PNEUMONIA GUIDELINE MAP (Community-Acquired Pneumonia)

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PNEUMONIA GUIDELINE MAP (Community-Acquired Pneumonia)


CAP (Community
Acquired Pneumonia LRTI + Ketikpastian
Kebutuhan Antibiotik

Severity Assesment Diagnostic Tests





Information :
LRTI : Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
S : Single Antibiotic Therapy
D : Dual Antibiotic therapy
V : Versus/ Or
: Prescribe Antibiotic as indicated by test resuslt
PNEUMONIA GUIDELINE MAP (Hospital Presentation)


CAP (HAP) Hospital

(Community Acquired
Acquired Pneumonia


LOW Moderate Antibiotics


Antibiotics Antibiotics Timing




Gas Exchange


Safe discharge
Microbiological tests for patients with community-acquired pneumonia or hospital-
acquired pneumonia
Component Description

Review question In adults with community-acquired pneumonia or

hospital-acquired pneumonia in a hospital setting,
what microbiological test or combination of tests at
presentation (including urinary pneumococcal and
urinary legionella antigen, blood culture and sputum
culture) is most likely to be clinically and cost
Objectives The aim of this review is to determine whether
targeted treatment is worthwhile (as opposed to
empiric therapy) and, if so, what test is the most likely
to be of value in hospital.
 Targeted therapy is defined as using an antibiotic
with as narrow an antimicrobial spectrum as
possible which is active against a bacterium that is
identified as being the likely causative organism.
 Empirical therapy is considered to be antibiotic
therapy likely to be active against the most likely
causative bacteria in the absence of a definite
known cause in that case.
Population Adults diagnosed with pneumonia (community- or
 adult is defined as aged 18 years or over
 pneumonia diagnosis made on the basis of chest X-
ray for those in a hospital setting
 CAP is defined as pneumonia that is acquired
outside hospital.
 HAP is defined as pneumonia that occurs 48 hours
or more after hospital admission and is not
incubating at hospital admission.

The review will be stratified by severity status as

defined by formal severity assessment tools (such as
PSI, CURB65, ATS) if available:
 low-severity CAP
 moderate- and high-severity CAP.
Subgroups The following factors will be considered for subgroup
analysis if heterogeneity is present:
 with or without antibiotic therapy prior to admission
 timing of microbiological tests.
Intervention Initial empiric treatment followed by targeted
(pathogen-directed) antibiotic treatment strategies.
Index tests Any of the following alone or in combination:
 blood culture
 sputum culture
 urinary pneumococcal antigen
 urinary legionella antigen.

Invasive sampling techniques (e.g. bronchoalveolar

lavage and protected brush sampling) will not be
considered as they are only applicable to a small
proportion of the population.
Comparison Empirical (broad-spectrum) antibiotic treatment
strategies without index tests
Comparison between any of the index tests.
Outcomes  Change in antibiotic prescription/treatment.

Single- compared with single-antibiotic therapy for low-severity community-acquired pneumonia

Class of antibiotics Tetracycline Beta-lactamase Narrow-spectrum Macrolide

stable penicillin beta-lactam
Cephalosporin  Cephalexin vs  Cefuroxime vs
demeclocycline co-amoxiclav
Table 65, page 187 Table 66, page 189
Respiratory  Levofloxacin vs  Moxifloxacin vs  Moxifloxacin vs
fluoroquinolone co-amoxiclav amoxicillin clarithromycin
 Levofloxacin vs
Table 69, page 195 Table 68, page 193 clarithromycin
Table 70, page 197
Non-respiratory  Ofloxacin vs
fluoroquinolone erythromycin
Table 71 page 199
Macrolide  Erythromycin vs  Clarithromycin vs  Azithromycin vs
doxycycline co-amoxiclav clarithromycin
Table 64, page 185  Erythromycin vs Table 72, page 201
 Azithromycin vs
Table 67, page 191

Single- compared with other single-antibiotic therapy for low-severity community-acquired

pneumonia managed in hospital and/or treated with intravenous antibiotic therapy (click on
hyperlinks or refer to page numbers)

Class of antibiotics Narrow spectrum Beta-lactamase Macrolide Tetracycline

beta-lactam stable penicillin
Cephalosporin  Cefaclor vs  Cefuroxime vs co-
amoxicillin amoxiclav
Table 78, page 213  Cefuroxime vs co-
Table 77, page 211
Non-respiratory  Ofloxacin vs
fluoroquinolone doxycycline
Table 79, page 215
Macrolide  Azithromycin vs  Clarithromycin vs  Azithromycin vs
benzylpenicillin co-amoxiclav erythromycin
Table 74, page 205 Table 75, page 207 Table 76, page 209
Summary of studies included in the review of low-severity community-acquired pneumonia
duration of antibiotic therapy

Study Intervention Comparison

Dunbar 2003 65
Levofloxacin 750 mg once daily Levofloxacin 500 mg once daily
Duration: 5 days Duration: 10 days
Route: IV or oral. Route: IV or oral.
Elmoussaoui 2006 67
Amoxicillin 3 days IV (dose Amoxicillin 3 days IV (dose
unspecified), followed by placebo unspecified), followed by 750 mg 3
for 5 days times daily for 5 days
Duration: 3 days Duration: 8 days
Route: IV and oral. Route: IV and oral.
Leophonte 2002 114
Ceftriaxone 1 g 24 hourly, Ceftriaxone 1 g 24 hourly
followed by placebo Duration: 10 days
Duration: 5 days Route: IV 5 days, and IM 5 days.
Route: IV 5 days, and IM placebo
for 5 days.
Siegel 1999 182
Cefuroxime 750 mg IV 8 hourly Cefuroxime 750 mg IV 8 hourly
for 2 days, followed by 500 mg bd for 2 days, followed by 500 mg bd
orally for 5 days, and placebo for 3 orally for 8 days
days Duration: 10 days
Duration: 7 days Route: IV 2 days, and orally 8
Route: IV 2 days, and orally 5 days.

Summary of studies on the duration of antibiotic use for low-severity community-acquired

pneumonia managed in the community

Study Intervention Comparison (N randomised)

(N randomised)
Wiesner 1993 204
Erythromycin 800 mg daily in 2 Doxycycline 100 mg daily plus
Macrolide compared with doses. Route of administration: identical placebo tablet
tetracycline oral Duration: 7 to 14 days. (N Route of administration: oral
only with CAP = 11). Duration: 7 to 14 days. (N only
with CAP = 13).
Higuera 1996 92
Cefuroxime axetil 500 mg twice Co-amoxiclav 500 mg/125 mg 3-
Cephalosporin compared with daily times daily
beta-lactamase stable penicillin Route of administration: oral Route of administration: oral
Duration: 10 days. Duration: 10 days.
Bonvehi 2003 23
Clarithromycin 500 mg immediate- Co-amoxiclav 875 mg/125 mg
Macrolide compared with beta- release twice daily. twice daily
lactamase stable penicillin Route of administration: oral. Route of administration: oral
Duration: 7 days. Duration: 7 days or more
Lode 1995 124
Erythromycin 1,000 mg twice Co-amoxiclav 500/125 mg 3-times
Macrolide compared with beta- daily. daily.
lactamase stable penicillin Route of administration: oral. Route of administration: oral.
Duration: 7 to 14 days. Duration: 7 to 14 days.
Paris 2008156
Azithromycin 1 g once daily. Co-amoxiclav 875/125 mg twice
Macrolide compared with beta- Route of administration: oral daily.
lactamase stable penicillin Duration: 3 days. Route of administration: oral
Duration: 7 days
Carbon 1999 42
Levofloxacin 500 mg once or twice Co-amoxiclav 625 mg 3 times
Respiratory fluoroquinolone daily. daily.
compared with beta-lactamase Route of administration: oral. Route of administration: oral.
stable penicillin Duration: 7 to 10 days (mean 8.1 Duration: 7 to 10 days (mean 8.1
days). days).
Nielsen 1993 146
Ofloxacin (400 mg once daily). Erythromycin (500 mg twice
Non-respiratory fluoroquinolone Route of administration: oral. daily).
compared with macrolide Duration: 7 days. Route of administration: oral.
Duration: 7 days.

Summary of studies included on the duration of antibiotic for low severity community-acquired
pneumonia managed in the in hospital and/or treated with intravenous antibiotic

Study Intervention Comparison (N randomised)

(N randomised)
Bohte 1995-pneumococcal 21
Azithromycin 500 mg twice on Benzylpenicillin 1 x 106 IU 4 times
Azithromycin (macrolide) first day and once daily for the next daily.
compared with narrow-spectrum 4 days Route of administration: IV
beta-lactam (class 1) Route of administration: oral Duration: until 5 days after body
Duration: 5 days. temperature had normalised.
Genne 1997 85
Clarithromycin lactobionate 500 Co-amoxiclav 1.2 g IV 4 times
Macrolide compared with beta- mg twice daily IV for 3 to 5 days daily for 3 to 5 days followed by
lactamase stable penicillin followed by 500 mg orally twice 625 mg orally 3-times daily
daily Route of administration: IV then
Route of administration: IV then oral
oral Duration: at least 10 days.
Duration: at least 10 days.
Bohte 1995-non-pneumococcal 21
Azithromycin 500 mg twice on Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times daily
Azithromycin (macrolide) first day and once daily for the next Route of administration: oral
compared with other macrolide 4 days Duration: 10 days.
Route of administration: oral
Duration: 5 days
Harazim 1987 91
Ofloxacin 200 or 400 mg twice Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily
Non-respiratory fluoroquinolone daily Route of administration: oral
compared with tetracycline Route of administration: oral Duration: 10 days.
Duration: 10 days.

Single compared with other single antibiotics for moderate- to high-severity community-
acquired pneumonia

Study Intervention Comparison

Nicolle 19961 45
Ceftriaxone 1 g IV daily, plus 2 Ampicillin 1 g IV every 8 hours.
Cephalosporin compared with daily infusions of saline. After 4 After 4 days an assessment was
narrow-spectrum beta-lactam days an assessment was made to made to determine whether to
determine whether to intensify, intensify, maintain or modify to
maintain or modify to oral therapy oral therapy (could be switched to
Route of administration: IV to oral amoxicillin if considered
oral appropriate)
Duration: 7 days or more (mean: Route of administration: IV to
8.1 days). oral
Duration: Mean 10.2 days.
Roson 2001 169
Ceftriaxone IV 1 g every 24 hours Co-amoxiclav IV 2 g/200 mg every
Cephalosporin compared with for at least 72 hour followed by IM 8 hours for at least 72 hours,
beta-lactamase stable penicillin ceftriaxone 1 g every 24 hours followed by oral co-amoxiclav 1
Route of administration: IV then g/125 mg every 8 hours (after
IM significant clinical improvement
Duration: Mean 10.1 days. was achieved)
Route of administration: IV then
Duration: Mean 10.9 days
Summary of studies included in the review of single- compared with other single-antibiotic
therapy for hospital-acquired pneumonia

Study Intervention Comparison (N randomised)

(N randomised)
Hoffken 200794 Moxifloxacin 400 mg IV once Ceftriaxone 2 g IV once daily
Respiratory fluoroquinolone daily followed by moxifloxacin followed by cefuroxime axetil
compared with cephalosporin 400 mg oral once daily 500 mg oral twice daily.
Route of administration: IV Route of administration: IV
then oral then oral
Duration: 7 to 14 days. Duration: 7 to 14 days.
Schmitt 2006174 Piperacillin-tazobactam 4 g/0.5 Imipenem-cilastatin 1 g/1 g IV
Beta-lactamase stable g IV q8h. q8h.
penicillin compared with Route of administration: IV Route of administration: IV
carbapenem Duration: 5 to 21 days. Duration: 5 to 21 days.
(N = 110). (N = 111).

Consider a 5- to 10-day course of antibiotic therapy for patients with hospital-acquired


Summary of studies included in the review to used corticosteroid

Component Comparison/interventions

Confalonieri 2005 54
Antibiotic (according to guidelines) plus
hydrocortisone compared with antibiotic (according to
guidelines) plus placebo.
Antibiotic: Initial choice followed ATS 1993
Glucocorticosteroid: hydrocortisone IV as 200 mg
loading bolus followed by an infusion (hydrocortisone
240 mg in 500 cc 0.9% saline) at a rate of 10 mg/hour.
Total glucocorticosteroid duration 7 days.
Placebo: saline administered as for
Fernandez-Serrano 2011 76
Cephalosporin plus fluoroquinolone plus
methylprednisolone compared with cephalosporin plus
fluoroquinolone plus to placebo.
Empirical antibiotics: 1 g/day IV ceftriaxone (9
days) and 500 mg/day levofloxacin (5 days then oral
for at least 20 days).
Glucocorticosteroid: Bolus of 200 mg
methylprednisolone 30 minutes before starting
antibiotic followed by titrated IV dose of 20 mg every
6 hours for 3 days, then 20 mg per 12 hours for 3 days
then 20 mg/day for 3 days.
Placebo: administered as for glucocorticosteroid
Marik 1993 127
Antibiotic (according to guidelines) plus
hydrocortisone compared with antibiotic (according to
guidelines) plus placebo
 Antibiotics: All initially received ceftriaxone 1 g
IV every 6 hours. The first dose was given 30
minutes after study drug. Additional antibiotics
were added according to microbiological results -
amikacin, cloxacillin or erythromycin .
Glucocorticosteroid: Hydrocortisone was given as a
single 10 mg/kg bolus (low dose).
 Placebo: Saline solution administered as for
McHardy 1972 129
Beta-lactam (1 g or 2 g) plus prednisolone compared
with beta-lactam (1 g or 2 g).
Antibiotics: Ampicillin 1 g or 2 g (in 4 divided doses)
– oral for at least 7 days plus an additional 7 days if
satisfactory response not achieved
Steroid: Prednisolone 20 mg daily (in 4 divided
doses) – oral for up to 7 days
Control: No placebo used
Meijvis 2011 131
Antibiotic (according to guidelines) plus
dexamethasone compared with antibiotic (according
to guidelines) plus placebo.
Antibiotics: choice, duration and administration were
at the discretion of the medical team and in accordance
with national guidelines. All patients received
antibiotic therapy within 4 hours of hospital admission
and treatment was modified based on outcome of
microbiological tests
Glucocorticosteroid: dexamethasone (5 mg)
intravenously once-daily for 4 days. Initial dose given
within a maximum of 12 hours of admission; all
received antibiotic therapy before the
glucocorticosteroid was given.
Placebo: administered as for glucocorticosteroid
Mikami 2007 139
Antibiotic (according to guidelines) plus prednisolone
compared with antibiotic (according to guidelines)
Antibiotics: IV within 8 hours of hospital arrival and
modified based on culture results. Selection and
duration of antibiotics was decided by the treating
Glucocorticosteroid: Prednisolone 40 mg in 100 ml
saline IV for 3 days
Control: no placebo.
Sabry 2011 172
Antibiotic (according to guidelines) plus
hydrocortisone compared with antibiotic (according to
guidelines) plus placebo.
Antibiotics: Maximal conventional therapy
Glucocorticosteroid: Hydrocortisone, loading dose of
200 mg over 30 minutes, followed by 300 mg in 500
ml 0.9% saline at a rate of 12.5 mg/h for 7 days.
Placebo: saline solution administered as for

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