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Problems encountered before and during examination

Before Examination

1. Give specific objectives that will coincide with the lesson proper and procedures considering their development
and capabilities as the students that will discover their ever changing learning styles and provide recommendations
how to properly handle such changes.

2. Give more of life experience and situational examples that will further elaborate and coincide with the facts from
reliable sources such as books published, reviewed educational presentations from international and national
authors to systematize construction of concepts from the topic learned and reflected from analyzed situation and

3. Identify sequence of the topic and analyze observation gradually for familiarization, focus and mastery of the

4. Test construction should be based on life experience from situational examples from facts presented in a
conventional and non-conventional way of strategic instruction and must be given an advanced preparation before
dissemination. Furthermore, periodical test item construction from one source can bring about confusion to
students that are gradually developing as an individual in creating their own thinking preferences and styles in
learning the subject matter because in reality teachers uses varied teaching styles, methods and innovation to bring
out ideas and concepts from students that the students can adapt to. Ideally, productivity and a well managed and
disciplined personality must possess and should be built and facilitated by the teachers that will require a gradual
process. In recommendation to the problem, consider individually teacher made examination or contributory group
grade level test construction agreed by grade level teachers and subject coordinator with Table of specification
required that the Department Head/Subject coordinator will give an overview, orientation and instruction.

5. Proper orientation and instruction from the school faculty about administering and the dissemination of test
examination should be considered and given to new teachers a week before the examination and further revisions
must be announced duly.

6. Consider arrangement of review days before the examination and dissemination of information that should be
reviewed about the lesson completed from what should proceed.

After examination

7. Awareness with consideration about punctuality of the teachers and the students should be monitored duly by
School Administrators and personnel during the examination days.

9. Checking of test examination by the students can be an advantage to manage time and effort for the teacher to
record and conduct activities in continuation to the lesson of the students but can provoke ways changing their
answers that could be a disadvantage, In recommendation to the problem, rules of no erasure policies or
superimposition, or using an answer sheet can be a initiated and conducted.

Prepared by:
Divina Mercedes S. Fernando
Science Teacher

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