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Name of Student Teacher Aisha Jaber _______ School Sharjah International School


Lesson Plan Template

Aisha Jaber Hassan Mohammed Aljaber

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

- Creating different activities for each level of student’s abilities ( differentiation)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

Classroom management and using different activities for different abilities

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

- Set rules
- Using the behaviour chart

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
– taking photos
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Students will be able to:
Kg2D Science
- Recognaize different types of vegetables
such as, Tomato, Potato, onion, eggplant,
chilli and Beans

- Identify different vegetables

- Solve the puzzle

- Design vegetables

- Classify healthy food “ vegetables “ and

unhealthy food
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

- Box

- Coloured paper Key vocabulary :

- Glue Tomato

- Different type of vegetables such as, Potato

tomato, carrot, potato and onion Onion
- Paper with pictures of vegetables on it. Eggplant



Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

First at all, I’m going to greet them and ask them about how they feel and if they enjoyed during the break
time, after that I will ask them about if they ate any type of vegetables during their break. After that I’m
going to have a box includes different type of vegetables, students have to put their hand inside the box
and describe what they are touching “ this will improve their motor skills”. I’m going to ask them: what do
Time: 15 min

you think is this? Can you describe it for me? Is it circle or triangle ? Is it soft?. After describing, students
will take it out and say what is this. And before starting the activities I will introduce the vegetables for

them. I will teach them how the vegetables are good to our body and our teeth and how it’s make us

As I did in my previous lesson, The activities will be for mixed abilities. I will put the low first then
they medium and after that the high level. While students are doing the activities, I will move
around and ask the. Question such as, can you tell me what is this and how did you figure out this.
Independent Experience (small group activity1)

Students will have coloured papers and they will have papers with picture of vegetables. They have to
design the vegetables using the coloured papers and the glue.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

In this activity students will have two tooth ( happy and sad tooth). They have to stick the healthy food
15 min

for our teeth in the happy tooth and the unhealthy food such as, chocolate and donuts in the sad tooth.


Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

This activity will be like a puzzle. Students will solve he puzzle to identify the word.

In the closing, I’m going to have pictures of vegetables and they will have the name of the vegetable. .
15 min

When I raise they pictures they will raise they correct name. This activity will be as a group.



To assess students understanding I’m going to move around to ask them questions such as, what is this and how did
you make this. What do vegetables give your body? Why it’s good for us?. Also I will have a checklist to see who
understood and who didn’t.


In this day which is 11th of March,2018. I taught my Kg2D students a science lesson which was about
the vegetables. In this lesson I focused on identifying different types of vegetables such as, Onion,
carrot, tomato, potato, eggplant and chili and I focused also on teach them the benefit of vegetables. For
example, vegetables give our body vitamins and make us strong. In the beginning of the lesson, I
engaged them by showing them a box and ask one of the students to come to put his/her hand In the box
and to touch what is inside and try to describe it and guess what this is. I did this activity for them to
develop their fine motor by touching the vegetable. This science lesson goes well. Students liked the
engaging activity, they were excited to touch it and guess what this is. Also, students where active and
they enjoyed solving the puzzle. Moreover, they liked that they design the tomato, potato and the carrot.
I achieved my goal by preparing for the different activities for their different abilities. And because my
students are sitting on mixed abilities groups that’s why, I start with them with the low-level activity
which was designing the vegetable. Then I gave them the medium activity, and, in the end, I gave them
the high activity which was the puzzle and they really liked it. and that's why provide for them this
activity because I know that they enjoyed, and they will do it. while they're doing the activities, I was
moving around and observe them. I ask each table what they have and what they did. Also, I asked them
which color this is and can you tell me what is this.

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