DONE Appreciative Inquiry

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“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Graduate School

“Appreciative Inquiry”

“The growth and application of Appreciative Inquiry over the past two decades has been
nothing short of phenomenal. It is arguably the most powerful process of positive change.” –a
quote said by a Mustin Professor of Psychology at Swarthmore College, Mr. Kenneth J. Gergen,
Ph. D. what does Appreciative Inquiry really mean after what Mr. Gergen of Swarthmore implied?
–Appreciative Inquiry or famously known as AI is a model that seeks to engage stakeholders in
self-determined change. Where thus, it is also a precursor to the rise of positive organization
studies and the strengths based movements in American management according to Bushe. The
question lies on how does this model (AI) formed or what triggered its existence? –It was
developed at Case Western University’s department or organization behavior. The people behind
the discovery of AI felt the overuse of the “problem solving” hampered any kind of social
improvement, and what was needed were new methods of inquiry that would help generate new
ideas and models for how to organize. It is then, the power and influence of Appreciative Inquiry
has been at full range in making not only organizations who will keep in touch with the changes
but relating it to the modern world, to the society or even to the separate individuals. Same with
the existing models, AI utilizes a cycle of four (4) process which today has five (5) processes
known as the 5D. This cycle includes: (1) DEFINE: defining the studies, or problems; (2)
DISCOVER: the identification of organizational process that work well; (3) DREAM: the
envisioning of processes that would work well in the future; (4) DESIGN: planning and
prioritizing processes that would work well; (5) DESTINY: the implementation (execution) of the
proposed deign. As AI utilizes this cycle, it also has its basic principles that can be effective to
varieties of organizations, different group of societies, or even to diverse separate individuals who
are looking to surpass the hurricane of change, these principles includes: (a) Constructionist; (b)
Simultaneity; (c) Poetic; (d) Anticipatory; and lastly (e) Positive Principle. These different
principles suit to different organizations that would eventually help and guide them in such inquiry.

As I said earlier, this model is not only for organizations itself; but it can also be for the
society or even to separate individuals who need new methods of inquiry that would help generate
“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Graduate School

new ideas, of how to organize them in order to counter act the inevitability of change that is
occurring to every sides of everyone’s life.


Let’s take for example bringing and introducing this concept (AI) to the student leaders in
institution where Excellency bests aimed. Through the cycle that AI has known as “5D”, the
student leaders and student organization would be guided in molding students with true and real
convictions and intentions for the betterment of everyone within the institution. Student leaders
who would be given the chance to understand the concept of AI would be able to DEFINE why
they meant to serve the student organization; DISCOVER their own selves and passion in
becoming a leaders; DREAM what could it be for everyone; DESIGN a road map that would take
them and their organization into their DESTINY. Through Appreciative Inquiry and what lies
under it, it could change the world by how young minds decide for their well-being and for the
well- being they lead. Through educating young leaders with the concept of Appreciative Inquiry,
the past mistakes committed by our past leaders can be avoided or lessen.


AI and its effectivity doesn’t only stop at organizations comprising young leaders but it is also
helpful to the society. This responsibility would fall on the hands of the authorities who
implemented peace within the premises of the society. –Leaders who need to define the societal
problems that need to be solve; leaders who need to ask themselves “how?” –‘How should we
solve those problems that affects my people?’ leaders who dream for its people “what could it
be for us?”; leaders who know how to construct, build road maps for their dreams and plan for
their society’s future; and lastly leaders that know where they would be destined. Through the
concept of AI, it would help leaders to know their responsibilities clearly, to learn and discover
that those goals they make for the society are achievable.


Appreciative Inquiry from groups of young leaders and societal leaders to separate individuals.
Individuals who choose to change themselves for goo; individuals who choose to face the changing
“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Graduate School

world preparing themselves to the decisions they would endure in the future; individuals who
choose to be in tune with the changing phase of this world, AI can help these separate individuals.
Through AI, an individual can or will be able to DEFINE himself; DISCOVER “how can I
change?” DREAM “what could it be for me? And DESIGN for its own DESTINY.


Appreciative Inquiry is undeniably a huge blessing to humanity. As this world changes, so

people do and there are two ways to deal with change. It is either we go against the change or we
go with it. Other way around, it is our choice and that lays into our own hands. Do we choose to
be in tune with the phase of change? Or do we choose to go against the wave? The choices are laid
in front of us. But, with the existence of Appreciative Inquiry, it makes thing easier and less
frightening. The choices are more narrowed down for us and chances of doing things right are
likely higher; failing isn’t even an option. It is undebatable that AI is a phenomenon that we must
be grateful and thankful because without it, maybe maybe changes in this world would win over
us and we could lose the most important battle in our life.


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