Argumentative Essay 1

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Lorien Aragon

Julia Remsik Larsen

English 120

February 18, 2018

The Positive Effects of Coffee on College Students

Coffee is essential to a college student’s everyday life. I mean, what would they do if Commented [BT1]: Personally I would keep away from
personal statements that include the words (I, me, my, etc.).
It sounds less like a professional argument and more like a
they didn’t have coffee? It is essential when they need to pull an all-night study session, wake up
one to one argument.

early for an exam, or need a pick me up before their next class. College students depend on

coffee and that is not a bad thing. Researchers are learning more and more everyday that coffee

is not as bad as everyone thinks it is. Of course, coffee has caffeine and there will always be a

down side to using anything with caffeine, but nothing is perfect. In this case coffee might be

better than drinking a sugary drink like red bull or monster because they all have caffeine, but

coffee can enhance your mental capacity and improve your health. Commented [BT2]: This sentence sounds a little funny.
Maybe try rewording.
Commented [AC3]: I really like the flow of your paper. I
While you were growing up, you probably heard that coffee was bad for you and that it would say to stay away from "you", "their", "I" etc... or try
to minimize them because it sounds like you are targeting a
would stunt your growth. That was honestly just an old wise tale that adults would tell kids, so specific person not a group.
Commented [BT4]: Also, try to stay away from these as
kids wouldn’t discover how good coffee really was. Now a days, studies are showing that coffee well. It sounds more unprofessional.
Commented [AC5]: I would also suggest to spell out the
is actually not that bad for you, but of course there are still side effects that a person might words, like, wouldn't. It will make your paper sound more
professional. Overall, it looks great! I cannot wait to read
exhibit if they drink coffee and that is just a given. Coffee can help wake you up for a brief the final product.

amount a time, but once it wears off you’ll get tired because what goes up must come down. A
Commented [BW6]: I really like how you are trying to
person might also exhibit caffeine withdrawal or coffee addiction if they consume a lot of it per relate your stance to the readers to get them to connect. I
think that in the second paragraph try and focus on the
positive aspects of you argument instead of trying to
day. In a study that used a sample of college students they discovered that, “51% reported having compare and contrast with the negative because this is a
argument for or against coffee and caffeine. In your cited
at least one sign/symptom of caffeine withdrawal (Mcllvain, Noland, Bickel 2013 p.1).” Nothing sources I really like the percentages that you used to show
data to back your stance.
is perfect and with something that gives you energy and acts as a brain stimulator, there will be

some side effects and that’s obvious.

Although, coffee may have some side effects people still choose to consume it, especially

college students. A study has shown that coffee consumption is on the rise. Riley Krumpholz

discusses the study that was conducted by the National Coffee Association where they

discovered that 54% of adults that are 18 or older drink coffee every day (2015 p.1). “Research

shows that on average Americans drink 3.1 cups of coffee per day, all averaging to about nine

ounces per cup (2015 p.1).” By personal experience I know that coffee is essential, especially for

me when I need to function in the mornings. I have relied on coffee a number of times to get me

through the day or to wake me up. I even find myself craving a cup of coffee if I missed my

morning cup. Now that more people are consuming coffee more people are starting to discover

the positive effects that it could have.

College students rely on coffee a lot and sometimes they just consume it because they

enjoy it. Recent studies have shown that coffee has an actual benefit when it comes to your

memory. Many experiments have used random samples of college students where they observe

the effects of coffee vs. a placebo while performing activities that involve using your implicit

and explicit memory. The results of these studies have shown that coffee improves shot term Commented [BW7]: With the information that you have
in the paragraph that starts out "College students rely
on...when you wrote "...and sometimes they just consume it
memory but not long-term memory. “These results suggest that caffeine has a specific benefit for
because they enjoy it" I would try and add a factual
statement to back up your reasoning because its an
memory during student’s non-optimal time of day-early morning (Sherman, Buckley, Baena, et. argumentative essay but, this is a great start! The final draft
will be really good!
2016 p.1).” This is why most college students rely on that early morning pick me up because

they feel that it has an effect on them whether it is true or not. That is just one of the few reasons

why coffee has a positive effect on college students.

Coffee has shown to improve memory, but it has also shown to improve a person’s health

and not just college students. Although, since the majority of college students drink at least a cup Commented [BB8]: Overall, your structure and
organization are good. I would recommend to work a little
bit more on your conclusion. It is a bit short but it doesn't
of coffee a day that are the ones who benefit the most from it especially since they are drinking it
really have everything you talked about.
-Brenda Medrano
at an early age. Researchers have discovered that the consumption of coffee could improve your

life and could help you possibly live longer. Commented [BT9]: Your argument is very clearly stated.
It has a lot of details and the citations back up the argument
very well.

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