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Longer span (ly) = 3176 mm

Short span (lx) = 1419 mm
wall thickness = 230 mm
Concrete grade (fck) = 20 MPa
Rebar grade (fy) = 500 MPa

lx/ly = 2.24 Design as One way slab

Depth of slab

1/25 th of span = 57 mm
adopt d= 100 mm
Overall depth D = 125 mm

Bending Moment and Shear Force per metre width of slab

Dead Load = 3 KN/sq. m

Live Load = 2 KN/sq. m
Finishing Load = 1.2 KN/sq. m

Total Load = 6 KN/sq. m

Factored Load (Wu) = 9.49 KN/sq. m

Effective span is smaller of following two:

i) lx+d = 1.519 mm
ii) lx+w = 1.649 mm

Therefore effective span (leff) = 1.519 m

Mu = (Wu*leff^2)/8 2.74 KN-m

Vu = (Wu*leff)/2 7.21 KN-m

Design for Mu:

Mulim = 26.60 KN-m

Singly reinforced section can be designed

Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d* (1-Ast/bd*fck/fy)
Sloving equation 0
Ast required 64 sqmm
Main Reinforcement

Use Diameter of bars 8 mm

Required spacing (S) = 786 mm
Adopted Spacing (S) = 150 mm

Check for maximum spacing

i) Smax =3d 300 mm
ii) 300 mm

Spacing provided is satisfactory

Ast provided = 385 sqmm

Check for Shear:

Ʈv=Vu/bd 0.072
Pt = ( π/4*spacing^2)/(Ast*d) 0.335 %

Ʈc for beams from table 19 IS 456 = 0.41

Therefore slabs Ʈc = 1.3*Ʈc beams 0.533

Safe in shear

Deflection check
Percentage of steel (Pt) = 0.335 %
fs = 0.58*fy*Ast req/Ast provided 48.11

From fig 4 IS 456

F1 = 2
l/d maximum = 40
l/d provided = 0.01519

Deflection control is satisfactory

Distribution Steel:

As = 0.12*bd/100 120 sq mm
diameter of bar used = 8 mm
Req. Spacing (S) =( π/4*dia^2/As)*1000 419 mm
Adopted spacing = 150 mm

Therefore Main reinforecement bars 8 mm @ 150 mm c/c

Distribution bars of diameter 8 mm @ 150 mm c/c
Beam Design

Beam Data
width 200 mm
depth 600 mm d' 36 mm .= cc+ sdia + mdia/2
clear cover to main 15 mm eff depth 565 mm .= d - d'
Material Grades
Concrete 20 MPa
Steel 415 MPa

Moment 123 KN-m Mu/bd2 1.93

xumax 270 .= (700/(1100 * (0.87 * fy)) * d
Mulim 176 .= 0.36*fck*b*xumax*(d-(0.42*xumax))
Mulim/bd2 2.76

Beam is designed as Singly Reinforced Beam

Area of Steel Tension (Ast) Compr (Asc)

Percentage 0.613 % ------- Refer Table 2 SP 16 pg 48
Area of Steel 692 sqmm

Tension Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 25 mm 2 982 sqmm
Layer 2 16 mm 2 402 sqmm
Layer 3 - 2
Total Steel Provided 1384 sqmm 1.226 %
Provided Steel OK

Compression Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 12 mm 2
Layer 2 -
Layer 3
Total Steel Provided #VALUE!

Shear Force (Vu) 200 KN

ζv 1.771 .=Vu / (b * d)
ζc 0.562 Refer Table 61 SP 16 pg 179 or =(0.85*√(0.8*fck)*√(1+5β)-1)) / (6β)
ζcmax 2.8 Refer Table J SP 16 pg 175

Type Bar Dia Nos Area of Steel

Layer 1 16 mm 2 402 sqmm
Layer 2 12 mm 4 452 sqmm
Layer 3 -
Total Steel Provided 855 sqmm 0.757 %

Sectional Dimensions OK
Shear Reinforcements required

Type of stirrup 2 legged

Stirrup diameter 8 mm
Spacing 150 c/c
Steel Calculation

Grade Check

a 0.75 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck)2 a 0.75 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck)2
b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy)
c 1.930 .=Mu/bd2 c 2.762 .=Mulim/bd2
-p 0.613 .=-(b±√(b2-4ac))/2a -p 0.955 .=-(b±√(b2-4ac))/2a
Ast 692 .=(p*b*d)/100 Astlim 1079 .=(p*b*d)/100

Mu2 -53 .=Mu - Mulim

Ast2 -278 .=Mu2/((0.87*fy)*(d-d'))
Ast 801 .=Astlim+Ast2

0.0629 d'/d 0.10

0.1 fsc 353 Refer Table F SP 16 pg 13
fcc 8.92 .=0.466*fck
Asc -291 .=Mu2/((fsc-fcc)*(d-d'))

Min steel % 0.205 .=0.85% / fy

Ast 692
Asc -291

Min Steel 231 .=(0.85*b*d) / fy

Max Steel 4516 .=0.04*b*d)

Ast 692

Shear Calculations

Pt provided 0.757 .=(Ast*100)/(b*d)

Pc provided .=(Asc*100)/(b*d)
β 3.068 .=(0.8*fck)/(6.89*Pt)

Shear Capacity of Concrete (Vs) 63 .=ζc*b*d

Shear Stg to be caried by Stirrup (Vus) 137 .=Vu-Vs

least of the 4
provide the

actual req 150 .=(Asv*0.87fy*d)/Vus

min 454 .=(Asv*0.87fy)/(b*0.4)
max 423 .=0.75d
max 300 .=300mm
Column Design

Design Loads
Load Pu 2000 KN
Moment Mu 20 KN-m

Column Data
width b 200 mm
depth d 200 mm
length l 3.00 meters

Concrete fck 20 MPa
Steel fy 415 MPa

Pu/(fckbd) 2.50 Minimum eccentricity

Mu/(fckbd2) 0.01 ex 1.27 mm OK
d'/d 0.05 ey 1.27 mm OK

Refer Chart 31 of SP 16, Page no: 116

pt/fck 0.18

pt 3.60%
Ast 1440 sqmm

Number of bars
dia nos ast
25 mm 4 1963 sqmm ● ● ● ● ● ● 4- ###

20 mm 4 1257 sqmm 4- ###

20 mm 4 1257 sqmm ● ● ● ● ● ● 4- ###

Total 12 4477 sqmm

Steel provided OK
Slab Design

Slab thickness t 150 mm Sunken Depth 325 mm

Concrete fck 20 MPa
Steel fy 415 MPa

Slab Load Sunken Slab Load
Dead Load DL 3.750 KN/m Dead Load DL 3.750 KN/m
Live Load LL 2.000 KN/m Filler Load FL 5 KN/m
Finishes Load WL 1.000 KN/m Live Load LL 3.0 KN/m
Total Load Ws 6.750 KN/m Finishes Load WL 1.0 KN/m
Factored Load Wsu 10 KN/m Total Load Wsk 12.37 KN/m
Factored Load Wsku 19 KN/m

Slab Data
Slab Type Regular
Load 10 KN/m
Longer Span (ly) 9.50 m ly/lx ratio 2.02
Shorter Span (lx) 4.70 m Slab type -

Loading on edges one way two way

Wlonger 24 KN/m .=w*lx/2 .=(w*lx/2) + (1-(1/3)*(lx/ly)2)
Wshorter .=w*lx/3

Moments one way two way

Mx 28 KN-m .=w*lx2/ 8 .=αx * w*lx2
.=αy * w*lx2

Thickness Check OK .=Mulim > Mux or Muy

Deflection 10 mm .= 5*W*l4/(384EI)

Astx Refer Chart 4 SP 16 pg 21 or

Area of Steel
667 sqmm Refer Table 5-44 SP 16 pg 51-80

Spacing required in mm
8# 10# 12# 16#
x y x y x y x x
75 c/c 118 c/c 170 c/c 301 c/c
.=ast of bar*1000/ast req

Final Ast x y
Design Calculations


a 0.75 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck) 2
a 0.75 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck)2
b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy)
cx 1.654 .=Mu/bd2 cy #VALUE! .=Mu/bd2
-px 0.513 .=-(b±√(b2-4ac))/2a -py #VALUE! .=-(b±√(b2-4ac))/2a
Ast 667 .=(p*b*d)/100 Ast #VALUE! .=(p*b*d)/100

Min Ast % mm2

0.12 180

Interpolation 1 0.056

Table 26 IS 456 pg 91
ly/lx αx αy 1.1 0.064
lower upper exact lower upper interptn.
value value value value value value 1.2 0.072
0.00 0.00 2.02 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.056 1.3 0.079
1.4 0.085
1.5 0.089
2 0.107

xumax 62 .= (700/(1100 * (0.87 * fy)) * d

Mulim 47 KN-m .= 0.36*fck*b*xumax*(d-(0.42*xumax))
Mulim/bd2 2.76
Mux/bd2 1.65
Muy/bd #VALUE!

E 2.24E+07
I 2.81E-04 .= bd3/12
Defln 10.23 .= 5*W*l4/(384EI)
Values of Moments and Shear force at different locations
Location (meters) Moments (KNm) Shear (KN)

x y Mx My Mxy Qx Qy
0 0 0 0 9 0 0
1.5 0 0 0 9 0 15
3 0 0 0 7 0 27
4.5 0 0 0 4 0 36
6 0 0 0 0 0 39
7.5 0 0 0 -4 0 36
9 0 0 0 -7 0 27
10.5 0 0 0 -9 0 15
12 0 0 0 -9 0 0
0 1.5 0 0 9 15 0
1.5 1.5 20 20 8 14 14
3 1.5 38 38 6 10 25
4.5 1.5 49 49 3 6 33
6 1.5 53 53 0 0 36
7.5 1.5 49 49 -3 -6 33
9 1.5 38 38 -6 -10 25
10.5 1.5 20 20 -8 -14 14
12 1.5 0 0 -9 -15 0
0 3 0 0 7 27 0
1.5 3 38 38 6 25 10
3 3 69 69 5 19 19
4.5 3 91 91 3 10 25
6 3 98 98 0 0 27
7.5 3 91 91 -3 -10 25
9 3 69 69 -5 -19 19
10.5 3 38 38 -6 -25 10
12 3 0 0 -7 -27 0
0 4.5 0 0 4 36 0
1.5 4.5 49 49 3 33 6
3 4.5 91 91 3 25 10
4.5 4.5 118 118 1 14 14
6 4.5 128 128 0 0 15
7.5 4.5 118 118 -1 -14 14
9 4.5 91 91 -3 -25 10
10.5 4.5 49 49 -3 -33 6
12 4.5 0 0 -4 -36 0
0 6 0 0 0 39 0
1.5 6 53 53 0 36 0
3 6 98 98 0 27 0
4.5 6 128 128 0 15 0
6 6 139 139 0 0 0
7.5 6 128 128 0 -15 0
9 6 98 98 0 -27 0
10.5 6 53 53 0 -36 0
12 6 0 0 0 -39 0
0 7.5 0 0 -4 36 0
1.5 7.5 49 49 -3 33 -6
3 7.5 91 91 -3 25 -10
4.5 7.5 118 118 -1 14 -14
6 7.5 128 128 0 0 -15
7.5 7.5 118 118 1 -14 -14
9 7.5 91 91 3 -25 -10
10.5 7.5 49 49 3 -33 -6
12 7.5 0 0 4 -36 0
0 9 0 0 -7 27 0
1.5 9 38 38 -6 25 -10
3 9 69 69 -5 19 -19
4.5 9 91 91 -3 10 -25
6 9 98 98 0 0 -27
7.5 9 91 91 3 -10 -25
9 9 69 69 5 -19 -19
10.5 9 38 38 6 -25 -10
12 9 0 0 7 -27 0
0 10.5 0 0 -9 15 0
1.5 10.5 20 20 -8 14 -14
3 10.5 38 38 -6 10 -25
4.5 10.5 49 49 -3 6 -33
6 10.5 53 53 0 0 -36
7.5 10.5 49 49 3 -6 -33
9 10.5 38 38 6 -10 -25
10.5 10.5 20 20 8 -14 -14
12 10.5 0 0 9 -15 0
0 12 0 0 -9 0 0
1.5 12 0 0 -9 0 -15
3 12 0 0 -7 0 -27
4.5 12 0 0 -4 0 -36
6 12 0 0 0 0 -39
7.5 12 0 0 4 0 -36
9 12 0 0 7 0 -27
10.5 12 0 0 9 0 -15
12 12 0 0 9 0 0
Design of shear wall

Length of wall = 5000 mm

Wall thickness = 250 mm
conrete grade = 30 MPa
steel grade = 415 MPa

From computer model analysis (For envelope load case)

Axial Force (Pu) = 3540 KN

Moment (Mu) = 8100 KN
Shear Force (Vu) = 1248 KN

Check for Boundary Element

Minimum Thickness of wall check = Wall thickness sufficient

(From cl. 9.1.2 IS 19320)

Moment of Inertia (I) =bd^3/12

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