Weekly Journal FormWk1

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Weekly On-The-Job Training Journal

Name: ___
Company Name: _

Date and Day

I woke up early in the morning because today is my first day of my
on-the-job training. I was anxious because it’s my first day. This
January 17, day was slightly hash tag #awkward. As expected, I tend to act like
2018 newbie as I should be. Since our payroll head wasn’t around during
(Wednesday) the day, Mrs. ____________was the one who gave me some work
to do. She gave me papers to file and told me to photocopy some. I
was filing and photocopying the whole day. Easy but tiring. I was
dismissed early since it’s my first day.
My second day felt the same like yesterday, the feeling of new
environment and so as new people surrounding me. Still, I was
excited to do new things. First, she told me to encode employee’s
January 18, salaries in the ledger. That was exciting because I was encoding it
2018 in the computer and I’m using Excel which I was not familiar with.
(Thursday) After hours of encoding, they gave me bunch of papers to file
again. It seemed like they didn’t run out of papers. After, I
immediately asked Ma’am __ what else can I do and she said wait
for her signal. Then she gave me more papers to arrange
alphabetically and file. That ended my day two.
Today, we started by continuing the work we haven’t done yet. I
finished yesterday’s work. Then, I was taught how to check the
January 19, disbursement vouchers and bring it to the secretary’s office. I met
2018 other new employees and started to familiarize myself with different
(Friday) departments related to my work. I was introduced to my co-
workers, started chitchatting a little and that’s when I found out that
the head of our office was on vacation. This day wasn’t tiring at all.
I started the day by cleaning our office and then proceeded to do
January 22, some office work. I was asked to use again the computer which I
2018 think is easier to do than doing the manual type of work. I encoded
(Monday) salaries in the ledger and was also taught how to make formulas
used in Excel. Exciting it was for me because I know that I can use
it in the actual work.
I had a pleasant day today since yesterday I had already finished
January 23, encoding in the ledger and had double checked it. I was then
2018 tasked to do the manual encoding of the individual ledger. There
(Tuesday) were, I think, hundreds of employees and I can say that this day
was the most tiring so far.

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