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A. Background of the Problem

Language functions as a tool to extend the concept, thought, opinion, and

feeling. Every nation has its own language as a means of communication with

society. On the other words their language is not only among them selves. But if

one nation wants to communicate with other nations, they use English as

international communication language. English is very important for

dissemination of news around the world.

Writing skills are considered as the most difficult skill. This is in

accordance with the opinion Nurgiyantoro (2001:396) that requires mastery of

writing skills and elements various elements of language beyond language it

becomes a table of contents. Both elements of the language and content of

elements must be established in such a way as to produce a harmonious and

coherent essay. Difficulties they face in the English language is a way of writing

and different pronunciations.

The position of the medium of instruction in teaching methods component

as part of efforts to enhance the students' interaction with the learning

environment. Therefore, the function of the medium of instruction a teaching tool.

Through the use of teaching media is expected to enhance the quality of student

learning outcomes. Some types of media that can be used in education and

teaching activities can be classified into graphic media, photographic media,

three-dimensional media, the media projection, audio media and the media as the

medium of instruction.

By using media images learning experience obtained by students will be

growing. Students not only receive information in the form of words but got the

real experience of the visual display. Amir Hamzah Sulaiman said that the visual

tools not only produce an effective way of learning in a short time, but what is

received through visual tools and better longer stay in the memory.

Departure the importance of media in teaching English language to

simplify, clarify and strengthen students' comprehension and retention of what has

been gained, the authors are encouraged to conduct research on media Flash Card

mainly in improving children's ability to write English in SMPN 2 Purwadadi

Subang. The authors found the lack of Flash Card media use in the process

learning English.

Flash Media Card it is card with a picture that is used in a manner shown

quickly. Flash Card on its use not only as a medium of learning, but can playing.

So that it can make students feel happy, not bored, stir motiovasi and stimulating

learning activities, and even bring the psychological effects on students in

learning the English language to learn, which is expected to have implications for

increasing the child's ability to write the English language.

Based on these descriptions, the authors have a desire to conduct research

shaped classroom action research study title ” INVROVING STUDENTS’


(A Classroom Action Research at 7th Grade Of Students SMPN 2

Purwadadi Subang).

B. Identification of the Problem

1. Learning English language still using the old method?

2. Child's lack of motivation to learn English writing?

3. Lack of learning facilities?

C. Limitation of the Problem

Give the limitations of time which one by the author, then this thesis

research will focus on “Improving Students Writing Ability By Using Flash Card”

of class VII/III SMPN 2 Purwadadi Subang year 2013/2014.

D. Formulation of the Research

1. How to improve learning English language ?

2. How to improve children's writing ability English?

3. Flash card can increase students' motivation class VII/III SMPN 2

Purwadadi Subang?

E. Aim Of The Research

The purpose of this research is divided into two: general and specific

1. general purpose

The general objective of this study is to determine how far the use of

flash media cards in learning to write.

2. Special Purpose

The specific objectives of this study are the following.

a. To find out how to use flash media cards in learning to write.

b. To improve the quality of teaching writing by using flash cards.

c. To increase students' motivation in writing by using flas card.

F. The Benefit of The Research

The results of this study are expected to provide benefits and can expand

the horizons of learning English.

1. For Students

This research is expected to be useful for students who have trouble

learning of writing, especially in the writing of the English language. This is

due of lack of supporting aspects in the teaching of writing. Researchers try to

introduce a media flash card, so students will be motivated to diligently learn


2. For Teachers

With this study, teachers can find a variety of learning models, which can

correct and improve the system of learning in the classroom.

3. For SMPN 2 Purwadadi Subang

The result of research can be spirit for the teachers to have research in the

future, helps the government to develop of teaching learning process, and

enhance the quality of education in SMPN 2 Purwadadi Subang

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