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Abstract Introduction
Tolosa Hunt syndrome (THS) is Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a rare
considered to be one of the painful cranial cause of ophthalmoplegia due to a chronic
neuropathies according to the International unspecific inflammation that involves the
Headache Society, in its headache cavernous sinus and/or superior orbital
classification. THS is a rare and severe, fissure. Clinically, the syndrome is
unilateral periorbital headache associated characterized by strong orbital and
with decreased and painful eye movement, retrobulbar pain, accompanied by
which is caused by non-specific oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), and/or
inflammation of the cavernous sinus, abducens (VI) nerve paresis of a varying
superior orbital fissure and the apex of the degree. Disorders of sensation may also be
orbit. The quick response to corticosteroid present in the area innervated by the ocular
therapy is characteristic for this disease. branch of the trigeminal nerve (V1) [1, 2].
Lesions are usually unilateral; so far, only
Some cases of patients with Tolosa few bilateral Tolosa-Hunt syndrome cases
Hunt syndrome have been studied, following have been reported [1, 3, 4].
the onset modalities and the etiology of the
associated diseases. Two patients with The syndrome was first described in
Tolosa Hunt Syndrome were evaluated at 1954 by Eduardo Tolosa in a patient with
our institution from… to…. We presented a unilateral, recurrent, painful
55 years-old caucasian female patient ophthalmoplegia involving cranial nerves
diagnosed with THS. The patient had III, IV, VI, as well as V1 [5].
unilateral periorbital pain, inflammatory
process in the apex of the orbit, Graves The disease affects women and men
Basedow disease after subtotal equally, with onset around the age of 40, but
thyroidectomy and osteopenia. The early-onset cases have been reported.
suspicion of THS was based on the cerebral The major symptoms of Tolosa-Hunt
MRI which showed tumoral lesion at the left syndrome include chronic periorbital
orbital apex. The second case presents a 51 headache, double vision, paralysis (palsy) of
years-old Caucasian male patient diagnosed certain cranial nerves, and chronic fatigue.
with TSH. The patient presented left ear Affected individuals may also exhibit
tightening and left hemicrania accompanied protrusion of the eye (proptosis), drooping
by Claude Bernard Horner Syndrom. of the upper eyelid (ptosis) and diminished
Subsequent investigations suspected the vision. In most cases, symptoms associated
diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrom. with Tolosa-Hunt syndrome affect only one
Key words : Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, side (unilateral). Symptoms will usually
inflammation, cavernous sinus. subside without intervention (spontaneous
remission) and may recur without a distinct
pattern (randomly).
The International Headache Society
codified the diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt
syndrom. For a definitive diagnosis, this are symptoms twice, in April and June 2015, for
the criteria to be met: 3 days. On physical examination:
conscious, cooperative patient, cranial
 Eye pain on one side of the head nerves urge, sensitivity, motility,
that persists for at least eight weeks coordination within normal limits,
if untreated; symmetric osterotensinous reflexes present
 associated irritation or damage to bilaterally. The examination of other
the third, fourth, or sixth cranial systems was normal. Routine biological
nerves; analyses were normal with the exception of
 relief of pain within 48 hours upon an increased ESR (28mm/h) and fibrinogen
the administration of steroids; (444mg/dL). Patient was HIV negative, the
 and specialized testing that rules out hormone dosage was also normal (FT4,
other conditions such as neoplasm, TSH) and immunological markers were
infection or aneurysm. negative (double stranded anti-DNA
antibodies, anti- cANCA antibodies, anti-
The diagnosis may be confirmed by
pANCA antibodies, TPO, ANA). At the
a thorough clinical evaluation, detailed
ophthalmologic examination, both eyes
patient history, and a variety of specialized
appeared normal. The MRI exam describes a
radiologic tests including computed
solid tumor nodule at the level of the left
tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic
upper orbital tip as well as several
resonance imaging (MRI). These
supratentorial microangiopathy lesions.
examinations may reveal characteristic
Under corticotherapy and symptomatic
enlargement or inflammation of the areas
treatment, evolution is favorable and the
behind the eye (cavernous sinus and superior
patient is externalizing.
orbital fissure). Pain is usually reduced in
untreated cases within fifteen to twenty The patient develops a bilateral
days. With steroid treatment, pain typically apical pahipleurita, returns after 3 months to
briskly subsides within twenty-four to our clinic for clinical biological re-
seventy-two hours – and this brisk steroid evaluation, imaging and therapeutic attitude.
response aids in the diagnosis. Affected The results of the routine analyzes are
individuals may be vulnerable to recurrent within normal limits with the exception of
future attacks. [6] basophils and eosinophils which were
slightly low. Compared to the previous
admission, the patient presents normal
Material and method values of the inflammatory samples. The
ophthalmologic examination reveals papules
A 55 years-old Caucasian female, with no changes, retinal arteries with normal
with Graves Basedow Disease installed after appearance, retinal veins with increased
subtotal tiroidectomy (1991), without caliber in the left eye compared to the right
family history of autoimmune disease, eye. The cerebral MRI exam describes the
known with right tonsillar papilloma and same nodular tumor of orbital apex on the
chronic professional laryngitis ( she is a left, dimensionally and morpho-functional
singer) was admitted in our hospital in stable compared to the previous
November 2015. She presented unilateral examination, representing most likely a
periorbital and retroocular pain, associated pseudotumor in the context of Tolosa Hunt
with left lid ecchymosis , for almost 7 days. Syndrome.
She affirms that she presented same
A 51-years old Caucasian male with compensatory dilatation, approximately 80%
no significant personal pathological history segment C2 stenosis and approximately 95%
is presented for left ear tightening and left C3 segment at left ACI level. Under anti-
hemicrania accompanied by Sdr. Claude agglutination and anticoagulation treatment,
Bernard Horner (anamnestic after exposure the symptoms return. The patient is
to cold), installed for about a week. At the externally on request for further
neurological objective examination we investigations at a clinic abroad. An Echo
noticed: narrowing of the left palpebral lobe, Doppler performed in ambulatory,
miosis, enophthalmia, no oculomotricity highlights left ACI stenosis and right ACI
disorders, hypoesthesia in the left occlusion. There is suspicion of a congenital
ophthalmic territory. Other investigation fibromuscular dysplasia (radiologically
showed the following : normal cerebral CT, refuted by the Doppler exam) or the
normal MRI, cervical column MRI: C5-C6 presence of some traumatic factors in the
intervertebral space narrowing, C5 posterior neck vessels. After insisting on the
osteophyte, C5-C6 disc-osteophyte complex anamnesis (traumatic factor), the patient
left left introveredamenal compressing left remembers that he stood under an artificial
nerve root C6. Under corticosteroid therapy waterfall, where his throat was exposed to
(cortisone 200 mg / day), symptomatology water pressure.
was resolved within 24 hours. We suspects
to be a Sdr. TOLOSA-HUNT, due to The radiological images (being
immediate favorable response to inconclusive) are sent to Turkey, where the
corticosteroid therapy. diagnosis of carotid dissection is also
confirmed, and confirmed by the Vascular
After about a week, after a Surgery Clinic in Milan, where the chronic
concentration effort (a trip to Bucharest and anticoagulant is indicated and the clinical
back), suddenly there are speech disorders symptomatology is recovered under the
and apraxia. conditions of recurrence.

Neurological objective examination: After a week, he goes to a

cranial nerves: left palpebral ptoza, miosis, Neurosurgery Clinic in Hungary where a
enophthalmia, language examination: volumetry is performed that highlights the
impaired understanding, difficult expression, presence of bilateral cerebral perfusion.
preserved repetition, agraphy, ideomotric Currently, the patient has no subjective
apraxia. accusations. Neurological objective
examination: normal exceptCBH syndrome.
Angio MRI with contrast substance:
absence of void flow signal of the right
intracranial ACI of the examination field:
right ACI occlusion

Angio CT extracranial vessels: right

ACI occlusion with right backward artery
Results and Discussions 8 weeks before admission. By 6 weeks
before admission, the patient experienced
We quote a few cases of Tolosa Hunt diplopia on left lateral gaze and left
syndrome presented in the literature to retroorbital pain. Multiple scans and
highlight the multiple onset methods and the investigations, a biopsy of a mediastinal
various associated diseases. A 22-year-old lymph-node showed noncaseating
white man with a 12-year history of Crohn granulomata compatible with sarcoidosis.
disease developed bifrontal constant Visual acuity deteriorated. The patient was
headache accompanied by nausea, numbness subsequently started on methyl
of the right upper lip, and diplopia on left prednisolone, 60 mg every 6 hr, then
lateral and upward gaze 2 weeks before changed to oral prednisone, 80 mg every
admission. The pain was more severe over morning. Visual acuity on the left transiently
his right eye. improved, headache, facial paresthesias, and
A healthy 24-year-old white man diplopia all resolved within several days.
developed sudden onset of right retrobulbar When the patient prematurely discontinued
pain relieved by aspirin 3 weeks before the prednisone, visual acuity of the left eye
admission. A complete right third nerve deteriorated with the development of a
palsy was noted over the next several days. central scotoma. [7]
A CT brain scan and bilateral carotid
angiography at another institution were
reported as normal. Since diabetes, THS is a disease that occurs rarely,
parasellar tumor, and posterior with unknown etiopathogenesis, clinically
communicating artery aneurysms had manifested by unilateral orbital pain
apparently been excluded, he was started associated with simple or multiple
empirically on methyl prednisolone, 24 mg/ oculomotor paralyses, which resolves
day to be tapered over a 1-week period. This spontaneously but may recur. For making
relieved the headache almost immediately, diagnosis, MRI orbital phlebography and
but the diplopia persisted. . When steroids biopsy are the recommended. In order to
were restarted, the patient noted marked avoid a mistaken Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
improvement of his retrobulbar pain, diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging
pupillary functions, and extraocular studies are essential. It is important to note
movements. As the steroids were tapered, that this syndrome is misleading, with
there was a mild flare-up of the headache different onset and multiple associated
and the ptosis. The working diagnosis was pathologies. The cases presented point out
leakage from an epidermoid tumor in the the importance of building a diagnostic
right cavernous sinus with secondary complex that does not exclude the disease in
inflammation. a patient with severe retro-orbital or
periorbital pain of acute onset.
A 26-year-old previously healthy
black man experienced 2 weeks of
generalized fatigue, fever, and night sweats

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4. A. Nieri, R. Bazan, L. Almeida, F.C.
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7. Eddie S. K. Kwan, Samuel M.
Wolpert, Thomas A. Hedges,
Michael Laucella- Tolosa-Hunt
Syndrom revisited- Not Necessarily
a Diagnosis of Exclusion-

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