Histo Pareto

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-180 30 190 380 330 140 160 270 10 -90

-10 30 60 230 90 120 10 50 250 180

-130 220 170 130 -50 -80 180 100 110 200
260 190 -100 150 210 140 -130 130 150 370
160 180 240 260 -20 -80 30 80 240 130
210 40 70 -70 250 360 120 -60 -30 200
50 20 30 280 410 70 -10 20 130 170
140 220 -40 290 90 100 -30 340 20 80
210 130 350 250 -20 230 180 130 -30 210
-30 80 270 320 30 240 120 100 20 70
300 260 20 40 -20 250 310 40 200 190
110 -30 50 240 160 50 130 200 280 60
260 70 100 140 80 190 100 270 140 80
110 130 120 30 70

count 135
min -180
max 410
amplitudine 590
nr interv (n 10
mar interv ( 60

Interv.de incredere stabilit (trust interval already established): [-60, 300]

Concluzie: proces stabil, incapabil, necontrolat (12.59% dintre valori se află în afara interv.de incredere)
Conclusion: stable process, uncapable, uncontrolled (12.59% of values are outside the trust interval)
We can admit a maximum of 2-3% of values outside the trust interval and still consider the process as controlled
cap interv bin range
1 420
2 360
3 300 Histogram
4 240 30 120.00%
5 180 25 100.00%
6 120 20 80.00%
7 60 15 60.00%

8 0 10 40.00%
Cumulative %
5 20.00%
9 -60
0 0.00%
10 -120
8 0 20 6 0 0 60 20 80 40 00 60 20 re
11 -180 -1 -1 - 1 1 2 3 3 4 Mo


Bin Frequency
Cumulative %
-180 1 0.74%
-120 2 2.22%
-60 6 6.67%
0 12 15.56%
60 22 31.85%
120 24 49.63%
180 24 67.41%
240 20 82.22%
300 15 93.33%
360 6 97.78%
420 3 100.00%
More 0 100.00%
Cumulative %
Cauza erori (error cause)/intarzieri (delays) Frecventa Procent (pFrecv cum. (cumulative frequency)
Intarzieri datorate setup-urilor la tipografie (delays caus 240 40.00% 40.00%
Tipografie aglomerata (busy typography) 180 30.00% 70.00%
Lipsa hartie (lack of paper) 75 12.50% 82.50%
Intarzieri ale departamentului de design (delays from the 55 9.17% 91.67%
Lipsa informatiilor necesare despre comanda (lack of nec 24 4.00% 95.67%
Modificari ale comenzii (orders' changes) 15 2.50% 98.17%
Comanda ratacita (lost order) 11 1.83% 100.00%


Pasi: (steps for creating the Pareto chart)

1)calcularea nr.total de defecte//calculating the total defects' number
2)calculul procentului din totalul defectelor reprezentat de defectele
produse de fiecare dintre cauzele identificate. // calculating the
percentage from the total of errors represented by the errors produced
by each one ofdescrescatoare a cauzelor defectelor in functie de
the identified cause.
procentele lor // sort in descending order the error causes by their
procent (by "procent" column)
4)calcularea ”frecventelor cumulative”
5)construirea diagramei Pareto selectand coloanele 1, 3 si 4 //
creating the Pareto chart by selecting the columns 1, 3 and 4
6)Identificarea cauzelor principale // identifying the main causes Intarzieri datorate
e frequency)




60.00% Procent (percentage)

Frecv cum. (cumulative frequency)



Intarzieri datorate setup-urilor la tipografie (delays caused by typography's setup)
ve frequency)

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