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Waterfront Trio 

The Waterfront Trio, born in 2018, is a fresh formation with a glimpse of class and style.

Through the strings of a piano, a violin, and a cello, it explores various repertoires, starting
from the very classics until the most recent pop-music hits.

Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms and many others are the basis of the trio; it’s a joy for
the ears to play and listen to the gems that the great composers provided for this group of
instruments. Then the trio adds some other famous pieces, originally written for orchestra, or
other ensembles, playing charming arrangements of well-known masterpieces.

The other side of the repertoire of the trio is more light: from the ragtime of the early 900s
(imagine yourself back in time in a luxurious first-class liner crossing the ocean…) and other
dancing-songs; passing through some well-known jazz standards, bossa-novas, to jump to
the “classics” of pop, like Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, The Beatles; to end with some of
the “moderns” (like Sia), everything played in beautiful and original arrangements.

Waterfront Trio

Daniele Russo, piano and arrangements

Valentina Russo, violin

Edviege Forlanelli, cello

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