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District 33 E-Newsletter

September 2010, Issue 1

Newsletter Highlights
Senator Schiavoni’s Upcoming Calendar
Sept 14 Stark County Farm Bureau Sept 16 "Developing Connections" at
♦ Northern States Metals Annual Meeting, Hartville YSU Williamson College of
Business, Youngstown
♦ “Doc” Powell Sept 16 Mahoning Valley Historical
Highway Dedication Center, Youngstown Sept 19 Sojourner House Chefs Se-
♦ Idora Neighborhood crets Fundraiser, Liberty
Sept 16 Salvation Army Advisory
Board Meeting, Youngstown Sept 22 Big Brothers Big Sisters
♦ Panerathon Race Panel Discussion, Ytown

♦ Carroll Electric Co-Op

Senator Schiavoni Recognizes Northern States
♦ Tuscarawas County
Italian-American Fest
Metals for Leading The Way in Innovation
♦ Ohio Wins $400
Million in Funding

Suggested Readings:

GM Cruzes Into New Era

—The Vindy
Youngstown Gets
Designation as Hub — The

Mechanicstown Resident
Receives ODOT
Community Service
Award — Carrollton Free
Press Standard
Enrollment at YSU Hits
20-Year High — Business
Journal Daily
Ohio Veterans can Apply
for New State Bonus —
The Columbus Dispatch
Senator Schiavoni presents workers at Northern States Metals with award from the Ohio State Senate.
HUD Awards $52M to
Ohio, $2M to Valley — YOUNGSTOWN— Senator Schiavoni re- minutes by a three-man crew — as opposed
Business Journal Daily cently toured local manufacturing company to its nearest competitor’s product, which
New Filings for Jobless Northern States Metals, and awarded them requires an average of 30 minutes and an
Benefits Tumble — with a letter of commendation on behalf of eight-man crew to install each rack. Thus, the the Ohio Senate. The resolution recognizes savings in labor costs, as well as the reduc-
Insight: the Youngstown company for using innova- tion in time needed to complete a project, are
tive technology to manufacture quality prod- substantial.”
“An individual has not ucts, and also helping to create local jobs.
“Manufacturing is what made the Mahoning
started living until he
The company’s Solar FlexRack, which was Valley successful years ago,” said Senator
can rise above the
narrow confines of his named the Outstanding New Product of the Schiavoni. “This type of innovation is what
individualistic Year by the Mahoning Valley Society of Pro- will make us a leader once again. The crea-
concerns to the fessional Engineers, is a mounting system for tion of new manufacturing jobs will help put
broader concerns of all solar panels. this community and this country back to
humanity.” work.”
The Solar FlexRack’s major contribution,
according to the product website, is “toward The company will compete in the Ohio Soci-
-Dr. Martin Luther
lowering the cost-per-watt of solar projects. ety of Professional Engineers statewide com-
King Jr.
This mounting hardware, designed to hold petition next year.
solar panels, can be erected in less than three

Section of Interstate-680 Dedicated to Valley

Vietnam War Hero Richard “Doc” Powell, USN
AUSTINTOWN – On August 27th
Senator Schiavoni attended the official
dedication ceremony for Youngstown
native Richard “Doc” Powell at the Ko-
rean War Veterans Park at Wickliffe
Circle in Austintown.

This was the final stage of a long proc-

ess that the Senator and his office
worked persistently on for many
months. The end result is the stretch of
Interstate-680, starting at the intersec-
for Doc Powell, not only from the
tion of State Route 711 and extending
Youngstown area, but from people
northwest to State Route 11 within Ma-
around the country who served with
honing County, being named the Navy
him,” Senator Schiavoni said. “I’m
Hospitalman Richard “Doc” Powell
so pleased that we are able to honor
Memorial Highway.
his heroic efforts with this dedication
Senator Schiavoni introduced this ceremony and road naming.”
measure as an amendment to House
“A small token of our appreciation is
Bill 27, which passed the General As-
having signs like this," said Senator
sembly and was signed by Governor
Schiavoni. "When people drive by
Ted Strickland in February.
they can reflect not only on the peo-
Powell was a medic during the Viet- ple who were killed in battle, but also
nam War and was killed while assisting the troops that are still serving.”
the wounded on August 29, 1968. He
Senator Schiavoni spoke during the Above: The Highway road sign that is on I-
was recently inducted into the Ohio
ceremony, as well as State Represen- 680 between Rt. 711 and Rt. 11. Also, a pic-
Military Hall of Fame in recognition of ture of Richard “Doc” Powell in uniform.
tative Ron Gerberry, Austintown
receiving the Navy Cross for valor in
Trustee Lisa Oles, Former State Sena-
combat while serving in the United
tor Harry Meshel, and Bob Cruikshank
States Navy.
who served with Doc Powell and
“I received an outpouring of support championed the road naming efforts.

Senator Schiavoni Helps Paint Idora Neighborhood Mural

Idora neighborhood residents and others in the community help paint the mural on the side of an abandoned Sparkle grocery store on
Glenwood Avenue. Below, Senator Schiavoni and fellow painter take a break and smile for the camera.

YOUNGSTOWN— The Idora icking a stained glass window.

Neighborhood Association has been
"I had a blast painting, climbing lad-
transforming its streets with projects
ders and mixing colors," Senator
including urban agriculture and corner
Schiavoni said. "Big Jim is one of the
store clean-up campaigns for more than
hardest working and most caring resi-
a year. The organization's latest beauti-
dents in Youngstown. His efforts and
fication project caught the attention of
those of his neighborhood group are
State Senator Joe Schiavoni as well as
what will help turn the city around."
many Youngstown residents. A mural
stretching the length of an old grocery The mural took more than two days to
store building now greets neighborhood finish and it was unveiled to the public
residents as they drive up the main and media on Tuesday, August 25.
street of the neighborhood. "We're not dead, we're alive and you
can see that right here," said London
The Idora Neighborhood is a historic
referring to his neighborhood while
district on the city's southwest side and
pointing at the mural.
INA president, "Big" Jim London, said
the mural was a year in the making. All those who painted a piece of the
"Welcome to the Idora Neighborhood" mural were able to sign their names
is what the mural reads and the letters and an anti-graffiti coat was painted
are surrounded by bright shapes mim- over the artwork to ensure the mural
remains for years to come.

Panerathon Race Benefits New Breast Cancer Center

YOUNGSTOWN— More than 3,000 Along with the 10K run, the event also “I usually just run 5K races, but when I
runners and walkers competed in the featured a 10K walk, a 2 Mile run, and saw Tim lining up for the 10K I figured
first Panerathon in downtown Youngs- a 2 Mile walk. All proceeds of the I’d give it a shot,” said Sen. Schiavoni.
town on Sunday, August 29th. The race Panerathon benefited the future Joanie “I finished the race, but it was defi-
started and ended at the Covelli Centre, Abdu Comprehensive Breast Cancer nitely a tough one. My hat goes off to
featuring music, local food vendors, Center that will be built on the campus everyone who participated, it was a
and a chance to meet area officials. of St. Elizabeth’s Health Center. great day, and for a really great cause.”

The main race was the 10K road race Among the race participants were State
sponsored by the Youngstown Road Senator Joe Schiavoni (33-D) and U.S.
Runners Club. Approximately 500 run- Congressman Tim Ryan (17th-D).
ners raced through downtown and Mill Both valiantly competed in the 10K
Creek Park. There were $5,000 in race.
prizes for runners in the 10K.
Left: Senator Joe Schiavoni makes his way down the final stretch of the 10k Race, finishing
at a time of 1 hour and 3 minutes. Below from left to right: Matt Howells, Margaret Potts,
Phil Kidd, Katie Seminara, Senator Joe Schiavoni, Natalie Lariccia.

Senator Schiavoni Visits Carroll Electric Cooperative

CARROLLTON— Carroll Electric
Cooperative hosted State Senator Joe
Schiavoni Aug. 13 during his visit to
Carrollton and the surrounding area. It
was an opportunity for CEO Larry
Fenbers and his staff to help the sena-
tor learn more about rural electric co-

Fenbers provided a guided tour of the

co-op’s Carroll County facilities and
discussed how electric cooperatives

Senator Schiavoni visited with em-

ployees and revealed his interest in
learning more about electric co-ops
and the communities of his district.
The 33rd District includes Carroll,
Carroll Electric Cooperative CEO Larry Fenbers discusses the co-op’s service territory with
Mahoning, and portions of Stark and Senator Joe Schiavoni.
Tuscarawas counties.
He asked the senator to continue his they do provide exceptional service to a
Fenbers thanked the senator for his sup-
support if the issue resurfaces. significant portion of Carroll county.
port earlier this year of the Ohio elec-
I’m proud to have a company like Car-
tric cooperative position on SB 162 and “It was impressive to see the relation-
roll Electric in the 33rd District.”
HB 276, the telecommunications bills ship that members have with the own-
ers,” Senator Schiavoni said. * Story provided by
in which CATV providers sought an
amendment to pole attachment rates. “Although they are a smaller company,

Schiavoni Presents Awards at Tusc. County Italian-American Event

Senator Schiavoni grabs a picture with attendees of Friday’s Tuscarawas County’s Italian-American Mayors Breakfast in Dover, OH.

TUSCARAWAS— State Senator Joe Chamber of Commerce was the 2010 delphia Schools Wishes Program
Schiavoni joined the Tuscarawas selection of the Tuscarawas County
The 2010 Person of the Year was
County Italian-American Festival May- Italian-American Festival Foundation,
a long time, valuable member of the
ors Breakfast on August 13th to honor Inc. as Business of the Year, McInturf
Festival. Having chaired countless
the Outstanding Italian-American, Realty, Inc. The company has been
committees, Joan Beitner served on the
Business of the Year, and speak with contributing to the county for many
Foundation's Board of Direc-
attendees. The Mayor's Breakfast is the years. In addition to the Italian-
tors for fourteen years as both Corre-
official event that kicks off the Festi- American Festival, which they have
sponding and Recording Secretaries.
val. Hosted by the Mayor of Dover, the assisted for several years by sponsoring
She represents the meaning of the
event provided a chance to thank vari- the Mayor’s Breakfast in previous
award for her tireless commitment to
ous sponsors and officials. years and scholarships, they support
the Foundation and her desire to
the Rainbow Connection, Big Brothers,
The 2009 Small Business of the Year proudly share her heritage.
Big Sisters American Cancer Society,
as selected by the Tuscarawas County
Share-a-Christmas and the New Phila-

Ohio Wins $400 Million in “Race to the Top” Educational

Funding, Announces School Report Cards for 2010
COLUMBUS – In a press release, in late July and a team from Ohio made
Schools in 33rd District who
Governor Ted Strickland and State Su- a presentation and answered questions
Received Excellent
perintendent of Public Instruction Deb- from U.S. Department of Education
orah Delisle announced that the U.S. reviewers earlier this month.
Department of Education has selected ♦ Austintown, Excellent
“Our work will begin immediately with
Ohio as one of the winning states to be ♦ Boardman, Excellent
school districts and community schools
funded in Round 2 of the Race to the
which have agreed to be part of our ♦ Campbell, Excellent
Top program. Ohio will receive $400
effort to transform education in Ohio ♦ Canfield, Excellent
million in Race to the Top funds during
and build on the tremendous progress ♦ Lake, Excellent with Distinction
the next four years.
that has been made over the last dec- ♦ Lowellville, Excellent
“I want to thank Secretary Duncan and ade,” Delisle said. “I would like to
♦ Minerva, Excellent
the Obama administration for this op- thank the numerous individuals who
♦ Poland, Excellent with Distinction.
portunity to implement what I believe helped put our application together,
♦ South Range, Excellent.
is a visionary education plan for Ohio’s and the dozens of groups which sup-
children. Our students deserve every ported our efforts and provided input ♦ Springfield, Excellent.

opportunity to succeed in and beyond during the creation of our application. ♦ Struthers: Excellent.
the classroom, and I believe the crea- Our collective effort has been recog- ♦ West Branch, Excellent.
tive and forward-thinking initiatives nized and, on behalf of Ohio’s school- ♦ Western Reserve, Excellent w/
outlined in our winning application children, I thank each of you for your Distinction
provide just that,” Strickland said. dedication to improving education.”
“Ohio has shown its commitment to
“I would also like to congratulate the the funds Ohio must be distributed di-
encouraging innovation by passing suc-
other states that were selected to re- rectly to participating schools. A list of
cessful economic development initia-
ceive funding, as well as Delaware and participating schools and funding
tives like Ohio Third Frontier, and this
Tennessee who received funding in amounts can be found at
award builds on our job creation strat-
Round 1 of Race to the Top,” Delisle
egy by helping prepare the next genera-
added. “I anticipate that we will learn
tion of Ohio entrepreneurs and innova- “We will make every effort possible to
much from one another as we proceed
tors.” ensure that the participating schools are
with each of our plans. Our students all
able to carry out the initiatives they
“I give my heartfelt thanks and appre- deserve a world-class education that
identify in their action plans,” Delisle
ciation to our education and commu- can only be offered if we all begin
nity partners who supported this appli- thinking innovatively.”
cation, and our dedicated team of edu- A total of 538 public school districts
The U.S. Department of Education pro-
cation leaders who worked tirelessly on and community schools signed memo-
vided prescriptive guidance in terms of
behalf of Ohio’s children,” Strickland randa of understanding to participate in
centering the reform work on four spe-
said. Ohio’s Race to the Top efforts. Of
cific areas: standards and assessments;
those students participating, the award
The Round 2 Race to the Top applica- data systems to support instruction;
will impact 81.5 percent of African-
tion was submitted by the Ohio Depart- great teachers and leaders; and turning
American students, 73 percent of His-
ment of Education in June. In total, around the lowest-achieving schools.
panic students, and 66.3 percent of eco-
more than 538 Local Education Agen-
The funds will be used to support Race nomically disadvantaged students
cies, representing more than 60 per-
to the Top activities either directly statewide. The Ohio Department of
cent, or about 1 million, of Ohio’s
through Ohio schools districts or Education will begin working with
school children, agreed to participate
through state-supported initiatives. Un- each entity on its implementation plan.
directly in Ohio’s Race to the Top ac-
der terms of the grant, at least half of Plans must be submitted by November.
tivities. Ohio was selected as a finalist

Have a question, concern or scheduling Know Your State Senator

request? Contact our office — Be Heard! Who: Joe Schiavoni
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the What: State Senator, 33rd Senate District, serving a popu-
many services that my office has to offer the residents of lation of 330,000
the 33rd Senate District. I encourage you to contact us with
any state-related concerns or issues that you may have. Where: Mahoning, Carroll, eastern most townships of
Stark and Tuscarawas counties

When: Term began January 5, 2009

My staff is trained to handle your case and is available to
assist you. A few of the concerns that we frequently Background: Joe Schiavoni, 30, graduated from Ohio
address include issues regarding statewide programs such University with a BS in Communications, and obtained
as Medicaid, unemployment and education. In addition, I his law degree from Capital University. Currently, he is a
welcome your suggestions for future legislation and your partner in his family’s law firm, Schiavoni, Schiavoni,
views on proposed legislation. Please see the information Bush & Muldowney Co., L.P.A, specializing in a wide
below to contact my office. variety of workers’ compensation claims. He is actively
involved in the community, receiving the 2007 Big
Brother of the Year award from Big Brothers and Big Sis-
If you need assistance regarding federal matters feel free to
ters of Mahoning Valley. He is a Member of the Ohio
contact your Congressman or Congresswoman in the
State Bar Association and serves as Co-Chairman of the
United States House of Representatives. To find your
Public Relations Committee for the Mahoning County Bar
representative you can call (202) 224-3121 or visit
Association. He has also been admitted to the West Vir- on the Web. My staff and I
ginia State Bar.
look forward to serving you in the 128th General Assembly
of the Ohio Senate.
Senator Schiavoni’s E-Newsletter
Sincerely, If you know an individual or organization that would like
Joe Schiavoni to receive the E-Newsletter , just copy and send them the
following link :
State Senator, 33rd District

Ohio Statehouse
Helpful Links
General Assembly
Suite 52
1 Capitol Square Ohio Senate
Columbus, OH 43215
Ohio House
(614) 466-8285 or (800) 282-0253 State of Ohio
Staff Members:
Ohio Revised Code
Tim Lytle, Legislative Aide
Matt Howells, Administrative Aide The Ohio Channel

Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus

HEY JOE! - Have a question, concern, announcement, or event you would like Senator
Schiavoni to know about? Let us know! The Senator is always interested in hearing about
issues facing constituents of the 33rd District. Each and every one of your submissions are
important to the Senator, and may even be covered in one of our future E-newsletters. We
ask that your submission include your name, hometown, and county. Thank you and we look
forward to hearing from you soon. Click Here to Send Your Comments

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