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David Testawich Presents:

Step 1:

Create Your Affiliate Offer

-Your affiliate offer is what

incentivizes people to use your
affiliate link (rather than buying
directly from the vendor)
- Your offer only needs to be 10%
better than the vendor's offer to be
effective (Remember: You're
competing against the vendor that
you're an affiliate for)
- Provide free value to capture the
viewers attention, your initial offer
can be as simple as free ebook or
skype call with you
Step 2:

Choose a Traffic Source

- Choose only 1 or 2 traffic sources at

first. Focusing on being profitable with
these before moving on to others. First,
decide if you want to use organic (free)
traffic or paid traffic (ads)

- Here's the best organic traffic sources

for affiliate marketing: Facebook Live,
YouTube SEO, Blogging, Sales
Outreach via Messenge

- Here's the best paid traffic sources for

affiliate marketing: Solo Ads, Facebook
Ads, Google Ad Words, Bing Ads,
YouTube Ads
Step 3:

Track Your Results

- Tracking your results in ClickMagick

is a critical step that a lot of people
skip. However, it is absolutely essential
to do this (especially if you're sending
paid traffic to your offers
- The most important metric to track by
far is cost per email optin (This is
called CPA or Cost Per Action in your
- Once you're tracking everything like a
science, you won't have to worry any
longer about how many affiliate sales
you make on the front end (as long as
you're building your own email list while
promoting affiliate offers)

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