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10th April 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my disapproval of the decision to build a motorway which crosses the
area I live in, district 420. I believe that it is totally inadequate for this neighbourhood that
stands out because of its natural beauty.
Firstly, this zone is rich in all sorts of small plants and important trees like oaks, beeches and
lindens. Therefore, many animals have their shelter here and to build in such place can only
result in a destruction of this much appreciated ecosystem. Moreover, the vegetation here has
a major role in cleansing the air by absorbing CO2 and giving us oxygen. Once the motorway
replaces that, the air will immediately become more toxic due to the gas emissions of the
cars. It will also cause a substantial increase of noise pollution, which is another problem that
will seriously impact the residents of the area.
Secondly, there are alternative routes for this project. The northern part of the city is more
favourable, owing to the fact that the environment there does not have considerable
biodiversity as in the case of our neighbourhood. This location mainly consists of flat fields
resulted after the demolition of former plants and warehouses. Also, there are not direct
routes to the city centre, therefore a new motorway could improve the traffic substantially.
All in all, I think that establishing a route in the area of district 420 has major disadvantages
for nature. As a consequence, the best solution would be finding a favourable alternative like
the north of the city. I hope that you will give this matter careful consideration. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Ștefan Mihalache

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