam… and
Here, few actions from our side, is about only those who submit shall acquire salvation.”
being mindful that we should be attentive [Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, p. 368]

AL QAEM AL MUNTAZAR, JULY 2018 to DEC 2018, VOL. XX, Issue No. II, RNI No. 70068/98

Hazrat Abu Jafar Imam Baqir (peace be upon them) has

narrated from his ancestors (peace be upon them) that
Ameerul Momineen (peace be upon him) informed
Abdullah Ibn Abbas:

“Surely the night of decree (arrives) every year and the

affairs of the en re year descend in that night. For
(receiving) these affairs are vicegerents a er the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his

Ibn Abbas asked: Who are they?

Ameerul Momineen (peace be upon him) replied:

“I and eleven from my progeny, who will be Imams and

with whom angels would converse!”

[Al-Khesaal, vol. 2, p. 480; Kamaaluddin, vol. 1, p. 305]

Correspondence Address:
Association of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) P.O. Box No. 19822, Mumbai 400 050
Printed, Published and Edited by Syed Mohammed Akbar Rizvi on behalf of Association of Imam Mahdi (A.S.),
Published from 97/C, Bazar Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050, and Printed at Gazelle Enterprise Offset Printing
& Packaging, 504/A-Sussex Industrial Estate, D.K. Cross Road, Byculla, Mumbai 400 027 (M.S.)

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