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Version III

Version III
The Video
k Workbook
by-Step Build a Video Marketing Strategy Step-by-Step
You weren’t trying to kill it with video marketing
But is this workbook
without a robust strategy, were you? Of course not.
really for you?
Because you know that there’s a reason to have a
strategy and not haphazard content creation. It’s the It’d be awkward if we said “no” right
same reason contractors erect the foundation of a now, wouldn’t it? Well it’s unlikely.
building first. Or that all relationships need to have This workbook is for everyone from
a solid footing to survive. beginner to advanced B2B marketer.
If you’ve barely started to integrate
When video first appeared on marketers’ radars, video into your campaigns, this is for
many sprinkled the medium into their campaigns you (and kudos to you for crafting
sporadically. Things have changed. Now, marketers a video marketing strategy first!). If
are using video throughout the funnel for everything you’ve been whipping video content
from campaign engagement to lead generation. out the door day in and day out but are
But even the top-performing video marketers have starving for a strategic twist on that full
struggled to build a well-planned strategy, with 44% production schedule of yours, you’ll find
of them reporting that it was the biggest hurdle to help here, too.
their success.
What are the
But what is a “video marketing strategy”? Hello, prerequisites?
buzzword! You’ve probably thought about creating
You’re making this sound like a
one before. Or at the very least seen it all over the
college course now. No one wants
web, tattooed on your co-workers’ arms…oh that’s
that. But you’re right, there are a few
just us? Noted.
important components to set straight
before beginning this workbook.
Really, though. “Video marketing strategy” always
You must have deeply explored your
seems to be described in meta terms. As a large,
target audience with buyer personas
fluffy “wish-I-could” cloud that you’d get to if you had
identified and well-defined. Ideally, you
time. But where would you even start? Here, that’s
also have a solid understanding of their
where. You’ve already started by getting your hands
buying stages, as well.
on this guide. Well done, you!
This workbook requires active participation from you. So no snoring in the back. We promise,
it will be worth it. This isn’t one of those guides that tells you how one could potentially, in an
ideal world, maybe one day create a video marketing strategy. It will literally take you through
all 9 steps to creating your own video marketing strategy within these pages.

Step 1: Establishing Your Goals for Video 1

Step 2: Identifying Your Content Needs 3

Step 3: Pinpointing the Opportunity for Video 9

Step 4: Building Campaign Rules of Thumb 13

Step 5: Crafting a Distribution Plan 16

Step 6: Transferring Your Brand to Video 19

Step 7: Setting Guidelines for Viewer Behavior 22

Step 8: Organizing Your Team 24

Step 9: Measuring Video Success 31

About Vidyard & New Breed 34

By the time you’ve reached page 34 (if you’ve kept up!), you’ll have your entire,
fleshed-out video marketing strategy in hand!

So let’s get started, shall we?

Step 1: Establishing Your Goals for Video
The first step in planning anything is to define what you’re planning for. What does success look like? If
you’re using video to build brand awareness with compelling stories about your company culture, your
journey through this workbook is going to look very different from someone who’s specifically looking
to educate late-stage prospects on the benefits of their product. Maybe you’re doing both, or neither,
or both and more! Whichever way, solidify this now, because everything else will rest upon it.

Keep in mind that the power of video extends well beyond brand awareness. In fact, in the last year
more than 65% of marketers using video moved from brand awareness to utilizing video throughout
the funnel. And the number one initiative that successful video marketers are using video for is lead
generation, according to Aberdeen. Some common video marketing goals we see are:

Build Brand Awareness Score Leads New Customer Onboarding

Increase Campaign Engagement Educate Prospects on Industry Increase Customer Engagement

Generate Leads Educate Prospects on Product/Service Improve Customer Prospecting

Did you notice that “more views!” is not included in the list of common goals? That’s because getting
views on your video content is typically not a goal that drives direct benefits for your business. It’s true
that view counts might contribute to MQLs, pipeline, and even closed business, but it’s those goals we
want to aim directly for now. How we measure impact on those goals will come at a later stage!

Use the chart on the next page to identify and prioritize your goals. Describe them in
detail. We recommend sticking to a maximum of 5 goals in order to keep your team
focused, but you’re welcome to add different goals from those listed above! Follow the
example as a guide, and note that we’ll identify how to measure the effectiveness of
these goals in the final step of this Workbook.

Video Goals & Priorities Worksheet

General Video Describe Your Goal in More Detail

Marketing Goals (Keep it to 1-2 sentences)
(Select from list above)

Ex. Build Brand Awareness Increase the exposure of our email marketing solution,
Holy Moly Email, with demand generation teams in

Step 2: Identifying Your Content Needs
Once you’ve drawn the finish line for your video marketing strategy, you can start to break down
the steps you’ll need to get there. First up? Taking the pulse of your current marketing activities and
understanding where the opportunities and gaps for video lie.

We’ve all been beaten over the head with the notion that buyers are completing most of the buying
process on their own, so we’ll avoid an additional head bashing. But take note that if you’re not offering
up the content your buyers need at the time they need it, they may well be on to the next option on
their short-list. So what questions do they need answered? And when? And what content do you have
that will support that journey?

In this activity, work through the funnel to identify which questions buyers are trying
to answer at each stage. Then map out (at a high level!) how your current content
and collateral address these needs. If there are gaps (and that’s normal!), check off
the box to the right under “Gaps” that aligns with the content need. You’ll use that in
the next step!

Check out the example on the next page to get a feel for this worksheet before
getting started. Note that yours should be far more robust!

Buyer Content Gaps Worksheet (Example)

Example Persona: Demand Gen

Questions Comments Gaps

How can I be more effective at Research: “Trends for

my job? Demand Gen 2016”
How can I get more leads? Guide: “How to Drive More Leads
with Email Campaigns”
TOFU How can I save time?
Guide: “How to Automate Your
Demand Gen Campaigns”

How can Holy Moly Email help me Guide: “Drive More Leads
get more leads? Generate more MQLs with
MOFU the Right Email Tools”
How can Holy Moly Email increase
funnel velocity?

How can Holy Moly Email automate

more of the email process?

Will Holy Moly Email integrate with Recorded Product Demo

my current tech stack?

Buyer Content Gaps Worksheet - Persona 1

Persona: ________________________
Questions Comments Gaps







Buyer Content Gaps Worksheet - Persona 2

Persona: ________________________
Questions Comments Gaps







Buyer Content Gaps Worksheet - Persona 3

Persona: ________________________
Questions Comments Gaps







Buyer Content Gaps Worksheet - Persona 4

Persona: ________________________
Questions Comments Gaps







Step 3: Pinpointing the Opportunity for Video
Now you have a clear indication of the gaps of content in your buyer’s journey. Unfortunately, while it’s
totally normal to have gaps in your funnel, the existence of these means you might as well be leaving
a door wide open, just tempting potential buyers to walk out on you (or “drain” out on you, since we’re
talking about a funnel, here)! But there’s a quick solution!

Different types of video perform better in different locations of the funnel. We’re not referring to
explainers or live-action video, here. That categorization is referred to as “video styles”, which are
generally unique to each video project and determined at the project level. Video types, like how-to
content, cultural content, etc. exist at a higher level. The different types that excel throughout the
funnel are represented in the image below.

Focus on pain points and

TOFU opportunities, not yet about your
products or services

• High-Level Content Promo/Campaign

• Videos or Webinars
• How-To Educational Videos or Webinars
• Thought-Leadership Videos or Webinars
• Company Overview Videos

MOFU Introduce your solutions and

incorporate educational content

• Product Videos or Webinars

• Culture Videos
• Event Videos

BOFU Hammer home the benefits of your


• Product Demo Videos

• Customer Testimonial Videos
• Sales Enablement Videos

Based on the gaps you identified in Step 2, decide what type of video would best fill
each gap to keep buyers feeling connected to you! While you’re at it, determine which
general video marketing goal, from Step 1, the video will tie into. Lastly, get the thinking
going and brainstorm some high-level topic ideas. We’ve left room at the bottom for
any go-getters who really want to add supporting content in areas where there aren’t
specific gaps in the content flow.

We’ve outlined an example for you, continued from Step 2.

Video Content Planning Worksheet (1/2)

General Video
Gap Video Type Topic Ideas
Marketing Goal
# (from above)
(from Step 1)
(there are no rules to brainstorming!)

Product Feature Video Educate Prospects on Product/Service Talking head and screenshot combination with Carol and customer,
Carl, speaking to the product benefits.

Video Content Planning Worksheet (2/2)

General Video
Gap Video Type Topic Ideas
Marketing Goal
# (from above)
(from Step 1)
(there are no rules to brainstorming!)

Step 4: Building Campaign Rules of Thumb
Sometimes you just can’t plan everything in advance. That perfect date? You forgot the wine. The home
reno? There’s an insulation backorder. Try as you might, things come up!

We’d all love to believe that you can plan every content piece, campaign, customer story, or video in
advance, too. But it’s just not going to happen. If you want relevant content that’s in sync with product
launches, changes and trending moments in the industry, or the arrival of a great customer story, you
have to be nimble.

That’s why it’s crucial to have a few video campaign rules of thumb.

This way, your whole team will be on the same page when it comes to knowing what types of campaigns
will include video and what video content will use in-video CTAs, email gates, or full forms (known as
“video Events”). Laying this out ahead of time means that fewer decisions need to be made on the fly,
and there will be more consistency across the board.

Go through the marketing campaign and program options listed below and select
whether you will use video every time, sometimes, or never. If it’s sometimes, explain
when you’ll use it and/or when you won’t! And lastly, make note of whether you’ll use
video Events, interactivity, or personalization for specific campaigns.

Campaigns with Video Worksheet (1/2)

Every time
If sometimes, Events & Video Elements
Campaign Type
when? When not?

(select all that may apply)

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Content Campaigns
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Live Webinars
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Email Marketing
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Product Launches
Interactivity Personalization

Campaigns with Video Worksheet (2/2)

Every Time
If sometimes, Events & Video Elements
Campaign Type
when? When not?

(select all that may apply)

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Event Marketing
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Customer Stories
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Other: ______________
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Other: ______________
Interactivity Personalization

Email Gate CTA Full Form

Other: ______________
Interactivity Personalization

Step 5: Crafting a Distribution Plan
Video marketing success starts with distribution, according to Forrester, who says that many marketers
are underestimating the value of a well-laid out video distribution plan. Forrester recommends
selecting your distribution channels before the project, not after, so you can tailor the content to the
medium. Which is exactly why distribution should be incorporated in your video marketing strategy.

Your videos can receive a massive amount of exposure when they reach beyond your YouTube channel
or even beyond your website. Some of these platforms may align with your brand and some may not.
Select them early so you can tailor video content accordingly since, you know, a video on Vine can only
be 6 seconds, for example. But hey, that might be a perfect opportunity for a teaser of your latest, live-
action campaign video—if you plan ahead.

Identify which distribution channels you’ll utilize with video. Make note of whether
you’ll use them all the time or occasionally.

Video Distribution Worksheet (1/2)

Every Time
Video Distribution Channel If Sometimes, Explain When or When Not


Website Video Hub

Campaign Landing Page


Partner Blogs





Video Distribution Worksheet (2/2)

Every Time
Video Distribution Channel If Sometimes, Explain When or When Not





Paid Promotion Channels

Other: __________________________

Other: __________________________

Other: __________________________

Other: __________________________

Step 6: Transferring Your Brand to Video
You’ve worked hard for your brand: to build its story, its values, its image, and its tone. The last thing
you want is for your videos to be like a rebelling teenager and just sit in the basement away from the
rest of the family (what? you didn’t do that?). A consistent brand tells a story to your prospects, and
consistency builds trust. As Paul Rand, American Art Director and Graphic Designer best known for his
corporate logo designs including IBM, UPS, and Enron, once said:

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.”

By planning and documenting video brand guidelines ahead of time, you can stay consistent across
multiple video assets and even multiple producers. You’ll also have a handy resource to provide your

Go through each brand component in the chart below and determine how your
brand will be represented through video. Each component is described in detail and
there’s ample space for notes! Some components may change from video to video,
so make sure to mark these with a check under “Review for Each Project”.

Video Branding Guidelines Worksheet (1/2)

Guideline to How the Guideline Review

Consider for Video Applies for for Each
Your Brand Project?
Voice & Tone - Voice is the representation of your
brand's personality, and tone is a subset of that
voice with a little more wiggle room, depending on
your audience, the subject matter, etc. Will you be
silly, humorous, approachable, professional?

Colors - You probably already have these set in a

current branding doc. You may want to highlight
what colors can be used for what, like main text
versus shadows, for example.

Typography - You likely have this one laid out, too.

Be sure to include if there are any restrictions for
usage or guidelines on size. For example, you may
want name plates in a certain font while transition
screen text is in a different font.

Language & Dialogue - Will you be casual or

professional? And how will your company be
referred to in this video: first- or third-person?

Logo Usage - What are the general guidelines

around your logo: coloring, spacing, and when it
should be used in a video? For example, you may
want it at the end of every single video or as a
watermark in a bottom corner.

Video Branding Guidelines Worksheet (2/2)

Guideline to How the Guideline Review

Consider for Video Applies for for Each
Your Brand Project?
Music & Audio - This includes voice-overs, music
tracks, and sound effects. Your brand extends
to include the “look and feel” of a video and the
complete experience of your company, which
includes music. Will you choose cheesy, spoof
soundtracks? Or inspirational ones?

Imagery - Whether it be motion graphic or live-

action, the style of imagery used should align with
the tone of your brand. This applies to the type of
illustration used for a motion-graphic video, as well
as the type of setting and props you shoot for a
live-action video.

Setting - The location of your shoot is just as

important as your brand colors and placement of
your logo. What vibe should a shoot location give
off? Also consider all the elements within it: filing
cabinets, wall art, stores in the background, etc.

Actors - what types of actors should you use?

You can provide guidelines on
looks, wardrobe, personality, or

Step 7: Setting Guidelines for Viewer Behavior

There’s more to video than meets the eye. Hidden underneath the compelling stories and special
effects is a data goldmine. Due to video’s linear nature, it is an extremely trackable medium. Meaning
you can see how much of a video viewers watch, what they skip, and what they re-watch. It’s a perfect
picture of your audience’s digital body language: what topics they’re interested in and what buying
stage they’re at.

Individual viewing data can help you qualify and score leads based on how much video they’re
consuming and what topics they’re interested in. You can score leads based on how much of your
video a prospect’s consumed: the longer they watch for, the more likely they are to be interested in
your product or service. And the further the video is down the funnel, the higher the score for a certain
completion rate. This can then help you to better qualify leads, build or improve nurture programs, and
create or enhance audience segments.

Nail down specific guidelines for how you’ll react to viewer engagement with your
videos. How will you score leads and build nurture programs based on how many
minutes of video they’ve consumed, how much of each video they’ve watched, or
what topics they’ve spent time with?

Individual Viewing Rules Worksheet

Nurture Events
Lead Scoring (determine what will trigger sending an email,
(choose a lead score number or range) adding to a retargeting program, sending a text message, sending
to Sales for phone follow up, etc.)

Time Range, Time Range,

Percentage, Lead Score or Range Percentage, Email Trigger
or Topics or Topics

2-5 minutes 5-15 10 minutes Making the most of email automation.

Total Amount of Video
5-20 minutes 10-25
Minutes Consumed
20+ minutes 20-45 110 miuntes Evaluating an email automation platform.

Total Amount of Video

Minutes Consumed

Percentage of Individual
Video Viewed

Topics of Videos Viewed

Step 8: Organizing Your Team
Who’s responsible for what? If all of your planning efforts are going to pay off, it’s important to identify
the awesome people who are going to help you get there!

Having a succinct and pre-planned video process means you’ll be able to build production schedules
easier, plan projects more efficiently, and set appropriate expectations within your team. You may have
different people taking the reins for different campaigns, so it’s great to get the story straight now!

Fill out who’s responsible for each stage of the video project, depending on video
type. If there are any steps not included here that your team normally follows for
video projects, add them in at the end!

Video Ownership Worksheet - Planning & Production (1/3)

Video Type (described in Step 3)

High-Level Content Promo/ How-To Educational Videos or Thought Leadership Videos or
Campaign Videos or Webinars Webinars Webinrs

Managing Video Strategy

Setting Per-Video Goals

Determining Lead Scoring Rules

Managing the Project

Brainstorming & Concepting



Filming & Audio Recording


Video Ownership Worksheet - Planning & Production (2/3)

Video Type (described in Step 3)

Company Overview Videos Product Videos or Webinars Culture Videos

Managing Video Strategy

Setting Per-Video Goals

Determining Lead Scoring Rules

Managing the Project

Brainstorming & Concepting



Filming & Audio Recording


Video Ownership Worksheet - Planning & Production (3/3)

Video Type (described in Step 3)

Event Videos Product Demo Videos Customer Testimonial Videos

Managing Video Strategy

Setting Per-Video Goals

Determining Lead Scoring Rules

Managing the Project

Brainstorming & Concepting



Filming & Audio Recording


Video Ownership Worksheet - Post-Production & Beyond! (1/3)

Video Type (described in Step 3)

High-Level Content Promo/ How-To Educational Videos or Thought Leadership Videos or
Campaign Videos or Webinars Webinars Webinrs

Editing & Post-Production

Reviewing Final Version & Signing-Off

Uploading to Video Platform

Setting up CTAs, Email Gates, etc.

Distributing the Video

Measuring Per-Video Performance

Measuring Total Video Performance

Other: __________________________

Other: __________________________

Video Ownership Worksheet - Post-Production & Beyond! (2/3)

Video Type (described in Step 3)

Company Overview Videos Product Videos or Webinars Culture Videos

Editing & Post-Production

Reviewing Final Version & Signing-Off

Uploading to Video Platform

Setting up CTAs, Email Gates, etc.

Distributing the Video

Measuring Per-Video Performance

Measuring Total Video Performance

Other: __________________________

Other: __________________________

Video Ownership Worksheet - Post-Production & Beyond! (3/3)

Video Type (described in Step 3)

Customer Testimonial
Event Videos Product Demo Videos

Editing & Post-Production

Reviewing Final Version & Signing-Off

Uploading to Video Platform

Setting up CTAs, Email Gates, etc.

Distributing the Video

Measuring Per-Video Performance

Measuring Total Video Performance

Other: __________________________

Other: __________________________

Step 9: Measuring Video Success
Wow, we’re already at the final step! But without measuring your efforts, have you made any
progress, really? You can build an entire, well-thought-out video marketing strategy, but if
you can’t measure its impact, what’s the point? You want to be able to see what viewers are
seriously loving…and really, even what’s not working and tempting them toward someone else.
That way you can do more of the former and less of the latter.

But it turns out that 72% of marketers aren’t measuring video’s impact, or they’re doing so at a
very trivial level, like view counts, at best.

Measuring video’s impact is about more than view counts. Because…well, logic: you don’t
measure your website’s success by page views alone, so why would you measure a video’s
success by views? Imagine your viewers all clicked play but then all dropped off within 5
seconds. Maybe you got a lot of views, but we’d bet that video isn’t a successful asset that’s
driving results for your marketing funnel. So let’s bring back your video marketing goals and
identify how to measure them.

Write down your goals from Step 1. Then choose from the metric bank which metric(s)
is/are best suited to measuring the success of your goal. Be sure to set a defined target.
Note that, unlike a word bank (or any other bank, for that matter), you can withdraw
metrics from the bank multiple times for different goals! If you have additional metrics
in mind, add them to the bank!

Video Measurement Worksheet (1/2)

Metric Bank:
Brand Engagement Demand Generation
• Number of Views • Number of New Leads Generated
• Number of Shares • Number of Opportunities Influenced
• Attention Span • Amount of Pipeline Influenced
• Amount of Closed Revenue Influenced (ROI!)

Click-Through Rates Other

• Email Campaign CTR •
• Video Engagement CTR •
• On-Page CTR (completion of CTA) •

Video Measurement Worksheet (2/2)

Goal Metric & Target Metric Source

(from Step 1) (from the Metric Bank) (ex. video marketing platform,
marketing automation platform,
CRM, etc.)

Brand Awareness: • View count: 2000 Video Marketing Platform

Increase the • Attention span: 70%+
exposure of Holy
Moly Email mobile
app with marketers
in Texas

You’ve overcome the biggest hurdle to video marketing success: creating a video marketing strategy.
We’d give you a pat on the back but we can’t reach.

You’ve got a solid plan in place for a happy, successful video marketing future. You’ve set goals,
identified content opportunities for video, developed a distribution plan, built out video brand
guidelines, determined team responsibilities, and solidified how you’ll measure your video marketing
success. You’re killin’ it!

Mastering Your
Next Video Project
Learn from top marketers
and video producers:
• The secrets to brainstorming for creative results
• Best practices for shoot location, lighting, and audio
• Post-production tricks for engaging product demos
• How to scale video production on a budget
• And more! GET THE GUIDE

About Vidyard & New Breed

We measure your videos performance. We partner with high-growth companies,

If video is part of your marketing strategy, you owning the entire marketing funnel on their
need a way to measure its impact on revenue. behalf. We challenge our clients to think
As the world’s leading video marketing beyond the buyer’s journey and focus on the
platform, Vidyard can show you exactly how entire customer lifecycle. By creating a full-
viewers interact with your videos. This means funnel approach based on permission-based
you can continuously improve your marketing tactics we can create a helpful, customer-
strategy based on measurable results. Along centric buying experience, which in turn fuels
with hosting your video content, Vidyard loyalty and growth.
reveals who’s watching your videos, and for
how long with detailed viewer analytics and Unlike an agency or vendor, New Breed
engagement data you can push directly into operates as a strategic partner. Our partnership
your MAP and CRM. lets you focus on your expertise: your product.
At New Breed, our product is our expertise in
Learn more about Vidyard. how to market and sell. We build campaigns
no one else can build. We learn, iterate and
improve faster than anyone else does. We
create visitors and leads like it’s our job —
because it is.

Learn more about New Breed.


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