Appendix A - LSI Instructions For Foreign Carrier AOSPs - 0 PDF

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Guidance Material

Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A

Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 1 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016


Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 2 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016

Local Station Instructions Model Outline


Foreign Carriers are required under Section 4.6 of the Qatar National Civil
Aviation Security Programme to submit Local Station Instructions (LSI) to the
Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) for acceptance. This Local Station
Instructions Model Outline has been prepared to assist foreign carriers in developing,
submitting and maintaining their LSI for Qatar operations. It describes the content
Foreign carriers must include in their LSI.

In order for the LSI to be compliant with Qatar requirements and subsequently
accepted by the QCAA, all sections of this Model Outline must be adequately
addressed by the airline in their LSI.

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

The Local Station Instructions Model Outline consists of two components:

1. Part 1 - Sections 1 to 8 list the standard text that must be included within the
LSI. This standard text covers components of Qatar’s aviation security
framework that is not under the direct control or authority of foreign carriers.
The text from sections 1 to 8 should be copied into the foreign carriers
LSI, with the Airline’s name inserted where prompted with (AIRLINE).

2. Part 2 - Sections 9 to 20 are specific to each individual airline. Each item

must be addressed with sufficient detail, ensuring all applicable components of
the airline’s aviation security policy and procedures are defined and covered.

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 3 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016


1. Appropriate Authority – State of Qatar

1.1. The Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) is designated as the Authority
for aviation security within Qatar

2. National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP)

2.1. The QCAA has established the National Civil Aviation Security Programme
(NACASP). The Qatar NCASP is given legal force by virtue of its
promulgation into Law through Regulation 4 of the Civil Aviation Security
Quality Control Regulations 2010, which is empowered by Articles 4 and 24
of Law # 15 of 2002.

2.2. (AIRLINE) will comply with all State of Qatar NCASP and other legislative

3. Airline Operator Security Programme

3.1. As required by Regulation 5 of the Civil Aviation Security Quality Control

Regulations , (AIRLINE) has submitted an Airline Operator Security
Programme to the QCAA for acceptance

3.2. (AIRLINE) will comply with all the requirements detailed in our AOSP and
LSI for Qatar operations.

3.3. (AIRLINE) will maintain one complete copy of the accepted Aircraft
Operator Security Programme at the Doha station

3.4. (AIRLINE) will notify the QCAA in the event there are any operational
changes affecting our flights to and from Qatar and where necessary, amend
the AOSP and LSI.

4. Passenger, staff and crew screening

4.1. (Airline) does not conduct passenger, staff or crew screening functions within
the State of Qatar. The Ministry of Interior is responsible for all passenger,
staff and crew screening functions. Passengers, staff and crew are all
screened to the same standard. All staff who access secure or restricted areas
at Hamad International Airport are screened and must be in possession of, and
display a valid airport security pass

4.2. (Airline) will comply with all passenger, staff and crew screening measures
and procedures in the State of Qatar.

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 4 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016

5. Hold Baggage screening

5.1. (Airline) does not conduct Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) functions in
Qatar. The Ministry of Interior is responsible for all HBS functions in the
State of Qatar.

5.2. (Airline) will comply with all HBS measures and procedures in the State of

6. Physical Security Measures and Access controls

6.1. (AIRLINE) does not control or operate any secure airport facilities or
Tennant Restricted Areas in the State of Qatar.

6.2. Access to secure or restricted airport areas, facilities and Tenant Restricted
Areas (TRA’s) is the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior Police.

6.3.(Airline) will comply with all access control measures and procedures. Crew
will display valid, company identification when accessing secure airport areas
in Qatar

7. Security of cargo

7.1. There are no Regulated Agents approved by the QCAA in Qatar. All air
cargo accepted for shipment from Qatar by (AIRLINE) is screened by the
Ministry of Interior Police upon acceptance. This includes all packages and
items that make up the consignment.

7.2. (AIRLINE) will comply with all cargo screening measures and procedures in


7.3. (AIRLINE) does not uplift cargo from Qatar

8. Catering

8.1. (AIRLINE) contracts the services of the Qatar Airways Catering Company
(QACC) for the provision of catering services in Qatar. QACC are
responsible for security measures and procedures within their facility.


8.2. (AIRLINE) does not uplift catering stores from Qatar

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 5 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016


9. General description of Qatar operations:

9.1. The approximate number of weekly flights to Doha, factoring in seasonal

schedule changes

9.2. If applicable, codeshare arrangements

9.3. Aircraft types operated to Qatar

9.4. Routes (destinations) operated from Qatar

9.5. If applicable, the catering provider in Qatar

9.6. Ground Handling Agent (GHA) in Qatar

10. Contact information:

Local Qatar contact information:

10.1. The designated person responsible for the airline’s Qatar operations

10.2. Mobile phone number

10.3. Office number

10.4. Fax number

10.5. Email address

10.6. Office address

10.7. Alternative 24 hour contact number and email address

Home state contact information:

10.8. The designated airline Security Manager (or equivalent)

10.9. Mobile phone number

10.10. Office number

10.11. Fax number

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 6 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016

10.12. Email address

10.13. Office address

11. Check in

Describe the measures and procedures for

11.1. Identification of passengers, passport and visa verification

11.2. Security questioning and or passenger risk assessment

11.3. Communication of restrictions regarding prohibited and restricted articles in

carry on and checked baggage

11.4. Communication of LAGs restrictions

1.1. Drunk, disorderly or unruly passengers during check in

11.5. Crew check in (if applicable)

11.6. Carriage of firearms and ammunition in checked baggage

12. Passenger boarding

Describe the measures and procedures for:

12.1. Identification of passengers during boarding

12.2. Passenger and baggage reconciliation

13. Authorizing and accounting for Hold Baggage

Describe the measures and procedures for:

13.1. Passenger and baggage reconciliation

13.2. Baggage identification and offload procedures

13.3. Names and details of the nominated Baggage Security Coordinator/s

13.4. Include an example of the Baggage Security Declaration (BSD) used in


Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 7 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016

14. Catering acceptance

11.1. Describe the security measures and procedures for acceptance of catering
stores at the aircraft in Doha.

15. Aircraft Security

Describe the measures and procedures for:

15.1. Aircraft security searches and checks

15.2. Aircraft access control

15.3. If applicable, unattended aircraft

15.4. If applicable, procedures for transit passengers

15.5. Carriage of diplomatic mail and pouches

15.6. Use of inflight security officers and escorts

15.7. Suspicious or unruly passenger behaviour before departure from Qatar

16. In-flight Security

Describe the measures and procedures for:

16.1. Drunk, disorderly or unruly passengers in flight

16.2. Passenger restraint

17. Inflight Security Officers and Special Category Passengers

Describe the measures and procedures for:

17.1. If applicable, the use of Inflight Security Officers (IFSO) escorts or guards

17.2. Inadmissible and deportee passengers

17.3. Passengers under administrative control

18. Staff training

18.1. Provision of security training to airline employed staff

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

Guidance Material
Submission of Airline Operator Security Appendix A
Programme for Qatar Operations
Edition: 01
Revision: 00 Page 8 of 8
Date: 17 February 2016

18.2. Provision of specific training regarding the airline’s security procedures for
contracted staff (Handling Agent personnel)

19. Incident Reporting

19.1. Describe the process for reporting aviation security incidents or issues to the

20. Additional Security Measures

20.1. Clearly describe any additional security measures or procedures that are
applied to the airline’s Qatar operations

Local Station Instructions Model Outline

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