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Effects of premolar extractions on Bolton overall

ratios and tooth-size discrepancies in a Japanese
orthodontic population
Toshiya Endo,a Katuyuki Ishida,b Isao Shundo,b Kosuke Sakaeda,c and Shohachi Shimookad
Niigata and Kawasaki, Japan

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of premolar extractions on the Bolton
overall ratios and overall tooth-size discrepancies in a Japanese orthodontic population. Methods: Mesiodis-
tal tooth widths were measured on 198 pretreatment dental casts of subjects with Class I, Class II, and Class III
malocclusions. The overall ratios and tooth-size discrepancies were determined before and after hypothetical
premolar extractions. Before and after extractions, the subjects were divided into small, normal, and large
overall ratio groups categorized by the Bolton standard deviation definition, and into small, normal, and large
correction groups by the actual amount of change calculated for tooth-size correction in millimeters. Extrac-
tions were performed in the following combinations: (1) all first premolars, (2) all second premolars, (3) maxillary
first and mandibular second premolars, and (4) maxillary second and mandibular first premolars. For statistical
evaluations, analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman, Scheffé, Bonferroni, and Tukey tests were per-
formed. Results: The overall ratios decreased in every malocclusion group after extraction of any combination
of premolars. The decreases were significantly notable in combinations 2 and 4. Some subjects in the normal
overall ratio and maxillary and mandibular correction groups moved into the clinically significant tooth-size dis-
crepancy group after premolar extraction, and the reverse was also true. Conclusions: In formulating a treat-
ment plan involving premolar extractions, orthodontists should consider that the overall ratios might decrease,
and normal and clinically significant tooth-size discrepancies could change mutually after extractions. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:508-14)

malocclusion types.5,6 Others found no significant dif-

olton’s tooth-size ratios, including overall and
anterior ratios, have been widely accepted as ferences in either anterior or overall ratios in subjects
an essential diagnostic tool in orthodontic prac- with different malocclusion.7-9
tice since their publication.1,2 The Bolton anterior and A tooth-size discrepancy between the maxillary and
overall ratios were defined as the ratios of the mesiodis- mandibular arches is found by analyzing tooth-size ra-
tal widths between the 6 anterior mandibular teeth and tios. Some studies found that ratios more than 2 SD
the 6 anterior maxillary teeth, and the mesiodistal from Bolton’s mean of 91.3% indicated clinically sig-
widths between the 12 mandibular teeth and the 12 max- nificant overall tooth-size discrepancies.5-12 In ortho-
illary teeth, respectively.1,2 Some evidence points to sex dontic practice, the actual amount of discrepancy (in
and racial or ethnic differences in the tooth-size ra- millimeters) provides more useful information on the
tios.3,4 Some investigators reported statistically signifi- required correction for clinically significant tooth-size
cant associations between tooth-size ratios and discrepancy than does the ratio as a percentage.9,13
Some investigators9,13,14 selected 1.5 mm as an appro-
Professor and chairman, Orthodontic Dentistry, Nippon Dental University priate threshold for clinical significance of discrepancy,
Niigata Hospital, Niigata, Japan.
Assistant professor, Orthodontic Dentistry, Nippon Dental University Niigata quoting Proffit and Ackerman15 that tooth-size discrep-
Hospital, Niigata, Japan. ancies less than 1.5 mm were rarely significant.
Private practice, Kawasaki, Japan. In orthodontic treatment, tooth extraction is often
Professor and chairman, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Nippon Dental
University School of Life Dentistry at Niigata, Niigata, Japan. necessary to achieve the best possible esthetic and func-
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- tional outcome for patients, and the extraction of 4 first
ucts or companies described in this article. premolars is most common.16 The overall ratio and
Reprint requests to: Toshiya Endo, Orthodontic Dentistry, Nippon Dental Uni-
versity Niigata Hospital, 1-8 Hamaura-cho, Niigata 951-8580 Japan; e-mail, tooth-size discrepancies are directly influenced by pre- molar extraction. Nonetheless, only a few investigations
Submitted, February 2008; revised and accepted, April 2008. have been conducted about the applicability of the over-
Copyright Ó 2010 by the American Association of Orthodontists. all ratio as a criterion, shown by the shortage of litera-
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.04.026 ture.2,17 Bolton2 found that the mean overall ratio was
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Endo et al 509
Volume 137, Number 4

91.3% (SD, 1.91) in patients without a tooth-size dis- Thirty pairs of dental casts were randomly selected
crepancy, and, after extraction of 4 premolars, the pa- a month later, and the mesiodistal tooth widths were
tients had a mean overall ratio of 88% (SD, 1). Tong again measured by the same investigator. The overall ra-
et al17 stated that the overall ratios after extraction of tios were calculated by the same method. A paired t test
all premolar combinations were smaller than those be- showed no statistically significant differences between
fore extraction, and, in some of the patients, normal the first and second measurements (P .0.05). Random
and large overall ratios changed into small and normal errors, assessed by calculating the standard deviation of
overall ratios, respectively, after extraction of premo- the differences between the first and second measure-
lars. The change of overall ratio groups was especially ments, were less than 0.72% for the overall ratios, and
noteworthy in combinations of all second premolars less than 0.8 and 0.73 mm for the maxillary and mandib-
and the maxillary second and mandibular first premo- ular corrections, respectively; these were unlikely to
lars. Saatci and Yukay18 and Gaidyte and Baubiniene19 affect the significant results in this study.13
investigated tooth-size discrepancies created by pre- Because 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indi-
molar extractions using the Bolton index, which is a pos- cated no significant differences in overall ratios between
itive value of either maxillary or mandibular corrections the sexes or malocclusion types, and no significant inter-
required to give the Bolton mean overall ratio. action between 2 variables, the values for the sexes were
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ef- combined for all other analyses, as shown in Tables I
fects of premolar extractions on the Bolton overall ratios and II.
and tooth-size discrepancies in a Japanese orthodontic In each malocclusion group, hypothetical tooth ex-
population. tractions were performed on each subject in the follow-
ing 4 combinations: (1) all first premolars, (2) all second
premolars, (3) maxillary first and mandibular second
premolars, and (4) maxillary second and mandibular first
MATERIAL AND METHODS premolars. The overall ratios were again calculated after
A total of 198 Japanese subjects with various maloc- the hypothetical extractions in each malocclusion group.
clusions were selected retrospectively from a list of or- Calculations were made before extractions to deter-
thodontic patients who had received treatment in our mine the distributions of subjects with overall tooth-
clinics at the Nippon Dental University Niigata Hospi- size discrepancies more than 2 SD from the Bolton
tal, Niigata, Japan. They included patients with Class means (91.3% 6 1.91%) and more than 1.5 mm of
I, Class II, and Class III malocclusions and met the cri- maxillary or mandibular correction required to give
teria for the dental casts as described below. The occlu- the Bolton mean overall ratio, and all the subjects
sion category, according to Angle’s classifications, were subdivided into 3 groups in each category: (1)
coincided with the skeletal category. Skeletal types small overall ratio (\87.48%), (2) normal overall ratio
were assessed cephalometrically by the mean ANB an- (87.48% to 95.12%), and (3) large overall ratio
gles (3.3 6 2.1 for males; 2.6 6 1.7 for females) 20: (.95.12%). Both maxillary and mandibular correction
Class I, from 1.2 to 5.4 for males and from 0.9 to 4.3 groups were (1) small correction (\–1.5 mm), (2) nor-
for females; Class II, .5.4 for males and .4.3 for mal correction (–1.5 to 11.5 mm), and (3) large correc-
females; and Class III, \1.2 for males and \0.9 for tion (.1.5 mm).
females. Each malocclusion group consisted of 33 Similarly, to determine how many subjects moved
male and 33 female subjects. The selection criteria of into other groups, the number of subjects in each group
the casts were (1) fully erupted permanent dentition was calculated again according to the Bolton mean
with only the third molars unerupted, (2) good-quality overall ratio (88%; SD, 1)2 and a 1.5-mm threshold
pretreatment casts, (3) no tooth agenesis or extractions, after all premolar extraction combinations.
(4) no mesiodistal restorations or abrasion, and (5) no
tooth anomalies.
Digital calipers were used to measure the mesiodis- Statistical analysis
tal widths from first molar to first molar to the nearest Statistical analyses were performed with StatMate
0.01 mm on each cast. The mesiodistal width of each software (ATMS, Tokyo, Japan). The means and standard
tooth was measured at the greatest distance between deviations of the overall ratios were calculated before and
the contact points on the proximal surfaces. All mea- after the 4 extraction combinations of premolars in each
surements were done by 1 investigator (I.K.). The over- malocclusion group. Two-way ANOVA was performed
all ratios were calculated by using the method of to test the main effects of extractions and malocclusion
Bolton.1,2 types on the overall ratio. One-way ANOVA and Scheffé
510 Endo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 2010

Table I. Overall ratios (mean 6 SD) before and after extractions in each malocclusion group and statistical compar-
Before extraction (BE) After extraction Scheffe´

Group Male Female Both sexes 4/4 5/5 4/5 5/4 Significance

Class I 91.18 6 2.27 91.01 6 2.17 91.10 6 2.20 89.74 6 2.41 88.89 6 2.11 90.04 6 2.37 88.61 6 2.24 BE . 5/5, BE . 5/4
Class II 91.48 6 1.91 91.28 6 1.87 91.38 6 1.88 89.91 6 2.00 89.00 6 1.73 90.07 6 1.84 88.86 6 1.93 BE . 4/4, BE . 5/5,
malocclusion BE . 4/5, BE . 5/4
Class III 91.27 6 1.56 91.85 6 2.16 91.56 6 1.89 90.27 6 1.98 89.24 6 1.89 90.47 6 1.99 89.05 6 1.96 BE . 5/5, BE . 5/4,
malocclusion 4/5 . 5/4

4/4, All first premolars; 5/5, all second premolars; 4/5, maxillary first and mandibular second premolars; 5/4, maxillary second and mandibular first

Table II.Two-way ANOVA of overall ratios before Table III.Two-way ANOVA of overall ratios as a func-
extractions as a function of sex and malocclusion type tion of extraction and malocclusion type
Source Sum of squares df Mean square F value P value Source Sum of squares df Mean square F value P value

Sex 0.231 1 0.231 0.057 0.811 Extraction 799.355 4 199.839 549.901 0.000
Malocclusion 7.154 2 3.577 0.890 0.412 Malocclusion 33.101 2 16.551 0.857 0.426
type type
Interaction 6.492 2 3.246 0.808 0.447 Interaction 2.183 8 0.273 0.751 0.646
Error 771.615 192 4.019 Error 283.459 780 0.363

tests were used to compare the overall ratios before and sion types (Table II). Kruskal-Wallis tests showed no
after extractions in each malocclusion group and to iden- significant differences between the malocclusion
tify where differences occurred. Kruskal-Wallis and groups in the distributions of subjects in the normal
Bonferroni tests, and Friedman and Tukey tests, were per- overall ratio group and those of the clinically significant
formed to determine whether and where there were overall tooth-size discrepancy group before extractions
changes in the numbers of subjects and the distributions (P 5 0.270, Table IV) or in the distributions of subjects
of overall ratios, respectively, in each overall ratio group of the maxillary and mandibular correction groups (P 5
and in each maxillary and mandibular correction group 0.286 and P 5 0.365, respectively, Table V). Therefore,
related to the extraction combinations. ANOVA and mul- the subjects of each malocclusion group were combined
tiple comparison tests were performed at the P \0.05 in each category for other analyses.
level of significance. Table VI shows that some subjects in the small over-
all ratio group moved into the normal overall ratio group
after 3 of 4 premolar extraction combinations, some
RESULTS subjects in the normal overall ratio group moved into
Table III shows that 2-way ANOVA indicated no the small or large overall ratio groups, and all subjects
significant interaction between the main effects of ex- in the large overall ratio group remained in the same
tractions and malocclusion types and no significant dif- group after any premolar extraction combination. More-
ferences in the overall ratios between the malocclusion over, Table VI shows that, in the normal overall ratio
types. It also shows significant difference in the overall group, Kruskal-Wallis and Bonferroni tests, and
ratios between before and after extractions. Table I Friedman and Tukey tests demonstrated significant dif-
shows that the overall ratios decreased in every maloc- ferences in the distribution of subjects with overall
clusion group after extraction of any combination of tooth-size discrepancies and in the overall ratios,
premolars, and that the statistically significant de- respectively, between the 2 extraction combinations
creases were particularly notable in combinations 2 including maxillary second premolars and those includ-
and 4. ing maxillary first premolars. This table also shows that,
Two-way ANOVA, performed to test the main ef- in the large overall ratio group, there was a significant
fects of sex and malocclusion types on the overall ratios, difference in the distribution of overall ratios between
indicated no significant differences between malocclu- extraction combinations 3 and 4.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Endo et al 511
Volume 137, Number 4

Table IV. Distribution of subjects of overall ratio groups before extraction

Overall ratio group

Normal group Combined small and large groups Kruskal-Wallis

Group n % n % P value

Class I malocclusion 59 89.39 7 (4, 3) 10.61 (6.06, 4.55)

Class II malocclusion 63 95.45 3 (2, 1) 4.55 (3.03, 1.52) 0.270
Class III malocclusion 63 95.45 3 (2, 1) 4.55 (3.03, 1.52)
Total malocclusion 185 93.43 13 (8, 5) 6.57 (4.04, 2.53) —

Small and large overall ratio groups, respectively, in parentheses.

Table V. Distribution of subjects of maxillary and mandibular correction groups before extraction
Small Normal Large Kruskal-Wallis

Group n % n % n % P value

Maxillary correction
Class I malocclusion 20 30.30 32 48.48 14 21.21
Class II malocclusion 12 18.18 38 57.58 16 24.24 0.286
Class III malocclusion 10 15.15 41 62.12 15 22.73
Total malocclusion 42 21.21 111 56.06 45 22.73 —
Mandibular correction
Class I malocclusion 14 21.21 32 48.48 20 30.30
Class II malocclusion 14 21.21 41 62.12 11 16.67 0.365
Class III malocclusion 12 18.18 45 68.18 9 13.64
Total malocclusion 40 20.20 118 59.60 40 20.20 —

Table VII shows that some subjects in the small and Tables VII and VIII also show that in each maxillary
normal maxillary correction groups moved into the nor- and mandibular correction group, Friedman and Tukey
mal and large maxillary correction groups, respectively, tests demonstrated significant differences in the dis-
and that all or almost all subjects in the large maxillary tributions of maxillary and mandibular corrections
correction group remained in the same group with the 4 between the 2 extraction combinations including maxil-
extraction combinations. Table VIII shows that all or al- lary second premolars and maxillary first premolars.
most all subjects in the small mandibular correction
group remained as they were with any extraction combi-
nation, but some subjects in the normal and large man- DISCUSSION
dibular correction groups moved into the small and Some evidence reflects that various tooth-size ratios
normal groups, respectively. show ethnic or racial and sex differences.5,6 Our
Tables VII and VIII show that, in the normal max- PubMed search in March 2008 with the search subjects
illary and mandibular correction groups, Kruskal- ‘‘tooth size ratio’’ and ‘‘tooth size discrepancy’’ found
Wallis and Bonferroni tests found significant differ- no English references regarding the association between
ences in the distributions of subjects with maxillary Bolton overall ratio and extraction in a Japanese popu-
and mandibular corrections, respectively, between the lation. It would, therefore, be worthwhile to examine the
2 extraction combinations including maxillary second effects of premolar extractions on Bolton overall ratios
premolars and maxillary first premolars. The tables and tooth-size discrepancies in Japanese people and to
also show that, in the small maxillary correction and compare our results with those in other populations.
large mandibular correction groups, significant differ- Our results showing no statistically significant differ-
ences in the distributions of subjects with maxillary ences between the sexes in the overall ratio for the mal-
and mandibular corrections were found among differ- occlusion groups agreed with those of previous studies
ent extraction combinations: between combinations 1 on other populations.5,8,13 Some other investigations
and 4, combinations 2 and 3, and combinations 3 showed statistically significant differences between
and 4. the sexes in the overall ratio for the malocclusion groups
512 Endo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 2010

Table VI. Distribution of subjects of each overall ratio group after extractions and statistical comparisons
Overall ratio groups

Small Normal Large Kruskal-Wallis Bonferroni Friedman Tukey

Significant Significant
n % n % n % P value comparison P value comparison

Before extraction 8 100.00 — — — — — — — —

After extraction 4/4 5 62.50 3 37.50 0 0.00
5/5 7 87.50 1 12.50 0 0.00
0.091 0.273
4/5 4 50.00 4 50.00 0 0.00
5/4 8 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Before extraction — — 185 100.00 — — — — — —
After extraction 4/4 3 1.62 90 48.65 92 49.73 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 8 4.32 125 67.57 52 28.11 5/5 vs 4/5 5/5 vs 4/5
\0.001 \0.001
4/5 1 0.54 76 41.08 108 58.38 4/5 vs 5/4 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 16 8.65 118 63.78 51 27.57
Before extraction — — — — 5 100.00 — — — —
After extraction 4/4 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 100.00
5/5 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 100.00
— 0.017
4/5 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 100.00 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 100.00

4/4, All first premolars; 5/5, all second premolars; 4/5, maxillary first and mandibular second premolars; 5/4, maxillary second and mandibular first

Table VII. Distribution of subjects of each maxillary correction group after extractions and statistical comparisons
Maxillary correction groups

Small Normal Large Kruskal-Wallis Bonferroni Friedman Tukey

n % n % n % P value Significant comparison P value Significant comparison

Before extraction 42 100.00 — — — — — — — —

After extraction 4/4 13 30.95 29 69.05 0 0.00 4/4 vs 5/4 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 19 45.24 23 54.76 0 0.00 5/5 vs 4/5
\0.001 \0.001
4/5 8 19.05 33 78.57 1 2.38 4/5 vs 5/4 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 27 64.29 15 35.71 0 0.00
Before extraction — — 111 100.00 — — — — — —
After extraction 4/4 0 0.00 34 30.63 77 69.37 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 0 0.00 73 65.77 38 34.23 5/5 vs 4/5 5/5 vs 4/5
\0.001 \0.001
4/5 1 0.90 27 24.32 83 74.77 4/5 vs 5/4 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 0 0.00 82 73.87 29 26.13
Before extraction — — — — 45 100.00 — — — —
After extraction 4/4 0 0.00 0 0.00 45 100.00 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 0 0.00 1 2.22 44 97.78 5/5 vs 4/5
0.295 \0.001
4/5 0 0.00 0 0.00 45 100.00 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 0 0.00 2 4.44 43 95.56

4/4, All first premolars; 5/5, all second premolars; 4/5, maxillary first and mandibular second premolars; 5/4, maxillary second and mandibular first

among different populations.4,14,17 This permitted our et al.17 One-way ANOVA and Scheffé tests showed that
speculation that sex differences in tooth-size ratios the extraction combinations with the most commonly
might be population-specific. decreasing overall ratios in every malocclusion group
In this study, 2-way ANOVA showed no significant were 2 and 4; this also corresponded to the results of
differences in the overall ratios between the malocclu- the Friedman and Tukey tests: that significant differ-
sion groups, but significant differences before and after ences in the distribution of overall ratios between extrac-
extractions (Table III). Our result that the overall ratios tion combinations 1 and 3 and combinations 2 and 4 were
decreased after extraction of any combination of premo- found in the normal overall ratio group including most
lars in each malocclusion group was confirmed by Tong subjects (Table VI). These findings show that the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Endo et al 513
Volume 137, Number 4

Table VIII. Distribution of subjects of each mandibular correction group after extractions and statistical comparisons
Mandibular correction groups

Small Normal Large Kruskal-Wallis Bonferroni Friedman Tukey

n % n % n % P value Significant comparison P value Significant comparison

Before extraction 40 100.00 — — — — — — — —

After extraction 4/4 40 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 38 95.00 2 5.00 0 0.00 5/5 vs 4/5
0.136 \0.001
4/5 40 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 37 92.50 3 7.50 0 0.00
Before extraction — — 118 100.00 — — — — — —
After extraction 4/4 70 59.32 48 40.68 0 0.00 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 28 23.73 90 76.27 0 0.00 5/5 vs 4/5 5/5 vs 4/5
\0.001 \0.001
4/5 79 66.95 39 33.05 0 0.00 4/5 vs 5/4 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 23 19.49 95 80.51 0 0.00
Before extraction — — — — 40 100.00 — — — —
After extraction 4/4 0 0.00 30 75.00 10 25.00 4/4 vs 5/4 4/4 vs 5/5, 4/4 vs 5/4
5/5 0 0.00 22 55.00 18 45.00 5/5 vs 4/5 5/5 vs 4/5
\0.001 \0.001
4/5 1 2.50 34 85.00 5 12.50 4/5 vs 5/4 4/5 vs 5/4
5/4 0 0.00 14 35.00 26 65.00

4/4, All first premolars; 5/5, all second premolars; 4/5, maxillary first and mandibular second premolars; 5/4, maxillary second and mandibular first

extraction of all second premolars and maxillary second excellent Class I occlusion without interproximal
and mandibular first premolars most affect the overall ra- enamel reduction and that the first molar relationships
tios in orthodontic treatment involving premolar extrac- need to be in Class II occlusion for an ideal occlusion
tions. However, the mean overall ratios in the Class I and of the incisors. Moreover, it suggests that selective inter-
Class II malocclusion groups ranged from 87% to 89% proximal enamel reduction might be required in the
after these 2 extraction combinations, as shown in Table mandibular teeth for proper occlusal interdigitation.
I. Orthodontic patients with Class I and Class II maloc- In this study, ratios greater than 2 SD from the Bolton
clusions treated with these 2 extraction combinations mean and discrepancies greater than 1.5 mm of the max-
of premolars might attain proper occlusal intercuspation. illary and mandibular corrections for overall ratios were
Bolton2 stated that, after 4 premolar extractions, subjects defined as indicating clinically significant tooth-size dis-
without a tooth-size discrepancy would have overall ra- crepancies. Our findings showed that the prevalence rate
tios of 87% to 89%. The decrease in the overall ratio in of subjects with clinically significant tooth-size discrep-
any extraction combinations might be because the ratios ancies before extraction by using the Bolton standard-de-
of the mesiodistal widths of the maxillary first or second viation definition (6.57%, Table IV) was lower than those
premolars to those of the 12 maxillary teeth (15.4% or with the millimetric definition as shown in the distribution
14.3%, respectively) were smaller than those of the man- of subjects with maxillary and mandibular corrections
dibular first or second premolars to the 12 mandibular (43.94% and 40.4%, respectively, Table V). In our study,
teeth (16.7% or 16.5%, respectively) in this study. In significant differences in the distribution of maxillary and
other words, in spite of first or second premolar extrac- mandibular corrections were found in 4 extraction combi-
tions, the rates of the sum of the mesiodistal widths of nations of any correction groups, whereas significant dif-
the remaining 10 teeth to the sum of those of the 12 teeth ferences in the distribution of overall ratios were found in
are smaller in the mandible than in the maxilla. 4 combinations and 1 combination of the normal and large
A tooth-size discrepancy can affect orthodontic overall ratio groups, respectively. These findings sup-
treatment outcome and its stability. The mean overall ra- ported those of some investigators who demonstrated
tios in every malocclusion group were more than 89% that the use of millimetric measurements in the correction
after extraction combinations 1 and 3, demonstrating of tooth-size ratios could prevent clinicians from underes-
that, if the sum of the mesiodistal widths of the remain- timating the prevalence of clinically significant tooth-size
ing 10 teeth in the maxilla were considered normal, that discrepancies.9,13,14
in the mandible would be greater than the mean. From Our findings showed that some subjects in the small
a clinical perspective, this finding suggests that the man- overall ratio group moved into the normal group, and
dibular incisors need to be retroclined to achieve an some subjects in the normal overall ratio group moved
514 Endo et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
April 2010

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