Canon Tilt Shift Concepts

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Canon ee TS-E 45mm, 2.8 TS-E 90mm, 2.8 Tilt-Shift Lenses Basic Concepts Tilting Foous Plane Contol oor eon $6 28 5.6 Normal position ‘Whon using any othor lone itis as if you ane loaking smraient at a flat wall of ‘what is in fveus (your ovus plan). ‘The image plane (film plane), signiflea by the-© marx on, ‘vainera Dody, Js parrallel Wo ‘tho Ions plane aid parraliol "vo the focus plans ‘By adjusting your f/stop, you ‘oan malt that wall thick? or thinner, but you are always looking straight at a fiat wall uf fovus. ‘Tilt position Shown here tilting into the soene. Commonly used for Rosner, tale-ton prod, ookbo0ks. ana groups. Draw an imaginary line from ‘thoimage plane -G toaplace fn space that ina in arth tha plane your subject is on (tne focus plane you want). Then tt the lone until the lone plano Tine eth thak bmainary point in space. ‘You still have shallow depth of fold, te uct ata plane you've “Your fstop wil aqyust. pth of field from that imaginary point as chown. (Rnown as the “scnetmpfue princtpie", ifyouwant te do more research) Ti position TUL position Hore being used to iealatea single subject from the others by tilting the lens plane out ‘ofthe soone. ‘Tao ocncopts are dantical tothe example above, but nere we are sli Ue fovtss plas ine Ue sone to deavrattontion to a ‘angle subject Shifting Controlling Porspootive Very usful wnen photographing architecture, tall vehioles (ie: trains, args SUVS, airplanes, e.), aud landscapes that include tall verticals, ‘such ag trees and mountains, ‘To aeure objects in the coene retain their proper perepectivein the final photagraph itis important.ta kaep the ‘mage plane, tha lens plane, and the subject vertically parreliel to each ‘ota: ‘This is possible when shooting straight ‘on to your aubjeot, but with vory tall eubjoste it ie likely that you will erop the top of the subject out of the scone, ‘Recamposing the camera upward to ‘elie the tap ot your sutbact wil esultin KBYSTUMING, Wnere it Will 100K as if the subject is fall away from the eae, This is caused Uy Une different distances one side of the imaging plane {a from the subject, versus the other side. By using the Canon Tilt/Shift lene youoan correct for this. Tally yon shone fe an a rip to asslre that-you Keep tne camera parrellel to Your subject, Level out the caer’ lnnaging plane and the lens plane Guolter words... you shuuld not De using the tlt feature ofthe lens) to the vertical plane of tho eubjoot. ‘Then just ahife ‘upward (thie ic alco oallod “rica") co that ‘the image is composed how you want, Straight on Keystone Shift to correct

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