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Student-Teacher: Khulood Mohammed Date:11-3-2018

Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: 4
Subject: English
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson students will be able to know the past participles (ing) and past
participles (ed / ied)

Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before

- Flash cards class?)
- Marker - Ask about the day and the date by using ball for
- Envelops example: throw the ball and anyone will catch it will say
- Papers the day and the date.
- Balls - Give them instructions about the class rules
- Worksheets - Prepare the students
- PowerPoint - Prepare the flash cards
- Behavior management resources (paper with
- Stars Key vocabulary/ Target Language
- Magnets Key vocabulary:
- Stick Participle
Target language:
Present participles: (ing)
Past participles: (ed/ ied)
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

- Give each group two envelops that contains many papers and one of those papers will include (ing) and
(ed – ied)
- Teach students about the present participles (ing) and past participles (ed/ ied).
- Use the (ing) and (ed/ ied) by let one student to act and teacher will ask question such as, tell student to
Time: 15 min

walk then, teacher will ask the students what she is doing? Then, they will answer by say: walking also,
ask them if she walk yesterday what we should say?
- Use the past participles and present participles by let two students to come and student1 will say any
word then will throw the ball for student 2 when student2 will catch the ball will say this word in the past
and contrast then, let two other students to do it by use present participles.
- After activity1, teacher will teach students how to use the past and present participles in sentence.

Independent Experience (individual activity 1)

- Teacher will model for students how to do the activities by present it in PowerPoint.
- Teacher will give students the activities.
- Students will write words by using present participles and past participles.
- This activity follows the student’s levels such as, high level will have only the past and present participles
named/ middle level, will have past and resent participles named and what they will use on it such as,
(ing) -(ed/ ied). Low level, will have the past and present participles named with (ing) and (ed – ied) also,
20 min

they will have example.

Independent Experience (individual activity 2 )


- Teacher will model for students how to do the activities by present it in PowerPoint.
- Teacher will give students the activities.
- Students will write sentences by using present participles and past participles and they will have some
words that will help them to use it in the sentences.
- This activity follows the student’s levels such as, high level will have only the past and present participles
named/ middle level, will have past and resent participles named and what they will use on it such as,
(ing) -(ed/ ied). Low level, will have the past and present participles named with (ing) and (ed – ied) also,
they will have example.
- Then, each one will say for her partner the sentences so, in this part they can help each other and give
ideas about the sentences.

10 min

- Show the students pictures and ask some questions about the pictures so, they will answer by use what

they learnt.

- Put 5 papers with different colors on the board, and each group will have one paper then, let students write
sentences that include past participles and present participles then, stick it in the paper.

WWW: students were motivated when I explain the lesson and understand the lesson fast – the teacher explains the
lesson easily by used several resources
EBI: the first activity which was in the warming period was for all students by play it with each other rather than let two
students to do it and all students just watching
Behavior management
In the assessment period which was at last of the class students put their stickers on the board by running and
crowding in the front of the board
Grouping – differentiation
Did three types for each activity for all levels also, help the students while they did the activity
Next steps in learning and teaching
I will do activities that all students can do it
I will teach students the long (e) lesson

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