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TO: Interested parties

FROM: Amy Levin, Benenson Strategy Group

RE: Josh Harder CA-10 Poll Results
DATE: May 8, 2018

➢ Our latest poll on the Congressional primary in CA-10 shows Josh Harder is in second place behind
Representative Denham, and clearly has the momentum in this race. The horserace currently stands
✓ Jeff Denham, Businessman/Farmer/Representative, Republican: 42%
✓ Josh Harder, Educator/Businessman, Democrat: 13%
✓ Michael Eggman, Farmer/Businessman, Democrat: 10%
✓ Virginia Madueño, Valley Water Commissioner, Democrat: 6%
✓ Sue Zwahlen, Registered Nurse, Democrat: 6%
✓ Ted D. Howze, Veterinarian, Republican: 4%

➢ Harder has made significant gains over the past few months – picking up 10 points in vote – while
Eggman has tumbled 9 points and has now lost nearly half of the voters he had back in February.

Feb 2018 May 2018 Change since Feb

Jeff Denham 42 42 0
Josh Harder 3 13 +10
Michael Eggman 19 10 -9
Virginia Madueño 4 6 +2
Sue Zwahlen 6 6 0
Dotty Nygard (dropped out) 4 0 -4
Ted D. Howze n/a 4 n/a
Michael J. Barkley 1 1 0

➢ Among Democrats, Harder's current lead is even bigger, with 26% voting Harder, 18% Eggman, and
10% Madueño in the initial horserace.

➢ Harder’s story and message are clearly resonating in the district. He has a much healthier favorability
than Eggman, who is barely above water, and Madueño, who also has a surprisingly high negative
rating for her total name-ID.
✓ Harder: net favorable +17
▪ 28% favorable (up 21 points since February), 11% unfavorable (up just 7 points)
✓ Eggman: net favorable +3
▪ 31% favorable (down 5 points since February), 28% unfavorable (up 9 points)
✓ Madueño: net favorable +6
▪ 20% favorable, 14% unfavorable

➢ BSG has also conducted previous polling with the general election universe that also showed Harder
pulling within one point of Denham (46 Harder -47 Denham) when voters have heard negatives on
both candidates and positives on Harder.


Benenson Strategy Group conducted 550 interviews with likely 2018 primary election voters in
California’s 10th Congressional District from May 2-6, 2018. The margin of error is ± 4.2% dataset as a
whole at the 95% confidence level. From February 12-15, 2018, BSG conducted 401 interviews with likely
2018 primary election voters and 577 interviews with likely 2018 general election voters in California’s 10 th
Congressional District. The margin of error is ± 4.9% for the primary election dataset and ± 4.1% for the
general election dataset as a whole at the 95% confidence level.

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