The Evolution of Internet

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Macelaru Andreea

Good Afternoon,everybody. Thank you for taking your time to come here . My name is
Macelaru Andreea. Today I am going to talk about the evolution of the internet .My talk will be
devided into three parts. Firstly I will present breafly the most important ways the internet
was used in the early years. I’ll go on in the second part to highlight the advantages and
disadvantages of using the internet in the present and then I’ll move forward to the third part
where I will be showing you a graph concerning the way the number of users online has
changed over the last 42 years .

First of all the origins of the internet dates back nearly 60 years ago when the U.S
military’s founding of a research network dubbed Arpanet in 1969,since then it has undergone
more than just a name change. Besides the use in the military it was a tool for a small group of
scientist who were using it in order to conduct experiments and analise data, with time it began
to assist big companies in conducting their studies. Moreover it connected people who were
working in the same field making their work easier . I have now finished the first part of my
presentation so I will move on to the second one.

I would like to point out the idea that although internet is used in the present mainly to
make the contact between people easier it comes with a significant risk. While it is easier to
connect with people online it is known that not always can you know who is on the other side ,
there have been a lot of cases of children and even adults that have been abused verbally or
pshicaly as a result of accepting a invitation of meeting up with strangers.

There a lot of advantages that come with the wide use of the internet for instance one
major advantage is the fact that it gives you the ability to search and find any kind of
information you may need this way people can do their job easier what is more is that you can
resolve any problem that may occure in your day to day life faster. However in spite of the
great things you can accomplish there are people who took this a bit too far thus being
highlighted the disadvantages of using the internet : to start with there is the issue that people
are making themselves too comfortable to resolve anything using their own logic and thinking
for example a lot of students are copying their homework which leads to a low efficiency.Apart
from this there is also the cyberbullying which has become an international problem. Now
that I have finished my second part I will procced to the third and last part of my presentation.
Initially there have been a couple of people who knew about the existence of the
internet so the number of people active online was extremely low besides this there is also the
fact that computers and tehnology in general weren’t so advanced and were not supporting a
lot of traffic data as it is needed in present time to sustain a network connection properly.With
time tehnology has evolved quite a lot and people began to discover how much easier their
work can become and thus relying more and more on it , as a result the number of people who
use the internet has increased exponentially over the years as I will be showing next so please
let’s take a look at this graph here:
( here is the graph )

Firstly in 1975 there were about 30 million users online number which grew at a steady pace for
the next 7 years till 1982 when it reached a value of 500 million users , the solid line shows that
after the year 1982 till 1998 the number of people online has expanded faster reaching 800
million making the preparations for the coming boom represented by the sudden increase of
more than 700 milion thus reaching 1.6 billion users. The expansion continued until the next
surge in 2010 when it went up to 3.2 billion users of the internet worldwide , number which
keeps growing up to this year.

Well that completes my talk.Now , a quick revision of the main points : I have talked
about the origins of the internet also I have refered to the main uses of the internet before it
became a worldwide tool. Then I went through the advantages and disadvantages of using the
internet and I finished by presenting through a graph the fluctuation of the number of people
who use the internet from 1975 till now. In conclusion it is a very useful tool which greatly helps
us resolve our tasks and makes communication a lot easier but it comes with a great
responsibility from the user. Thank you again for listening my whole presentation and I’d be
very interested in hearing your questions.

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