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Assignment Guideline

Times New Roman
Font 12”
Titles – Bold, 14”
Subtitles – Bold, Underline, 12”
1 ½ line spacing for text
It would be wiser to start every title on a fresh page.
Clearly paragraphed with white space between paragraphs.

Cover Page
Display Index Number, Name of students/Group members, Programme of Studies, and
Tutor’s Name
Assignment title and brief included

Table of Contents
Clearly state a list of divisions (Titles or subtitles) and pages on which they start.

Introduction – Explaining the theory and principles used for/ behind this specific experiment.
Background Information
Problem Formulation

Experiment/Body – the experiment is sectioned as follows:

Aims and Objectives
Designing and Selection
Procedures and Specifications
Precautions taken
Results and Calculations - tabulation of recorded data and calculation for comparison
against the hypothesis. Graphs may be included.
Observations and Analysis – Deduction and conclusion of the experimentation according to
the defined theory.

Discussion – Discuss finding in logical way (interpretation) or states improvement that could be
done to improve experiment.

Conclusion and Achievements


Appendix – A section of extra information added at the end which includes all hand works, graphs


Grammar and Spelling
No comma in possessive form of its
Avoidance of abbreviations i.e. it is rather than it’s
Minimal use of rhetorical questions
Every sentence should contain a finite verb e.g. ‘Seeing that this the case and having due
regard to all the facts.’ does not contain a finite verb!

List of References included
Correctly referenced e.g. Bloggs (1999) argues... or at the end of a sentence
1:1 correspondence between references in the text and List of References (being the
alphabetical list of references provided at the end of the assignment). All references in the
text are in the alphabetical List of References, no items in the List of References unless
cited in the text)

Not stapled (as an aid to photocopying for quality control purposes)


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