The Maternal Journal: Welcome To MOPS! 2010-2011

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The Maternal Journal

Volume 1

In this Issue:

Welcome to MOPS! pg 1
Be an Encouragement pg 2
Kitchen Corner pg 2
Your Steering Team pg 2
Kids in the Kitchen pg 3
Events- In an Around pg 3
Check it Out Online! pg 3
Happy Birthday
New to MOPS?
Welcome to MOPS! 2010-2011
Parenting with Scripture pg 4
Welcome to the 2010-11 year of MOPS. It is our wish that you are able to grow a
We are excited to join you on this relationship with women at your table as
BREAKFAST adventure as we look at the art and well as meeting women from the larger
science of mothering. Sometimes it might group. There are so many ways that other
Tables bringing breakfast seem that the art is those dirt smudges on mom's can speak to our lives and support
-9/21 Steering Team the wall and the science is what we find us in times of struggle. We hope that you
last week’s snack in the couch cushion. take that "first step" to start friendships
-10/5 Chemistry Chicks, But there is so much more to consider. with the women around you. It is a life
History Hotties We hope to expand our understanding changing opportunity. Feel free to get
throughout the year.  The steering team together outside our meetings as well. 
-10/19 Biology Babes, has met over the summer and hopes to We also welcome
Sociology Sisters provide you with a variety of quality “Next time you your kids to the

speakers, crafts, service opportunities MOPPETS
*Please let your table leader know
see dirt

the program. It
and many chances to get to know other
wall celebrate the is a blessing
ahead of time if you are unable to
mothers from the area. 
bring treats so we can make sure
there are enough to go around. In the Bible their are many examples art
and science of to have all
of mothers, some of them admirable and mothering!”
these kids here
some are more "dysfunctional".  Yet, so they can begin
God is able to teach us through all the friendships as well.  We hope God is able
examples, not just the admirable ones. to work with grace and love through our
CORNER Just as God loves all of us, we too should MOPPETS workers. What a gift to our
love and learn from each other. It would kids to get a moment to grow with other
Tables bringing treats be easy for us to pass judgment on others kids their age. 
-9/21 No one (or ourselves) because we do something Looking forward to getting to build
-10/5 Debate Darlings, differently. Yet, God calls us to be in relationships with each of you and see
Geography Girls community with each other. We have a how God will work in our community of
wonderfully blessed group, with many Moms. We hope that the next time you
-10/19 Business Beauties, denominations of Christians, in various see dirt smudges on the wall, you will
Psychology Sweeties stages of faith. We celebrate each and celebrate the art and science of mothering.
every one of you.  We have both had a God Bless,
chance to start and develop many dear Co-Coordinators,
*Please make sure your treats are friendships through our years at MOPS. -Ivy Langeberg and Kim Kubicek
not made with or in a plant where
Peanuts are used.
You can be an Encouragement!
Corner Are you going through a difficult moment/season/time in life?
Do you know someone who may be going through a hard time right now?
Did you know what the Bible says in James 1:2-3, “consider it pure joy, my
Taco Chicken brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the
testing of your faith develops perseverance.” Did you catch that? First of all he
said, WHEN you face trials. And then after that he said, of MANY KINDS! Lets
face the facts, we are all going to go through some kind of a trial and just when it
gets over, we’ll probably go through another one. Are you going to let someone
else encourage you during this time, or are you going to push them away? On the
flip side....are you going to notice that person who’s going through a tough time
and bring them encouragement, or just leave it alone? Proverbs 12:25 says, “worry
weighs a person down. An encouraging word cheers a person up.” Get out there
and encourage a friend today! I like to find little encouraging bits from the Bible,
or in songs, or books, and then I write them all down in the same encouragement
journal. This way when I’m feeling down, I get that journal out and let those
Ingredients: words brighten my heart. Below is a few of my favorites, now I encourage you my
friend to make your own encouragement journal and share some with another
2-3 chicken breasts friend when they look like they could use a boost!
1 bag cheddar
1 bag doritos -Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps.
1 can cream of mushroom -God doesn't ask us to understand, He just asks us to trust!
1 (8oz) jar taco sauce -God uses things we go through as ways to get our attention, so we will come to
lettuce Him and depend on Him.
sour cream -However long our feet have walked on this earth. We've all lived long enough to
olives know, sometimes life will go our way, and other times it wont. Circumstance and
salsa situations change. You know life can turn on a dime. There's a constant hope and
onion peace that I have come to find, it's all because of who God is and that He's ALIVE.
tomato We are all as happy as we make our minds up to be. But I've decided that nothing's
going to take this joy from me.
Directions: -It's all about you, Jesus. And all this is for you. For your glory and your fame. it's
not about me, as if you should do things my way. You alone are God, and I
Cook and chop chicken, mix surrender to your ways.
in cream of mushroom with -Proverbs 16:20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the
taco sauce. Pour doritos on Lord will be happy.
the bottom of a 9x13 pan. -Praise even if you are disappointed.
Smash with a spatula or -Stephanie Wright
your hand. Top chips with
chicken mixture. Top
chicken layer with cheese. 2010-2011 STEERING TEAM
Bake at 375 for 25-30
minutes. Top your own Co-Coordinator Finance
serving with the extra taco Kim Kubicek 507-444-4128 Beth Oltmans 507-456-1106
toppings of your choice. Co-Coordinator & Service Moppetts
Ivy Langeberg 507-390-0753 Julie Schultz 507-213-1421
Mentor Moms Lisa Weber 507-676-2811
Anne Swedberg 507-390-0214 Kara Seiler 507-446-0561
Hospitality Discussion Group
Stephanie Butler 507-213-1721 Bridget Hayes 507-413-0413
Creativity Publicity/Newsletter
Nancy Hawkinson 507-444-9230 Stephanie Wright 507-676-1216
Cut with animal shape cookie cutters.
Homemade Animal Crackers
6. Bake at 400 degrees until brown (10-12
1. Grind 1/2 cup of oatmeal in the minutes)
blender until fine.
2. Add 2 tsp honey, 1/4 & 1/8 tsp salt, Taste some oatmeal.
3/4 cup flour and 1/4 tsp baking soda. Describe what happened in the blender.
Mix together in bowl. Taste the buttermilk.
What is buttermilk?
3. Cut in 1/4 cup butter (use REAL Bake the left over pieces too.
butter and soften first) What does these interesting shapes remind
you of?
4. Add 4Tbsp buttermilk, and stir. Make up a story about the animal crackers
you made.
5. Roll very thin. Enjoy your snack!

Events--In and Around Check it out

• Pick-Up-Park, Bring your own lunch, lets pick
up, picnic and play at Fairgrounds park! Online
Tuesday September 28th, 9:30-11am
• Homecoming- Friday, September 24th Find lots of MOPS moms on Facebook!
Parade 1:30pm Looking for a daycare?
• 8th Annual Harvest Fest-September 23-25th Find a list of daycare providers in town:
Th-Sat Downtown-Sidewalk sale,
Scarecrow contest
Websites worthy of visiting:
• Saturday-Pumpkin weighing contest-
Central Park
• Village of Yesteryear-Harvestfest
September 25th, 11-3pm
• CulturFest at Wilson Elememtary
September 25th, 11-5pm
• Women of Faith, St. Paul Excel Center
October 22-23rd
For more information visit BLOGS:
• ECFE Bazaar & Bake Sale
{Stephanie Wright}
Saturday, November 6th, 9am-2pm
• Hearts at Home 2010 Conference Want to list your blog or webpage here
to share with other moms?
Saturday, November 13th Contact Stephanie Wright, 507-676-1216
For more information visit
Bethel Church
New to MOPS? 1611 Hemlock Ave
Owatonna, MN 55060

Is this your first year at MOPS?

Have you been here 1, 3, 7, 20 or 100 times?
I can tell you that a(er the first visit last year mid season, I
was on the fence. But I’m so glad I came back because I’ve
gotten to know these super wonderful moms! I’m a social
Beth Oltmans- June 8th butterfly, yes, but it always seems to be a different story
Lisa Weber- June 19th when you walk into something and you feel like everyone
else already knows each other. That’s when I start to
Megan Ziegler- June 18th
backdown a little on the “socialness”. But, I’m here to
Bobbie Trupe- July 5th encourage you friend! We are all ready and willing to get
Jenny Gronli- July 5th to know YOU! We are just another mom out there trying
Jennifer Sheehan- July 20th to save the world, one, two, three or more kids at a time.
Kathy Barbieri-August 14th And we are just another mom who undoubtedly makes
mistakes. And we are just another mom who wants to get
Becky Berkley- August 14th to know others in the area. Don’t be shy! Shake my hand
Holly Wasieleski- August 30th and I’ll shake yours. And better yet, I’ll be so Happy to
Megan Schmid- September 8th meet You! Who knows maybe we’ll have something in
Nicole Dahl--September 18th common, besides our kids of course!
-Stephanie Wright
Kris Tucker- October 1st
*If your birthday isnʼt listed here, we may
not have your information. Please see a
Steering Team member.
Parenting With Scripture
What does the Bible say about this?


Anger- Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs
The strong feeling of being very annoyed. up dissensions, but a patient man calms a
We couldnʼt do it without you! quarrel.
Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns
away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness,
anger. rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as
well as all types of evil.
-Access Tonna Lock James 1:19-20 My dear brothers, take
-Couyer Construction note of this: Everyone should be quick to Proverbs 22:24-25 Do not make friends
-Don Derrah listen, slow to speak and slow to become with a hot-tempered man, do not
-Dr. & Mrs. Olson angry, for man’s anger does not bring associate with one easily angered, or you
-G&T Enterprises about the righteous life that God desires. may learn his ways and get yourself
-Gnemi Appraisal ensnared.
Ephesians 4:26-27 And don’t sin by

-Mamarya Soaps
letting anger control you. Don’t let the
-Swedberg Enterprises
sun go down while you are still angry, for See also....
-Costaʼs Restaurant
anger gives a foothold to the devil. Genesis 4:6-7
-Premier Designs Jewelry
Proverbs 14:17a, 14:29; 29:22
-Dr. Dresser Psalm 37:8 Refrain from anger and turn Ecclesiastes 7:9
-Owatonna Clinic from wrath.

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