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Manager of Marketing Accounting System

Human Talent Manager Manager Manager

General Manager:
 Planning the general and specific objectives of the company in the short and
long term.
 Organize the structure of the current business and future ; as well as the
duties and charges .
 Run the business, make decisions, monitor and be a leader within it.
 Control the activities planned by comparing them with achievements and
detect deviations or differences.
 Coordinate with Sales and Executive Secretary meetings , increase the
number and quality of customers making purchases of materials, decide on
reparations or damage to the company.
 Decide on hiring , select, train and locate the appropriate personnel for each
 Analyze business problems in the financial , administrative, personnel,
accounting aspect among others.


 Manage human , financial and material resources as may be assigned to

fulfill annual planning Business
 Maintain excellent relationships and commitment to all staff under
responsible for ensuring compliance with the Internal Regulation.
 . Establish the risk matrix of the processes of their organizations.
 Plans to propose mitigating risks affecting processes of the organization
 Ensure continuous improvement of administrative and operational
processes .

Manager of Human Talent

 Directing and coordinating the administrative operations of the unit

responsible for each of its officers Laborem effectively and efficiently , fully
complying with their duties and legal norms that are within the public
 Overtaking and re induction programs for all staff induction management
publicizing rules , work rules , etc. , and enforce them.
 Ensure that the rules, procedures , policies and guidelines established for
personnel management and labor relations are met properly.

Marketing Manger

Executive who has the responsibility to establish and monitor goals overall
marketing of the products of a company , sales volume , market position and
utilities , design strategies , design planning marketing , management and control
of market activity , programs and systems evaluation of the results


 Make the deposit , sending and tracking map of the area

 Organize the agenda and management activities
 properly receive visits by management
 Control of basic consumption Management
 Responsible for the provision of administrative materials management;
 Keeping files Management
 Provide technical support in the preparation of documentation management;
 Attention communication in its various forms
 Take charge of buying tickets , accommodation and all that entails customer

Accounting Manager

The accounting manager deals with one or more customer accounts on a long term
basis . Its area of activity is limited by the demands of its customers and is
responsible for this satisfaction and commercial results of their activities
Sytem Manager

 Plan, organize, direct and control the operation of the Systems Area.
 Proposes, develops and implements new systems needed in the institution.
 Oversees and reviews project development organization, methods and
procedures , structural , functional and organizational hierarchical levels .
 Make flowcharts of processes, standards and procedures Systems.
 Keep up to date copies of Security and Information Security at the Institution
 Prepares periodic reports of the activities undertaken.
 Oversees the work of their staff

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