Shari Rogerson Letter of Reference

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Dorothy Dalgliesh School

Shari Rogerson, Principal

Box 370 Picture Butte AB T0K 1V0
Phone: 403-732-5636 Fax: 403-732-4226

To whom it may concern:

This letter offers my complete support of Mr. Jordan Logan as he pursues a teaching position. I
had the pleasure of acting as Jordan’s principal as he completed his Professional Semester III at
Dorothy Dalgliesh School. Having completed three formal instructional supervision and
evaluations with Jordan, as well as several informal observations, I feel I am qualified to
comment on his potential as a teacher. Mr. Logan would be a valuable addition to your staff –
with his positive attitude and commitment to excellence, he is an outstanding candidate for any
teaching position.

Jordan was dedicated to success from the beginning of his assignment. He was always highly
driven to improve his teaching skills and capacity by seeking out feedback and advice from
fellow teachers and his administrator. With his PSIII beginning in January, he made contact with
his teacher mentor and with me well before Christmas break, and subsequently spent the
Christmas break planning and preparing for his teaching load.

Upon arriving at the school in January, Jordan quickly made strong connections and built rapport
with staff and students alike. He is affable, team-oriented, and flexible. Students respect and like
him. Furthermore, Jordan was always willing to lend a hand throughout the school. For example,
he volunteered his after-school time to help with our Mini-Basketball program, coaching a team
twice a week for a ten-week stretch.

In terms of planning, Jordan would thoroughly and carefully examine curricular outcomes, not
only the SLO’s he had to immediately teach, but what the students already know through pre-
assessments, and how the outcomes tie into the bigger picture, both within the subject and cross-
circularly. When creating unit plans and lesson plans, Jordan would consider classroom
management, student engagement, assessment as, for, and of learning, student learning
preferences, and differentiation. He was able to engage students in higher levels of thinking and
stretching them to make authentic and meaningful connections to the learnings. Jordan also
seamlessly incorporated technology to enhance his instruction and increase student engagement.

As part of his PSIII, he was required to develop a Professional Inquiry Project. Jordan created a
website that focuses on problem solving with self-regulation. His website is very practical,
offering a variety of strategies for teachers to employ in many modalities. Jordan completed
thorough and robust research and incorporated several different methods and theories to support
his bank of strategies. Teachers’ comments have been overwhelmingly positive, including how
user-friendly and accessible his website is.

The best way to predict your future is to create it!

Jordan is an enthusiastic, high achiever, who is clearly passionate about teaching. I would highly
recommend him as a valuable member of your staff.


Shari Rogerson

The best way to predict your future is to create it!

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