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Student Teacher: Fatima Moosa Date: 19/3/2018

EPC 2903 Primary Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: 4
Subject: English
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to...
- Recognize the life and routines in different countries.
- Write a paragraph about your family.
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)
Activities sheet Prepare the activities resources
White paper Key vocabulary/ Target Language

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 8

The teacher will tell the students a short story of her routines and life, and then she will start the lesson. The

teacher will let each student to write one sentence describe their family. Explain the new vocabulary words.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)
The teacher will divide the students into groups. The teacher will walk around the groups and help
the students.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
Time: 15 min

Activity 1
This activity will work by individual, in this activity sheet the student will draw her family and will write a short paragraph

about it.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Activity 2
This activity will work in pairs, each two students will have a questions card and they will ask each other.

Closing (review learning -LO)

5 min

The teacher will let her students to describe their family in word.

Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)

The teacher will assess them by giving a short quiz.

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