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DominoChinese - Course book

Level 1

Chapter 1
Lesson 1


* - You're not supposed to know the full character yet

# - You've already seen this character before
() - You don't need to knowledge
#* - you know parts of the character
(bb) – building block
(mw) – measure word

一 yī One(bb)

二 èr Two

三 sān Three

三 Q/3Q sānq Thank you(slang)

谢谢 xiè xie Thank you

口 kǒu Mouth(bb)

一口 yī kǒu A bite, mouthful

日 rì Day, sun

Grammar notes:
Stroke order 1
Stroker order 2
How to type in Chinese
How characters make a word
How to make more complicated characters (compound characters)
Stroke order 3

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

三 __________________________+__________________________
日 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

口 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

一二三 ______________________________________________________________________________
二三一 ______________________________________________________________________________
一三二 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

Mouthful _______________________________________________________________________________
Thank you _______________________________________________________________________________

1.5 Listen and translate:

一口 _______________________________________________________________________________
一日 _______________________________________________________________________________
谢谢 _______________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 2

丶 - Drop(bb)

白 bái White

白白 bái bái Bye bye

白日 bái rì Day time

百 bǎi Hundred

一百 yī bǎi 100

二百 èr bǎi 200

三百 sān bǎi 300

哈哈 hā hā Haha

人 rén People(bb)

白人 bái rén White person

人人 rén rén Everyone

人口 rén kǒu Population

丨 - Stick (bb)

中 zhōng Middle

人中 rén zhōng Philtrum

Grammar notes:

Radicals/Building blocks
Sound parts
Idea parts
The 4 tones

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

白 __________________________+__________________________
百 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

人 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

日 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:


2.4 Translate to Chinese:



One hundred

2.5 Listen and translate:




Lesson 3

王 wáng King

玉 yù Jade

国 guó Country

美 měi Beautiful
美国 měi guó The United States

英 yīng English

英国 yīng guó The United Kingdom

国王 guó wáng King

王国 wáng guó Kingdom

中国 zhōng guó China

中国人 zhōng guó rén Chinese

英国人 yīng guó rén The British

美国人 měi guó rén American

日 rì # Day, sun

是 shì To be (bb)

丁 dīng Nail(bb)

丁丁 dīng dīng Tintin

讠 yán Knowledge, speech (bb)

订 dìng To reserve

手 shǒu Hand

二手 èr shǒu Second hand

扌 - Hand (bb)

打 dǎ To hit

拜 bài Bye

拜拜 bài bai Bye bye

Grammar notes:

How to say where you're from 1

Chinese does not conjugate verbs
Connecting nouns with "shi"
What foreigners are called in Chinese
Basic sentence order Subject + Verb + Object

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

王 __________________________+__________________________
国 __________________________+__________________________
订 __________________________+__________________________
打 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

王 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

中 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
二 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
国 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:




3.4 Translate to Chinese:


Good bye

To hit

3.5 Listen and translate:




Lesson 4


弋 - Dagger (bb)

戈 - Lance (bb)

我 wǒ I/Me

哦 ó Oh

不 bù No

不是 bú shi No, incorrect

是 shì Yes, Correct (bb)

是不是 shì bú shì Isn't it?

我是中国人 wǒ shì zhōng guó rén I'm Chinese

我不是美国人 wǒ bú shì měi guó rén I'm not American

我是不是英国人 wǒ shì bú shì yīng guó rén Am I British?

饣 - Food (bb)

饿 è Hungry

饿不饿 è bú è Hungry?

要 yào * To want

不要 bú yào * Do not want

要不要 yào bù yāo * Do you want?

帮 bāng * To help

帮不帮 bāng bù bāng * Help?

Grammar notes:
Subjects and Objects
How to make a negative sentence
How to make questions 1
Tones changes. Two 3rd tones
Tones changes. 不 before 4th
Tone changes with 不/一
Standard negation with "bu"
Two 3rd tones
Negative commands with "buyao"

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

我 __________________________+__________________________
哦 __________________________+__________________________
饿 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

要 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

不 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:





4.4 Translate to Chinese:


Not want

4.5 Listen and translate:





4.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell your teacher things about you and others using the words you know so far.

Chapter 2
Lesson 5

人 rén # Person

大 dà Big

大人 dà rén Adult

小 xiǎo Little(bb)

大小 dà xiǎo Size

刀 dāo Knife

大刀 dà dāo Machete
尔 - Thou (bb)

亻 - Person (bb)

你 nǐ You

夕 xī Sunset (bb)

多 duō Many

丿 - -(bb)

少 shǎo Less (bb)

多少 duō shǎo How much

钅 - Gold (bb)

戈 - # Lance (bb)

戋 - Paper-thin(bb)

钱 qián Money

多少钱 duō shǎo qián How much money?

土 tǔ Soil(bb)

夬 guài Decisive (bb)

块 kuài Money (mw)

块钱 kuài qián Bucks

要 yào # To want

女 nǚ Female(bb)

女人 nǚ rén Woman

美女 měi nǚ Beauty

也 yě Also(bb)

她 tā She

他 tā He

匕 - Ancient type of spoon (bb)

宀 - Roof (bb)

它 tā It

我/你/他/她也是 wǒ nǐ tā tā yě shì I/you/he/she is too

Grammar notes:
How to ask “how...much/old etc”
How to say “I want you to...”
Counting money 一块
How to say “I want you to...”
The "also" adverb "ye"
Usage of “It”

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

尔 __________________________+__________________________
你 __________________________+__________________________
多 __________________________+__________________________
钱 __________________________+__________________________
块 __________________________+__________________________
她 __________________________+__________________________
他 __________________________+__________________________
它 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

大 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

多 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
钱 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
块 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
女 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
美 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:




5.4 Translate to Chinese:

He also wants money

I want big (and I) also want


5.5 Listen and translate:





Lesson 6

个 gè (mw)Generic classifier

那 nà That, then

那个 nà ge That

两(个) liǎng gè Two

块 kuài# Money (mw)

门 mén Door(bb)
门口 mén kǒu Door, gate

们 men Plural suffix

我们 wǒ men We

你们 nǐ men You guys

他们 tā men They

她们 tā men They

都 dōu* All

两个都 liǎng gè dōu Both

我们都不是 wǒ men dōu bú shì We're not either

Grammar notes:

Measure word "ge" (个)

Measure words for counting 一个人
那个 “thinking word”
Comparing "er" and "liang"
Your second measure word (块)
How to make plural and its usages
The "all" adverb "dou"都 + Verb / Adj.我们 都 住 在 上海。
Emphasizing quantity with "dou"
Negating using 都 - 我们都不是

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

们 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

他 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

门 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
两 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:


6.4 Translate to Chinese:

We all are

None of us are

6.5 Listen and translate:




Lesson 7

八 bā Eight

88 bābā Bye bye

儿 ér Son(bb)

门儿 ménr Door

人儿 rénr People

四 sì Four

夕 -# Sunset(bb)

匕 -# Ancient type of spoon (bb)

死 sǐ Die

二 èr# Two

子 zi, zǐ Child(bb)

儿子 ér zi Son
女儿 nǚ ér Daughter

女王 nǚ wáng Queen

王子 wáng zǐ Prince

小子 xiǎo zi Kid

日子 rì zi Day

月 yuè Month(bb)

半 bàn Half(bb)

胖 pàng Fat

胖子 pàng zi The fat man

亥 hài - (bb)

孩子 hái zi A kid

好 hǎo All right, good

好不好 hǎo bu hǎo OK?

你好 nǐ hǎo How are you doing

彳 - Step (bb)

艮 gěn Tough (bb)

很 hěn Very

很多 hèn duō A lot

忄 - Heart (bb)

恨 hèn To hate

很恨 hěn hèn To hate very much

一 yī# One

二 èr# Two

三 sān# Three

四 sì# Four

我 wǒ# I

五 wǔ Five

六 liù Six

匕 -# Ancient type of spoon(bb)

七 qī Seven
儿 ér# Son(bb)

八 bā# Eight

九 jiǔ Nine

十 shí Ten

七 qī Seven

儿 ér# Son(bb)

八 bā# Eight

九 jiǔ Nine

十 shí Ten

Grammar notes:

Pirate accent/The northern accent (+儿)

One way to make adjectives (子)
Special verbs with "hen" 我 很 喜欢 他。
Approximating with sequential numbers 三 四个 人。一 两 天。
Replacing 是 with 很 for adjectives

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

四 __________________________+__________________________
死 __________________________+__________________________
胖 __________________________+__________________________
孩 __________________________+__________________________
很 __________________________+__________________________
恨 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

儿 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

胖 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
很 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:





7.4 Translate to Chinese:

Ten people

The son is fat

You are a prince

I hate the that queen

7.5 Listen and translate:




7.6 Speaking.
Count the numbers 1-10.

Lesson 8


马 mǎ Horse(bb)
妈 mā Mom

妈妈 mā ma Mom

大妈 dà mā Old woman

骂 mà To scold

吗 ma Question particle

你好吗? nǐ hǎo ma How are you?

是吗? shì ma Right?

好吗? hǎo ma Ok?

呢 ne* How about? (particle)

巴 bā To wish for (bb)

吧 ba Suggestive particle

吗 ma# Question particle

好吗? hǎo ma Ok?

好吧! hǎo ba Ok!

可 kě Can(bb)

呵呵 hē hē Hehe

以 yǐ By

可以 kě yǐ Can, may

可以吗? kě yǐ mǎ May I?

父 fù Dad(bb)

巴 bā# To wish for(bb)

爸爸 bà ba Dad

且 qiě And, (long time) (bb)

姐姐 jiě jie Old sister

小姐 xiǎo jie Miss

可 kě# Can(bb)

哥 gē Older brother(bb)

哥哥 gē ge Older brother

刂 - Knife (bb)

帅 shuài* Handsome (bb)

帅哥 shuài gē Handsome guy

弟 dì# Younger brother (bb)

弟弟 dì di Younger brother

未 wèi Not yet(bb)

妹妹 mèi mei Younger sister

Grammar notes:

Yes, no questions with "ma"

Tag questions with "ma" ⋯⋯是吗 ? / ⋯⋯好吗 ?
Questions with "ne"
How to suggest something (吧)
Conceding with "ba" 好 吧。
Softening speech with "ba" 这样 不 太 好 吧。
Expressing permission with "keyi"

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

吗 __________________________+__________________________
妈 __________________________+__________________________
骂 __________________________+__________________________
吧 __________________________+__________________________
可 __________________________+__________________________
呵 __________________________+__________________________
爸 __________________________+__________________________
姐 __________________________+__________________________
哥 __________________________+__________________________
妹 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

是 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

好 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
可 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
姐 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
帅 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:




8.4 Translate to Chinese:

OK!I can!

How about dad?

Miss,are you hungry?

8.5 Listen and translate:





8.6 Speaking.
Have the folllowing dialogue on Chinese:

- Hi
- How are you?
- I'm good, thank you. And you?
- Me too thank you.
- Bye

Chapter 3
Lesson 9

丩 jiū -(bb)

叫 jiào To call

子 zi# Child

土 tǔ# Soil(bb)

孝 xiào Filial piety(bb)

攵 - To knock over (bb)

教 jiāo To teach

十 shí# Ten(bb)

十二 shí èr 12

二十 èr shí 20

什 shén What

么 me Question particle

什么 shén me What

字 zì Word, character


名 míng Name

名字 míng zi Name

你叫什么名字? nǐ jiào shén me míng zi What is your name?

你叫什么? nǐ jiào shén me What's your name?

你教什么? nǐ jiào shén me What do you teach?

为 wéi For

为什么 wèi shén me Why

大 dà# Big(bb)
因 yīn Because

因为 yīn wèi Because

所 suǒ So

所以 suǒ yǐ So

Grammar notes:

Using the verb "jiao"

Structure of numbers
Another questions particle (么)
什么 is at the end
How to ask for someone's name
Cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi" 因为 你帅,所以 我要你。

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

叫 __________________________+__________________________
孝 __________________________+__________________________
教 __________________________+__________________________
什 __________________________+__________________________
字 __________________________+__________________________
名 __________________________+__________________________
因 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

所 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

因 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
名 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
什 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:




9.4 Translate to Chinese:

What is that called?

It's 12,it's not 20

So,we call him fatso

9.5 Listen and translate:



9.6 Speaking.
Ask about the other persons name, using what you know so far (try to use 为什么,因为,所以)

Lesson 10

勹 bāo Wrap (bb)

勺(子) sháo zi Spoon

句 jù (mw)Sentence

句(子) jù zi Sentence

犭 - Animal (bb)

狗 gǒu Dog
小狗 xiǎo gǒu Puppy

艹 - Grass (bb)

田 tián# Field(bb)

猫 māo Cat

小猫 xiǎo māo Kitten

的 de Possessive particle

是的 shì de Yes, that's right

好的 hǎo de Good

多大 duō dà How old?

山 shān Mountain(bb)

岁 suì (mw)Years old

Grammar notes:

Expressing possession with "de"

Expressing close possession without "de"
Modifying nouns with adjective + "de" 很帅的人,不美的中国人
Structural particle "de" 的 / 得 / 地 (1/3)
Asking about degree with "duo"
How to ask for age
Age with "sui"

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

句 __________________________+__________________________
勺 __________________________+__________________________
狗 __________________________+__________________________
猫 __________________________+__________________________
的 __________________________+__________________________
岁 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

狗 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

的 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
岁 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:




10.4 Translate to Chinese:

What dog is he?

That is a good sentence

She is a beautiful Chinese person

10.5 Listen and translate:





Lesson 11


心 xīn Heart (bb)

小心 xiǎo xīn Be careful

中心 zhōng xīn Centre

闷 mèn Depressed

您 nín You (polite)

您好 nín hǎo Hello

忄 -# Heart (bb)

恨 hèn# To hate

白 bái# White

怕 pà To be afraid of

可怕的 kě pà de Terrible

开 kāi To open

开门 kāi mén Open the door

打开 dǎ kāi To open

开心 kāi xīn Happy

关 guān To close

关门 guān mén To close the door

关心 guān xīn To care

开关 kāi guān Switch

乍 zhà Suddenly(bb)

怎 zěn How

怎么 zěn me How

木 mù Tree, wood(bb)

羊 yáng Sheep(bb)

样 yàng Sample

怎么样? zěn me yàng How about?

旨 zhǐ Aim (bb)

指 zhǐ To point to, refer

手指 shǒu zhǐ Finger

我指的是 wǒ zhǐ de shì I am referring to

工 gōng Work(bb)

工人 gōng rén Worker

人工 rén gōng Man-made, artificial

手工 shǒu gōng Hand-made

作 zuò To make

业 yè Industry

作业 zuò yè Home work

开业 kāi yè To start a business

工作 gōng zuò To work

工作日 gōng zuò rì Working days

打工 dǎ gōng To work

工作怎么样? gōng zuò zěn me yàng How's your job?

攵 -# To knock over (bb)

古 gǔ Old (bb)

故 gù Accident (bb)

做 zuò To do

你做什么? nǐ zuò shén me What do you do?

你做什么工作? nǐ zuò shén me gōng zuò What work do you do?

§做作业 zuò zuò yè To do homework

立 lì To stand (bb)

音 yīn Sound(bb)

意 yì Meaning

思 sī Thought

您 nín# You (polite)

您好 nín hǎo# Hello

意思 yì si To mean

什么意思? shén me yì si What do you mean?

意思。。。/意思是 yì si.../yì si shì Meaning... /Means

不好意思 bù hǎo yì si Excuse me

中意 zhōng yì To like (mostly Cantonese)

糸 - Series, silk (bb)

系 xì Series, relationship
关系 guān xi Relationship

没 méi* No

没关系 méi guān xi Never mind, it's ok

Grammar notes:

How to address someone politely

Placement of question words

Modifying nouns with phrase + "de"
How to ask what someone works with
中 can be verb. This is cantonese.
的 + verbs

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

闷 __________________________+__________________________
您 __________________________+__________________________
怕 __________________________+__________________________
怎 __________________________+__________________________
样 __________________________+__________________________
作 __________________________+__________________________
音 __________________________+__________________________
意 __________________________+__________________________
思 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

心 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

中 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
怕 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:




11.4 Translate to Chinese:

Excuse me,what do you mean?

I mean,open the door

11.5 Listen and translate:




11.6 Speaking.
Ask the other person how things are going and if you don't understand, ask them what it means, using
what you know so far.

Lesson 12


大 dà # Big

天 tiān Day
一天 yī tiān One day

天天 tiān tiān Every day

昨 zuó Yesterday

昨天 zuó tiān Yesterday

月 yuè# Month(bb)

胖 pàng# Fat

一月 yī yuè January

一个月 yī gè yuè One month

号 háo Number, date

日 rì# Day

明 míng Clear

明天 míng tiān Tomorrow

今 jīn Today (bb)

今天 jīn tiān Today

明白 míng bai To understand

o 不 ok? bù Ok?

重 zhòng Heavy (bb)

懂 dǒng Understand

不懂 bù dǒng Do not understand

斤 jīn (mw) 500 g(bb)

所 suǒ# So

所以 suǒyǐ# So

厕 Cè* Public

厕所 cè suǒ Toilet

听 tīng To listen

听不懂 tīng bu dǒng Do not understand

听不明白 tīng bù míng bái Can't understand

生 shēng To give birth to(bb)

星 xīng Star

星星 xīng xing Star

其 qí Its(bb)

期 qī Period

日期 rì qī Date

星期 xīng qī Week

星期一 xīng qī yī Monday

星期二 xīng qī èr Tuesday

星期三 xīng qī sān Wednesday

星期四 xīng qī sì Thursday

星期五 xīng qī wǔ Friday

星期六 xīng qī liù Saturday

星期天 xīng qī tiān Sunday

星期日 xīng qī rì Sunday

用 yòng To use (bb)

不用 bú yòng Without, no need

不用谢 bú yòng xiè You're welcome

亠 - Lid (bb)

写 xiě To write

不用写 bú yòng xiě No need to write

Grammar notes:

What comes first in a sentence (Time and object comes first)

How to count the months
Time words and word order 我 明天 有 空。/ 明天 我 有 空。
Your first resultative verb
How to count the weekdays

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

天 __________________________+__________________________
昨 __________________________+__________________________
明 __________________________+__________________________
懂 __________________________+__________________________
听 __________________________+__________________________
星 __________________________+__________________________
期 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

天 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

星 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:




12.4 Translate to Chinese:

You don't need to write everyday

Yesterday was Friday

12.5 Listen and translate:


明天我不可以,星期一我可以,o 不 ok?


12.6 Speaking.
Tell about something that you will do today and tomorrow and ask the person as well, using what you
know so far.

Chapter 4
Lesson 13


又 yòu Again,(past tense) (left hand)(bb)

没 méi#* No

没关系 méi guān xi#* Never mind

叉(子) chā zi Fork

刀叉 dāo chā Knife and fork

宀 -# Roof (bb)

亠 -# Lid (bb)

文 wén Literature

文明 wén míng Civilization

中文 zhōng wén Chinese

英文 yīng wén English

天文 tiān wén Astronomy

寸 cùn Inch (bb)

对 duì Yes, that's right (bb),(mw) pairs

不对 bú duì Wrong

对不对 duì bú duì Right?

月 yuè# Moon(bb)

朋 péng Friend

碰 pèng* To touch

� - Right hand (bb)

友 yǒu Friend
朋友 péng yǒu Friend

好朋友 hǎo péng you Good friends

小朋友 xiǎo péng yǒu Kids

田 -# Field(bb)

力 lì Force, energy(bb)

为 wéi# For

为什么 wèi shén me# Why

男 nán Male

男人 nán rén Man

男朋友 nán péng you Boyfriend

女朋友 nǚ péng you Girlfriend

女孩 nǚ hái Girl

女孩子 nǚ hái zi Girl

男孩 nán hái Boy

男孩子 nán hái zi Boy

Grammar notes:

How to make languages (文)

How to answer questions (对)
How to ask questions (对)
Tag questions with "bu"

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

叉 __________________________+__________________________
文 __________________________+__________________________
对 __________________________+__________________________
朋 __________________________+__________________________
友 __________________________+__________________________
男 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

朋 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
文 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:





13.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do you want a fork?

The kid's good friend

That is your boyfriend,right?

She is my girlfriend

13.5 Listen and translate:





13.6 Speaking.
Introduce your family, friends, partners etc, using what you know so far.
Lesson 14


右 yòu Right (side)

左 zuǒ Left (side)

另 lìng Another(bb)

拐 guǎi To turn

右拐 yòu guǎi To turn right

左拐 zuǒ guǎi To turn left

有 yǒu To have

有人吗? yǒu rén ma Is there any here?

有人 yǒu rén There's someone here

有钱 yǒu qían Rich

有名 yǒu míng Famous

没 méi#* No

没有 méi yǒu No, (I) didn't

有意思 yǒu yì si Interesting

没意思 méi yì si Not interesting

爪(子) zhuǎ zi Claw(bb)

爫 - Claw (bb)

冖 - Roof (bb)

爱 ài To love

可爱的 kě ài de Cute

小可爱 xiǎo kě ài Bra

有爱 yǒu ài Affectionate

爱国 ài guó Patriotic

爱国人 ài guó rén Patriot

爱人 ài rén Lover

爱好 ài hào Hobby

做爱 zuò ài To make love

做朋友 zuò péng you To make friends

喜 xǐ To like

欠 qiàn To owe (bb)

欢 huān To like(bb)

喜欢 xǐ huan To like

520 I love you (slang)

Grammar notes:

How to say “There is/are”

Expressing existence with "you"
Expressing possession with "you"
How to negate 有 (没).
没有 (1)
Negation of "you" with "mei"没 + 有我 没有 钱

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

右 __________________________+__________________________
左 __________________________+__________________________
另 __________________________+__________________________
拐 __________________________+__________________________
有 __________________________+__________________________
爱 __________________________+__________________________
欢 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

拐 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

做 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
喜 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:




14.4 Translate to Chinese:

Is there any one here?

Interesting hobby

Cute patriot

He likes to make friends

14.5 Listen and translate:





14.6 Speaking.
Tell about things that you love, like, don't like, using what you know so far.

Lesson 15

辶 - Path(bb)

还 hái Also, still

还好 hái hǎo Fine

还可以 hái kě yǐ Fine

还 OK hái OK Fine

这 zhè This

这个 zhè ge This one

这天 zhè tiān This day

这句 zhè jù This sentence

阝 - Town, road bump (bb)

都 dōu#* All

那 nā# That

那个 nà ge# That

那天 nà tiān That day

哪? nǎ Which?

哪个? nǎ ge Which?

哪天? nǎ tiān Which day?

哪国人? nǎ guó rén What country are you from?

这儿 zhèr Here

那儿 nàr There

哪儿? nǎr Where?

还是 hái shi Or

那 / 那么 nā / nà me So, well

力 lì# Force, energy(bb)

边 biān Side

这边 zhè biān Over here

那边 nà biān Over there

合 hé To enclose, merged (bb)

哈哈 hā hā# Haha

拿 ná To take
糸 -# Series, silk (bb)

纟 - Silk (bb)

给 gěi To give

手 shǒu# Hand

目 mù Eye(bb)

看 kàn To look

听 tīng# To listen

给。。。看 gěi … kān To show (by looking)

给。。。听 gěi... tīng To show (by listening)

纟 -# Silk (bb)

给 gěi# To give

氏 - Clan (bb)

纸 zhǐ Paper

巾 jīn Towel(bb)

帅 shuài# Handsome (bb)

纸巾 zhǐ jīn Tissues

有没有纸巾? yǒu méi yǒu zhǐ jīn Have a tissue?

Grammar notes:

Moderating positive adjectives with "hai"

Measure words to differentiate 那 个 人。这 杯 水。
The filler word "neige" 那个⋯⋯你 可以 做 我 的 女 朋友 吗?
How to ask where someone's from
Offering choices with "haishi"
Adjectives with "name" and "zheme" 他 怎么 那么 高!
Expressing "then…" with "name" 那么,我们 怎么 办?
Expressing "for" with "gei",我 要 给 孩子 们 做 饭。
Following verbs using "gei" 他 送给 了 我 一 束 花。

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

还 __________________________+__________________________
这 __________________________+__________________________
那 __________________________+__________________________
哪 __________________________+__________________________
边 __________________________+__________________________
哈 __________________________+__________________________
拿 __________________________+__________________________
给 __________________________+__________________________
看 __________________________+__________________________
纸 __________________________+__________________________
帅 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

还 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

这 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
儿 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:


我还 ok,你呢



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

I want to show you this

I give you this

Can you give me tissues?

15.5 Listen and translate:





15.6 Speaking.
Point at things and say what they are/introduce people from photos, using what you know so far.

Lesson 16

土 tǔ# Soil(bb)

块 kuài# (mw)Money

教 jiào# To teach

吐 tǔ To spit

在 zài To be at/in

厕 cè Toilet

厕所 cè suǒ Toilet

厕所在哪儿? cè suǒ zài nǎr Where's the toilet?

在意 zài yì To care

我不在意 wǒ bù zài yì I don't care

兑 duì To exchange(bb)

说 shuō To speak

用中文怎么说(这个/那个)? yòng zhōng wén zěn me shuō (zhè ge / nà ge) How to say in Chinese (this/that)?

用中文怎么写(这个)? yòng zhōng wén zěn me xiě (zhè ge) How to write this in Chinese?
小说 xiǎo shuō Novel

这样 zhè yàng Like this

那样 nà yàng Like that

我可以这样说吗? wǒ kě yǐ zhè yàng shuō mǎ Can I say it like this?

会 huì* To be able to

在 zài# Progressive tense

还在。。。 hái zài Still (doing or being somewhere)

啊 ā Ah

呀 ya* Ah

哎呀 āi yā* Oh

哎哟 āi yō* Oh

Grammar notes:

It comes first. See each other in english, word order: 在英国见面

Expressing existence in a place with "zai"
How to ask for the toilet?
Expressing "in this way" with "zheyang" 叫 外卖 吧,这样 比较 快。
Expressing a learned skill with "hui"
Expressing actions in progress(在)
Continuation with "hai" 你 还在 在 看 书?
How to finish sentences (啊)
Sentence final interjection "a" 是 啊!谁 啊?
Indicating location with "zai" before verbs 我 在 中国 工作。

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

块 __________________________+__________________________
吐 __________________________+__________________________
在 __________________________+__________________________
兑 __________________________+__________________________
说 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

样 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:





16.4 Translate to Chinese:

He teaches me like that

How do you say that?

I am in the toilet

16.5 Listen and translate:





16.6 Speaking.
Have a basic conversation about friends, family, your Chinese, name, age, what you like doing etc,
using what you know so far.

Level 2
Chapter 5
Lesson 1

* - You're not supposed to know the full character yet

# - You've already seen this character before
() - You don't need to knowledge
#* - you know parts of the character
(r) – radical (ADDDDD)
(mw) – measure word
(rare) – not common.

凹凸 āo tū Bump

这儿很凹凸 zhèr hěn āo tū It's bumpy here

旦 dàn Dawn (bb)

但 dàn But

但是 dàn shì But

但我不喜欢 dàn wǒ bù xǐ huan But I don't like it

担 dān To worry

担心 dān xīn To worry

我很担心你 wǒ hěn dān xīn nǐ I worry about you a lot

矢 shǐ Arrow (bb)

知 zhī To know

不知 bù zhī I do not know

首 shǒu Main, head(bb)

道 dào Way

大道 dà dào Big road

知道 zhī dào To know

不知道 bù zhī dào I don't know

我不知道这个是什么 wǒ bù zhī dào zhè ge shì shén me I don't know what this is

你知道这个是什么吗? nǐ zhī dào zhè ge shì shén me ma Do you know what this is?

我不知道你要不要 wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ yào bú yào I don't know whether you want it or not

我不知道可不可以给你 wǒ bú zhī dào kě bù kě yǐ gěi nǐ I don't know whether I can give you or not

了 le Aspect particle(bb)

我说了 wǒ shuō le I've said it

我写了 wǒ xiě le I've written it

我吐了 wǒ tù le I've thrown up

我在这儿写了很多 wǒ zài zhèr xiě le hěn duō I've written a lot here

为什么 wèi shén me# Why

因为 yīn wèi# Because

为了 wèi le For

这是为了你 zhè shì wèi le nǐ This is for you

Grammar notes:

My favorite character - 凹凸
Sentences stucture does not change if it's a question or statement – “I don't what is this” -我知道这个是什么
什么 + 吗 in the same sentence -你知道这个是什么吗?
“Whether” in Chinese. Whether this or that, shakespeare question -...不....
Past tense, aspect particle -了
Expressing purpose with "weile"- 为了 你,我 打他 。

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

但 __________________________+__________________________
担 __________________________+__________________________
知 __________________________+__________________________
道 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

但 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

担 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
知 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

但是,我很担心 ______________________________________________________________________________
不知道为什么 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

Why is it bumpy? __________________________________________________________________________

Because mum knows where __________________________________________________________________________
1.5 Listen and translate:


1.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask and tell why things are as they are

Lesson 2

刀 dāo# Knife (bb)

刂 dāo# Knife (bb)

到 dào#* To arrive

到了 dào le#* Here we are

已 yǐ Already

经 * Experience

已经 yǐ jīng Already

已经到了 yǐ jīng dào le* Has arrived

我已经好了 wǒ yǐ jīng dào le* I'm already here

我知道了 wǒ zhī dào le Got it

好了 hǎo le It's ok now

饿了 è le I'm hungry now

没有 méi yǒu#* No, I didn't (no change)

不打了 bù dá le Stop playing

不用了 bú yòng le No need

不要了 bú yào le No need

要 yào# To want, should, going to

要了 yào le To be going to, about to

要。。。了 yào...le To be going to, about to

我要吐了 wǒ yào tù le I'm going to throw up

块 kuài# (mw)Money

快 kuài Quick

快。。。了 kuài ...le Soon

快要。。。了 kuài yào...le Soon

⺮ - Bamboo(bb)

筷(子) kuài zi Chopsticks

你会用筷子吗 nǐ huì yòng kuài zi ma Can you use chopsticks?

Grammar notes:

Expressing completion with "le" -我说了,我到了

Expressing "already" with "yijing",已经
Chinese overuse “已经”
Adjectives can be used as verbs – 我好了
Expressing "now" with "le" 知道 了!
Change of state with "le" 我 25 岁 了。
- 没有 (second encounter)
Negation of past actions with "meiyou”,没有 -我没有到
Expressing "not anymore" with 不 +了 - 不要了
Expressing "be going to" with "yao",要-我要吐了
Expressing "about to happen" with "le" -快 到了

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

快 __________________________+__________________________
块 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

到 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
已 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
没 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:



2.4 Translate to Chinese:

I know you are hungry

I will arrive soon

I don't have chopsticks

2.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 3

大 dà# Big

太 tài Too

太好了 tài hǎo le So good

不太好 bú tài hǎo Not so good

贝 bèi Money (bb)

厕 cè#* Public

厕所 cè suǒ Toilet

贵 guì Expensive

太贵了 tài guì le So expensive

太饿了 tài è le So hungry

太太 tài tai Wife

死 sǐ# Dead

他死了 tā sǐ le He's dead

饿死了 è sǐ le Starved to death

二死了 èr sǐ le Very stupid

胖死了 pàng sǐ le Very fat

目 mù# Eye (bb)

看 kàn# To look

小看 xiǎo kàn To look down on

不要小看我 bú yào xiǎo kàn wǒ Don't look down on me

目的 mù dì Goal

盯 dīng To stare

Grammar notes:

Expressing "excessively" with "tai",太-太好了!

Expressing "not very" with "bu tai"-不太好
Negative adjectives with "-si le"-饿死了
3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

太 __________________________+__________________________
贵 __________________________+__________________________
死 __________________________+__________________________
看 __________________________+__________________________
盯 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

看 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

太 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:



3.4 Translate to Chinese:

Don‘t look down at me

What is his goal?

3.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 4

贝 bèi# Money (bb)

见 jiàn To see(bb)

不见了 bú jiàn le It's gone

他不见了 tā bú jiàn le He's gone

明天见 míng tiān jiàn See you tomorrow

星期五见 xīng qī wǔ jiàn See you on friday

在厕所见 zài cè suǒ jiàn See you at the toilet

再 zài Again

再见 zài jiàn Good bye

冫 bīng Ice(bb)

欠 qiàn# To owe(bb)

欢 huan# To like

喜欢 xǐ huan# To like

次 cì (mw)Times

一次 yī cì Once

两次 liǎng cì Twice

我已经说了两次 wǒ yǐ jīng shuō le liǎng cì I've already said it twice

再。。。一次 zài...yī cì Again

你可以再说一次吗? nǐ kě yǐ zài shuō yī cì mǎ Can you say that again, please?

又。。。了 yòu...le Again

你又说了一次! nǐ yòu shuō le yī cì You said it again!

现 xiàn Now

现在 xiàn zài Right now

现在在 xiàn zài zài Now

你现在在哪儿? nǐ xiàn zài zài nǎr Where are you now?

我现在在工作 wǒ xiàn zài zài gōng zuò I'm at work now/working

先 xiān First (bb)

你先说 nǐ xiān shuō You speak first

然后 rán hòu* Then

先右拐然后左拐 xiān yòu guǎi rán hòu zuǒ guǎi First right then left

Grammar notes:

“See you “, Place or time + 见-明天见

How to say “Again” ,再 -再见
Measure words for verbs ,次-说 三 次
再 often needs 一次 etc
- Again (in past tense)
Progressive tense (-ing)-我现在在看
在 can be used as progressive tense (-ing) or for positions

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

欢 __________________________+__________________________
次 __________________________+__________________________
现 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

然 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

再 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
次 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
喜 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
4.3 Read and translate:



4.4 Translate to Chinese:

I'm on the toilet now

I already said (that) twice

4.5 Listen and translate:


4.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell your taxi-driver how to go to where you want to go
Chapter 6
Lesson 5

王 wȧng# King

主 zhǔ Main, lord(bb)

主人 zhǔ rén Owner, host

住 zhù To live, stay (bb)

住在 zhù zài Live in

我住在这儿 Wǒ zhù zài zhèr I live here

你住在哪儿? nǐ zhù zài nǎr Where do you live?

主要 zhǔ yào Main

主要是 zhǔ yào shì Primarily

主要是你喜欢 zhǔ yào shì nǐ xǐ huan What's important is that you like it

氵 - Water (bb)

注 zhù To inject, note

关注 guān zhù To follow

注意 zhù yì To pay attention

你有什么注意? nǐ yǒu shénme zhù yì Do you have an idea?

意见 yì jiàn Idea

你有什么意见? nǐ yǒu shénme yì jiàn What opionion do you have?

你有什么意见吗? nǐ yǒu shénme yì jiàn ma Do you have an opinion?

你有什么? nǐ yǒu shénme What do you have?

你有什么吗? nǐ yǒu shénme ma Do you have something?

你要什么? nǐ yào shénme What do you want?

你要什么吗? nǐ yào shénme ma Do you want something?

注意看 zhù yì kàn Look closely

注意听 zhù yì tīng Listen closely

宀 -# Roof (bb)

它 tā# It

安 ān Safe (bb)
安安 ān ān Your Chinese teacher, Ann

天安门 tiān ān mén Tiananmen Square

全 quán All

安全 ān quán Safe

这儿很安全 zhèr hěn ān quán It's very safe here

注意安全 zhù yì ān quán Caution

你要注意安全 nǐ yào zhù yì ān quán Pay attention to safety

全国 quán guó National

立 lì# To stand(bb)

意 yì# Meaning

意思# yì si# Meaning

咅 pǒu To spit(bb)

部 bù Part, (mw) film

全部 quán bù All of it

全部都 quán bù dōu All of it

我全部都要 wǒ quán bù dōu yào I want everything

巾 jīn# Towel(bb)

带 dài To bring

安全带 ān quán dài Seatbelt

衣 yī Clothes(bb)

衤 - Clothes (bb)

袋(子) dài zi #* Bag

带个袋子 dài ge dài zi Bring a bag

呆(子 ) dāi zi Stupid (bb)

呆子,带个袋子 dāi zi dài ge dài zi Idiot, bring a bag

口袋 kǒu dài Pocket

我没有口袋 wǒ méi yǒu kǒu dài I don't have pockets

Grammar notes:

Expressing duration with "le" 他 在 北京 住 了 两 年。

Expressing ongoing duration with double "le" 他 在 北京 住 了 两 年 了。
Special cases of "zai" following verbs 我 住 在 北京。放 在 这里。
How to combine 什么 + 吗
Advanced yes no questions with "ma" 你 要 什么 吗 ?
Indicating the whole with "quan" 我们 全家 都 去 旅游 了。

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

主 __________________________+__________________________
住 __________________________+__________________________
注 __________________________+__________________________
它 __________________________+__________________________
安 __________________________+__________________________
全 __________________________+__________________________
部 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

主 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

注 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
安 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
全 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:

I live on Tiananmen square

You can say your opinion

5.5 Listen and translate:


5.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask and tell about where you live

Lesson 6

宀 -# Roof (bb)

豕 - Pig (bb)

家 jiā Home

全家 quán jiā The whole family, family mart

一家人 yī jiā rén Family

家人 jiā rén Family member

大家 dà jiā Everybody

作家 zuò jiā Writer

国家 guó jiā Country

回 huí To return

回家 huí jiā To go home

回国 huí guó To return (country)

哈哈 hā hā# Haha

答 dā To reply

回答 huí dá To reply

问 wèn To ask (bb)

勿 wù Don't(bb)

吻 wěn To kiss

是 shì# To be

题 tí* Problem

问题 wèn tí Problem

有问题 yǒu wèn tí There's a problem

没问题 méi wèn tí It's no problem

土 tǔ# Soil(bb)

去 qù To go (bb)

回去 huí qù To go back

怎么说? zěn me shuō How to say?

怎么去? zěn me qù How to go?

Grammar notes:

Verbs that take double objects Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object 我 问 了 老师 一 个 问题。
Verbs that take double objects 我 问 了 老师 一 个 问题。
Not 去在* Using the verb "qu"去 + (Place) 我 去 学校。
Using the verb "qu"
Actions in a row(no “to”) 我们 去 咖啡店 喝 咖啡 吧。

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

家 __________________________+__________________________
答 __________________________+__________________________
吻 __________________________+__________________________
去 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

家 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

大 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
回 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
答 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
问 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
去 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

How to go to your home?

Do you have any problem?

We are family

6.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 7

西 xī West(bb)

西安 xīān Xi'an

要 yào# To want

不要了 bú yào le# Don't want

要不要 yào bù yāo# Do you want

不要 bú yào# Do not

胖 pàng# Fat

腰 yāo Waist

只 zhǐ Only

只要 zhǐ yào Only want

只有 zhǐ yǒu Only have

纸 zhǐ# Paper

我只有纸 wǒ zhǐ yǒu zhǐ I only have paper

讠 yán# Knowledge, speech (bb)

认 rèn Recognition

识 shí Knowledge

认识 rèn shi To recognise

认识你很开心 rèn shi nǐ hěn kāi xīn Nice to meet you

车 chē Car
打车 dǎ chē To take a taxi

马车 mǎ chē Carriage

打的 dǎ dī To take a taxi

东 dōng East

东西 dōng xī Thing

东东 dōng dōng Thing (slang)

匕 -# Ancient type of spoon (bb)

北 běi North

京 jīng Capital (bb)

北京 běi jīng Beijing

南 nán South

南京 nán jīng Nanjing

东京 dōng jīng Tokyo

Grammar notes:

Expressing "only" with "zhi"

What to say when you meet someone for the first time

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

要 __________________________+__________________________
腰 __________________________+__________________________
纸 __________________________+__________________________
认 __________________________+__________________________
识 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

东 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

认 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
车 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
京 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
7.3 Read and translate:



7.4 Translate to Chinese:

I only know that it's nice to meet you

I only have paper, do you want (some)?

7.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 8

走 zǒu To go(bb)

走吧! zǒu bā Let's go!

走开 zǒu kāi Go away

曼 màn Extended, long (bb)

慢 màn Slow

慢走 màn zǒu Take care

走 zǒu# To walk(bb)

己 jǐ Oneself

起 qǐ To rise

起子 qǐ zi Opener

妻(子) qī zi Wife

一起 yī qǐ Together

艮 gěn # Tough (bb)

足 zú Foot (bb)

跟 gēn With

对手 duì shǒu Opponents

对不起 duì bu qǐ I am sorry

Grammar notes:

Expressing "together" with "yiqi" 我们 一起 去 吧!要 不 要 一起 吃饭?

“and” and “with”
Using "gen" to mean "with"

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

慢 __________________________+__________________________
起 __________________________+__________________________
跟 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

走 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

起 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
不起 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:

Hungry?Let's go!

Do you want to go together with me to Beijing?

8.5 Listen and translate:


8.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask your friends about going together to where you want to go

Chapter 7
Lesson 9
听不懂 tīng bu dǒng Do not understand

听不到 tīng bu dào Can't hear you

看不到 kān bú dào Can not see

看不懂 kàn bu dǒng Can not read

看不见 kàn bu jiàn Can't see

听不见 tīng bu jiàn Can't hear

我 wǒ# I

找 zhǎo To look for

钱 qián Money

我找钱 wǒ zhǎo qián I'm getting change

找不到 zhǎo bu dào Could not be found

找到了! zhǎo dào le Found it!

合 hé# To enclose, merged (bb)

拿 ná# To take

拿到 ná dào To get

拿不到 ná bú dào Out of reach

拿给 ná gěi To (take and) give it

碰到 pèng dào To bump into

Grammar notes:

Resultative verbs (2)

Potential complement "bu dong" for not understanding 我 听不懂
Result complements "dao" and "jian" 听 到 了 吗?

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

找 __________________________+__________________________
钱 __________________________+__________________________
拿 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

找 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
拿 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
碰 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:

I can't read English

I can't find my puppy

9.5 Listen and translate:

9.6 Practise Speaking:
Explain how you can't see/hear/understand different things, using resultative verbs

Lesson 10

彳 -# Step (bb)

得 de Adverb particle

看得到 kān de dào “Can see”

听得懂 tīng de dǒng “Can understand”

听得到 tīng de dào “Can hear”

看得懂 kàn de dǒng “Can understand”

爪 zhuǎ# Claw(bb)

抓 zhuā To catch

抓到 zhuā dào To catch

求 qiú To require, demand(bb)

球 qiú Ball

篮(子) lán zi* Basket

篮球 lán qiú Basketball

网 wǎng Net

网球 wǎng qiú Tennis

乒乓 pīng pāng Ping pong

乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú Table tennis

手球 shǒu qiú Handball

块 kuài# (mw)Money

毛 máo Feather, (mw) cents

羽毛 yǔ máo* Feather

羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú Badminton

。。。得快 kuài 。。。 Quickly

。。。得慢 màn 。。。 Slowly

。。。得好 hǎo 。。。 Well

Grammar notes:

How to make resultative verbs (得)

Structural particle "de" 的 / 得 / 地 (2/3)
Using objects with complements 你 说 中文 说 得 很 好。/ 你 中文 说 得 很 好。
Positive and negative potential complements 做 得 完/做 不 完。吃 得 了/吃 不 了。
How to say any sport (球)
How to make adverbs (得)
Degree complement 累 死了。
Descriptive complement 你 说 得 很 好。

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

抓 __________________________+__________________________
球 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

抓 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

球 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
网 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:

We go to play basketball

You play tennis well

10.5 Listen and translate:


10.6 Practise Speaking:

Talk about sports and how good you are at them

Lesson 11

卜 bǔ Fortune-telling (bb)

占 zhān Fortune-telling (bb)

占卜 zhān bǔ To do fortune-telling

立 lì# To stand(bb)

中立 zhōng lì Neutral

拉 lā To pull

拉门 lā mén To pull the door open

啊 a# Ah

啦 la La

位 wèi Seat,(mw) person (polite usage)

位子 wèi zi Seat

有没有位子 yǒu méi yǒu wèi zi Are there any seats?

站 zhàn Station, to stand

车站 chē zhàn Bus stop

上 shǎng On top (bb)

每 měi Each, every(bb)

每。。。都 měi....dōu Every

每个 měi gè Every

每次 měi cì Every time

每天 měi tiān Every day

海 hǎi Sea

上海 shàng hǎi Shanghai

上车 shàng chē Get in (car)

马上 mǎ shàng Right away

下 xià Under, to get off

下车 xià chē Get off (car)

Grammar notes:

Listing things with "a" 我们 店里 有 水饺 啊,盖浇饭 啊 ⋯⋯

Expressing "every" with "mei" 每 个 人。每 天。
Expressing "every time" with "mei" and "dou" 每 次 她 来 我 都 不 在。

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

占 __________________________+__________________________
站 __________________________+__________________________
拉 __________________________+__________________________
啦 __________________________+__________________________
位 __________________________+__________________________
海 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

站 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

拉 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
海 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
马 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
每 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:



11.4 Translate to Chinese:

Which seat are you?

The bus stop of Shanghai

11.5 Listen and translate:


11.6 Practise Speaking:

Talk about your habits, using the word 每 a lot.

Lesson 12
下次 xià cì Next time

下次见 xià cì jiàn See you next time

上次 shàng cì Last time

上个月 shàng gè yuè Last month

下个月 xià gè yuè Next month

上个站 shàng ge zhàn Last station

下个站 xià gè zhàn Next station

下去 xià qù Go down

上去 shàng qù Go up

早 zǎo Early

早上 zǎo shang Early morning

早上好 zǎo shang hǎo Good morning

免 miǎn Free, avoid (bb)

兔(子) tú zi Rabbit

弗 - Negative (bb)

贝 bèi # Money (bb)

费 fèi Expense

免费 miǎn fèi Free of charge

晚 wǎn Late

晚上 wǎn shang At night

晚上好 wǎn shàng hǎo Good evening

昨早 zuó zǎo Yesterday morning

昨晚 zuó wǎn Last night

明早 míng zǎo Tomorrow morning

明晚 míng wǎn Tomorrow night

今天 jīn tiān# Today

今早 jīn zǎo This morning

今晚 jīn wǎn Tonight

晚安 wǎn ān Good night

尺(子) chǐ zi Ruler(bb)

迟 chí Latest

迟到 chí dào Late

Grammar notes:

How to say “next” and “last” (time/week etc)

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

兔 __________________________+__________________________
费 __________________________+__________________________
晚 __________________________+__________________________
迟 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

下 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

早 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
免 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
晚 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
迟 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:



12.4 Translate to Chinese:

Don't be late
Good night,see you next time

12.5 Listen and translate:


Chapter 8
Lesson 13

年 nián Year

明年 míng nián Next year

今年 jīn nián This year

去年 qù nián Last year

午 wǔ Afternoon

上午 shàng wǔ Late morning

中午 zhōng wǔ Mid-day

下午 xià wǔ Afternoon
吓 xià To scare

吓死我了 xià sǐ wǒ le I am scared

看一看 kàn yī kàn Take a look at

听一听 tīng yī tīng Take a listen

打一打 dǎ yī dǎ Play a bit

一下 yī xià (a bit)

看一下 kān yī xià Take a look

听一下 tīng yī xià Take a listen

打一下 dá yī xià Play a bit

等 děng#* To wait

等一下 děng yī xià Wait a minute

试 shì#* To try

试一下 shì yī xià Give it a try

等一下见 děng yī xià jiàn Wait a minute

等等 děng děng ETC

Grammar notes:

Structure of dates
How to make verbs sound polite 一下
Reduplication of verbs 你看看
Expressing a little bit 你 看 一下
Non-exhaustive lists with "dengdeng" 我们 有 茶,牛奶,可乐 等

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

吓 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

年 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

一下 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
试 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
13.3 Read and translate:



13.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do you want to give it a try?

We can play a bit this afternoon

13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Make plans throughout the whole day, what are you going to do?

Lesson 14
土 tǔ# Soil(bb)

坐 zuò To sit(bb)(mw) mountain, buildings

坐车 zuò chē To ride a vehicle

坐月子 zuò yuè zi Post-partum month

打坐 dǎ zuò To meditate

广 guǎng Wide(bb)

座 zuò Seat

座位 zuò wèi Seat

星座 xīng zuò Constellation

出 chū Out

出口 chū kǒu Exit

安全出口 ān quán chū kǒu Fire exit

出去 chū qù Get out of here

出现 chū xiàn To appear

出站 chū zhàn To leave the station

站 zhàn# Station

战 zhàn War

出战 chū zhàn To go out in war

人 rén# People

人口 rén kǒu# Population

入 rù To enter

入口 rù kǒu Entrance

入站 rù zhàn To enter station

田 tián# Field(bb)

糸 -# Series, silk (bb)

累 lèi Tired

累死了 lěi sǐ le Dead tired

衣 yī# Clothes

喂 wéi “Hello”
里 lǐ In

这儿 zhèr# Here

那儿 nàr# There

哪儿? nǎr# Where?

这里 zhè lǐ Over here

那里 nà li There

哪里? nǎ lǐ Where?

家里人 jiā lǐ rén Family

你家里人知道吗? nǐ jiā lǐ rén zhī dào mǎ Do you people know?

理 lǐ To engage in

不理 bù lǐ To ignore

不要理 bú yào lǐ To ignore

道理 dào lǐ Sensible

有道理 yǒu dào lǐ It makes sense

卜 bǔ# Fortune-telling(bb)

外 wài# Outside

外国 wài guó# Foreign country

外国人 wài guó rén# Foreigner

Grammar notes:
(no notes)

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

坐 __________________________+__________________________
座 __________________________+__________________________
战 __________________________+__________________________
累 __________________________+__________________________
里 __________________________+__________________________
理 __________________________+__________________________
外 __________________________+__________________________
14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

坐 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

座 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
出 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
理 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
外 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:

Why do you ignore me?

This is my seat

What you're saying makes sense

14.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 15

面 miàn Noodles

面子 miàn zi Face

给面子 gěi miàn zi Face

里面 lǐ miàn Inside

外面 wài miàn Outside

上面 shàng mian Top

下面 xià mian Below

左面 zuǒ miàn The left side of

右面 yòu miàn The right side

对面 duì miàn Opposite of

在上/下/外面/里/左面/右面/对面 zài shàng / xià / wài miàn / lǐ / zuǒ miàn / yòu miàn / ...
duì miàn
面对 miàn duì To face

吃 chī To eat

吃东西 chī dōng xī To eat

可吃的 kě chī de Edible

小吃 xiǎo chī Snack shop

饣 -# Food (bb)

反 fǎn Anti- (bb)

饭 fàn Rice

吃饭 chī fàn Eat

吃饭了吗? chī fàn le mǎ Have you eaten?

Grammar notes:
Prepositions (under, on, in etc)
Expressing location with "zai... shang / xia / li" 你 的 手机 在 桌子 上。

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

饭 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

面 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

吃 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
饭 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

Have you eaten?Do you want to eat together?

I'm opposite your home

15.5 Listen and translate:

15.6 Practise Speaking:
Explain where objects are

Lesson 16

面 miàn# Noodles

吃面 chī miàn To eat noodles

肉 ròu Meat

羊 yáng# Sheep(bb)

羊肉 yáng ròu Lamb

样 yàng# Appearance

这样 zhè yàng# Like this

那样 nà yàng# Like that

怎么样? zěn me yàng# How about?

牛肉 niú ròu Beef

牛 niú Cow

鸟 niǎo Bird(bb)

鸡 jī Chicken

鸡肉 jī ròu Chicken

几 jī Tea table(bb)

肌 jī Muscle

肌肉 jī ròu Muscle
小鸡鸡/鸡鸡 xiǎo jī jī / jī jī Penis

虫(子) chóng zi Bug, insect (bb)

蛋 dàn Egg

鸡蛋 jī dàn Egg

文 wén # Literature(bb)

蚊(子) wén zi Mosquito

坏 huài Bad, evil

坏蛋 huài dàn The bad guys

大坏蛋 dà huài dàn Bad egg

这个坏蛋 zhè ge huài dàn This stupid one

鱼 yú Fish

打鱼 dǎ yú Fishing

钅 -# Gold (bb)

钓 diào To fish

钓鱼 diào yú To fish

Grammar notes:

Namecalling with "zhege" Noun + 这个 + Category 你 这个 坏蛋,就 没 做 过 一 件 好 事。

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

样 __________________________+__________________________
鸡 __________________________+__________________________
肌 __________________________+__________________________
蛋 __________________________+__________________________
蚊 __________________________+__________________________
坏 __________________________+__________________________
钓 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

羊 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
鸡 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do you know how to fish?

Do you want lamb or beef today?

16.5 Listen and translate:


16.6 Practise Speaking:

Talk about different things you like to eat and not
Level 3
Chapter 9
Lesson 1

也 yě# Also(bb)

土 tǔ Soil(bb)

地 dì Soil

土地 tǔ dì Land

地理 dì lǐ Geography

心理 xīn lǐ Psychology

地球 dì qiú Earth

失 shī Missing(bb)

铁 tiě Iron

地铁 dì tiě The MTR

地铁站 dì tiě zhàn Mtr station

址 zhǐ#* Address

地址 dì zhǐ Address

工地 gōng dì Site

天地 tiān dì The world

目的地 mù dì dì Destination

方 fāng Square, place(bb)

地方 dì fāng Place

对方 duì fāng The other party

东方 dōng fāng Oriental, The East

北方 běi fāng The North

南方 nán fāng The South

西方 xī fāng The West

西方人 xī fāng rén Western people

大方 dà fāng Generous
火 huǒ Fire(bb)

灭 miè Off

灭火 miè huǒ To extinguish fire

火车 huǒ chē Train

火车站 huǒ chē zhàn Railway station

Grammar notes:

(no notes)

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

地 __________________________+__________________________
铁 __________________________+__________________________
灭 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

地 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

方 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
火 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

地球的西方 ______________________________________________________________________________
地铁站在什么地方 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

The destination of the train _________________________________________________________________________

The land of western people _________________________________________________________________________
1.5 Listen and translate:


1.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell about different places in your country/China and what they eat/other habits

Lesson 2

灬 - Fire (bb)

点 diǎn Point, a little bit

一点(儿) yī diǎnr Bit

点心 diǎn xin Snacks

辣 là* Spicy

有点(儿) yǒu diǎnr A little

夕 xī# Sunset(bb)

名 míng# Name

名字 míng zi# Name

有名 yǒu míng# There is a name

外 wài# Outer

外国 wài guó# Foreign

外国人 wài guó rén# Foreigners

外面 u 爱点 wài miàn# Outside

多 duō# More

很多 hěn duō# Many

多(一)点 duō yī diǎn A bit more

大(一)点 dà yī diǎn A bit bigger

小(一)点 xiǎo yī diǎn A bit smaller

多少 duō shǎo# How many/much

多少钱 duō shǎo qián# How much money

少(一)点 shǎo yī diǎn A bit less

快(一)点 kuài yī diǎn A bit quicker, hurry up

慢(一)点 màn yī diǎn A bit slower

好(一)点 hǎo yī diǎn A bit better

Grammar notes:

Expressing "a little too" with "you dian"

Comparing "youdian" and "yidian" 这 衣服 有点儿 贵 , 便宜 一点儿 吧。
How to say “a bit more/less etc”

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

点 __________________________+__________________________
名 __________________________+__________________________
外 __________________________+__________________________
多 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

点 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

名 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
2.3 Read and translate:



2.4 Translate to Chinese:

A lot of beef

You fish very fast

2.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 3
少了 shǎo le Less

多了 duō le More

那么 nà me Then

这么 zhè me So

多 duō# Many, so

多么 duō me So

怎么 zěn me # How

几 jī# Tea table, a few(bb)

肌肉 jī ròu# Muscle

几个 jǐ ge Some, how many

几个人 jǐ ge Some, how many people

口 kǒu # (mw) family members

几口人 jǐ kǒu rén How many people

两口人 liǎng kǒu rén 2 people

没 méi# No

没有 méi yǒu# No, (I) didn't

山 shān# Mountain(bb)

火山 huǒ shān Volcano

山腰 shān yāo Mountainside

山羊 shān yáng Goat

岁 suì# Age

十岁 shí suì 10-year-old

几岁? jǐ suì How old are you?

多少岁? duō shǎo suì How old are you?

几岁了? jǐ suì le How old are you?

十多岁 shí duō suì 10 + years old

Grammar notes:
Intensifying with "duo" 多 好!外面 多 舒服!
Asking why with "zenme" 你 怎么 没 来?,怎么那么好
Using "ji" to mean "several"
Measure words in quantity questions 几 个 人?
How to introduce your family
How to say your age (2)
Indicating a number in excess 三十多岁

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

岁 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

这 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

没 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
山 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:



3.4 Translate to Chinese:

How old is the goat?

2 people too few

3.5 Listen and translate:


3.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell and ask about age and family

Lesson 4

刀 dāo# Knife(bb)

分 fēn Part(bb)

部 bù# Department, part

全部分 quán bù All of it

部分 bù fen Part

部门 bù mén Department

东部 dōng bù Eastern

西部 xī bù Western

北部 běi bù Northern

南部 nán bù Southern

分手 fēn shǒu To break up

分开 fēn kāi Separate

一分 yī fēn One point/minute

一点 yī diǎn One point, a little bit, 1 o'clock

一点一分 yī diǎn yī fēn 1:01

几点 ? jǐ diǎn What's the time?

份 fèn (mw) Share, portion

三月份 sān yuè fèn March

左右 zuǒ yòu More or less

Grammar notes:

Structure of times (basic)

Structure of times (advanced)
How to tell the time
At the end of months

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

分 __________________________+__________________________
份 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

左 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

分 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
全 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:



4.4 Translate to Chinese:

Northern China

What time will you go?

4.5 Listen and translate:


4.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask and tell about the time (year down to minute)

Chapter 10
Lesson 5

木 mù# Tree, wood(bb)

木有 mù yǒu No have (没有)

机 jī Machine
手机 shǒu jī Mobile Phone

打火机 dǎ huǒ jī Lighters

飞 fēi To fly

飞机 fēi jī Airplane

起飞 qǐ fēi To lift off

样 yàng# Sample

怎么样? zěn me yàng# What about?

这样 zhè yàng# Like this

那样 nà yàng# Like that

林 lín Forest

森 sēn Forst

森林 sēn lín Forest

未 wèi# Not yet(bb)

妹妹 mèi mei# Sister

衤 -# Clothes(bb)

袜(子) wà zi Socks

来 lái To

回来 huí lai Back

去 qù# Go to (bb)

回去 huí qu# Go back

到 dào# To arrive, get somewhere

从 cóng From

从这儿,到那儿 cóng zhèr dào nàr From here to there

从来 cóng lái Never/Always

从来不 cóng lái bú Never

从来没 cóng lái méi Never

慢慢来 màn màn lái Take your time

未来 wèi lái The future

再来一次 zài lái yī cì One more time

来了 lái le Coming...
到了 dào le I've arrived

上来 shàng lái Come down

下来 xià lai Come down

出来 chū lái Come out

起来 qǐ lai Get up

Grammar notes:

Directional verbs "lai" and "qu" 我 来 上海 一 年 了。

Using "lai" to connect two verb phrases 用 这 种 方法 来 赚钱,真 丢人。
Using "dao" to mean "to go to" 我 到 上海。
Expressing "from… to…" with "cong… dao…" 从 1 号 到 5 号 我 在 上海。
Expressing "never" with "conglai" 她 从来 不 喝 酒。我 从来 没有 去 过美国。
Expressing "always" with "conglai" 从来 + 都 + Verb 我 从来 都 是 一个人,已经 习惯了。
Again in the future with "zai" 我 下 次 再 来。

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

机 __________________________+__________________________
样 __________________________+__________________________
林 __________________________+__________________________
森 __________________________+__________________________
妹 __________________________+__________________________
从 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

机 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

飞 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
森 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
来 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:

Sister takes airplane to forest

He never comes out

Take your time, from here to there

5.5 Listen and translate:


5.6 Practise Speaking:

Give different directions to someone (up, down, from here to here, go back etc)
Lesson 6

米 mǐ

玉米 yù mǐ

咪咪 mī mī

秘密 mì mì*

眯 mí

饣 -#

饿 è#

饭 fàn#

吃饭 chī fàn#

吃饭了吗? chī fàn le mǎ#

吃个饭 chī gè fàn

米饭 mǐ fàn

早饭 zǎo fàn

中饭 zhōng fàn

午饭 wǔ fàn

晚饭 wǎn fàn

白饭 bái fàn

平 píng

平安 píng ān

分米 fēn mǐ

平米 píng mǐ

平分 píng fēn

平等 píng děng

艹 -#

猫 māo#
小猫 xiǎo māo#

只 zhī, zhǐ#

苹 píng

果 guǒ

苹果 píng guǒ

小苹果 xiǎo píng guǒ

开心果 kāi xīn guǒ

课 kè

上课 shàng kè

下课 xià kè

王 wáng#

班 bān

上班 shàng bān

下班 xià bān

Grammar notes:

Separable verb 他 离 过 婚 吗?

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

眯 __________________________+__________________________
饿 __________________________+__________________________
饭 __________________________+__________________________
苹 __________________________+__________________________
果 __________________________+__________________________
课 __________________________+__________________________
班 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

米 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

饭 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
平 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
苹 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
班 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

She is our “Happy fruit”

I love to eat apples

6.5 Listen and translate:

6.6 Practise Speaking:
Talk about what time you finish school/work on different day

Lesson 7

不 bù# No (bb)

杯 bēi (mw) Cup

小杯 xiǎo bēi Small cup, shot glass

杯(子) bēi zi Cup

衤 -# Clothes (bb)

海 hǎi# Ocean

上海 shàng hǎi# Shanghai

嗨 hāi Hi

皮 pí Leather

嗨皮 hāi pí Happy

皮带 pí dài Belt

被(子) bèi zi Blanket

干 gān Dry (bb)

干杯 gān bēi Cheers

桌(子) zhuō zi Table (bb)

桌球 zhuō qiú Billiard

掉 diào To fall

奇 qí Weird (bb)

椅(子) yǐ zi Chair

骑 qì To ride

骑马 qí mǎ To ride a horse

骑车 qí chē To bike

书 shū Book
看书 kàn shū To read books

说明 shuō míng To clarify

说明书 shuō míng shū Manual

本 běn Root (bb) (mw) book

笨 bèn Stupid

笨蛋 bèn dàn Stupid

本地人 běn dì rén Locals

一本书 yī běn shū This book

日本 rì běn Japan

其 qí# Its(bb)

基 jī Base

基本的 jī běn de Basic

基本上 jī běn shang Basically

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

杯 __________________________+__________________________
海 __________________________+__________________________
掉 __________________________+__________________________
椅 __________________________+__________________________
骑 __________________________+__________________________
本 __________________________+__________________________
笨 __________________________+__________________________
基 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

海 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

笨 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
基 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:




7.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do you want to play pool?

Stupid people also read books

The man who is riding a bike is local

7.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 8

本来 běn lái Originally

后 hòu After

然后 rán hòu# Then

后来 hòu lái Subsequently, afterwards

本来。。。后来 běn lái … hòu lái Originally... in the end

然后 rán hòu# Then

再 zài# Again, then

先。。。再说 xiān … zài shuō First...then

又 yòu# Again,(past tense) (left hand)(bb)

又。。。又 yòu。。。yòu Both... and....

对 duì# Yes, that's right (bb),(mw) pairs

树 shù Tree

相 xiāng Reflection (bb)

想 xiǎng To want

要 yào # To want

想要 xiǎng yào To want

理想 lǐ xiǎng Ideal

理想国 lǐ xiǎng guó Utopia

见 jiàn# To see(bb)

觉 jué Consciousness

觉得 jué de To think

你觉得呢 nǐ jué de ne What do you think?

会 huì# Can, will

会。。。的 huì。。。de Will

孩(子) hái zi# Child

应该 yīng gāi Should

早说 zǎo shuō Say it earlier

Grammar notes:

Sequencing past events with "houlai" 开始 他 不 同意, 但 后来 同意了。

Comparing "houlai" and "ranhou" 他 先 告诉 了 我 一 个 好 消息,然后 又 告诉 了 我 一 个 坏 消息,后来 他 就 走 了。
Sequencing with "xian" and "zai" 先 洗 手,再 吃饭。
Expressing "again" in the past with "you" 你 又 迟到 了。
Comparing "zai" and "you" 我不能再喝了,你走后我又喝了两瓶 。
Expressing "both A and B" with "you"s 又。。。又
Emphasizing negation with "you" 我 又 不吃,你 随便。
Expressing "would like to" with "xiang" 我 想 去。
Comparing "yao" and "xiang" 我要一杯水。我想你。
Future tense
Expressing "will" with "hui" 明天 你 会 来 吗?
Expressing "should" with "yinggai" 你 应该 工作。

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

树 __________________________+__________________________
想 __________________________+__________________________
觉 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

本 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

觉 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
应 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:

Look first, then talk

What do you think?

Will you miss me?

Originally you should have said it earlier

8.5 Listen and translate:

-想啊,我的理想是有 3 个孩子

8.6 Practise Speaking:

Use the words 想,觉得,应该,会。。。的 and tell us about your plans today

Chapter 11
Lesson 9
想起来 xiǎng qi lai To think of sth

一下子 yī xià zi In a glance

看起来 kàn qǐ lái It looks

听起来 tīng qi lai It sounds

吃起来 chī qǐ lai It tastes

坐起来 zuò qǐ lai Sit up

站起来 zhàn qǐ lai Stand up

看出来 kàn chū lái It looks (to be)

听出来 yǐn chū lái It sound (to be)

Grammar notes:

Result complement "qilai" 站 起来!说 起来 容易,做 起来 难。

Appearance with "kanqilai" 这 个 看 起来 很 漂亮。
Further uses of resultative complement "qilai" 宝宝,你 应该 把 你 的 玩具 收 起来 。
Resultative complement "chu(lai)" 我 终于 想 出 了 这个 问题 的 答案 。

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(No words)

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

(No words)
9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:

He sits up in the blink of an eye

Can you stand up?

I can't tell (by listening) that

you are Lifei
9.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 10

五 wǔ# 5

丑 chǒu Ugly

自 zì Oneself (bb)

臭 chòu Smelly

小丑 xiǎo chǒu Clown

言 yán Knowledge, speech (bb)

方言 fāng yán Dialects

吾 wú We(bb)

语 yǔ Language

手语 shǒu yǔ Sign language

口语 kǒu yǔ Colloquial
书面 shū miàn Written language/formal

国语 guó yǔ The national language

语言 yǔ yán Language

英语 yīng yǔ English

日语 rì yǔ Japanese

水 shuǐ Water

水费 shuǐ fèi Water

口水 kǒu shuǐ Saliva

水牛 shuǐ niú Buffalo

水果 shuǐ guǒ Fruit

水平 shuǐ píng Level

冫 bīng# Ice(bb)

次 cì# Times(mw)

冰 bīng Ice

冰水 bīng shuǐ Cold Water

冰刀 bīng dāo Ice Knife

冻 dòng Frozen

Grammar notes:
(No notes)

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

臭 __________________________+__________________________
吾 __________________________+__________________________
语 __________________________+__________________________
次 __________________________+__________________________
冰 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

丑 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

言 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
语 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
水 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:

Which fruits do you like?

Can you give me a glass of

cold water?

10.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 11

氵 -# Water (bb)

没 méi# No

汉 hàn Han, Chinese

汉人 hàn rén Han Chinese

汉语 hàn yǔ Chinese(language)

韩 hán* Korea

韩语 hán yǔ Korean

韩国 hán guó Korea

汗 hàn Sweat

出汗 chū hàn To sweat

字 zì# Character

汉字 hàn zì Kanji, Chinese character

女汉子 nǚ hàn zi A macho woman

名字 míng zi Name

一个字 yī gè zì One character

司 sī To be in charge (bb)

司机 sī jī Driver

词 cí Word

一个词 yī gè cí One word

喝 hē To drink

可喝的 kě hē de Drinkable

喝多了 hē duō le Drunk

渴 kě Thirsty

口渴 kǒu kě Thirsty

喝水 hē shuǐ To drink water

喝东西 hē dōng xī To drink

茶 chá Tea
喝茶 hē chá To drink tea

冰茶 bīng chá Ice Tea

酒 jiǔ Alcohol, wine

白酒 bái jiǔ White wine, rice wine

啤酒 pí jiǔ Beer

并 bìng And, furthermore (bb)

瓶 píng (mw)Bottle

一瓶 yī píng One Bottle

一瓶啤酒 yī píng pí jiǔ One bottle of beer

Grammar notes:

Emphasizing a negation with "bing" Subj. + 并 + 不 + Verb / Adj. 当 金融 分析 人员 并 不是 我 的 梦想。

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

汉 __________________________+__________________________
没 __________________________+__________________________
汗 __________________________+__________________________
字 __________________________+__________________________
词 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

汉 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

汗 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
司 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
啤 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:


11.4 Translate to Chinese:

How to use this word to say...

A macho woman likes to drink alcohol

11.5 Listen and translate:


11.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us what you want to drink and order it from the waitor

Lesson 12

厂 chǎng Factory (bb)
酒厂 jiǔ chǎng Brewery

工厂 gōng chǎng Factory

广 guǎng# Wide(bb)

座 zuò# Seat

广东 guǎng dōng Guangdong

广大 guǎng dà Vast

库 kù Garage

车库 chē kù Garage

衤 -# Clothes (bb)

裤(子) kù (子) Pants

麻 má Annoying

烦 fán Annoying

麻烦 má fan To trouble

麻烦一下 má fan yī xià Sorry to bother you

嘛 ma Question particle

干 gān# To do, dry (bb)

干杯 gān bēi# Cheers

干嘛? gàn má Why, what are you doing?

干什么? gàn shén me What are you doing?

店 diàn Shop

饭店 fàn diàn Restaurant, hotel

酒店 jiǔ diàn Hotel

小店 xiǎo diàn Small shop

分店 fēn diàn Branch

小吃店 xiǎo chī diàn Snack Bar

头 tóu Head (bb)

你个头 nǐ ge tóu You silly!

回头 huí tóu To look back

回头见 huí tóu jiàn See you soon

掉头 diào tóu U-turn

口头 kǒu tóu Oral

口头上 kǒu tóu shǎng Orally

口语 kǒu yǔ# Colloquialism

曼 màn# Extended, long (bb)

馒 mán Steamed bun

馒头 mán tou Steamed Bun

慢 màn# Slow

右 yòu# Right

石 shí Stone (bb)

石头 shí tou Stone

碰 pèng# To touch

碰到 pèng dào# To bump into

碗 wǎn Bowl

一碗 yī wǎn 1 bowl

Grammar notes:

Expressing the selfevident with "ma" 她 是 女孩子 嘛。当然 喜欢 花。

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

广 __________________________+__________________________
座 __________________________+__________________________
库 __________________________+__________________________
裤 __________________________+__________________________
麻 __________________________+__________________________
嘛 __________________________+__________________________
店 __________________________+__________________________
馒 __________________________+__________________________
碰 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

厂 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
库 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:



12.4 Translate to Chinese:

I don’t want to bother you

What are you doing in the hotel?

12.5 Listen and translate:

Chapter 12
Lesson 13

买 mǎi To buy (bb)

卖 mài To sell (bb)

外卖 wài mài Take-out

买卖 mǎi mài Business

单 dān List, single

名单 míng dān Name list

买单 mǎi dān Bill, check

艹 -# Grass(bb)

采 cǎi To pick(bb)

菜 cài Vegetable, dish

菜单 cài dān Menu

点菜 diǎn cài To order food

读 dú To read

读书 dú shū To study

看书 kàn shū# To read books

其 qí# Its(bb)

其他 qí tā Other

其它 qí tā Other

其他的 qí tā de Other

其他人 qí tā rén Others

其他东西 qí tā dōng xī Other Things

冰淇淋 bīng qí lín Ice Cream

期 qī# Period

日期 rì qī# Date
号 hào# Number, date

几号? jī hào Which date?

句号 jù hào Punctuation mark

问号 wèn hào Question mark

Grammar notes:
(No notes)

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

买 __________________________+__________________________
卖 __________________________+__________________________
读 __________________________+__________________________
菜 __________________________+__________________________
期 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

卖 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

单 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:



13.4 Translate to Chinese:

This is your take-out list/menu

Don’t read the book, order food first

Do you have other things?

13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Order food at a restaurant

Lesson 14

辶 -# Path(bb)

寸 cùn# Inch (bb)

过 guò To pass

不过 bú guò But

过期 guò qī Expired

过年 guò nián The Chinese Lunar New Year

过年好 guò nián hǎo Happy new year

听说 tīng shuō I've heard

听说过 tīng shuō guò I've heard

足 zú# Foot (bb)

路 lù#* Road

马路 mǎ lù Road

一路平安 yī lù píng ān Bon Voyage

过路 guò lù To cross the road

过山车 guò shān chē Roller-coaster

过来 guò lái To come over

过去 guò qu To go over

雨 yǔ Rain (bb)

下雨 xià yǔ To rain

下大雨 xià dà yǔ To be pouring down (rain)

Grammar notes:

Verbs in past tense (过)

Expressing experiences with "guo" 我 去 过 中国。
A softer "but" 不过 我 赶 时间。
Direction complement 我们 走 过 去 吧。

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

过 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

雨 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

过 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
路 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:


14.4 Translate to Chinese:

I'm going home to celebrate new

Don’t eat! It's already expired

14.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 15

今 jīn# Today, current (bb)

今天 jīn tiān# Today

令 lìng To order (bb)

冷 lěng Cold (bb)

九 jiǔ# 9

热 rè Hot
热爱 rè ài To love ardently

热狗 rè gǒu Hot-dog

热门 rè mén Trending

零 líng 0

零钱 líng qián Change

过 guò To pass, past tense

了 le# Aspect particle

Grammar notes:

Using "guo" with "le" 她 吃 过 了。

Questions with "le ma" 你 去 了 吗?

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

令 __________________________+__________________________
冷 __________________________+__________________________
零 __________________________+__________________________
热 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

零 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

冷 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
热 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

I'm cold to death

Do you feel hot?

15.5 Listen and translate:


15.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask and tell things in past tense

Lesson 16

不 bú# No

没 méi# No have

没有 méi yǒu# No have

没人 méi rén No one

有没有 yǒu méi yǒu Is there any

还没 hái méi Still haven't

还有 hái yǒu There is also

还要 hái yào I also want

Grammar notes:

Comparing "bu" and "mei" 我 今天 晚上 不 吃 饭。昨天 晚上 我 没 吃 饭。

没有 (3)
Taiwanese "you" 我 有 去 过 中国。
Expressing duration of in action 他 已经 三 天 没 洗澡 了。
Expressing "and also" with "hai"
Expressing "in addition" with "haiyou" 你 需要 吃 点 药。还有,要 多 休息。

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(No words)

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

(No words)

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:

There is also people who work today

No one knows

16.5 Listen and translate:

16.6 Practise Speaking:
Ask and tell things in past tense, try to negate as much as possible

Level 4
Chapter 13
Lesson 1

告 gào To report (bb)

斤 jīn# 500 g (bb)

斥 - Tell (bb)

诉 sù To tell

告诉 gào su To tell

好看 hǎo kàn Good-looking

好吃 hǎo chī Tasty (food)

好喝 hǎo hē Tasty (drink)

好听 hǎo tīng Sounds good

好走 hǎo zǒu Easy to walk on

好用 hǎo yòng Useful

好球 hǎo qiú Nice one (sports)

笑 xiào To laugh

笑起来 xiào qǐ lai To laugh

好笑 hǎo xiào Funny

Grammar notes:
Using "hao" to mean "easy" 好 做。好 买。

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(no words)

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

告 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

笑 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

你笑起来很好看 ______________________________________________________________________________
他告诉我我很好听 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

Nice one(ball) ___________________________________________________________________________

Do you think it's funny? ___________________________________________________________________________

1.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 2

京 jīng# Capital (bb)

尤 yóu In particular(bb)

就 jiù Just

就要 jiù yào Soon about to

就是 jiù shì It's just...

就是这样 jiù shì zhè yàng It's just like this

就是说 jiù shì shuō In other words

就说 jiù shuō It's just to say

如 rú Such as

如果 rú guǒ If

就 ok 了 jiù OK le It'll be fine

就可以了 jiù kě yǐ le It'll be fine

就好了 jiù hǎo le It'll be fine

主要是。。。就好了 zhǔ yào shì... jiù hǎo le The main is...

只要。。。就 zhǐ yào … jiù So long as

只有。。。就 zhǐ yǒu … jiù So long as

一。。。就 yī … jiù As soon as

但是 dàn shì# But

可是 kě shì But

可笑 kě xiào Funny, pathetic

河 hé River

河边 hé biān Riverside

河马 hé mǎ Hippo

呵呵 hē hē Hehe
Grammar notes:

Expressing earliness with "jiu" 我 十 二 岁 就 上 大学 了。

Expressing "about to" with "jiuyao" 还有 五 天 就要 放假 了.
Adding emphasis with "jiushi" 就是
Expressing "just" with "jiu" 我 就 只 要 两 块 钱。 就 我 一 个 人 知道。
Expressing "if…, then…" with "ruguo…, jiu…" 如果 有 问题 ,就 打 我 电话 。
Expressing "as long as" with "zhiyao" 只要 你 过来 , 我们 就 很 开心 。
Events in quick succession with "yi... jiu" 我 一 看到 他 就 很 讨厌 。
Two words for "but",Statement, 可是(但是)

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

就 __________________________+__________________________
河 __________________________+__________________________
呵 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

河 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

如 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:



2.4 Translate to Chinese:

I will come back in the

evening(using 就)
She will tell us as soon as she know
2.5 Listen and translate:


2.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us a story using 就 as much as possible

Lesson 3

壬 rén -(bb)

任 rèn Any

何 hé Any

任何 rèn hé Any

电 diàn Electricity

电费 diàn fèi Electricity bill

没电了 méi diàn le No battery

充 chōng To charge
充电 chōng diàn To charge

充钱 chōng qián To top up with money

弟 dì# Younger brother (bb)

弟弟 dì di# Younger brother

阿 ā A (bb)

啊 ā# Ah

姨 yí Auntie

阿姨 ā yí Auntie, cleaning lady

梯(子) tī zi Ladder

电梯 diàn tī Elevator

娄 lóu Weak (bb)

楼 lóu Floor

楼梯 lóu tī Stairs

喽 lóu (sound)

哈喽 hā lóu Hello

大楼 dà lóu Building

东 dōng# East (bb)

栋 dòng Building (mw)

一栋楼 yī dòng lóu One building

楼上 lóu shàng Upstairs

楼下 lóu xià Downstairs

下楼 xià lóu To go down stairs

京 jīng# Capital (bb)

北方 běi jīng# Beijing

景 jǐng Scenery (bb)

景点 jǐng diǎn Scenic spot

影(子) yǐng zi Shadow

电影 diàn yǐng Film

衤 -# Clothes(bb)

礻 shì# To show (bb)

示 shì# To show (bb)

表 biǎo Table

表示 biǎo shì To show

手表 shǒu biǎo Watch

表姐 biǎo jiě Cousin (older girl)

表哥 biǎo gē Cousin (older brother)

表妹 biǎo mèi Cousin (younger sister)

表弟 biǎo dì Cousin (younger brother)

标 biāo Sign

目标 mù biāo Objective

Grammar notes:

Expressing “any" with "renhe" 我 的 弟弟 特别 顽固,任何 的 人 都 不 能 说服 他。

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

任 __________________________+__________________________
何 __________________________+__________________________
楼 __________________________+__________________________
喽 __________________________+__________________________
栋 __________________________+__________________________
景 __________________________+__________________________
影 __________________________+__________________________
标 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

任何 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

电 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:




3.4 Translate to Chinese:

The auntie of upstairs

What scenic spot is this?

My objective is to buy one building

3.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 4

隹 zhuī Little bird(bb)

推 tuī To push

推门 tuī mén To push the door

拉 lā# To pull

拉门 lā mén# To pull the door

拉面 lā miàn Ramen

准 zhǔn Standard

标准 biāo zhǔn Standard

你说得很标准 bǐ shuō de biāo zhǔn You speak well

备 bèi To prepare

准备 zhǔn bèi To prepare

准备好了 zhǔn bèi hǎo le Ready

达 dá To arrive

表达 biǎo dá To express

视 shì Vision

电视 diàn shì Tv

脑(子) nǎo zi Brain

电脑 diàn nǎo Computer

舌 shé Tongue(bb)

舌头 shé tóu Tongue

话 huà Words, speech

话费 huà fèi Phone fee

中国话 zhōng guó huà Mandarin

广东话 guǎng dōng huà Cantonese

对话 duì huà Dialogue

听话 tīng huà Obedient

一句话 yī jù huà One sentence

笑话 xiào huà Joke

的话 de huà If

如果...的话 rú guǒ... de huà If

说话 shuō huà To speak

说笑话 shuō xiào huà To make a joke

电话 diàn huà Telephone

打电话(给) dǎ diàn huà gěi To call

打电话(过来) dǎ diàn huà guò lái To call here

号 háo# Number

石 shí# Stone (bb)

码 mǎ Code

号码 hào mǎ Number

好吗? hǎo mǎ# Alright?

电话号码 diàn huà hào mǎ Telephone number

电话好吗? diàn huà hǎo mǎ Phone number, ok?

秘密 mì mì# Secret

密码 mì mǎ Password

Grammar notes:
Marking a topic with "de hua" 荤菜 的话 , 我 喜欢 牛肉 。
The "if" sandwich pattern 如果 你 不 来 的话,老师 会 很 失望。

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

推 __________________________+__________________________
拉 __________________________+__________________________
准 __________________________+__________________________
备 __________________________+__________________________
达 __________________________+__________________________
视 __________________________+__________________________
话 __________________________+__________________________
码 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

推 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

的话 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
4.3 Read and translate:




4.4 Translate to Chinese:

Dinner is ready

If I watch TV...

I need to buy a phone

4.5 Listen and translate:

4.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 14
Lesson 5

系 xì# System

关系 guān xi# Relations

没关系 méi guān xi# Okay

星系 xīng xì Galaxy

直 zhí Direct (bb)

直到 zhí dào Until

直飞 zhí fēi Direct flights

一直 yī zhí Always, constantly

一直走 yī zhí zǒu Go straight

停 tíng* To stop

停车 tíng chē To park

Grammar notes:
Expressing "all along" with "yizhi"

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(no words)

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

系 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

直 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:

Until you park

He always tells me it's okay

5.5 Listen and translate:


5.6 Practise Speaking:

Pretend your in a cab and tell the driver how to go and where to drive

Lesson 6

总 zǒng Total(bb)
总是 zǒng shì Always

总理 zǒng lǐ Prime Minister

总店 zǒng diàn Main store

分店 fēn diàn Branch store

耳 ěr Ear(bb)

聪 cōng Smart

聪明 cōng ming Smart

接 jiē To catch, take

直接 zhí jiē Direct

直接。。。就 zhí jiē … jiù Just go ahead

说出口 shuō chū kǒu Just speak out

Grammar notes:
Expressing "always" with "zongshi"

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

聪 __________________________+__________________________
接 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

总 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

聪 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

He's a smart prime minister

He always comes to main store

6.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 7

接人 jiē rén To pick up someone

接电话 jiē diàn huà To answer the phone

接吻 jiē wěn To kiss

Grammar notes:
(No notes)

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(no words)

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

接 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:


7.4 Translate to Chinese:

I need to pick my friend up now

7.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 8

豆(子) dòu zi Bean(bb)

土豆 tǔ dòu Potato

腐 fǔ* Corrupt, rotten

豆腐 dòu fu Tofu

臭豆腐 chòu dòu fu Stinky Tofu

吃豆腐 chī dòu fu To eat tofu

逗 dòu To make funny

逗号 dòu hào Comma

土豆 tǔ dòu Potato

喜 xǐ# To like

欢 huān# To welcome(bb)

喜欢 xǐ huan# To like

习 xí To study

惯 guàn Habit

习惯 xí guàn To be used to

迎 yíng Welcome

欢迎 huān yíng Welcome

光 guāng Light

临 lín Temporary

光临 guāng lín You honor us with your presence

欢迎光临 huān yíng guāng lín Welcome

迎接 yíng jiē To meet guests

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

逗 __________________________+__________________________
欢 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

迎 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

光 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:

I like potato

My mum wants to eat tofu

8.5 Listen and translate:


8.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab as a starting point
Chapter 15
Lesson 9

后 hòu# After

后面 hòu mian# Back

后来 hòu lái# Afterwards

然 rán# Then

然后 rán hòu# Then

当 dāng When, to take on

当然 dāng rán Of course

前 qián The former

前面 qián miàn Front

前后 qián hòu Around

目前 mù qián Currently

剪 jiǎn To cut

剪(子) jiǎn zi Scissors

剪刀 jiǎn dāo Scissors

方 fāng# Square, place(bb)

旁 páng# Next to

旁边 páng biān Next to

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

剪 __________________________+__________________________
旁 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

旁 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

前 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:

Where are the scissors?

Currently,I can't (unable)

9.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 10

以 yǐ# In order to

以后 yǐ hòu After

以前 yǐ qián Before
前男朋友 qián nán péng you Ex-boyfriend

前女朋友 qián nǚ péng you Ex-girlfriend

后天 hòu tiān The day after tomorrow

大后天 dà hòu tiān Tomorrow + 2

大大后天 dà dà hòu tiān Tomorrow +3

前天 qián tiān The day before yesterday

大前天 dà qián tiān The day before yesterday

大大前天 dà dà qián tiān The day before yesterday -1

以上 yǐ shàng Above

以下 yǐ xià Below

之 zhī (Particle)

之后 zhī hòu After

之前 zhī qián Before

之上 zhī shàng Above

之下 zhī xià Below

分之 fēn zhī A part of/divided by

除 chú* Excluding

除了 chú le Apart from

除了。。。还有 chú le … hái yǒu Apart from...there's also

Grammar notes:
Expressing "never again" with "zai ye bu" 我 再也不 喝 酒 了。
After a specific time with "yihou" 10 点 以后 ,我 不 在 家。
In the future in general with "yihou" 以后,你 不要 问 我。
Comparing "yihou" and "houlai" 后来 他 去 了 美国 , 不 知道 以后 什么 时候 会 再 见 到 他 。
Before a specific time with "yiqian" 十 点 以前,我 在 家。
Expressing "before" in general with "yiqian" 以前,我 不 会 说 中文。
Before and after with "zhiqian" and "zhihou" 毕业之后,我 找 不 到 工作。
Comparing "yihou" and "zhihou" 我 昨天 跟 朋友 吃饭. 吃完 以后 去 超市. 之后 我们 回家 了
Expressing fractions with "fenzhi" 三 分之 一
Expressing "except" and "in addition" with "chule… yiwai" 除了 你,还有 我。

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(no words)
10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

以 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

之 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:

Apart from now, there's also after。

I saw you the day before yesterday

10.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 11

哥 gē# Older brother (bb)

哥哥 gē ge# Brother

欠 qiàn# To owe(bb)

歌 gē Song

歌手 gē shǒu Singer

唱 chàng To sing

唱歌 chàng gē To sing

说唱 shuō chàng Rap

弟 dì# Younger brother (bb)

第 dì Ordinal number marker

第一 dì yī The first

第一次 dì yī cì First time

第一个 dì yī gè The first

最 zuì Superlative marker

最后(的) zuì hòu de In the end

只好 zhǐ hǎo You'd better

最好(的) zuì hǎo de The best

最多(的) zuì duō de The most

最快(的) zuì kuài de The fastest

最少(的) zuì shǎo de The least

最聪明(的) zuì cōng ming de The most intelligent

Grammar notes:
Ordinal numbers with "di"
Superlative "zui"
Declaring the only option with "zhihao" 上 个 周末 下雨 了,我们 只好 待 在 家。
Declaring the only option with "zhihao" 上 个 周末 下雨 了,我们 只好 待 在 家。

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

歌 __________________________+__________________________
第 __________________________+__________________________
最 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

歌 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

最 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:



11.4 Translate to Chinese:

First time I eat food today

The first person to arrive

11.5 Listen and translate:


11.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us about who of your friends are the best at what, use superlatives.
Lesson 12

最喜欢(的) zuì xǐ huan de Favorite

之一 zhī yī One of the...

最好。。。之一 zuì hǎo … zhī yī One of the best 1

斤 jīn# 500 g(bb)

听 tīng# Listen

给...听 gěi tīng# To show (by ear)

听话 tīng huà# Obedient

近 jìn Near

近视 jìn shì Myopia, nearsighted

最近 zuì jìn Recently

最近怎么样? zuì jìn zěn me yàng How have you been recently?

Grammar notes:
Expressing "one of" with "…zhi yi" 你 是 我 最 好 的 朋友 之一。

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

听 __________________________+__________________________
近 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

近 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:


12.4 Translate to Chinese:

You're one of my best friends

I like to eat potato the most

12.5 Listen and translate:


Chapter 16
Lesson 13

井 jǐng Well (bb)

水井 shuǐ jǐng (Water) Well

讲 jiǎng To speak

讲话 jiǎng huà To speak

进 jìn To enter

进来 jìn lái To come in

进去 jìn qù To go in
进入 jìn rù To enter

进球 jìn qiú To score a goal

进口 jìn kǒu Import

出口 chū kǒu Export

元 yuán Yuan (bb)

美元 měi yuán USD

日元 rì yuán JPY

玩(儿) wánr To play, have fun

好玩 hǎo wán Fun

出去玩 chū qù wán To go out and play

出来玩 chū lái wán To come out and play

玩意(儿) wán yìr Thing, gadget

玩笑 wán xiào Joke

开玩笑 kāi wán xiào To make a joke

会玩 huì wán Playful person, player

玩得开心点 wán dé kāi xīn diǎn Have fun

过得 guò dé It's was...

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

讲 __________________________+__________________________
进 __________________________+__________________________
玩 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

进 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

元 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
玩 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
13.3 Read and translate:



13.4 Translate to Chinese:

Yesterday (it was

passed) not too well/I
didn't have a very good
Sorry,I made a joke

13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Pretend your calling your friend and convince her/him to come out with you
Lesson 14

完 wán End, to finish (bb)

吃完 chī wán To finish eating

喝完 hē wán To finish drinking

说完 shuō wán To finish speaking

写完 xiě wán To finish writing

做完 zuò wán To finish doing

掉 diào# To fall

去掉 qù diào To remove

吃掉 chī diào To eat up

喝掉 hē diào To drink up

玩完 wán wán To finish playing, to die

完美 wán měi Perfect

用完 yòng wán To use up

学完 xué wán To finish studying

学到 xué dào To learn

学会 xué huì To learn

做好了 zuò hǎo le To finish doing

做好准备了 zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi le Ready

做到 zuò dào To make it

做不到 zuò bú dào To not make it

做好 zuò hǎo I'm done (doing)

写好 zuò hǎo I'm done (writing)

做下去 zuò xià qù Finish doing

说下去 shuō xià qù Finish speaking

完全 wán quán Completely

Grammar notes:
Result complement "wan" for finishing 我 说 完 了。
Tricky uses of "dao" 他 做 到 了 吗?
Result complement "hao" 饭 吃 好 了。
Result complement "xiaqu" 不 能 一直 这样 做 下去。

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

完 __________________________+__________________________
掉 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

完 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

掉 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:

You can remove me

I am going to die

14.5 Listen and translate:

14.6 Practise Speaking:
Tell us of your day and its events. Use resultative verbs for all of the events, i.e. 完,掉,到 etc

Lesson 15

远 yuǎn Far

远视 yuǎn shì Farsighted

离 lí From

离开 lí kāi Leave

离。。。很远 lí … hěn yuǎn Far from

离。。。很近 lí … hěn jìn Very close from

从 cóng# From

园 yuán Park

果园 guǒ yuán Orchard

化 huà To transform

花 huā Flower

花钱 huā qián To spend money

花费 huā fèi Fee, cost

话费 huà fèi# Phone bill

花心 huā xīn Unfaithful

花园 huā yuán Garden

花店 huā diàn Florist shop

画 huà To pain

画家 huà jiā Painter

作家 zuò jiā Writer

商 shāng Business

商人 shāng rén Merchant

商店 shāng diàn Shop

南 nán# South

南京 nán jīng# Nanjing

河南 hé nán Henan (province in nothern China)

Grammar notes:
Expressing distance with "li"
Comparing "li" and "cong" 从 明天 开始,我 不 抽烟 了。

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

远 __________________________+__________________________
园 __________________________+__________________________
花 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

南 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

花 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

How long from Shanghai to here?

Shanghai is far from Nanjing

15.5 Listen and translate:


15.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us about the distance between places and how you go there.

Lesson 16

生 shēng# To give birth to(bb)

星 xīng# Star

星期 xīng qī# Week

星期一 xīng qī yī# Monday

星期二 xīng qī èr# Tuesday

星期天 xīng qī tiān# Sunday

星星 xīng xing# Star

猩猩 xīng xing Orangutan

明星 míng xīng Star, celebrity

火星 huǒ xīng Mars

火星人 huǒ xīng rén Martian

生意 shēng yì Business

做生意 zuò shēng yì To do business

花生 huā shēng Peanut

人生 rén shēng Life

出生 chū shēng Birth

生理 shēng lǐ Physiology

女生 nǚ shēng Girl

男生 nán shēng Boy

先 xiān# First (bb)

先...然后 xiān rán hòu# First ... then

先生 xiān sheng Mr.

外星 wài xīng Extraterrestrial

外星人 wài xīng rén Alien

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

星 __________________________+__________________________
猩 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

先 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

星 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:

The life of a peanut

The girl went to see orangutans

16.5 Listen and translate:


Chapter 17
Lesson 17

姓 xìng Last name

贵姓 guì xìng Last name

姓名 xìng míng Name

气 qì Air (bb)

生气 shēng qì Angry

气死我了 qì sǐ wǒ le I am furious
客 kè Guest

客人 kè rén Guest

主人 zhǔ rén Host

接客 jiē kè To pick up guests

做客 zuò kè To be a guest

客气 kè qi Polite, kind

不客气 bú kè qi You are welcome

不用客气 bú yòng kè qi You are welcome

好客 hào kè Hospitable

气球 qì qiú Balloon

口气 kǒu qì Breath

天气 tiān qì Weather

语气 yǔ qì Tone

小气 xiǎo qì Stingy

Grammar notes:
Using the verb "xing"

17.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

姓 __________________________+__________________________
客 __________________________+__________________________

17.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

贵姓 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

天气 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

17.3 Read and translate:


17.4 Translate to Chinese:

You are welcome,you are my guest

His tone is not that good

17.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 18

学 xué# To study, learn

学生 xué sheng Students

学期 xué qī Semester

大学 dà xué University

文学 wén xué Literature

父 fù# Dad(bb)

爸爸 bà ba# Dad

交 jiāo To exchange (bb)

校 xiào School
学校 xué xiào School

校园 xiào yuán School yard

小学 xiǎo xué Primary School

中学 zhōng xué Secondary School

矢 shǐ# Arrow(bb)

知 zhī# To know

知道 zhī dào# To know

失 shī# Missing(bb)

铁 tiě# Iron

地铁 dì tiě# The MTR

医 yī Medical

医生 yī shēng Doctor

中医 zhōng yī Chinese Medicine

西医 xī yī Doctors

院 yuàn Home

医院 yī yuàn Hospital

学院 xué yuàn College

后院 hòu yuàn Backyard

住院 zhù yuàn To be hospitalized

出院 chū yuàn To leave the hospital

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

18.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

学 __________________________+__________________________
交 __________________________+__________________________
校 __________________________+__________________________
知 __________________________+__________________________
医 __________________________+__________________________
院 __________________________+__________________________

18.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

院 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

医 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
校 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

18.3 Read and translate:



18.4 Translate to Chinese:

Doctors are not working today

Are you still hospitalized?

18.5 Listen and translate:


18.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us about your studies
Lesson 19

疒 - Sickness(bb)

病 bìng Aids

病人 bìng rén Patient

生病 shēng bìng To get sick

看病 kàn bìng To see the doctor

有病 yǒu bìng To be sick

毛病 máo bìng Problem, sickness

痒 yǎng Itchy

瘦 shòu* Thin

瘦子 shòu zi A thin person

厚 hòu Thick

用 yòng# To use (bb)

甬 yǒng Path (bb)

痛 tòng Pain

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

19.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

病 __________________________+__________________________
痒 __________________________+__________________________
痛 __________________________+__________________________

19.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

病 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

生 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
19.3 Read and translate:



19.4 Translate to Chinese:

I feel itchy

The patient is in pain

19.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Pretend you're both hurt and sick and need to go the the doctor
Lesson 20

厶 -# Private (bb)

能 néng Can (bb)

可能 kě néng May

有可能 yǒu kě néng It is possible

最可能 zuì kě néng The most likely

熊 xióng Bear

熊猫 xióng māo Panda

熊孩子 xióng hái zi Spoiled kids

Grammar notes:
Expressing ability or possibility with "neng"
Comparing "hui" "neng" "keyi" 我 会 跳舞。我 能 跳舞。我 可以 跳舞。

20.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

能 __________________________+__________________________
熊 __________________________+__________________________

20.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

熊 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

能 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

20.3 Read and translate:



20.4 Translate to Chinese:

The mostly likely is that he is sick

The panda is a spoiled child

20.5 Listen and translate:


20.6 Practise Speaking:

Make a similar conversation to the one in 20.5 and use all the words 能,可以,会。

Level 5
Chapter 18
Lesson 1

弋 -# Dagger(bb)

式 shì Way

试 shì# To try

试一下 shì yī xià# Try a bit

方式 fāng shì Ways

中式 zhōng shì Chinese

西式 xī shì Western

面试 miàn shì Interview

口试 kǒu shì Oral test

考 kǎo To test

靠一下 kào yī xià To lean a bit

考试 kǎo shì Exam, to take an exam

考古 kǎo gǔ Archaeology

思 sī# Mind

思考 sī kǎo To ponder

思想 sī xiǎng Idea, mind

高考 gāo kǎo CSAT, A Chinese high-school test

老 lǎo Old

老人 lǎo rén The elderly

老二 lǎo èr Male genitalia

小二 xiǎo èr Waitor

小三 xiǎo sān Mistress

古 gǔ# Old (bb)

古老 gǔ lǎo Ancient

老爸 lǎo bà Dad

老妈 lǎo mā Mom

新 xīn* New

帅 shuài# Handsome (bb)

帅哥 shuài gē# A handsome guy

师 shī Teacher (bb)

老师 lǎo shī Teacher

老是 lǎo shi Always

狮(子) shī zi Lion

老外 lǎo wài Foreigner

老家 lǎo jiā Hometown

板 bǎn Board
老板 lǎo bǎn Boss

地板 dì bǎn Floor

样板 yàng bǎn Template, model

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

式 __________________________+__________________________
试 __________________________+__________________________
考 __________________________+__________________________
老 __________________________+__________________________
帅 __________________________+__________________________
师 __________________________+__________________________
狮 __________________________+__________________________
板 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

式 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

试 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
师 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
板 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

考试要考口试 ______________________________________________________________________________
试一下去面试 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

He's pondering over life _____________________________________________________________________________
Westerners mindset _____________________________________________________________________________

1.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 2

习 xí To study

喜欢 xǐ huan# To like

习惯 xí guàn# To be used to

学习 xué xí To study

练 liàn To train

练习 liàn xí To train

联 lián Contact

联系 lián xì To contact

联系方式 lián xì fāng shì A way to contact

生日 shēng rì Birthday

东 dōng# East (bb)

乐 lè, yuè Happy

快乐 kuài lè Happy

生日快乐 shēng rì kuài lè Happy Birthday

新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè Happy New Year

可口 kě kǒu Delicious

可口可乐 kě kǒu kě lè Coca Cola

可乐 kě lè Cola

兄 xiōng Brother (bb)

兄弟 xiōng dì Brothers

兑 duì# To exchange(bb)

说 shuō# To speak

祝 zhù To wish

祝你生日快乐 zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè Wish you a happy birthday

音 yīn# Sound(bb)

口音 kǒu yīn Accent

回音 huí yīn Echo

音乐 yīn yuè Music

并 bìng# And, furthermore (bb)

瓶 píng# Bottle

一瓶 yī píng# One bottle

拼 pīn To spell

怎么拼? zěn me pīn How to spell?

拼在一起 pīn zài yī qǐ Put together

拼音 pīn yīn Pinyin

声 shēng* Sound

声音 shēng yīn Sound, voice

歌声 gē shēng Singing voice

笑声 xiào shēng Laugther

大声一点 dà shēng yī diǎn A bit louder

小声一点 xiǎo shēng yī diǎn A bit lower

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

联 __________________________+__________________________
兑 __________________________+__________________________
说 __________________________+__________________________
祝 __________________________+__________________________
音 __________________________+__________________________
意 __________________________+__________________________
瓶 __________________________+__________________________
拼 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

联 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

练 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:




2.4 Translate to Chinese:


2.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 3

青 qīng Natural (bb)

猜 cāi To guess

猜不到 cāi bú dào I can't guess

官 guān Official (bb)

管 guǎn Tube

不管 bù guǎn Regardless

不管怎么样 bù guǎn zěn me yàng No matter what

不怎么样 bù zěn me yàng Not so well

不怎么 bù zěn me Not so well/often

周 zhōu Week, surround

周一 zhōu yì Monday

周二 zhōu èr Tuesday

周日 zhōu rÌ Sunday

未 wèi# Not yet(bb)

末 mò End, tip
周末 zhōu mò Weekend

末期 mò qī Final phase

调 diào To adjust

声调 shēng diào Tone

第几声? dì jī shēng Which tone?

第一声 dì yī shēng The 1st tone

Grammar notes:

Expressing "no matter" with "buguan" 不管 身体 好 坏 , 他 都 工作 到 深夜 。

Expressing "not very" with "bu zenme" 这里 的 菜 他 不怎么 好吃 !
Expressing "not often" with "bu zenme" 我 不怎么 吃 猪肉。

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

青 __________________________+__________________________
猜 __________________________+__________________________
管 __________________________+__________________________
调 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

调 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

末 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:



3.4 Translate to Chinese:

Which tone is it?

Monday until Sunday

3.5 Listen and translate:


3.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask about which tones belong to which character

Lesson 4

穴 xué Cave

工 gōng# Work (bb)

空 kōng, kòng Empty, space

有空 yǒu kòng Available, have time

没有空 méi yǒu kōng Not have time

调 diào, tiáo# To adjust

调一下 tiáo yī xià Adjust a bit

调皮 tiáo pí Naughty

空调 kōng tiáo Air Conditioning, AC

天空 tiān kōng Sky

太空 tài kōng Space

太空人 tài kōng rén Astronaut

空手 kōng shǒu Empty-handed.

空想 kōng xiǎng Fantasy

空气 kōng qì Air

音调 yīn diào Tone

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

空 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

空 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

调 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:



4.4 Translate to Chinese:


4.5 Listen and translate:


4.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this lesson as a starting point

Chapter 19
Lesson 5

问 wèn# To ask (bb)

页 yè Page (bb)

是 shì# To be (bb)

题 tí# Topic

问题 wèn tí# Problem

有问题 yǒu wèn tí# There is a problem

没问题 méi wèn tí# No problem

出了问题 chū le wèn tí# There's been a problem

话题 huà tí Topic
中间 zhōng jiān Intermediate

之间 zhī jiān Among

方 fāng# Square, place(bb)

户 hù Households

房 fáng Room

房车 fáng chē RV

房(子) fáng zi House

房间 fáng jiān Room

房东 fáng dōng Landlord

客房 kè fáng Guest room

主房 zhǔ fáng Main Room

订房 dìng fáng To book a room

Grammar notes:
Comparing "zhijian" and “zhongjian" 你 需要 在 八 点 到 十 点 之间 来 。 房子 的 中间 有 一 个 大 桌子 。

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

房 __________________________+__________________________
题 __________________________+__________________________
间 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

房 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

间 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:



5.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 6

时 shí Time

时间 shí jiān Time

没有时间 méi yǒu shí jiān Have no time

小时 xiǎo shí Hour

时候 shí hou Time, when

侯 hóu Lord (bb)

候 hòu Waiting

猴(子) hóu zi Monkey

到时候 dào shí hòu When the time comes

什么时候 shén me shí hou What time, when

等候 děng hòu To wait

的时候 de shí hou When

有时候 yǒu shí hou Sometimes

是。。。 的 shì de (Sentence structure)

就是 jiù shì# It's just...

平时 píng shí Ordinarily

那时候 nà shí hou At that time

小时候 xiǎo shí hou When I was young

Grammar notes:
Expressing "when" with "de shihou"
Expressing "when" with "shi" 你看云时很近。
Comparing "yihou" and "de shihou" 打 篮球 以后 需要 洗澡, 打 篮球 的 时候 会 出 很多 汗。
Indicating purpose or intent using "" 我 是 来 上海 旅游 的。
Using the "shi... de" construction 你 是 哪里 来 的?/ 你 是 怎么 来 的?
Using "de" (modal particle) 我 不 会 骗 你 的。
Emphasis with "jiu" 我就是不让你去。

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

时 __________________________+__________________________
候 __________________________+__________________________
猴 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

时 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

候 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:



6.5 Listen and translate:


6.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us about your past week using 是。。。的,的时候 as much as possible

Lesson 7

中 zhōng# Middle
钟 zhōng Bell

一分钟 yī fēn zhōng 1 Minute

一点钟 yī diǎn zhōng One o'clock

一分钟 yī fēn zhōng 1 Minute, point

禾 hé Grain (bb)

厶 -# Private (bb)

私 sī Private

私人 sī rén Private

死人 sǐ rén Dead person

种 zhǒng Kind, type

种(子) zhǒng zi Seed

一种 yī zhǒng 1 way

那种 nà zhǒng Kind

和 hé And

和平 hé píng Peace

跟 gēn# With

且 qiě# And, (long time) (bb)

姐姐 jiě jie# Older sister

租 zū To rent

出租车 chū zū chē Taxi

租房 zū fáng To rent a house

房租 fáng zū Rent, house rent

Grammar notes:
Expressing "and" with "he"

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

钟 __________________________+__________________________
私 __________________________+__________________________
和 __________________________+__________________________
跟 __________________________+__________________________
租 __________________________+__________________________
姐 __________________________+__________________________
种 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

钟 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

私 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:



7.4 Translate to Chinese:



7.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 8

豆 dòu# Bean(bb)

厨 chú Chef

厨房 chú fáng Kitchen

厨师 chú shī Chef

先 xiān# First (bb)

洗 xǐ To wash

洗手 xǐ shǒu To wash hands

洗手间 xǐ shǒu jiān Toilet

洗车 xǐ chē Car wash

澡 zǎo Bath

洗澡 xǐ zǎo To bathe

攵 -# To knock over (bb)

放 fàng To put

少放一点 shǎo fàng yī diǎn Put less

多放一点 duō fàng yī diǎn Put more

放下 fàng xià To put it down

放不下 fàng bú xià Can't put down

放心 fàng xīn To relax, calm down

开放 kāi fàng Open-minded

放大 fàng dà To zoom in

放小 fàng xiǎo To zoom out

上学 shàng xué To start school

放学 fàng xué To finish school

Grammar notes:
Doing something less with "shao" 废话 少 说!
Doing something more with "duo" 多 吃 点。
Potential complement "bu xia" 放 不 下 这么 多 书。我 吃 不 下 了。

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

厨 __________________________+__________________________
洗 __________________________+__________________________
澡 __________________________+__________________________
放 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

放 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

澡 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:


8.5 Listen and translate:


8.6 Practise Speaking:

Practise, the 多/少+verb structure. e.g. 少说/少放 etc, using different verbs

Chapter 20
Lesson 9

尸 shī Corpse (bb)

比 bǐ Than (bb)

屁 pì Butt

放屁 fàng pì To fart

屁话 pì huà Bullsh*t, nonsense

艮 gěn # Tough (bb)

恨 hèn# To hate
很 hěn# Very

跟 gēn# With

我跟你说 wǒ gēn nǐ shuō I'm telling you

见面 jiàn miàn To meet

我跟你见面 wǒ gēn nǐ jiàn miàn I see you, meet you

跟/和.. gēn / hé yǒu guān xì Has to do with

样(子) yàng zi# Appearance

看样子 kàn yàng zi# It depends

怎么样? zěn me yàng# What about?

怎样 zěn yàng# What about

这样 zhè yàng# Like this

那样 nà yàng# Like that

Grammar notes:
Basic comparisons with "bi" 你 比 我 胖。
Expressing "it depends" with "kan" 那 得 看 他 有 没有 女朋友 。

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

屁 __________________________+__________________________
很 __________________________+__________________________
恨 __________________________+__________________________
跟 __________________________+__________________________
样 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

样 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

见 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:


9.4 Translate to Chinese:



9.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 10

一样 yī yàng The same

跟这个一样 gēn zhè ge yī yàng The same as this

比 bǐ# Than (bb)

比这个好 bǐ zhè ge hǎo Better than this

更 gèng More (bb)

比这个更好 bǐ zhè ge gēng hǎo Better than this

得很多 de hěn duō By a lot

多了 duō le By a lot

比分 bǐ fēn Score

没有 méi yǒu# No

Grammar notes:
Basic comparisons with "yiyang"
Expressing "even more" with "geng"
Expressing "much more" in comparisons 我 比 你 高 多 了。你 比 我 胖 得 多!
Basic comparisons with "meiyou" 你 没有 我 胖。
Expressing comparable degree with "you" 他 有 我 帅 吗?

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

比 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

比 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

样 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:



10.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Compare things, say that they are better or worse etc or equal, using the structures you've learned here

Lesson 11

逗比 dòu bǐ Loser, silly guy

北 běi# North

北京 běi jīng# Beijing

北方 běi fāng# North

北部 běi bù The Northern parts

南方 nán fāng The South

南部 nán bù The southern parts

西方 xī fāng West

西部 xī bù The western parts

东方 dōng fāng East

东部 dōng bù The eastern parts

河北 hé běi Hebei (province in the north)

屁 pì# Butt #

尿 niào To pee

屎 shǐ To poop

笑死我了 xiào sǐ wǒ le I die of laughter

笑屎我了 xiào shǐ wǒ le I die of laughter (slang)

气死我了 qì sǐ wǒ le I am furious

气屎我了 qì shǐ wǒ le I am furious (slang)

交 jiāo# To exchange (bb)

较 jiào Relatively

比较 bǐ jiào To compare, relatively, quite

比较喜欢 bǐ jiào xǐ huān To prefer

贝 bèi# Money

赛 sài Race

比赛 bǐ sài Competition

如 rú# Such as

如果 rú guǒ# If

要是 yào shi If

比如 bǐ rú For example

比如说 bǐ rú shuō For example

Grammar notes:
Expressing "rather" with "bijiao" 她 比较 聪明。
Expressing "if… then…" with "yaoshi" 要是⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 要是 他 不 来,我们 就 走 吧。

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

尿 __________________________+__________________________
屎 __________________________+__________________________
较 __________________________+__________________________
赛 __________________________+__________________________
如 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

比 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

如 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
11.3 Read and translate:



11.4 Translate to Chinese:



11.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 12

包 bāo Wrap (bb) (mw)packages

包子 bāo zi Steamed stuffed buns

打包 dǎ bāo To wrap up, doggy-bag

钱包 qián bāo Wallet

舌 shé# Tongue(bb)

舌头 shé tou# Tongue

括 kuò To include

包括 bāo kuò To include

括号 kuò hào Brackets

雨 yǔ# Rain (bb)

雹 báo Hail

冰雹 bīng báo Hail

下冰雹 xià bīng báo To hail

面包 miàn bāo Bread

饱 bǎo Full

吃饱了 chī bǎo le Full (of food)

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

括 __________________________+__________________________
雹 __________________________+__________________________
饱 __________________________+__________________________
12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

包 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

舌 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:



12.4 Translate to Chinese:



12.5 Listen and translate:

12.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 21
Lesson 13

条 tiáo (mw) thin, long objects

面条 miàn tiáo Noodles

一条路 yī tiáo lù One way

路口 lù kǒu Intersection

丁字 dīng zì T-junction

十字 shí zì Intersection

十字路口 shí zì lù kǒu Crossroads

抱 bào To hug

抱一下 bào yī xià Hug a bit

玉 yù# Jade

宝 bǎo Precious

宝宝 bǎo bǎo Baby

宝贝 bǎo bèi Baby

宝贵 bǎo guì Valuable

卑 bēi Vulgar (bb)

啤 pí# Beer

啤酒 pí jiǔ# Beer

鄙 bǐ Despicable

卑鄙 bēi bǐ Despicable

贝 bèi# Money(bb)

费 fèi# Fee

免费 miǎn fèi# Free

贵 guì# Expensive
太贵了 tài guì le# Too expensive

更 gèng# More (bb)

便 pián Cheap

宜 yi Cheap

便宜 pián yi Cheap

便 biàn# Convenient

方便 fāng biàn Convenient, cheap

方便面 fāng biàn miàn Instant noodles

小便 xiǎo biàn To pee

大便 dà biàn To poop

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

抱 __________________________+__________________________
宝 __________________________+__________________________
啤 __________________________+__________________________
费 __________________________+__________________________
贵 __________________________+__________________________
便 __________________________+__________________________
宜 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

便 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

条 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:


13.4 Translate to Chinese:



13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Excuse yourself cause you need to go to the toilet

Lesson 14

随 suí With

随便 suí biàn Whatever, casual

随时 suí shí At any time

随意 suí yì Casual

跑 pǎo To run

慢跑 màn pǎo To job

跑走 pǎo zǒu To run away

止 zhǐ To stop (bb)

址 zhǐ# Here

地址 dì zhǐ# Address

蛋 dàn# Egg

鸡蛋 jī dàn# (Chicken) Egg

示 shì# To show (bb)

禁 jīn To prohibit

禁止 jìn zhǐ Prohibition of

步 bù Step

下一步 xià yī bù Next step

跑步 pǎo bù To run

进步 jìn bù To improve

公 gōng Public (bb)

公路 gōng lù Road

公园 gōng yuán Park

公安 gōng ān Public security

公平 gōng píng Fair, just

公开 gōng kāi To open to the public

公主 gōng zhǔ Princess

公牛 gōng niú Bull

共 gòng Total (bb)

公共 gōng gòng Public

一共 yī gòng In total

总共 zǒng gòng In total

恭 gōng Congratulations

恭喜 gōng xǐ Congratulations

Grammar notes:

(No notes)
14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

随 __________________________+__________________________
跑 __________________________+__________________________
址 __________________________+__________________________
禁 __________________________+__________________________
步 __________________________+__________________________
恭 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

随 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

跑 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:



14.5 Listen and translate:

14.6 Practise Speaking:
Make several requests and the other person goes “随便“ every time

Lesson 15

气 qì# Air

汽 qì Motor

汽车 qì chē Automotive

公共汽车 gōng gòng qì chē Bus

公车 gōng chē Bus

同 tóng The same

共同 gòng tóng Common, shared

共同点 gòng tóng diǎn Common ground

同意 tóng yì To agree

认同 rèn tóng To recognise, understand

同学 tóng xué Classmate

同路 tóng lù The same way

同岁 tóng suì The same age

同时 tóng shí At the same time

不同 bù tóng Different

同样 tóng yàng The same

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

汽 __________________________+__________________________
同 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

同 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

汽 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:



15.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 16

斤 jīn# 500 g(bb)

公斤 gōng jīn Kg

里 li# In

公里 gōng li Km

司 sī# To be in charge of (bb)

词 cí# Word

歌词 gē cí Lyrics

生词 shēng cí New word

司机 sī jī# Driver

公司 gōng sī Company

一家 yī jiā (mw) company, shops

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
词 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

司 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

词 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:



16.5 Listen and translate.

-现在回去的话需要 3 个小时啊。

16.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Chapter 22
Lesson 17

室 shì* Room

室友 shì yǒu Roommate

工作室 gōng zuò shì Work room

教师 jiào shī Teacher

教室 jiào shì Classroom

地下室 dì xià shì Basement

地上 dì shang On the floor

力 lì# Force, energy(bb)

办 bàn To fix, manage

办公室 bàn gōng shì Office

怎么办? zěn me bàn What should I do?

去 qù# To go (bb)

法 fǎ Law, way, method

法国 fǎ guó France

法语 fǎ yǔ French

法文 fǎ wén French

语法 yǔ fǎ Grammar

法院 fǎ yuàn The court

办法 bàn fǎ Way, method

没办法 méi bàn fǎ There's nothing to do

有办法 yǒu bàn fǎ There are ways to

书法 shū fǎ Calligraphy

说法 shuō fǎ Way to say sth

用法 yòng fǎ Usage

想法 xiǎng fǎ Ideas

想办法 xiǎng bàn fǎ To think of ways

手法 shǒu fǎ Trick

做法 zuò fǎ Way to do sth

方式 fāng shì# Way, method

方法 fāng fǎ Way, Method

办理 bàn lǐ To manage, fix

Grammar notes:
Inability with "mei banfa" 我 没 办法 帮 你。

17.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

办 __________________________+__________________________
法 __________________________+__________________________

17.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

法 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

办 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

17.3 Read and translate:



17.4 Translate to Chinese:



17.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 18

对... duì# To....

跟 gēn# With, and

看法 kàn fǎ View

青 qīng# Natural (bb)

猜 cāi# To guess

青菜 qīng cài Vegetables

经 jīng# Experience

已经 yǐ jīng# Already

轻 qīng# Light

年轻 nián qīng Young

年青 nián qīng Young

请 qǐng Please

勿 wù# Do not(bb)

请勿 qǐng wù Please do not

吻 wěn# To kiss

接吻 jiē wěn# To kiss

请问 qǐng wèn May I ask

请进 qǐng jìn Please enter

请坐 qǐng zuò Please sit

请客 qǐng kè To treat guests

请喝茶 qǐng hē chá Please drink tea

Grammar notes:
Using "dui" with verbs 宝宝 对 我 笑 了。
Comparing "gen" and "dui" 跟 vs 对那 个 帅哥 在 对 我 招手!那 你 要 跟 他 去 吗?

18.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

经 __________________________+__________________________
轻 __________________________+__________________________
请 __________________________+__________________________
吻 __________________________+__________________________

18.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

轻 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

青 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

18.3 Read and translate:



18.4 Translate to Chinese:



18.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 19

清 qīng Pure, clean

清理 qīng lǐ To clean up

楚 chǔ Clean

禁 jīn# To prohibit

禁止 jìn zhǐ# Prohibition of

清楚 qīng chu Clear

听得清楚 tīng dé qīng chu Hear clearly

情 qíng Emotion, feeling

心情 xīn qíng Mood

爱情 ài qíng Romance, love

热情 rè qíng Enthusiastic

调情 tiáo qíng To flirt

晴 qíng Sunny

晴天 qíng tiān Sunny, clear sky

事 shì Matter, thing

东西 dōng xī# Thing

件 jiàn (mw) Events, clothes

一件事 yī jiàn shì A thing, event

文件 wén jiàn Document, file

小事 xiǎo shì Petty thing

小 case xiǎo case Petty thing

好事 hǎo shì Good thing

事情 shì qing Thing, matter

什么事? shén me shì What is the matter?

找我什么事? zhǎo wǒ shén me shì What's wrong?

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

19.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

清 __________________________+__________________________
情 __________________________+__________________________
晴 __________________________+__________________________
件 __________________________+__________________________

19.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

件 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

情 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

19.3 Read and translate:



19.4 Translate to Chinese:


19.5 Listen and translate:


Lesson 20

没事 méi shì Nothing, it's fine

怎么回事? zěn me huí shì What is the matter?

出事(了) chū shì le Something's wrong

厨师 chú shī# Chef

同事 tóng shì Colleagues

同时 tóng shí# At the same time

同学 tóng xué# Students

妻(子) qī zi# Wife

美 měi# Beautiful

完美 wán měi# Perfect

雨 yǔ# Rain (bb)

丽 lí Pretty

美丽 měi lì Beautiful, pretty

漂 piāo To float

亮 liàng Light

漂亮 piào liang Beautiful, nice

故 gù# Accident(bb)

故事 gù shì Story

故意 gù yì Deliberately

做 zuò# To do

做爱 zuò ài# To make love

做朋友 zuò péng you# To make friends

你做什么? nǐ zuò shén me# What do you do?

你做什么工作? nǐ zuò shén me gōng zuò# What you do for work?

做好了 zuò hǎo le# I'm finished

做客 zuò kè# To be a guest

做生意 zuò shēng yì# To do business

做法 zuò fǎ# Way to do sth

有事 yǒu shì# There's sth wrong

有事要做 yǒu shì yào zuò# There's sth to do

有事做 yǒu shì zuò# There's sth to do

没事做 méi shì zuò# There's nothing to do

没事干 méi shì gàn# There's nothing to do

叫做 jiào zuò It is called

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

20.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

古 __________________________+__________________________
故 __________________________+__________________________
做 __________________________+__________________________

20.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

做 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

故 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
20.3 Read and translate:



20.4 Translate to Chinese:



20.5 Listen and translate.


20.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Level 6
Chapter 23
Lesson 1

梦 mèng Dream

做梦 zuò mèng To dream

白日梦 bái rì mèng Daydreaming

梦想 mèng xiǎng Dream, dreamland

梦想家 mèng xiǎng jiā Visionary, dreamer

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

梦 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

梦 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

昨晚做梦了 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

不要做白日梦了 _______________________________________________________________________________

1.5 Listen and translate:

Lesson 2

就 jiù# Just

才 cái Only, just (bb)

Grammar notes:

Expressing "as one likes" with "jiu" 想去哪儿就去哪。

Expressing lateness with "cai" 你 现在 才 来 啊。
Using "cai" for small numbers 这个 办公室 才 五个 人。
Expressing not knowing how to do something using "hao" 我 不 知道 怎么 做 才 好。
Comparing "cai" and "jiu" 我 花了 两天 才修 好,你 五 分钟 就 弄 坏 了。

2.3 Read and translate:



2.4 Translate to Chinese:



2.5 Listen and translate:


2.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell us about your day using 就 and 才 as much as possible

Lesson 3

天才 tiān cái Genius

人才 rén cái Talent

只有。。。就 zhǐyǒu...jiù So long as

只有。。。才 zhǐyǒu...cái Only if

冈 gāng Ridge (bb)

刚 gāng Just now

刚刚 gāng gang Just now

刚才 gāng cái Just now

间 jiān# Space (bb)(mw) room

简 jiǎn Brief

单 dān# List, single

菜单 cài dān# Menu

买单 mǎi dān# Bill, check

词 cí# Word

单词 dān cí Word

简单 jiǎn dān Simple, easy

虫(子) chóng zi# Bug, insect (bb)

独 dú Alone
单独 dān dú On its own, separate

独立 dú lì Independent

单人房 dān rén fáng Single room

单调 dān diào Monotonous

单车 dān chē Bike

前 qián# Before

煎 jiān To fry (lightly)

煎蛋 jiān dàn Omelette

蛋白 dàn bái Protein

少 shǎo# Less (bb)

炒 chǎo To fry

炒饭 chǎo fàn Fried rice

蛋炒饭 dàn chǎo fàn Egg fried rice

蛋炒面 dàn chǎo miàn Egg fried noodles

Grammar notes:

Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou" 只有 你 帮忙 , 我 才 能 完成 任务 。

Expressing "just" with "gang"
Comparing "gang" and "gangcai" 你 刚才 去 哪儿 了?我 刚 上 完 厕所。
Expressing "just now" with "gangcai" 你 刚才 说 什么 了?

3.1 下面的字里面有什么部分:

刚 __________________________+__________________________
简 __________________________+__________________________
独 __________________________+__________________________
煎 __________________________+__________________________
炒 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 加一个字,做新的词:
炒 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
单 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 读下面的句子,然后说它英文的意思:



3.4 Translate to Chinese:



3.5 Listen and translate:


3.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 4

鸟 niǎo # Bird(bb)

笨鸟先飞 bèn niǎo xiān fēi Study hard to be the best

只 zhǐ Only, (mw) animals

菜鸟 cài niǎo Newbie

鸡 jī# Chicken

鸡蛋 jī dàn# Egg

火鸡 huǒ jī Turkey

鹅 é Goose

岛 dǎo Island

青岛 qīng dǎo Qingdao, a popular beer brand

冰岛 bīng dǎo Iceland

隹 zhuī# Little bird(bb)

准 zhǔn# Standard

标准 biāo zhǔn# Standard

准备 zhǔn bèi# To prepare

难 nán Difficult

难看 nán kàn Ugly

难吃 nán chī Disgusting

难听 nán tīng Bad (music)

难说 nán shuō Difficult to say

难过 nán guò Sad

难做 nán zuò Difficult to do

Grammar notes:
Expressing "difficult" with "nan" 难 做。难 买。

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

鸡 __________________________+__________________________
鹅 __________________________+__________________________
岛 __________________________+__________________________
准 __________________________+__________________________
难 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

难 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

准 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:



4.4 Translate to Chinese:

So ugly (I could die)!

This is so bad-tasting!

4.5 Listen and translate:

4.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 24
Lesson 5

谁 shéi Who

你是谁 nǐ shì shéi Who are you?

都 dōu#* All

都不是... dōu bú shi None of it

都已经 dōu yǐ jīng Already

每 měi# Each, every(bb)

海 hǎi # Sea

上海 shàng hǎi# Shanghai

每个都 měi gè dōu Each

每天 měi tiān Every day

每个人 měi ge rén Everyone

每年 měi nián Every year

每次 měi cì Every time

谁都 shéi dōu Anyone

Grammar notes:
Expressing "everyone" with "shei" 谁 都 不 知道 答案。
Using "ye" and "dou" together 也 + 都 + Verb / 也 + 都 + Adj. 他们 也 都 是 法国 人。
Expressing "not even one" 一 + Measure Word + (Noun) + 也 / 都 + Verb 一 句 中文 都 不 会 说。
Expressing "already" with "dou… le" 你 都 快 三十 了,还 不 结婚?

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
谁 __________________________+__________________________
海 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

每 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

海 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:

Everyone is here

Everyone has already got off work

5.5 Listen and translate:

5.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 6

哪里都 nǎ lǐ dōu Anywhere

哪儿都 nǎ er dōu Anywhere

什么都 shén me dōu Whatever

没有什么 méi yǒu shén me Don't have anything

什么的 shén me de And so on

怎么 zěn me# How

怎么样? zěn me yàng# How about?

怎么样都可以 zěn me yàng dōu kě yǐ Anywhat will do

一点都不 yī diǎn dōu bù Not even a bit

一点也不 yī diǎn yě bù Not even a bit

都 dōu# All

Grammar notes:
Expressing "all" with "shenme dou" 爸爸 什么 都 知道。
Expressing "all" with "shenme dou" 爸爸 什么 都 知道。
Challenging a verb with "shenme" 没有 钱 看 什么 电影。
Ending a non-exhaustive list with "shenme de" 我 买 了 苹果 ,橘子 ,香蕉 什么的 。
Expressing "not at all" with "yidianr ye bu" 你 一点 也 不 性感。

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(No words)

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

(No words)

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

Anywhere is fine

I can do anything

6.5 Listen and translate:


6.6 Practise Speaking:

Ask questions and answer using 都 like in the lesson.

Lesson 7

垂 chuí Vertical (bb)

锤(子) chuí zi Hammer

睡 shuì To sleep

谁 shéi, shuí# Who

觉 jué, jiào# Consciousness

睡觉 shuì jiào To sleep

早睡早起 zǎo shuì zǎo qǐ Sleep and get up early

晚睡晚起 wǎn shuì wǎn qǐ Sleep and get up late

衣 yī# Clothes

睡衣 shuì yī Pyjamas

洗衣 xǐ yī To wash clothes

洗衣机 xǐ yī jī Washing machine

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

睡 __________________________+__________________________
锤 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

睡 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

衣 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:



7.4 Translate to Chinese:

It's in the washing machine

You should sleep and get up earlier

7.5 Listen and translate:


7.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 8

卩 - Seal (bb)

服 fú Service

衣服 yī fu Clothes

兑 duì# To exchange(bb)

说服 shuì fú To convince

舒 shū* Comfortable

舒服 shū fu Comfortable

汉服 hàn fú Han clothes

务 wù Duty, affair

家务 jiā wù Housework

国务 guó wù The Council of State

服务 fú wù Service, to serve

贝 bèi# Money (bb)

员 yuán Member

服务员 fú wù yuán Waitor, waitress

人员 rén yuán Staff

工作人员 gōng zuò rén yuán Staff

穴 xué# Cavitation

牙 yá Tooth (bb)

呀 ya# “sound”

哎呀 āi yā# Oops

约 yuè Appointment, date (bb)

约会 yuè huì Appointment, date

哟 yō# “sound”

哎哟 āi yō# Oh no

穿 chuān To wear

穿衣服 chuān yī fú To wear clothes

穿上 chuān shang To put on

试穿 shì chuān To try on (clothes)

舟 zhōu Small boat

船 chuán Boat

上船 shàng chuán To get on a boat

传 chuán#* To transfer

上传 shàng chuán To upload

飞船 fēi chuán Spacecraft

衣 yī# Clothes

衤 -# Clothes(bb)

被 bèi# Quilt, passive voice

被(子) bèi zi# Quilt

Grammar notes:
Using "bei" sentences 书 被 人 偷 了。

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

服 __________________________+__________________________
务 __________________________+__________________________
员 __________________________+__________________________
约 __________________________+__________________________
哟 __________________________+__________________________
穿 __________________________+__________________________
船 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

服务员 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

说服 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:

Upload files

To put on clothes

8.5 Listen and translate:


8.6 Practise Speaking:

Tell a story and try to make as much as possible in passive voice (被)

Chapter 25
Lesson 9

此 cǐ This (bb)

些 xiē Some

一些 yī xiē Some

这些 zhè xiē These

那些 nà xiē Those

有(一)些 yǒu yī xiē There aresome

有的(人/时候) yǒu de rén shí hou Some... (people/times)

早些 zǎo xiē Earlier

晚些 wǎn xiē Later

革 gé Revolution (bb)
鞋 xié Shoes

穿鞋 chuān xié To wear shoes

鞋(子) xié zi Shoes

冰鞋 bīng xié Ice-skates

鞋跟 xié gēn Heel

介 jiè In between

中介 zhōng jiè Intermediary, agent

介意 jiè yì To mind

召 shào Call (bb)

绍 shào To introduce

介绍 jiè shào To introduce

介绍给 jiè shào gěi To introduce to

昔 xī Old times (bb)

借 jiè To borrow

借给 jiè gěi To lend

借口 jiè kǒu Pretext, excuse

找个借口 zhǎo gè jiè kǒu To find an excuse

还 hái, huán# Still, give back

还给 huán gěi To give back

奂 huàn To switch (bb)

换 huàn To switch

错 cuò Wrong

不错 bú cuò Not bad

没错 méi cuò Not bad

做错 zuò cuò To make a mistake

看错 kàn cuò To “mislook”

走错 zǒu cuò To “miswalk”

错过 cuò guò To miss

Grammar notes:
Expressing "some" with "yixie" 这里 有 一些 咖啡。
Using "youde" to mean "some" 派对的时候,有的人在喝酒,有的人在跳舞,还有的人在聊天。
Result complement "cuo" 这 个 字 是 不 是 写 错 了?

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

此 __________________________+__________________________
些 __________________________+__________________________
鞋 __________________________+__________________________
绍 __________________________+__________________________
借 __________________________+__________________________
换 __________________________+__________________________
错 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

些 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

介 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:

I want to introduce a person

I'm looking for an excuse to go see you

9.5 Listen and translate:


9.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point, make sure to introduce

Lesson 10

送 sòng To send, get for free

买一送一 mǎi yī sòng yī Buy 1 get 1

送给 sòng gěi To send to

送客 sòng kè To see of guests

送走 sòng zǒu To see of someone

友 yǒu# Friend

发 fā To send

发音 fā yīn Pronunciation

发送 fā sòng To send

发现 fā xiàn To discover

发明 fā míng To invent
发生 fā shēng To happen

发呆 fā dāi To stare blankly

出发 chū fā To depart

发言 fā yán To make a speech

广 guǎng# Wide(bb)

废 fèi Waste

废话 fèi huà Rubbish, nonsense

沙(子) shā zi Sand

沙发 shā fā Sofa

头发 tóu fà Hair

理发 lǐ fà Barber

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

送 __________________________+__________________________
发 __________________________+__________________________
废 __________________________+__________________________
沙 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

送 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

发 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:


10.4 Translate to Chinese:

To discover a secret

Don't speak rubbish!

10.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 11

言 yán# Word, knowledge (bb)

信 xìn Letter

可信的 kě xìn Trustworthy

信心 xìn xīn Confidence

有信心 yǒu xìn xīn Confident

信号 xìn hào Signal, connection

上 shǎng# On top (bb)

下 xià# Under(bb)

卡 kǎ Card

电脑很卡 diàn nǎo hěn kǎ The computer is slow

信用 xìn yòng Credit

信用卡 xìn yòng kǎ Credit card

自 zì# Oneself (bb)

臭 chòu# Odor

息 xī Message

信息 xìn xī Information, message

发给 fā gěi To send to

在 zài# To be at/in

到 dào# To arrive

打给 dǎ gěi To call to

息 xī# Message

思 sī# Mind

休 xiū To rest

休息 xiū xi To rest

一会儿 yī huìr A moment

白 bái# White

自 zì# Oneself(bb)

自信 zì xìn Confidence

有自信 yǒu zì xìn Confident

己 jǐ Oneself(bb)

自己 zì jǐ Oneself

一起 yī qǐ# Together

Grammar notes:
Verbs with "gei" 我 给 他 打 电话 了。
Complements with "dao", "gei" and "zai" 你 可以 坐 在 我 旁边。你 写 的 文章 读 给我 听。

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

信 __________________________+__________________________
卡 __________________________+__________________________
臭 __________________________+__________________________
息 __________________________+__________________________
休 __________________________+__________________________
自 __________________________+__________________________
起 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

自 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

休 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:



11.4 Translate to Chinese:

The credit card has no money

The signal is not good

11.5 Listen and translate:

11.6 Practise Speaking:
Talk about a text message and a phone call

Lesson 12

自发 zì fā Spontaneous

自然 zì rán Natural

自学 zì xué Self-taught

自觉 zì jué Conscious, self-aware

来自 lái zì To come from

自我 zì wǒ Oneself

自我介绍 zì wǒ jiè shào Self-introduction

咱 zán We, us

咱们 zán men We, us

私 sī # Privacy

自私 zì sī Selfish

私人 sī rén # Private

走私 zǒu sī To smuggle

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

咱 __________________________+__________________________
私 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

私 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
自 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:



12.4 Translate to Chinese:



12.5 Listen and translate:

12.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 26
Lesson 13

行 xíng Ok, to advance

自行车 zì xíng chē Bike

行人 xíng rén Pedestrian

行人路 xíng rén lù Pedestrian road

不行 bù xíng Not ok

步行 bù xíng To walk

就行了 jiù háng le That'll be fine

不就行了 bú jiù háng le Won't that just be fine

街 jiē Street

一条街 yī tiáo jiē One street

流 liú To flow

昔 xī# Old times (bb)

散 sǎn To walk

散步 sàn bù To walk

你行你上 nǐ háng nǐ shǎng “Go ahead if it's so easy then”

风 fēng Wind (bb)

风气 fēng qì General mood, atmosphere

疯 fēng Mad

疯子 fēng zi Crazy person

发疯 fā fēng To go crazy

狂 kuáng Rabies, crazy (bb)

疯狂 fēng kuáng Crazy

逛 guàng To wander
逛逛 guàng guang To wander about

挺 tǐng* Quite, pretty

挺好 tǐng hǎo Pretty good

艮 gěn # Tough (bb)

钅 -# Gold(bb)

银 yín# Silver

银子 yín zi Silver

行 xíng, háng# Ok, branch

你是哪一行的? nǐ shì nǎ yī háng de Which business are you in?

银行 yín háng Bank

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

行 __________________________+__________________________
街 __________________________+__________________________
散 __________________________+__________________________
疯 __________________________+__________________________
狂 __________________________+__________________________
逛 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

疯 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

挺 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:


13.4 Translate to Chinese:

I think it's pretty good

There's not a good vibe at this place

13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 14

旅 lǚ To travel

旅行 lǚ xíng To travel

游 yóu To travel

旅游 lǚ yóu To travel
游乐园 yóu lè yuán Amusement park

戈 gē# Lance(bb)

戏 xì Game

游戏 yóu xì Games

玩游戏 wán yóu xì To play games

戏院 xì yuàn Theatre

永 yǒng Forever (bb)

永远 yǒng yuǎn Forever

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

戏 __________________________+__________________________
永 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

旅 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

永 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:

I want to play games with the kids

Yesterday we went to the amusement park

14.5 Listen and translate:


14.6 Practise Speaking:

Talk about traveling, where do you want to go where have you been etc.

Lesson 15

泳 yǒng To swim

游泳 yóu yǒng To swim

游得怎么样? yóu dé zěn me yàng How do I swim?

有用 yǒu yòng Useful

泳衣 yǒng yī Swim suits

力 lì# Force, energy(bb)

且 qiě# And, (long time) (bb)

助 zhù Help

自助 zì zhù Self-help, automatic

帮 bāng# To help

帮助 bāng zhù To help

助手 zhù shǒu Assistant

助理 zhù lǐ Assistant

云 yún Cloud (bb)

会 huì# Will

多云 duō yún Cloudy

运 yùn Fortune, transportation

运气 yùn qi Luck

好运 hǎo yùn Good luck

祝你好运 zhù nǐ hǎo yùn Good luck

动 dòng To move

不动 bú dòng Not moving

运动 yùn dòng Sport

做运动 zuò yùn dòng To do sports

自动 zì dòng Automatic

自动楼梯 zì dòng lóu tī Escalator

动作 dòng zuò Motion, movement

动词 dòng cí Verb

名词 míng cí Noun

Grammar notes:
Potential complement "bu dong" 我 太 累 了,走 不 动 了。

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

泳 __________________________+__________________________
助 __________________________+__________________________
会 __________________________+__________________________
运 __________________________+__________________________
动 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

动 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

运 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do sports everyday

Help me do this movement

15.5 Listen and translate:


15.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Lesson 16

牛 niú# Cow

勿 wù Do not(bb)

物 wù Substance

动物 dòng wù Animal

动物园 dòng wù yuán Zoo

示 shì# To show (bb)

礻 shì# To show (bb)

视 shì# Vision

电视 diàn shì# TV

乚 - Right hook (bb)

礼 lǐ Gift, polite

礼物 lǐ wù Gift

豸 - Legless insect (bb)

貌 mào Polite

礼貌 lǐ mào Polite

做礼拜 zuò lǐ bài To worship

礼拜 lǐ bài Worship

礼拜一 lǐ bài yī Monday

礼拜天 lǐ bài tiān Sunday

圣 shèng Holy (bb)

怪 guài Weird

怪人 guài rén Weird person

怪物 guài wu Monster

怪怪 guài guài Strange, weird

北 běi# North

乖 guāi Obedient
乖乖 guāi guāi Obedient

难怪 nán guài No wonder that

奇 qí# Weird (bb)

椅(子) yǐ zi# Chair

奇怪 qí guài # Strange

Grammar notes:
Expressing "no wonder" 小张 请假 了,难怪 今天 没有 看到 他。
Using "nanguai" as a verb 难怪 他,他还是个孩子呢,什么都不懂。

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

物 __________________________+__________________________
视 __________________________+__________________________
礼 __________________________+__________________________
貌 __________________________+__________________________
怪 __________________________+__________________________
椅 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

物 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

视 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:

The animals are in the zoo

The pretty girl in the TV

16.5 Listen and translate.


16.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 27
Lesson 17

好奇(对) hào qí (duì) Curious (about)

寄 jì To send, post

身 shēn Body (bb)

身边 shēn biān By (my) side

单身 dān shēn Single

射 shè To shoot (bb)

射射 shè shè Thank you (slang)

谢 xiè# Thanks

谢谢 xiè xie Thanks

谢谢你 xiè xie nǐ Thank you

纟 -# Silk(bb)

纹 wén Line, trace

纹身 wén shēn Tattoo

本 běn# Root (bb)(mw)books

一本书 yī běn shū# One book

休 xiū# To rest

休息 xiū xi# To rest

体 tǐ Body, system

身体 shēn tǐ Body

字体 zì tǐ Font

才 cái# Only (bb)

团 tuán Group

团体 tuán tǐ Group

尸 shī# Corpse (bb)

尸体 shī tǐ Corpse

尼 ní Nun (bb)

呢 ne# What about

泥 ní Cement

水泥 shuǐ ní Cement

户 hù# Households

用户 yòng hù User

客户 kè hù Customer

户口 hù kǒu Account, household

房(子) fáng zi# House

声 shēng# Sound

声音 shēng yīn# Sound

Grammar notes:
Softening the tone of questions with "ne" ⋯⋯呢? 他人在哪呢?

17.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

寄 __________________________+__________________________
射 __________________________+__________________________
谢 __________________________+__________________________
纹 __________________________+__________________________
体 __________________________+__________________________
团 __________________________+__________________________
尼 __________________________+__________________________
泥 __________________________+__________________________
呢 __________________________+__________________________
房 __________________________+__________________________

17.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

体 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

身 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

17.3 Read and translate:



17.4 Translate to Chinese:


17.5 Listen and translate:


17.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 18

高 gāo High

高跟 gāo gēn High-heel

高中 gāo zhōng High-school

水平高 shuǐ píng gāo High level

个子 gè zi Height

个人 gè rén Personal

矮 ǎi Low, short

高矮 gāo ǎi Height

搞 gǎo To do, make

搞笑 gǎo xiào Funny

搞错 gǎo cuò To make a mistake

搞不懂 gǎo bù dǒng To not understand

搞不清楚 gǎo bù qīng chu To not get it clearly

搞定 gǎo dìng To get it done

怎么搞的? zěn me gǎo de How did you do it?

弄 nòng To get, do

弄到 nòng dào To get

怎么弄的? zěn me nòng de How did you do it?

兴 xìng Excited

六 liù# 6

高兴 gāo xìng Glad, happy

很高兴认识你 hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ It is a pleasure to meet you

很开心认识你 hěn kāi xīn rèn shi nǐ# It is a pleasure to meet you

奋 fèn Excited

兴奋 xìng fèn Exciting, excited

举 jǔ To put up, raise

举手 jǔ shǒu To raise your hands

列 liè List, (mw) vehicles (bb)

一列车 yī liè chē One train

系列 xì liè Series

例(子) lì zi Example

举例 jǔ lì For example, to take an example

例如 lì rú For example

例外 lì wài Exception

做例外 zuò lì wài To make an exception

趣 qù* Fun

有趣 yǒu qù To be interesting

兴趣 xìng qù Interest

没有趣 méi yǒu qù No interest

Grammar notes:

(No notes)
18.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

矮 __________________________+__________________________
搞 __________________________+__________________________
弄 __________________________+__________________________
奋 __________________________+__________________________
举 __________________________+__________________________
列 __________________________+__________________________
例 __________________________+__________________________

18.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

搞 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

例 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

18.3 Read and translate:



18.4 Translate to Chinese:

I don't feel like it

Everyone's very excited

18.5 Listen and translate:

18.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 19

是 shì# To be (bb)

提 tí To bring up

手提 shǒu tí Hand held, portable

手提电脑 shǒu tí diàn nǎo Portable computer

提起(来) tí qǐ lái To bring up

说起 shuō qǐ To bring up

提出 tí chū To bring up

提问 tí wèn To ask, pose a question

提前 tí qián In advance

提高 tí gāo To improve

提示 tí shì To advise, give tips

共 gòng# Total (bb)

公共 gōng gòng# Public

供 gōng To provide

提供 tí gōng To provide

另 lìng# Another(bb)

别 biè Don't, other

别...了 biè le Don't

别提了 bié tí le Don't bring it up

别的 bié de Other

别人 bié ren Others

分别 fēn bié To distinguish

Grammar notes:
Negative commands with "bie"
Expressing "stop doing" with "bie… le" 别 哭 了,烦 死了 。

19.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

提 __________________________+__________________________
供 __________________________+__________________________
别 __________________________+__________________________

19.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

提 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

供 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

19.3 Read and translate:



19.4 Translate to Chinese:

To provide things to eat and drink

I'll tell you in advance

19.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Level 7
Chapter 28
Lesson 1

用 yòng# To use (bb)

甭 béng Don't

另 lìng# Another(bb)

另一个 lìng yī gè Another

另外 lìng wài In addion, another

再说 zài shuō In addition

另外一个 lìng wài yī gè Another

得 de# Adverb particle

寺 sì Temple (bb)

等 děng# To wait

特 tè Special

特别 tè bié Special

特点 tè diǎn Feature

Grammar notes:
Expressing "in addition" with "lingwai" 希望 你 不要 再 迟到 了。另外,你 应该 穿 得 正式 一点。
Expressing "in addition" with "zaishuo" 再说,时间 不 早 了。

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

甭 __________________________+__________________________
等 __________________________+__________________________
得 __________________________+__________________________
特 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

另 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

特 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

还有另外一个问题我想跟你说一下 _______________________________________________________________________

中国电影有什么特点 _______________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

Don't tell me _______________________________________________________________________________

I especially like this _______________________________________________________________________________
1.5 Listen and translate:


1.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 2

差 chā Difference, worse

差不多 chā bu duō More or less

差很多 chā hěn duō Not good at all, lacks by a lot

差点 chā diǎn Almost

差别 chā bié Difference

时差 shí chā Time difference

Grammar notes:

Approximations with "chabuduo"

The opposite of "cha hen duo" is "chabuduo" 中国 文化 和 西方 文化 差 很 多 。
Expressing "almost" using "chadian" 看到 妈妈 走 了,她 差点 哭 了。
Expressing "almost" using "chadian mei" 路 这么 滑,我 差点没 摔倒。

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
(No words)

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

差 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:



2.4 Translate to Chinese:

What's the difference?

He almost didn't come back

2.5 Listen and translate:


2.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 3

生 shēng# To give birth to(bb)

性 xìng Sex, nature

性别 xìng bié Gender

女性 nǚ xìng Female

男性 nán xìng Male

可能性 kě néng xìng Possibility

自发性 zì fā xìng Spontaneity

咸 xián# Salty (bb)

感 gǎn To feel

感觉 gǎn jué To feel

感到 gǎn dào To feel it

感觉到 gǎn jué dào To feel it

感谢 gǎn xiè To thank

太感谢你了 tài gǎn xiè nǐ le Thank you so much

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

性 __________________________+__________________________
咸 __________________________+__________________________
感 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

感 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

性 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:


3.4 Translate to Chinese:

Not the same sex

Salty potato

3.5 Listen and translate:


3.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 4

感情 gǎn qíng Emotion, feeling

感动 gǎn dòng To be moved

感兴趣 gǎn xìng qù Interest, to feel like

口感 kǒu gǎn Taste, texture

手感 shǒu gǎn Hand feeling

安全感 ān quán gǎn Feeling of safety

幽 yōu Humor

默 mò* Silent
幽默 yōu mò Humor

幽默感 yōu mò gǎn Sense of humor

性感 xìng gǎn Sexy

已 yǐ# Already

已经 yǐ jīng Already

己 jǐ# Oneself(bb)

自己 zì jǐ# Oneself

记 jì To note

日记 rì jì Diary

记性 jì xing Memory

记得 jì de To remember

记住 jì zhu To remember

记不住 jì bu zhù To not remember

记不起 jì bù qǐ To not remember

记下来 jì xià lái To write it down

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

幽 __________________________+__________________________
记 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

性 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

记 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:


4.4 Translate to Chinese:

Remember to call me

Beware of your own safety

4.5 Listen and translate:


4.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 29
Lesson 5

久 jiǔ Long time

多久 duō jiǔ How long

久等 jiǔ děng To wait long

好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bu jiàn Long time no see

还有多久 hái yǒu duō jiǔ How long left

旧 jiù Old

亡 wáng Death (bb)

死亡 sǐ wáng Death

亡友 wáng yǒu Dead friends

灭亡 miè wáng To extinguish

忙 máng Busy

帮忙 bāng máng To do a favour

帮大忙 bāng dà máng To do a big favour

人情 rén qíng Personal favour

做个人情 zuò gè rén qíng To do a personal favour

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

忙 __________________________+__________________________
旧 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

情 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

忙 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:

How long left?

When will it be extinguished?

5.5 Listen and translate:

-10 个小时。

5.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 6

忘 wàng To forget

忘记 wàng jì To forget

盲 máng Blind

盲目 máng mù Blind

盲人 máng rén Blind person

忙人 máng rén Busy person

盲点 máng diǎn Blind spots

盲文 máng wén Braille

望 wàng To expect, wish for

希望 xī wàng To expect, wish for

冬 dōng Winter (bb)

冬天 dōng tiān Winter

疼 téng Pain

头疼 tóu téng Headache

疼痛 téng tòng Pain

疼爱 téng ài To love ardently

蛋疼 dàn téng Egg (genital) pain

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

忘 __________________________+__________________________
盲 __________________________+__________________________
望 __________________________+__________________________
冬 __________________________+__________________________
疼 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

疼 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

望 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

I forgot what you're called

Still got a headache?

6.5 Listen and translate:


6.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 7

春 chūn Spring

春天 chūn tiān Spring

攵 -# To knock over (bb)

夊 - Go slowly (bb)

夏 xià Summer

夏天 xià tiān Summer

厦 xià Mansion

大厦 dà shà Building, mansion

复 fù To repeat

回复 huí fù To reply, answer

复习 fù xí To review

杂 zá Miscellaneous

复杂 fù zá Complex

秋 qiū Autumn
秋天 qiū tiān Autumn

安 ān# Safe (bb)

按 àn To press

铃 líng Bell

按铃 àn líng To ring the bell

门铃 mén líng Doorbell

按时 àn shí On time

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

春 __________________________+__________________________
夏 __________________________+__________________________
厦 __________________________+__________________________
复 __________________________+__________________________
秋 __________________________+__________________________
按 __________________________+__________________________

铃 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

复 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

按 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:


7.4 Translate to Chinese:

What should I answer

you with?

7.5 Listen and translate:


7.6 Practise Speaking:

Talk about the different seasons.

Lesson 8

召 shào# Call (bb)

绍 shào# To introduce

介绍 jiè shào# To introduce

照 zhào To take care

按照 àn zhào According to

厄 - Difficulty (bb)

页 yè# Page (bb)

顾 gù To take care of

照顾 zhào gu To take care of

好好照顾自己 hǎo hǎo zhào gu zì jǐ Take good care of yourself

顾客 gù kè Customer

白 bái# White

拍 (子) pāi zi Bat (bb)

拍照 pāi zhào To take a picture

自拍 zì pāi To take a selfie

球拍 qiú pāi Racket

啪啪啪 pā pā pā (clap, clap, clap)

拍马屁 pāi mǎ pì To suck up to someone

非 fēi Non, wrong (bb)

排 pái Row

一排 yī pái One row

前排 qián pái Front row

后排 hòu pái Back row

安排 ān pái To arrange

排名 pái míng Rankings

排球 pái qiú Volleyball

肉排 ròu pái Steak

牛排 niú pái Beef steak

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

绍 __________________________+__________________________
照 __________________________+__________________________
顾 __________________________+__________________________
拍 __________________________+__________________________
排 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

排 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

拍 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:



8.5 Listen and translate:


8.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Chapter 30
Lesson 9

房 fáng# House

户 hù# Households

客户 kè hù# Customer

用户 yòng hù# User

开户 kāi hù# To open an account

户口 hù kǒu# Account, household

所 suǒ# So

所以 suǒ yǐ# So

所有 suǒ yǒu All

护 hù To protect

护照 hù zhào Passport

爱护 ài hù To cherish

护士 hù shì Nurse

呆(子) dāi zi# Stupid (bb)

保 bǎo To protect (bb)

保安 bǎo ān Security

保护 bǎo hù To protect

医保 yī bǎo Medical insurance

Grammar notes:
Referring to "all" using "suoyou" 我 喜欢 吃 所有的 中国 菜。

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

房 __________________________+__________________________
护 __________________________+__________________________
呆 __________________________+__________________________
9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

护 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

户 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:



9.5 Listen and translate:


9.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 10
片 piān3 Slice, movie

片子 piān zi Movie

名片 míng piàn Contact card

卡片 kǎ piàn Card

照片 zhào piàn Photo

动作片 dòng zuò piàn Action movie

动画 dòng huà Animation

动画片 dòng huà piàn Animation, cartoon movie

片面 piàn miàn One-sided

片面性 piàn miàn xìng One-sidedness

全面 quán miàn Comprehensive, overall

扁 piān Flat (bb)

骗 piàn To deceive, cheat

骗子 piàn zi Cheater, con-artist

骗人 piàn rén Cheater, con-artist

照骗 zhào piàn “Snapshot deception”

相 xiāng# Reflection (bb)

想 xiǎng# To want, think

照相机 zhào xiàng jī Camera

相机 xiàng jī Camera

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

骗 __________________________+__________________________
相 __________________________+__________________________
想 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

相 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
片 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:



10.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 11

相信 xiāng xìn To believe in

相爱 xiāng ài To love mutually

相关 xiāng guān Interrelated

相同 xiāng tóng Similar

互相 hù xiāng Mutual

相互 xiāng hù Mutual

箱(子) xiāng zi Box

冰箱 bīng xiāng Refrigerator

李(子) lǐ zi Plum

行李 xíng li Baggage

行李箱 xíng li xiāng Luggage

李飞 lǐ fēi Lifei (your Chinese teacher)

栗(子) lì zi Chestnut

列 liè# List, (mw) vehicles (bb)

例(子) lì zi# Example

例如 lì rú# For example

Grammar notes:
Expressing "each other" with "huxiang" 互相 帮助

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

箱 __________________________+__________________________
李 __________________________+__________________________
例 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

相 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

互 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:


11.4 Translate to Chinese:



11.5 Listen and translate:


11.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 12

图 tú Picture

图片 tú piàn Picture

地图 dì tú Map

拼图 pīn tú Puzzle
官 guān# Official (bb)

管(子) guǎn zi Tube

管理 guǎn lǐ Management, to manage

保管 bǎo guǎn To safeguard

馆 guǎn Public building, shop

饭馆 fàn guǎn Restaurant

茶馆 chá guǎn Tea house

旅馆 lǚ guǎn Hotel

图书 tú shū Books and newspapers

图书馆 tú shū guǎn Library

缶 - Pottery (bb)

隹 zhuī# Little bird(bb)

雚 guàn Small cup (bb)

罐(子) guàn zi (mw) Pot

业 yè# Industry

作业 zuò yè# Home work

士 shì# Scholar, soldier

壶 hú (mw)Jug

乒乓 pīng pāng Table Tennis

宾 bīn Guest

宾馆 bīn guǎn Hotel

宾语 bīn yǔ Object

主语 zhǔ yǔ Subject

力 lì # Force, energy(bb)

助 zhù# Help

助手 zhù shǒu# Assistant

自助 zì zhù# Self-help, automatic

帮助 bāng zhù# To help

助理 zhù lǐ# Assistant

办 bàn# To fix, manage

办理 bàn lǐ# To handle, conduct

办公室 bàn gōng shì# Office

怎么办? zěn me bàn# What should I do?

有办法 yǒu bàn fǎ# There are ways

办法 bàn fǎ# Way

没办法 méi bàn fǎ# There's nothing to do

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

图 __________________________+__________________________
管 __________________________+__________________________
馆 __________________________+__________________________
罐 __________________________+__________________________
助 __________________________+__________________________
办 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

办 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

业 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:



12.4 Translate to Chinese:


12.5 Listen and translate:


12.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 31
Lesson 13

为 wéi# For

为什么 wèi shén me# Why

为了 wèi le# In order to, for

因 yīn# Reason

因为 yīn wèi# Because

觉得 jué de# To think

认为 rèn wéi To think

以为 yǐ wéi To think (incorrectly)

男 nán# Male

男生 nán shēng# Guy, male

男朋友 nán péng you# Boyfriend

前男朋友 qián nán péng you# Ex boyfriend

男性 nán xìng# Male

男孩 nán hái# Boy

衤 -# Clothes(bb)

申 shēn To extend (bb)

神 shén God

男神 nán shén God

女神 nǚ shén Goddess

边 biān# Side

一边 yī biān# One side

北边 běi biān# North side

南边 nán bian# South side

西边 xī biān# West side

东边 dōng bian# East side

左边 zuǒ bian# Left side

右边 yòu bian# Right side

身边 shēn biān# By (my) side

路边 lù biān Road side

海边 hǎi biān Seaside

一边。。。一边 yī biān yī biān (one action) + (one action) – progressive tense

动 dòng# To move

运动 yùn dòng# Sports

自动 zì dòng# Automatic

自动楼梯 zì dòng lóu tī# Escalator

动作 dòng zuò# Movement

动作片 dòng zuò piàn# Action movie

动画 dòng huà# Animation

动画片 dòng huà piàn# Cartoon movie

动词 dòng cí# Verb

动物 dòng wù# Animal

动物园 dòng wù yuán# Zoo

感动 gǎn dòng# To be moved

Grammar notes:
Mistakenly think that 我 以为 你 不 是 我的 朋友。
Simultaneous tasks with "yibian"

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

为 __________________________+__________________________
边 __________________________+__________________________
因 __________________________+__________________________
男 __________________________+__________________________
神 __________________________+__________________________
动 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

为 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

边 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:



13.4 Translate to Chinese:


13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 14

力气 lì qi Strength

听力 tīng lì Hearing

视力 shì lì Sight

能力 néng lì Capacity

够 gòu Enough

够了 gòu le Enough

。。。就够了 jiù gòu le That'll be enough

能够 néng gòu To be able to properly

够意思 gòu yì si Awesome

用力 yòng lì To use force

给力 gěi lì Awesome, give some power

费力 fèi lì To exert energy

吃力 chī lì To waste energy

努力 nǔ lì To be hardworking

奴 nú Slave (bb)
隶 lì Servant (bb)

奴隶 nú lì Slave

努 nǔ Work hard

丬 qiáng Robust (bb)

士 shì# Scholar, soldier

壮 zhuàng Robust (bb)

装 zhuāng Dress, to install

装B zhuāng Pretentious

服装 fú zhuāng Clothing

西装 xī zhuāng Suit

装备 zhuāng bèi Equipment

包装 bāo zhuāng Packaging

安装 ān zhuāng To install

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

够 __________________________+__________________________
奴 __________________________+__________________________
努 __________________________+__________________________
壮 __________________________+__________________________
装 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

装 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

力 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:



14.5 Listen and translate:

-够了,别装 B 了,你妻子告诉我,你们一直在家里。

14.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 15

叚 jiǎ Fake (bb)

假 jiǎ False

放假 fàng jià To go on vacation

请假 qǐng jià To ask for leave

假期 jià qī Holidays, vacation

假装 jiǎ zhuāng To pretend

假话 jiǎ huà Lie, falsehood

说假话 shuō jiǎ huà To lie

假发 jiǎ fà Wig

直 zhí# Direct (bb)

真 zhēn True

真的 zhēn de Really

真的吗? zhēn de mǎ Really?

真的假的 zhēn de jiǎ de That can't be true

认真 rèn zhēn Serious

天真 tiān zhēn Naive

真空 zhēn kōng Vacuum

真相 zhēn xiàng The truth

直 zhí# Direct (bb)

具 jù Tool

家具 jiā jù Furniture

工具 gōng jù Tool

玩具 wán jù Toy

文具 wén jù Tools for literature

面具 miàn jù Mask

茶具 chá jù Tea appliances

用具 yòng jù Appliances, utensils

具体 jù tǐ Specific, concrete

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

假 __________________________+__________________________
真 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

具 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

假 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:



15.5 Listen and translate:


15.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Lesson 16

是 shì# To be (bb)

止 zhǐ# To stop (bb)

禁止 jìn zhǐ# Prohibition of

正 zhēng Correct

真正 zhēn zhèng True, authentic

正式 zhèng shì Official, formal

正在 zhèng zài (progressive tense)

正好 zhèng hǎo Just right

歪 wāi Crooked

歪理 wāi lǐ Unreasonable

歪话 wāi huà Lie, falsehood

证 zhèng License, certificate

证明 zhèng míng To prove

证书 zhèng shū Certificate

证人 zhèng rén Witness

身份 shēn fèn Identity

身份证 shēn fèn zhèng Identity card

保证 bǎo zhèng To promise

呆(子) dāi zi# Stupid (bb)

旦 dàn# Dawn(bb)

木 mù# Tree, wood(bb)

查 chá To check

查一下 chá yī xià To look up

典 diǎn Dictionary

词典 cí diǎn Dictionary

字典 zì diǎn Dictionary
查词典 chá cí diǎn To check the dictionary

查字典 chá zì diǎn To check the dictionary

公 gōng# Public (bb)

松 sōng Loose, relax

放松 fàng sōng To relax

经 jīng# Experience

已经 yǐ jīng# Already

经典 jīng diǎn Classic

轻 qīng Light

轻松 qīng sōng Relaxed

尚 shàng Yet (bb)

呆(子) dāi zi# Stupid (bb)

吊 diào Hang (bb)

常 cháng Often

经常 jīng cháng Often

常常 cháng cháng Often

少 shǎo# Less (bb)

Grammar notes:
Expressing actions in progress
Coincidence with "zhenghao" 你 来 得 正好,不 早 也 不 晚。
Comparing "changchang" and "jingchang" 我 不 常常 运动 , 我 以后 要经常 运动 。

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

是 __________________________+__________________________
正 __________________________+__________________________
歪 __________________________+__________________________
证 __________________________+__________________________
查 __________________________+__________________________
松 __________________________+__________________________
经 __________________________+__________________________
轻 __________________________+__________________________
常 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

松 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

典 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:



16.5 Listen and translate:


16.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Chapter 32
Lesson 17

尝 cháng Taste

常常 cháng cháng# Often

尝尝 cháng cháng To have a taste

尝试 cháng shì To try

正常 zhèng cháng Normal

常用 cháng yòng Common

常见 cháng jiàn Commonly seen

常见问题 cháng jiàn wèn tí Frequently asked questions, FAQ

平时 píng shí# Ordinarily

平常 píng cháng Normally

日常 rì cháng Daily

日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò Daily work

日常对话 rì cháng duì huà Daily dialogue

常识 cháng shí Common sense

知识 zhī shi Knowledge

非 fēi# Non, wrong (bb)

安排 ān pái# To arrange

非法 fēi fǎ Illegal

非常 fēi cháng Very, extremely

Grammar notes:
Comparing "pingshi" and "pingchang" 他平时就喜欢研究玉,他说你的这个不是很少见的玉,只是一种很平常的玉 。

17.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:
尝 __________________________+__________________________

17.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

非 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

常 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

17.3 Read and translate:



17.4 Translate to Chinese:



17.5 Listen and translate:


17.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Lesson 18

辈 bèi Life

一辈子 yī bèi zi Life

前辈 qián bèi Predecessors

后辈 hòu bèi Junior

诉 sù# Tell

告 gào# Report (bb)

告诉 gào su# To tell

造 zào To make, build

造句 zào jù To make a sentence

人造 rén zào Synthetic, man-made

靠 kào To lean on, depend

可靠的 kě kào de Reliable

不可靠的 bù kě kào de duō Unreliable

靠手 kào shǒu Arm-chair

靠近 kào jìn To be near

靠边 kào biān To pull over

靠边车 kào biān chē Pull over (the car)

靠边停车 kào biān tíng chē Pull to the side and stop

靠不住 kào bu zhù Unreliable

Grammar notes:
Resultative complement "zhu" 上 了 点 药 后 , 血 止 住 了。

18.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

辈 __________________________+__________________________
告 __________________________+__________________________
造 __________________________+__________________________
靠 __________________________+__________________________

18.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

靠边 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

靠近 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

18.3 Read and translate:



18.4 Translate to Chinese:



18.5 Listen and translate:


18.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Lesson 19

加 jiā To add (bb)

咖啡 kā fēi Coffee

加咖啡 jiā kā fēi To add coffee

咖啡馆 kā fēi guǎn Café

如 rú# Such as

比如 bǐ rú# For example

加 jiā# To add (bb)

加咖啡 jiā kā fēi# To add more coffee

加号 jiā hào Plus sign

微 wēi Micro

微信 wēi xìn Wechat

加微信 jiā wēi xìn To add wechat

加上 jiā shàng To add

加入 jiā rù To join

加班 jiā bān To work overtime

搬家 bān jiā To move house

搬 bān* To move (large objects)

搬出去 bān chū qù To move out

搬走 bān zǒu To move away

般 bān General (bb)

搬 bān# To move

搬家 bān jiā To move house

船 chuán# Boat

上船 shàng chuán# To get on a boat

飞船 fēi chuán# Spacecraft

一般 yī bān General, generally

一般人 yī bān rén An ordinary person

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

19.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

加 __________________________+__________________________
咖 __________________________+__________________________
啡 __________________________+__________________________
如 __________________________+__________________________
般 __________________________+__________________________
搬 __________________________+__________________________
船 __________________________+__________________________

19.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

搬 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

加 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

19.3 Read and translate:



19.4 Translate to Chinese:



19.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 20

来说 lái shuō To (me/you etc)

一般来说 yī bān lái shuō In general

对。。来说 duì ... lái shuō To (me/you etc)

相对 xiāng duì Relatively

相对来说 xiāng duì lái shuō Relatively speaking

总的来说 zǒng de lái shuō Summing up

半 bàn# Half(bb)

胖 pàng# Fat

胖子 pàng zi# Fatso

半路 bàn lù Halfway

半天 bàn tiān Half day

半球 bàn qiú Hemisphere

半岛 bàn dǎo Peninsula

一个半 yī gè bàn One and a half

一个多 yī gè duō More than one

多半 duō bàn For the most part

上半 shàng bàn Top/first half

下半 xià bàn Bottom/last half

上班 shàng bān# To work

下班 xià bān# To get off work

Grammar notes:
Phrases using "laishuo"
Expressing "half" with "ban" 两个半月;两天半

20.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

胖 __________________________+__________________________

20.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

半 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

班 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

20.3 Read and translate:



20.4 Translate to Chinese:



20.5 Listen and translate

-一般来说,你只有 20 岁,这个工作已经不错。

20.6 Practise Speaking:

Have a debate about a topic you choose and use 来说 as much as possible

Level 8

Chapter 33
Lesson 1

由 yóu By (bb)

油 yóu Oil

加油 jiā yóu To add oil, come on

加油站 jiā yóu zhàn Petrol station

汽油 qì yóu Petrol

油画 yóu huà Oil Painting

丬 qiáng# Robust (bb)

酱 jiàng Sauce

酱油 jiàng yóu Soy sauce

果酱 guǒ jiàng Jam

花生酱 huā shēng jiàng Peanut butter

打酱油 dǎ jiàng yóu “None of my business”

江 jiāng River

干 gān, gàn# Dry, to do (bb)

千 qiān 1000
千岛酱 qiān dǎo jiàng Thousand island sauce

轻 qīng# Light

重 zhòng# Heavy(bb)

懂 dǒng# To understand

重要 zhòng yào Important

贵重 guì zhòng Precious, valuable

重视 zhòng shì To pay attention to

注重 zhù zhòng To focus on

保重 bǎo zhòng To take care of

保重自己 bǎo zhòng zì jǐ Take care!

体重 tǐ zhòng (body) Weight

重 chóng, zhòng# Repeat, heavy(bb)

重复 chóng fù To repeat

扁 piān# Flat (bb)

遍 biàn (mw) times

一遍 yī biàn Once

一边 yī biān# One side

一次 yī cì# Once

重复一遍 chóng fù yī biàn Repeat once

重新。。。一遍 chóng xīn yī biàn To redo something

重新。。。一次 chóng xīn yī cì To redo something

并 bìng# And, furthermore (bb)

並 bìng And, furthermore

普 pǔ Universal

普遍 pǔ biàn Universal, common

甬 yǒng# Path (bb)

痛 tòng# Pain

通 tōng Link, to go through

普通 pǔ tōng Common
普通话 pǔ tōng huà Mandarin, Chinese

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

油 __________________________+__________________________
酱 __________________________+__________________________
江 __________________________+__________________________
重 __________________________+__________________________
懂 __________________________+__________________________
遍 __________________________+__________________________
普 __________________________+__________________________
痛 __________________________+__________________________
通 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

油 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

重 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

不要重视这个东西 ______________________________________________________________________________
体重又重了 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

I'm an ordinary man ___________________________________________________________________________

Repeat it again please ___________________________________________________________________________
1.5 Listen and translate:


1.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 2

通过 tōng guò To go through, through

经过 jīng guò To give by

通知 tōng zhī To notify

通常 tōng cháng Generally

流通 liú tōng To circulate

卡通 kǎ tōng Cartoon

方 fāng# Square, place(bb)

房 fáng# House

放 fàng# To put

千 qiān# 1000

万 wàn 10 000 (bb)

一百万 yī bǎi wàn 1 million

石头 shí tou# Stone

碗 wǎn (mw) Bowl

一万 yī wàn 10 000

一碗 yī wǎn One bowl

昔 xī# Old times (bb)

醋 cù Vinegar

吃醋 chī cù To be jealous, eat vinegar

告 gào# Report (bb)

告诉 gào su# To tell

酷 kù Cool

尤 yóu# In particular (bb)

就 jiù# Just

优 yōu Excellent

优酷 yōu kù Youku (Chinese youtube)

色 sè Colour

色子 shǎi zi Colour

白(色) bái sè White

银(色) yín sè Silver

咖啡色 kā fēi sè Brown

黄(色) huáng sè Yellow

黄河 huáng hé The Yellow River

蛋黄 dàn huáng Yolk

蛋黄酱 dàn huáng jiàng Mayonnaise

纟 -# Silk(bb)

隶 lì# Servant (bb)

奴隶 nú lì# Slave

绿色 lǜ sè Green

绿茶 lǜ chá Green tea

监 jiān Monitoring (bb)

蓝(色) lán sè Blue

篮(子) lán zi# Basket

篮板 lán bǎn Basket

红(色) hóng sè Red

红人 hóng rén Popular person

红茶 hóng chá Black tea

红包 hóng bāo Red envelope

Grammar notes:

Comparing "tongguo" and “jingguo" 通过 他 的 女 朋友,我们 找到 了 他。经过 一 个 月 的 培训,我们 的 新 员工 已经 准备 好 了。

Big numbers in Chinese 五万

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

房 __________________________+__________________________
放 __________________________+__________________________
碗 __________________________+__________________________
醋 __________________________+__________________________
酷 __________________________+__________________________
优 __________________________+__________________________
就 __________________________+__________________________
色 __________________________+__________________________
绿 __________________________+__________________________
蓝 __________________________+__________________________
红 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

色 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

通 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:



2.4 Translate to Chinese:

What do you generally like to eat?

A few ten thousand people

Don't be jealous

2.5 Listen and translate:


2.6 Practise Speaking:

Talk about colours – your favourite one etc

Lesson 3

黑 hēi Black (bb)

默 mò# Silent

幽默 yōu mò# Humor

黑白 hēi bái Black and white

黑名单 hēi míng dān Blacklist

黑茶 hēi chá Black Tea

黑人 hēi rén Black person

黑板 hēi bǎn Black board

白板 bái bǎn White board

嘿 hēi Hey

墨 mò Ink

墨水 mò shuǐ Ink

晒 shài To get tanned

晒黑 shài hēi To get tanned

页 yè# Page (bb)

彦 yàn Elegant

颜 yán Colour

颜色 yán sè Colour

特色 tè sè Characteristic

出色 chū sè Excellent

雨 yǔ# Rain (bb)

而 ér And, furthermore

且 qiě# And, (long time) (bb)

姐姐 jiě jie# Older sister

而且 ér qiě And, furtemore

不但。。。而且 bú dàn...ér qiě Not only, but also

并且 bìng qiě And, furthermore

已 yǐ# Already

已经 yǐ jīng# Already

而已 ér yǐ Nothing more, that's it

者 zhě Person who does sth (bb)

都 dōu# All, everything

我都 wǒ dōu I (emphasis)

全部都 quán bù dōu# All, everything

全都 quán dōu# All, everything

或 huò Or

或者 huò zhě Or

还是 hái shi# Or (question)

还是。。。吧 hái shi。。。ba# We should...

记者 jì zhě Reporter

爱国者 ài guó zhě Patriot

作者 zuò zhě Author

作家 zuò jiā# Writer

画家 huà jiā# Painter

Grammar notes:

Using "er" to explain contrasting ideas Sentence 1, + 而 + Sentence 2 以后 后悔 的 人 不 是 我,而 是 你 自己。

Expressing "not only… but also" 他 不但 聪明,而且 勤劳。
The pattern "it's not…, it's…" 不 是 问题,是 机会。
Expressing "that's all" with "eryi" 他 只 是 开 个 玩笑 而已,不 要 当 真。
Advanced uses of "dou" Subj. + 都 + Predicate 我都能闻见面包的香味。
Expressing "or" in statements
Comparing "haishi" and "huozhe" 你 喝 茶 还是 喝 咖啡?明天 或者 后天。
Expressing "had better" with "haishi" 我们 还是 先 吃饭 吧。

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

默 __________________________+__________________________
嘿 __________________________+__________________________
晒 __________________________+__________________________
颜 __________________________+__________________________
姐 __________________________+__________________________
都 __________________________+__________________________
或 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

颜 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

者 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:



3.4 Translate to Chinese:

Black clothes

Or I'll go with you

3.5 Listen and translate:


3.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 4

猪 zhū Pig

煮 zhǔ To cook, boil

煮水 zhǔ shuǐ To boil water

堵 dǔ Traffic jam

堵车 dǔ chē Traffic jam

赌 dǔ To bet

打赌 dǎ dǔ To bet

赌钱 dǔ qián To gamble

著 zhù Famous, well-known

著名 zhù míng Famous, well-known

著作 zhù zuò Publication, work

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

猪 __________________________+__________________________
煮 __________________________+__________________________
堵 __________________________+__________________________
赌 __________________________+__________________________
著 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

堵 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

赌 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:



4.4 Translate to Chinese:

It's not good to gamble

I'm going to boil some water

4.5 Listen and translate:


4.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 34
Lesson 5

看 kān# To look

着 zhe “Progressive tense”

着。。。呢 zhe... ne “Progressive tense”

正在。。。着 zhèng zài... zhe “Progressive tense”

跟着 gēn zhe To follow

对着 duì zhe Facing

拿着 ná zhe “Take this”

试着 shì zhe To try

一边一边 yī biān yī biān# (one action) + (one action) – progressive tense

一边着一边 yī biān zhe yī biān (one action) + (one action) – progressive tense

正在...着 zhèng zài ...zhe “Progressive tense”

盯着。。。看 dīng zhe … kān To stare at

刍 - Cut grass

急 jí Worried, hurried

着 zhāo# To take action

着急 zháo jí To be worried, hurried

着火 zháo huǒ To catch fire

着地 zháo dì To land

睡着 shuì zháo To sleep

睡觉 shuì jiào# To fall asleep

接着 jiē zhe Next up

接下来 jiē xià lái Next up

Grammar notes:
Aspect particle "zhe" 你 拿 着 。我们 站 着 说话 吧。
Expressing actions in progress (full form) 这 件 事情 我 正在 处理 着呢。
Using "zhao" as complement 宝宝 刚 睡 着。

5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

着 __________________________+__________________________
急 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

急 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

着 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:


5.4 Translate to Chinese:

Next up, what to do?

Help me hold this

5.5 Listen and translate:


5.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 6

丰 fēng# Abundant

害 hài Evil, harm

害怕 hài pà To be scared of

差 chā# Difference

丑 chǒu# Ugly

羞 xiū Shame, shy

害羞 hài xiū Shy

瞎 xiā Blind

瞎子 xiā zi A blind person

瞎猜 xiā cāi To take a guess at random

万 wàn# 10 000 (bb)

厉 lì Severe

厉害 lì hai Severe, awesome

伤 shāng To wound

上海 shàng hǎi# Shanghai

伤害 shāng hài To injure, hurt

伤口 shāng kǒu Wound

上 shàng# To go up (bb)

让 ràng To let, make

让我来吧 ràng wǒ lái ba Let me do it

叫 jiào# To call, to make

让我想起来 ràng wǒ xiǎng qi lai Remind me of

Grammar notes:
Causative verbs 他 让 儿子 看 书。你 为什么 不 让我 去?
Using "lai" as a dummy verb 让 我 来 吧。

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

害 __________________________+__________________________
羞 __________________________+__________________________
瞎 __________________________+__________________________
厉 __________________________+__________________________
伤 __________________________+__________________________
让 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

害 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
厉 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

You're awesome

I'm so shy

6.5 Listen and translate:


6.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 7

伤心 shāng xīn Sad

伤不起 shāng bù qǐ Can't get hurt

看不起 kàn bu qǐ To look down upon

受 shòu To receive

受伤 shòu shāng To get injured

难受 nán shòu To feel unwell

受害者 shòu hài zhě Victim

受骗 shòu piàn To be deceived

接受 jiē shòu To accept

了 liǎo# “Aspect particle”

受不了 shòu bù liǎo Unable to bear

受得了 shòu dé liǎo Able to bear

忘不了 wàng bù liǎo Unforgetable

打不了 dá bù liǎo Unable to call, hit, etc

发不了 fā bù liǎo Unable to send

免不了 miǎn bù liǎo Inevitable

吃不了 chī bù liǎo Unable to eat

用不了 yòng bu liǎo Unusable

死不了 sǐ bù liǎo Unable to die

Grammar notes:
Passive verbs with "shou" 受 + Verb 他 为 人 善良 , 很 受 尊重 。
Potential complement "bu liao" 我 去 不了 了。

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

受 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

伤 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

受 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:



7.4 Translate to Chinese:

I can't stand you

Don't get fooled

7.5 Listen and translate:


7.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 8

了不起 liǎo bu qǐ Remarkable, awesome

感受 gǎn shòu To sense, experience

感受一下 gǎn shòu yī xià To get a feeling

厚 hòu# Thick

享 xiǎng To enjoy
享受 xiǎng shòu To enjoy

享用 xiǎng yòng To enjoy the usage of

丩 jiū# -(bb)

叫 jiào# To call

收 shōu To receive

收音 shōu yīn To receive sound

收音机 shōu yīn jī Radio

收费 shōu fèi Fee

收钱 shōu qián To collect money

收入 shōu rù Income, salary

回收 huí shōu Recycling

收看 shōu kàn To watch

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

享 __________________________+__________________________
厚 __________________________+__________________________
收 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

收 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

享 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:

The radio doesn't have any sound/volume

How much is your salary?

8.5 Listen and translate:

-70 了。

8.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 35
Lesson 9

收到 shōu dào To receive

受到 shòu dào To receive (feeling)

向 xiàng Towards (bb)

响 xiǎng Sound, accoustic

影响 yǐng xiǎng Impact, influence

影响到 yǐng xiǎng dào To affect

受到影响 shòu dào yǐng xiǎng To be affected

一声不响 yī shēng bù xiǎng Complete silence

说一声 shuō yī shēng Speak a bit

告诉我一声 gào su wǒ yī shēng Tell me

由 yóu# By (bb)

油 yóu# Oil

抽 chōu To extract, pull out

具体 jù tǐ# Specific, concrete

抽空 chōu kòng To be free, available

抽出 chōu chū To pull out

Grammar notes:
Using "xiang" 我 向 她 笑 了。不要 向 他 道歉。

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

响 __________________________+__________________________
抽 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

抽 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

响 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:

Don't affect everyone like that

Walking without making a sound

9.5 Listen and translate:



9.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 10

象 xiàng To resemble, elephant (bb)

抽象 chōu xiàng Abstract

因 yīn# Reason

烟 Yān To smoke

抽烟 chōu yān To smoke

象 xiàng To resemble, elephant (bb)

像 xiàng To resemble

好像 hǎo xiàng It seems

就像 jiù xiàng It's just like

大象 dà xiàng Elephant

想象 xiǎng xiàng To imagine

想象力 xiǎng xiàng lì Imagination

Grammar notes:
Comparing specifically with "xiang" 她 像 妈妈 那么 善良。
Expressing "it seems" with "haoxiang" 小 猫 好像 饿 了。

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

象 __________________________+__________________________
像 __________________________+__________________________
烟 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

象 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

烟 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:

Your imagination is so good

It's like your mom said

10.5 Listen and translate:

19.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 11

印 yìn Print (bb)

迎 yíng# Welcome

欢迎 huān yíng# Welcome

打印 dǎ yìn To print

复印 fù yìn To copy

印象 yìn xiàng Impression

有印象 yǒu yìn xiàng To get an impression

向 xiàng# Towards (bb)

响 xiǎng# Sound, accoustic

向你保证 xiàng nǐ bǎo zhèng To promise to you

向那儿看 xiàng nàr kàn Look over there

方向 fāng xiàng Direction

方向感 fāng xiàng gǎn A sense of direction

住 zhù# To live, stay (bb)

往 wǎng Toward

往前走 wǎng qián zǒu Go straight

往那儿走 wǎng nàr zǒu Go there

友 yǒu# Friend

反 fǎn# Anti(bb)

饭 fàn# Rice

板 bǎn# Board

老板 lǎo bǎn# Boss

反正 fǎn zhèng Anyway

反对 fǎn duì To be against

反应 fǎn yìng To respond, react

反应过来 fǎn yìng guò lái To respond, react

相反 xiāng fǎn Opposite

Grammar notes:
Expressing "anyway" as "fanzheng" 随便 你 信 不 信 , 反正 我 不 信 。

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

印 __________________________+__________________________
迎 __________________________+__________________________
往 __________________________+__________________________
反 __________________________+__________________________
饭 __________________________+__________________________
板 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

反 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

印 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:



11.4 Translate to Chinese:

How's your impression?

Not the right direction

11.5 Listen and translate:


11.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 12

外向 wài xiàng Extrovert

内 nèi Within (bb)

内向 nèi xiàng Introvert

内衣 nèi yī Bra

内裤 nèi kù Underpants

内在 nèi zài Internal

外在 wài zài External

河内 hé nèi Hanoi

呐 nà “Sound”

票 piào Ticket (bb)

发票 fā piào Invoice

车票 chē piào Ticket (for vehicle transport)

订票 dìng piào To book a ticket

门票 mén piào Ticket

火车票 huǒ chē piào Train ticket

女票 nǚ piào Girlfriend (slang)

男票 nán piào Boyfriend (slang)

高 gāo# High, tall

亮 liàng# Lights

明亮 míng liàng Bright

亮点 liàng diǎn Highlight

月亮 yuè liang Moon

漂 piāo# To float

漂亮 piào liang# Nice, beautiful

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

呐 __________________________+__________________________
票 __________________________+__________________________
漂 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

票 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

漂 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:


12.4 Translate to Chinese:

Introvert women

Did it well/beautifully

12.5 Listen and translate:

-是啊 ,上面有很多月亮的。

12.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 36
Lesson 13

机票 jī piào Plane ticket

场 chǎng Field, scene

机场 jī chǎng Airport

现场 xiàn chǎng On-site, scene of the event

游乐场 yóu lè chǎng Playground

赌场 dǔ chǎng Casino

主场 zhǔ chǎng Home court

客场 kè chǎng Away court

冰场 bīng chǎng Ice rink

运动场 yùn dòng chǎng Sports arena

出场 chū chǎng To go out on stage

上场 shàng chǎng To get on stage

下场 xià chǎng To get off stage

开场 kāi chǎng To start (a show)

球场 qiú chǎng Stadium

篮球场 lán qiú chǎng Basketball court

网球场 wǎng qiú chǎng Tennis court

足球场 zú qiú chǎng Football field

半场 bàn chǎng Half-time

上半场 shàng bàn chǎng First half

下半场 xià bàn chǎng Second half

一场比赛 yī chǎng bǐ sài One game

赢 yíng To win

俞 yú Yu (Surname)(bb)

前 qián# Before

输 shū To lose

输给 shū gěi To lose to

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

输 __________________________+__________________________
赢 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

场 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

机 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:



13.4 Translate to Chinese:

Driver, take me to the airport

Now, it's half-time

13.5 Listen and translate:


13.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 14

运输 yùn shū To transport
输入 shū rù To enter, input

愉 yú Happy, pleasant

愉快 yú kuài Happy, pleasant

快乐 kuài lè# Happy

周末愉快 zhōu mò yú kuài Have a nice weekend

偷 tōu To steal

小偷 xiǎo tōu Thief

偷看 tōu kàn To take a peak

偷偷看 tōu tōu kān To take a peak

偷情 tōu qíng Secret love affair

停 tíng# To stop

停车 tíng chē# To park

停车场 tíng chē chǎng Car park

停水 tíng shuǐ Water cut

停电 tíng diàn Power outage

停课 tíng kè Canceled class

亭(子) tíng zi Kiosk (bb)

停下来 tíng xià lái To stop

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

愉 __________________________+__________________________
偷 __________________________+__________________________
停 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

停 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

偷 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:

Can't find the car park

Don't go, thief

14.5 Listen and translate:


14.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 15

斩 zhǎn To chop up (bb)

暂 zàn Suspend
暂时 zàn shí Temporarily

暂停 zàn tíng Pause

挺 tǐng# Quite, pretty

挺好 tǐng hǎo# Pretty good

广场 guǎng chǎng Square

广告 guǎng gào Advertising

做广告 zuò guǎng gào To advertise

厂 chǎng# Factory (bb)

工厂 gōng chǎng# Factory

床 chuáng Bed

上船 shàng chuán# To get on a boat

上床 shàng chuáng# To get in bed

床单 chuáng dān Sheet

起床 qǐ chuáng To get up

师 shī# Teacher (bb)

巾 jīn# Towel(bb)

纸巾 zhǐ jīn# Paper towels

毛巾 máo jīn Towel

市 shì City (bb)

市场 shì chǎng Market

上市 shàng shì To get on the market

闹 nào Alarm

热闹 rè nao Lively

闹钟 nào zhōng Alarm clock

绍 shào# Introduction

介绍 jiè shào# To introduce

照 zhào# To take care of

超 chāo Super

超好了 chāo hǎo le Sooo good

超人 chāo rén Superman

超市 chāo shì Supermarket

市场 shì chǎng# Market

商店 shāng diàn# Shops

超过 chāo guò To exceed

Grammar notes:
Expressing "quite" with "ting" 挺好的

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

斩 __________________________+__________________________
暂 __________________________+__________________________
挺 __________________________+__________________________
床 __________________________+__________________________
市 __________________________+__________________________
闹 __________________________+__________________________
超 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

超 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

床 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

Go through the market

After I get up I'm going to the supermarket

15.5 Listen and translate:


15.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 16

保 bǎo# To protect (bb)

堡 bǎo Fortress, hamburger

汉堡 hàn bǎo Hamburger

汉堡包 hàn bǎo bāo Hamburger

成 chéng Into (bb)

城 chéng City

城市 chéng shì City

城管 chéng guǎn The city administration, police

羊城 yáng chéng Guangzhou (old name)

通 tōng# Link, to go through

普通话 pǔ tōng huà# Mandarin, Chinese

羊城通 yáng chéng tōng Guangzhou metro card

越来越 yuè lái yuè More and more...

超过 chāo guò# To exceed

越过 yuè guò To overcome

Grammar notes:
Expressing "more and more" with "yuelaiyue" 天气 越来越 冷 了。
Expressing "the more the more" with "yue… yue…" 她 越 想 越 生气。

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

保 __________________________+__________________________
堡 __________________________+__________________________
城 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

堡 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

城 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:

Not standard Chinese(Mandarin)

I like hamburgers

16.5 Listen and translate:

-可是请你不要超过 90 公里,我害怕。

16.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 37
Lesson 17

成 chéng# Into (bb)

成人 chéng rén Adult

成立 chéng lì To establish

完成 wán chéng To complete

造成 zào chéng To cause

合 hé# To enclose, merged (bb)

哈哈 hā hā# Haha

给 gěi# Give, to

答 dā# Reply

舌 shé# Tongue (bb)

舌头 shé tou# Tongue

适 shì Suitable

适合 shì hé Suitable

合适 hé shì Suitable

且 qiě# And, (long time) (bb)

租 zū# To rent

租出车 zū chū chē# Taxi

组 zǔ Group, to organize

组合 zǔ hé To put together, structure together

一组 yī zǔ One group

组成 zǔ chéng To compose into

成语 chéng yǔ Idioms, proverb

笨鸟先飞 bèn niǎo xiān fēi# Study hard to be the best

一路平安 yī lù píng ān# Bon voyage

闷闷不乐 mèn mèn bú lè Sad, unhappy

地 de# “Making adjectives into adverbs”

一见钟情 yī jiàn zhōng qíng Love at first sight

Grammar notes:
Comparing "shihe" and "heshi" 这 个 颜色 不 适合 他 , 黑色 才 是 最 合适 的。
Structural particle "de" 的 / 得 / 地 (3/3)
Reduplication of adjectives 你 应该 慢慢 地 走。
Turning adjectives into adverbs 你 要 认真 地 学习。

17.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

给 __________________________+__________________________
适 __________________________+__________________________
答 __________________________+__________________________
租 __________________________+__________________________
组 __________________________+__________________________

17.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

适 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

合 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

17.3 Read and translate:



17.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do you know any proverbs?

I had love at first sight with you

17.5 Listen and translate:


17.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 18

词语 cí yǔ Words

止 zhǐ# To stop (bb)

禁止 jìn zhǐ# Prohibition of

定 dìng To settle, for sure

一定 yī dìng For sure

一定要 yī dìng yào For sure

不一定 bù yī dìng Not for sure

说不定 shūo bú dìng Can't say for sure

一言为定 yī yán wéi dìng “That's settled then”

止 zhǐ# To stop (bb)

肯 kěn Positive, for sure

肯定 kěn dìng Certainly

肯定句 kěn dìng jù Certainly sentence

角 jué, jiáo Corner (bb)(mw)cents

确 què Indeed, surely

确定 què dìng To be sure

确认 què rèn To confirm

正确 zhèng què Correct

夬 guài# Decisive(bb)

块 kuài# (mw)Money

快 kuài# Quick

决 jué Decisive

决赛 jué sài Final

半决赛 bàn jué sài Semifinal

决定 jué dìng To decide

解 jiě To explain

解决 jiě jué To resolve, solve

了解 liǎo jiě To learn more, understand

耳 ěr# Ear(bb)

卯 - -(bb)

聊 liáo To chat

聊天 liáo tiān To chat

无 wú No, without

无聊 wú liáo Boring, bored

无法 wú fǎ Unable to

无语 wú yǔ Speechless

无关 wú guān Unrelated

采 cǎi# To pick (bb)

菜 cài# Vegetable, dish

釆 - To distinguish (bb)

释 shì Explaination

解释 jiě shì To explain

译 yì# Translation

番 fān Turn (bb)

羽 yǔ# Feathers

羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú# Badminton

翻 fān Translation

翻译 fān yì To translate

翻译片 fān yì piān Dubbed movie

翻译者 fān yì zhě Translator

翻译成 fān yì chéng To translate into

Grammar notes:
Comparing "kending" "queding" and “yiding" 老板 肯定 了 我们 团队 的 工作。你 确定 他 是 我们 要 找 的 人?一定 要 小心。

18.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

定 __________________________+__________________________
肯 __________________________+__________________________
确 __________________________+__________________________
决 __________________________+__________________________
块 __________________________+__________________________
解 __________________________+__________________________
聊 __________________________+__________________________
菜 __________________________+__________________________
译 __________________________+__________________________
翻 __________________________+__________________________

18.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

成 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

翻 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
无 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

18.3 Read and translate:




18.4 Translate to Chinese:

Let's chat together

Have you decided yet?

It's definitely you

18.5 Listen and translate:

18.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 19

成为 chéng wéi To become

作为 zuò wéi To serve as

行为 xíng wéi Behavior

难为 nán wei To make things difficult for someone

做成 zuò chéng To make into

写成 xiě chéng To write into

换成 huàn chéng To change into

说成 shuō chéng To speak into

己 jǐ# Oneself(bb)

改 gǎi To change, improve

改成 gǎi chéng To change into

改正 gǎi zhèng To correct

改天 gǎi tiān Another day

改名 gǎi míng To change your name

改为 gǎi wéi To change

广 guǎng# Wide(bb)

应 yìng# Should

应该 yīng gāi# Should

该 gāi# Should

应改为 yìng gǎi wéi Should change into

亦 yì -(bb)

变 biàn To change, alter

变丑了 biàn chǒu le To become ugly

天黑了 tiān hēi le It's dark now

天变黑了 tiān biàn hēi le It's dark now

改变 gǎi biàn To change

变成 biàn chéng To change into, become

变为 biàn wéi To change into, become

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

19.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

改 __________________________+__________________________
应 __________________________+__________________________
变 __________________________+__________________________

19.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

改 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

应 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

19.3 Read and translate:



19.4 Translate to Chinese:

Let's eat food some other day

To become a good friend

19.5 Listen and translate:


19.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 20

长 cháng Long

长城 cháng chéng The Great Wall

短 duǎn Short

短信 duǎn xìn Sms

短裤 duǎn kù Shorts

弓 gōng Bow (bb)

张 zhāng (mw)flat rectangular things

一张纸 yī zhāng zhǐ One piece of paper

紧 jǐn Tight

紧张 jǐn zhāng Tense, nervous, excited

长发 cháng fà Long hair

很长 hěn cháng Very long

多长 duō cháng How long

多长时间 duō cháng shí jiān How long time

多久 duō jiǔ How long

特长 tè cháng Specialty

长 zhǎng, cháng# To appear as, long

长得 zhǎng de To look

长大 zhǎng dà To grow up

长出 zhǎng chū To grow out

长相 zhǎng xiàng Appearance

校长 xiào zhǎng Principle

家长 jiā zhǎng Parents

市长 shì zhǎng Mayor

厂长 chǎng zhǎng Factory director

班长 bān zhǎng Supervisor (class)

船长 chuán zhǎng Captain (boat)

行长 háng zhǎng Bank director

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

20.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

短 __________________________+__________________________
张 __________________________+__________________________

20.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

短 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

长 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

20.3 Read and translate:


20.4 Translate to Chinese:

How long is the Great Wall?

To enter your message

20.5 Listen and translate:


20.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Level 9
Chapter 38
Lesson 1

头 tóu# Head (bb)

买 mǎi# To buy (bb)

实 shí Real

其实 qí shí In fact, actually

确实 què shí Indeed

实话 shí huà The truth

说实话 shuō shí huà Say the truth

实习 shí xí Internship

真正 zhēn zhèng# Authentic, real

实现 shí xiàn To realise

梦想 mèng xiǎng# Dream

实现梦想 shí xiàn mèng xiǎng To realize your dreams

老师 lǎo shī# Teacher

老是 lǎo shi# Always

老实 lǎo shi Frankly, honest

老师老是很老实 lǎo shī lǎo shi hěn lǎo shi Teacher is always honest

事实 shì shí Fact

事实上 shì shí shàng In fact

方面 fāng miàn Context, aspect

一方面,一方面 yī fāng miàn,yī fāng miàn One aspect, another one...

Grammar notes:
Using "always" as a complaint with "laoshi" 老是 / 老 + Verb 你 老是 加班。
Idiomatic phrases with "zai", 在 + Concept + 上/下/方面 在 中国历史 上 我 很 感 兴趣。
Expressing various aspects with "yi fangmian" 一 方面 他 很 喜欢 这 份 工作 , 一 方面 他 又 觉得 工资 太 低 。

1.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

买 __________________________+__________________________
卖 __________________________+__________________________
实 __________________________+__________________________

1.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

其 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

实 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

1.3 Read and translate:

实习老师 ______________________________________________________________________________
其实不是我 ______________________________________________________________________________
确实是你 ______________________________________________________________________________

1.4 Translate to Chinese:

When will you realise you dream? _____________________________________________________________________

In which aspects? _____________________________________________________________________

1.5 Listen and translate:


1.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 2

市 shì# City (bb)

柿(子) shì zi Persimmon

西红柿 xī hóng shì Tomato

成 chéng# Into (bb)

诚 chéng Good faith

城市 chéng shì# City

诚实 chéng shí Honest

真诚 zhēn chéng Sincere

舞 wǔ Dance

街舞 jiē wǔ Street dance

广场舞 guǎng chǎng wǔ Square dance

舞者 wǔ zhě Dancer

快步舞 kuài bù wǔ Quickstep

莎莎舞 shā shā wǔ Salsa

兆 zhào Omen (bb)

跳 tiào To jump, dance

跳舞 tiào wǔ To dance

跳高 tiào gāo High-jump

跳水 tiào shuǐ To dive

心跳 xīn tiào Heartbeat

吓一跳 xià yī tiào Get scared

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

2.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

柿 __________________________+__________________________
诚 __________________________+__________________________
跳 __________________________+__________________________

2.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

跳 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

诚 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

2.3 Read and translate:


2.4 Translate to Chinese:

Do you want to go out and dance?

A sincere child

2.5 Listen and translate:


2.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 3

兆 zhào# Omen (bb)

逃 táo To escape, evade

逃课 táo kè To skip class

逃跑 táo pǎo To escape

挑 tiāo To pick

桃(子) táo zi Peach

谷 gǔ Valley (bb)
容 róng Contain, easy

内容 nèi róng Content

笑容 xiào róng Smile

勿 wù# Do not(bb)

易 yì Easy (bb)

容易 róng yì Easy

好不容易 hǎo bù róng yì It's not easy

易懂 yì dǒng Easy to understand

难懂 nán dǒng Difficult to understand

踢 tī To kick

踢足球 tī zú qiú To play football

易 yì# Easy (bb)

容易 róng yì# Easy

剔 tī Picky

挑剔 tiāo ti Picky

求 qiú# To demand(bb)

球 qiú# Ball

好球 hǎo qiú “Nice one”

要求 yào qiú To require, demand

实事 shí shì Facts

实事求是 shí shì qiú shì Seeking truth from facts, pragmatic

球 qiú# Ball

篮球 lán qiú# Basketball

网球 wǎng qiú# Tennis

乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú# Table tennis

手球 shǒu qiú# Handball

羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú# Badminton

足球 zú qiú# Football

踢足球 tī zú qiú# To play football

桌球 zhuō qiú# Snooker

好球 hǎo qiú# “Nice one”

进球 jìn qiú# To score a goal

球拍 qiú pāi# Racket

排球 pái qiú# Volleyball

球场 qiú chǎng Stadium

发球 fā qiú To serve

接球 jiē qiú To return (sports)

气球 qì qiú Balloon

地球 dì qiú# Earth

Grammar notes:

Expressing difficulty with "hao (bu) rongyi" 我 好不容易 才 打通 了 银行 的 服务 热线。

3.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

逃 __________________________+__________________________
挑 __________________________+__________________________
容 __________________________+__________________________
易 __________________________+__________________________
踢 __________________________+__________________________
剔 __________________________+__________________________
球 __________________________+__________________________

3.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

球 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

逃 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

3.3 Read and translate:



3.4 Translate to Chinese:

She's picky

Let's go to the sports field and play football

3.5 Listen and translate:


3.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 4

奉 - To offer (bb)

棒(子) bàng zi Stick

很棒 hěn bàng Awesome

棒球 bàng qiú Baseball

雨 yǔ# Rain (bb)

而 ér# And, furthermore

需 xū Requirement

需求 xū qiú Requirement

需要 xū yào To need

心 xīn# Heart (bb)

必 bì Required, need (bb)

须 xū Required, need

需 xū# Requirement

必须 bì xū Must

必需 bì xū Must

必须要 bì xū yào Must

有必要 bì yào It's necessary to

没必要 méi bì yào It's not necessary to

得 děi# Must, “adverb particle”

应该 yīng gāi# Should

必 bì# Must (bb)

密 mì Secret, code

秘 mì Secret

秘密 mì mì# Secret

密码 mì mǎ# Password

保密 bǎo mì To keep a secret

雪 xuě Snow

雹 báo# Hail

冰雹 bīng báo# Hail stone

下冰雹 xià bīng báo# To hail

下雪 xià xuě To snow

雪花 xuě huā Snowflake

阴 yīn Yin, negative

阳 yáng Yang, positive

阴阳 yīn yáng Yin and yang

阴阳人 yīn yáng rén Transgender

阴电 yīn diàn Negative energy

阳电 yáng diàn Positive energy

阴性 yīn xìng Negative

阳性 yáng xìng Positive

月亮 yuè liang# Moon

太阳 tài yang Sun

晒黑 shài hēi# To get tanned

晒太阳 shài tài yang To get tanned

伞 sǎn Umbrella

打伞 dǎ sǎn To use an umbrella

阳伞 yáng sǎn Parasol, umbrella for the sun

跳伞 tiào sǎn To skydive

Grammar notes:
Expressing "must" with "dei" 我 得 回 家 了。

4.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

棒 __________________________+__________________________
需 __________________________+__________________________
必 __________________________+__________________________
须 __________________________+__________________________
秘 __________________________+__________________________
密 __________________________+__________________________
雹 __________________________+__________________________
雪 __________________________+__________________________
阴 __________________________+__________________________
阳 __________________________+__________________________

4.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

棒 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
需 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

4.3 Read and translate:



4.4 Translate to Chinese:

Don't use your umbrella when you sunbathe

You must go to class

4.5 Listen and translate:


4.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 39
Lesson 5

雪 xuě# Snow

扫 sǎo To swipe, clean

扫一扫 sǎo yī sǎo Swipe a bit

打扫 dǎ sǎo To clean

争 zhēng Contention, to compete (bb)

战争 zhàn zhēng War

大战 dà zhàn Big war

净 jìng Clean

干净 gān jìng Clean

青 qīng# Clear, natural

静 jìng Mute, quiet

安静 ān jìng Quiet

冷静 lěng jìng Cool, calm

麻烦 má fan# To trouble

尤 yóu# In particular (bb)

就 jiù# Just

扰 rǎo Disturbance

打扰 dǎ rǎo To disturb

打扰一下 dǎ rǎo yī xià Sorry to disturb a bit

非诚勿扰 fēi chéng wù rǎo “Don't bother if you're not honest”

算 suàn To calculate, count

算上 suàn shàng Counted in

算了 suàn le “Forget it”

算吧 suàn bā “Let's count it”

算是吧 suàn shì bā “Let's count it”

打算 dǎ suàn To intend

Grammar notes:
Making judgements with "suan" 这个 汉字 不算 难。
5.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

扫 __________________________+__________________________
净 __________________________+__________________________
静 __________________________+__________________________
烦 __________________________+__________________________
扰 __________________________+__________________________

5.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

扫 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

净 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
静 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

5.3 Read and translate:



5.4 Translate to Chinese:

Sorry to disturb

How do you plan on doing it?

5.5 Listen and translate:


5.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 6

厶 -# Private (bb)

台 tái Desk (bb),(mw)machines

台北 tái běi Taipei

太阳 tài yáng# Sun

阳台 yáng tái Balcony

舞台 wǔ tái (dancing) Stage

台球 tái qiú Billiard

站台 zhàn tái Platform

电视台 diàn shì tái TV, TV station

收银 shōu yín Cashier

收银台 shōu yín tái Counter

前台 qián tái Front desk

抬 tái To lift up

抬起来 tái qǐ lái To lift up

始 shǐ Start

始点 shǐ diǎn Starting point

开始 kāi shǐ To start

一开始 yī kāi shǐ In the beginning

开头 kāi tóu Beginning

米 mǐ# Metre, rice (bb)

继 jì To continue

读 dòu# To read

续 xù To continue

继续 jì xù To continue

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

6.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

台 __________________________+__________________________
抬 __________________________+__________________________
始 __________________________+__________________________
继 __________________________+__________________________
续 __________________________+__________________________

6.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

始 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

续 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

6.3 Read and translate:



6.4 Translate to Chinese:

Keep going straight

We've started dancing

6.5 Listen and translate:


6.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 7

匚 - Basket(bb)

巨 jù Huge (bb)

巨人 jù rén Giant

柜(子) guì zi Cabinet

柜台 guì tái Counter, cupboard

衣柜 yī guì Wardrobe

平台 píng tái Platform

床头柜 chuáng tóu guì Bedside cupboard

灯 dēng Lights

台灯 tái dēng Desk lamp

开灯 kāi dēng To turn on the lights

椅(子) yǐ zi# Chair

豆(子) dòu zi# Bean(bb)

癶 - Footstep (bb)

登 dēng To climb (bb)

登山 dēng shān To climb

登记 dēng jì To register, sign up

凳(子) dèng zi Stool, chair

六 liù# 6

穴 xué# Cave

乍 zhà# Suddenly(bb)

怎么 zěn me# How

窄 zhǎi Narrow

囱 chuāng Chimney (bb)

窗 chuāng Window

床 chuáng# Bed

窗口 chuāng kǒu Window

窗户 chuāng hu Window

窗台 chuāng tái Window sill

巾 jīn# Towel(bb)

帅 shuài# Handsome (bb)

帘 lián Curtain

窗帘 chuāng lián Curtain

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

7.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

巨 __________________________+__________________________
柜 __________________________+__________________________
灯 __________________________+__________________________
登 __________________________+__________________________
凳 __________________________+__________________________
窄 __________________________+__________________________
怎 __________________________+__________________________
窗 __________________________+__________________________
床 __________________________+__________________________
帘 __________________________+__________________________

7.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

柜 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

窗 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

7.3 Read and translate:



7.4 Translate to Chinese:

The stool is under the bed

The lamp is on the bedside cupboard

7.5 Listen and translate:

7.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 8

穷 qióng Poor

穷人 qióng rén Poor person

巴 bā# To wish for (bb)

爸爸 bà ba# Dad

色 sè# Color

颜色 yán sè# Color

吧 bā# “suggestive particle”, bar

吧台 bā tái Bar counter

酒吧 jiǔ bā Bar

网 wǎng# Web

网球 wǎng qiú# Tennis

网吧 wǎng bā Internet café

上网 shàng wǎng To get online

网上 wǎng shàng Online

网站 wǎng zhàn Website

网骗 wǎng piàn “Internet/photo fraud”

爪 zhuǎ# Claw(bb)

爬 pá To climb, hike

爬山 pá shān To hike

瓜(子) guā zi Seed

西瓜 xī guā Watermelon
南瓜 nán guā Pumpkin

木瓜 mù guā Papaya

黄瓜 huáng guā Cucumber

傻 shǎ Silly

傻瓜 shǎ guā Fool

小傻瓜 xiǎo shǎ guā Little fool

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

8.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

穷 __________________________+__________________________
爸 __________________________+__________________________
爬 __________________________+__________________________

8.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

傻 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

网 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

8.3 Read and translate:



8.4 Translate to Chinese:

There's a lot of “internet cheaters” online

We should go to an internet café and surf the internet

8.5 Listen and translate:


8.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Chapter 40
Lesson 9

父 fù# Dad(bb)

爸 bà# Dad

爸爸 bà ba# Dad

爸妈 bà mā Mom and dad

亲 qīn Parent, to kiss, relative (bb)

亲亲 qīn qīn “Kiss kiss”

新 xīn# New

亲爱 qīn ài Dear

亲自 qīn zì In person

父亲 fù qīn Father

亲密 qīn mì Close, intimate

尗 shū -(bb)

叔 shū Uncle
叔叔 shū shu Uncle

戚 qī Relative

亲戚 qīn qi Relative

叔叔 shū shu Uncle

母 mǔ Mother (bb)

母亲 mǔ qīn Mother

父母 fù mǔ Parents

母语 mǔ yǔ Mother tongue

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

9.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

新 __________________________+__________________________
叔 __________________________+__________________________
戚 __________________________+__________________________

9.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

亲 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

母 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

9.3 Read and translate:



9.4 Translate to Chinese:

My mother tongue is English

Beloved mom
9.5 Listen and translate:


9.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 10

莫 mò Don't (bb)

幕 mù Screen

字幕 zì mù Subtitles

羡慕 xiàn mù To envy

姆 mǔ Caretaker

保姆 bǎo mǔ Nanny

莓 méi Berry

蓝莓 lán méi Blueberries

早 zǎo# Early

草 cǎo Grass

草莓 cǎo méi Strawberry

艹 -# Grass (bb)

黑莓 hēi méi Black berry

每 měi# Each, every(bb)

每次 měi cì# Every time

每天 měi tiān# Daily

后悔 hòu huǐ To regret

父 fù# Parent(bb)

亠 -# Lid (bb)

交 jiāo# To exchange (bb)

校 xiào# School

学校 xué xiào# School

较 jiào# Relatively, quite

比较 bǐ jiào# Relatively, quite, to compare

对比 duì bǐ To compare

交给 jiāo gěi To hand over/in

交钱 jiāo qián To pay/transfer money

交朋友 jiāo péng you To make friends

公交车 gōng jiāo chē Public bus

辆 liàng (mw) vehicles

一辆车 yī liàng chē One car

一辆车辆 yī liàng chē liàng One car

俩 liǎ (mw) two people

我们俩 wǒ men liǎ We both

校 xiào# School

学校 xué xiào# School

比较 bǐ jiào# Relatively, quite, to compare

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

10.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

莫 __________________________+__________________________
幕 __________________________+__________________________
慕 __________________________+__________________________
姆 __________________________+__________________________
莓 __________________________+__________________________
草 __________________________+__________________________
悔 __________________________+__________________________
校 __________________________+__________________________
较 __________________________+__________________________
辆 __________________________+__________________________
俩 __________________________+__________________________

10.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

较 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

莓 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

10.3 Read and translate:



10.4 Translate to Chinese:

Where does the bus stop?

I envy you guys

10.5 Listen and translate:

19.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 11

成交 chéng jiāo To reach a deal

交易 jiāo yì Transaction

胶 jiāo Glue, tape, adhesive

胶水 jiāo shuǐ Glue

胶带 jiāo dài Tape

咬 yǎo To bite

包子 bāo zi# Steamed stuffed buns

饺子 jiǎo zi Dumpling

交给 jiāo gěi# To hand over/in

交换 jiāo huàn To exchange

交还 jiāo huán To return

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

11.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

胶 __________________________+__________________________
咬 __________________________+__________________________
饺 __________________________+__________________________

11.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

胶 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________
交 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

11.3 Read and translate:



11.4 Translate to Chinese:

They've reached a deal

Are dumplings tasty?

11.5 Listen and translate:


11.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 12
把 bǎ Grasp, grip, (mw) objects with handles

把关 bǎ guān To stand guard, check

把手 bǎ shǒu Handle

当 dāng When, to serve as

当然 dāng rán# Of course

当时 dāng shí At the time

当面 dāng miàn In person

当场 dāng chǎng The spot, location

当地 dāng dì Local

当地时间 dāng dì shí jiān Local time

当心 dāng xīn Beware

Grammar notes:
Using "ba" sentences 我 把 书 看 完 了。
Advanced uses of "ba" 我 没有 把 它 当回事。

12.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

把 __________________________+__________________________

12.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

把 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

当 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

12.3 Read and translate:



12.4 Translate to Chinese:

At the time I wasn't there

The handle to the door

12.5 Listen and translate:


12.6 Practise Speaking:

Change as much as possible to a 把-structure

Chapter 41
Lesson 13

当成 dàng chéng As

当作 dàng zuò As

上当 shàng dàng To be fooled

当然 dāng rán# Of course

突然 tū rán Suddenly

虫(子) chóng zi# Bug, insect (bb)

虽 suī Although

虽然 suī rán Although

不然 bù rán Otherwise

要不 yào bù Otherwise

要不然 yào bù rán Otherwise

Grammar notes:
Expressing "although" with "suiran" and "danshi" 虽然 渴 了,但是 不 想 喝 啤酒。
Expressing "otherwise" with "yaobu" 你 要不 看书 要不 睡觉 。

13.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

虽 __________________________+__________________________

13.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

虽 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

突 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

13.3 Read and translate:



13.4 Translate to Chinese:

Suddenly he came

Even though this is not my problem

13.5 Listen and translate:

13.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 14

吉 jí Lucky, auspicious (bb)

结 jiē To tie a knot

结巴 jiē ba To stutter, stammer

结结巴巴 jiē jiē bā ba To stutter, stammer

打结 dǎ jié To tie a knot

总结 zǒng jié To sum up

结果 jiē guǒ Results

后果 hòu guǒ Consequences

结束 jié shù To finish, end

长 zhǎng, cháng# To appear as, long

账 zhàng Account

结账 jié zhàng To get the bill

户 hù# Households, account

客户 kè hù# Customer

账户 zhàng hù Account, profile

束 shù (mw) Bundle (bb)

结束 jié shù# To finish, end

辛 xīn Suffering (bb)

辣 là# Spicy
Grammar notes:
Expressing "as a result" with "jieguo" 他 没 好好 复习,结果 没 通过 考试。

14.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

结 __________________________+__________________________
账 __________________________+__________________________

14.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

结 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

账 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

14.3 Read and translate:



14.4 Translate to Chinese:

Sooo spicy!

Sum up the work

14.5 Listen and translate:

14.6 Practise Speaking:
Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

Lesson 15

整 zhěng The entire

整个 zhěng gè The entire

整理 zhěng lǐ To put in order

束 shù# (mw) Bundle (bb)

嫩 nèn Tender

氏 -# Clan (bb)

昏 hūn Dusk

黄昏 huáng hūn Twilight

婚 hūn Marriage

结婚 jié hūn To get married

求婚 qiú hūn To propose

订婚 dìng hūn To be engaged

婚礼 hūn lǐ Wedding

婚 hūn# Marriage

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

15.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

整 __________________________+__________________________
昏 __________________________+__________________________
婚 __________________________+__________________________

15.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

婚 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

整 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

15.3 Read and translate:



15.4 Translate to Chinese:

When will you get married?

When I proposed I was very nervous

15.5 Listen and translate:


15.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point
Lesson 16

比 bǐ# Than (bb)

昆 kūn Kanlun mountains

昆明 kūn míng Kunming

混 hún Mixed

混血 hùn xuè Hybrid, half-blood

混在哪里? hún zài nǎ lǐ Where do you hang out?

混蛋 hún dàn Bastard

搞混 gǎo hún To mix up

乱 luàn Messy

混乱 hùn luàn Confusion

乱搞 luàn gǎo To mess up

乱动 luàn dòng To move randomly

乱叫 luàn jiào To shout out randomly

乱说 luàn shuō To say things randomly

乱花 luàn huā To spend more randomly

乱跑 luàn pǎo To run about randomly

乱写 luàn xiě To write randomly

打乱 dǎ luàn To make things at random

仔 zǐ Careful

细 xì Careful

仔细 zǐ xì Careful, Carefully

Grammar notes:

(No notes)

16.1 Break down the characters into at least two different parts:

昆 __________________________+__________________________
混 __________________________+__________________________
乱 __________________________+__________________________
仔 __________________________+__________________________
细 __________________________+__________________________

16.2 Add at least one character to make a new word:

混 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

乱 ______________________________________ Meaning: __________________

16.3 Read and translate:



16.4 Translate to Chinese:

Look in detail

She's a mixed blood girl

16.5 Listen and translate:


16.6 Practise Speaking:

Make up a dialogue using the words from this vocab list as a starting point

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